Transcripts For WUSA The Early Show 20100205

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♪ between days, 11 hours, in minutes until the super bowl here in beautiful miami. we're live in south beach where you can see and hear the crowd is already super excited for the super bowl. you notice a lot of teenagers in the crowd. it's because they're all here to see justin bieber. harry, do you know who justin bieber is? >> well, i am familiar with justin bieber. >> because you're a fan? >> because he's going to be on the show today. the man is -- the 15-year-old man is a sensation. >> i know. i was researching him and he has 100 million hits, 100 million hits, on youtube. he was discovered on youtube and he is absolutely adorable. and, boy, did he bring it to the stage when he was rehearsing a little while ago. so we're going to have a great time here this morning. >> it's so interesting -- >> if you can get past the screams. >> we had such a great crowd here yesterday, but you can tell by listening to the crowd that the demographics have dropped. >> the pitch is a little higher. good morning, welcome to "the early show" on this friday. >> we are very, very excited to be here. and what do you think? >> you walked up, what did you say i said you look so cute. you're feeling miami. i can tell. >> i'm relaxed now. >> can i tell. we'll have a great show. and for the colts, it is deja vu all over again. they are back in miami hoping to complete the super bowl magic three years ago. they won then. but miami residents seem to be leading the other way. they're rooting for the saints. jeff glor is at the sun life stadium where sunday's game will take place with that story. >> reporter: good morning. you don't have to spend too much time in either one of these cities to realize they are very different places. and you don't have to spend too much time around the game to realize that both these teams come into this game in very different places. indianapolis has been very good for a long time. the winningest team of the last decade. while new orleans has been referred tos at new america's team. >> go saints! >> reporter: in the heart of downtown, the miami tower burns bright in gold and black. the colors of the new orleans saints. there's no home team here, but for the saints, it's hard pot to feel that way. >> everybody has a soft spot in their heart for the saints. everywhere you go, you see saints. >> reporter: the team is staying downtown. comfortable in the care free atmosphere of this sizzling beach city. a tour you wrist destination just like new orleans. the saints fully soaking in the franchisee first super bowl. >> is the team loose? >> this team is as loose as i've seen them. >> reporter: the indianapolis colts mean while come back to miami for the second time in four years. they won here three years ago, so they're following the same playbook, staying in the same hotel at '07, one player reportedly staying in the same room. foregoing the scene on south beach for the familiarity of ft. lauderdale. >> they want to duplicate the experience super super bowl xli three years ago. >> reporter: the colts are not the team that's received the lion's share of attention this week. but for them, a quietly consistent team proud to show off their workmanlike winning ways, that's just fine. >> one coach told me today i wouldn't care if we played this in nome, alaska and nobody was there. >> reporter: one thing he these two teams do have in common, they were the both h. best in hair conferences. this is the first time the top two seeds in the playoffs have met in the super bowl in 16 years. >> jeff glor with us this morning down here in south florida. also at sun life stadium counting down to the super bowl have jim nantz and phil simms who will be calling the big game on sunday. good morning. >> good morning. >> jim, i read your books, i know your story. i didn't remember that you had a little bit of a new orleans connection. >> yeah, i lived in new orleans back in the '60s. i was actually there when the saints franchise was born in 1967. and as a little 8-year-old, my dad took me to the first game the saints ever played. tulane stadium against the rams. they returned the opening kickoff for a touchdown. they had little to celebrate all these years later. now they're in the super bowl. >> phil, let me ask you, you're a guy who has played in this game, you had a career game in this very game. as we look at these two quarterbacks, is it one have an edge over the other? >> well, i always say the key it playing well in the super bowl for a quarterback is play a defense that's not that great. so that really helps. but it's hard to say who has the advantage. it's two different styles. peyton manning, are the paints will try to blitz, pressure him, make him make the quick decisions. and for drew brees, the colts defense a little safer. if it's this windy, it might be a problem for the quarterbacks. >> let's talk about dwight freeney, whether or not he plays. come one player's playing or not playing really make that much of a difference? >> yes, they can. and dwight freeney is the best pass rusher in the nfl. so you take him out of of the lineup, it's a big deal. let's say if he gets two sacks in a game and makes drew brees they away the football three times. that's five plays taken away in one football game. maybe you get those back. as to n not only that, but it makes a coach feel better on the sidelines so he might call a different play. so it has a big effect on the game. >> jim, do you have any sense going in high scoring, low scoring, or do you just wipe that out of your mind and whatever happens on sunday night happens on sunday night? >> well, i definitely don't go in with any preconceived notions. but the way these two teams can run up and down the field, you would think it would be high scoring. so we would love a wide open game, but all we really root for is we just want to be close in the end, harry. >> there you go. gentlemen, thank you so much forgetting up early for us. we so look forward to seeing you sunday afternoon and sunday evening. we know you guys will do a glat j great job. >> thanks harry, nice shirt. >> i got the memo. >> they're just jealous. don't be haters because you got to wear those suits. now we want to turn to the new orleans saints. because there really is one team that symbolizes its city, it is that team. cbs news correspondent kelly cobiella went to new orleans to check out the team's rise and the city's recovery and she joins us with that story just across the way on ocean drive. good morning, kelly. >> reporter: good morning. yeah, this is a team that once used to be so bad that fans called the saints the aints and they would wear paper bags over their heads in shame. but times have changed. both for the team and the city. from the famous jazz clubs to the city streets, all of new orleans is singing one tune. >> who dat! >> reporter: eight words now as much a part had this city as street cars and fried chicken. and called out so loudly when the saints kicked their way if to the first super bowl that the whole country could hear. they're cheering for more than an underdog team. they're cheering for a struggling city still trying to climb out of the hole that hurricane katrina created 4 1/2 years ago. >> we were actually on the roof of our house netting in the water. >> reporter: robert green lived in the lower ninth ward. his family was among the thousands punching holes through attics and praying for help from rooftops. green's mother died waiting to be rescued. so did his 3-year-old granddaughter. >> i put her on the roof of the house, turned around to get her sister, and when i turned back around, she had fell in 25 feet of water. >> reporter: like hundreds of other, green was plucked from the roof of a home and taken to the superdome. >> we saw people crying, we saw people struggling with kids, adults, old people. it it was just really a horrible place to be. >> reporter: it was a reminder of all that went wrong in the aftermath of hurricane katrina. but with one kick, it turned into a symbol of hope, resilience, survival. the team came home. the team rebuilt. the team won. >> that's all we have left of the house. >> reporter: today robert green has a new house on his old street and his neighbors are start to go return. they're all saints fans here because they all want to believe that despite the odds, they, too, can win. >> it's not about football, it's about actually showing that we are survivors, we are achievers, and we'll be champions. >> reporter: and there are thousands of saints fans here in miami now. just to be close to their team. many don't even have tickets. but win or lose, you can be sure that new orleans will be throwing a party in their honor. maggie? >> cbs' kelly cobiella. thank you so much. rita benson la blanc is part other than and also executive vpd of the new orleans saints. she happens to be ranked by "forbes magazine" as one of the ten most power pl women in pro sports and she joins us this morning. let's talk about what kelly just reported, that this game is not about football or not just about football, but about showing new orleans as a city of survivors. is that the sense in the saints organization? >> absolutely. the players talk about it as much as our employees, as well. the energy of the city feels us, it fuels our life about and she showed the home opener before that was such a cataclysmic moment for us. but the people of new orleans have saved themselves. we might be the most high profile company, but we're showcasing what everyone else has gone through it rebuild and work hard. it's taken five years to build had this team, so this is a just reward for all the hard work. >> you're humble, but should you take a lot of credit for rebuilding new orleans because after hurricanes creep in a and retarks you were instrumental in bringing the team back to new orleans and you vowed then not only to make it a winning team but to help rebuild the gulf south and in fact the team has played a huge part in that rebuilding. >> absolutely. it was an incredible tragedy and very painful to watch, but when you go through bad things, it inspires you and it makes you so much more important as far as what is key and what drives in you life. our music, our food, but absolutely saints football. so we're tenacious, we're happy, and the people have waited so long for this. and i can hear fans in the background. it's giving me chills getting ready for game time because the fans are here and you can feel it all over miami. >> and i think to have a symbol like the super bowl literally transformed transformed the city, too, because at one point it was a symbol of failure, the city sort of let down by its government, and now it's the opposite. >> it's a tremendous undertaking. when i think about how many blue tarps were over the entire city, fema, everyone did what they could do and people worked very, very hard. and here we are this far that we've rebuilt, we have an amazing city that's come back, best practices, changing our political situation. we actually have election this is weekend. >> good weekend. >> big weekend for everything going on. but we have amazing investment going on. it's a great opportunity for people to come and live and it's infectious. we've had so many volunteers from all over the country, all over the world to help us rebuild. and this is a really big way to say thank to you awful them is put on the best game on the broadest audience possible. >> can i get a little who dat? >> who dat! >> thank you so much. all right. all eyes will be on wall street after an ugly day yesterday. ahead this morning more news that everyone will be watching, those latest unemployment figures. elaine has more. >> reporter: it was a rough ride on wall street here yesterday. the dow briefly dipped below 10,000 giving back all the gains since early november and reflecting wall street's fears about european economic problems and the jobs picture here in the united states. now, it was just one month ago that the dow closed above 10,500, but yesterday's 268 point loss was the worst one-day drop since april. yet one economist calls this a much needed reality check for wall street because the market is actually seeing remarkable gains. less than a year ago go, the dow closed at a dismal 6500 points, but has climbed rely definitely quickly since then. now, though, there is renewed anxiety about jobs, all eyes will be on this unemployment report coming out later this morning with unemployment now at 10%. and most analysts believe this report is going to show some modest job growth, but if it does, the apprehension here will likely continue. erica? >> thanks, elaine, at the new york stock exchange this morning. toyota this morning is denying reports it is about to recall the latest model of its popular hybrid the prius. the company does admit there are design problems with the brakes on the new prius. the carmaker also investigating potential problems with its lexus hybrid and the sedan. also new this morning, for the first time since toyota recalled over 4 million cars, the company's chief executive is speaking out apologizing for the safety problems and also says they'll set up a committee to raise quality control. the mid atlantic states bracing for a massive and powerful winter storm today. it is already snowing in mount airy, north carolina. at least a foot of snow is expected there. other area, though, can expect double that amount. cbs news correspondent whit johnson is in blacksburg, virginia with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: erica, good morning. we drove all through the night to try to hit the front end of this storm and i believe we've met it here in blacksburg, virginia. the snow started coming down several hours ago. it's wet and sloppy, but as you can see, it's already starting to stick to the roads, which is a major concern in virginia. the governor has already issued a state of emergency here to free up some actual resources. the state has exceeded its $80 million a year snow removal budget already. so they're tapping in to a reserve fund. other states are in a similar situation. meantime people across the mid-atlantic are stocking up on salt, shovels, emergency fly supp supplies. and the big story with the big game, people are also stocking up on party supplies, make sure you don't get snowed in without enough chips and salsa. >> got to make you have enough on hand. all right. dave price is here with our first check of the national forecast. and, dave, i don't know if they're stocking up on chips here or not. >> oh, no. it's not chips. here it is live entertainment. every's going to be out enjoying the game as close to the stadium as possible. we've got an excited crowd here right on ocean avenue. let's get to the weather picture, though, and talk about what's going on all across the country. we heard whit talking about that serious snow situation developing along the eastern seaboard. here's that national map, snow for much of the eastern half of the united states, right now in the ohio valley and the lower midwest, watch it virginia, western north carolina with heavy snow, rain to the south in to the florida panhandle, central aplatch shans, mid-atlantic, d.c. and baltimore, are you in the bull eye's and as far north arrests philadelphia, extremely heavy snow. much nigs kay today, but gusty winds and thunderstorms tonight here in florida and into tomorrow. that's a quick look at the weather picture. we will send it back up in your direction, folks. take it away. still to come here live from south beach, drew brees, the qb for the saints, tells katie couric how new orleans became his home on and off the field. also we'll meet pierre gar son reaching out to the people of haiti. and as you know, justin bieber performs live just for us on "the early show." this mornin, "mommy, who's your valentine?" i said, "daddy, of course." he said, "no, no, no. daddy doesn't count." "you know, your valentine is who you want to sit by," "who you get in trouble with, who you tell your secrets to," "who you play with at recess." i said, "well, that's daddy, too." this valentine's day, wouldn't your valentine... like to know how you feel? give them a refreshingly real card from hallmark. osteo bi-flex has helped me... not have crunchy knees, not have a stiff back. osteo bi-flex with the exclusive ingredient 5-loxin... shown to improve joint comfort within 7 days. osteo bi-flex gets me through the day. 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[ son ] mooom. steal as in a good price, honey. and then, it was on to my bare walls... i even got all the little extras, guilt free. tables, lamps, pillows, candles... and just like that, voila! a room i want to show off. get the new home trends collection at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. with chili's freshly prepared bottomless express lunch. dig into our famous house-made chips and salsa and our hot, tasty soups, like chicken enchilada or the new chicken and green chile -- slow-smoked chicken topped with ripe avocado and fresh cilantro. plus, enjoy our new house salad -- hand-cut romaine topped with fire-roasted corn and seasoned ciabatta croutons, all with unlimited refills. lunchtime is all about seconds, only at chili's. pediatricians trust children's tylenol. to help their fevers, aches and pains feel better. i said, "daddy, of course." he said, "no, no, no. daddy doesn't count." "you know, your valentine is who you want to sit by," "who you get in trouble with, who you tell your secrets to," "who you play with at recess." i said, "well, that's daddy, too." this valentine's day, wouldn't your valentine... like to know how you feel? give them a refreshingly real card from hallmark. ladies, raise your spoons. now there's nothing left standing between you and a satisfying breakfast. introducing special k® low-fat granola. with 50% less fat than the leading granola... and 5 grams of fiber per serving, it's a satisfying way to help you manage your weight. special k® low-fat granola -- a taste of freedom. welcome back to "the early show." you're getting a great aerial view of south florida from the metlife blimp providing our aerial coverage of miami this morning. so thanks to them for that. >> the sun is coming up here over south beach. we are enjoying i must say every second of it. there is so much excitement leading up to the big game, but also leading up to the concert that we have coming up this morning. i asked these girls behind us to be quiet no just a minute so that we can hear, but they're dying to let it out. teen pop sensation justin bieber is going to be here performing live on stage back there if just a couple minutes. and obviously the crowd cannot wait. >> also ahead, a really interesting look at drew brees of the saints. katie couric went down to new orleans, she'll show us how drew and his family have fallen in love with the crescent city and they'll talk about the important work does he there off the field, as well. but first, one of the great story lines for this super bowl is colts wide receiver pierre gar s garcon. he's had a break outyear on the field, but fans are taking notice after he cloaked himself in haiti's flag following the colts win in the afc championship game. what a moment and pierre is with us this morning. good morning. congratulations. >> thank you. >> take me back two sundays ago. the game is over. you have this phenomenal game, you're holding your country's flag. what were you thinking about and what were you feeling in your heart? >> i was just thinking about the people back home going through, you know, such a hard time right now. just trying to give them something to smile about, something to give them a little pride just to be haitian and know that we're thinking about them here in america. >> do you know how important it is that you are here today, that you played as well as you did two sundays ago, that you really are a beacon if a lfor a lot of who -- we were over there. it's hard to imagine. >> i'm glad i could have a positive impact on those people. that's what i try to do when i play and try to -- around the community, too. so i'm glad something made them feel better. >> how are things over in colts land this morning? are people chilled or is there a sense of we can't wait for the game to start? >> we can't wait for the game to start. we've been practicing into weeks now. we had our game plan in and we're ready to go. >> i think it's so important they talk about how experienced really can be a game changer. and you couldn't have a more experienced quarterback or maybe a better quarterback than the one who is throwing balls to you. what is it like to be on the field with peyton manning? >> it's a dream come true to be on the field with peyton. he's the ultimate leader. he's number one quarterback in the league. he's a great person, great leader of our team. he's always wanted the guys to do better. so it's great to have him as a quarterback. >> we wish you you the best personally and i really appreciate what you have done for the folks in haiti. we want to bring in now this great artist who has been doing this, what, ten years now for the national football league. charles fazzino. explain what this is. >> this is a hand painted helmet, i've been making them for about ten year for the super bowl and for the nfl. and pierre and i decided we'd team up, we both felt so bad about haiti, and what we could do. so we both signed the helmet and we're going to put it up on ebay. and we're hoping it raises $5,000, $10,000. and 1200% of the proceeds is going to helping hands which is pierre's foundation and we're very excited. >> that's really fantastic. and your plan once the super bowl is over and they thinks start to settle down is to go home, right? >> to go back to haiti in april. we originally planned it before the quake happened and now we're trying to go back to sure, trying to raise up to half a million dollars for people in haiti and just help out everything they need from clothes, water, food, setting up tent, hospitals about sglp a lot of work to do there. you'll help get it done. >> he'll need a lot of money. >> so bid high on that. thanks, do appreciate it. dave is out on the beach this morning. let's find out what's going on on miami beach. what's happening, pal? >> well, buddy, i got the miami beach ocean and rescue group here. and of course in just a little while, i will change into my swim gear and i will make sure this coastline is safe for the rest of the morning. nice to see you, folks. how are you? has it been busy? yeah. and it will remain busy. why? we have gusty winds rolling on in, possibly some thundershowers late tonight into south florida. let's talk about that and the rest of the maps. we'll put it up. a major snowstorm also brewing. it's really affecting half of the united states. now in the ohio valley and lower midwest, could you see anywhere from two to five inches of snow. virginia, western north carolina, you're getting heavy snow, rain to the south into the florida panhandle. but in the central appalachians, in the mid-atlantic states, d.c., baltimore, you're right in that center zone. 20 to 30 inches in some of the highest terrain. and, again, keep in mind as far north as philadelphia, you could find yourself with upwards of a foot of snow. new york city, varying degrees.question is how far north is it this go and into new england, next to nothing. gusty winds for florida, rockies one of these things is not like the other, one of these things just does not belong. maggie, you can guess which one of us it is? >> the big thing in red. it's you, buddy. >> yes, you're right. back to you guys. i'll see you in a little bit. >> all right, dave, thank you. speaking of lifesavers, that's what drew brees has been for the city of new orleans. ahead he tells katie couric why he loves that city that worships him so much. they call him breeses. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. at daisy, our family-owned company... has focused on making the best-tasting... sour cream for over four generations. it's made with farm-fresh cream that's 100% natural. no preservatives. and no added hormones. ♪ do-do a dollop of daisy i said, "daddy, of course." he said, "no, no, no. daddy doesn't count." "you know, your valentine is who you want to sit by," "who you get in trouble with, who you tell your secrets to," "who you play with at recess." i said, "well, that's daddy, too." this valentine's day, wouldn't your valentine... like to know how you feel? give them a freshingly real card from hallmark. now, we're making it more affordable. with five one-dollar off coupons in specially marked boxes... of cereal while supplies last. wake up to a better breakfast, on kellogg -- the best to you each morning. pediatricians trust children's tylenol. to help their fevers, aches and pains feel better. no ultra is more flexible. so no matter how you move, your days of bunches and leaks... are virtually... gone. just like magic. always infinity. have a happy period. a lot of people rooting for the saints as you can see. one big reason is quarterback drew brees who is a leader both on and off the field. he's become a savior to the city of new orleans and to the fans to for taking his team to the super bowl and for helping the city recover from so much devastation. katie couric sat down with him recently. >> reporter: you all decided to move into this city instead of the suburbs. which was a huge symbolic gesture for the people of new orleans. what made you decide to do that? >> well, i think when brittany and i think of new orleans, we think of this uptown garden district neighborhood. this is the heart of new orleans. the street cars going by. the old homes. the history, the culture. >> reporter: college sweethearts drew and brittany bruce have fallen in love with new orleans since moving through therein 2006 and the city is loving him back. drew so worshipped in this up to that people wear t-shirts that say breeses. how do you keep him from thinking he walks on water? >> it's not hard to do. i mean, when drew comes in after a long day, he comes home and he's a dad and he's a husband. even, you know, being a parent, you have no sleep and you're getting up in the middle of the night with the baby and i couldn't even complain. i mean, he was up before i was, he was up before the baby was, and then he was going to sleep before we did. >> a lot of women watching this will look at their husband and be like are you kidding me? you must have some faults, though. give me a few. >> he can really com part men allize things which is wonderful. it's such a gift. but can he also do that with myself when we're sitting there watching tv and i'm talking to him for about 15 minutes and i realize that he hasn't heard anything that i said. >> i'm off in my own world thinking about, you know -- >> what are you thinking about? >> football. >> reporter: he may be idlized as a fobl player, but win or lose sunday, new orleans has found a savior in bruees. p brees dream found indication has raised almost $2 million to beld schools, parks and play grounds, including the lusher charter school. brees personally donated almost $40,000 for a weight room for the student-athletes and has been known to stop by and give a few pointers. show me the proper squat technique. >> okay. well, feet shoulder width apart, weight on your heels. you don't want your knees going past your toes. just sit back. sit back. there you go. you're holding the bar on my back, so that's kind of a -- so right there. perfect. >> reporter: he also gave me a little coaching on the saints famous call to arms. >> who dat! >> reporter: you go crazy doing that who dat stuff. >> what's really kind of a fan -- that's our chant from the fans. >> reporter: but do you did sometimes, too, out on the field, don't you? >> we do it just to kind of get the fans hyped up. so it's who dat, who dat they they into to go beat them saints. and a it's been around here forever. it's almost like you could be anywhere in the world and somebody yells who dad and everybody from louisiana will turn around and it's like, okay, i gotcha. >> such a good guy, huh? a >> and what a great decision to live in the city. >> even with they don't win on sunday, he's forever going to be a hero. but, boy, wouldn't it be thighs. >> i think they got a shot. >> you can see more of katie's interview with drew brees tonight on the "cbs evening new news". sdloo up next here for us, health watch oig and some good reasons to maybe keep the super bowl excitement a little bit in check if you can. we'll be right back. benefiber has given the world of orange fiber a whole new look. introducing benefiber orange, an orange-flavored fiber that tastes great and dissolves completely. so, there's no grit. only a refreshing orange flavor 2 out of 3 people prefer over metamucil orange. an orange flavored fiber that's a joy to drink. that's the beauty of benefiber. morning bob. (phone ring) good morning, scott tissue. can everyone hear me? uh, just barely. great, let's get started. surprise! you guys! (announcer) now scott extra soft tissue has a new design, and it's our softest ever. and one mega roll has more sheets than four of the competitions regular rolls. wow! this is really soft! new guy. (announcer) new scott extra soft tissue... softness done right! our professionals hair care line. this feels great. very moisturized and shiny. - it shines like glass. - so soft. - smooth. i would definitely recommend this to my clients. then we revealed what was really in the bottle. it's suave professionals. suave, really? i'm shocked. i didn't know suave could do that. top stylists were surprised. you will be, too. suave professionals. salon proven to work as well as salon brands. suave professionals. rethink salon hair. is also a great value? it's the difference between paying more... [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] ...and getting more. snuggle fabric softener gives you fresh, snuggly softness your whole family will love -- and it costs less than the leading brand! switch to concentrated snuggle blue sparkle, and over a year, you'll get more than 50 loads of softness for free. more, for less. now that makes all the difference. because everyone loves to snuggle! welcome back to "the early show" live from south beach. in this morning's "health watch," big games, bad heart. why watching the super bowl can increase your risk of a heart attack. dr. jennifer ashton is here with me to talk about that. this is not something we're make up. this has been studied, it is scientifically proven that when you're watching a big sporting event you're more at risk? >> it's a phenomenon known as deadly excitement. there could be a lot of stress. adrenalin surges through your body, puts increased amount on your heart. and those people particularly those at risk for heart disease have been shown to have an mced incidence of heart attacks during big sports events. >> so what are the symptoms? sxwlt most important thing is that for men, it's the classic things that we've heard. chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, pain down the left harm or in the jaw. for women it can be different. that's really important. people tend to think that they have the same presentation. they actually don't. for women the signs can be a little more vague. they tend to have short nest of breath, they can have chest pain, but interestingly enough, women have this sense of fatigue. and it's really important to be aware of that. it. >> if you have any of those symptom, should you just take it easy or should you call 911? >> absolutely you should seek medical attention. and again we have to remember that there's a lot of excitement, there's alcohol, there's food, there are a lot of things that can increase your risk for an event during any sporting event. anyone whose child plays sports knows that feeling of your heart pounding in your chest. so if you have those symptoms, call 911 immediately. >> and you're wearing red for a reason. >> today is the big public awareness campaign, women wear red day. so recognize the symptoms. it can be life saving. >> dr. jennifer ashton, thank you so much. i'm not sure we'll be able to keep the excitement in check with our concert coming up because there is major bieber fever here on south beach. justin bieber getting toward perform live on "the early show" on cbs. active naturals feverfew. we know feverfew... has properties that help neutralize irritation... to strengthen skin and calm redness in just one week. discover new aveeno ultra-calming. and we all get dirty. try new and improved all with more cleaning ingredients. all's trusted stainlifters help get your wash incredibly clean. and costs up to 40% less than the leading brand. it's all good. ♪ ♪ ♪ one tribe, y'all, we one tribe, y'all ♪ ♪ we one tribe, y'all ♪ we are one people ♪ let's catch amnesia ♪ let's catch amnesia ♪ forget about all of that evil ♪ [ male announcer ] what do you care about? introducing the pepsi refresh project. we're giving away millions for ideas that move the world forward. every pepsi refreshes the world. ñóóóóóóó for ideas that move the world forward. guys remember, we're a solar system. mars is down...and... um, it's only 10am. who hasn't had their jimmy dean breakfast this morning? mmmm! now lets orbit i feel awesome. you're all awesome. jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches, fight the morning fade. ♪ ♪ ♪ people try to tell me but i still refuse to listen ♪ ♪ ♪ julie chen joining us this morning. welcome back. >> nothing pull as woman out of maternity leave like the super bowl in miami. with justin bieber an especially when your network is airing the super bowl. >> smart woman. >> i saw you guys having so much fun in miami, and i said i have to get there at least for today. >> the stars lined pup. >> how is little charlie? >> he's adorable. congratulations to you. >> it's a boy, too. >> i didn't know if you announced it. >> yeah, it's a boy. >> you can name him charlie if you want. it's very popular these days. >> charlie rodriguez, why not. >> julie will be around the whole hour. we've got the super quiz lined up. >> julie chen is synonymous with giving quizzes, so i hope you have your game face on. your nfl super bowl trivia. don't worry, i'll sneak you some answer. >> okay. first we'll check the news. erica hill is at our portable news desk with headlines this morning. this morning toyota president speaking out for the first time about the giant carmaker's safety issues. those issues of course which forced the recall of over 4 million cars. dean reynolds is in chicago with the latest for us. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning p the company is so far saying they're considering recalling the prius which would add to those other recalls. but this morning in tokyo, the chairman of toyota said that he was sorry again for the company's problems and he prime ministered promised to set up a committee which he himself will head to improve quality control ministered promised to set up a committee which he himself will head to improve quality control. toyota says it has received about 180 reports in japan and the u.s. of problems with the prius brakes, including complaints that the popular hybrid won't always stop when you want to. stefan wise has bought four toyotas because of their stellar reputation, but his new prius that he purchased six weeks ago has shaken his faith. >> you step on the brake and it feels like nothing happens. >> reporter: on two heart racing occasion, his prius ran stop signs even though he was stepping on the brake p he and others say foul weather and bumpy roads can cause the problem. >> since then i've been avoiding potholes, manhole cover, any kind of bumps in the road. >> snow? >> snow, absolutely. >> reporter: the prius has what's known as a jean are a difference braking stham recaptures energy usually lost during braking and converts it into electrical current that replenishing the car's electrical engine. but a sudden stop or skid triggers a second more conventional hydraulic brake. a computer is supposed to make the rans six seamless, but in the 2010 models, three a momentary gap when one system takes over from the other. >> there's just nothing there. >> reporter: no response. >> no. >> reporter: now, toyota says it's also looking at braking issues on its lexus hybrid that luxury car. no wonder then that its chairman just told that press conference in tokyo that his company is undergoing a crisis situation. erica? >> that is getting plenty of attention. dean reynolds in chicago, thanks. two terrorist bombings to tell you about this morning in came rach chir, pakistan's largest city. the first caught on a cell phone camera using its video camera, smoke rising high over the rooftops. that blast carrying shiite muslim, 12 killed, most of them women and children. the second bomb came at a hospital where victims of the first were being treated. at least five people were killed there. there is word this morning that the suspect in the attempted christmas day attack in a detroit-bound airliner has actually turned on his teacher. a law enforcement official says umar farouk abdulmutallab is helping in the hunt for the radical yemeni claire rake anwar al awlaki. it's reported he was tied to the 9/11 hijackers. and tai shan the guy answer panda born at washington's national zoo now at his ancestral home this morning delivered to cli 2345 by the panda express, you my say. tai shan and mai lan joining the campaign to save their endangered species. still just as cute whether in the u.s. or in china. dave price standing by, dave, items tough to say good-bye to the pandas for you, i know. i know, you know how much i love that panda story. erica, right now we are enjoying the beach. and we're enjoying 12 tons, 24,000 pounds, of sand. it took three hours to make this. let's widen out the picture right now. mark may so that tip to go work on this project right here. and as you can tell, as we work on our way over here, look at these likenesses of peyton manning and drew brees. if you happen to come to this beach, you may actually stop here and try to get an autograph because it makes do you a double take. it is one of the fine pieces of art right along the beach right now, south beach where people are beginning to control. tens of thousands of visitors are here. keep in mind mark has been earning a living making sand sculptures for 18 years full-time. let's go to the maps and see what's happening across the country. we have nice weather here, but that's going to be changing in south florida. the big story, the snow for much of the eastern half of the united states. ohio valley, lower midwest, two to five inches. but as you thoed baltimore and washington, you'll get pounded with record-setting snow. central aplash chans, again, mid-atlantic states, you are right in the target zone. philly, 8 to 12 inches. lesser amounts in new york city. new england, you are spared. rain as you head out to califo >> announcer: this weather report sponsored by turbotax software. turbotax. choose easy. so that's it from here. i'll continue to pound sand right here on miami beach. julie, back to you. >> dave, thank you. up next -- >> how are you? >> i'm good. are you toward my nfl trivia quiz? >> all set. >> all right. one of the question, how many calories does the average fan eat on super bowl sunday? take our quiz. but you might not like the answer. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ( music, toasters popping ) ♪ mmm... hot fudge sundae. ♪ ooh! frosted blueberry?!? ♪ over 25 flavors of kellogg's pop-tarts®. and they're all for fun and fun for all. pop-tarts®. made for fun™. and we all get dirty. try new and improved all with more cleaning ingredients. all's trusted stainlifters help get your wash incredibly clean. and costs up to 40% less than the leading brand. it's all good. [ sighs ] whoo-hoo! this hair color is a washout. try nice'n easy with color-blend technology. in 1 step, get a blend of 3 tones. highlights, lowlights, and shine. it makes a fresh, light-filled frame for your pretty face. nice'n easy. your right color. i love you around the world. i love you through and through. give a book with your voice on every page. and when it seems impossible to love you more... i do. good night, evan. - i love you. - awww, i love you too. a cuddly bear that answers when you talk... or a card with a dvd that celebrates your love story. gifts that will mean something long after the day is done. ♪ i love you only at your hallmark gold crown store. with osteo bi-flex i can walk again, i can swim again. osteo bi-flex with the exclusive ingredient 5-loxin... shown to improve joint comfort within 7 days. thank you, osteo bi-flex. welcome back to "the early show." we're live in miami. the super bowl is always the most watched it tv event of the year. and you'd think that maybe broadcasters such as ourselves would know a lot about it. but as we're about to show you, you're probably wrong. so we're going to test our knowledge right here with a game of super bowl trivia. representing the colts to my right are harry and erica. and playing for the saints are maggie and dave. i am the referee. >> who dat! >> and i have my whistle, don't make me use it. >> i'm not a sports broadcaster, so -- >> but neither is anyone else here. >> but that may explain why i don't know much. >> game faces on. question number one. it is multiple choice. you have to hear me say all three choices and then you can scream, raise your hand, whatever. mayhem will pursue. where was the first super bowl held? i think erica went up first. >> i know this one. green bay. >> you said we have to hear all the choices. >> disqualified. >> no, you're not. a, los angeles, b, green bay, c, miami. >> miami. >> wrong. >> anyone? >> green bay. >> wrong. >> los angeles. >> yes. >> green bay was the first winner. >> in 19 -- >> yes. >> so no one got the point there. >> both negative one. >> between kansas city and green bay was the first game. >> do i have to cancel one of my questions since you're just talking amongst yourselves? okay. question two. who holds the record for most super bowl mvp wins? a, tom brady, b, terry bradshaw, c, joe montana. >> joe montana. you're on my team! we have to coordinate. >> she said scream it out. >> they cancel each other out. >> i think they do. >> they did, because makiggie g it wrong, but dave got it right. >> there is no winning by default. it's still zero/zero. >> this is strong, people. >> question three. i can't ask that because you you already said it was green bay that won the first super bowl. question four. what team has won the most super bowls? a, pittsburgh steelers, b, dallas cowboy, c, new england patriots. dave was first. >> dallas cowboys. >> wrong. >> erica hill? >> steeler. >> the pittsburgh steelers have won six. >> it's 7-0. you count as a touchdown. >> you're at zero because you were negleative one before. question five. what city has hosted the most super bowls? a, new orleans -- [ whistle blows ] i've been dying to do this all day. dave price. which city has hosted the most super bowls? a, new orleans, b, miami, or, c, tampa. >> miami. >> i think miami. >> what gave it away? was it my -- >> i like i way you did it. >> now you have a point. >> question six. on super bowl weekend, there are fewer than what important event than any other time of the year? a, birth day parties, b, funeral, c, weddings. erica. >> c, wedding ps p. >> two points. ding-ding-ding. you have some catching up to do. what over the counter medical product sees a 20% snik sales after game day? a, tylenol, b, cough drops, c -- don't make me penalize you -- c antacids. >> c, auntacids. >> ding-ding. >> excuse me, but you were looking in that direction. >> yes are, but i'm giving you the champion football because erica and harry are the winners. >> fine work. you're rooting for the colts? >> i'm rooting for the colts, i am. >> and you're the saints? >> we'll see who wins. up next, hot fashion and cool music. deejay tracy young with a swimsuit fashion show when we come back. hey, you made your own lunch. yep! (mom) i'm so proud of you. the bus is here, gotta go mom. okay hunny, have a great day. look in your bag, made you something. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. choosey moms, choose jif. try new voluptuous mascara from maybelline new york. our voluptuous brush lengthens and plumps at the same time. adds up to 70% more length, 80% more va-va volume. it's hotter than ever. [ female announcer ] new voluptuous from lash stiletto. only from maybelline. we are live in south beach getting ready for super bowl sunday. and of course we've got justin bieber coming up live here in our next half hour. but in the meantime, we want to take it out to the beach where julie and maggie are standing by with -- well, it's not a competition exactly, but we do want to see some swimsuits. >> you got it. >> it's club early show here this morning on the beach. miami is a trend setting up to and it's only natural that it would lead the way in swim wear, as well. here to show us the latest styles is katrina szish editor-in-chief of and the reason it's club "early show" this morning is also here we have not only cheerleaders from the colts and saints modeling for us, but also rocking the music is deejay to the stars tracy young. we love tracy! and the music is so good. >> i want to get up there and dance. >> no one's stopping you. go on, girl. >> let's look at the cheer leaders. >> we'll do the swimsuits first. what are we going to bring out first? >> first we'll start with the saints. we've got danielle here. the big trend here is bright colors. as you can see, she looks amazing. this is a great suit by rosa shaw. they came straight off the run way in miami. every year all the run way shows for swim wear happen right here. the bright colors this season. whether a one piece or two piece and danielle we think looks hot in this suit. >> she sure does. let's bring out our next look representing the colts. >> we've got armara rocking a tom tommy hilfigor suit. the prepare pi staple is definitely back. here we have the gold and navy blue. the entire look is on did tlineu can try it on at home. one stop shopping. >> our next model is a saints cheerleader. >> hope from the saints. a swim dress here. just because you're wearing a one piece didn't mean you can't be sexy and flirty. again we're showing the bright color here. all the designers did retro pieces whether one or two piece. and this is a fun way to go. choosing a bright color is the way to keep it modern. sg >> i like the little ruffle blowing in the wind. >> let's bring up jessica. >> she is wearing an and i symmetrical -- >> i used to wear that in the 80s. >> and that means sense.>> i us 80s. >> and that means sense. we've been seeing this on all the run ways. >> and our next look? >> a little more ruffles for you. here we have macy looking amazing playing with that color. just because it's ruffly doesn't mean it doesn't have to be sexy. she is rocking that swimsuit. >> she is. and the music helps. >> all right. thank you. let's bring out the next one. >> sarah, the graphic trend pattern. this is from swim and sport in miami. again, anything with a graphic pattern is the way to go. you can see the great hardware details, too right in front. and that's a big trepd, as well. let's bring them  ♪ one less lonely girl, nonless lonely girl, one he is lonely girl ♪ ♪ i'm going to put you first, i'll show you what you are if you you let me noets. >> is there a hotter act in the country right now than justin bieber? >> i don't think so. >> i know not. >> and i'm a little bit older than that young lady on stage and i'm swooning a little. >> don't you wish we were 10 or 12 again, 13? >> it is pretty sweet to see. >> so cute. >> we have bieber fever working here this morning as we welcome you back to sizzling south beach. we want to thank the metlife blimp for these amazing ariel sh aerial shots we've had here all week. so look for the metlife blimp s snop pi 1 or 2 when they pass lieu near you. >> and in just few minutes, jubs continue bieber will take the stage and he'll perform three of his top selling songs for us. >> but katie lee is here to put her own twist on super bowl sunday food from tacos to they have say weight oig hoagie. >> before we get to that though, dave joining us with another check of the weather. dave? maggie, i can't hear you very well. then again, i can't point to the maps very easy. then again, i am enjoying some fine time in the sand. this is the way to really immerse yourself in miami beach. quite literally. i have some lovely models, very lovely models, over to my right and to my left. i'm going to tell the control room right now i can't hear anything because i think somehow my earpiece was immersed. i'm just going to grab a drink here for a moment because i'm somewhat parched and then we'll take a look at the forecast. that continue work particularly well. so let's get to the business at hand. as we take a look at the maps, it is not sand, but snow that is going to affect much of the country. keep in mind the ohio valley and much of the eastern seaboard going to see some heavy snow. lighter amounts as you head to the west, but the heavier stuff ranging from the carolinas through sla have a, north carolina through virginia, washington, baltimore, philadelphia, serious and dangerous conditions. here in florida, we are going to see some winds pick up today. thundershowers likely tonight into tomorrow. and other than that, the major issue on the west coast rain from southern california up the coast to oregon people came here and were trying to move my drink and put something in my ear, but i remain firmly ensconced. if you wanted to know how we can afford to send so many people down here for the super bowl, these are my accommodations. guys? are you there? >> look at that. >> oh, we're anchors sitting at the anchor desk in our nice clothes. >> we got him just where we want him. thanks very much, dave. we're starting our super bowl party a couple days early. we just could not wait because our good friend katie lee back from vacation had some game day receip recipes. >> isn't it great? and super bowl sunday is one of my favorite days of the year. and you know why? >> because people eat. >> it's the thanksgiving of junk food. it's my favorite. >> i love it. that's a good line. >> so i've got some great homemade junk food. if you're going to eat junk food, make it homemade. you can't have a super bowl without wings, with y wings, bu messy wings, buffalo chicken. put the chicken in the bowl. dump in the sauce. give it a good stir and get it good and coated. had is something that kids can help with, too. >> and this is easy. >> totally easy. i love those rotisserie chickens. they make life so easy. now take a scoop of that and put it on this tortilla. we'll top with another tortilla if we don't get blown away and we'll go back to the grill. we'll put it right on the grill. i've got some that are already that. >> nice! >> we're going to blow away. okay. now we'll cut this one up. grab me a knife behind you. >> look at this. >> cut it in quarters. put it right on this plate. you'll get to eat it right away. and we'll serve it with a little bit of blue cheese and celery. >> and maybe not quite as bad for you? >> i don't think they're as bad because buffalo wings are fried, they have the skin. so this is actually a lighter alternative. >> wow. >> do you like it? >> i like a lot. >> oh, good. that makes me so happy. >> it's so good. >> and i have chilly otherwise cheese dip that's so good. the recipe for that is on our website. and these are my insanely good tacos that run believable. also the recipe for those on the website. and now the heavy waweight hoag. i made a homemade garlic butter. got that melted. i took a loaf, slid it down the center, and then put the garlic butter on it and toasted it. really easy, really good. now we'll assemble. we'll have salami, turkey, cheese, whatever kind of deli meet that you like. instead of calling out and ordering one of these subs that somebody else makes, should you ma you should make it at home and put what you like on it. customize is for your guests' tastes. and then everybody picks what they like. >> i don't think anybody really wants a sandwich with all of my fingers all over it. pretty disgusting. >> then wear gloves at home, okay? >> all right. >> and you have to slather on a bunch of mayonnaise. that's my favorite part. i love mayonnaise. >> really? >> you don't like mayonnaise really some you can put mus arrested on yours. and i want some onions. >> you know what you really need? peppers. like zillions and zillions of peppers. >> what are you going to serve on super bowl sunday? >> let me see. i haven't crossed -- skip the lettuce. more peppers. >> now here's the trick. wrap it up and we'll take this heavy iron skill let and put it on top. no i'm butt t no, you'll put the -- >> oh, on top. >> let it sit for 30 minutes and it will come out and see the smooshed version? >> who knew? >> what this is mine. what are you going to eat? >> you you take that. >> and then put it on the cutting board and your guests can cut their own sandwiches so that everybody can have as much or as little as they like. >> that look goods. >> do you like that. >> do you know what, though, honestly? >> you would rather have a -- >> what did you call this again? >> a buffalo chicken case dea. >> you can faend these recipes on our website. >> announcer: this portion of the early show sponsored by jiff. jiff, number one choice of kloos city moms. just it contincontinue bieb he's famous and stealing the hearts of tweens around the world and a lot of hearts in south beach this morning. the canadian pop sensation was discovered through his homemade music videos on youtube. his debut cd came out recent than four months ago and already it has gone platinum. for the moment we've all been waiting for, let me tell you one time, justin bieber! >> get your hands up, y'all. when i say justin, you say bieber just continue. >> bieber. >> justin bieber. >> when i say one, you say time, one. >> time. >> one. >> time. >> let's go. ♪ me plus you, i'm going to tell you one time ♪ ♪ one time ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> thank you very much! >> justin bieber, how are you? thanks for coming, justin. so are you used to this yet? >> i'm getting more used to it every day. >> because this is your life now. everywhere you go, you have the fans. i bet it really pumps you up. >>mazing to come up here and have all the fans. it's so fun. >> we saw you sunday night at the grammys where you accidentally said beyonce's name instead of bon jovi. was that truly an accident or was it deliberate because you were trying to get beyonce's attention? >> maybe. maybe i was trying to get beyonce's attention. >> and did it work? >> yeah. >> you bet her back stage, right? s >> yes, i did. i got to take a picture of her and jay stch-z was like watchin. >> youtube launched your career. did you ever think that anybody would look at these much less what happened? >> not at all. it's been such an amazing experience coming from a little town in canada to what it is today. so i'm very blessed. >> didn't you post it originally so that friends and family could see what you were up to? >> yeah, posted them just for friends and family to watch. and it just escalated and got bigger and bigger. >> no kidding. and then usher and justin a timberlake were fighting over him. >> >> and usher one. >> and this crowd is dying for to you sing one more song. should we have him sing "baby"? ladies and gentlemen, once again justin bieber singing "baby." ♪ ♪ you know you love me, i know you care ♪ ♪ just shout whenever and i'll be there ♪ ♪ you want my love, you you want my heart and we would never ever ever be apart ♪ ♪ are we an item, girl quit playing ♪ ♪ we're just friends what are you saying ♪ ♪ take another look right in my eyes ♪ ♪ my first love, broke my heart for the first time ♪ ♪ and i was like baby, baby baby ooh, i'm like baby, baby, baby ♪ ♪ i'm like baby, baby, baby ooh ♪ ♪ baby, baby, baby ooh, i'm like baby, baby, baby ♪ ♪ i'm like baby, baby, baby, thought you'd always be mine in that for you i would have done whatever ♪ ♪ and i just can't believe we're not together noeft and i got to play it cool while i'm losing you ♪ ♪ i'll buy you i go, i'll buy you you any ring ♪ ♪ cause i'm in pieces, baby fix me ♪ ♪ just shake me till you wake me from this bad dream ♪ ♪ i'm going down, down, down ♪ and i just conditions believe high first love won't be around ♪ ♪ baby, baby, baby, i'm like baby, baby, baby ♪ ♪ i'm like, baby, baby, baby, i thought you'd always be mine ♪ ♪ everybody, come on, baby, baby, baby ♪ ♪ i'm like, baby, baby, baby ♪ i'm like, baby, baby, baby thought you'd always be mine ♪ ♪ ♪ you can give all of your love but sometimes it won't be enough ♪ ♪ never told me this day would come, now i'm all gone ♪ ♪ you can give me all of your love ♪ ♪ sometimes it won't be enough, never told me in day would come ♪ ♪ cause i was like baby, baby, baby ♪ ♪ i'm like baby, baby, baby ♪ i'm like, baby, baby, baby ♪ i thought you'd always be mine ♪ ♪ baby, baby, baby i'm like baby, baby, baby ♪ ♪ i'm like, baby, baby, baby ♪ thought you'd always be mine yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah now i'm all gone, gone, gone, gone ♪ ♪ i'm gone thank you very much! >> thank you justin. and more of justin bieber when we come back. don't go away. brendon: did you know walmart is designing stores that are over 20% more energy efficient? vo: plus, we're committed to one day powering every one of our stores in america with 100% renewable energy. vo: because we believe the best way to power savings, is innovation. save money. live better. walmart. terrorists. they're trying to kill americans at home, and our troops abroad. and who's footing the bill for the attacks against us? oil money. filtered through secret organizations in the middle east, and countries like iran. when oil money ends up in the hands of our enemies, americans pay the ultimate price. we've got to protect ourselves. and do all we can to end our dependence on foreign oil. tell congress to pass the clean energy and american power act, now. store management team started as hourly associates? brendon: because at walmart we're about more than just jobs, we're about careers. brendon: and that makes life more fruitful for everyone. save money. live better. walmart. just had a baby. not having a baby. >> but acts like a baby. >> having a baby. >> having a baby sooner. >> something in the water. >> and dad. >> look what julie started. >> erica shil here with a little preview of tomorrow. >> we like it call it it the big show on saturdays coming to you right here live from miami. among the things we have lined up for you, wouldinona judd, da marino will teach me how to properly throw a football, how to put the super bowl on behind the scenes and also a little prediction action from all of our nfl analysts. >> and the day after, the big game. don't miss the super bowl on sunday here on cbs. but right now, we leave you with ju justin bieber once again singing "never let you go." ♪ ♪ hello, everybody. it is howard bernstein with you. the snow is getting closer. it is snowing in culpeper, lawyer luray also. i believe we have a live picture from luray, no, that will be coming up on 9 news now at 9:00. show you the doppler here. getting close to warrenton. some stuff south and west of us. might be snowing across charles county here in a little while. it is moving north and east. you'll get the snow last but even here in washington expecting our first flakes probably by 10:00 a.m., getting heavier this afternoon. on the weather computer, you will be able to see the heavier snow that is falling across southwestern virginia. south of 81 down 77 to the north carolina border. heavy snow and zero visible at 8:00. angie, over to you. >> thank you so much, howard. five minutes from the 9:00 a.m. hour. better news on the capital beltway is how we gin an accident has cleared. no delays to report on the outer loop at this time. moving to 270 southbound, no issues frederick to the split. hey, virginia, 66 eastbound we are clear 50 to the beltway. check it out, i-64 out of charlottesville. starting to snow. it's on the way. >> sure is. no stopping it. the only question we have is how much mixing may occur south and southeast of town. that would keep accumulations down. one to two into two and a half feet of snow by the time it is done. watch for near blizzard conditions especially by the bay. sunday and monday we are done with it and dry. sunday and monday a few snow showers and cold through the period n. the 30s. we will have the latest news and weather coming up on mind over money friday on 9 news ó?xxeccúú

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