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According to the new york times, former Host Bill Oreilly paid a 32 million settlement to a legal analyst at fox news for Sexual Harassment one month before the network extended his contract. Wow, you paid a 32 million settlement and they let you keep working there. I guess we know what we can look forward to. [ audience groans ] yeah. Its a bummer to see them both. [ light laughter ] First Lady Melania Trump visited a middle school in detroit today where she began her Antibullying Campaign by speaking to the students and joining them for lunch. Meanwhile donald trump had lunch in the white house cafeteria and clapped when someone dropped their tray. [ light laughter ] thats fantastic. He has to buy a second lunch now. Oh, look at that dummy. [ light laughter ] according to ivana trumps new book, President Trump once left his son donald trump jr. Stranded on a tarmac after he was five minutes late for a flight. Even worse, erics been in an overhead bin for the last two years. [ laughter ] someone give me peanuts [ applause ] i need a pretzel or a peanut. Thank you for not gate checking me, father. [ laughter ] a new study has found that a persons brain is still active for about 20 seconds after death and a person may be aware that they have died. This according to a eulogy that had really gone off the rails. [ light laughter ] grandpa might still be with us, you guys. Red lobster announced today that it will start delivering its food in new york city through a partnership with grubhub. Because if theres one thing that will make discount seafood even better, its 20 minutes on the back of a bike. [ laughter and applause ] just think, that shrimp is going down 8th avenue as we speak. [ light laughter ] and finally, playboy is featuring its first ever transgender play mate in its november issue. And if you think thats not natural neither are any of the other playmates. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a fantastic show for you tonight. She is the star of nbcs law order svu Mariska Hargitay is everybody. [ cheers and applause ] he is on foxs new show the exorcist, john cho is back on the show. Our good friend. [ cheers and applause ] john cho. And well have music from blues singer songwriter zz ward. So, youre here for a great night. [ cheers and applause ] but before we get to that, after a week in which his administration argued that civilians should not challenge generals, President Trump returned to the place where he is never challenged, fox news, to try to right the ship and push his domestic agenda. For more on this its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth trump and his white house have spent the last week lashing out at the family of a fallen soldier and a congresswoman close to that family. And obviously its not a good look for the administration. So the president has retreated to his comfort zone attacking the media. On sunday morning he tweeted, it is finally sinking through 46 of people believe Major National news organizations fabricate stories about me, fake news, even worse, lost cred. Look, the only one who has lost cred here is the guy whos tweeting in all caps. [ light laughter ] if you ask an ex how hes doing, and he writes back, im doing fine. You believe him. But if he writes, im doing fine like this, you immediately call his best friend and say, i think you need to check on dave. [ light laughter ] so after yet another week of scandal, trump once again fled to his permanent refuge, his home away from golf, fox news where he was asked about his habit of tweeting excessively about his critics and offered this truly mind bending defense. I have friends that say, oh, dont use social media. See, i dont call it tweets. Tweeting is like a typewriter. When i put it out, you put it immediately on your show. Seth thats right. Tweeting is like a typewriter. Of course, the only thing that would make trumps tweets more pathetic is if they were actually written on a typewriter. All of my enemies [ bell ding ] in the Fake News Media [ bell ding ] are haters and losers [ bell ding ] sad. [ wheel creaking ] [ light laughter ] oh, this is very good. Send that out. [ laughter and applause ] trump went on to defend his use of twitter by once again attacking the media and for some reason making use of what seems to be his favorite sound effect. You know theyre well crafted, i was always a good student, im like a person that does well with that kind of thing. There is a fake media out there, i get treated very unfairly by the media and i have a tremendous platform. So when somebody says something about me, im able to go Bing Bing Bing and i take care of it. Seth Bing Bing Bing. Just when i thought trump couldnt get any worse, hes one of those guys who tweets with his keyboard sounds turned on. [ laughter ] so trump thinks lashing out at the media will somehow help him with his domestic agenda. Specifically his proposed tax cuts. Last Week Senate Republicans passed a budget that paves a way for trumps tax cut plan with 473 billion in cuts from medicare and 1 trillion from medicaid. So what will taxpayers get in return for those brutal cuts. Trump has claimed repeatedly that his tax plans would increase average Household Income by 4,000 a year. But even that 4,000 claim is a lie because according to bloomberg, trumps own economic advisers have said that the 4,000 benefit would only materialize over eight years. And one tax expert told the Washington Post the 4,000 promise was absolute pie in the sky. They might just as well promise a unicorn in every pot. And if theres anyone who i believe would try to eat a unicorn, it is donald trump. I eat unicorns by the bucket. They are magically delicious. [ laughter and applause ] in fact, not only, not only are the republicans looking to gut medicare and medicaid, their plan might even raise taxes on middle class americans to pay for tax cuts for higher earners. By 2027 more than one of every four middle income families would pay more in taxes. Meanwhile, those earning about 900,000 and above in 2027 will get a tax cut averaging about 230,000. So how could trump possibly defend a plan that raises taxes on the middle class and cuts them for high earners. Well by not knowing or understanding anything about it. On sunday trump was asked about his plan and meandered his way through a nonsensical answer that somehow involved, new England Patriots owner, robert kraft. If the top earners pay 80 of the taxes, why are you so afraid to cut taxes on the top earners . I think this, look i am very happy with the way ive done part of this in my civilian life. Of course, this is not about alright, other people well its about me and representing rich people. Okay. Lets say representing, you know, being representative of rich people. Its very interesting to me. Bob kraft was down, he was very nice. He owns the patriots. He gave me a super bowl ring a month ago but putin took his, right . Which was very nice. Yeah thats right. But he left this beautiful ring and i immediately give it to the white house and they put it some place and thats the way it is. How great. He said to me hes a good man. Seth oh my god, what are you talking about . [ laughter ] although it makes sense that he got a super bowl ring because he obviously has a terrible concussion. [ laughter ] he cannot go back in the game. Also maria, you asked a question about taxes and then accepted those rambling answers . Youre like a babysitter with no backbone. Your mom said no food after nine. Im going to have pizza. Okay but only one slice. No, a whole pizza. And youre gonna pay for it. Okay, but after that straight to bed. No after that im going to smoke some weed and youre gonna go to bed. Okay. [ laughter and applause ] sounds great. Now, despite the savage cuts to medicare and medicaid, and tax hikes for middle class americans trump still remains confident, that republicans have the votes to pass their tax plan. Do you think you have the votes . I think we have the votes. Seth there you go. Simple as that. And when donald trump says he has the votes, you know you can believe him. I also want to provide a brief update on health care. We have the votes for the most part i think we have the votes for that. We are very close. We feel we have the votes. We have either have the votes or were very close to having the votes and we will get the votes. We have the votes for health care. Health care, we have it, we have the votes. But i feel we have the votes. Im almost certain we have the votes, but on health care we have the votes because you know we have the votes. But from the republican standpoint we have the votes. Seth when trump says we have the votes, it carries about the same weight as this. Arbys, we have the meats. [ laughter ] seth do you . [ applause ] because, im a little suspicious that youre calling it the meats, from the animals. Now naturally democrats have already criticized the gop for slashing taxes on high earners while cutting medicare and medicaid, and on sunday trump claimed those democrats, like Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer were being disingenuous. Although, again his argument made very little sense. I like schumer. But before he even knows the plan, say, oh this is for the rich its he doesnt even know what the plan is. And hes screaming its for the rich. He did it with healthcare too. He said, this is for the rich, this is for the rich. Youre not going to get your coverage. Everybody is going to go into hospitals. Its going to be terrible. The world is coming to an end. Okay. Didnt even know what the plan was. And thats okay, you know, were all learning politics right . Seth no. [ light laughter ] were not all learning politics. Youre the only one learning politics. Trumps [ applause ] trumps like the guy at book club who just assumes everyone else skipped the book too. Hey, were all learning how to read, right . [ light laughter ] in fact, just to give you an idea of how in over his head trump still is, even this far into his presidency, watch this part of the interview where trump was asked about Tech Companies that sell users private data. Not only does trump have no idea what hes talking about, its almost as if hes never even heard of this before. Im wondering what you think about tech right now. Because, you have these companies that are more powerful than ever before. Theyve got everything, all this data on us. Theyre selling the data. Should the Tech Companies be more regulated. Well, i guess some people talk about freedom, and other people talk about we want to know whos taking ads or doing whatever. And, i would imagine somethings going to come down along the line like were doing right now for regular, you know, whether its commercial or not for a normal broadcast company. It will be very interesting so you know, thats an argument thats happening right now. Okay. It could be very interesting to see what there are two very distinct views on that. I can go honestly i can go either way on it. [ laughter ] seth he talks like hes trying to stall a Security Guard while his friends steal the opposing schools mascot. [ laughter ] why am i here . Im going to check a book out from the library and the thing is i could wait til monday morning but im a reader. You know im look, look were all learning how to read, right . [ light laughter ] were all learning how to read. [ applause ] of course, trump can comfortably go on fox news and breeze past questions without answering them because he knows he wont be challenged. And as weve seen he viciously attacks anyone who does challenge him. Like florida congresswomen, frederica wilson. Last week, trumps chief of staff john kelly criticized wilson for account of a call trump placed to the widow of a soldier killed in niger, sergeant la david johnson, despite the fact that wilson is close to the family and was in the car when trumps call came. Today johnsons widow, myeisha johnson, confirmed wilsons account of that call. Including the fact that trump apparently didnt know her husbands name. And of course that meant that trump had to impulsively fire back on twitter writing, i had a very respectful conversation with the widow of sergeant la david johnson. And spoke his name from beginning without hesitation. Look just stop. Stop tweeting. Stop responding. Do what a normal decent human being would do, apologize and then be quiet or at least limit your comments to something less offensive. Like Bing Bing Bing. [ laughter ] seth or better than that, just use bing. [ laughter and applause ] now last week [ applause ] last week kelly, who is of course a four star marine general, talked to the Whitehouse Press Corps and spoke movingly about the difficulties of speaking to the families of fallen soldiers. But he also told a story, about a speech wilson gave at the dedication of an fbi building in 2015. A story, that contains several false claims. And in another authoritarian turn when the whitehouse was asked on friday about kelly misstating those facts, press secretary, Sarah Huckabee sanders said reporters cannot question kelly because hes a fourstar marine general. If you want to get into a debate with a fourstar marine general, i think that thats simply highly inappropriate. Seth is it . Because the last time people refused to question a general he turned out to be a foreign agent. I mean, are we just supposed to blindly believe without question that for a great low rate you can get online, go the general and save some time . [ applause ] im not willing to blindly believe that. But to be fair, trump has a point, its inappropriate to question a marine general. Like for example retired fourstar marine general john allen who criticized trump at last years democratic convention. They had a general named john allen, and he i never met him. And he got up and he started talking about trump trump trump. Never met him. And you know who he is . Hes a failed general. Seth thats right. Hes a failed general as opposed to donald trump who is a general failure. [ laughter ] now trump is attacking anyone who dares to challenge him. Whether its the news media, football players, or a member of congress. And hes trying to restart his domestic agenda, by lying about his policies. In fact from now on, any time trump talks about his tax plan or his healthcare bill it should be followed by this. Trump, we have the votes. Seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth well be right back with Mariska Hargitay. [ cheers and applause ] announcer for more of seths closer looks be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. , i miss you. Cant wait to see you tonight. Me too. I cant wait to see my snugglebug. Dude. Group chat. Awkward. The magic of iphone x. On americas best unlimited network. Right now, get 300 off your iphone x at tmobile. I love you so much. Were going to be best friends forever. Let out your inner child at the lexus december to remember sales event. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Im lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. My bargain detergent couldnt keep up. So, i switched to tide pods. Theyre super concentrated, so i get a better clean. Number one trusted. Number one awarded. 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[ america by the 7seater volkswagen atlas. Lifes as big as you make it. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Please give it up for the 8g band right over there, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] also, were being joined this week by a fantastic drummer. Hes a master musician and performer whos played with everyone from earth wind and fire to the b52s. His new album love is the greatest, featuring his group cachet is available now, sonny emory everybody. [ cheers and applause ] hey seth. Seth thank you for being here, sonny. Really appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Seth our first guest tonight is an emmy and golden globe Award Winning actress who is best known for her role as detective Olivia Benson on law and order svu, now in its 19th season. New episodes air wednesdays at 9 00 p. M. On nbc. Lets take a look. Alley porters mother showed up at my doorstep. It turns out that noah has a grandmother. Im im sorry . Yeah. Her first move was to try to vacate the adoption. I spent the entire morning yesterday in family court. Okay, i can tell you that you cannot vacate an adoption, not after three years. I know that the law is on my side, but the judge let her file for visitation. Seth please welcome back to the show, Mariska Hargitay, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth hi, mariska. Hello. Seth 19 seasons. Can you believe it . Seth congratulations. Thats really something. It really is. Seth yeah its an accomplishment beyond, i feel like what anyone else could talk about. So, congratulations. Thank you. And its 19 seasons and im in and happy. Seth good. Yeah, thats thats whats amazing. Seth yeah, that really is. Yeah. Seth one of the things thats very exciting and i imagine one of the things that keeps it fresh for you guys who are in the cast, is you have amazing guest stars amazing. Seth so they come in and you get to work with different people over the course of of 19 seasons. Brooke shields Brooke Shields seth Brooke Shields and this is your recommendation, yes . It was. You know, i was at another friend of ours, ali Ali Wentworth has this fantastic show. And we were at a screening and brooke was the guest star and was so brilliant and so dark and so funny and so funny and so funny seth yeah. And so beautiful and so powerful. Seth and when you watch svu, youre always looking for a funny person. Where the funny . You know i love the funny. [ laughter ] seth yeah. And so when i saw her, i thought, like, she is it. Because we had this character in mind to come, you know, stir it up. Seth well that clip actually sort of introduces her. Oh, thats her and shes a buzz kill for Olivia Benson, let me tell you. Seth yeah, but shes a grandmother as you set up in that clip. And thats how i pitched her. Seth yeah so you had to say to Brooke Shields, i want you to come and be a grandmother on my show. It was so funny, it was seth Brooke Shields, the Brooke Shields no not that one. Another one seth oh, you got okay, gotcha. No, but we were sitting there and i said, listen, theres an amazing part, would you ever consider doing an arc on the show . And she said, oh, wow, are you serious . I said, yeah. And then i pitch her, i said, this incredible powerful woman. She comes and and shes the grandmother. And she goes im sorry, what . [ laughter ] i said, no, no, its a grandmother. And then even i heard it, i was like, oh, no, no, no, its not like that. [ laughter ] but she was like, i see how you are. Seth oh, yeah. Oh, pitch the show, then go, grandma. [ laughter ] so on the first day of her shooting, i redid the sides, which are the pages that you get when, you know, to learn your lines. Seth the script pages, sure. Script pages and so it said it said, alley porter you know, whatever, 40s and i had it say, alley porter, early 70s. [ laughter ] in the description and then i did it the next day, i said, early 30s. Seth oh, thats very nice. So, you know seth you won her back. You give, you take, you do it all. Seth your husband is also on the show, he plays your lawyer, on the show. Yes. Seth and hes also sexy, sexy. Tall drink of water. Seth yeah and hes also on a fantastic show, younger. Amazing show seth and and now, because again, youre obviously very recognizable, i havent been on a show for as many years as you are. But you guys were on vacation and now and now your husband, peters getting some attention. Well, people are changing their tune. Seth yeah. And we are in italy this summer in a little gelateria and we all of a sudden could feel a group of women coming over. And so peter sort of knows the drill. And so he you know, hes like, okay, theyre coming. Whatever. So he sort of grabs the camera and the woman goes seth because he thinks hes going to take a picture of them with you. He does. Seth yeah. Until she says, no, no, no, i love you. Youre younger, see . And then she takes the camera and she goes, please, for the taking picture. I said, absolutely. Im sitting there and then all these Italian Women are handing me their phones and im like, okay. More light. Face the light. Okay, you guys look great, smile. Peter, put your arm around her. Seth thats great. It was very fun. Seth its peters time i love it it is. The women are elbowing me out of the way now. Seth to be on a show that Italian Women watch, thats the jackpot. Oh, they are not and theyre like, oh, peter, i am team [ laughter ] im like, easy there, easy lady. Seth halloweens coming up your family i know, takes it very seriously. Very seriously. Seth and i just wanted we have some photos to show how serious you are. Full star wars theme, thats brilliant. Wait a minute, full star wars until the last minute when august said, you know what, i want to be darth vader. Seth oh, really . [ light laughter ] and i went, sweetie, we have a theme. And he said, i want to be darth vader. Seth really . What was he supposed to be . I dont know, one of those little guys from the movie. Seth oh, okay. You know, little, cute little guys. Seth oh, cute little, like an ewok . Like, yeah. Seth oh, okay. Yeah seth well, look, it still works, you didnt have to ruin it for me. [ laughter ] but then that was when you just had one kid and thats easy. Yeah. Seth and now you fully now you got theres five of you, so they go incredibles, fantastic, this is some day of the dead stuff there. Yep seth look very good. That look at you guys thats inside out. Seth inside out family photo. I was joy. Seth yeah, thats great. He was sadness, anger seth yeah. Can you figure it out . Seth yeah, hes very good, hes very intense. Yep. Seth howd you get his hair like that . Thats great. Its amazing what we do. We have a team to put this together. Seth yeah. And do they do you chose as a do the five of you chose together . Who who we do, the kids sort of determine. Yeah, they they call it. Seth is there a spoiler alert element to this or can you tell me what youre going to be . No, i cant. I cant be the betrayer. Seth oh, you two cant tell us what youre going to be. Oh, no, no, no, im sworn to secrecy. Seth gotcha. Yeah. Seth when do you guys lock it down . When did you know what youre going to be . Oh, we just locked it ill tell you, peter was pitching a few ideas, which i liked better. He wanted to be, can i say . Seth you can say, what he wanted to be a bouquet of flowers. Seth the whole family was a the whole family, each a different flower, which i thought was so beautiful. Seth yeah, i think thats a i think its a dud, yeah. Theyre like this theyre like this august is like [ laughter ] ahh ahh no. Seth yeah. Yeah, he just shut that down. Seth first of all, i just, i feel like as a bouquet of flower, you guys have to sort of shuffle down the street together. But we do anyway. Seth yeah. I think as a kid how olds august now . Hes 11. Seth yeah, so hes like he wants to be able to break away, maybe at some point, you know. Yeah. Im not ready seth especially if you shamed him for the darth vader thing, im sure hes like, i dont know. Well, its just that hes changing at the last minute thank god i had like four more outfits. Seth so youre good . So you guys are but like everythings were good. Seth locked down and ready to go no, its locked down, were ready to go. Seth okay. Usually, you know, beginning of october, were good. Seth all right, thats great. Yeah, no, we prac we practice. Seth i also want to ask about this, you are a hamilton superfan and a lot of people would say that they are the biggest fan of hamilton, but you actually maybe have a case to be made that this is true. You did the audiobook for for lin. So lin came to you, he knew that you were intensely involved. He did. He did. Seth how many times did you see it . Ive seen it 15 times. Seth 15 times [ cheers and applause ] thats incredible. And im going again because as you said in the beginning of the show, now, you know, we have guest stars coming on the show seth yeah. Oh, so you take you like to take people. Well, no, but the guest star is playing seth oh, of course right . So they come on the show and then i need to see them. Seth right. In it. The new cast and they just blow my mind. Seth that was sort of one of the famous things about law and order over the years because it shoots in new york. Yeah. Seth because theres all the law and orders fantastic broadway actors. It is the greatest part of my job. Seth and thats what you guys did in 19 seasons, so you could pay for 15 trips to hamilton. [ laughter ] i think i did it. Why do you think im going to do it for another two years . Seth exactly and how was it recording the audio book . Was it exciting . It was so exciting, i had just finished directing and i actually, when he asked me, i was just about to go into directing and i was like, ahh how am i going to do this . But when lin calls you and says, will you do the audio book . Seth yeah. You sort of i was so happy and i i sort of stayed up all night, you know, rehearsing and rereading because you want to honor it. Seth oh, thats fantastic. Yeah, of course. And i was so one of the great honors of my life. Seth oh, well thats great. Truly. Seth well, congratulations. Truly. Seth thats so wonderful to hear and always such a honor to have you here. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much, mariska. Thank you seth Mariska Hargitay, everybody. New episodes of law and order svu air wednesdays at 9 00 p. M. On nbc. Well be right back with john cho. [ cheers and applause ] discover card. Hi, im just looking at my account, and ive got all this extra cash back. Yep. 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Oh yeah, it also knows the difference between you and him. Its google home mini. And the rest of the google home family. Introducing degree ultracle r black white saves your white clothes from yellow stains. And black clothes from white marks still with 48 hour sweat protection. Degree ultraclear black white it wont let you down [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back everybody. You know our next guest from the star trek franchise, as well as the harold and kumar films. He stars in the fox series, the exorcist, which airs friday nights. Lets take a look. You want to put the bags there . Ill take them up in a minute. This house, its beautiful. Thank you. Yeah, its a beast. Belonged to my wifes greataunt, peggy. And your wife is now with us anymore. Im sorry. Thank you. Who wants a grand tour . Seth please welcome back to the show, our friend, john cho, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth so good to see you again buddy. Good to see you, pal. Seth we talked about this last time you were here. We met on a movie in 2002, i think, 2003. See this movie was the name of the film. It wasnt that long ago. Look at those babies. Seth and there are a couple of young babies. Yeah. Seth and im going to show this every time youre here because its the only way this movie will be on tv. So. [ laughter ] i remember we were we shot that movie in montreal and we were walking around, talking. And i think we were swapping stories of when we felt like secure with money. Seth yeah. And i remember you said it hit you when, on a tuesday night, you were up all night writing and had to come back wednesday for the readthrough. Seth yep. And you went to Banana Republic because you had to change clothes and bought a whole new outfit. Seth yeah. I had like i had spent the whole night sleeping and writing. Yeah. Seth and i thought, im doing so well right now, i can buy a new shirt and pants. [ laughter ] and thats when i had it made. Thats when i had it made. Its been downhill from there. Seth yeah. It has been downhill. Im still wearing those pants. So congrats. This is the Second Season of the show, the exorcist. Yes. Seth this is your first season on it. Yes. Seth you had not seen the original film it was based on until very recently . No, i recently saw it. Its excellent. But i had been scarred because a horror movie was the first movie i ever saw at the age of six. Seth oh you didnt see a kids movie as your first movie . No. [ laughter ] my first movie ever was death ship part two. And the reason is my family my dad took us to a Movie Theater when we immigrated to houston from korea when i was six. And it was a dollar a seat Movie Theater and it was air conditioned. So he took us to see this movie. And in korea there were no rrated movies. Everything goes through the censors. So it was all grated. We go in there, and i think within three minutes a woman was impaled on a huge hook. Seth yeah. And, you know, they did one of these to my eyes. Seth oh, yeah. That will do it. That will do it. Seth yeah, you probably have to do that a lot during death ship part two. [ laughter ] i would imagine once that goes through the korean censors, its like a 7minute film. [ laughter ] grate death ship part two. Its just a bunch of wide shots of the ship. [ laughter ] seth yeah, they like pipe in the peter pan soundtrack. [ laughter ] so you came when you were six from korea. When you told your parents that you wanted to be an actor, was that something as immigrants that they couldnt conceive of . Thats right. Yeah, they were you know, i think my dad was you know, took a look at the television and said, i dont see people that look like you on the television. I think you maybe better pivot. But he did see asians on the news. Seth oh. Okay. So he said he suggested that i go into reading the news on air. Kind of like you, i guess. Seth yeah. Except thats what the desk. Seth when my dad saw my first school play, he said, you should do the news. [ laughter ] and so you were in a fantastic film that got wonderful reviews. Columbus. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Seth and that must of been that you shot that in columbus, indiana. Thats correct. Seth i remember you were off to shoot it, last time you were here. Last time, yeah. Yeah, its a very good movie about two people that meet in this town called columbus, indiana. That because of this industrialist that lives there, joseph irwin. He just decided out of civic pride that they needed to have world class architecture. So its just one after the other, from churches to the fire stations to the Elementary Schools to the libraries. Its just one masterpiece after another. And these two people bond over their love of architecture. Its a fantastic film. Seth congratulations. And also, ive heard tell you had a bit of a nude scene. Yes. Seth yeah. Thank you. Correct response. [ laughter ] no, thank thank you. Seth correct response, yeah. Correct response. It was from the back. [ laughter ] but, no. [ cheers and applause ] seth incorrect response. [ laughter ] god. I did not see that coming. I should have. But yeah, it was from the back. It was this very beautiful shower and they came to me and said, would you be willing . And you know what i decided, seth . I couldnt think of an asian male butt in American Cinema and i said, somebody has to do it. Seth oh, thats fantastic. So you broke [ cheers and applause ] you broke the butt line. I broke the butt barrier. Seth yeah. You broke the glass underpants . [ laughter ] but you so you have a i did not know this from our time working together. I guess one of the reasons i didnt know this was we were on such a low budget film, we did not have trailers. No. Seth but you have a tradition, during lunch, that you do not like to wear your characters costume during lunch. I dont. So i do get down to my skivvies at lunch in my trailer. Seth and what is it is it psychologically you just want to are you worried about spilling or do you want to like, leave the character . Mostly i just want to be myself. And then i just feel like, you brush your teeth and you put on your costume, and then its like, its basically eight oclock and the show is starting. Seth yeah. And so i get undressed. Sometimes they leave the microphone on so im just in my underwear and an ankle pack. Microphone on my chest. But thats how i eat lunch. So youre welcome, anytime you want to stop by. Seth and then do people [ laughter ] do people ever walk in on you . Is that something that ever happens . I get the knock, and i just you know, i do one of seth okay, gotcha. Answer the door like that. Seth yeah, so they cant tell that youre eating. That was miming. Seth thats very good. Your kids are nine and 14 . Nine and four. Seth nine and four. Right. No, 14 wouldnt have made sense. [ laughter ] but you how is their halloween planning going . There is i dont think im going to be there, but theres costumes being purchased over the amazon. Seth do they come to you for counsel . Do they want your take, or are they very much singleminded about it . No, you know, my boy in particular just dreams up crazy outfits. Seth so like not like existing characters. Nonexistent. They dont shop. And hes always been like that and because his mother is an angel. She just executes. Seth oh, so he goes to her and says, this is what im thinking. This is what i want. Lets make it happen. Seth yeah. What is like what sort of thing. Well, i think his first halloween, he said i want to be a wiiu controller. Seth okay. [ laughter ] so he wanted to be a video game controller. Remote. Yeah. And so that was so there was just there was a panic. Boxes were purchased. Seth yeah. Paint was bought. Seth because that is a true white hot panic of you can go to amazon and you cant find it. You cant find it. Yeah, so. Seth so, is your wife craftsy . Can she kind of like put it together . Yeah, i mean enough. Its pretty easy to impress a 5yearold. Seth yeah, thats true. Thats great. It would be a bummer if hes like, i was hoping for a little add more accuracy. Well thats very exciting. And always so exciting to have you here. Really appreciate it john. Oh man, always. Seth such a pleasure. Thank you so much. Seth john cho, everybody. The exorcist airs friday nights on fox. Well be right back with music from zz ward. [ cheers and applause ] so, verizon and google have teamed up on the pixel 2. Its a match made in tech heaven. Its like verizon is the oil and google is the balsamic. No, actually they separate into a suspension. Its more like the google pixel 2 is the unlimited storage. And verizon is the best unlimited plan. What if its like h2 and o . Yeah. Thats right. I had a feeling that would score with you guys. 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Theyre no different than anyone else. They just want a job. They want respect and they want dignity. This is a nice place. Yeah. He plays basketball with lauren. Steve called, fairly frantic. You know, he had a premature baby and i think he had just been given the diagnosis that she had down syndrome. Lauren brought out the best in me. She made me a different person. Deep down in his heart he feels for people who are disadvantaged. Laurens a light in everybody eye. Shes the spark that has started the fire. The goal is to keep places like this open so all people, regardless of disability, have an opportunity for employment. See, i love you. I love you guys too. You know that. Yeah. [ cheers and applause ] seth our next guest is a talented singer songwriter whose latest album the storm debuted at number one on the billboard blues albums chart. Performing cannonball, with fantastic negrito, please welcome zz ward, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] i hear the rain on the rooftop crown and coke on a table by my bed yeah im lying here like its my grave a bag of bones with a fire in my head oh yes i am i tell you no then i start to give in you tear me down then we do it all over again and again come on im down on my knees and im screaming im a fiend and im begging you please if you dont love me baby just stop tell me how can it be im still breathing i cant quit i need help set me free shoot me up cause you know that ill drop fly then i fall yeah every time that you call nothing but your cannonball cannonball cannonball when you was hungry girl you came knocking at my door yes you did my heart was homeless my lust for vampires and whores but girl you kept coming on back for more yes you did oh im down on my knees and im screaming im a fiend and im begging you please if you dont love me baby just stop no no no no no tell me how can it be im still breathing i cant quit i need help set me free come on you know that ill drop i want you to play for me baby play it good come on fly then i fall yeah every time that you call nothing but your cannonball cannonball cannonball whoa cannonball baby baby baby wont you whoa whoa cannonball yeah yeah yeah [ cheers and applause ] seth zz ward and fantastic negrito, folks. Zzs u. S. Headline tour kicks off in january. For dates head over to zzward. Com. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] here. I got it from the same place i bought your present from last year. Its the thing from the link you sent us. And the year before. I found the perfect gift for you. But it wouldnt ship in time. So i just. Texted you a photo. I bought it with one click. I included a gift receipt. Its the thought that counts . Dont shop like everybody else. This year shop ebay for brand new, nearly new, and totally you gifts. The volkswagen atlas. With available pedestrian monitoring. Lifes as big as you make it. 60 of women are wearing the wrong size pad and can experience leaks discover always my fit. Find the number thats right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. The better the fit, the better it protects. Always. At ally, we offer a credit card with unlimited cash back. But if thats not enough, we offer a 10 deposit bonus into an ally account. 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With humira, remission is possible. Why arits because sweeneysing been exposed as aeeney . Double dipping pension padder. Caught spending Campaign Money on lavish dinners and fine cigars for his pals. Investigated for being a lobbyist and a senator at the same time. Sweeney voted to raise taxes 145 times while our economy continues to struggle. South jersey is a mess, and its time to take out the trash. On november 7th, make a change. Dump sweeney. He stood up to north jersey special interests nobody delivers more for south jersey than steve sweeney. To increase funding for our schools. He stopped christies commuter tax, saving south jersey residents over 200 million dollars. And he led the charge to pass paid family leave. Aarp applauded sweeney for freezing property taxes for seniors and cutting prices on prescription drugs. I got to take my hat off to him. Hes a man of his word. Steve sweeney. Because theres more work to do to get south jerseys fair share. Announcer for more late night, go to latenightseth. Com. Follow us on instagram and twitter latenightseth. And be sure to check us out on youtube and facebook. Head over to itunes and subscribe to the late night with seth meyers podcast. Youll get a closer look and more downloaded right to your phone. Joseph, im steve. How are you . Nice to meet you sir. Nice to meet you. Hows it going man . The yankees . Come on. [ laughing ] look at the smiles and the hard work that the people here are doing. Its like making mini sandwiches. Theyre no different than anyone else. They just want a job. They want respect and they want dignity. This is a nice place. Yeah. He plays basketball with lauren. Steve called, fairly frantic. You know, he had a premature baby and i think he had just been given the diagnosis that she had down syndrome. Lauren brought out the best in me. She made me a different person. Deep down in his heart he feels for people who are disadvantaged. Laurens a light in everybody eye. Shes the spark that has started the fire. The goal is to keep places like this open so all people, regardless of disability, have an opportunity for employment. See, i love you. I love you guys too. You know that. Yeah. [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to Mariska Hargitay, john cho, zz ward, everybody. Fantastic negrito, sonny emory and of course, the 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. See you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] carson hi there. Good evening. Im carson daly, and welcome to last call. Tonight, were coming to you from the lovely penthouse suite at the Time New York Hotel high above nyc, and weve got another killer show for you. Lets start things off right

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