Look at todays eye opener. Your world in 90 seconds. That created a compromised siation, a situation where the National Security adviser essentially could be blackmailed by the russians. Former acting attorney general sally yates was the on Michael Flynn. I cant believe the trump admiranist ltionet general flynn in the white house let alone in the situation room. This man put our National Security at risk. Theres two battlefields here. What trump people maye hav done with the russians and what did the Obama Administration do when it comes for unmasking for intelligence. Serial killer haunted phoenix. Were hoping our officers get more sleep knowing the wheels of justice is in motion. Fort lauderdale airport. Passengers find their flights are cancelled. Decision day in south korea. Vs next president. No matter who wins the election the u. S. May find itself at odds with the next ministration. L hai caused a major disruption in the denver area as erdrivs thering souge insought. See what came in the path of a group of mountain bikers. All that hair raising moment for one ambitious animal. Drive to deep center. Pillar got it. An all out diving catch to save the day. And all that matters. House republicans replace obamacare. If you havent read all of the details yet. Guess what . Youre qualified to be a congressman. On cbs this morning. Did you sit down and read the entire bill plus all the amendment . I will fully admit, wolf i did not. Yes. I turned tove have you read the whole bill . Oh, gosh. Just lie. Pretend you read it. None of us going to read it. Announcer this mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. President trump ignored multiple warnings from the Obama Administration about his now fired National Security adviser. For the first time former acting attorney general sally yates testified how she told the white house that russia could blackmail retired general Michael Flynn. That followed the news that former president obama personally warned the president he should not hire flynn. President trump did not address the substance of yates charges. Instead writing on twitter that yates quote said nothing but old news. He between his campaign and russia is a hoax. We covered yesterdays hearing. Pretty revealing. Jeff, good morning. Reporter another riveting day of testimony on capitol hill under questioning from senators the former acting attorney general a key figure in the investigation into russian interfere jerns nce in the 2016 warned the white house that Michael Flynn was compromised. To state the obvious you dont want your National Security adviser compromised with the russians. Reporter sally yates said she had two separate meeting as a phone cultural with white house couldnt deldon mcgahn about Michael Flynns conversation with sergey kisl k kislyak. Investigators had intercepts of the contacts and yates said it was clear to her that flynn had misl t blackmail. The russians also knew about what general flynn had done. That created a compromised situation, a situation where the National Security adviser essentially could be blackmailed by the russians. Reporter but despite whaerngs in late january the white house waited more than two weeks to fire flynn. Mr. Mcgahn asked me if general flynn should be fired in a said that wasnt our call. Reporter republicans on the committee expressed concern to yates and James Clapper former director of National Intelligence under president obama that private data about Campaign Officials was swept up. Did either of you request the unmasking of mr. Trump, his associates or any member of congress . Yes. In one case i did. Reporter clapper admitted he asked to unmask or reveal the identities of Campaign Associates in classified documents, but insisted trumps team was not the target. My target and the foreign targets blafr in relation to the u. S. Person. Reporter Lindsey Graham left with unanswered questions. I want to know who was surveilled in this country as a president ial campaign. I want to know how incidental surveillance works. I want to know who was unmasked if there was an unmasking of general flynn. Reporter graham praised yates for her actions but she was fired by the white house when she refused to defend the president s travel ban, for you days after she warned them about general flynn. Margaret brennan is at the white house where former president obama first warned then president elect trump about general flynn. Margaret, good morning. Reporter good morning. Mr. Obama caused then president elect trump against hiring flynn. This was advice given before the scandal had erupted regarding misleading statements made by flynn to the Vice President about his contact Russian Ambassador. We now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed. Reporter during a 90minute conversation two days after the election, president obama shared some personnel advice with the man who would replace him. According to former officials familiar with their conversation mr. Obama told the president elect he should go with his instincts and hire people he wanted with one exception, retired general Michael Flynn. Mr. Obama caused that the new president would be wise to stay away. Trump aides say he was suspicious of mr. Obamas motives in coming forward. American exceptionalism is real. Reporter flynn criticiesed Administration Policy during the campaign. Mr. Obama fired him as head of the Defense Intelligence agency citing an abrasive management style among other issues. Its true that president obama made it known that he wasnt exactly a fan of general flynn. Or wasnt surprising the former president didnt like general flynn given their past history. Spicer then shifted the blame to the Obama Administration, noting that they had renewed flynns security clearance in april of last year. The question you have to ask yourself if president obama was truly concerned about general flynn why didnt he suspend his security clearance which they just reapproved months earlier. Reporter its the Defense Intelligence agency not the white house that would have revoked flynns clearance. It had been renewed in 2016 before it came to light that flynn had failed to report compensation related to russia. And it was pulled right after President Trump dismissed him. United states may expand its military role in afghanistan after recent gains by the taliban. Top National Security advisors will ask President Trump for more troops to fight the insurgents. They ask to add about 3,000 troops. More than 8,000 are already on the ground. Trump administration has asked nato to send more troops to afghanistan. The president is expected to decide on the expansion by the end of the month. Sheriffs deputies were forced to intervene at Fort Lauderdale airport overnight when passengers erupted in anger after Spirit Airlines cancelled nine flights. Look at this video. Appears thousands of the Airlines Customers are being impacted by a dispute between spirit and its pilots. The pilots say they are working without a contract. Spirit Airlines Says its pilots are engaged in illegal slow down. The carrier alleges some are engaged in a campaign to threaten other pilots over flying assignment. Manuel bojorquez Manuel Bojorquez Fort Lauderdale airport. Reporter Spirit Airlines said it is shocked and saddened to see the video from inside this airport overnit. Cancelled more than 150 flights in the last two days is now asking a court to intervene with the pilots union and its passengers appear to be caught in the middle. Broward county sheriffs deputies intervened at Fort Lauderdale airport overnight. [ bleep ] when passengers according to police were so upset they began to fight each other near the crowded Spirit Airlines check in counter. Very angry people. Everybody had places to be and couldnt be there. Reporter fresh off a cruise debbie is struggling to get back home to detroit. This is our third spirit flight that has been cancelled since thursday. I slept in the airport in philly and i dont want to sleep in an airport again tonight. Reporter spirit said its service at four major airports has taken a hit due to a contract dispute with its pilots. Night alleging its pilots have been engaged in a pervasive illegal work slow down causing 300 flight cancelations which is disrupting the travel of over 20,000 customers. Spirit alleges some pilots are refusing to take certain assignments are posting on line for rums and websites in a campaign to threaten and intimidate other pilots. We wont set all contract that defines us as low tier. Reporter the ploigts union is pushing back against Company Making record profits. In a statement to cbs news the Airline Pilots associates referred to spirits request for an injunction as unwarranted and counter productive legal action. Overnight spirit passengers who remained stuck at Fort Lauderdale said they were offered vouchers. I think its all about money and i think that they shouldnt have been booking flights they should have told us from the beginning this was going on. Said in a legal document it relies on the status quo when it comes to asking its pilots to work overtime and the carrier says its reputation will continue to suffer as long as the pilot dispute continues but the selfproclaimed low cost carrier also acknowledged both parties are quote far apart on pay rates. But the children are watching. Thank you very much. The u. S. Is considering whether to expand the ban on laptops and other Large Electronics on commercial flights crossing the atlantic. Now currently passengers cannot carry devices larger than a cell phone on nonstop flights to the u. S. From several airports in the middle east and north africa. Airports in europe including the United Kingdom are among those likely to be added to this list. Chris vancleave is at Reagan National airport right outside of washington. Reporter good morning. The department of Homeland Security has been regularly meeting with are expressing some concerns about the prospect of widening this ban. Under the new rule any devices larger than a cell phone has to be stored in a cargo hold. That could pose a fire risk. Airlines are also worried an expanded ban will hurt their bottom line by discouraging business travellers who work on long flights and after the recent confrontations between Airline Staff and customers like this highprofile removal of a United Airlines Passenger Airlines are hesitant to individually search passengers for electronic devices. U. S. Officials began discussing an additional or wider electronic Ban Following the laptop bombing of a somalia airliner last year. The Obama Administration ultimately decided a wider ban would be impractical but theres concern an explosive that may not be detected to get on an aircraft and thats whats driving this. Dhs and the airlines are set to meet aga a final decision coming in the next few weeks. Chris, thanks. Polls closed moments ago in south korea and well soon know the name of the countrys next president. The leading candidates have stark differences on issues with global implications. They include how to contain the growing threat from north korea and what to do about a controversial Missile Defense system deployed by the u. S. Known as thaad. Reporter good morning. Voter turn out is expected to top 80 in this pivotal race. A liberal who favors engagement with pyongyang could lead this country for the first time in nearly a decade and that could change the course of the Current Crisis with north korea. South koreans lining up at the poll shows they are voting for change. In this crowded jaein is leading in the polls. He promised to reverse course on north korea calling for trade and direct talks rather than the existing hardline policy favored by the u. S. Moon could remove thaad, the u. S. Missile Defense System that could intercept a north Korean Missile attack. The system was rushed in by the u. S. Military two weeks ago, met by angry protesters concerned it would escalate tensions. This is the road that leads to thaad. Only military and police are allowed beyond this checkpoint. Protesters have come as close as they can get to show their opposition. These buddhists have been camped out here for more than 50 days praying for thaads removal. At a makeshift camp down the road demonstrators stopped traffic with their bodies. We want to make sure this van isnt carrying any supplies for thaad. This man told us. They want thaad out assurances its here for their benefit. Thaad is here to protect south korea. Why do you oppose it . Translator the only reason america deployed thaad here is to dominate asia this man said. Americas presence here only raises the threat of war. Reporter thaads potential removal would deliver a blow to americas military influence here in south korea and a victory to china who opposes thaad over fears it interferes with its territory. Election results are expected in the next few hours. Whoever wins takes over tomorrow morning. An arizona man is in custody for a string of killings that terrorized the phoenix area for about a year. Police say 23yearold Aaron Saucedo is the gunman known as the serial street shooter. He was arrested yesterday in connection with nine killings and a total of 12 shootings. Carter evans is outside of the Phoenix Police department headquarters. Carter, good morning. Reporter now police say Aaron Saucedo was picked up last month in connection with another deadly shooting in 2015. That was the killing of his mothers boyfriend but in this case police say it was help from the community, 33,000 tips in all, that led them straight to the suspected shooter. Its been said that a serial kill certificate like a chameleon. Reporter Police Believe Aaron Saucedo is the serial killer that Law Enforcement agencies have been searching for. Aaron saucedo was rebooked into the jail for 26 additional felony counts including multiple counts of homicide, aggravated assault and drive by shootings. Reporter Authorities Say Aaron Saucedo is suspected in connection in nine murders dating back to 2015. Police believe he kw of the victims, all of whom appeared to be targeted at night and ranged in age from 12 years old to 61. The rest are believed to be attacked at random in their cars or outside of their homes. Aaron saucedo is the primary suspect. No evidence has indicated to us there are any associates involved in this case. Reporter police used forensics, ballistics to link Aaron Saucedo to the shootings. Why he did it remains mystery. I have that question. Who could it have been. Reporter her son was shot and killed near his home last january. Im grateful to god they caught him, you know. Hes stopped now. Hes not going to hurt other people. I have closure. Reporter now at least at this time police say Aaron Saucedo is not expected to those deadly freeway shootings that happened here in 2015. As for this case, its now up to the District Attorney to prosecutors in boston now say theres no evidence that a man charged with murdering two doctors in their luxury condominium knew the couple at all. The suspect kept his eyes shut as he was arraign at his hospital bed yesterday. He pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors revealed there was no shoot out with the suspect but that the police shot him. Court documents show this man once worked in a security job at the condo complex. Members of a Penn State Fraternity go to court today in connection with a students hazing death. Ahead how the universitys president say their alleged 0. Announcer this National Weather report sponsored by kay jewelers. For 100 years every kiss begins with kay. Critics blast the worlds top bottle water producer for taking 30 million gallons of water a year from a California Spring. Ahead well take you deep inside a canyon where nestle pays for permits to collect the water. Youre watching cbs this morning. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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More than 60 years ago inside an abandoned chicken coop. Where our founder discovered a retired teacher living. So she said no to this injustice, and yes to transforming lives. Its this drive, this compassion, that inspired aarp. Today, we empower people to choose how they live as they age. We advocate for health and financial security. We strengthen communities everywhere. We are aarp. Creating real possibilities. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. 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[ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. Live claritin clear, with claritind. nathan Secondhand Smoke caused measthma attacks, infections and lung damage. And i never smoked. announcer if you or someone you know wants free help to quit smoking, call 1800quitnow. Texas is suing local officials considered hostile to the states new is sanctuary cities ban. Ahead we hear from who was singed out by the governor. How bumble bee is did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats over 6 times faster sthanlow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Il bur t fonebusiss. First so many people asked our son billy is doing very well. Hes getting bigger. Hes sleeping well. He can read now which they say is unusual. My wife took a little video of him. There he is. Hes smiling. Because so many people donated to Childrens Hospital los angeles. Either that or he has gas. Got gas. Thats a smile, jimmy kimmel returned last night after taking time off to help take care of his son who under went heart surgery for a heart defect. Every time i see that little smile babies do. So adorable. Were excited. Welcome back to th quell a growing backlash over the Health Care Bill passed by the house. Critics say the legislation puts millions of americans at risk of losing their coverage. Now this backlash could help shape the bill that emerge from the senate. At recent town halls some House Republicans have been getting vocal criticism from people who are upset about the bill. This idaho representative received an angry backlash when he said nobody has died because they didnt have access to health care. Heres a look at this mornings other headlines. President trumps soninlaw and Senior Adviser Jared Kushner played a key role in saving nafta last month. A white house official says the canadian Prime Minister aides called kushner after seeing President Trump wassing where withdrawal from the agreement. A recent canadian report said kushner requested the call. President trump eventually decided to renegotiate nafta. The New York Times says theres rn of the socalled comey effect on the president ial election. 11 days before the election fbi director james comey revealed the investigation into Hillary Clintons email, he said it was being reopened. Some say that it helped contribute to clintons defeat but an analyst from the times says polls during that period showed mr. Trump had already made big gains on hillary clinton. They were not reflected in her National Polling partly because the results were released days later. New yorks daily news reports a Racial Discrimination suit against fox news is expanding. Two plaintiffs are joining the suit. 13 current and former fox employees now accuse the network of systemic discrimination. The news comes as fox tries to rebound from the ouster of bill oreilly in a Sexual Harassment scandal. It cost fox news copresident bill shine his job. And usa today reports seafood giant bumble bee will plead guilty in a price fixing case. Justice Department Said bumble bee set the cost of canned and poo poached opportune na for two and a half years. They agreed to pay a 25 million fine. Bumble bee said they cooperated with the Justice Department. Eight Penn State Fraternity members are due in court today in connection with the death of a student pledge. 19yearold Timothy Piazza died in february after a fall. The fall came during a Fraternity Hazing ritual involving heavy drinking. He hurt his head and ruptured his spleen. Prosecutors say the Fraternity Members waited about 12 hours before they called for an ambulance. The members are also accused of then trying to cover up the incident. Jericka duncan is outside of the Fraternity House in state college. Good morning. Reporter those 18 members of Beta Theta Pi are facing charges from assault. The national organization, the National Fraternity said it disbanded the group and said it does not tolerate alcohol abuse or hazing. Its a sentiment shared by the University President. How could a group of people who have committed themselves to each other let Something Like that happen. Reporter Penn State University president eric barron describes the grand jury report on the death of Timothy Piazza as sickening. Timothy piazza arrived at the frat house on february 2nd. He and others took part in an alcohol Obstacle Course where they consumed for you to five alcohol beverages within a two minute time span. An hour later report says Timothy Piazza fell down a flight of stairs. Surveillance video inside the frat house apparentlyho carried up by for you beta brothers. His body appears limp. His eyes closed. His demeanor unconscious. Timothy piazza falls several more times throughout the night hitting his head in some instances. While on the flow frat brothers step over his body. By 10 00 a. M. Next morning two frat brothers find Timothy Piazza on the basement floor. They say he was cold to the touch and his skin appeared pale. No one called 911 until 42 minutes later. We have a friend who is unconscious. How old is he . Hes 19. 19 years old. Reporter the next day Timothy Piazza was dead. His father called this a preventable and senseless tragedy. Again, this did not have to happen. No parent should have to deal with this. Reporter a grand jury determined Timothy Piazza died as a direct result of extremely the beta fraternity. The report also said the investigation shows an active attempt to conceal and or destroy evidence by some frat members. Tom kline represents the family. The lack of humanity, the lack of caring, the lack of dignity of the young man who did so much harm here is unthinkable. Reporter it doesnt end with just the criminal case. Since the release of that grand jury report the university has now launchled its own investigation and the University President tells me could it very well lead to expulsions. Charlie. Thanks. The controversial law in texas banning socalled sanctuary cities faces resistance from Law Enforcement officials across the state. Governor greg abbott signed the measure on sunday. Police and local officials could face 20,000 fines or jail time if they dont enforce Immigration Law. David begnaud Travis County sheriff who was singled out. Reporter the law goes into effect september 1st. You have this new sheriff in Travis County and said i dont have resources to enforce Immigration Law all the time so im not. Governor said really . You better or ill take away state funding and pass a law that could jail you or remove from you office. The sheriff didnt flinch and the governor made good on his word. I think its bad for our community. Reporter in austin texas, Sally Hernandez says s b 4 hurts her deputies to fight crime. We have witnesses that are undocumented that see a crime but wont feel comfortable coming forward. Reporter Governor Greg Abbott says police cant pick and choose which laws they want to enforce. He believes sb 4 will keep criminals off the street. This law cracks down on policies like the Travis County sheriff who declared s not detain known criminals accused of violent crimes. Misinformation based on fear. I honor detainers for the more violent crimes. Reporter like rape and murder. Right. Reporter many texas sheriffs and Police Chiefs oppose the new law saying they dont have the resources to enforce federal Immigration Law. They also fear sb 4 which allows officers to ask crime victims or witnesses their immigration status could lead to racial profiling. I think youll see lawsuits from different organizations where individuals may feel they are being targeted. Reporter sb 4 has been compared to arizonas show your papers law which sparked protests in 02010 before it was struck down. If the law goes into effect what your going to do ill have to change my policy because i will not violate law. Reporter so the aclu has put out a travel advisory telling people not to come to texas because of the new law. State of texas filed of a preemptive strike. The attorney general went to court and sued the city of austin. Hes trying to get a judge to declare this new law constitutional trying shut down any further lawsuits against law. A huge Multinational Corporation faces a tore rents of criticism for where it gets millions of gallons of water in the u. S. Every year. Ahead a rare look at how nestle collects supplies for bottled water from a remote California Spring and why activists say Public Officials dropped the ball. Tomorrow we will take a look at americas most advanced under water weapons. Youre watching cbs this morning. By activating whats within me with onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. Trulicity is not insulin. 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Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Goal nitedhealthcare, you can get rewarded for waldad. Thin. We wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. Walk, move and earn money. For outofpocket medical expenses. Hes ok unitedhealthcare itthe power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. All day, and all night. Now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. New clearminis from nexium 24hr. See heartburn differently. Gullivers gate. Backlash is growing over where the worlds top bottled water producer gets its supplies. Nestle collect millions of gallons a year from springs in Southern California an area thats actually prone to drought. And as the company tries to meet the rising demand activists are voicing dharn. We got a rare look at one of the springs at the heart of controversy. Reporter in the San Bernardino mountains outside of los angeles this intricate maze of pipes collect tens of millions of gallons of water each year. Its the original source for nestles arrowhead water but steep terrain covered in thick brush is only easily accessible by helicopter. Larry lawrence who manages this spring for Nestle Waters brought us deep into the canyon. These are natural flowing source. We dont siphon anything. Just naturally flows in to the pipe. Reporter spring water collects in this tunnel and moves downhill from this pipeline. From top to the very bottom is 7. 2 miles. Reporter at the bottom, tanker trucks load and transport it to a nearby plant where they bottle the water. The water business is booming, bottled water sales are up nearly 9 over the last year which has sent nestle looking for new sources to meet customer demand. Of their current 40 water are in california, a state dealing with long term drought concerns. Every gallon of water thats taken out of the natural system for bottled water is a gallon of water that doesnt flow down a stream, that doesnt support a natural eco system. Reporter nestle has faced protests over its water collection in california both because of the drought and the fact that this site is on public land. While the Company Takes about 30 million gallons each year, they pay just 524 to the u. S. Forest service for the permit. I think its fair to say that in this case our public agencies have dropped the ball. Reporter the Forest Service is now reviewing nestles permit for the first time in 30 years. They decline our request for an interview. I dont think theres anybody that outperforms. Reporter nelson switser is nestle has water rights in this area. From a legal standpoint of course its fair. From a perception standpoint i understand why people are asking that question. But water belongs to no one. Reporter switzer says nestle takes its responsibility very seriously. The sustainability of the supply is paramount. If our activities were to compromise the sustainability of that supply we would stop operating. Water itself is a renewable resource. As long as its managed properly it will renewable forever. Reporter it may renewable. But as long as Companies Like nestle make a profit off of it, the debate will continue. Measles spreading among children is alarming. Health firms in minnesota. Ahead why fears of autism are contributing to the worse outbreak in the u. S. In nearly 30 years. Reveals how she escaped after getting caught in the jaws of an announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by ford. Going further so you can. Yes, lets get tattoos. Perfect. I am groot someones after you . I see it. I am groot yes so, uh. Shhh. Be the guardian of your galaxy in the allnew ford ecosport. Only in theaters may 5th. The uncertainties of hep c. Wondering, what if . I let go of all those feelings. Because i am cured with harvoni. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. 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How she escaped how the 11foot alligator bit her leg and didnt let her go. I remembered what they thought me at gatorland. I put my two fingers up its nose. It couldnt breathe so it opened up its mouth and let my leg out. She gotten stitches. You go. Its amazing she remembered that at the very moment. Shes about to be swallowed. Senator ted cruz and former acting attorney general sally yates. Are allergies holding you back . Break through your allergies. Try new Flonase Sensimist instead of allergy pills. Its more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most allergy pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist e, coffee . Yeah, listen, sugar, were, uh. Lettin you go. Wait, what . People love sweet taste. Thats true, but sweet aint enough anymore. 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Welcome back to cbs this morning. Former acting attorney general sally yates speaks for the first time in public about former National Security adviser Michael Flynn and says why she wouldnt defend President Trumps travel ban. But first heres todays eye opener at 8 00. The former actingtt ay orne general described the urgency to warn the white house that Michael Flynn was comprod. Mise mr. Obama caused president elect trump against hiring flynn before the scandal erted. Spirit airlines is asking a court to intervene with the pilots union and airlines expressing concerns under the new law any devices larger than a cell phone has to be stored in therg chaeo hold. Help from the community, 33,000 tips that led them to the suspected shooter. Voter turnout is expected to top 80 . A liberal could lead this country for the first time in nearly a decade. The eagles including their leader don henley are suing a Mexican Hotel called Hotel California in federal court saying that the hotel has been using the name and suggesting a connection with the band for financial gain. This lawsuit against the Hotel California is bad news for other businesses trying to profit off the eagles like the Landscaping Service rake it to the limit. The wedding shop, dressperado. The Little League supply eagles hits two. Im charlie rose with Norah Odonnell and gayle king. President trump got a warning about Michael Flynn before he fired him. President obama advised him not to hire him. And sally yates said flynn could be a target of russian blackmail. Sally yates spoke in january after Vice President mike pence incorrectly said flynn did not talk about sanctions with the Russian Ambassador during the transition. Yates said the white House Counsel asked her why does it matter if one white house official lies to another . The russians also knew that general flynn had misled the Vice President and others. Our concern was is that you have a very sensitive position like the National Security adviser and you dont want that person to be in a position where, again, the russians have leverage over him. After the hearing President Trump nothing new but old news. He said alleged collusion between his campaign and russia is a total hoax. The president s travel ban came up during sally yates testimony. Yates was fired for instructing Justice Department attorneys not to defend the order. She considered it unlawful. Texas republican senator frted cruz asked yates why it was okay to disobey the president. Whenever the president finds the entry of any alien or any class of alien in the United States would be detrimental to tint of the United States he may by procamation and for such period as he deem necessary suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants or impose any restrictions he may deem appropriate. Would you agree that is broad statutory authorization . I am. Im familiar with it. Provision that says no person shall receive preference or be discriminated in issuance of a visa because of race, nationality or place of birth. That, i believe, was promulgated after the statute that you just quoted. She was prepared. An Appeals Court heard new arguments yesterday on travel ban and judges are weighing the president s campaign statements should be considered part of its intent. The pentagon may get more involved in afghanistan after more than 15 years of fighting there. President trump will consider a plan to add more troops to the fight against the taliban. The plan would increase the number of american and nato forces in the country. Margaret brennan is at the white house with whats next in the fight against the insurgents. Reporter good morning. Recommendations from the president s top National Security advisers will land on his desk this week. And it puts in front of President Trump a key decision of whether to expand the u. S. Militarye already americas longest war. Mr. Trump will be advised to deploy around 3,000 more troops some american and some from nato allied countries to join the more than 8,000 u. S. Troops already assisting the afghan military. The u. S. Is requesting that nato contribute as many troops as p possible. The number of american troops would depend on that nato contribution. A high ranking military official tells cbs news the pentagon will decide on the number made available. President trump will also consider lifting obama era restrictions on the targeting of taliban militants which would effectively pause the so far unsuccessful u. S. Efforts to broker peace talks. The aim here is to leverage battlefield gains against a resurgent taliban in order to force them to negotiating table with the u. S. Backed afghan government. Now may 25th is the working deadline for President Trump to make a decision. That is when he meets in brussels with nato minnesota is fighting the worst Measles Outbreak in 30 year ahead, Vladimir Duthiers shows how you can travel without crossing the street. You to every corner of the world. Here at gullivers gate ate small world after all. Before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate, and is also available in a oncedaily pill. Ask about xeljanz xr. Better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. But. Theyre not all the same. Turns out, theyre really. Different. Who knew . I had no idea. So, she said look for. One thats shaped like a dental tool with a round. Brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to. Gently remove more plaque and. Oralb crossaction is clinically proven to. Remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels so clean. Ill only use an oralb the 1 brand used by dentists worldwide. Oralb. Brush like a pro. Y theres powerful, 24hour, nondrowsy claritin. It provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. Live claritin clear. A lost beach in ireland suddenly reappearedor years after disappearing. Violent storm washed the original sand from dooagh beach into the sea. Last month high spring tides reversed the erosion pouring thousands of tons of sand across the shore. Gorgeous. Thats the thing about the irish they always come back stronger. Know any irish, miss odonnell . Whats your middle name . Mordahan. Health officials in minnesota are attacking the worst outbreak of measles. Most are univaccy natured somalian children. Minnesota has the largest somalian population in the country and the States Health community has been a targeted about misinformation about vaccine risk. Jamie yuccas joins us now with story. Jamie, good morning. Reporter good morning. Here at childrens minnesota doctors have treated 48 confirmed cases. When patients visits they are given a mask to couch. The virus is so contagious if youre exposed and dont have the vaccine theres a 90 chance youll contract it. Have eugene day without having a new case . We have gone zero days without having a new case. Reporter patty stinchfield is the director for Infection Control at minnesota Childrens Hospital. The Measles Outbreak started about for you weeks ago. 46 of the 48 confirmed cases are iran children 10 years old or younger. I just finished doing rounds on these children and they are miserable. They are in the hospital. They have ivs. They are not drinking. They have terrible coughs. Some havana moan gentleman. Reporter the measles virus travels through the air where it can live up to two hours making it more contagious than the flu. Only vaccine available in the u. S. To prevents the spread of the mumps and rubella vaccine or mmr. They can have permanent braindamage. They can have blindness or deafness. We wouldnt vaccinate if this was a rashy illness. This is a very serious disease. Reporter in 2014, 90 children were vaccinated. In the Somalian Community that dropped. Abdirizak bihi said parents believe the vaccine causes autism. They believe that the disease is curable and that vaccine is causing the autism. Ikram mohamed is a mother of five children. Four have received the mmr vaccine. She waited until they were older even after getting measles what was that like. Hospital stay. Reporter she doesnt plan to vaccinate her 5yearold until he starts school fill a. Will you choose to take the risk to vaccinate and get this long term chronic illness or take the risk of trying to do everything you kin your power to prevent your child from getting measles. Its a very hard choice. Reporter doctors say false information linking vaccines to autism is hurting children. Do you get frustrated that this misinformation is still out there . Its frustrating because we know these diseases are contagious, they can spread, they can take childrens lives and all we have to do is go back to before we had vaccines where United States had 4 million cases of measles and we will go back there if we dont continue to vaccinate. Reporter scientific studies show theres no correlation between the mmr vaccine and increased risk in children who are at increased risk for the disorder. Health Officials Say it could take months for this epidemic to be over. Thats because they need six weeks with no new reported cases of measles for the outbreak to be considered finished. Thank you jamie. Good information. Best selling Novelist James Patterson is out with a new book. He wrote this one with his teenage son. Whats your name teenage son . Jack. They are both in the toyota green room with why they decided to write about what did you write about, jack penguins. Theres our jeffrey there about black america. Very serious stuff. He spent 25 years talking to Police Chiefs and local activists. Well find out what hes learned. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well being right back. Jury selection is under way in a trial following a Deadly Police shooting in oklahoma. Tulsa Police Officer Betty Jo Shelby is charged with first degree manslaughter for shooting and killing an unarmed black man tst september. The tulsa shoot cigarette one of 17 cases in the u. S. Last year in which an officer killed an unarmed black man. Some of those shootings led to protests. Cbs news justice and Homeland Security security correspondent jeff pegues has experience in covering this. His new book inside black and blue. It takes an in depth look at the crisis through interviews with price chiefs, local activists and others on both sides. Jeff pegues joins us once again at the table. Jeff pegues, in depth is certainly the word for this book. You talked to the Major Players on both sides. I think you have what looks to me very disturbing statistics and very disturbing philosophies on both sides. What stands out to you the different views of police and whether youre talking to someone in the black community or Police Officers in the rankandfile. It is stark. Part of that is based on what were seeing in some of these or what weve seen Justice Department investigations that the views of policing in the black community are certainly shaped by the stops that people on the streets encounter with police. For example in baltimore it was found that 44 of the police stops were made where 11 of the population was and that was primarily the black community. So there is this emphasis on policing and tough policing in the black community on the part of Police Departments and thats what were seeing across the country. And that sort of drives these different viewpoints of policing whether youre talking to someone who is white versus someone who is black. Looking at the numbers that you saw, what surprised the most including things like that africanamerican men are more likely to be killed in a conflict. What surprised me the most by 21, i think. That was, obviously, surprising, but also what i was hearing from rankandfile Police Officers who were blunt. Thats w i this issue, rip the band aid off and go out and talk to people without a Television Crew just my phone and recording and get to the bottom of the feelings what did they say . They talk about feeling overworked, under appreciated. We cant solve your psychosis. We cant raise your kids. Were asked to do too much. Thats reflected in the book. Also on the other side you have people in the black community who feel they are being treated like livestock, rounded up, thrown in jail. Or penalized for minor infractions which threads a cycle, can thread a cycle of poverty. Theres a real problem here. Part of my reasoning for doing this book is to get to the heart of the issue, expose it and allow people to discuss it in an open way. Its interesting because one of the Police Officers said its like when youre married and having problems in your marriage you have to admit theres a problem before you can move Terrence Cunningham one of the Top Police Officials admitted sometimes police get it wrong because that never happens. Thats right. That was an apology last fall that was really overshadowed because of the Campaign Season but it was a critical moment in this debate where Terrence Cunningham the former president of the International Association of chiefs of police, went out there and made this public apology, essentially saying Law Enforcement has enforced discriminatory laws in the past and we have been the face of that. We got however he got a lot of support. Why . Because it was an honest admission that he wanted to spark the conversation and did it. And thats what a lot of africanamericans in these communities across the country have been waiting for police to acknowledge and then you can start the discussion and move forward. Does it make a difference if the police chief is africanamerican . It makes a difference. But thats not the entire its really the approach more than the race of the police chief. Its the approach. The right approach . You have to have transparency thats why these body cameras are so important. Thats why you see so many Police Chiefs across this country moving towards body cameras. Transparency. Its important. Also cracking down on the bad cops. There are a lot of good cops out there. 99. 9 of the cops are good. And they dont want the bad cops in the ranks. They are being painted with this broad brush. So i wanted to dispel that myth too in this book and present both sides. The cops tell the closer you are to the community the less the crime, i think thats a very important point. You cant show up when theres a shooting. Go there before the shooting. I move when i see these images on tv of Police Officers playing soccer in the neighborhood with the kids or throwing a football in the neighborhood. Those images speak volumes about what Good Community policing is and you are seeing more of those images. But not enough. All right. A lot of work on this book. Very interesting. Thank you. Congratulations. The book is called black and blue. Its on sale now. Did you know kangaroos bite . I did not know that. I ought they punched. Ahead why an alabama zoo could be in trouble after this encounter between a 9yearold girl and a kangaroo. Its not pretty. Your local news is coming up next. This whole French Election was so fascinating, all right. Global trend for or against nationalism. Future of the european union. Mostly American News people trying to pronounce french names. Emmanuel macron. Emmanuel macron. Emmanuel macron. Emmanuel macron. Emmanuel macron. Emmanuel macron. Emmanuel macron. Emmanuel macron. Emmanuel macron. Former banker emmanuel macron. Marine le pen. Marine le pen. Emmanuel macron took the victory over the weekend and supporters gathered outside of the louvree. I dont think thats a thing. I dont think thats a thing. That to be a joke. I dont know who said macron. I like that pronunciation. What do you say charlie . Emmanuel macron. Welcome back. I say emmanuel macron. I dont say louvree. Lets go on over to the green room. James and Jack Patterson are there, father and son. Jack, heres a question for you. Your father when he first asked you were you touched to be asked . Oh, well not really. [ laughter ] hold that thought, son. Hold that thought. I well. Youre zad best selling author. Cant wait for you guys to come to the table. We cant wait either. Now its time to show you this moanings headlines. Wall street journal says facebook is warning britain about fakes news ahead of next months election. The Company Bought newspaper ads that tell users,000 spot misinformation and deleted thousands of fraul accounts. They say facebook didnt do enough during our president ial race. Tiffany trump plans to attend law school at georgetown in the fall. The 23yearold is the president s youngest daughter. Law school is located blocks from the white house. Eric trump got his undergrad degree from georgetown and ivanka attended georgetown for a short period of time. Is it a good school . Yes. What do you think . I enjoyed it very much. Class of 95. Threw me for a loop there. The New York Times reports nasa has issued a challenge to koersd. The space agency is holding a competition for computer programmers to speed up the performance of its super computers. That computer has an Important Program but it runs on a coding language that is decades old. Nasa is offering cash prizes totaling up to 55,000. New York Magazine says new studies found salt can have dietary benefits. Researchers says salt intake can trigger hunger, burn calories and reduce thirst. They say salt helps the body produce water like camels in the desert. Consuming too much salt can lead to over eating. Atlanta journal constitution reports a kangaroo bit a 9yearold girl at an alabama zoo. Her mother recorded the terrifying moment saturday. The child needed 14 stitches for a head wound. Cioffials at harmony parkar safi would not comment but noted there are warning signst tha the kangaroo enclosure. That is a terrible story. The good thing, she has a 3yearold sister and said im glad that the kangaroo bit me and not my little sister which i thought was very touching. Thats very terrifyi awardwinning mystery writer Jaime Patterson has sold hundreds of millions of books worldwide and holds the Guinness World record for number one best seller. His latest project was revealed yesterday. Hell work with bill clinton on a novel that gives reeders on an inside look on what its like to be president. His current coauthor is his son jack. The two teamed up to write the book penguins of america. James and Jack Patterson join us now at the table. Good morning. Good morning. Speaking of loving families. Indeed. So how does this work. Do you call, you say dad i want to write a book about penguins or he knows you like penguins. I dont know how it works. It started out way back when jack was little, now hes big. Like the Morgan Freeman narrated films, he also had this connection between humans. Like march of the penguins. We were going to do penguins on your show, your penguin would have the jewelry and whatever. That would be, you know, we would parody this. Jack said at 4 or 5 he liked penguins and years later you said okay we can do something together. We kind of just took the idea and ran with it. I guess we considered the idea of like doing it with sheeps and different options. Youve done more than 600 books with partners 600. No. I thought i read something it was amazing. Dont believe fake news. But what fascinated you jack is connection between penguins and people. Until miscellaneous stragss in the book are amazing. When i was reading it i b jack came up with that one. Starbucks. Jumbo skinny chocolate nonfat chocolate cod. One was gentlemen prefer penguins. I you know did that. Toilyn monroe parody. Gentlemen keep your eyes on your own flipper. Who is the audience for this book . 21202. Kids will like it. Kids will get some of it not all of it. They are used to not getting everything. They will love the illustrations. Tell bus this clinton deal. Well the title is the president is missing and president clinton and i will have more to say when the president is found. Who is a better collaborator, jack or the president they are both good. Picasso had his muse. This is my bill period. Ill do mr. Bill. Redo billy bud. And maybe shakespeare. I read you want to do something with the president and include details that only a president would know and i think its very, very cool. Very cool. Were about halfway through it. Its very exciting. Im learning so much. How do you do this . How do you write with a collaborator like that . With president clinton . You sit at a table. Very carefully. Weve been together a few times. We dont live that far apart when im up here. We met in florida. We met in westchester. We talk on the even if lot. More than one book with president clinton maybe. I want to go back to penguins. President clinton is a penguin. I suppose that would work. Part of the thinking. President is missing with his you wanted to eliminate summer slide. In the summer time when kids are out of school they slack off with books. Can you relate to that . I guess as a kid i definitely felt like that, probably that happened with me and even as a high schooler, you know, you get out of school and you sit on the couch and whatever and do whatever you did in the summer. I remember returning to school boy my handwriting got worse. Wow. Okay. Kids slide. Statistics on this, if they slide for six straight years by the time they are in sixth grade they lost two grades. Its on the parents. Parties have to get books for their kids. Go to the library. Go online pop your Favorite Book store. Whats the consequences of your desire to look at small towns across america . I dont think enough attention is paid to people who grew up thats popularity of hi its hard to get out of small towns. You dont get out. I grew up in newburg, new york. A lot of bright people not that its a bad thing on in newburg, but its hard to get out of there. Jack, did you love reading as much as your dad did. Was he a big reader to you . No. He threw them at me. No. I mean i think as a young kid i was kind of like a typical kid i didnt enjoy books. But jack developed an infinity for them. When he was 8, sue in a said jack were going to read every day this summer. We stopped the summer slide. His initial thing was i do have to. We said yes unless you want to live in a garage. We got cool books he would like. He read a dozen books. So it paid off in a big him. Now hes at brown university. Go you. Wrinkle in time will be a movie next year. You must go. Really . We worked with her. Shes awesome. I just reread it last month. I want to read it again. The twins . You going twins. I have twins. Theres twins in wrinkle in time as well. Thanks james and Jack Patterson. Congratulations on the book. Terrific to see both of you. A miniature world comes to life in the heart of new york city. How more than 100 people recreated some of our planets iconic marks from taj mahal to abbey road. Dont miss the late show with Steven Colbert tonight. Theres a daily show reunion. Thats tonight chevythree years in a row. Car company really. Lets see how quickly you can read through all their awards. 2017 motor trend car of the year. Kelly blue book 2016 best resale value. U. S. News best cars for the money 10 best blah blah blah only about 90 more to go 17 north american car of the year thats a lot of awards get 20 below msrp on all malibu lt models. Thats 5,200 on this chevy malibu. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Narrator to do time is what is right. Ralph northam. Army doctor during the gulf war. Volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. Ralph northam. Army doctor during the gulf war. Progressive democrat. In the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound antichoice law, and stood up to the nra. As lieutenant governor, dr. Northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. Ralph northam believes in making progress every day. And he wont let donald trump stop us. A team of artists just made the whole wierld look a little smaller. Gullivers gate intricate display of tiny towns opens today. 40 million exhibit features miniature versions of places. Gullivers gate is what its called. Vladimir duthiers is standing tall in the small world in New York Times square. Reporter welcome to latin america. This section is with actual running water. Were here at the panama canal. There are zips passing through the canal. Working locks. Check out these cable cars. Trains. Volcano. It is all part of the miniature world right here in new york city. Indias taj mahal. The forbidden city in beijing. Londons abbey road. The arc de triomphe in paris. Jerusalems wailing wall. These familiar places thousands of miles apart and separated by oceans are all here in a space about the size of a football more than 100 designers, art assistance and engineers from five continents came together to build this miniature world. Were leaving small town new england for the bright lights of the big city. Of course. Manhattan. Right in times square. Reporter chelsea norwich and her team spent a year building this. This looks like wood painted and detailed. Reporter they are using 3d printing, laser cutting and lots of handmade construction to tap into our imagination. Up got kid. A guy on a skateboard. This one with an umbrella like shes blowing away. All these Little Details you want to look into and try to see whats going on because were trying to build all of these scenes with people interacting. Reporter heading south a family run team from buenos aires created latin america. With the panama canal and brazils christ the there is this, the nerve center. Its the master brain that controls everything else. Reporter matt cote is responsible for making everything run on time. All these models were made by different people in different places with their own sort of esoteriy infrastructure electronically but made in a way we can take over. Reporter take over so like places in snowy russia buses, trucks and cars can drive, stop, put on a turn signal and make turns seemingly on their own. How does that work by magic, of course. A lot of stuff underneath youre not seeing including an induction wire that runs the entire route and that supplies the power to the vehicles. Reporter a series of nearly microscopic infrared l. E. D. S send out communication pulses to tiny receivers inside each vehicle. Speed up, slow down, turn on your reporter for people wanting to get in on the acshorng literally, vlad are you reading to get gulliverized. Theres cameras that snap your photo. There a 3d printer shrinks you down and creates a model citizen. Miniatures are captivating. You feel king kong sense and in another sense youre captivated what it must have taken to make that thing. Reporter hello again or should i say bonjour. I traveled to paris. Its mini vlad standing underneath the arc de triomphe. I lived in paris for a number of years. Good to be home. Let me explain. Like the real world gullivers gate is constantly expanding. There are plans to grow africa just beyond the in egypt. Get this, there will be an airport with working planes taking off and landing. How cool is that . Vlad thats wonderful. For children or adults who dont have the opportunity to travel great way to see it in miniature form. Nice job, vlad. First responders in the Nations Capital rush to save eight lost ducklings. How the rescue effort toledo a happy reunion with mama. You can hear more on our podcast. Find extended interviews. Yo emergency workers in the Nations Capital rescued eight baby bucklings. They fell through a storm drain yesterday. First responders pulled them out one by one and t ducklings raced to mama a stronger is rebuilding a newborns heart. And restoring a fathers faith. Its standing tall after one surgery. Not six. Stronger is being a typical kid. Despite a rare disorder. Stronger is finding it earlier. And coming home sooner. Stronger is seeking answers. And not giving up, until you find them. Because we dont just want your kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. Are you actually about to scratch it rich at Mgm National Harbor . Of course you are. Because everyone who plays is an instant winner. So before you win your share of 1. 5 Million Dollars in prizes take these last few seconds to remember what life was like as a normal, everyday person. Because in an instant, that all could change. Join mlife rewards and play scratch it rich for your share of 1. 5 Million Dollars in prizes and freeplay®. This is monumental. Wow mothers day just five days away, and we are finding these perfect floral arrangements for your mom. Plus, if youre a mom, then you may want this app. Were going to learn about bark and how it can keep you and your children safe online. It is tuesday, may 9th. This my friend is great day washington. [ music ] well, good morning, my friends. My nam and im markette sheppard. Were your hosts of great day washington. Were talking moms all week long. Its so exciting mothers day. Yeah, mothers are wonderful. Shouldnt every day be mothers day . Every day is mothers day when youre a mom. You dont take a day off. Trust me. Last year i said mothers day is like you have a second birthday because i didnt realize how great it could be. People text you and call you and unexpected gifts. Thats nice. I didnt think about that. I didnt realize it. Mothers day is awesome when youre a mom and if you have an awesome mom. I do as a matter of fact. I love her. Shes awesome. Well, for mothers day go ahead, sorry. Shes awesome . Yeah. All moms are awesome. Most of them. Lets be honest here. The top 10 most miserable awful mothers to start off the show. Lets keep it real here. Lets change from miserable mothers to breakfast. Could it be that breakfast is breaking the internet . Possibly. A new way to trending on social media. People are writing articles about it. This fluffy concoction you see on your screen is called cloud eggs. Theyre designed to look like puffy clouds with a yolk i can sun in the middle. What a way to wake up. According to the daily mail they are pretty easy to make. Separate the yolk from the white. Whip the white into a meringue. Then layer the clouds on a baking sheet. Place them in the oven at 450 for 5 minutes, added yolk and cook for another 3 minutes and voila, dont they look beautiful. And you lost me at meringue. How on earth am i going to get my eggs into a meringue. As soon as i said i realized that simple and meringue in the same paragraph. You just whip it, and so i bake. I like to bake sweets so i know. If you whip egg whites long enough they will turn into a foam. Oh, interesting. Bakers check me on that. Just whip whip whip,

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