USAID supports modenization of Uzbekistan's energy sector
AKIPRESS.COM - USAID representatives participated in the opening of a Modern Communications Room at the Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan on March 15. This venue, established with support from USAID, will serve as a meeting space for both virtual and in-person conferences, workshops, and other occasions.
By 2030, Uzbekistan’s clean energy plan aims to increase the share of renewables to 25 percent of the energy mix. In 10 years, the Government plans to commission 5,000 megawatts (MW) of new solar capacity and 3,000 MW in wind power plants.
USAID has partnered with the Government of Uzbekistan to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the impact of planned renewable energy development on the power grid. The study is being carried out by a working group involving key energy stakeholders, including the Ministries of Energy and Innovative Development, National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan, and a regional Coordinating Dispatch Center “Energiya”.

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