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Just not guilty but innocent. A former marine and Law School Grad accused of the bizarre abduction. Miracle survivor. This 16yearold discovered on a Mountain Road two days after her familys small plane slammed into the side of a mountain. The unlikely place she learned the skills to survive. And good morning, america. We want to get right to the big breaking news overnight after years of negotiations an Historic Nuclear Deal with iran. America calls them a state sponsor of terror and it blocks them from building a Nuclear Weapon. Its been the administrations top diplomatic priority. It keeps iran from producing enough material for a Nuclear Weapon for at least ten years, in exchange the west will lift crippling sanctions on iran including a longstanding arms embargo. It has huge implications for our safety and security all around the world. The Iranian Foreign minister says it offers hope but israels leader calling it a mistake and the president is about to speak so lets pause so the rest of the country can join us for a special report. Announcer this is an abc news special report. Now reporting, george stephanopoulos. Good morning. Were coming on the air right now because president obama is about to speak on this Historic Nuclear Deal with iran reached overnight between the west and iran designed to prevent iran from getting a Nuclear Weapon for at least ten years in return for the lifting of crippling economic sanctions on iran. The president about to speak in the east room of the white house right now. This has been one of his top diplomatic priorities. Here comes the president with Vice President biden right now. Today after two years of negotiations the United States together with our International Partners has achieved something that decades of animosity has not, a comprehensive longterm deal with iran that will prevent it from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. This deal demonstrates that american diplomacy can bring about real and meaningful change. Change that makes our country and the world safer and more secure. This deal is also in line with a tradition of american leadership. Its now more than 50 years since president kennedy stood before the American People and said let us never negotiate out of fear but let us never fear to negotiate. He was speaking then about the need for discussions between the United States and the soviet union which led to efforts to restrict the spread of Nuclear Weapons. In those days the risk was a Catastrophic Nuclear war between two superpowers. In our time the risk is that Nuclear Weapons will spread to more and more countries, particularly in the middle east the most volatile region in our world. Today, because america negotiated from a position of strength and principle, we have stopped the spread of Nuclear Weapons in this region. Because of this deal the International Community will be able to verify that the Islamic Republic of iran will not develop a Nuclear Weapon. This deal meets every single one of the bottom lines that we established when we achieved a framework earlier this spring. Every pathway to a Nuclear Weapon is cut off. And the inspection and transparency regime necessary to verify that objective will be put in place. Because of this deal iran will not produce the highly enriched uranium and weapons grade plutonium that form the Raw Materials necessary for a nuclear bomb. Because of this deal iran will remove twothirds of its installed centrifuges, the machines necessary to produce highly enriched uranium for a bomb and store them under constant international supervision. Rob will not use its advanced centrifuges to produce enriched uranium for the next decade. Iran will get rid of 98 of its stockpile of enriched uranium. To put that in perspective iran currently has a stockpile that could produce up to ten Nuclear Weapons. Because of this deal that stockpile will be reduced to a fraction of what would be required for a single weapon. This stockpile limitation will last for 15 years. Because of this deal iran will modify the core of its reactor in iraq so that it will not produce weapons guede plutonium and it has agreed to ship the spent fuel from the reactor out of the country for the lifetime of the reactor for at least the next 15 years, iran will not build any new heavy water reactors. Because of this deal we will for the first time be in a position to verify all of these commitments. That means this deal is not built on trust. It is built on verification. Inspectors will have 24 7 access to irans key nuclear facilities. Iran will have acces to irans entire Nuclear Supply chain. Its Uranium Mines and mills, its conversion facility and its centrifuge manufacturing and storage facilities. This ensures that iran will not be able to divert materials from known facilities to covert ones. Some of these transparency measures will be in place for 25 years. Because of this deal inspectors will also be able to access any suspicious location put simply, the organization responsible for the inspections, the iaea will have access where necessary when necessary. That arrangement is permanent. And the iaea has also reached an agreement with iran to get access that it needs to complete its investigation into the possible military dimensions of irans past nuclear research. Finally, iran is permanently prohibited from pursuing a Nuclear Weapon under the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty which provided the basis for the International Communitys efforts to apply pressure on iran. As iran takes steps to implement this deal it will receive relief from the sanctions that we put in place because of Irans Nuclear program. Both americas own sanctions and sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council. This relief will be phased in. Iran must complete key nuclear steps before it begins to receive new sanctions relief. And over the course of the next decade iran must abide by the deal before additional sanctions are lifted including five years for restrictions related to arms and eight years for restrictions related to Ballistic Missiles. All of this will be memorialized and endorsed in a new United Nations Security Council resolution. And if iran violates the deal all these sanctions will snap back into place, so theres a very clear incentive for iran to follow through and there are very real consequences for a violation. Thats the deal. It has the full backing of the International Community. Congress will now have an opportunity to review the details and my Administration Stands ready to provide extensive briefings on how this will move forward. As the American People and Congress Review the deal it will be important to consider the alternative. Consider what happens in a World Without this deal. Without this deal there is no scenario where the world joins us in sanctioning iran until it completely dismantles its nuclear program. Nothing we know about the iranian government suggests it would simply capitulate under that kind of pressure and the world would not support an effort to permanently sanction iran into submission. We put sanctions in place to get a diplomatic resolution and that is what we have done. Without this deal there would be no agreed upon limitations for the Iranian Nuclear program. Iran could produce, operate and test more and more centrifuges. Iran could fuel a reactor capable of producing plutonium for a bomb and we would not have any of the inspects that allow us to detect a covert Nuclear Weapons program. In other words, no deal means no lasting constraints on Irans Nuclear program. Such a scenario would make it more likely that other countries in the region would feel compelled to pursue their own nuclear programs, threatening a Nuclear Arms Race in the most volatile region of the world. It would also present the United States with fewer and less effective options to prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. I have been president and commander in chief for over six years now. Time and again i have faced decisions about whether or not to use military force. Its the gravest decision that any president has to make. Many times in multiple countries i have decided to use force, and i will never less tate to do so when its in our National Security interests. I strongly believe that our National Security interest now depends upon preventing iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon which means that without a diplomatic resolution either i or a future u. S. President would face a decision about whether or not to allow iran to obtain a Nuclear Weapon or whether to use our military to stop it. Put simply no deal means a greater chance of more war in the middle east. Moreover we give nothing up by testing whether or not this problem can be solved peacefully. If in the worst Case Scenario iran violates the deal the same options that are available to me today will be available to any u. S. President in the future and i have no doubt that 10 or 15 years from now, the person who holds this office will be in a far stronger position with iran further away from a weapon and with the inspections and transparency that allow us to monitor the iranian program. For this reason i believe it would be irresponsible to walk away from this deal. But, on such a tough issue it is important that the American People and their representatives in congress get a full opportunity to review the deal. After all, the details matter and weve had some of the finest Nuclear Scientists in the world working through those details and were dealing with a country, iran that has been a sworn adversary of the United States for 35 years so i welcome a robust debate in congress on this issue and i welcome scrutiny of the details of this agreement. But i will remind congress that you dont make deals like this with your friends. We negotiated arms control agreements with the soviet union when that nation was committed to our destruction and those agreements ultimately made us safer. I am confident that this deal will meet the National Security interests of the United States and our allies so i will veto any legislation that prevents the successful implementation of this deal. We do not have to accept an inevitable spiral into conflict. We certainly shouldnt seek it. And precisely because the stakes are so high this is not the time for politics or posturing. Tough talk from washington does not solve problems. Hardnosed diplomacy, leadership that has united the worlds major powers offers a more effective way to verify that iran is not pursuing a Nuclear Weapon. Now, that doesnt mean that this deal will resolve all of our differences with iran. We share the concerns expressed by many of our friends in the middle east including israel and the gulf states about irans support for terrorism and its use of proxies to destabilize the region. But that is precisely why we are taking this step because an iran armed with a Nuclear Weapon would be far more destabilizing and far more dangerous to our friends and to the world. Meanwhile, we will maintain our own sanctions related to irans support for terrorism, its Ballistic Missile program and human rights violations. We will continue our unprecedented efforts to strengthen israels security efforts that go beyond what any American Administration has done before and we will continue the work we began at camp david to elevate our partnership with the gulf states to strengthen their capabilities to counter threats from iran or terrorist groups like isil. However, i believe that we must continue to test whether or not this region which has known so much suffering, so much bloodshed can move in a different direction. Time and again i have made clear to the iranian people that we will always be open to engagement on the basis of mutual interests and mutual respect. Our differences are real and the difficult history between our nations cannot be ignored. But it is possible to change. The path of violence and rigid ideology, a Foreign Policy based on threats to attack your neighbors or eradicate israel, thats a dead end, a different path one of tolerance and peaceful resolution of conflict leads to more integration into the global economy, more engagement with the International Community and the ability of the iranian people to prosper and thrive. This deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction. We should seize it. We have come a long way to reach this point. Decades of an Iranian Nuclear program, many years of sanctions and many months of intense negotiation. Today, i want to thank the members of congress from both parties who helped us put in place the sanctions that have proven so effective, as well as the other countries who joined us in that effort. I want to thank our negotiating partners the united kingdom, france germany, russia china as well as the European Union for our unity in this effort which showed that the world can do remarkable things when we share a vision of peacefully addressing conflicts. We showed what we can do when we do not split apart. And finally i want to thank the american negotiating team. We had a team of experts working for several weeks straight on this including our secretary of Energy Ernie Moniz and i want to particularly thank john kerry, our secretary of state, who began his service to this country more than four decades ago when he put on our uniform and went off to war. Hes now making this country safer through his commitment to strong principled american diplomacy. History shows that america must lead not just with our might but with our principles. It shows we are stronger not when we wereare alone but when we bring the world together. Todays announcement marks one more chapter in this pursuit of a safer and more helpful, more hopeful world. Thank you. God bless you and god bless the United States of america. President obama hailing the Historic Nuclear Deal with iran. He says it demonstrates american diplomacy can bring about real and meaningful change. He also set it met every one of americas bottom line and no deal would mean the chance greater chance of war. Our Martha Raddatz is in tehran right now and, martha those words from the president seen live on Iranian Television, as well. Reporter they were live and translated on Iranian Television where people gathered around their television sets. They were on the radio right now you have the president of iran speaking to his nation about this deal. There will be celebrating no doubt throughout iran today, not necessarily over the deal but the idea these crippling sanctions will be lifted. Theres also a lot of spin going here george. They are saying we have now been recognized as a nuclear power, but iran still has not admitted it has been trying to get a bomb george. Okay Martha Raddatz thanks for that. Terry moran our chief fortunate correspondent in vienna where the negotiators are. You heard the president hailing secretary of state kerry, been there for about 17 Straight Days of negotiations and some real sticking points at the end. Reporter there really were particularly that u. N. Arms embargo on conventional weapons like missile technology, it was imposed as part of the sanctions against Irans Nuclear program. Thats going to be lifted and thats a very controversial thing. The devil here is in the details. You heard president obama describe this agreement in the most in the strongest possible terms to the United States. I went to a background briefing with iranian officials, theyre describing it in the strongest possible terms for them. Whats most important for iran for its leadership and its people is that they dont feel trampled on. Their dignity not invaded and destroyed by inspections and by essentially put on international probation. That of course is what the United States wants so how this plays out, how this actually operates when it gets going is key. No question about that. Jon karl at the white house right now. Jon, we heard the president say he welcomes a debate in congress. He is going to get one. Reporter he well companies a debate he most certainly will get. The white house sees it as an historic achieve many. The president s signature Foreign Policy achieve. One you heard at the very end of his speech ha could lead to a safer and more hopeful world. This is bigger even than just the United States and iran but congress is going to go on this and criticize this loudly george especially that issue about the arms embargo. They have 60 days to review the deal and the president could veto any action they take as well. Just the beginning of the debate. We heard the president hailing that nuclear agreement. We will turn to our regular programming for much of the country that is Good Morning America. Well be right back. Announcer this has been a special report from abc news. Frustrated with your Overactive Bladder medicine not working . Cant handle the side effects . Botox® treats symptoms of leaking going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. Ask your urologist if botox® can help calm your bladder and reduce your daily leakage episodes. The effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. 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Jacqui a warm and humid day today, showers and thunderstorms developing nader Flash Flood Watches starting at 2 00 until very late tonight. In addition to that, any thunderstorms that develop to be strong, possibly severe, producing damaging wind. Hour by hour much of it will be drive start, make sure that you dont drive over any water covered roadways. A few tomorrow, a beautiful looking end of the week for sunshine with cooler temperatures in the 80s. Angela on the roads right now we have dense fog and off and on delays starting at father hurley boulevard. The germantown interchange as you make your way towards the spur, outer loop delays from interstate 95 over towards interstate 270, Montgomery County police on the scene of a rational your georgia avenue. Interstate 60 interstate 66 clearing the crash we had it on 59. Close for accident cleanup, back to you. Jummy a status hearing is set for today for the man accused of killing chandra leiby. The judge granted a motion for new trial. About to make its closest approach ever to pluto, a historic flyby happening in about 20 minutes people are gathered at the Johns Hopkins Applied Science lab to observe this event. You can get more traffic, youre only young once. Unless you have a subaru. announcer the subaru xv crosstrek. Symmetrical allwheel drive plus 34 mpg. Love. Its what makes a subaru a subaru. Good morning, america. Right now the u. S. And world powers reach an Historic Deal with iran. In exchange for easing crippling sanctions against the country, considered a state sponsor of terror. President obama says no deal mean as greater chance of more war in the middle east. Also right now the son of a Boston Police captain accused of plotting a terror attack against a college will be in court for a hearing today. His father is the one would turned him in. Tracking dangerous storms moving east this morning targeting millions. Dozens of homes were washed away in an instant by floods overnight. We do say good morning, america on this very busy tuesday morning. We are following, of course all that breaking news and we have another story that happened overnight. This one is just unbelievable. Big break in that case that appeared to be a reallife gone girl when a california woman was abducted from her home her boyfriend tied up and drugged and police accused them of faking it and another man is behind bars and Authorities Say it was not a hoax. Abcs cecilia vega is in vallejo, california with the story. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter george, good morning to you. The story is so incredible. Police here didnt even believe it but the fbi now says what happened inside this home here behind me is indeed very real a reality stranger th this morning, vindication. Today is a fabulous day for Denise Huskins, for aaron quinn, they are absolutely 100 not just not guilty but innocent. Reporter it was a reallife gone girl, the Northern California couple accused of staging a kidnapping just like the plot of a hollywood blockbuster. Meticulously stage a crime scene. Reporter police accusing them of making up a story of being tied up drugged and held for ransom. Mr. Quinn and miss huskins has plundered valuable resources away from the community. Reporter four months after it began the fbi announcing an arrest in the case. 38yearold Matthew Muller a former marine a harvard law grad a disbarred immigration lawyer. Criminal complaint has been lodged against him charging kidnapping. Well be pleading not guilty. Reporter the Couple Holding hands and holding back tears. This changes nothing about the humiliation, the violence that was perpetrated on them nearly four months ago. By a psychopath. Reporter Court Documents revealing new details in the ordeal. Intruders holding guns with red lasers woke up the couple as they slept allegedly. Huskins and quinn telling authorities they were forced to wear swimming goggles with tape covered lenses and headsets that gave a prerecorded message with instructions. The kidnapper allegedly demanding two ransom payments of 8500. Huskins put in the trunk of a car driven 400 miles away finally released two days later near her mothers Southern California home. The fbi saying among the evidence believed to be in mullers possession goggles with long blond hair in it the same color as huskins. Its a relief to hear that they have found suspects. Reporter muller wasnt that hard to find. He was already behind bars accused of breaking into a San Francisco area home last month but authorities now say there may be even more victims. We firmly believe there are other people involved. We want to see these people off the street. Reporter investigator is not saying whether muller was behind a series of emails sent to newspapers detailing this kidnapping here. George those officers who called this whole thing a hoax they are not talking either directing all questions this morning to the fbi. I can imagine. Okay cecilia, thanks very much. An exclusive interview with the attorneys for Denise Huskins and aaron quinn, they are Douglas Rappaport and daniel russo in San Francisco this morning and mr. Russo, let me begin with you. I can only imagine the relief your clients are feeling. Well its hard its actually it was such a surreal experience that i dont think, you know, its like i dont think hes feeling any joy. I think hes feeling tremendous relief that finally the Law Enforcement authorities have kind of woken up to what really happened and so certainly he feels strong validation for everything hes saying and to be honest both myself and doug put ourselves out believing in our clients which is what were supposed to do but, you know its just like i say it was surreal and its been a horrible nightmare and we are hoping that they can start doing their job now, the police and actually i think both of us believe that there are other people out there. You believe other people are involved mr. Rappaport, do you have any can you understand how the police got this so wrong . You know thats an excellent question because it went wrong very early on when they the Huntington Police started interviewing miss huskins and as soon as the questions turned to her and started looking like she might have been a suspect in this she had a Family Member who just recently pass the bar within days who advised her to ask for counsel and as soon as she asked for what is a constitutional right, the police the investigation turned 180 degrees and it was turned on her. How is she feeling now . Well obviously she feels a tremendous sense of relief but it doesnt change the fact that she cant feel safe in her own home that shes lost her dignity, that shes been publicly shamed and now she needs to go through the Court Process as the victim of a very serious crime so she is certainly not overjoyed in any sense of the word. But she is relieved that now at least shes believed. So mr. Russo, are you planning to take legal action on behalf of your clients against the Police Department . We were at least i myself am a criminal lawyer and referred them to other counsel but we dont we really dont have an impact on that. Our real concern is protecting them and making sure this process thats kind of chewed them up and spit them up does the least amount of damage to them so they really can get on with their lives and, you know get off the tabloids and do what they both intend to do with their lives which is you know they are medical professionals and they want to get back to helping people. Mr. Rappaport, real quickly. You both said you believe others are involved. Do you think your clients are still at risk . I dont i have no idea whether theyre at rick. I certainly hope thats a question to be better addressed to Law Enforcement but at this juncture i dont think they were targeted specifically aside from just generally who they were. It wasnt because of it wasnt them in particular. So theyre not in that sense fearful. I think the public should be fearful, though. Yeah i think, you know one of the tragedies is that if the fbi had followed up and the Vallejo Police followed up on the initial they had some evidence of a phone call to a place where this character they arrested they found him if they would have followed up those people in dublin who are subject to a Home Invasion robbery, it never would have happened. They would have taken this guy off the street at least him. He would have been off the streets but they failed to do it and so more people were victimized. Gentlemen, thanks very much for your time this morning. Thank you. Thank you. To ginger with breaking weather news. Not only are there severe storms hitting but flash flood warnings in most of kentucky really central and Eastern Kentucky especially West Virginia that line of storms has not only moved through but tons and tons of lightning and flash flooding a huge issue and will be in eastern tennessee and Western North c jacqui good morng, washingtgton. A very warm and humid d to look forward to. Partly sunny skies, owerand thunderstos possible late eving, a a few of them could be all that weather brought to you by mc. This is round one, the same region a lot of the same spots that got hit yesterday are going to get more Severe Weather more flash flooding. Just because its over doesnt mean its not coming back this afternoon. So many more ahead. An abc news exclusive. A former College Football player speaking out for the first time after he was caught on camera punching a young woman opening up to michael just ahead. 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Former Florida State football quarterback Deandre Johnson now breaking his silence for the first time after he was caught on camera punching a woman at a tallahassee bar last month. Johnson was charged with misdemeanor battery and kicked off the Football Team and, michael, you had a chance not only to sit down with him but his mother, as well. Great conversation. Deandre johnson pled not guilty but realizes he should have never acted the way he did in that bar. The disturbing video at a tallahassee, florida, bar, first a confrontation then a 21yearold woman punched in the face left bruised. The man who threw the punch, Deandre Johnson, a freshman at Florida State. Thrown off the Football Team at one of the nations top programs as a result of the video. Now in an abc news exclusive johnson tells his story for the first time. Why didnt you just walk away . A lot of people wondering why wouldnt you walk away from an incident. Youre right. Theres no explanation for that. I totally should have walked away. Im sorry. If i could do it all over again, i would. Now, were there any drinks involved . Did you have any drinks that night at the bar . No. Im not going to comment on that. Reporter according to the arrest affidavit, the victim suffered bruising under her left eye, swelling to the left cheek and upper lip and a small cut. Johnson was arrested and charged with misdemeanor battery. He pleading not guilty. Your lawyer said you were not the instigator. That the young lady said some racial slurs towards you and that was part of the equation. Did that happen . It doesnt matter. What matters is i shouldnt have raised my hand to him. Is he guilty of battery. Thats going to be for the corrs to determine. There are people who make mistakes but dont deserve to pay for the rest of their life. Who do you think you let down the most. My mother. She didnt raise me this way. You know it kills me inside to know i hurt her heart. I cried. I cried for three days. I still cry because i dont teach my kids to raise their hand and for this to happen im sorry. Im sorry. When this happened what did you say to deandre . I wanted to jump through the phone and wring his neck. Have you ever been violent towards women. Ive never been violent towards a woman. Ever . Ever. Johnson said that he doesnt secondguess Florida States decision to kick him off the team but he is devastated. Now do you believe you deserve a second chance. Yes, sir, without a doubt. What you saw on the video is not who i am. Reporter his client is for forbidden from reaching out to the woman he struck. I would like to say to her and her family i am severely sorry. No words can describe this feeling. Yeah you know deandre says hes focused on continuing his education volunteering at a battered womens shelter. We reached out to the 21yearold victim and had no comment in shell wait to hear what he had to say and thats why he made that last statement to her. Twitter blew up with this and people were on both sides saying well she was the aggressor and but does that michael asked the question why not walk away . Why not walk away. I will say this. I expected to say she said this and he did not make any excuses and said he was wrong and owned up to his mistakes. Really did. Yeah. All right, michael, thank you very much. We do have so much more coming up including taylor swift mania in washington. Why so many members of congress are trying to shake it off, shall we say with the superstar. Stay with us. Shake it off shake it off towards the promise of a better existence. But these birds are suffering. Because this better place turned out to have an unreliable Cell Phone Network and the videos on their little bird phones kept buffering. Birds hate that. So they came back home. Because they get 300 from switching back to verizon. And so can you verizon, come home to a better network. 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Shes in washington and she might be temporarily easing all the political bad blood. Nice. See what i did there. According to reports a slew of lawmakers from both parties are holding fundraisers at swifts concerts. A group of interns made this tribute video and representative martha roby went so far as to offer up her interns to give her a tour. A congressman said he would do it himself. Why not. What doesnt she do . Very few things apparently. Coming up last nights footage. Spread pain drained my energy. My doctor and i agreed moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. She also prescribed lyrica. For some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. With less pain, i feel better. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. 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Theyre delicious side dishes with the protein of beans, whole grains. And veggies mmm good. My work here is dooooone new birds eye protein blends. So veggie good. They make Little Hearts happy and big hearts happy too because as part of a heart healthy diet those delicious oats in cheerios can help lower cholesterol. Cheerios. How can something so little. Help you do something so big. Tt2w r6,] eo f 0e60 tt2w r6,] et j 0q6t tt2w r6,] et j 0zv0 jummy good morning, we want to get an update on the weather you right now with jacqui jeras. Jacqui thunderstorms developing later Flash Flood Watch ineffective ross the region starting at 2 00 until late tonight. In addition any thunderstorms developing could be strong, possibly severe, producing damaging winds , thats the most likely form of Severe Weather. Much of it to be dried to start the best chance of rain coming this evening with heavy downpours. Dont drive over any water covered roadways. A beautiful end to the road to the work we. Work week. Angela starting the drive on the right lane south capitol street, otherwise moving pretty nicely if you are headed towards the 3rd street tunnel. That longterm project going up even more as they hang sign so expect significant delays. Making your trip on the George Washington parkway, northbound delays, southbound to the 14 street ridge you are on the brakes. 395 jamming up from washington boulevard with a look at the beltway that is not too bad on this stretch, clearing the crash that we had on the outer loop near 202. Back to you. Melanie jummy d. C. Police asking for help looking for a missing girl. She was last seen on sunday, thought to weigh about 110 pounds, wearing a light tshirt and burgundy overalls. Time warner is helping to build a memorial in d. C. Honoring president dwight d eisenhower. The news comes as the budget begins with a Fundraising Campaign to compete complete at monument. We will see you back here in 25 minutes. Good morning, america. Its 8 owe ago a. M. She says its her last chance at fertility. Her ex wants them destroyed. The startling divorce drama over the fate of frozen embryos that could have huge repercussion as cross the u. S. I know you lie cause your lips are moving savings smackdown. Walmart and amazon go headtohead. Who has the prime deal . We got bad blood its down to two. An explosive night on the bachelorette as the two men left standing cannot stand each other and a gma exclusive with the booted suitor who said goodbye to kaitlyn. It will not be easy not seeing you. Girls want to have fun the strahans take washington. Michaels 10yearold twins interviewing the first lady. How they teamed up with mrs. Obama to turn the tables on michael. Good morning, america what you gonna do with your life and a bulldog right there in times square this morning. Checking out the new woop washer. They say this is the brandnew way to clean your dog and the best possible way. That dog seems pretty happy about it. Well test it out live in just a little bit. The woof washer. The woof washer. Woof washer 360. Oh, sorry, buddy. You can do it buddy. Not too much. Shake it off. Shake it off also how adorable was that . Making me cry. Your twins are just so precious and landed a big theyre ourt gma correspondents yet. We deputized them to head to the white house and talk to the first lady. They went right to the white house. They werent nervous. They didnt hesitate and interviewed president i mean First Lady Michelle Obama about the white house kids state dinner which theyre excited about and bo and sunny crashed the interview which they were more excited about. They are so excited about dogs and animal dmrs they would fit right in here with the woof washer 360. They had those dogs stepping through that loop with no problem in never forget that in theyre never going to forget that. I almost dad almost let it loose on tv. Well let you cry in private over there. Robin has oneonone with Kenny Chesney coming up. You see them right there. A lot to get to. First the morning rundown from dan harris. Hey, guy, the big story, of course that Historic Deal to keep iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. President obama saying this is a deal not built on trust but verification. The agreement to curb tehrans Nuclear Capabilities comes with more inspections in exchange for the 4ri69ing of economic sanctions over time. Facing a serious battle in congress the president this morning said this deal helps reduce the chance of more war in the middle east and abcs terry moran has more on the deal in vienna where the deal was hammered out. Terry, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan. The basic outlines of this deal are clear. Iran gets relief from those sanctions that have been crippling its economy. It essentially gets to become a normal country again. Reintegrated into the world community. The United States and its allies get a very strict regime of inspections and monitoring of Irans Nuclear activities a way of essentially making sure that iran cannot get a Nuclear Weapon. The president claims for at least a decade and maybe more. Thats the basic deal, the devil is in the details. How will it work out and how will it proceed to achieve those objectives . Right here there is a sense that history has been made after a long and grueling effort president obama has had this in his sights since the beginning of his presidency. Dan. Terry, thank you. Now it goes to congress and the debate begins. For more logon to abcnews. Com. The son of a Police Officer from boston due in court on terrorism charges. Prosecutors say he wanted to support isis by carrying out a Pressure Cooker bomb attack on a college campus. Legal filings indicate he may suffer from mental illness. More wild weather overnight, flash flooding killed at least one person in Eastern Kentucky, 11 others went missing overnight after rising water swept away dozens of mobile homes. Look at that. As many as four tornadoes touching down in kansas and gingers forecast is coming up. Business news some are calling it a cybersmackdown. A fight between the Biggest Online retailer and the website of the worlds biggest real world retailer and it could save you big money. Heres abcs mara schiavocampo. More to prime reporter this morning amazon and walmart going headtohead in on Online Shopping bonanza some are calling christmas in july. Amazon celebrating their 20th anniversary with prime day on july 15th. A super sale beginning at midnight tonight for members of its 99 per year prime service claiming theyll be offering better deals than on black friday and now walmart announcing its own sale to referral amazons. More than 2,000 special atomic deals on Online Purchases also starting wednesday. This has gotten nasty. Walmart doesnt like to lose. Amazon is killing them in ecommerce. Reporter walmart taking a swipe at its prime pay service saying the idea of asking customers to pay extra in order to save money just doesnt add up for us. Amazons response, the idea of charging your instore customers more than your Online Customers doesnt add up for us. Amazon walmart, a lot of other retailers want to get a leg up on this because they think eventually people will be doing most of their shopping online. Reporter for Good Morning America, mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. Thank you, mara. Finally whats better on a hot summer day than a waterslide . Behold what guinness has confirmed to be the Worlds Largest inflateable waterslide. It is nearly half a mile long. Its made of the same material used in bouncy houses and now been set up on a ski slope in new jersey. Some test runs have been made by the staff but state safety officials need to approve it before the rest of us can use it. One commenter on abcnews. Com said what happens if you lose your bathing suit halfway through this thing . Thats a long way to go bare backing it. Quarter mile run. Did i say that out loud . Sorry about that. Cant unsee that one now. Lets go to michael in the social square. Thank you. Heres a look at whats ahead on the gma morning menu in the social square powered by samsung galaxy. The huge battle over frozen embryos happening right now that could shape the future for so many families and my twin daughters taking the white house going twoonone with First Lady Michelle Obama plus a gma exclusive, the bachelorettebachelorettes ben sits home. And these dogs putting the woof washer to the test live on gma live in times square with the people. Whats up . [ cheers and applause ] gmas morning menu is brought to you by advil. Advil, fast and strong on tough pain. 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Com youre unpacking already . Yeah, help me find some mugs. Sure. beep hey. O. K. Theyll do. Wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. The best part of wakin up so, where do you want to start . I think this is a pretty good place. Is folgers in your cup its a long day and sometimes, an even longer night. Helping with homework before doing your own. And you may think no one notices. But she does. She sees more than mom, she sees determination. We do too. For nearly 40 years, weve designed an education for people just like you. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. The kids are asleep. Look what i got. Oh my froot loops [sniffs] lets do this . Get up get up get up get up loop me bring back the awesome yeah yeah yeah with the great taste of Kelloggs Froot loops. Follow your nose the goodness that goes into making a power kale chicken caesar salad is rivaled only, by the goodness felt while eating one. Panera. Food as it should be. Welcome back to gma. Time now for the heat index and this mornings hot button legal battles over frozen embryos. One california couple headed to court to determine if the wife has the right to keep them following a bitter divorce. This case could lay the groundwork for future courtroom fights. Abcs Kayna Whitworth has more. Reporter each fantastic in their own right both harvard educated Mimi Lee A Juilliard trained pianist and doctor specializing in neuroscience married Stephen Findley a financial analyst. Before they tied the knot mimi was diagnosed with cancer. In a race against time they decided to freeze embryos knowing her treatment would render her infertile. Signing a consent form that they would be destroyed if they divorced. Now five years later theyre on opposing sides of a historic case as they fight over the embryos. The court needs to give individuals more direction. What should be in those contracts that can make them impenetrable. Reporter in Court Documents obtained by abc news lee says the embryos now represent the destruction of my last and final chance at fertility. Shes currently infertile given her age and a cancer survivor and think of her infertility the balance will tip in her favor. Reporter lee says findley who wants them destroyed would have no parental responsibility. He is a biological father. Courts are going to be reluctant to wholesale give him a pass. Reporter this modern age dilemma fought publicly by Sofia Vergara who made a similar decision as she told gmas amy robach. I dont want to allow this person to take more advantage of my career and try to promote himself. Reporter her ex nick loeb has filed a second lawsuit seeking custody of the frozen embryos they created. Something vergara doesnt want. Meanwhile, the court will decide if the concept form signed by lee and findley is binding or could be voided for a variety of reasons, either way it will be precedent setting. For Good Morning America, Kayna Whitworth, abc news, los angeles. Okay we asked the question on our website who should own fertilized embryos after a couple split. 32 said the woman. 3 said the man. 65 said both should have rights. Lets talk about it with dan abrams. This could be a landmark case. Such a hard case because you can look at it both morally and legally. Morally you want to be able to say, boy, this is her last chance. Her only chance to have a child. She ought to be able to do it. Legally its not that simple. She did sign this consent form that made it pretty clear that if they get divorced and as a result both respect agreeing to it then she does not have the right to move forward. Shes basically saying in this case, you know that was a consent form. That wasnt an agreement between us. That was between us and the fertility clinic basically laying out various details. Not an enforceable contract with regard to the two of them. And thats why its so important if people are worried about this in the future that they need to have a separate contract between them because as you point out this is a new area of the law. And in many ways much more difficult than this Sofia Vergara case which we talked about. Ive always said thats an easy case. In the sense that you know theres no argument there that he cant have other kids. He doesnt have the sort of appealing moral argument that she has in this case. And so far most of the cases where one person has been allowed to move forward without the other persons concept have involved someone like this where its her only shot that if she cant do it here shell never be able to do it. And so these have been the kinds of cases where courts have been receptive to this argument but, remember the contract, if you want to call it a contract the form whatever it is that she signed was very clear on this issue which makes it a very difficult argue still for her legally. Well be watching it all. Dan abrams thanks very much. To michael. Thank you, george. Next up on our gma heat index remember those papers you wrote in school what i did on my Summer Vacation . Well, my twins just did something that trumps anything i ever got a chance to do as a kid. Turning into gma correspondents with their first ever interview at the white house. The white house kids state dinner a glam use gala for the grade school set to cover this event weve enlisted the help of some very special kid correspondents. My 10yearold twins sophia and isabella. Okay girls, you know im sending you out on a big assignment. Youll get to interview First Lady Michelle Obama. Is that exciting . Yeah. Yeah. I want to play Michelle Obama right now. So give me a question you would ask Michelle Obama at this kids tate dinner. What is your favorite thing to do as first lady . My favorite thing to do as first lady is sit down and do interviews with kids like yourself and i got tosay you two are beautiful. You remind me a lot of your father. You now are both official gma correspondents, go out there and make us proud. One, two, three. Hi gma. Were here at the white house and were about to go inside. Were going to meet the first lady. Lets go. Thank you so much for inviting us to the kids state dinner. Tell us about the event and how the kids are going to attend. We started the kids state dinner because we thought wouldnt it be fun to reward kids who were eating healthy and teaching other kids to eat healthy and creating new and interesting recipes. Over a thousand kids submitted recipes from all over the country and we we had a team of people who tasted every single recipe and they picked one representative from every state in the United States of america. Wha the most important thing you think kids should know about the food they eat . You know its really important for kids to understand that food is fuel. If you eat fruits and vegetables and whole grains then youre going to be able to go faster and farther and youll be able to succeed. And for our last question you have two dogs bo and sunny, will you please convince our dad that we need a dog . Dad, let them have a dog. Theyre so cute and cuddly and theyre going to be responsible and if they can do this interview they can take care of a dog. Come on, michael. All right. I hope that helped. Thank you. Thank you. Reporter the white house dog, well, they even stopped by for a practice run. Dog, look how cute these dogs are. Can you please get us a dog . Please. Reporter with the big interview under their belt it was final for the main event. Welcome to the white house. Reporter where they met one very special guest. Arent you michaels daughters . Yes. I thought so. I knew id recognize you from somewhere. Gma, we just finished interviewing the first lady. It was so much fun. Now were going to go play in the white house garden. Bye. Oh my gosh. Unbelievable. Theyre so cute im going to get them a dog. Get them a dog. The interview about the state dinner and i have to get a dog. Theyve been on me for awhile. Whats the answer. To be determined. Said like a politician. I know. Thank you for sharing them with us. Thank you. Im glad they had a chance to do it. It was awesome. Also burning up the heat index, big drama on the bachelorette last night. Just two men left to fight for that final rose and this morning, were hearing exclusively from the one guy who did not get a rose last night, rachel smith is here with all of that. Good morning, rachel. Good morning, robin. Well kaitlyn has tough choices ahead of her and the twittersphere is taking sides. Teamsean and teamnick trending all night. Take a look. Even worse than i thought. Are you kidding me. The battle between nick and sean playing out in another epic showdown. How about get the [ bleep ] out of my place right now . Reporter nice guy of the group, finishing last. 26yearold ben sent home handling it with class. It will not be easy not seeing you. Reporter now were hearing exclusively from the heartbroken bachelor. Im aware her relationship with other guys when she sent me home probably progressed further but you still miss her in one appeal of ben was dramafree and left with nick and sean who hate each other and that upsets her and makes her anxious. Reporter despite the tension between nick and sean both of kaitlyns relationships with the two going strong. On his overnight date sean losing more than just a golf game. Mom, dad, granny you might want to change the channel for this one. Reporter take a look at this exclusive deleted scene of nick and kaitlyn. I am a little bit sillier or goofier than most he would go after. Hes a little more serious than most i would go after but i think we really appreciate that in each other. Reporter another the bachelorette milestone, kaitlyn meets the parents. Mother worried her son will get heartbroken a second time around. He went through a lot and i just dont want him to be blindsided. Reporter in the end kaitlyn winning both families over. Making final decision even more difficult. What i think about saying goodbye to one of the two i have left i dont know how to do it. It was a very emotional night, guys. Im going to use my tie mere. All right guys now that nice guy ben has been sent packaging he is now the hands down fan favorite for the next batch lo. I said teamben. Chris harrison will get the scoop. Thank you. Thank you. Robin. Speechless. Go outside to ginger now. I thought my little friend his name becker he was telling me his life story. Hes from san antonio, he moved to seattle now you live in san antonio but youre here in new york and going to boston. Boston today. Hes not nervous at all for his first time on tv. We arent either to check on philadelphia, warm day along the east coast. Already 75. The dew point, 70 so lots of moisture and had storms move through and flash flood warnings still in place in a lot of spots. They jacqui good morning, washington. It will be a hot in sticky day with showers and thunderstorms likely, especially in the evening hours. A few of those couould be cutut could become severe with dadamaging winds. Flash flood watcheat 2 00 and then the water possibleith tempatures in the upper 80s and action diminishing after thehe midnight hoursrs tonight. Low of aut 74 with an isolated show in the afternoon and a love these summer crowds. All right, lara. Lets get to pop. Thank you very much ginger. We begin pop this morning with this. Get ready for your fan girl fan boy to freak out. Members of the Backstreet Boys and nsync teaming up to fight zombies of all things. Nick carter leading the charge on a new zombie western movie called dead seven for scifi channel writing, directing, starring and now casting fellow boy banders, a. J. Mclean and joey fatone to star in the film as well. The surprising news sent fans into a tailspin declaring the backstreet is back, all right. It could even get better with carter tweeting mell b. Aka scary spice and niall from one direction could have possible roles. Ready to say bye bye bye. Competing with sharknado 2. Absolutely. Ginger are you ready for this . You love comiccon. Of course i do. 35th am comiccon wrapped up its comic book culture in san diego highlighting batman v. Superman dawn much justice. Ben affleck in it and our first glimpse of wonder woman. Panel attend dis looked at Ryan Reynolds film getting tons of buzz. Is it . Yes. A character of xmen origins trailer released in three weeks. I know you cant wait. Its very funny, very cool. Perhaps though the most epic moment of the conference was this superhero selfie though. If you have to look closely all the stars of xmen, and other movies gathered in one giant selfie and Channing Tatum jumped in for a little magic mike moment and then marvel creator stan lee top right, the man who started it all. And then george this last one is for you. Cue the music. To play the wiener takes it all is this fresh take on the abba classic. This weekend there they are. Its coming the 20th am wiener nationals, george. Get daisy ready. Shes losing some weight. Almost there. This is a dachshund only race taken very seriously at the los alamitos racetrack in california. The wieners take it all. Theyve been training this week. Well see frank whose owner had this to say about her baby boy. I think he did horribly. He ran the wrong direction. He knocked into another dog. Frank, better luck next time. 1 oo00 wieners expected. The wiener takes home 500 and all proceeds go to the seal beech animal care center. Daisy is dropping some l bs. She had a rough winter but shes working out. We have one of the songs of the summer. Cheerleader in our last half hour. Come on back for that. Jummy good morning, we want to get an up a on the morning with you now with jacqui jeras. Jacqui showers and thunderstorms likely later on, most of the action will happen this evening. A Flash Flood Watch is in effect this afternoon until late tonight. So saturated that we could get some heavy downpours another one to two inches on top of what we have had from recent rain. Showers and thunderstorms with a list of severe storms and flooding, high storms in the upper 80s. Angela on the roads right now southbound interstate 270 shady grove road, finally clearing up to the south making your approach to gaithersburg colesville road, 29 southbound crash reported there with an existing delay on the capital beltway. Interstate 95 is jammed all the way to georgia avenue. Interstate 66, travel lanes are open eastbound, the drive remains sluggish through west falls church. Making your drive to glen echo this morning, inbound on the clara barton parkway, jamming up as you head towards the cabin john parkway. Back to you, jummy . Jummy anthony foxx believes that metro is plagued with urgent safety issues. He has called a private meeting today with the mayor of d. C. And the governors of maryland and virginia to discuss concerns. In the districts are intensifying to combat the use of synthetic drug. A strategy session was held last night and Community Leaders called for a grassroots effort to stop the use of those drugs. For more news, weather, and traffic head over to news channel 8. See you back [ cheers and applause ] my alma mater, we are small but were mighty, respect we . Welcome back to gma and exclusive right now, the new star trek movie, star trek beyond this production and you can be part of it. Take a look. Trk trk, fans we are back with an incredible announce many. Pressing the button. Thanks. This announcement will literally blow your mind. Offering one lucky fan and a friend a chance to win a walkon role in the next star trek. Its all part of star trek boldly go. A new philanthropic initiative. Dedicated to supporting nine global organizations. In addition to the grand prize were selecting six more winners for our honorary star trek crew. Well fly out out for an exclusive behindthescenes visit. Youll hang out with us. You might get to meet brandnew characters. It only takes ten bucks for your chance to win. And if you can give more youll exclusive star trek swag. The best part is your contribution will support all nine remarkable causes. Glad you can join us. Whats up chris . Now its your turn. Lets kick it. Cool right . Cool is that and well be partnering with star trek beyond going to their set being there for the big moment when the lucky winners shoot their scene. Oh thats going to be something else. For a great cause. Coming up this morning, this one, robin roberts, going oneonone with country superstar Kenny Chesneyg you behind the scenes of his spectacular new tour thats coming up but first george you got cute dogs. We got a lot of dogs because were trying out the woof washer. We showed it before. Dana conklin is here who will tell us how it works. Where did this idea come from. You know what it came from a man named ryan diaz 30 years old from los angeles, california. He saw his dad washing his dog with gloves on so invented for a science project and spent the next 20 years making it happen. I have a lab. Even though they love swimming they dont love baths. People have got to love the idea and do 62 Million People viewed this on facebook. 63 Million People within a few days of launching it got to 50 million and its been viewed in 199 countries across the world. We should say all these dogs right here are up for adoption from the best friends animal society. Lets show how it works. They look pretty calm right now. Theyve all been washed and want to get washed again. It looks so sweet and like i said people wanted to find this its a tough thing to get your dog washed and tough to send them to the groomer. How do they find this. Go to woof washer 360s website. It attaches to your garden hose. Slide it over your dog and theres a nozzle that turns the water pressure on and off and the second to turn the soap on and off. Literally handsfree. And happy dogs. And happy dogs. Dana thank you very much. Youre welcome. Back inside to lara. Im here with the one and only michael douglas. Thank you. Excite ed tod to have mr. Douglas in our studio about to hit the big screen in the latest marvel blockbuster called antman and michael stars with paul ruud who he teaches that big power comes in small packages. Take a look. How do you make them do that . Ants can lift objects 50 times their way and cooperate with each other. Right. But how do you make them do that . I use electromagnetic waves to stimulate their olefactory nerve center. I speak to them. I can go anywhere hear anything and see everything. Dr. Hank pim in the flesh. Michael, how was it to play this in a marvel block buster . Its one of the great experiences in my 45year career. I have to say that ive always wanted to do you know one of these comic special effects superhero pictures paul ruud was wonderful. And how often do you get a chance to act with an ant on your shoulder . Talking to him, you knknow. I love reading four different units would be shooting at the same time. Right, right. First time youve done a special effects type film. Like when you go to this movie youre seeing it for the first time because you have the first unit the actors and stunt coordinator and green screen special effects and fourth unit which is cool the macro unit which is shooting from the ants point of view. With giant set furniture . Yeah i mean no its all done like in miniature so its all point of view and its fabulous. Youll see the picture and the whole finale because everything in these comic supergiant things are getting bigger and bigger right so now were getting smaller, you know. I like that. Youre always one step ahead, douglas. I understand that this movie officially made you finally after how many films cool to your two kids. Yeah no ive done maybe 50 55 films and when this came up my son dylan, hes 14 my daughter cara said no dad, you dont understand this is important for your career. I mean this actually this gives you a whole new audience. Never seen you before. Maybe youll finally make it. Maybe. I think dylan will be my agent thats hilarious. They have not seen it yet. Oh yeah they saw we were in the london premiere. Catherine and i took them down the red carpet and the whole experience and, yeah he loves it. He can share this with his friends and learning all about this social networking you know. That whole thing, the internet. Dinosaur. Oh thats how it works. It is an important component in it. It really is. Big year for you. 15th anniversary of in catherine having our 15th anniversary. Big birthday also. Well i mean not that big anymore. You know but we share catherine and i both have the same year september 25th. September 25th. Barbara walters is. Barbara is so all kind of exciting when catherine and i first got together. Now wed like to have our own day. Understandable. Wed love to play a little game with you because we always love having you. A game with me. Words with friends. Words with friends. But this is called words with leading ladies because you have had so many. So michael douglas, first word that comes to mind when you think of these following leading ladies 30 years ago you romanced Kathleen Turner in romancing the stone jewel of the nile. You say. Trooper. Love that. You had a basic instinct for sharon stone. First word that comes to mind . I have one. Notice im crossing my legs. Best one word, fantastic. You are far cleaner than i am. Right. Fatal atrengs for miss glenn close. The best. Oh wow. The best. You and jane fonda discovered the china syndrome. Workaholic. Then finally you got more than you bargained for with demi in disclosure. True. Oh i wish we had more time. One word is hard. I love michael douglas. Everybody, you got to see antman, marvel monster picture. It is fantastic. It hits theaters nationwide on friday. Thank you so much. Thanks lara. So good to see you. Have a good summer. Have a great summer. Ginger out to you. Oh lara that [ cheers and applause ] michael douglas. We wanted to clarify. These three dogs are the ones that are up for adoption from the best friends animal society. This is mexico napoleon and sara. Our friend over here is still getting washed. Hes doing so well. Congratulations. How about we do weather . Lets start in denver. We do have a western look for you because kmgh gives us that nice start. 87 for a high but out west seattle feeling a little more like they should this time of year. Only in the 70s with that low onshore. Jacqui good morning, washington. A very warm and humid d to look forward to. Partly sunny ses, owerand thunderstorms possible latee evening, a a few of them cou be strong, poibly all that weather brought to you by carmax and mookie is a rock star lara. I got to get him to teach otis. I love mookie. We have so much more coming up on Good Morning America. Robin going oneonone with country superstar Kenny Chesney. Thats next on gma. Wow. The dynamic Kenny Chesney after taking a year off has a big revival tour the number one tour this year. I got a behindthescenes look at how he makes the magic happen. He opened up about his time away from the spotlight and his decision that has changed his life. Reality yes sometimes love aint all that its cracked up to be Kenny Chesneys reality is more than just a name of his hit single. For me its a beach ball or on a boat underneath the stars its this. Over 55,000 dedicated fans that have packed lincoln financial field to see their Country Music idol rock the stage. Im imagining you starting out in a small club guitar tip jar and now this. Now, welcome to no shoes nation. I didnt i did not dream this. Thats true. I mean and to stand in the middle of it and feel it is just really really amazing. Reporter home to the Philadelphia Eagles its just one of the 23 stadiums chesney is playing in his 55day big revival tour and i got a sneak peek at how the magic happens. I bet i spend 85 of my time of the night right here going back and forth on this. I can close my eyes. Ive had this same dimension of my stage for awhile and i could probably you could blindfold me and putut me up here and i could run all night. Dont challenge me because i will blindfold you. You know me. Dont challenge me. Robin is going to blindfold me. Blue jean baby reporter a tour thats been a year in the making after chesney took 2014 off to hit the reset button going back into the studio to focus solely on his new album. Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone uptown down home did you get what you needed from it. I did. It was the best thing that ever happened to me as a creative person, as a songwriter as a son, as a friend as a human being and that time away was spent still being creative but it fed me out here. It fed everything. How do you keep the essence of who you are . You change but you keep the essence of who you are . Im Pretty Simple though robin. I really many am. I had a girlfriend tell me one time i was so simple i was complicated. That should be a line in a song. Maybe youre right but i will tell you that ive got a lot of people around me out here that this is their dream also that really keep me grounded and once i leave that stage, robin, i dont try to be that person that much. You know until its called upon. I love that person up there on stage. I love being that guy. Dont get me wrong. But i like leaving him up there. Theres a great quote talking about you going out with george strait. Out on tour with him and you said there was a moment when you stopped trying to be like someone else and just wanted to be you. And that it changed your life when you came to that realization. I did. I think its only human nature to see your idea of success and idea of a star and you try to emulate them. I knew where i wanted to go but i didnt think i could do it trying to be someone else and thats when my life changed and i really tried to get better and tried to get better as a songwriter and entertainer and all around. Made a list. I remember the night that i did this i was in bed and i got up i had what you call an ee testify epiphany. There were 35 things i wrote down. Can you share what was on the list . It was just about just trying to be a better creator. Try to be a better musician and about being better. Getting up every day and being better. Thats when i became so pinpoint focused that it was hard to get me out of that zone. You know and it was just boom every day and im still that way. And that chesney focus continues to break records. He sold over 1 million concert tickets every year for 12 done second tiff tours including this one and will have played an unprecedented 113 career stadium shows when he wraps the big revival tour next month. Ive always just made the music that came naturally. But i do think its important to push your audience but not alienate them and i think thats the one thing im the most proud of the big revival because i took a year off to push them and bring them along with me to the next chapter of my life and they came. Its great. You remember last october here on gma, kenny announced that he was coming back and, boy, is he back. Coming up next here on gma, oh, one of my favorite songs of the summer. Omi performing cheerleader. Cheerleader you got to. Come on back. [ applause ] i love this song. I love this song. We are excited. Youre about to hear one of the hottest songs out there right now. Cheerleader. Ki be your cheerleader . I could be your cheerleader. One of billboards hot 100 chart just certified platinum last night, ladies and gentlemen. [ applause ] here omi making his u. S. Television debut. Here it is, cheerleader. All you cheerleaders let me hear you make some noise, come on. Woo yeah oh when i need motivation my one solution is my queen cause she stays strong yeah yeah she is always in my corner right there when i want her all these other girls are tempting but im empty when youre gone and they say do you need me do you think im pretty do i make you feel like cheating and im like no not really cause oh i think that ive found myself a cheerleader she is always right there when i need her oh i think that ive found myself a cheerleader she is always right there when i need her she walks like a model she grants my wishes like a genie in a bottle yeah yeah cause im the wizard of love and i got the magic wand all these other girls are tempting but im empty when youre gone and they say do you need me do you think im pretty do i make you feel like cheating and im like no not really cause oh i think that ive found myself a cheerleader she is always right there when i need her oh i think that ive found myself a cheerleader she is always right there when i need her oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oooh oo ochltoh she gives me love and affection baby did i mention youre the only girl for me no i dont need a next one mama loves you too she thinks i made the right selection now all thats left to do is just for me to pop the question oh i think that ive found myself a cheerleader she is always right there when i need her oh i think that ive found myself a cheerleader she is always right there when i need her yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah [ applause ] Good Morning America is brought to you by panera bread, food as it should be. [ applause ] just cant help but move. Cheerleader, thank you, thank you. We couldnt tell at all. No. We are celebrating today. Have a great tuesday, everyone. [ applause ] jummy good morning to you, we want to get an update on the weather with jacqui jeras. Jacqui it is going to be a warm and muggy day with showers and thunderstorms likely later on. Expect the heat and humidity while we could get a shower at any time most of the action will happen this evening. Flash flood watch at 2 00 this afternoon until late tonight, ground so saturated we could get some heavy downpour on top of what we have had from recent rains. Risk of severe thunderstorms and flooding, high temperatures in the upper 80s. Angela from the springfield interchange we have inner loop delays, open a bit, but once you get into the mclean area the inner loop jams up again. From arlington into rosslyn you are on the brakes from virginia 110, making your way to the east street tunnel. Another drive in maryland right now, southbound interstate 270 travel lanes are open but it remains a struggle making your way towards the capital beltway. Still heavy from washington boulevard to the 14th street bridge. Jummy thanks a much. Over to our top stories right now, status hearings are up for today for the retrial of the man accused of murdering chandra leavy. This last may the judge granted a motion for new trial. The d. C. Council plans to introduce a bill today planning on helping Service Workers on Large Commercial Office holdings. For more weather traffic, and news headlines, head over to good morning washington. Its live with kelly michael. Today, Academy Award winning actor michael douglas. And from the new film, trainwreck, john cena. All next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] now, here are your emmy winning cohosts, kelly ripa and Michael Strahan [cheers and applause] kelly hi. Hi hi

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