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The Virginia State police the trailer the opportunity to meet with the governor and now he does best and try to be a short and tell them that hate to say virginia would do all we can to try to help lead the south lakes was also there he got a chance to talk family extensively and he joins me right now understandably wants me to talk about virginians coming through for each other on that because before the family bed with the governor and then trailer they were getting fed up by American Red Cross workers and theyre also being consoled by members of a nearby church and tonight here and their spirits were lifted but they had tears running down their faces and people reaching out to the hands to hold them to show we support you we care for you and we are there for you. This is robin why one of the relatives so i had a chance to speak when she us crib in the room because my mother in law and grandson and great grandchildren my sister lost her son and grandson and my niece was with her brother so my family his very very difficult right now. Corporate raiders. Its what we know they do need your support right now i just got this and from sussex way for lateness of the county treasurer told her rather the fun that we can call if you like to contribute or tornado find to help the families here and thats four three four two four six one zero eight seven four three four two four six one zero eight seven and the family is trying to get a go fund me account established we dont have all of this information on virginia is now dot com but people are pulling for that men are telling me just about an hour ago that he is encouraging people to donate because they lost everything the cast of almost all the way you can imagine three family members and also dealing with all your belongings as well behind us and see the her here again is just devastating yet know the good thing is that we know people are always willing to rally around the image and i dont making your mark set in to see this later on this show its all about good people doing good things you know and i was about bands and where the man was being dropped and i can tell you the phones were ringing from people all of the country and there was a pastor from the talkers was that discharge into the nearby taking all these phone calls and people are donating water in the military without your mind is open today to say this coming up later in the show. Nah right and there is a state of emergency was declared and that means that a number of different state agencies were activated including the National Guard so they were here about eight soldiers in waverly. They had their chainsaws they told me that hey were here to do whatever the president s me thats what were here for one soldier told me that he actually helped the lady get the tree off of her house on mayfield just a little ways away so theyre here and as a kind giving the residents here are a lot of reassurance also here with the stains were dragged out and she is following some other way early recovery and spot on along with the tough part will get to that in a little while but in the front back to you. Regina and david the governor was here was to get an opportunity to talk with him. Were going to have that interview coming up a little bit later he has been said this is a statewide tell me that about fourteen tornadoes hit in the state if it ended yesterday with a lot from him coming up at four thirty that i think jenna Severe Weather also struck in mathematics near lynchburg one victim Seventy Eight year old Edward Harris died last night. Responders found his body near his home in evergreen. Strong winds knocked over trees and power lines and damaged homes many people are still without power and might not get it back until tomorrow. Damage in evergreen where horse was found dead is the most extensive and we take longer time to repair. We want to extend our deepest condolences to those affected by this tragedy and we will Work Together as a community over the upcoming weeks to support one another keep each other safe and overcome the challenges that this natural event has brought to apparatus local schools of the week. Residents are collecting donations food and clothes for families have been forced by the store the ef one tornado that ripped through waverly yesterday cause serious damage as you just saw from janet their way from heres a look at the enhanced f scale for tornado damage an ef zero has sixty five to eighty five mph gusts and creates like damage and if one has cost between eighty six and one hundred and ten mph and creates moderate damage if to ask us up to one hundred and thirty five mph and ef three one hundred and sixty five mph any of four causes devastating damage and an ef five tornado has cost over two hundred mph creating obviously incredible damage winds are still up after last night were looking at a blustery evening ahead for hampton and the virginia air and space center that youre seeing right there looks like a pretty nice afternoon of just how blustery night off its going to go down a weve seen gus the times today up around forty mph again lot of sunshine a few clouds sort of filtering it out every once in awhile nothing on radar that is the good news so lets talk about the wins as well as the temp job so were down and down in a big weight compared yesterday some spots almost twenty degrees average is probably twelve twelve is twelve to fourteen year across most of the seven cities in the metro area these are the current wind gusts thirty six mph right now up in newport news thirty down there in current top heres a thirty five and hampden looks like thirty three in portsmouth so when tsar again pretty gusty overnight were going to watch more into the evening again a tiny bit of a let up but theyll still be gusting late this evening. Well up into the thirties in a few spots occasionally near forty notice how it gets slightly better in the middle the night only gusting up to mid thirties and then as we get in the Morning Hours will start to see the gust that only twenties to near thirty so ill be listing changed my definitely quite breezy but disgusting they are sustained winds will start to decrease a little bit so again pretty but it will be windy tonight will be cold lot a lot more coming up in just few minutes all right jeff and in terms of traffic also watching now some high wind issues there as well the dot has issued high wind advisories for the james river bridge the monitor merrimack and the coleman bridge are coming from the dock that doesnt mean that we have elaine close it just ask you to be very very careful as you cross the bridge and head to any towels especially around the monitor merrimack right now though i do want to head up the chesapeake take a look at their teen years now track the camera very busy situation here on for sixty four south and this is what this place where you can either take one sixty eight south or make your way toward seventeen south and its seventeen sell them right here we have an oil spill and exit making its way toward seventeen and dominion boulevard so if youre trying to get over there just keep going straight to one sixty eight south to green bridge boulevard troopers boulevard to route seventeen. Our second camera quickly in norfolk we had to sixty four westbound on military highway this team is clearing but a broken down bus ah partially blocking the right lane theyre not causing nearly as much of a delay of about just a few mins but the rest of your alerts and delays for the afternoon commute i thanks ashley now the storm didnt just happen in Waverly Newport news is also dealing with some storm damage our coverage of the storms. Cleanup will take many days and weeks can people who live there are doing a lot of work today of course assessing the damage to their homes christinas or jiggle joints now live in a governor mccollum was in town look at that damaged friends in the dying like you mention today is about cleaning up and recovering and moving on from what this tornado did to this small town not exactly we can see it happening right behind me just about an hour ago be thrown in this small neighborhood thats just about a quarter mile from where the company me in paths of the main stream came down during the storm last night the incident that has the power lines here are all affected those who live here you can see the homes are Still Standing but there is a whole lot of damage and there is no power. People tell me theyre trying really hard to get back into their dorm get their neighborhoods clean up and liking the governor recalled that was a big topic of discussion today perhaps as a major but as i say our heart goes out everybodys been working very hard to get power back to those of lost our First Responders on teams out of the damn team is up our situation was up and managing that didnt get everybody out there out of our team really did run hard right now those cleanup crews are out here i am seeing the various animals the dominion power crews checking on the power lines around here as well everything is going to take a long time i spoke to many residents who live in this theyre talking about a blessing to try to be alive but yet they have a lot to get back to normal and much more on this the later shows reporting live in a way to resuscitate the news and finance also in recovery mode tonight several spots in newport news suffered extensive storm damage downed trees and power lines made it difficult to maneuver around cedar lane and helton section of the city Center Parker was there and found that there were some very tense moments when the storm read hank says but nothing like the one that hit his newport news neighborhood Late Wednesday afternoon he says it was the scariest thing hes ever been involved in talking to my wife on the phone because weve got some warnings on the phone purse and storms come in and all the sudden sound like the rope was gonna come off so we quickly hung up with his wife tabitha i dont want the cover i did not move to whatever he was concerned about all the large trees that surround his home trying to find a place that would be safe the trees are coming down on how it sounded like it came to my backyard ten second thing that knocked down both of our trees just like that. He also took down a power line in the process but luckily he was safe his wife on the other hand was at work frantically waiting for him to call it that hes like oh my gosh i guess i gotta go i gotta go so i was like ok ok so we hit the fan and im like frantic at work and i watched myself and mike appeared and then not any time later he called me back and said that it was over awhile to get home and the destruction and damage she saw on the way especially down cedar lane was overwhelming at times. Now just like i hope everything is ok the house so i was very heavy ball down the thread and see my having seen with a few of our neighbors are just checking out the demons and so now the cleanup. Now take a while in newport news Center Parker thirteen years now. Discuss the wind already lets discuss how long that wind continues to bring these chilly temperatures in the region and actually going to be even colder here the next couple of days lets take a look at clear skies again right now on radar here locally but off to the north we have some very light precipitation best chance of showers can be well up toward areas of delaware maryland cant completely rule out a little bit of sprinkle maybe parts of Mackinac County little bit later on or the Northern Neck but really or windy night actually with temperatures starting to fall theyve been falling throughout the day and the warmest countries were earlier this morning right now at fifty three wins and the west doesnt seem too bad ten mph but i showed d the gusts are what really doing it it stays at ten mph right now in norfolk and then gus up in the thirties many many times each hour rising very mature pressure currently a warmer fifty seven in chesapeake. Some part across most of our inland areas as well and then a get well back in the center virginia start to see some upper forties is fifty seven at the beach as well some fifty four is from mo yak down into northeast North Carolina for this evening notice the wind streams continuing fairly briskly out of the west. Thats why weve seen again the clearing partially because that wind of the west is a dryer direction for us and thats going to help to drive those temperatures down not as low as they would go free in a northerly or northwest league win would be even colder wind to see readings this evening dropping back through the forties and again these are air temperatures that will feel even chili or because of the wind probably at least five and probably more like ten degrees at times colder than it actually is. Notice in the morning number thirty s to near forty around the coastline and then we get back in when were talking mid thirties and then tomorrow we dont go up the whole hide only into the mid forties or upper forties for highs with a decent man a sunshine is just not going to do much to really help those temperatures recover at all heres this huge system spinning around and notice on the backside the snow continuing generally west the mountains but specially up into pennsylvania places Like State College some decent downpours of us know few snow showers tonight and thirty nine partly cloudy windy and chilly winds gusting over thirty five cm are over twenty five with the gusts are not as bad forty six for the high with breezy and then on saturday only forty four but we jump right back up to fifty nine on sunday sixty two monday still near sixty tuesday on those days clear and we have a chance of rain moving in by mid week as temperatures will cool off behind the next front i think stuff whenever Tragedy Strikes they are always people willing to help those in need were taking a l we stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. 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Lots of efforts are underway to help people in waverly get back on their feet after the tornado people are already eager to pitch in and how less outgoing shows is how the tragedy the nissan and a marriage and are so many people now want to make their mark and respond to the folks here waverly the loss of lives they want to be there for them and their time of need and i got a chance to go into the center where the man the tears on the resources coming and i cant do it with me let me talk to on call chaplain joseph paul from the top spot Baptist Church in nearby zoo not his phone was ringing off the hook all morning long. And thats a good thing tackle on me and jack enjoyed the water i work with her body was working at this early the next part will be the same to me that she lets you choose to tackle from williamsburg seventeen thirty four tomorrow. How awesome is that its very awesome. Its humbling that phone every time it rains what made this come the menu the witches out the dough was light headed when the lights the way it serves a reminder that so true we never called anybody tell we havent asked anyone anyone thats called this morning has called out of the contents of the goodness of their own parts to the people they really were praying for you we know things are going to get better. We know that times are tough now but we know theres a greater good things will get better like the seven calvary is coming to a guy more than sixty five calls want him on his abdomen table although martin tragedy here is a one out down there on the press Box Grocery Store is on the governor a couple minutes ago brought me there tomorrow morning. Fold together and see how they were back to try to sell amazing stuff that stuff will continue to keep you updated with the latest Waverly Office the chief of Naval Operations addresses a oh i know we have continuing coverage on the destruction in waverly im Regina Mobley and im david l and nine j roche getting a firsthand look at the devastation here in waverly. Janet you been on the ground for several hours now its one thing to see it crop and edit it on tv. How is it different when youre seeing it up close and personal. Well its amazing regina when you first see the damage to think how can somebody survive like what you see behind me this house behind me. Two people were inside i can look in there now i see a lampshade i see a small teddy bear i see a standing lamp i see other inside that home when a tornado blew through reasonable frozen you can just imagine and then over here we can swing over to show you Something Else a house that fell into a tree when im told is that that tree actually caught on fire and in the house caught on fire they are the people managed to escape the bad house so theyre a lot of different stories of survival people certainly thankful that they made it out of this alive this is main street to go down the walk to turn on mayfield is a mess there some trailer homes theres that laundry mat youve probably seen some of those pictures were the dryers are just sitting out on the street when the governor was here a little while ago he was able to tour around and shook some hands he tried to reassure residents and i got an opportunity to talk to him one on one of them and what are your impressions about what youre saying he thinks im content at how proud we are once again overdue first or state police local Law Enforcement the damn personnel. Weve got folks on the ground everywhere we went to maddox and our hero i mean same thing happened an example he sponsored terror but also a tragedy you know we just met with the family of three fatalities that we had are so sad. Lily lost everything they had clothes on the back whatever cash they had was blown away school books gone up. Really you imagine having nothing and then of course the tragedy of three fatalities so we had one fatality of mathematics we have two individuals and serious very Critical Condition so you know we think its total five you dont know for sure and obviously could go up to the people in hospitals today so property damages loss of human life and maybe thirteen different tornadoes touch down virginia street. So this is a statewide event was just very hard you dont know all the sudden when ones going to pop down and you know creates a very difficult to get the warnings out there for you just dont know where it will strike and a view of what happened here the trailer just really picked up thrown across the street in three human lives lost nearly half hour before werent playing in their talent that we touch the next store neighbor he adjusts to see the gentleman in a two year old son and around the yard. Sad. What were you able to tell them what told state do every week and that we would help them well whatever federal aid we could also give them but also told that we would reach out just on tv. Please tell virginians make a donation how they have no clothes and nothing and for virginians to come on step up and help your fellow virginian there really tiny and fragile now is this good job does a better well when you hear him talk about you know one minute everything is normal and then the next minute youre just in shock he cant believe what has happened. You also heard him mention that missing is a statewide team and it is a statewide event and there are a lot of Power Outages in newport news joe flanagan joins us live from their job or looking at some of the Recovery Efforts going on the peninsula try to ensure are here right now new purdues this massive tree fell on this house on eightieth street come with me crews have been out here all day long doing things like clearing the brush away so this family can finally return theyre gone now. For ago and the man he could accommodate camera phone warning the warning came on the phone said wasabi into not expect this to his neighbors house next door storm rolled in and the old tree in the backyard ernie is treated to purdues fell on the back of the house with someone in that back bedroom resting and just a few blocks away on orkut avenue well i was in the bedroom and there was some really loud bangs back hear loud noises back here and with all the women everything i didnt even hear what was this until the lights strobe of the bark to reveal the branch had fallen on the support line to the power pole and brought it down. Crews spent the day putting the full backup and restoring power to these residents here main line coming through there would be to all these houses is on the ground back then that this was the scene on cedar people who live here say the storm was just devastating to see you dont have to have to play in the habit and you have to do what youre going to do a head attached to Something Like this happens and back our lives. Dominion virginia power tells us that ninety percent ninety five percent of the customers should be back online as we speak right now coming up at five thirty more on these areas here in newport news live into purdues joe flanagan thirty news now on right joe thank you very much more evidence that this was just a statewide event not just here in waverly although the destruction here is pretty bad confined to a three mile radius but uh you know if you live within those three miles you see this on tv all the time to hear about it you never pay that is going to be you one day so thats whats happening to many of the residents here ten structures destroyed the damage and to talk more about that talk more about what the governor is doing and how so many people are rallying around to try to help the residents here in waverly get back to normal back to you guys. Kingston and long road to recovery lets turn now to jeff lawson with more on the remaining strong winds in half and was quite tough yeah obviously theyre not as strong as yesterday but theyre still Strong Enough to cause some problems out there. Luckly nothing on radar but we do see a couple sprinkles way up toward the Northern Neck maybe eventually toward Mackinac County for this evening temperatures look culturally they get back down through the forties very quickly from the fifties where they are now actually had highs early today from a sixty and theyve been falling as weve gone through the afternoon as that rush of cold air comes in at the westbrook showed actual wind speeds. Earlier in the terms of the predictions overnight and most of the night they go from lets say upper thirties are near forty early down to thirty by morning his actual wind speed but look when you combine that with the air temperature how cold it will feel going to the evening hours it will feel like the thirties and then overnight it will feel like the thirties or even in some spots down into the twenties the wins tomorrow it will be breezy and temperatures will be chilly and thatll make it feel even colder than the air temp job again in terms of any kind of damage or anything. The winds that ease a little bit overnight continue to ease a little bit during the day tomorrow so at least is some good news guys except a lot of our focus today is but of course on the folks in waverly but we still have rush hour we still have some traffic unsure yeah we still have some delays with a big issue in chesapeake and i do want to get to that in just a moment by jeff has been talking about the high winds weve seen it on our camera some of our live shots as well and thats also impacting traffic so we head now to the jr b does give you a live look at one of the bridge is actually dealing with a high wind advisory coming from the doc wanted to show you this carol because you can see forth out there is the popes cross the bridge years or southbound traffic at isle of wight county northbound making its way to newport news. When we get those alerts from the dot it does not mean we have any restrictions and our bridges it just means we really be careful with both hands on the wheel stay focused stay alert and watch out for drivers to the left in the right of you you should be in decent shape the coleman bridge between yorktown in gloucester also under high wind advisory from the dock as well as the monitor merrimack and now lets talk a little bit about delays because of a substantial one just because we had our second camera i mention this at the top of the show here for sixty four southbound heres the split when you can either take one sixty eight south expressway there or make your way to dominion boulevard a big scene right now due to earlier oil spill and that scene is still very much active here you can not access the main boulevard south. Ah from right here seem to have to keep going straight and take one sixty eight south great bridge at least a two mile backup to military highway. If you can hop off on military and taken around the side streets and primary roads that might be better than heading over to one sixty eight south of the sea not continue to advisory is continuing to roll and would have the latest for you throughout thirteen years now. Thanks ashley we will keep you up to date on the storms path on air online and on social media. Heres a look at the storm damage in waverly from lisa abraham theses on the field. Follow her tweets on halfback thirteen years now. More on the storm damage next and the navys top. I yes another major story tonight in the mix of several rounds of layoffs at Hampton Roads private shipyards the navys chief of Naval Operations toward the a e systems the operation already has seen two rounds of layoffs weve told you about that i was told they could face more cuts in the weeks to calm as could other yarns including talk to the sea and all about what the navy can do to help. Well david regina as you know the ship repair Ship Construction industries round here been hammered to private shipyards of already laid off hundreds of workers they could lay off more as good a thirty yard. The cia now says he wants to improve communications between the navy and the shipyards i did a terrific visit out to be easy and it was goodd because i got to talk to the general managers there and they made it very clear that this is a real challenge chief of Naval Operations admiral John Richardson fully aware of the impact that on certain ab funding is having on Hampton Roads private shipyards more than fifteen hundred workers have been laid off and more still could lose their jobs this year the key to this is to make clearly as possible and so i think that that is moving in the right direction the cna said much of the problem dates back to three years ago and the automatic budget cuts related to sci quest ration cuts that could come back two years from now unless congress stops now. Were still recovering from that year sega station in two thousand and thirteen. You know its going to three years later. So for another year sci quest ration is just another activity that would have to be out for at all costs to one of the sea quest ration of uncertainty are fun we caught up with admiral richardson after whats called an all hands call with twelve hundred local sailors there among other things he talked about integrating women into all jobs in the navy in response to a question about removing the word manna from sailor rating titles. Additionally when asked about the navy allowing personnel to carry personal firearms. He stressed the importance of force protection in general return to seven month deployments reporting live mike and thirteen is now well summer is coming of course and teens and young adults can now mark their calendars for a Summer Job Fair opportunity and the Youth Career Center of Hampton Roads will host its Fourth Annual teen summer opportunity fair event is set for march third from five oclock until seven at the Pembroke Mall in Virginia Beach for more information visit the thirteen news now website Malaysia Airlines is back in the news tonight a woman is suing Malaysia Airlines and the government for seven point six Million Dollars in damages over the loss of her husband on flight three seventy disappeared back in twenty fourteen lawyers say more lawsuits are expected over the next few days have a two year filing deadline of the air accident sent by a global aviation agreement three florida pregnant women test positive for the z virus after traveling outside the United States that is department of health the governor requests that the cbc send two hundred fifty additional Antibody Test kits to the state according to the cdc is eco virus symptoms last between seven to ten days crewmembers are safe after a twenty five foot coast guard vessel flipped over while assisting a fishing boat that ran aground off new york city five coast guard members wearing protective gear swam ashore in queens after their boat capsized following an overnight storm and orange coast guard helicopter dispatched from Atlantic City lloyd grove is to get them they were taken to hospital for observation. There were no reports of injuries back to waverly now and how the storm damage is impacting roommates who return home for the First Time Since the tornado hit least brown is born how they describe the moment the heavy winds to my mind was oh my god is a tornado with the kitchen with one of the new york coming right at them for me to lisa jan when in paulo going to cover all i can think about was iraq but he lives in this thing every lessons and nine year old im going to think about it. This she write here just exploded backwards and all the stuff came into the house and i was standing right here. She was screaming all summer to calm down calm the shaking stopped and went past the damage coming to movie this is just destruction pure but this disaster is all too real nearly a day later the shock is still just as powerful as buddies and watch her reaction as when it brushes against her face an eerie experience. Listen to the land below the tears and blow it just like flashback least brown thirteen years now and stay with this we will keep you updated on storm damage and Recovery Efforts there in waverly throughout our newscast in light of the Severe Weather we experienced is important to be prepared the Virginia Department of Emergency Management is asking people to sign up for a statewide tornado drill next month the drill is set for march twenty second at nine forty five in the morning Emergency Management officials want to remind everyone that tornadoes can strike at anytime of the year but they are more common during the summer months. In fact i was reading some statistics today this is the First Time Ever in recorded virginia history that we know of that weve had deaths from tornadoes in february so its not uncommon for us to get tornadoes this time of year but for them to actually kill somebody is very very rare we when the get the more numerous storms in the bigger storms which usually are a little bit later in the spring and on into the summer as we just heard so nothing on radar right now here locally a couple of small little areas of precipitation really more like few sprinkles that probably dont even make it down the ground off to the north nice looking the sunset setting up out there weve got obviously sunshine interspersed occasionally with some clouds this evening temperatures will be dropping back to the upper forties a little bit cooler maybe in one area is definitely still windy and chilly will call a partly cloudy in that wind gusting as high as thirty or more mph peak wind gust today forty five in newport news almost that same number in williamsburg round forty in wakefield in Virginia Beach close to it. Norfolk and suffolk a forty one so everybody fairly tightly confined there to that forty to forty five almost mile per hour range. Meanwhile temperatures the highs were earlier in the morning sixty three degrees in or fact and to go down after that they were still relatively mild well above normal during the afternoon just not as warm as earlier in the day westerly Winds Continuing into the evening bringing some of that chili or erin that on the other side of the mountains bring it across the eastern portions here virginia and dropping our temperatures back her into and through the forties and will continue down into the thirties for most areas overnight farther into the thirties when she get in line at the coastline will tend to be especially right near the beach is a little bit more like upper thirties to near forty and then tomorrow morning despite couple of hours of sunshine by nine nine thirty is only going to be up through the lower forties in most spots at that point and top out mid to maybe at best upper forties tomorrow afternoon so we dont go up the typical amount for morning afternoon that we normally see this time of year in a saturday morning starting all this is nine oclock and we stopped at six oclock which i did but readings down in the twenties for the inland areas and now as you can see the afternoon looking even slightly chilly air or colder than the friday afternoon temperatures here those cold readings i was talking about obviously very evident with snow occurring west of the mounds that its really cold and that westerly wind sweeping in here still tonight. So thirty nine the Metro Locations mid thirties are lower when she get back into more rural spots winds gusting up to thirty mph times mile forty six a lot of sunshine still quite breezy but not as windy as today with winds out of the northwest as part of the reason its getting a little bit chilly here is the win coming more from the northwest in the west might thirty and some twenties though for inland areas then the seven day forecast forty six and pretty similar chill but slightly lower temperatures even on saturday with forty four on or probably feel pretty similar. Because the wendell be a little bit less on saturday and sunday fifty nine thats going to be nice be pretty pleasant and then a chance of rain moving in by mid week as we see a little bit of a front moved through and drop readings again on thursday. I think stuff we are just three days away from the oscars six thousand two hundred and sixty one ballots were sent out to the voting members this year on paper and online the twenty four when the ballots are locked into different saves until oscar sunday. Lapd carries a suitcase taking a different route into the oscar red carpet. We control everything from the time they go out indicated with security codes and those come back to us. We then have those in an undisclosed location. So far there have been six ties and Oscar History and to make sure the company that prints the winning cards in our beloved doesnt know who the winners are they print a card for every single nominee pricewaterhousecoopers then places the correct card can join thirteen is now for a big oscar celebration on sunday the party is free and open to the public you get to mingle with some of the thirteen years now personalities at lasalle the emcee the event the doors open at seven forty five sunday night it has that covered meadows cinema cafe Near Town Center in Virginia Beach. We look forward to seeing you there so you can mark your calendars if you cant make it you can tweet us using hashtag thirteen oscars stories of heartbreak and survival coming out of waverly tonight thats where and destroyed many many homes im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Her lifes work has been about breaking barriers. And so would her presidency. Which is why, for every american whos not being paid what theyre worth. Whos held back by student debt or a system tilted against them and there are far too many of you she understands that our country cant reach its potential. Unless we all do. Together. I found all six people guilty on all charges in the kevin quick murder trial four suspects were charged with murder of the Waynesboro Reserve Police captain while the other two were found guilty of being gang ring quick was reported missing several Days Later Police found his body in Linn County Police say he was kidnapped and killed after leaving his mothers house after announcing a ten thousand dollar reward for information on more than a dozen dead bald eagles in the maryland area more agencies have come together to increase that reward the center for biological diversity is offering up of fifteen thousand dollars reward bringing the total reward to twenty five thousand just two days ago a Natural Resource Police Officer said there was a chance that poison kill those birds bald eagles are no longer considered endangered in maryland but its still illegal for people to kill them. The virginia General Assembly passed legislation regulating the fast growing but in battle online fantasy industry lawmakers gave final approval to legislation that formally legalize and regulate sites like fan duel and raf kings similar bills are pending in other states Fantasy Sports or band in now goes to governor mcauliffe as all we have for you today at four thirty news now in five starts with our continuing coverage of the devastation in waverly that is a tornado the reality of the devastation still sinking in. I can think about was iraq but he lives a thing of analysis. A tornado hits waverly leaving behind miles of leveled homes and downed trees. One familys greatest loss of three lives including a young boy even though we knew that we gain back what we understand a family in waverly is mourning right now after two man and a two year old boy died in yesterdays tornado last night storm through fifty year old larry turner twenty six year old year old ian lewis from their mobile home. The devastation that ef one tornado left behind you see some of it right there is difficult to comprehend house is completely torn apart and trees up. We are dedicating nearly all our resources into covering this big story. Our reporters are talking to survivors in our meteorologists are assessing the damage we start our Team Coverage tonight with thirteen is now anchored weight for hire and jayden day that i am midway really im on main street right in the middle of the towel. Lots of devastation here on main street to go down the street or a little bit turned the corner on to mayfield you see a lot of destruction interesting story i want to share with you about seven feet away from me is a group home its a mobile home. No damage at all. I talked to the people work at that group home they were inside at the time when the storm blew were screaming and hollering they ran one round into a hallway one ran and hid under a desk. They were terrified they could tell that whatever was going on it was bad when they open the door after it all happened after it all quieted down just across the street they see a home thats destroyed they see another home thats destroyed that was on fire and the tree was on fire so the people are back home theyre saying thank goodness thank goodness were ok they can say that everyone can say that tonight because as a family here in waverly inn morning very very hurt and devastated because of three big dogs in their family who died in this tornado who were tossed three hundred yards from the mobile home that they were in charge in the late shes been following that story. She stopped with family and she larrys uncles who were obviously very emotional and devastated by this they cannot hear this morning to take a look at the damage one of them told me that he just broke down in tears. I mean can you imagine just coming out here and seeing your familys home just completely obliterated you can see that mobile home on the only thing thats really what are those stairs leading up to that trailer and there is debris scattered everywhere here on the other side the road you can see are broken bed frame a cornflakes box a tennis racket is just absolutely devastating here in the family is heartbroken and it was a good person always smiling always laughing larry turner was full of life enjoying make you smile even though you may be maybe a tick that made for me to put a smiley face that the local man this is whats left of larrys home after a tornado ripped through the town of

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