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>> they want to see me fail. they want to see me fall onstage. they want to see me vomiting out of a nightclub. i mean, isn't that the age that we live in? >> we'll hear more from that exclusive interview as lady gaga and hollywood get ready for the biggest night in music, the grammy awards this weekend, "early" this friday morning, grammy awards this weekend, "early" this friday morning, february 11th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs these are live pictures of liberation square in cairo. hundreds of thousands of protesters enraged following president mubarak's continued refusal to step down. and that declaration could signal a dangerous new level of violence there in that region. good morning here on a friday morning, everyone, i'm chris wragge. >> and i'm erica hill. good to have you with us this morning. we do begin with the very latest from egypt at this hour. cbs news correspondent terry mccarthy is in cairo this morning with that story. terry, i should say good afternoon where you are. >> yes, good morning, good afternoon, erica. some of the biggest crowds cairo has ever seen are gathering behind me right here in tahrir square. and also other locations around the city. the egyptians exercise their anger at that speech by president mubarak last night in which he said he would not be stepping down. for much of yesterday, expectations were high that mubarak was going to announce he was giving up power. when his speech came, people listened in silence. as the president of the republic, he said, i do not find any embarrassment or fault in listening to young people in my country and responding to that. but mubarak clearly wasn't listening to the young people in tahrir square. when it became clear that he was not stepping down the mood in the square turned on a dime. the jubilant crowd turned angry, and had one simple message for him. erhal, they chanted, which means in arabic, leave, leave. >> now he's leaving people like more together again. >> reporter: today in the square protesters could still barely contain their anger. >> yesterday he gave a speech, he made the egyptian people -- mubarak wants egypt to be destroyed. >> reporter: this morning the protests spread from tahrir square to other locations around cairo. including the television headquarters and the presidential palace where mubarak lives. the army has reinforced its positions around the television station and tahrir square amidst fears these protests could suddenly turn violent. earlier today, the military announced an attempt to mollify the crowd that they would guarantee the lifting of the three decade long emergency law here, which is very unpopular here. erica? >> terry, is there a chance, though, that ultimately the military could use force against those protesters? >> well, the military so far has shown themselves extremely reluctant to use force. so far they have been kept in the good graces of the crowd. however the fear today is that with so many people on the street, things will get out of control, and they might be forced to use their weapons. erica? >> terry mccarthy. we know you continue to watch the situation for us in cairo, thanks. president obama is challenging egypt's government, saying its response to the protesters is not good enough. cbs news chief white house correspondent chip reid joins us with the very latest on that. chip, good morning. >> well, good morning, erica. they were burning the midnight oil here at the white house. and president obama issued a statement. here's what he said. too many egyptians remain unconvinced that the government is serious about a genuine transition to democracy, and it is the responsibility of the government to speak clearly to the egyptian people and the world. the egyptian government must put forward a credible, concrete and unequivocal path toward genuine democracy and they have not yet seized that opportunity. that's quite a dramatic change from the optimistic tone that the president had earlier in the day when he spoke about egypt during an event in michigan. that, of course, was at a time when there were widespread reports that apparently the white house believed that mubarak was going to resign. >> what is absolutely clear is that we are witnessing history unfold. the moment of transformation that's taking place because the people of egypt are calling for change. they've turned out in extraordinary numbers, representing all ages, and all walks of life. >> reporter: so now, a real test for president obama. does he stick to his message that it's up to the egyptian people to decide who their leader should be? or does he call on mubarak to resign? erica? >> and we'll be watching for that. chip reid at the white house this morning. chip, thanks. joining us from providence, rhode island is nicolas burns who was undersecretary of state for president george w. bush. sir, good morning. good to have you with us. >> good morning. >> we just heard a little bit from chip there, of course, there was a belief yesterday that president mubarak was going to come out and say he'd step down. there's so much talk about whether the united states should put more pressure on him to, in fact, step aside. couldn't there, though, be in the background, a different kind of pressure from the arab neighbors, asking him to stay in power for fear that this spreads across the region? >> i think that is part of the dynamic, in this increasingly unable and dangerous situation, on the one hand the egyptian people are speaking clearly. they want change and reform. they want their president to resign. they want a transition. but in the rest of the region. which, of course, is ruled by countries ruled by authoritarian governments, those leaders don't want president mubarak to step down easily and quickly, because they fear they might be next. and that's the dilemma for president obama and the american administration. how to achieve two things at once, and that's what they've been trying to do, freedom, and transition and democracy for the people of egypt, but also stability for the very important interests that we have in that region. and that's balancing act has just become much more difficult for the administration, given this very disappointing speech by president mubarak. >> well, and we could see we have live pictures that we've been showing this morning, of course, of cairo and we've been hearing about the disappointment from the people directly. when you look at the quote/unquote change that has come through, putting vice president suleiman in power, is this any sort of a change at all or is he simply a puppet for president mubarak? >> well, i think it's increasingly clear that this is a false transition. it's a transition where a game of musical chairs where they put people in different positions, but the same people. the same people who've been ruling egypt for 30 years and i don't think that handing off some powers by president mubarak to vice president suleiman is going to placate the demonstrators and protesters all throughout egypt. today could be the largest demonstrations in the history of the country. and so it seems to me, obviously, that the egyptian government needs to face the reality that they've lost control of their streets, they've lost credibility with their people. and this transition has got to become real. and for the first time in decades, the people of egypt have stood up, en masse, and said we want a better life, a different government, and more freedom. if the egyptian government can't respond to that, then i fear the situation will become increasingly unstable, and increasingly dangerous. and that, of course, puts enormous pressure on our own government to try to do the right thing, and push president mubarak to change. >> so is the only way then to keep this situation from exploding, and we see how big these demonstrations get with each shot they look bigger, the only way to do that is to actually meet their demands and have mubarak step aside? >> i think that that issue, mubarak stepping down, has become the focal point of the entire drama in egypt. and if he could do that, in an unambiguous way, there may be a chance, then, for the government to open up a discussion with protesters to calm some of the passions, and to create a political process that could move the country forward. but president mubarak seems to be in denial. and it doesn't seem like he's going to make that decision any time soon. >> there's a question of whether it could be too little too late. we'll continue to watch that. nicolas burns, appreciate your insight this morning. thank you. >> thank you. >> chris? >> erica, thank you. we turn now to capitol hill. where newly elected tea party republicans are pushing their own leaders to go further and cut deeper. as the gop works on next year's federal budget now, cbs news congressional correspondent nancy cordes has more on this story for us this morning. nancy, good morning. >> good morning, chris. republican leaders clearly bowing to that pressure, abandoning their plan to cut $32 billion from the budget after tea party members rebelled. demanding cuts that were twice as steep. >> what i saw in there was a group of house republicans very united. we said we're going to cut $100 billion and that's what's going to happen next week. >> reporter: the prospect of a mutiny has sent republican leaders scrambling to craft an even leaner budget, and make good on their promises to the tea party. >> i think what they're finding out is that it's easier to talk about cutting than it is to actually do it. >> reporter: when they were in the minority, republicans excelled at sticking together. but more members means more opinions. just this week, small groups of conservativ conservatives defeated two of their own party's measures on the house floor. >> the bill is not passed. >> reporter: one to extend provisions of the patriot act. >> the bill is not passed. >> reporter: and another to take back $10 million in funding from the united nations. >> listen, we're in a new erica. i made it pretty clear that we're going to allow the house to work its will. that means the leaders may not get what they want every day. >> reporter: some of those divisions have been on display at the annual conservative conference known as cpac, taking place this week in washington. former vice president dick cheney, and former defense secretary donald rumsfeld were booed by one faction of attendees. while donald trump, who's toying with a presidential run in 2012, took a swipe at his fellow republicans, congressman ron paul. >> by the way, ron paul cannot get elected, i'm sorry to tell you. >> reporter: the speaker of the house is downplaying these divisions, saying that the setbacks this week are simply the result of a party that is still getting itself organized now that it controls the house. chris? >> cbs' nancy cordes on capitol hill for us this morning. nancy, thank you. there's also a lot going on in washington with the economy this morning. focused on the latest numbers on jobs, and, of course, housing and cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here now with the very latest on that major part of the story. >> good morning. >> last week we had the unemployment number, the unemployment rate drops to 9%. jobless claims is dropping. what does this all say about the economy here in 2011? >> well, overall it says that the economy is rolling along. we are creating some jobs. fewer than many economists would like to see. but we're also seeing fewer people going out and seeking new unemployment benefits. that was a number that came out yesterday, 383,000 people went out last week, plied for new unemployment benefits. that's the lowest level since july two,000 eight. so that's a good move. but we still need to see more. and we still estimate it's going to be four years before we see unemployment back at more normal levels which would be 5% or of 6%. >> it's incredible. a little bit more than two years after the government stepped in and seized fannie mae and freddie mac they're talking about phasing out these housing giants. what does that mean for so many people who have mortgages involved with this? >> take a step back and say who are fannie and freddie? fannie and freddie own about half the mortgages in this country. that's about $5 trillion in mortgages. the government stepped in and bailed them out, because the housing market was in a tailspin. the housing market is really what got us here. with them stepping away from the market, potentially getting phased out here, what some people anticipate is that we could see mortgage rates and the number of people having access to mortgages decline. because bigger banks will take the process over. in addition to that, we could see stricter lending standards. so, potentially 30-year fixed-rate mortgages, for example, may be a thing of the past. but that's still yet to be seen. >> let's talk about that 30-year fixed rate because it bumped above 5% for the first time in ten months. what's driving these rates up? >> well, what you really have to think about is what the driver is for mortgage rates. in general, the driver for mortgage rates is the yield on the ten-year treasury. the more expensive it is to borrow for our government, the more expensive it is for you and i to borrow for our mortgages. and that's what we're seeing drive it up. inflation and expectations for the future. >> as far as the impact that it's having on the housing market, what would that be? >> well, it gets more expensive to buy a home when mortgages get more expensive. analysts see it costing you about 10% more to buy a house when mortgage rates go up just 1%. so the more expensive mortgage rates are, the more expensive housing becomes and the less people are interested in buying housing. >> and there's still so much inventory out there. >> there is. >> rebecca jarvis, thank you. now let's get the rest of the morning headlines with jeff glor at the news desk. >> good morning, everyone. another natural gas line explosion to tell you about. this one in ohio, about 80 miles southeast of cleveland. late last night. police say a 36-inch underground gas line ruptured. one house was damaged but no one was hurt. meanwhile in allentown, they're still searching for the cause of wednesday's gas line explosion. five people were killed there including an infant and a couple in their 70s. a block of row homes was destroyed. authorities said a gas main lacked shutoff involves. in the last five years pipeline blasts have killed 60 people and injured more than 240. in north carolina, a bank robbery became a hostage standoff with some incredible moments captured on camera. a teenage gunman tried to hold up a bank yesterday in a raleigh suburb. the bank was quickly surrounded by police but the gunman did take several hostages. before eventually releasing some of them. you can see one freed hostage, a woman come out here as police moved in to rescue her. meanwhile nearby a witness was being interviewed about what happened when the climax arrives. >> i mean, i'm over in that area all the time. the shopping center. so to have it happen so close, really scary. [ gunshots ] oh. wow. that's not good. >> wow. >> that was -- >> yeah, that was really scary. >> do you know what that was? >> i wish i knew. >> that was police gunfire. the suspect had emerged from the bank with a female hostage. police end up opening fire, killing the gunman, no hostages were hurt. minnesota's collapsed metrodome roof is now scheduled for a full fix next month. you remember, right here the stadium's roof caved in in december following heavy snowfall. officials have decided on a full roof replacement, instead of repairing only the ripped panels. it may not be ready for the vikings' preseason football games in august. 16 minutes past the hour. we send it back over to chris and erica. guys? >> jeff, it's amazing. each time you see that video it's still astounding. the force of that snow. >> they were just hours away from a football game actually taking place on that field. they were lucky. let's talk a little weather now. marysol castro is here with our first check of the weather for us on yet another cold morning. marysol? >> it's a cold morning, chris and erica. but i have to tell you, the times they are a changing. take a look at the national map with me. a lot of high pressure. cold but sunny. a few areas of precipitation. the northwest you get some afternoon showers. we have a clipper moving into the great lakes and a few showers in the southeast. and in south florida. cold for the morning. 7 in fargo, minus 6 in caribou. take a look at what happens. the jet stream well south. by next week, it heads north. bringing mild temperatures. i'm looking forward to it. thanks so much. that's your latest weather. over to guys. it's called february thaw. >> i will take a february thaw. >> take about a month to thaw. >> i'd like it to last through march, too. no surprises, please. still ahead this morning. this is some of the most incredible video i think we have seen in quite some time. hero cops stop an ambush right in their own police precinct in detroit. we're going to talk exclusively with the commander who shot it out right there on her tv screen with the gunman. >> also, a paramedic who was fired for venting about her job on facebook shares with us an exclusive interview just what happened. and why her case could impact every single employee across the nation. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ♪ [ upbeat instrumental ] - [ mom ] ruby! - [ announcer ] make sure you have the right insurance... so that if something happens to your house, you're able to rebuild it like it was. take the scary out of life with travelers. call or click now for an agent or quote. aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. also available in small, easy-to-swallow petites. citracal. 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[ man announcing ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ the city of detroit yesterday honored 17 police officers who helped bring down a lone gunman who shot up a police station, wounding four officers before being shot and killed himself. in a moment we'll speak exclusively with the station commander, who was wounded in the firefight with the suspect, as well as the chief of police. but first, let's take a look at what happened. and we warn you that some of these images are graphic. the surveillance video at detroit's sixth precinct on january 23rd shows four police officers working behind the front desk when out of nowhere a man walks in, hiding a shotgun, and opens fire. as the officers take cover, an all-out firefight erupts. the gunman continues his assault, leaps over the desk, and comes face-to-face with commander brian davis. who he shoots at point-blank range. this blast hits davis' fingers and knocks away his gun. even though he's also been shot in the back, davis keeps fighting, using anything close by, he throws a trash can at the gunman. at that point police say the shooter is mortally wounded and is seen stumbling to the ground. the entire incident lasted just 38 seconds. four officers were wounded. >> all four of our officers have survived and will recover. >> reporter: police have identified the gunman as 38-year-old lamar moore. although his motive remains unknown, moore was under investigation for an alleged sexual assault on a 13-year-old girl and had a relative awaiting sentencing in a murder case. as officials work to implement new security measures for on-duty police, commander davis and his colleagues are being called heroes. >> we, as citizens, need to every day thank god for them. >> reporter: for acts of bravery in the line of duty to stop the shooter before more bloodshed could occur. and commander brian davis, who was the most seriously wounded officer, joins us now exclusively from madison heights, michigan, along with detroit police chief ralph godbee. gentlemen, good morning to the both of you. >> good morning. >> how you doing? >> good. commander davis i'm just going to ask you first, how are you doing? i know you got shot a couple of times. since then how is your recovery coming? >> due to the grace of god i'm doing fine, thank you. >> to see this videotape, it takes your breath away to watch this video. can i ask your thoughts, when this gunman lamar moore jumped the countertop and is standing face-to-face with you with a loaded weapon, firing on you and your officers, what is going through your mind at that point? >> well, first of all, i was a little -- first of all, i was very surprised, chris, that he came in and started shooting. then i went into a protective mode to protect my officers and myself. >> but exactly -- did you think at that point that this could potentially be it? i mean here is this man with a gun, i mean, how long did it take for you to process that this man was actually perpetrating this act right on your turf? >> you know, i don't think, you know, it happened so fast that, you know, i mean i don't -- i really don't think that i processed anything that quickly. you know, i went into a protective mode, and i just started firing shots and my on jettive was to stop him. >> chief, can you believe your eyes when you see this video, when you see how your officers responded? >> chris, i'm amazed at the heroism that you see. and the commander is very modest in his actions. what's not said is that he had the presence of mind in a very short amount of time to take the weapon of a sergeant that's beneath him, to engage the target, and the commander's engagement of that target in a protracted, even though it's a very short amount of time, gun fight at point-blank range, what he did arguably saved a number of lives in that building. and if not for his presence, if not for his presence of mind to do so, the story could be quite different, chris. so, you know, as chief of police, to watch the training kick in, to watch officers do exactly what they're trained to do, to cover, conceal, to identify the threat, to -- no one was caught in a cross fire. i mean to position themselves the way they did, in retrospect, you know, we're very fortunate, but we cannot discount the amount of training and expertise that these officers exercise in a very harrowing situation that jumped off, literally, without any warning at all. so it was just an amazing video. every time i watch it, you know, chris, it is just -- i mean it just re-energizes me at what law enforcement officers are charged to do. not only in detroit, but across the country. >> and it definitely encouraged -- >> -- everyday heroes. >> it is incredible to watch. commander davis, i know this was 38 seconds. we say this all transpired in just 38 seconds. it must have felt like an eternity for you. when you've looked back, do you consider yourself fortunate or do you consider yourself, i was in the wrong place at the wrong time? >> no. i do consider myself fortunate. however, i do feel that i was in the right place at the right time. >> that you were the man -- >> chris, i would agree with that. there are a series of events that caused the commander to be there that arguably, if he had not been and had not taken the actions he did, again, there could be a quite different, you know, outcome. >> yes. >> so we're fortunate, we're blessed. but, we were very fortunate the commander was there to take the lead with his troops, and there were a number of acts of heroism. >> yes, truly. >> but his self-less action at that time really is what stabilized a horrible situation. >> gentlemen, thank you very much. commander brian davis, chief ralph godbee. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. i'm your genie. you're wishing for... a tasty fiber cereal? well you don't want that one. kellogg's fiber plus cereal. the delicious taste of berries, 40% of your daily fiber... plus...wait for it... antioxidants! so, two more wishes! mmmm. mmmm. maybe later, then. 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[ whispering female announcer ] there are other companies that have mini vans with similar safety features as the chrysler town and country. ♪ the difference between theirs and ours, is that all our safety tech features come standard and most of theirs are optional. ♪ we don't think safety or technology should be optional. ♪ with more than 600 million users, facebook has become an almost expected way to stay connected. users logon to reveal the happy, mundane, and sometimes frustrating details of their daily lives. for one facebook user, though, a paramedic from connecticut, she unexpectedly found herself at the center of a precedent-setting legal battle, just by posting something about her job. when dawnmarie souza, divorced mother of two, complained about work on facebook and was fired for it, she had no idea it would change what the american worker could say online. what do you miss most about your job? >> it's a combination of my patience and my coworkers. >> reporter: a veteran paramedic ran into trouble in 2009. she claimed she was unfairly suspended at work. she went online later to complain. sitting beside her lawyer she told us what happened. >> i simply logon to facebook as a lot of people do nowadays, i just logon and made a sim comment, i have a couple day's office. >> her post, though, went further. in it she wrote looks like i'm getting some time off. love how the company allows a 17 to be a supervisor. 17 is code for a psychiatric patient. after colleagues joined in the discussion, souza twice used more derogatory terms. >> fast forward about a month later, you find out your job is being terminated. that you are being fired. >> they kept telling me, don't worry about it. you've done nothing wrong. you're going to be fine. we're going to get this worked out. and i got a fedex letter that i was terminated. >> in her term lags letter the ambulance company amr pointed to her internet posting. quote, such disparaging comments on facebook are also a violation of the company's blogging and internet posting policy. souza who proudly displays her awards and commendations, was devastated. >> i'm very heartbroken that i'm not there. i had no idea i wouldn't be going back. >> her case got the attention of the national labor relations board, which investigated. and in november, the board found the ambulance service illegally terminated souza. >> this really has expanded the free speech rights of american workers. if they're communicating about the workplace, and they're talking about their supervisors, then it's a protected activity by an american worker. >> after the board's ruling, souza and amr reached a settlement earlier this week. amr says it's pleased the case is behind them. >> basically, in exchange for some -- for what owe sectionly is back pay, the company can ensure that miss souza never works for the company again. and the company's very happy with that result. >> reporter: but souza believes the result is actually a victory for her. >> we do have a freedom of speech. that is my right. that is everybody's right here. and that was what was being tested. >> now dawnmarie has tried to get a job again as a paramedic. she says she loves what she does. she's been keeping her certifications up to date. but at this point, she said, she's actually looking at a degree in nursing. she feels she'll have a better chance of getting a job with that. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. sweet... and more. if you replace 3 tablespoons of sugar a day with splenda® you'll save 100 calories a day. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. that's how splenda® is sweet...and more. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. qqq so whiten your teeth. no coffee. 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(man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. ♪ >> yeah, may be bad romance but how about the world's love affair with lady gaga? from poker face to paparazzi, alejandro. you could just go on and on with all the hits this woman has. lady gaga has thrilled us with her music and you woulded us with those outfits. and, of course, that big business which is lady gaga. >> yeah, she is a brand unto herself. the most public of performers, though, as she seems to be, has actually managed to maintain a certain level of primacy when it comes to her personal life. she does not grant very many interviews. that is until "60 minutes" came along. this morning we have a preview for you of anderson cooper's revealing interview with lady gaga. that airs this sunday. >> she doesn't do a whole lot of interviews. but in this interview she does let her guard down quite a bit. we're going to learn some things about lady gaga that the world has ever known. >> i think a new side of lady gaga for a lot of folks. welcome back to "the early show" on this friday morning. i'm erica hill along with chris wragge. >> in a few minutes we're going to have that interview. but first let's get over to jeff glor right now who is at the news desk once again. >> chris and erica, good morning to you. good morning to everyone at home. this morning the egyptian military announced it's behind president hosni mubarak's decision to remain in office for now. anti-government protesters are marching on the presidential palace this morning but multiple reports say that hosni mubarak is not there. that he's left cairo. cbs news correspondent terry mccarthy is in cairo with more this morning. terry, good morning. >> good morning, jeff. and as you can see, the crowd is still continuing to grow here. noon prayers are over, and there's lots of people in the streets here. in tahrir square. they're also massing around the tv stations, and in front of the presidential palace. we've heard there have been some clashes between mubarak supporters and these protesters. meanwhile, we have heard from wale ghonim, the google checkive who was arrested for 12 days for his part in organizing the protests with the facebook campaign, he today told an arabic tv station that mubarak has betrayed our dreams and he should be removed immediately. he also said that the protesters were not give in and they were ready to die for their cause. as you say there have been reports that mubarak might have left cairo, he might be in sharm el sheikh. these reports are so far unconfirmed but clearly the pressure with all the people on the streets, the pressure is increasing on mubarak to get out of the way of these protesters who really are not going to stop until he's gone. >> terry mccarthy with the latest from cairo this morning. thanks. august busch iv heir to the anheuser-busch beer fortune will not face any charges in the wroefr dose death of his girlfriend. adrienne martin was found dead two months ago at busch's estate. yesterday, prosecutors said it's clear she accidentally overdosed on cocaine and a prescription painkiller. busch had refused to cooperate with the investigation since his initial statement to police. a number of heads still spinning in washington this morning following the sudden resignation of new york congressman christopher lee after what he put on the internet. more on the fallout from cbs' whit johnson this morning. good morning. >> reporter: jeff, good morning. the woman who received former congressman lee's shirtless pickup attempt isn't pulling any punches. she thinks he resigned because he's hiding some even bigger secrets. congressman chris lee's astonishing fall from grace reverberated on capitol hill thursday. >> i think he made the right decision for himself and for his family. >> reporter: but house speaker john boehner refused to address rumors he warned lee to stop partying with female lobbyists. last night the identity of the woman at the center of the scandal was revealed in "the washington post" to be yesha callahan, a single 34-year-old african-american designer. in an interview, the blogger on a website called the loop 21, she spoke out about why she decided to post on craigslist. i thought it would be fun to see what type of men would send me their photos, because dating in d.c. sucks. 30 men responded. among them, second-term congressman chris lee, in a now infamous, shirtless photo. first reaction was holy blank. second was, he's probably done this before. third was, he's married. fourth was, oh, my god, he's 46 years old. she waited three weeks before sharing her discovery with, effectively ending the congressman's career. >> how dumb is he to let himself be in this position? >> reporter: workers have already removed lee's name from his buffalo area office. >> it's politics. it's power. >> reporter: the former congressman has not been seen in public since last wednesday. sex scandals are nothing new to capitol hill. many accused lawmakers simply weather the storm. but in this case, congressman lee resigned just three hours after the story broke. jeff? >> whit johnson in washington. whit, thanks very much. it is 8:05 and we turn over to marysol castro with another check of the weather this morning. good morning. good friday morning. >> good friday morning to you. good friday morning to everyone at home. let's take a look at the one area on the map seeing some precipitation. this would be the great lakes. you can see the radar showing some outer bands of a clipper coming down through canada. it's a fast mover. but we are going to see some snow fall amounts. so green bay, traverse city one to three inches of snow by day's end. higher amounts in watertown. upstate new york, 3 to 8 inches. the other area of interest, the southeast looking at some rain, myrtle beach, wilmington. you get about a quarter of an inch of rain. and then south florida, naples and miami you're also going to get a quarter inch of rain. this starts to move out. the cold air starts to move out, as well. ushering in some warmer temperatures and it's going to be lovely. >> this weather report sponsored by ashley furniture. the number one name in furniture. >> thanks so much. that's your latest weather. now over to chris. >> marysol, thank you. up next, want to save more than $1,300 a year? that's what the average family throws out in spoiled food alone. we're going to show you how to make your groceries last a whole lot longer. this is "the early show" right here on cbs. 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[ female announcer ] you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a powerful clean against a full range of stains, use new wisk. fight stains with science. use new wisk. this is my band from the 80's, looker. hair and mascara, a lethal combo. i'm jon haber of alto music. my business is all about getting music into people's hands. and the plum card from american express open helps me do that. you name it, i can buy it. and the savings that we get from the early pay discount has given us money to reinvest back into our business and help quadruple our floor space. how can the plum card's trade terms get your business booming? booming is putting more music in more people's hands. in this morning's "healthwatch," making your food last longer. the average american family spends $182 a week on groceries. and too much of what we buy ends up being stuff that we just throw out after we think that it's gone bad. well, aol consumer adviser regina lewis is here with advice to keep our food fresher, and keep that food longer. good morning. >> hi, thanks. appreciate it. >> let's talk about the amount of money that people do spend weekly on food. and the amount of money that people end up losing each year because they just toss things out. >> take a look at these numbers. pretty staggering. on average you toss out about 14%. that figure is double what it was 20 years ago. so if you do the math on that it makes for about $25 a week or a whopping $1,325 annually. >> these are some little tricks, very easy to do. i had never heard of half of them. i'd heard of one or two. let's start with this and what you should do with your herbs? >> sure, fresh herbs. for starters they're pricey and you always have to buy more than you need for any given recipe. the key is to keep them in a bunch and freeze them versus throw them in the fridge. doing that will keep them at peak freshness for a month. and when they come out, they're actually easer to chop up because they're frozen. by the time you drop them in the pan, boom, instantly they thaw. >> flour. rice krispies, any type of grains? >> i don't know how they do it but little bugs can get into things, even if they're in these kinds of containers. so flour can be 6 to 12 months. can you have spaghetti in your pantry for two years. but to curb the bug problem, turns out bay leaves do the trick because it repels them. stick one little bay leave in. it won't scent the rice and flour but it keeps the bugs out. by the way, mice and rodents as well. i'm going to sprinkle it all over my pantry. >> that was my next question, would your rice krispies taste like bay leaves? >> no. which is different from other herbs like lavender. >> not good. cheese. this is one of the things that i had heard of. >> well, it's all about dairy at the end of the day. so you know how cheese hardens on the end, and it can actually harden almost to the midpoint, so that's like wasted money galore. if you take butter you seal it in on the ends, it seals in the moisture. when you take the cheese out to go again you just cut off the end but you haven't eaten into cheese. >> could you just layer the whole? the end is the key. >> fruit, vegetables, those type of things soften up. we're going to concentrate on the vegetables. >> they go limp because of loss much moisture. you can shock their system with ice water. stick limp things in ice water, some foodies say put a peeled potato in there, as well. we don't really know why. the ice water, if you let them soak for 30 minutes, the next thing you know the ice water goes into the cells and they're crisp again. >> brought back to live. >> this is kind of an old trick. >> bizarre. >> it's all about absorbing moisture. so especially if you live in a humid area your salt can kind of get stuck, it clumps together and doesn't come out. so, if you stick a little rice in it will absorb the moisture and then your salt will have no problem coming out. >> butter. i throw away more butter than probably -- >> do you? >> half the people on my block. >> it goes on sale and can be deeply discounted so you can load up on butter and freeze it for up to six months. the key is to put it in a container. otherwise you run the risk that it takes on the scent and flavor and other things in the french so you could have mint chocolate chip flavored butter. >> and sour cream, and cottage cheese, you would think if there was any question it was no good people would really toss it. >> it's pricey and it goes bad quickly. here's the interesting thing. once you put a dent in it the bacteria tends to grow on the top. so little trick, store it upside down, it creates a vac unl and the bacteria is less likely to grow. >> and honey. i mean, can we get a shot of this? look at this. the fact that you can bring this back from the situation that it's in, look at that. that looks terrible. >> it is crystallized. little trivia. honey is the only food that doesn't spoil. because, the sugar is actually a preservative and it's acidic. so what you do is you just heat it up for 30 seconds in the microwave or hot water. it will be clear again. honey literally never goes bad. >> and finally eggs. what's the foolproof trick. >> if you want to know if an egg is fresh. see if it sinks. if it is fresh it will sink. if there's air in it which happens to older eggs, it will float. and then it doesn't mean it's bad it just means it's old so you would want to crack it, see if there's an odor and then rule it out. >> we have fresh eggs. >> regina lewis, thank you as always. for more information on how to keep your food fresh go to our website, and don't forget, honey never goes bad. up next expect the unexpected from lady gaga. her "60 minutes" interview is filled with surprises. we're going to give you a sneak peek when we come back. this is "the early show" right here on cbs. >> "cbs healthwatch," sponsored by truvia natural sweetener. honestly sweet. ♪ ♪ that comes from a little green leaf ♪ ♪ zero-calorie, guilt-free no artificiality ♪ ♪ my skinny jeans zipped in relief ♪ [ announcer ] truvia. honestly sweet. >> man: delivering a 200-pound ice sculpture means i don't have any margin for error. one wrong turn, and i could end up unloading a puddle of water. >> gps: turn right ahead. >> man: so i make sure i have the right guidance to get me exactly where i need to be. it's the same with taxes. turbotax has a unique gps feature that guides me step-by-step. automatically double-checks along the way and even lets me talk to a tax expert so i'm never alone. which helps me know it's done right and get to my maximum refund, guaranteed. >> try turbotax online now. you don't pay unless you're satisfied with the results. lady gaga is one of pop music's most recognizable superstars. but what do we really know about her? this sunday on "60 minutes" anderson cooper introduces us to the person behind the performer. here's a sneak peek at the very revealing interview. >> do you want me to die? scream for me! >> the pressures of maintaining fame and the price other superstars have paid for it are a frequent scene in lady gaga's performances. >> that's what everyone wants to know, right? what's she going to look like when she dies? what's she going to look like when she's overdosed on whatever they think i'm overdosing on. everybody wants to see the decay of the superstar. >> do you think they'd want to see your decay? >> what? of course they do. they want to see me fail. they want to see me fall onstage. they want to see me vomiting out of a nightclub. i mean, isn't that the age that we live in? that we want to see people who have it all lose it all. i mean, it's dramatic. >> and then climb their way back. >> right. it's a movie. and yet i just am not like that. on my own time. i'm not a vomit in a club kind of girl. >> you can see the entire interview with lady gaga on "60 minutes" this sunday night at 7:00, 6:00 central right here on cbs. lady gaga is up for six grammy awards this sunday night. joining us now with more on lady gaga and the grammys, editor in chief of "maxim" magazine joe levy. >> good to be here. >> so interesting to hear this little tidbits that we're getting that anderson got with her in that interview. when she talked about everybody waiting to see her fail. this woman is at the top of her game. is she really planning for that? >> she's not planning for failure. but she's piquing our interest by saying this. and she's right. lady gaga is so interesting because she's built her whole career. she called her album fame. her whole career is built around fame and she knows we live in the age of tmz. we love to see a video, a cell phone video of someone falling down coming out of a club. it's a theme in her work, this whole idea of fame and communication, and pleasures and problems. >> but she's also very calculated in what she does. she clearly knows how to grab a headline. she clearly knowles what she's saying. i think this next bit from the interview illustrates that really well. >> so what should i call you? do i call you lady? do i call you gaga? >> call me gaga. >> does anyone call you stephanie? >> yes, some people do. especially in bed. >> in bed? >> you don't like them yelling out lady gaga? >> no. >> she knows exactly what she's saying any time. stephanie is her given name, for people who don't know. >> that's right. >> does that surprise you at all, that she went there and that that's what you get from her? >> i think she was flirting with anderson cooper. i think she gave in to the silver-haired charm of anderson cooper. no, it doesn't surprise me at all. who wants to be called by their stage name at an intimate moment? but at the same time i almost feel as though she's planned every bit of this out. i wouldn't be surprised if we find a document where three years ago she said i like to be called stephanie in intimate moments and i'm going to say that to anderson cooper right before the grammys, because it makes you interested. >> she is very careful and calculated and she grants very few interviews. so how many more revealing moments will we have? because she really goes kind of deep with him. >> that's right. and i think that this is the moment where she's so established as a star. people pay so much attention to what shoes she's wearing that she knows she's got to give us i few personal tidbits. she's got to begin to open up about her personal life right now for us to stay interested in, well, she happens to have a new record coming out. >> oh! the synergy. but it is some great revealing stuff. and as we mentioned you can see that full interview right here sunday night, before the 53rd annual grammy awards which are also on cbs sunday night, 8:00, 7:00 central. while we're getting ready for the grammys. she's nominated for six. >> but bruno mars is nominated for seven. >> right. >> eminem is nominated for ten. who is the big winner going to be? >> the big winner is a new generation of pop stars typified by bruno mars and lady gaga, in their early to mid 20s or even younger if you're justin bieber. this is a generational moment where these people are going to take the stage. this is the first grammys i can remember in a long time where every nomination in a major category is from an artist or a record i actually want to hear. >> that's a great thing. and it's a great thing for the music industry. >> absolutely. >> there's also a little more crossover that we're seeing. miranda lambert is nominated for three grammys. she's going to be performing. she is a huge star on the country scene. >> a lot of energy coming from the country world and the grammys this year. lady antebellum has several nominations, as well. miranda lambert who was such a huge star coming out of the cmas is poised for her major crossover into the world of rock 'n' roll and pop stardom. she is fantastic. and it's time for an audience outside of the country world to discover her. >> she really is incredibly talented. barbara streisand has had, correct me if i'm wrong, 41 nominations, and that is with the one this year. >> i haven't been counting. >> she's being honored. she's actually being honored this year. but it's not necessarily about the music for her this year. >> it's about everything for her this year. you know, she's back in the movies. she has a nomination for her new album. here's the interesting thing about barbra. her last grammy, 24 years ago. at the time she said 24 is my lucky number. maybe i'll see you in 24 years. it's 24 years later. spooky. i think she controls everything. >> we'll look for a little bit more of that coming up sunday night. always good to have you with us. >> good to be here. >> thanks. >> and the 53rd grammy awards will air here sunday night at 8:00, 7:00 central on cbs. you're watching "the early show." stay tuned as we continue our battle in the kitchen between the anchors, the breakfast battle. operation eggs this morning. your local news is next. this is my band from the 80's, looker. hair and mascara, a lethal combo. i'm jon haber of alto music. my business is all about getting music into people's hands. and the plum card from american express open helps me do that. you name it, i can buy it. and the savings that we get from the early pay discount has given us money to reinvest back into our business and help quadruple our floor space. how can the plum card's trade terms get your business booming? booming is putting more music in more people's hands. a beautiful shot of central park on this friday morning. still a little snow left there. the sun is out. and we are ready here on "the early show" where the competition has been fast and furious all week long in the battle for breakfast. chris wragge put the knife down. >> oh, i'm sorry. i didn't realize i had grabbed a blade. >> our breakfast battle wraps up today as we decide who will walk away with the coveted trophy. now the gentleman standing to my life spike mendelsohn, you were here to award the last trophy. >> the pressure is on. >> you crowned chris wragge. >> i did. >> it's interesting that you gave him the winning score to put him over the top and the winner of that cook-off and that you're back today -- >> i find it very interesting. >> it was very interesting. >> i had to call in reinforcements. obviously i was not getting help from the other judges so i called in my secret weapon. >> and a crisp $20 bill. >> oddly enough, i was getting my makeup done this morning and the lady there wouldn't stop talking about you. all of a sudden, $20 bill with your name on it. >> if you ain't cheating you ain't trying. >> at least he's honest. >> also coming up this morning as we'll get to our cook-off challenge in a few moments, they used to sing i'll be there for you on friends and jennifer aniston is here with us this morning. and in her new movie she's there for adam sandler, pretending to be his wife who is about to divorce him. "just go with it" opens today and we're going to celebrate that and another big event with jennifer coming up in just a couple minutes. >> we have a little surprise for her just ahead. first, though -- >> very busy morning. >> first, though, before we get to all of this i'm very excited for all of this. >> i know you are. >> marysol castro has another check of the weather. mary? >> good morning. spike i'm coming after you. good morning at home. let's take a look at the national picture. high pressure range, just a few areas of precipitation. want to show you the current temperatures throughout the weekend. starting today you can see well into the freezing mark. 28 in fargo. 36 in kansas city. 47 in new orleans. by tomorrow, temperatures begin to rebound. 35 in fargo. brownsville, 65. new orleans 56. by sunday, take a look at this. 74 in los angeles. 73 in miami. 42 in new york. raleigh, 63. they haven't seen temperatures like that in quite awhile. so these temperatures are going to be about average. a few spots a little bit above average. the best coast, you're going to see a lot of rain. seattle is going to be a little cool and dreary. an inch to an inch and a half of rain for portland, seattle, the further inland you go, less rain. in the higher elevations, snow. >> thanks so much. that's your latest weather. now here's erica. >> over the years, jens ever aniston has teamed up with a who's who of hollywood's leading men, vince vaughn and owen and wilson. her newest on-screen partner is adam sandler and in this one she pretends to be his future ex-wife in the romantic comedy "just go with it." >> oh, henderson -- >> did you call me henderson? >> oh, so lovely to meet you. >> likewise. i'm julie. >> i mean look at you two. i mean, it's like, barbie and, and -- grandpa ken. >> oh. >> oh! . >> jennifer aniston is here with us in the studio. . >> good morning. >> it's a really cute, fun more very. i laughed a lot. >> that's what we were hoping. >> and i would imagine, though, that you laughed a lot making it. >> we laughed almost more than we should have been allowed to. we were barely able to get anything on film. we're shocked there was actually a movie made. >> glad it all worked out. >> yeah, it did. >> you have a great chemistry with adam sandler. >> yeah, thank you. thank you. >> what's it like working with him? i imagine he's sort of a jokester and a prankster behind the scenes. >> he's just the most -- he's one of -- i've known him for 100 years -- 100 years? but i've known him so long. he's just a funny guy. he's a family guy. he's -- we just have fun. it's -- it's a place -- it's an environment that you just can't wait to walk into every day. >> it really translates. of course it doesn't hurt that it was hawaii where you were shooting. >> that didn't hurt. we did a couple weeks in los angeles and then we all had to schlepp to hawaii. >> unfortunate. >> yeah. but we had to just go with it. >> oh, very nice. >> shameless. >> it's a shameless plug but we'll take it. you're on the cover of "people" magazine this week. it's supposed to be the most revealing jennifer aniston interview ever. it has to be tough for you that people constantly want to know those intimate little details about you. do you ever get to a point and say, okay, i can shut the door to that and live my life and not worry about it? >> i think you're always in hopes to sort of reach that sort of mental goal, and that sort of place. and i'm -- i get -- it's always something that, you know, i think struggle with. because it's -- it's -- but like i said before, it's something that's always going to be there. for people, i think, i mean, in this business, it's -- you know. you gotta just find a peace with it somewhere, otherwise you'll just be driven insane. >> it seems like part of that peace you find with your girlfriends. we seem to hear a little bit more and i think so many women can relate to that, how important it is to have those rocks in your life. >> it's so important. and the consistency, and the sort of -- i've been fortunate that they've been in my life for as many years as they have, so they've -- we've grown up together. you know, and so they've -- they -- they're real. they're the real, and they keep it real. you know. because it's all so unreal. >> yes. one of the things that they talk about in this "people" article is that there are a lot of, you know, misconstrued ideas out there about you. one of them being that you're pretty unhappy. you seem like a pretty happy person. >> no, miserable. >> must be tough to live your days so darkly, so dark and so low. >> it's horrible. >> no, i mean, it's funny. i find -- but you know, i think that's sort of the narrative that i've been assigned. it's just sort of what it is. >> yeah. >> and it's -- it's, again, it's one of those things that, you know, you know what your truth is, and that's all that really matters. >> yeah. >> it's your birthday. happy birthday, by the way. >> why, thank you. >> so what's the best way to celebrate your birthday? something you love to do with that core group of girlfriends. >> that's it. it doesn't matter. we could be anywhere, and as long as the people i love are in one room, i feel blessed. >> well we learned recently that you apparently became a fan of "the jersey shore." >> i got suckedin. >> maybe when you girls are hanging out if you needed second season. >> i do! >> and just in case a little light reading. >> no! >> we're not done. and maybe you girls want to do karaoke. >> no! >> they were sold out of the bump-in, so instead, how about the snooki 'do. >> you really got to be kidding me. >> no, no, totally serious. >> this is really awesome. >> yes. >> look at this. do you see this? that's going to be fun play time for me. >> those are pictures that will never show up in any magazine. >> you will never see these. or you might. god willing, i'll see if they can get away with that and they won't recognize you in that picture. >> yeah, right. so there you go, happy birthday. >> you're so funny. >> and i know your perfume is out here. >> yeah. there it is. >> got that, as well. >> that's on >> hey, hey, another nice plug. >> i know. >> thank you for coming by. >> thank you, guys. >> i'm glad you like it. enjoy. >> i can take my gifts with me. >> the film is "just go with it." it is in theaters now around the country. chris? ♪ >> well, ladies and gentlemen, this is it. the final round of "the early show" "battle for breakfast." we started on tuesday with grits. chosen by erica. on wednesday, thanks to jeff we made pancakes. and yesterday was marysol's choice, french toast. now, before i show the -- >> show the leader board. >> all right. going to tell you marysol leads after three rounds. jeff and erica are just one point behind. i have a bit of ground to make up which is why i want to announce that this competition is officially under protest. but i digress. remember you can come from behind to win these competitions. i did the last time. but i'm still out of it. no big deal. we're going to start with eggs today which is my favorite breakfast food. here to help us judge the results is chief -- chief? >> this just got weird. >> my main man, owner of we the pizza. good to see you again. you helped me win it last time. >> you always want to lead? >> i just try -- i like to eat and it shows. because i like to cook. >> so, you know, i was up all trying to think of some tips for you. you already gave it away on the earlier segment about the water with your eggs, the freshness check. >> oh. >> stealing that. >> well let's go. >> there are so many options. >> scramble the eggs which is the way i really wanted this segment. >> the one thing about scrambled eggs you want them to be very aerated, very fluffy. i start by busting my yolks just like that. >> bust them up? >> crack the yolks. >> you paying attention? >> yes. >> most people do this thing. you've got to incorporate air into it. so you've got to whip them. that's what the whisk is for. get some air in there. like you're making whipped cream. >> okay. >> and then i'm going to start with a little stick of butter here. and today i am making a greek omelette. >> you're going the greek route? >> oh, yeah. i heard jen was going to be on the show today. she's greek. this is on her. it's an homage. >> a little birthday gift for her. and then put salt and pepper. always season your eggs. >> this one continues -- >> no, no, no. >> she's cheating again. >> oh, no! >> i'm going to go start cooking. >> a little olive oil? >> you can go to your station and get started. >> okay, thank you. >> while i finish my demo. you pretty much want in your pan, guys, see this? we've got the perfect heat going. there's no browning of the butter, it's just kind of perfectly melted. and then i put a little creme fraiche in my eggs. >> that's what i wanted to ask you. is it safe to do something like creme fraiche or a whole milk or can you sometimes use water? people sometimes put water? >> i wouldn't do water. no one wants watery eggs in the morning. >> gross. >> i'm going to put a little milk. a little creme fraiche and we're going to be done. throw mine in. check on all you guys. >> jeff really mastered the fine art of cooking this week. >> i have a lot of eggs-spectations for you. >> we've got onions and bacon in the pan. adding a little cilantro right now. we'll put a little more on after we're done. >> that smells delicious right now. >> thank you, buddy. and thank you for joking it up. i'm going to make scrambled eggs -- >> uh-oh, erica. >> i'm going to put some lowry's seasoning. >> some lawry's seasoning? >> just a little bit. a couple pinches. >> i like the way you incorporate the air. this is going to be scrambled pillowcases? just love in there? >> yeah, i hope so. you know, i hate it when eggs are overdone. eggs are a little bit runny? how about jicama salad. and a little red pepper. >> so like a little salad to complement it. you're on your way. >> my mother-in-law saving me this morning again. >> did she? >> yes, yes, indeed. >> okay, erica. >> three days in a row for the mother-in-law. i'm making a frite ought to. >> we've got to incorporate a little air. >> so i've got my eggs and some egg whites, a little bit of milk. a new technique now and some feta, and i found whet i'm making a quiche or frittata, if i've got some zucchini going here, if i mash it into the bowl -- >> so you've got the kreesh. >> a little parmesan in there, too. >> so you do a frittata today. this is like a fillet of scrambled eggs? >> you sort of cook it in a pan and you finish it off in the oven under the broiler. and we're having maybe a special weekend. >> hmm sounds grood. >> a special weekend. >> i'm going for a frittata. >> sounds good. >> scramble-icious. >> you're gaining points by u using fit fa because i'm greek also. you can see the heat. oh, i kind of made an omelette because i wasn't paying attention. >> it's all right. >> oh, my god! this looks delicious, my man. >> we've got potatoes in there? >> no, the provolone. >> oh, the provolone. >> this is the thing that i do. learned this from childhood. with the bacon. cook the bacon beforehand, crumble it up so it's in there. you can taste it. it's not too overwhelming. >> or you can use prosciutto. who do you cook eggs for at 4:00 in the morning? >> i go on the streets, i have a sign. i will cook eggs. >> you opening a food truck? >> a little something i do in midtown manhattan. >> okay. >> looks good, looks good. you're scrambling. >> hello. >> hello marysol. they always save you for last over here. >> i know. >> best for last. >> so i sauteed some onions in a little bit of butter and a little bit of bacon grease. >> and bacon grease? >> it's delicious. >> that's out of control. >> just a smidgen. so i did the onions and tomatoes. i have some crumbled bacon. i've tried to properly aerate. >> aerate? >> look, i see. you can see -- there's a lot of froth there. you're doing really well. and i'm going to add some cheese to this in a bit. and i do think that the perfect egg needs to be cooked slowly. >> slowly. patience is a key here. when you're cooking scrambled eggs. and i'm going to serve it with a side of sourdough toast. if you please. >> okay. sounds delicious. >> guys, i know she's needing but she said aerated. is this a golf green or scrambled eggs? >> i was merely repeating what our chef said. >> those look pretty much done already. >> pretty good, huh? >> like erica said earlier, nice -- >> and you've got your eggs going on, look at the frittata nest over here. >> yeah. >> have you made this before? >> i have made it before. it's been a long time. >> all right, guys, while you continue to make your eggs we're going to be right back with the all-important judging and the final announcement of the grand prize winner. i have to relinquish the trophy to one of my colleagues today. who will it be? find out when we come back. this is "the early show" here oú >> and we are back. no matter what we did with our eggs we're all pretty much fried at this point. so let's take one last look at the battle for breakfast leader board after three days here on our fourth day. this is where we stand. marysol leads with 11 points. erica and jeff each have ten points. that's the only thing really worth seeing. so that's all about to change right now. we have just finished our egg recipes and now it is time for our celebrity chief and chef, spike mendelsohn to taste all four and decide who is taking home -- >> this looks delicious. >> egg, bacon, lawry's seasoning, cilantro, onion, and we have a jicama and tangerine salad on one side and red pepper garnish on the other side. >> i like it. >> very pretty. >> i could really taste the bacon here. it's really delicious and the onions that really comes through. lots of body. and the eggs are still really moist. still moist. i like the little salad here. >> nice. >> thank you, buddy. >> strong way to finish. >> really healthy. good job. >> thank you. >> what have we got here. >> i made a frittata and you will find dukenny, fit fa, garlic, some fresh oregano, a little parsley to finish off on top. >> kind of like a greek frittata. >> a little bit. >> this looks delicious, by the way. >> it does look good. >> great technique, crispiness on the end. >> thank you. >> oh, my gosh. heaven. that is cheesy goodness. >> nice. >> someone gets big points. >> mice. >> delicious. let me taste a little bit of the salad. >> the salad really isn't -- it's a little bit of the fresh oregano and a tiny bit of pepper. what's really good to bring out the flavor of tomatoes, i find, a little bit of sea salt. >> this is delicious. >> nice job. >> i went traditional. these guys they did a great job all week. i did not do well all week. i did with the judges, but -- >> you know what? >> chris after seeing this dish i think you're being pretty consistent this week. >> yeah? >> oh! >> wow. >> mm-mmm. >> you know, i love the provolone, the mushrooms. what did you put spicy hot sauce? >> a little something with a little kick. >> you trying to overwhelm my palate for the last dish? >> when in doubt go hot. >> i love the hotness in here. it's delicious. >> yeah. >> are your taste buds now so -- >> i need some water here. >> ay-yi-yi. >> all right, marysol. what have we got going on? >> we saw tied onions and tomatoes with a little bit of butter. and the slightest bit of bacon grease. bacon done in the oven. scrambled eggs. >> i love that bacon grease. >> it adds texture, dimension. >> your eggs are really well cooked. >> oh, there's a little bit of cheese in there. >> there's a lot of cheese. i can taste the cheese. can taste that bacon grease. i love the tomatoes thrown in there, scorched a little bit. it's delicious. >> thank you. >> now it's time to basically -- you've got the scores in your mind. >> i have the scores in my mind. >> eliminate the bottom two. >> you know who i'm going to go with, first -- you're on the bottom this week. it's okay. >> it's okay. >> okay. and jeff, although i loved yours, i really thought it was the perfect dish. very good. this one just is -- it deserves some points. so my top two marysol. >> it comes down to erica and marysol. >> and the winner -- >> i think there should be a crown. >> the winner of the eggs battle, the one that's going to be taking the trophy home today -- the one that gets bragging rights all week long, and has to make me scrambled eggs is -- erica! >> no way! >> yes. >> oh. >> the frittata. >> oh, thank you. god i love you. >> thank you. >> let me tell you it was really delicious. really well balanced. i love your technique. i like the little tomato salad there. >> thank you. >> delicious. >> thank you, guys. >> there it is. >> you know what? >> he's not letting it go. >> not letting it go. >> along with the trophy. i won it fair and square. you may not be familiar with that tactic. >> make a donation to your favorite food charity. >> to the back pack program on the part of food banks all across the country. >> erica hill. 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