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Pro russian separatist. There was immediate finger pointing that the jet was deliberately down by an antiair craft missile. President obama addressed the tragedy. Evidence indicates that the plane was shut down by surface to airsi misle. It was launched by an area controlled by russian backed separatists inside of ukraine. We know that these separatists have received a steady flow of support from russia. This includes arms appeared training. It and training. I itncludes heavy weapons and it includes antiair craft weapons. There has to be a credible ind National Investigation into what happened. In order to facilitate that investigation, russia, pro russian separatists and ukraine must adhere to an immediate cease fire. Evidence must not be tampered with investigators need to access the crash site, and the solemn task of returning those lost on board to the plane to the loved ones need tease go forward immediately. What impact will this downed malaysian jetliner have with the malaysia with the eu. What this is from what we know is this is not an a trosity or a warm crime deliberately done but rather a military blunder by the rebels using a surface to air missile. We dont know where they got it from, so in that sense it is not deliberate but at same time it is like the air liner that was shot down by the United States in the persian gulf accidently in 1988, but john, this puts putin in a hellish box. He is the backer of the rebels and he is going to be under tremendous pressure either to pull back in supporting the rebels and to basically abandon them and to get his people and get his forces out of Eastern Ukraine and basically you know, leave these people in the lurch which will be very, very touch to do. If he doesnt do it, he will face certain sanctions from the United States and the real open question is what the europeans do. Whatever reluck tanssy europeans have had with following president obama lead in filing sanctions is substantially reduced if not erased. Virtually every one of the they had 150 of their people on the plane. Many european nationals, a lot of pressure on them to respond. Maybe whoever did this did not intend to get a commercial air liner but nonetheless the result of this is this tragic accident and somebody is going to have to take responsibility for it. And i think president obamas role here is to make putin own this, not let him get away with saying it was really the Ukrainian Government or whatever dodge hell put in. At the same time the president has to give him room to back down. He can stop what is going on in ukraine. Only he can stop what is going on in ukraine. He has an Important Role to play. Hes facing an enormous strategic set back. He basically controlled the government of ukraine. He thought there would be a spontaneous up rising. There wasnt. He had to create one. He thought the government would founder. It is quite capable militarily and then he was counting on european opinion being passive and this will gal vannize it. He cards to play and it looks like he has a losing hand. Are the europeans likely to support stronger sanctions on russia . Without question. This is not an accident. This something that was deliberate. You cant just fire it is not something you fire a match in the forest and it caught fire. This was a missile deliberately setup. Nobody has doubts about it. The president was have clea for forceful and effective on it. I dont think anybody will be able to walk away from it including the russians. They have to figure out what to do and if they dont do anything all of europe will be tilting against them in a way that hasnt occurred in a long time and well be tough with them. What is the russian public being told about this massacre. In no way are the russian public being told in such a way that they blame their own government for it. That is not the way it works. What is putins line he is putting out. Let me agree with eleanor here. Putin does not want to own them. But hes been playing a game keeping this rebellish movement going and i think he is in a real spot and frankly, dip mattically they have to give him a way to walk down from where he has been and, you know, dip mattically, i think because he cant want to continue this now otherwise it represents a total breach with the west and the United States and i dont believe down deep he wants that. What do we think of this. Russian state control media a report that the Ukrainian Military accidently hit the malaysian jet when they tried to shoot down putins president ial air craft. It is an outrageous lie. This guy is a thug and a liar. There hasnt been any doubt about that for a long time. The ukrainian business has not been in the business of shooting down planes. The rebels have. Theyve been shooting down cargo planes with russian provided military and russian personnel. A lot of the so called rebels are Russian Troops or agents. Multiple choice. What will president obama do in reaction to this atrocity. Will it be a push for more sanctions, b give Ukraine Military support like u. S. Air power; c schedule more political fundra. He will not start now with military support. I think that would be a real mistake. We would escalate if putin couldnt back down. He will wait for putins response to this which is the right thing to do, quite frankly, and to see if some how they can get putin to back away from supporting the rebels and air this rebellion and war. The un ambassador was a lot tougher than the president. The president is trying to say to putin come home prod call son, if you will. To give him the chance to make this right. This is a horrendous incident and the blood is on his hands. So what will the president do . Probably all three of those things. He is not going to stop raising money for the november election. Some a a lot of c but it should be b as well. The Ukrainian Government should crush this insurg. What is the best case for russian separatists . The best case it seems to me here from the point of view, my judgment he has to back off from what hes been doing to some extent. This under cuts whatever moral and political ground he had at least in the west. There will be a much tougher response to him. We have to give him some limited way to step down but not too much. We have to show strength under a situation like this if we dont we should just pack up and go. The best case for the russian separatists is that they were trying to shoot down a Ukrainian Military plane. Do you know what they look like . I personally have never dated one of them, but i dont care what they were trying to shoot down. This is what happens when you have this kind of peppery going up in the air without the Technical Knowledge of which plane youre shooting down. It is the worlds monster airplane. You know it takes to land it . 42 landing wheels. An enormous plane. Good argument never to give any rebel movement, Syrian Rebels surface to air missiles of any kind because they wind of shooting down air liners. That is what happened here. This was not a surface shoulder held thing. This is a rocket that can knock down planes at 72,000 feet. They needed training and where did the training come from . You want to speak to this. It may actually have been operated by russian covert agencies and a lot of the so called officials are former Russian Defense officials so it may have been a Russian Rocket operated by a russian operated by russian personnel. Certainly russian observers are probably likely. To make sure they do it well. When we come back, irans nu commitment. Will their talks with the u. S. Continue . Issue two the on Going Nuclear deal. Im returning to washington today to consult with president obama and with leaders in congress over the coming days about the prospects fore a comprehensive agreement as well as a path forward if we dont achieve one by the 0 aeftd july. There has been tangible progress on key issues. However, there are also very re other key issues. With the sunday, july 20th deadline for the Nuclear Agreement with iran. Secretary of state kerry pressed on with his iranian diplomacy. He tried to rescue the talks between iran and the p five plus one. The United States and the united kingdom, france, germany and china. They bogged down over the assistance for keeping the Nuclear Status quo without research and development. Making Nuclear Grade fuel. An equally Vital Movement in achieving what is a threshold capabilities. Keeping iran from quickly crossing the Nuclear Threshold has been the objective of the past six months of negotiations. What were trying to do is find a way for iran to have an exclusively Peaceful Nuclear program while giving the world all of the assurances required to know that iran is not weapon. I want to under score these goals are not incompatible. Irans foreign minister feels the same way. Here is what Muhammad Zarif told secretary kerry and president. As we stand now we have made enough head way to be able to tell our political bosses that this is a process worth continuing. This is my recommendation. Im sure secretary kerry will make the same recommendation. President obama signals he is also on board. Question. What is the reaction on capitol to extending the deadline for the talks . Mitch lowery. Theyre more hoggish than the administration is. But i think well get an extension past the november election and i think it is in irans interest to cut some sort of deal thatts essential capabilitys the question is whether it is too hostile to the United States to cut that sort of deal. I think the u. S. And iran have more in common these days, certainly theyre in agreement on iraq, on afghanistan, and on seera. So i think this is certainly worth syria. So i think this is worth pursuing. I dont think they have themonths. There is more the six months. There is more pressure. He has to start showing benefits but these talks with worthwhile and should be continued. You think the hill is skeptical. Theyve been skeptical all along. John, its been a success. The talks have been a success. Look what theyve done. They have all of the 20 you are yan yum is basically uranium is basically erased. The iraq Nuclear Reactor which was going to be heavy water is modified so it doesnt pr weapons grade plutonium. So youve had progress along this. I agree with rich. I dont think the iranians want a Nuclear Weapon quite frankly and the American Intelligence Agency says they dont have a Nuclear Weapons program and theyve never reversed that call. They definitely want they wont go through this great trouble for a Nuclear Program. This isnt something that they pick up and say what are we going to do this weekend. Lets do weaponry. Theyve got various plants, the Nuclear Plants producing all of this material, enriched uranium. I dont know what youre reading or all of the stuff im reading is skeptical whether rap ran will do a deal and whether this administration will hang tough in terms of making sure that we control the very elements that will produce the impacts of the nuke peculiar. The pessimistic view is that he is calling the shots and anyone below him doesnt count. He is showing the calling the counts. We get a Nuclear Weapon, what good will it do us. If they want a deal, they want a fig leaf deep that preserves their ability to do whatever they want in secret and it can break out at any time why would the Intelligence Community declare twice on high confidence that iran is not building a Nuclear Weapon. Medical research, theyre so devoted to medical progress. And Peaceful Nuclear energy. They want a collision and a war with iran, they would like to see these talks collapse and you watch Congress Call for new sanctions to try to stop the talks. They stalled their program for an indefinite period. I think that is a pretty good deal. If you have the politicians standing up and saying if we think theyre going to go for a weapon, therefore we have to go to war that is not a good april the. It is not a Good Alternative if they develop the capacity to have Nuclear Weapons either. Transform the whole region. Should we go to war to stop that. I dont think we should go to war under any circumstances unless we think there is a major threat. Iran wants to consolidate the Nuclear Program and are playing for time to do it. Theyve been investing a huge amount of time and research. You think theyre. Theyre doing now more than six months. Enough of iran. Iran will be around for awhile. Lets shift to gaza where israel has launched the ground defensive against hamas. What are israels objectives. Mort speak to that. Israels objects are simple. They want to make sure the first objective is to make sure they arent going to be attacked by missiles launched. Theyve had hundreds and hundreds of them launched against them with various types of military capabilities the second thing they want to make sure is that gaza does not remain a platform for continuation attacks on israel. The most prnt is to make important is to make sure that doesnt happen to them. But this is a diminishing return that the israelis are geting. All over the world the pictures of what is happening tog civilians in gaza. Hundreds dead and over 1,000 wounded is causing a tremendous up rising in the arab street and the world. The greater understanding is that those are the pictures that hamas wants. That lies hamas bases their population in densely plated areas so civilians wil. Why are they shooting. The United States had a program which israel agreed to and hamas did not agree to to basically bring this to a halt. 2 million people, the whole place is densely plated, and if israel wants to destroy hamas and i think that is their goal, theyve been doing these periodic bombings, they call it going in, they call it mowing the lawn, it is not working. Hamas is launching it is not a strategy and giving people that live in this densely plated area some access to the outside world. They left ten years ago unilaterally. They left the greenhouses all in place. They wanted to give them the chance to create a decent policy but they have another terror state. Theyve had 3,000 greenhouses that the israelis left over for them and they burned and destroyed them. Iraq wants six months. Were willing to give them three months. Thats the talks. I dont know exactly where the talks are. Im not sure thats exactly where the talks are. This is one place where im optimistic about what kerry is doing for the reason. I think want a deal. Kerry is kerry. He is good. Kerry did a good job will the iran nuclear dialing will be extended. It certainly will be and kudosis to kerry to get the the votes. They want to string it along and administration is desperate for the deal. Well be right back with predictions. Prediction. Governor rick perry attacks the isolationism. Hes been ekowed by dick chenny and neoconservatives the foreign policy, the realists versu interventionists. This will be a major issue in the primaries in 2016 and it is a healthy thing. Is ran paul winning. When everybody is attacking him as nixon said, when you hear about everybody getting together to stop him put your money on x. Most elections are bred braed and butter elections and the Unemployment Rate will fall below 6 by this november which may brighten the moderate for voters going to the polls. That means the Unemployment Rate dropped from 7. 5 over the the last year to 6. 1 now. And while it may not take effect by this november an improving xhichl can set the election up for democrats. I know mort is going to disagree but things are looking better. Finally. You think obama is going to score . I do. Hes going to be vindicated despite the republicans not letting him have any of his policies. Okay. What do you think . Everybodys focus on this impending john boehner lawsuit over the employer mandate delays and obamacare. The real judicial earthquake has to do with this case that has been brought. Obamacare says you only get sub sides if the state setup the obamacare exchange. When dozens of states didnt setup the exchanges, the administration said forget what is in the law, were go to pronounce Human Services probation announce from on high that you get the sub siddies even if the government sets up the exchanges there, will be a decision probably within days that will strike this down. It will be an enormous reaction. That is an enormous prediction. Im going to point out the fact that the Unemployment Rate is going down because theyre counting part time jobs as if theyre full time jobs. We have 47 million part time jobs all and all of the jobs created were part time jobs. President obama attendance. Two political fundraisers. Will draw skrautny to the amount of times he ha draw scrutiny to the amount of he should have cancelled those. Byebye captions by caption colorado, llc 8007757838 email encommts captioncolorado. Com welcome to Government Contracting weekly sponsored by aoc Key Solutions, inc. Government contracting weekly is the only Television Program devoted exclusively to the competitive and Dynamic World of Government Contracting a world where coming in second place is not an option but where principlecentered winning is the only approach. Good morning and welcome to Government Contracting weekly. Im jim mccarthy the owner of Key Solutions and the host of this show. All of us in the Government Contracting community recognize that the past few years have been remarkable both for their challenges and their uncertainties. As a result, many of us have focused our efforts on simply maintaining our Business Market position. Well, today were going to go on the offense and im joined by a group of experts who will probe with me

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