Transcripts For WABC Tiempo 20240622

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From the new york immigration coalition, and immigration attorney barbara camacho. Welcome to both of you. If they look familiar, its because theyve been on tiempo before. So, i look at this, and i say, francis, qu\ pas . How did this happen . How does the federal government send out threeyear cards when they should have been twoyear cards . And thats a great question. Its something that were all asking. But it has to do with a current lawsuit between texas and the united states. Okay. Basically, uscis kept sending out employmentauthorization cards after february 16th, when the judge had asked not to send any more, given that both the new programs with daca and dapa werent gonna go into effect. And, in turn, barbara, the judge said to uscis customs and Immigration Services what go out and collect the cards . Well, once they were found to be in violation or i should say once uscis disclosed that they had violated the judges injunction, they were instructed to make reasonable steps, substantial efforts, to come into compliance with the court order, which means get those permits back. Get the permits back. And that led to the visits that went all the way up until last week, correct . And if you were a recipient of one of the workpermit cards, what were you supposed to do if someone came to the house . So, there were Different Things that you could do. First of all, they sent out letters for them to return the cards. If they didnt return the cards, then a caseworker from uscis will pay them a visit to return the cards. If they dont meet with the caseworker visiting them, then they run the risk of losing their deferred action. Yes, and its a work permit, right, barbara . Its a work permit. Its a card that allows you to work. Yeah. Its one of the few benefits that you get with daca, right . You get protected from deportation, and you get the ability to work. This would mean that they have to return this work permit and then they would have been reissued an appropriate permit, a twoyear permit. All right. Let me throw out the scenario. You were working last week. You didnt get the paperwork. You didnt return the card, but you still have it. Now what . Can you work . Is there a stamp on it . Are you d game. Explain it to me. You cannot technically work anymore, given that the cards are now invalid. Mmhmm. So, people run the risk of losing their jobs and even losing their state i. D. Cards, given that the Expiration Date is always placed in the card. So, theres a lot of things that youre losing. Whos gonna come check the card, or is anyone gonna come check it . I mean, youre living kind of a risky proposition there. You went from being protected to being completely unprotected, right . Because when you had daca status, or i should say daca deferred action, you were protected from removal. Now youre not, right . If you didnt return it, you fall outside of that protection. It also means you cant work, and continuing to work would be working in violation. Okay. So, what do you advise people to do if youre caught in this scenario, where you missed the officer, you didnt return the card, the deadline has expired, but you still have it . The first thing that we recommend those who still have a threeyear work permit that was released after february 16th is to call uscis as soon as possible and let them know that youre still in possession of the card and figure out a way to work it out with them so that you can still keep your deferred action and get reissued a twoyear permit. What do you anticipate the response would be from uscis if youre the one who called and said, im sorry i missed you, but i still have my card . Say to you . Keep working, well let it slide, thank you for letting us know . What is the response . Well, one of the scenarios is that theres gonna be theyre gonna work out a situation in which the person will not be affected by this mistake, which was initially made by uscis, and in that case, uscis can also take back those cards, so both parties are benefiting from it. I think that might be a very optimistic view of what can happen, because uscis has stated that if you fail to comply and return the card or fill out a certification that says that you dont have it for some valid reason, that you are gonna fall out of daca and youre going to not have that permit valid, and they also went one step further, and they said that if you do that, any subsequent application is gonna be viewed this conduct is gonna be viewed negatively. So, youre talking about now people who didnt do anything wrong initially theyre now gonna have that negative equity that theyre gonna have to contend with in order to try to get daca back. Now, its important to note that theres no way for reinstituting the daca you were granted if you failed to comply by turning over the card, but you can reapply. Its that reapplication where theyre going to be looking at that negative conduct and sort of saying, tsk, tsk, you should have. All as a result of nothing that you did wrong. Right. Everything that perhaps the government did wrong. All right. Sit tight. A few more questions more when we come back. More on the federal officials that recently visited undocumented immigrants in our area. And still ahead on tiempo, how bout this . Bronx salsa fest heating up. Well take a look at this monthlong celebration when we come back on tiempo. Federal officials in our area made visits recently to many undocumented immigrants in our area last week, largely. U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officers made these home visits in new york and across the country to collect some work permits. Weve been talking about this with francis madi, from the new york immigration coalition, and immigration attorney barbara camacho. What i wanted to ask you, barbara all right. Lets say lets go the other way. Instead of being someone whos now out of compliance, say you did submit your threeyear permit. What was the promise that the government made to you that you were gonna get a twoyear one . Right, and many people have already received their twoyear replacement appropriate, proper ead cards or work permits. Mmhmm, but did that happen on the spot, when the agent showed up at your house, or is it something where you need to sit by the mailbox and wait for it to come . You needed to sit by the mailbox. See that . And wait for it to come. I mean, the first group of people responded to a letter, and so theyve already received it. They responded to the first letter. The home visits only is happening for that very tiny group of people who havent already gone to the local uscis office and returned it themselves. But still, youre putting your full faith and trust in the government that theyre gonna act pretty quickly to get you the twoyear permit after you turned in your valid threeyear permit, correct . Yes, and theres no reason to doubt that the government is going to do that, because theyve already given you the initial daca extension, if it was an extension, or renewal or if it was the initial one. Still, though, i would feel odd you know, i have the paperwork. Its here. It took me a lot to get it, and now youre asking me to give it up in hopes of getting one in return. Yeah. The other scenario you didnt meet the deadlines. You didnt turn in your card. How realistic, francis, in this situation, in this political climate, that federal agents are gonna come knocking at your door if you suddenly find yourself in the deportable category . Yes, and its interesting, because, specifically for new york city and some parts of new york city in general, it is considered a sanctuary, safe. City, yeah. Area for immigrants to live in. There is no collaboration between the local government and ice, and so the chances of having a visit by ice agents are much less likely to happen than in other parts of the country. Okay. Youre an immigration attorney, barbara. If you had one of your clients that found themselves in this situation, the advice, the counsel, that youd give to them would be what . Hopefully hes a new client, cause if he were my client, he would have complied. If he were a new client and i found him in this situation, i would immediately begin a new daca application to make sure he has something pending so that if there was already a final order of removal or some other deportable issue that would be immediate, he would be protected. So, yes. If you have something pending, you cant be pushed out because the paperworks theres something pending. Yes. Perfect. Paperwork. Can you give me a quick little education and us an education on how we got to this process . And weve only got three minutes, but try and summarize it. This was a judges order, correct . Yeah. Uscis is acting because judge hanen of the District Court in texas told uscis, if you do not take substantial efforts to come into compliance with the order that enjoined any activity with daca 2. 0, which would have been that threeyear permit. Yes. And dapa, which would have given some protection to the parents of Daca Recipients, you will be held in contempt. That is a serious, serious offense. Yeah. When a judge says that to you, you pay attention. Its serious, yeah, and the judge, in his order in july, indicated that there would be no adjournment that if they did not convince him with a report on july 31st, which would have been friday, that they have done these substantial efforts to come into compliance, that they would have all of the defendants were talking cabinetlevel, senior officials testifying. Thats huge. And i just want to add dapa is for the parents of u. S. Citizens or legal permanent residents. Yes. Not Daca Recipients. But did the judge make it clear that if i have to, ill haul into the courtroom anyone and everyone involved in this case, which would be hundreds of potential Daca Recipients, yes . I think the judge was sort of aiming to bring the witnesses in that would be the officials, the people making the decisions to issue the threeyear card. Okay. And that would be that would bog down uscis further. Okay. Here we are at the beginning of august. Whats the timeline here as we march down the road . Is there another Court Appearance coming up . Well, after the report is evaluated by the judge, the judge has indicated in his july order that the hearing would be set for august 19th if hes not convinced. So, these efforts the home visits, the phone calls, the multiple letters sent to Daca Recipients are in response to that judges order. And in your estimation, what is the judge looking to see that the government used every means necessary . Yeah. I think that this judge really wants to make sure that the government has taken every conceivable step. And, i mean, short of home visits, i cant think of any other action that they would be able to do. Mmhmm. And at that point, the decision becomes what or what from the judge . From the judge, he can hold people either well, he can haul all these senior officials into court and determine whether or not their accidental grant was accidental or willful. Uhhuh. And if he comes to the conclusion that it was willful, were really talking about civil contempt. If he comes to the conclusion that it was accidental. Then theres no harm, no foul because theres no contempt. It needs to be a willful, intentional violation of a specific order. A lot of peoples jobs are on the line now. Yes, for sure. Absolutely. Ladies, thank you both. Appreciate it very, very much. Complex issue, and you simplified it for us. Coming up next on tiempo, how bout this bronx salsa fest . We will take a look at a monthlong celebration with the things that bring together some of the boroughs best musicians, photographers, documentarians, and, of course, it wouldnt be a salsa fest without salseros. Coming up next. Hi. Your daddys getting a camry . Yeah, i want him to have a really fun car. 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It started out as a weekend event just a couple of events and then ive expanded it to an entire month of festivals throughout the entire borough. The whole borough is celebrating salsa, and it is el condado de qu\ bueno. Which means in a few years, itll be a threemonth event. Thats a good thing. Itll go the whole summer. I want to make it clear to the people that these are numerous events, some free, some not so free, at various locations. Right. Yes. Starting off with the theres one today, right . Today the music of 1 00. 1 00. Free . Its free. Free. Okay. Just bring your bathing suit. Other events, off the top of your head . Well, weve got Milteri Tucker at wave hill, doing bomba y plena on wednesday, the 5th. Weve got the event next saturday, where my partner over here is gonna be performing. Weve got a couple of other events at Lehman Center for the performing arts. Los van van are coming, also, on saturday. Theyre coming from cuba. Okay. Wow. Yeah, and its gonna be they havent been here in a long time, so. Now, did she find you, or you found her . We found each other. You found each other. Its a perfect love story. The stars and moon aligned. [ laughs ] youre performing saturday . At the port morris distillery in the bronx, a wonderful place where they make their own moonshine. Im gonna be debuting my latest video, mi declaraci n, which will be available on youtube the following day. Okay. Are you. Vocalist, singing. Vocalist just by yourself . No, with a live band. Live band . Yeah. How many members . That night, i think itll be like nine. Okay. Wow. So, what do you play, or do you just sing . No, i sing. You sing, and then youre surrounded by guitarists, um. Trombonistas a lot of salsa music. Salsa pura. Mmhmm. Mmhmm. And your inspiration, your who did you look at growing up and saying, i want to be like him one day . Many. I mean, im a nuyorican, as well, so i was influenced by American Music as well as latin music, but, at the time, you know, the willie col ns, the h\ctor lavoes, the marc anthonys, especially, because hes a crooner. That style of voice really, really influenced me. And youre performing covers or original or both . Original. You know, in 96, i signed to warner bros. I had three albums. I recorded with olga taon. I recorded with sergio george, around. All right, luis. Thats fantastic. Um. You have been i mean, i want to give people an in to this. I mean, are you are you preparing for next year as soon as this years over . Absolutely. Really . Yeah, absolutely. Well, you know, this is an entire boroughwide celebration, so its really about putting everything together, getting everybody involved. Port morris distillery was one of the places that said, you know, presente when we said we were doing salsa fest. Right. Of course, wave hill, which is in the riverdale section of the bronx. Not a lot of Puerto Ricans there, but, you know, theyre wednesday. And, you know, theres the Bronx Music Heritage Center is doing something. So, north, south, east, west of the bronx, everywhere throughout the entire bronx, theres something going on. But you say you have acts yes. Im wondering, is the event at the stage where people are so aware of it that theyre calling you instead of you calling them. Yes, absolutely. To say, i want to be a part of it . You know, its so funny, because when salsa fest first started, when i first started my position at the bronx tourism council, i had started in june, so august that first weekend was salsa fest. I didnt really have a great deal of time to really think it through. But when i said, you know, look, were in the condado de la salsa. This is where the pioneers either were born or lived. We have willie col n, ray barretto, the palmieri brothers. La india lived in the bronx, and yomo toro lived in the bronx, and, in fact, we have a bronx walk of fame, and many of these pioneers are on our bronx walk of fame. So, you know, it just made sense for us to make it into an entire month. We had the support of the borough president , rub\n d az jr. , who he himself is really a hiphop guy, but he loves salsa. Of course. And so he just said, you know, this is as does his father, im sure. As does his father. In fact, one of the events is gonna be august 15th in morris park, which is morrison avenue which is his event. My, oh, my. And were bringing orquesta de la luz for that one, and that is a japanese salsa band. And from what i understand, they can play. They they they got it. I dont know. I think they were just born in the wrong culture. All right. Well, sit tight. A few more questions for you. More on salsa fest in the boogie down, in the bronx, and our tiempo Community Calendar, highlighting some upcoming latino events in our area. 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Welcome back to tiempo. Bronx salsa fest under way right now monthlong celebration that brings together some of the boroughs best musicians, photographers, documentarians. Weve been talking with olga luz tirado, from the bronx tourism council, and recording artist luis damon, who is participating in the event. Documentarians, yes . Documentarians, yes. We have a couple of documentaries that are gonna be screened. Okay. The thing about salsa fest it really is about the music. Sure. But its about the genre. Its about the history. Its about really people really getting to know what the roots of salsa was and where its going. So, its not just a good time its an education. Absolutely. As well, for sure. Yes. Yeah. What is this one i saw . Barefoot dancing, learn as you go, in Van Cortlandt park. Yes. Van cortlandt park is doing barefoot dancing, and each thursday, they do a different culture. So, for salsa fest, theyre doing learn how to dance salsa barefoot with your toes on the sa im sorry, on the grass. And thats gonna be taught by nilda tirado no relation. Okay. And its just gonna be a lot of fun. Whats running through your heart when youre youre a part of this. You know, i dont know if you went to it before, but now youre not only going to it, but youre in it. Well, very exciting for me. Being from the bronx and seeing how its growing every year and how culturally it brings everyone together you know, not just Puerto Ricans, hispanics as a whole. Not even hispanics. You know, ive seen africanamericans, all types of cultures just coming together for these events, and its very heartwarming. How long will you play . How longs your set . I do two sets. Im gonna preview my im gonna debut the video and then do two sets. Okay. 40 minutes . Halfhour . About 45 minutes each. Yeah. And then [speaks spanish ] [ laughs ] the party may continue. I dont know. You know, you know how we are. We party. Weve got the website there up on the screen ilovethebronx. Com. Important to check it periodically because things are changing, or. . Were changing, yeah. Sometimes well add you know, an institution will call me and say, listen, can we be on the schedule . Weve got this great event going on. Sure. Absolutely. We put them on the schedule. Okay. So, again, its all about partnerships and its all about bringing everybody together. But thats the place to go to find out the time, the location, the place, if its free, if theres a fee, et cetera. Right. Whats happening at the Woodlawn Cemetery . Oh, thats thats actually im thinking, salsa fest in the cemetery . well, you know, the cemetery has a lot of history. Celia cruz, the queen of salsa, is interred at woodlawn. But were doing a collaboration with Lincoln Center, and its called silent disco, and so everybody gets a headset, and thats where they hear the music. The music is not pumped loud. Its right in their headset. In their headset . And there are times where sometimes different music, so everybodys dancing to a different beat, and its fascinating. Its really a fun thing to watch. Its like Michael Jacksons thriller. Yeah. [ laughs ] the dead have come to life, and theyre dancing in the cemetery. Well, this is can you talk not so much professionally but personally what this means to you . I mean, i know its your job, but its also your love. It is my love. Im a neoyorquina myself. Im a nuyorican. And i was born dancing. As i tell people, you know, when were born, already. Yeah, were movin. Were moving. And so to see this come to fruition the way that to work with people like luis and so many others is just its amazing for me. A thrill. Ive produced before. Ive worked with the greats tito puente, celia cruz. Yeah. Theyve just been fantastic people to work with. Nelson gonz lez also gonna be part of this. Nelson gonz lez is gonna be part of this, and the palladium all stars. Tito rojas. Tito rojas. Wow. Okay. Its, you know olga, thank you. Thank you. Good luck, my friend. Thank you. I hope the youtube views are many, okay . All right. Before we go, we want to take a look at the tiempo Community Calendar for this week. Today at noon, ecuadorian pride on display at the annual ecuadorian day parade in jackson heights, queens, along 69th street all the way up to 86th street. Today as well, in elizabeth, new jersey, the colombian festival, celebrating the traditions and cultures of colombia. You can head to morris avenue from orchard street to julian place and westfield avenue from harrison street to north broad street. Music, food, arts, crafts, vendors, and much more. Also, this coming tuesday, august 4th, legendary boricua singer tito nieves gives a free concert in manhattan at East River Park from 7 00 to 9 00, part of the summer stage concert series. And on thursday of this coming week, a celebration of the origins of boogaloo a free outdoor concert at damrosch park, part of Lincoln Center here in manhattan. Richie ray, pete rodriguez, ray lugo and the boogaloo assassins. Dj turmix hes been on tiempo before spinning his collection of latin boogaloo 45s. It should be a good time. Much simas gracias. We thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. If you missed any part of our show, good news here you can watch it at abc7ny on the web, on your tableta, on your smartphone. Whatever you have, it works. That wraps up another edition of tiempo. Im joe torres

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