Apr 5, 2021
MARQUETTE — U. P. Poet Laureate finalists Tyler Dettloff and Rosalie Sanara Petrouske will “ring in April with a night of inspired and inspiring words” at 7 tonight via Zoom. Area residents are encoruaged to join Peter White Public Library for this kickoff event to National Poetry Month with some Yooper verse.
Join the Zoom meeting at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84706329213?pwd=U21nSjIyY2NJTjZXRzk1dVpPak04Zz09
Meeting ID: 847 0632 9213
Passcode: 481432
This event is free and open to the public, but donations to the Great Lakes Recovery Centers are welcomed, according to the event announcement. The suggested donation is $15, organizers said.