Eight mph you could see the temperatures and with a little bit cooler but it is very mild near the coast fifty three acre tech fifty one in hampton and his fifty two now in chesapeake along with alpha weve been tracking whether its been off to the west so far and really most of the area in pretty good shape but that will be chances for isolated to scattered showers today the front is going to push through the winds pick up from the north at ten to fifteen mph and thats going to impact those temperatures look for the falling temps falling in the low forties around midday and then will continue to drop later this afternoon by four five oclock i expect temperatures in the upper thirties so does turn cooler ill be back full forecast going to talk about a chance for rain for North Carolina tomorrow and some big improvements as we get into the weekend right now check hr bt good morning ashley watches a good morning craig taking a look at traffic conditions at the hr bt it is early yet but you know never too early to check so heres a live look sixty four eastbound not too far from the title or here Settlers Landing road that that rapper these lanes i should say not much traffic up there at this point making its way to the tunnel to get everything moving nicely really eastbound and westbound no major issues as we head back to the trap of network maps though and had the Chesapeake Bay bridge tunnel when human acts than working thirteen south at the Chesapeake Bay bridge tunnel thats leaving cape charles and headed to Virginia Beach one lane is open. I expect minor delays at least until the tax the clear knowledge of a review when it does and coming up in four forty one check traffic this time norfolk to hampton sixty four westbound at the tar bt as u think so much it is for thirty two later today a scheduled court date for portsmouth mother accused of attacking an administrator or trial school Tracy Lawrence has been charged with assault and battery and Disorderly Conduct police brown is live outside the porch with courthouse with what led up to this violent confrontation Elise Andre Lucy Morris will appear in front of a judge police say she hit an assistant principal at lakeview Elementary Police said. This happened around two thirty yesterday they say they got a call about a disorderly parent in the main office once at School Resource officer got there they sit here it was gone however after doing some digging. They werent more inches at the school discuss a matter involving her child police say she wasnt happy with that outcome and hit the assistant principal on the head causing that administrator to briefly lose consciousness. Police say lawrence was also shouting out were told none of the kids witnessed the incident and that warrant was taken into custody at her home again shell be in court here this morning to face a judge hear her charges and say whether or not shes guilty will keep you updated as this story develops live in Portsmouth Police brown thirteen years now. All right elise thank you on the docket today the case against the travel agent accused of and isle of wight county on gus and passion pong is set to be arraigned this morning a grand jury indicted him on nine felony counts of embezzlement in november auction pong operates great travel in lourdes in Smithfield High School student paid yet to take them on a trip to europe this past summer that trip never happened. Later today the issue of student debt will take center stage on capitol hill student leaders from eighteen virginia colleges will be in attendance. Senators Mark Warner Tim Kaine will also be there. Our area schools that will be represented Christopher Newport University William and mary Hampton University norfolk state and oh do you. This comes as the Senate Debates the Higher Education act a law aimed at making college more affordable. Developing now a legal battle over fifteen hundred dollar fine in portsmouth the partners of the Virginian Pilot reports councilman bill moodys attorney sent a letter to the City Attorney questioning the legality of the fine the city council find Moody Facebook posts that he wrote about a closed meeting no money pay the fine but his attorney claims that we did not violate any Council Rules the problem is that the Facebook Post did not reveal any specific information from a closed meeting and the closed meeting had not even occurred yet when he claims that he was simply keeping people informed the same night the council finds moody is when sheriff bill watson tried to stop there kenny writes for an expired state inspection sticker. Only thirteen years now capture the beauty of the encounter the mayor now faces eluding charges. New this morning a confrontation with a group of crooks in norfolk ends with gunfire and a man in the hospital please tell us several men approached the twenty two year old victim he was in his car on linwood avenue around seven oclock last night that blended in the victims arm he is reportedly were reportedly drove himself to his house on pierce street and then call police is expected to be okay. Call help police all this gunfire outside a restaurant in Virginia Beach after a robbery victim shot at his alleged attackers. It happened last night at the mcdonalds on bonney road in south independence Boulevard Police tell us that the victim went there to buy a cell phone but the seller and two other people rob him the victim shot the men as they ran away missing the suspects. The victim suffered minor injuries if you know anything about this call the crime line plans to carry out a terrorist all attack on us soil. Oil is right where police say that you plan to carry out a mass shooting and how they caught involving the militia that we offered women a mystery beauty treatment. Right now . Yeah that sounds great could they guess what it was . Very rich and smooth. Really creamy. I keep touching my face. So what had we used . Just water was added to this . My skin definitely feels much more radiant. That sense of having like smooth dewy skin only dove has 1 4 moisturizing cream for smoother, more radiant skin. Dove, your daily beauty. Its a good start to the day temperatures are pretty mild right now but its going to turn all lot cooler as the day wears on that we have another warm up to look forward to and head to the weekend right now visibility is good for the downtown Area Temperatures i mention mile that the coast but it is much cooler and when temperatures in the forties out to the west we do still have low fifties so near the coast we stepped outside early if you live near the water were over the eastern half of the viewing area so its not too bad right now it really isnt but we have some showers out there around the richmond area you could see extending off to the northeast in all this has been tracking basically east northeast so a lot of the stuff initially staying off to the north for the early part of a commute were still in great shape but you get to see when we figured the future caster few showers most of that concentration the north and west and there you see it temperatures will fall as the day continues so as we head through the mid to late morning chances for a few isolated to scattered showers and starts to creep a little closer here. This is nine am and said being in the fifties were back into the low to mid forties and in mid to upper forties down to the south but that cooling trend continues as the front passes and pushes down to the south went to pick up in the north now looking at low forties around midday right around forty two at noon. Scattered showers down across North Carolina and later this afternoon the temperatures will continue to fall and were going to see temperatures dipping into the upper thirties by Late Afternoon so it does turn cooler today make sure you take a heavier coat with a few going to be out for awhile. I know that smile right now. Colder air coming but dont worry it will warm up again for the weekend. She then a couple minutes right now cash is going to show us whats happening around norfolk and not too bad around norfolk right now craig heres a live and westbound around for a few so if youre headed to the hr bt raking away away from it. I like to ride on both sides as of right now things are to pick up later this morning i let you now for now head back to the Traffic Network mask of the same story a williamsburg sixty four east and west moving very well so if youre headed for newport news passing ball stage or eight seventy five headed toward richmond passing newman also at seventy five miles an hour as you can see the rest of the area doing well to watch an accident at the Chesapeake Bay bridge tunnel though for how the ladies there and at the midtown tunnel coming up next take usc ten o four forty one its flu or false week here on daybreak and today its all about mans best friend that writes i had begun to de bunk a few minutes about the flu virus donkey sound elephant sound theres a big difference between making noise, tapping sound and making sense. elephant sound donkey sound when it comes to Social Security, we need more than lip service. Our next president needs a real plan to keep Social Security strong. elephant noise hey candidates. Enough talk. Theres been a deadly development to a standoff between federal authorities and a militia that took over a Federal Building and an oregon wildlife refuge. Fbi agents try to make an arrest last night shots were fired killing one person still no information about the person who died. Agents took six others into custody including the groups leader came on monday. Now they face several charges the group sees the building earlier this month after a dispute over developing story continues on Good Morning America that is ahead at seven oclock right after daybreak for forty five new this morning fbi agents a wisconsin man they arrested planned to commit a mass shooting said he has me is accused of planning an attack on a masonic temple in milwaukee the fbi was originally tip top back and september that he planned to travel to israel to kill soldiers and citizens. He reportedly abandoned that plan because it was too difficult and instead decided on a domestic attack. Good morning america is live in washington d c with more on this developing story. Six Cleveland Police officers have been fired and six more suspended for the roles in the deaths of two unarmed people. After high speed chase in twenty twelve officers fired more than one hundred and thirty shots at Timothy Russell and Melissa Williams only one of the officers Face Criminal Charges and a court acquitted him back in may. Its not clear yet whether he was among the officers who work vowing to fight the firings new information about the doctor who was caught on camera having a meltdown with an uber driver in south florida now an ollie ran to santa has now been placed on administrative leave from her job the driver says he was picking up another fair in miami when before your neurology resident tried to jump into the carton i can see the video they might remember him for jumping into that car throwing the drivers personal items out of the window it all went national. However miami police say no incident report was filed in this and get this abc has an exclusive interview with rand cousin thats right after daybreak at seven oclock on Good Morning America this morning a big mountain skier who survived a brush with death is now speaking out Angel Collins and was filming for the movie paradise awaits in alaska last spring she says that he she hit an icy patch and that caused her to tumble more than a thousand beats collison says that when she realized the speed of her into self protection mode as i was stumbling i covered my face and protected my head with my arms tonight candidates hold on until i stopped on believable most amazingly suffered only minor injuries the fall was captured on camera by Teton Gravity Research which last week was really released the footage on youtube as part of its twenty six teen safety week. There is a stunning piece of river right there an amazing deal. He is able to get up and walk around today is out now salt lake before we came here this is even one seventeen eighteen years ago they would do these amazing ski videos and some of the places that these crews to get skiers and to think how in the world yes could they get there and had me get i get out of the helicopters come up and those folks are amazing but obviously cant make a bad term fortunately shes okay our weather today starting off warm but you know its coming right back into bed turn as well that was it about that right now but the cool and we had today is not the last real long and before we go just celebrating want remember it is january said these cold snaps are not necessarily a bad thing just dont have to deal with snow and ice in with this particular round today is going to turn cooler temperatures yesterday officially reaching sixty six degrees. What an afternoon no priests if yes daily average forty eight today it will be much below average through the afternoon were starting off those pretty close to fifty degrees is actually in the low fifties near the coast and we do have the cooler conditions farther inland. Notice that downward trend temperatures falling to about forty degrees around five oclock maybe upper thirties later this afternoon and into the evening certainly you see the showers out to the west we do have High Pressure that will build in for a beautiful weekend but today a chance for isolated to scattered showers and then as we go through opportunities for showers mainly in North Carolina winter to come in from the north and as we take it through the afternoon thats what were already looking at again. Ive seen scattered showers this morning but later this afternoon skies gradually starting to clear off to the north i still think very bleak cloudy down to the south were going to see the north Winds Continuing and then tomorrow the chances for showers mainly over eastern North Carolina to see the wet weather down around the outer banks tomorrow morning and is the day wears on those chances for showers down that way well find the conditions will dry off to the north and west but still a chance for the shower for eastern North Carolina. Even through the afternoon early evening tomorrow. One sister does move outs guys are going to clear out and went to see wes was developing it is going to warm up as we head into weekend so really well deal with those isolated to scattered showers this morning a break late in the day and then tomorrow down across North Carolina after that things are good with another warm up to the weekend temperatures and wind little cooler forty from many areas it is fifty williamsburg to see temperatures in the low fifties are on hand to norfolk back to Virginia Beach right now the windsor southwest thats at the airport going to see the wind shifting to the north and that sets up the cooler conditions said today temperatures falling into the upper thirties by Late Afternoon there is a chance for a few showers lows tonight near thirty one invariably cloudy a chance for shower late better chances for showers mainly in North Carolina tomorrow as we take a look at the seven day forecast yet to find the sunshine the weekend looking to get up on my sunday and sixty from monday to early next week we started off well above normal. Lets go check on the midtown tunnel heres ashley. All right craig as we check traffic between norfolk and portsmouth. You can even make out behind me here on the maps and theres the midtown tunnel right there on a deep green there on both sides on the map says we give you a live look at our camera that will pretty conditions are very light and steady at the midtown tunnel eastbound lane westbound lane know the issues to report hopefully itll stay this way into the rush hour. Ill let you know if that changes but for now back on the Traffic Network maps we head over to stop and fifty eight and four sixty moving very well you can see this morning. No big issues there so if youre headed eastbound its making way towards six sixty four queen co point enhancement only taking eight minutes and thats pretty good for us as we approach that six sixty four interchange that arent too bad with all other acts and thirteen south of the Chesapeake Bay bridge tunnel we are down one lane minor delays there and coming up at five oclock traffic is still moving pretty well and won sixty four the western freeway us and Health Officials now confirm theres another case of the fast for both seriously . Where do you think youre going . To work, with you. Its taco tuesday. Youre not coming. I took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. Oh, right then ill swing by in like 4 hours. Forget the tacos one pill lasts 12 hours. Im good all day. Wait your loss. I was going to wear a sombrero. Only mucinex has a bilayer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. Not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. Ditch the misery. A major health alert this morning for areas that the virus has made it into virginia the state Health Department confirms a person in the Northwestern Region of the commonwealth tested positive for the virus. We called it right get out more information on an exact location but officials told us the citys name will not be released. State leaders also will tell us of any more about this patient who was infected with virus. All we know is the person contracted the virus while traveling than a dozen others confirmed his ego viruses cases in the us now has the virus is a mosquito borne virus transmitted by a certain type of mosquito no treatment or vaccine available as it stands right now the Virginia Department of health says says it is not the most mosquito season here the patient with the z virus poses no risk to other virginians experts say you are a risk if you travel to warmer climates and countries where the virus is found the outbreak is in many tropical countries including honduras mexico and puerto rico because of the outbreak United Airlines and american are offering refunds to passengers with tickets to the affected areas knows the virus symptoms include fever rash and joint pain and red eyes but the cdc says that eighty percent of people infected dont show any symptoms. Eighty percent the biggest concern with zeke that it could cause life threatening brain damage to unborn babies hence the emphasis in all the pregnant women stories expectant mothers to stay away from countries where there are those infections well now there are concerns about how busy the virus could affect the olympics which are in brazil this year look for much more on this developing story ahead on Good Morning America at four fifty six its floorball sweet hero thirteen is now daybreak were breaking down the fact and fiction when it comes to that nasty virus what we do that kind of cushion the blow little bit we want to give you a chance to win a five hundred dollars visa gift card every single day this week will be given that they break down the six oclock hour to learn this special keyword ago to thirteen is not com click on the features tab and enter for chance to win iowa state advisor that warm weather that we had yummy roast regular tracking rain and the return of much cooler temperatures and frightening combating crime in norfolk a local Business Owners and police are teaming up to lessen the risks breaking at a homeless encampment in i love that were spending the weekend together. 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