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Look at todays eye opener. Your world in 90 seconds. Home for the holidays. But getting there is hard for many. We thought winter storm watches and warnings and even blizzard warnings. We are stuck. We sat on the car mack two and a half hours. tis the season for freezing. Going skiing, great for them. To california. Woo somebody has to save our skins fans around the world are hoping the force is with Carrie Fisher. Fisher hospitalized in intensive care and taken from the plane to the hospital. The vikings team plane ran off the runway in snowy conditions. Has this ever happened to an nfl team . Everyone is off the plane and no urjos. The Obama Administration allowed a resolution condemning israeli settlements. The radio city rockettes set to inauguration. Some say they dont want any part of it. Alec baldwin said he would perform on one condition. If he could sing highway to hell. All that. That could have been a tapin with crawford out of the net and all that matters. Down to seven seconds. He makes a move and dallas beats the clippers in los angeles. Merry christmas on cbs this Morning Saturday. Santa claus is almost ready for his annual trip around the world. He left his home in finland in his sleigh. At the north pole gather the rest of his reindeer and make his final preparations and he sets off to deliver gifts to children around the world. Go for it, santa. Santa claus is coming to town memories welcome to the holiday weekend, everyone. Im Anthony Mason along with alex wagner. We have a great lineup for you this Christmas Eve and the start of hanukkah. Later on, we will show you a unique Photo Exhibit photographer neil slavens who is known for taking portraits of group and we will talk with him about why these photos captivate him and teach us about ourselves. Also the nba takes a shot at boosting viewership by putting you on the court. We will behind the scenes to show how you can now watch games via Virtual Reality headsets. He is known for his work on Stephen Colberts late show but now band leader john batiste is here to play us holiday music from his new album. That is ahead in our saturday session. A powerful winter storm is expected to move across a large part of the country today, making it difficult, if not danger f holiday travelers. Last night, the Minnesota Vikings Football Team, their plane slid off the runway and got stuck in the grass during snowy condition at appleton, wisconsin, international airport. Players waited for hours before they were able to leave the plane by cherrypicker. Defensive end brian robson posted this video to instagram. Show you what is going on here. Holla woo how are you doing down there . They are in good spirits about it. The airport did not have a staircase high enough to reach the doorway of the plane. There were no injuries. The bad weather caused widespread Airline Problems on friday. One of the busiest travel days of the season. More than 3,000 flights delayed and 200 cancelled. You can see the mess that is stretching from the rockies to the Northern Plains and over into the midwest. Its not just snow and ice. In Southern California, heavy rains have residents living near burned hillsides bracing for more mudslides. Some hills gave way last week. Here is meteorologist ed curran of our chicago station wbbmtv. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Here is the rain in Southern California moving down near san diego now. Los angeles will see sunshine today. To the north of there, you can see all of the snow here. This is all part of that system we are talking about. We have Winter Weather advisories here and winter storm warnings in the pink. Tomorrow is when we are really concerned as we have a blizzard warning up here in the dakotas sunday morning to monday morning. 6 to 12 inches of snow and driven by wind gusts to 55 miles per hour. East of there the weather will wa more mild, an ice storm and freezing rain on sunday as well. These hazards are on sunday. As is this. A Severe Weather hazard for sunday with thunderstorms that could reach severe levels, a slight chance of severe in the area youre looking at here. So some wild weather across the nation. Be very careful. Especially in those areas with a blizzard warning as travel could be very, very dangerous, if not impossible. Alex . The weather outside is frightful meteorologist ed curran of our chicago station wbbmtv, thanks. Carrie fisher is hospitalized in intensive care. Passengers aboard the plane saying fisher was given cpr and was treated by paramedics. They rushed from the back with, i think it was a defibrillator and first aid box and running towards the front. Fisher is known for playing Princess Leia in star wars movies and including last years the force awakens. Sending all of our love to Carrie Fisher and we will have much on her battle the next hour. This morning, deepening divisions between the u. S. And israeli. On friday, the you allowed the passage of a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning israeli settlements in palestinian territory. It was the first time in decades that the Security Council was able to adopt a resolution on settlements. In the past, the u. S. Has used its veto power to block resolutions critical of israeli policies. But as Tony Dokoupil reports the move reports how raw the feelings remain between president obama and israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. Reporter allowing the resolution to pass, president obama may have parting shot over netanyahu before leaving office. Reporter israeli settlements in the west bank and jerusalem make it hard to negotiate a palestinian state. The United States has been sending a message that the settlements must stop, privately and publicly, for nearly five decade. Reporter the settlements which are illegal under International Law have been the source of friction between president obama and Prime Minister netanyahu. The vote was temporarily delayed thursday after israeli officials reached out to president elect donald trump to intervene. On twitter, trump publicly opposed the resolution. After the vote, netanyahu said he is looking forward to working with the Incoming Trump administration. Trump responded by tweeting, things will be different after january 20th, inauguration day. Israelis u. N. Ambassador said fridays decision puts a peace deal further from reach. By resolution, you have, in fact, voted no. You voted no to negotiations. Reporter and netanyahu for his part accuse the Obama Administration of failing to protect israeli and colluding with the rest of the Security Council. Netanyahu says israeli will not abide by the terms of the resolution which calls israeli to stop building settlements. Palestinian officials, meanwhile, call the resolution a victory for International Law. Tony, thanks. More than a month after he won the race for the white house, donald trump continues to assess the outcome of the election by applauding remarks made by russian president Vladimir Putin. Trumps tweets are sparking a fire storm for democrats and they say a signal of what is to come. Errol barnett is in our Washington Bureau with more. Reporter the russian president is embolden and the u. S. President elect is looking forward to working with him. In fact, when Vladimir Putin themselves for accusing russia of election tampering, donald trump tweeted so true. A new phase of u. S. russia relations and nuclear policy. In a press conference, svladimi putin wanted to neutralize nuclear weapons. It came on the same day that president elect trump gave a tv anchor in festive pajamas. We will outmatch them in every pass and outlast them all. Reporter that phone call clarifyived mr. Trumps earlier tweet saying the United States must expanding its Nuclear Capability until the world comes to its senses regarding that tweet dropped hours after putin pledged to enhance his Nuclear Forces with military advisers. Trumps Incoming White House press secretary friday reiterated mr. Trumps nuclear stance. There are countries around the globe right now talking about increasing their Nuclear Capacity and the United States is not going to sit back and allow that to happen without acting in kind. Reporter the Nuclear Saber rattling isnt being taken literally. He is posterring. If it takes a stance saying we are modernize our nuclear arsenal, so tb. Reporter also on friday the Trump Campaign released this christmastime letter from putin to trump hoping to bring u. S. russian collaboration to a equ equal tatively new level. Just days after meeting with boeing and lockheed ceos as his resort in maralago, t another National Security tweet that se sent markets rippling. Citing tremendous costs and costs overruns. He took aim at alist celebrities for wanting tickets to the inauguration after supporting hillary clinton. And speaking of alist celebrities, president jimmy carter is the only former president who has rsvpd yes to the president elects inauguration and will feature a performance from the new york city rockettes. Reportedly any dancers with personal objections are allowed to skip out on that performance. Errol barnett, thank you. It was a whil wind week for the Trump Transition Team as the days tick closer to the january 20th inauguration. For the latest on the president elect, we are joined by phillip bump, a Political Columnist for the washington post. Happy holidays and thanks for joining us. Great to see is this tough talk, the beginning of a Nuclear Arms Race and what is happening here . I think it seems pretty likely that donald trump is open to the idea of this being a Nuclear Arms Race and we saw what he said on msnbc yesterday. Im not sure it signals that he and putin are at odds at all. I think both Donald Trumps whole campaign is predicated on this idea of the reagan era and making America Great again and that sense. Putin would love to have a new cold war to be the contrary polar opposite power in the world to the United States and i think it serves them both well how they see themselves on the world stage. Its interesting. I cant recall a russian leader sending a letter to an incoming american president. What do you think putin is trying to get out of this . I think putin wants to regain russias position in the world, right . There are huge sanctions that are imposed against russia after crimea and wants to see those Obama Administration treated china as the main competitor on the world stage. Putin wants that to be russia again and i think that he is doing was he can to make that the case. There has been a lot of Foreign Policy development that has been tweeted in 140 characters or less this week. When we talk about the u. N. Resolution and u. S. israeli relations, they have been bad a long time and they are probably at a low point at this moment. There is a stark contrast between the position that president obama has taken and the announced position of president elect trump. What do you read in that . Its a fascinating question. We will have to see how it evolve. Obviously, once trump becomes president , things change in a lot of different ways, right . I think that the report that you saw earlier was that president obama has long been at odds with president netanyahu. People remember that netanyahu came to the United States and gave a speech against the will of the president to try to get congress to act against the iran deal. There has always been that tension. I think trump has given every indication he will to netanyahus administration but donald trump who is still a private citizen technical, once he becomes president , interesting to see if that change. The Obama Administration resisted pressure from israeli and Public Comments by president elect trump. Is this a parting shot by obama at netanyahu, do you think . Ore say that this is a position that obama has had his team focused on for some time and this was an opportunity to reinforce that position. Phillip, the recent cbs news poll has president obamas Approval Rating at 56 . The highest its been since december of 2012. Do you think that is something at all that president elect trump might keep in mind . He has been he has not directly criticized the president in recent weeks. I legitimately dont think that donald trump cares about president obamas Approval Rating. I think his approval ratizing high because he is not trump clinton. Quite frankly, i think it didnt do clinton much good that president obamas approval ratizing so high and i think trump will do what he wants to do once he gets in the white house. Can you recall a time where youve had an incoming president who has been as willing to contradict the sitting president as this one is . No, not at all. It is the traditional policy is for the president elect to be quiet essentially until january 20th and not confuse the world about who americas leader is because the goal is that america hasnt changed. We are moving forward just with a new leader. Donald trumps entire position america will change dramatically and i think why we are seeing why he is doing what he is doing. Phillip bump, extra points for a Christmas Eve appearance. Thanks very much. The fbi is Warning Police departments across the country about an isis call for attacks on u. S. Churches and other holiday gatherings sites. Police here in new york are alert at some of the citys most Prominent Church like patricks s cathedral. U. S. Offfficialsls say t there crededible threaeat thatat t thr ut in italy. Charlie dagata has that part of the story. Reporter one of europes most wanted men died in a shootout, caught by pure chance. Italian police approached a man standing alone near a deserted train station and asked for i. D. Instead, police say, the man pulled out a. 22caliber pistol and opened they say the gunman was germanys terror suspect, without a shadow of a doubt. He had good reason to be confident. Amri fingerprints were on file after he spent four years in an italian pretty much for setting fire to a refuge center. Just hours after the news of amris death, isis released a video showing him pledging hi allegiance to the militant group and encouraging him to attack crusade crusaders. Critics have called catastrophic mistakes by German Police who had monitored amri for months, only to stop their surveillance. Merkel is also been criticized heavily for her opendoor refuge policy, especially as amri was a failed asylum seeker. Dr. Phillip langsford from merkels own party said the system is clearly overwhelmed. We let people into the country and this just overstretched our esources, and we have been liberal regarding this. Reporter for cbs this Morning Saturday, charlie dagata, berlin. Uber has not announced how or when the cars will be tested. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. Buffalo news reports calls for Buffalo School member Carl Paladino to step down after remarks he made about the first family. He served at cochair in Donald Trumps new york state election campaign. He suggested president obama should die from mad cow disease and remarks about first Lady Michelle obama. The Trump Transition Team called his remarks absolutely reprehensible and no place. First lawsuits have been filed in a deadly warehouse fire in oakland. They describe the warehouse as a death trap that killed 32 people this month. No sprinklers in the building and two stairwells did not lead to an exit. The cause of the fire has not been determined. The New York Times reports federal investigators are doubling the reward to 25,000 dollars for any leads about an explosion in central park here in new york. The blast happened over the fourth of july weekend and blew off part of a mans leg. Police initially suggested it was a malfunctioning firework. There were also indications that someone was experimenting with a homemade explosive. Police have no suspects. There have been no arrests. Reports odd odor has been identified. The rotten egg smell has been linked to a nondangerous chemical and not clear what initiated the stink. A local utility confirmed it was not an additive often used in natural gas. Billboard magazine is out with its chart toppers for 2016. Adele clocks in at number one for a top artist for a record third time. Still riding the success of last years 25 album. She was top artist in 2011 and 2012 and probably forever. Justin bieber stands a top spot for hot 100 as he closes out the year with top two singles with love ourselves, and sor as long as possible at the top of the charts. Coming up, it is late. Not. Anthony mason . Im just going to direct this towards you. Lastminute Holiday Shoppers are out there and so are stores willing to make a deal. We will look at how retailers are making that final push. I want to assure my family, christmas is coming and its that timeless tale of green turned to good. Charles dickens, a Christmas Carol was published 173 years ago this very week. Ahead, we will hea holiday classic changed dickens own life and turning him from author to live performer. A lot of people dont know that. He put out an album no, kidding. They sell tshirts. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. For one photographer, when it comes to portraits, the more the merrier. Meet a man whose long career has had a different focus. Groups of people posed for pos terity. It all started with a single pair of shoes. What happened next is an amazing story about the holiday spirit. We will tell you all about it. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. I dont want a lot for christmas there is just one thing i need our top story this half hour. The big deal about the end of the Holiday Shopping season. Lots of americans are out looking for lastminute gifts and don dahler says many shoppers are finding some pretty good bargains just in time. Reporter twas the week before christmas when all through the stores, prices were plummeting down through the floors i feel like everything is expensive these days but what we got here is a pretty good deal. Reporter even highend retailers like ralph lauren and macys have been offering steep holiday discounts. Macys, for example, cut the price of michael kors handbag from 368 to 220 and ralph lauren slashed these pants to 198 to 149. Anna seraphin of the National Federation Retail Organization says they want to get rid of everything before the new year. After christmas 13 of consumers planning to hit the stores and purchase some of these lastminute gifts. Reporter and, yet, more americans are shopping online this year than ever before. From november 1st to december 20th, 79. 2 billion dollars was spent online. And nearly 11 increase. But all types of shopping will likely exceed expectations. An increase of more than 3. 6 last year. Target is targeting shoppers with oneday sales and toys r us for 49 hours and luring lastminute shoppers with deals. All i can say, thank goodness. I cant imagine who youre talking about, anthony who would be out on the street looking for lastminute deals . To impractical. They say it takes you right off the couch and onto the court. We will look at Virtual Reality and what could be the future of up next, medical news in our morning rounds including troubling news on the deadliest fof and americas food preferences and what they mean for our overall health. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Manolo youre so cold, come in whats wrong . Its dry. Your scalp . Mine gets dry in the winter too. Try head and shoulders dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp and. Keeps you up to 100 flake free head and shoulders dry scalp care hi, we laughter lford quads. Were in 8th grade. Technology is the only thing that really entertains us. Im gonna use this picture on sketchbook, and im going to draw mustaches on you all. Using the pen instead of fingers, it just feels more comfortable for me. Be like, boop its gone. I like that only i can get into it and that it recognizes my fingerprint. Our old tablet couldnt do that. It kind of makes you feel like youre your own person, which is a rare opportunity in my family. laughter dont let the food you eat during the day haunt you at night. Nexium 24hr. Shuts down your stomachs active acid pumps. To stop the burn of frequent heartburn. All day and night. Have we seen them before . Banish the burn with nexium 24hr. Life is better when we celebrate together during toyotathon. Toyota. Lets go places. Time for morning rounds with cbs medical contributor dr. Tara narula. Skin cancer most common cancer in the u. S. Is melanoma. Its skin cancers deadliest form. The American Medical Association journal of dermatology compared rates from 2009 with rates expected for this year. The journal estimates that over 76,000 cases of invasive melanoma will be diagnosed in 2016. That is 9,000 more cases than 2009. It also rose to 1 in 54, up from 1 in 58 seven years ago and invasive melanoma the cancer penetrates deeper into the skin and may spread to other areas of the body. What are the risk factors for this . Important to recognize the risk factors. This is estimated to cause about 10,000 deaths in 2016 alone. The first risk factor is ultraviolet ray exposure or sunlight and can be chronic exposure or intense intermittent exposure and particular in childhood and adolescents if youve suffered several sunburns. The uva damages the uva. There is another type of melanoma accounts for 10 . Important to know your family history. Light hair, light skin, freckles. Those people are at higher risk. In addition if you have called atypical moles. If youve had a prior history of skin cancer or melanoma, youre at higher risk. We know its important to be vigilant about changes in your skin as far as it concerns melanoma. What specific changes should people be looking for . Remember a asymmetry. If the lesion is looking ifferent from the other half. B is borders. If the borders are irregular or ragged, that might be concerning. C is for color. So if iits not a uniform color but variations in the color of the lesions. D is for diameter. The diameter increasing or greater than six millimeters that is concerning. The e is evolution or change. In any shape of the type of lesion that youre looking at. In addition, if its inflamed, if its bleeding, crusting, or if you have a lack of sensation in that area that might raise an alarm bell. Finally something called the Ugly Duckling sign. Most moles look the same. That out. Okay. Look out for that. Francis, vitamin d is important for everybody but some people have to avoid the sun so dietary options to make up for this . Absolutely. Fatty fish is a wonderful source. And youre going to be getting about 450 ius of vitamin d in three ounces of salmon. Canned tuna is another wonderful source and eggs but do not throw out the yokes because that is where the vitamin d is and fortified milk and fortified cereal are also good sources. The american dining room. Much has changes over the years including our food preferences. The pugh Resource Center looked at out americans eating habits have evolved over the decade. In 2016 we preferred more chicken and cheese and sweeteners derived from corn. In 1970 more beef and cane sugar. What does this mean . Well, we are changing, but not necessarily for the better. So beef is down. Chicken is up. We are eating a ton more yogurt. Yogurt consumption is up 1700 percent. Yogurt observe has a lot of sugar in it, right . From 1970. Yes. Fruit and vegetable consumption are down. We are trading things off and this is what happens. Dietary recommendations change so we change with them. But we are sort of, you know, its really haphazard a little bit the way that we are doing this. So id love to see some more progress in the next 30 years when we look at these again. Fingers crossed. What has changed in terms of how much we eat . Not a pretty picture. So in 2010 we consumed with 2,500 calories and norn we nemo ne o male needs about 2,400 calories a day and female 1,850 calories a day and more than we need to maintain our weight. The ratios are shifting so about 46 of our calories from flour, grains and fats and oils and only 8 from fruits and vegetables. The number 457 more stal callerys is huge than 1930. We are getting all of these great pieces of bad news and high calories at the peak of the Holiday Season. What is family to do . Remember moderation. You can enjoy the holiday treats but pick your favorite. Pick your favorite and move on. Then what i always try to encourage people to do is take the family favorites and try them with whole grain flour, half of it. I just made these snicker doodle and subbed half of the white flour for whole wheat flour and im going to indulge with our chef who is coming up in a moment. Ill have to take the exception now thank you both for joining us. Up next from wide screen hd to vivid 4k. Innovations of broadcasting have brought us to the action sports. Get ready for the next big thing. Some are broadcast in Virtual Reality and we will show you what happens when you strap on the headset. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. \ [ cougshh. I have a cold with this annoying runny nose. Better take something. Dayquil liquid gels doesnt treat a runny nose. It doesnt . Alkaseltzer plus cold and cough liquid gels fight your worst cold symptoms including your runny nose. Oh, what a relief it is and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. Roomba navigates your entire home. An. You and roomba, from irobot. Better. Together. More doing chores for dad per roll more earning something you love per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. Bounty, the quicker picker upper let me tell you its become a Christmas Day tradition. A handful of nba games to spread some sports cheer. This years lineup features five games, including a rematch of last years nba finals between the warriors and the cavaliers. But would you believe that the thousands of fans who head to games tomorrow may notn Dana Jacobson got a look at how the nba is bringing the arena experience to fans, when fans cant get to the arena. Thanks to Virtual Reality technology, fans who might never have a chance to get to an nba game can now feel like they are in the stands or even courtside. All you need is a subscription to the Nba League Pass and a Virtual Reality headset like this one and the free app on your smartphone. You click it in and away you go even the casual basketball fan is used to seeing this. Anthony throws it down reporter the nba is upping its game. Giving fans a whole new perspective. They can go inside like that. Reporter the players are like there. I should be touching them . But im not. Its so clear. I dont know how to describe it. Its just unreal traditionally sport has been watched on a flat screen and now for the first time in history, we take you inside the screen in a way that able to do. Danny keens is nba digital partner in a weekly Virtual Reality broadcast. Whoa we differ from television. We have to be better than television and we cant be at the game. It has to be better than being at the game. Reporter what was like for you the first time you watched that. I was nervous and then really excited. I saw it really come together. Reporter jeff who head the adventure for the nba learned a lot from last seasons onegame trial. We set a camera at a courtside table and just, you know, intermediate. No real production. Nothing really more than just filming and capturing. But when we watched the experience, we were blown away. Reporter but to broadcast a game each week, the league realized it needed to do more. Its not enough simply to put the camera down and walk away. What we discovered you do need some of the more traditional things you see in television. Reporter that means an entire broadcast crew, up to eight on manned cameras with 180degree views are set up throughout the arena, including one on the stanchion of each basket and one center court on the scorers table. This is actually brought on. This is your left eye. Reporter does it combine in my brain . Yeah. It combines actually in the headset so that gives you the depth of 3d because each one is slightly off and in the headset it puts it back together and it gives you the sense of 3d world. Gets a threeball. Too strong. One of the cameras we have is under the basket on that stanchion. That is a seat you cant purchase. No tickets for that position. In last weeks game, there was a moment when lebron is running down the court right at you and you feel like, oh, man he is coming at me the hair raises on your its pretty xexciting. In a regular broadcast youre not saying look to your left, the right. Reporter to a game is cut. Ready . Reporter even the graphics you see. Look at the early numbers. Reporter once the headset goes on, it is all designed to keep fans engaged. There is no multitasks. There is no facebook or twitter. There no checking emails. So you become fully engaged in the content in a way that youve never been engaged so youre 100 committed to watching the game. Reporter the league is not releasing specific numbers but tell us people are watching these Virtual Reality games. What is next . The nba and next vr said the technology is rapidly improving to he so they expect the quality of the images like the ones you guys are seeing and the number of broadcasts to just grow. I have you looking because that video doesnt translate but the reactions do. You have to tell us what the ref almost just fell in my lap. Crazy. I will never be on the court with lebron james and this is the closest im ever going to get. Amazing. The video doesnt translate on regular tv. Its interesting what the gentleman said in your story was that it need to be better than the game but in some ways, it is. It is so vivid easeme. They had texting will eventually coming to the headset. If the concession stand could come to me, it would be all there. We learn how ebenezer scrooge was a changed man after the event of Charles Dickens a Christmas Carol. It turns out so was dickens himself. Ahead, hear how the holiday classic affected the authors own life for years after its publication. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis ntagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Find clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Psh psh lunch is ready made for real, real life. Thanks mom fight heartburn fast. With tums chewy delights. The mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. Tum tum tum tum. Chewy delights. Only from tums. As after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. What about the people i care about . Including this little girl. And what if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . So i asked my doctor. And he recommended eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. Eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Both made me turn around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made eliquis the right treatment for me. Ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. Listen, sugar, were lettin you go. Its that splenda naturals gal, isnt it . Coffee look, shes sweet, shes got natural stevia, no bitter aftertaste, and zero calories. All the partners agree . Even iced tea . Especially iced tea. Goodbye, sugar. Hello, new splenda naturals. Here is your wreath back. Now out, out, out its a holiday story that has been told countless times. Hum bug. In countless ways. Ow Charles Dickens a Christmas Carol was First Published in 1843. At the time he was an established literary firg. In need of money to sport a growing family he wrote about the redemption of the money learned ebenezer scrooge. The book was an instant hit and remains so popular that ten years later, dickens bucked victorian conventions and gathered the crowd together to audiences. During the time it was regarded as a demeaning of ones art to read ones work publicly. Im the ghost of christmas werent so popular. Its over three hours and people were expiring in their seats. Reporter so dickens created this with edits and cues handwritten into the margins by dickens himself. Dickens was rewriting a Christmas Carol for public reading purposes and we see what he considered worthy of keeping and worthy of deletion. Reporter the manuscript which goes on display each year at the New York Public Library bears notes such as tone to mystery. The prompt appears before scrooges former encounter with his ghost partner jacob marlee. It allowed dickens to add drama to his readings but after years of reading the christmas classic aloud, dickens had the piece memorized and the prompt became a show piece. Come out andak of opening this volume and then make a big show of closing it. Then he just give forth. And he would improvise every reading. Reporter on the books final page, one passage is underlined likely so dickens would emphasize it during a reading. A Christmas Carols closing word. God bless us, everyone. God bless us. God bless us, everyone. God bless us. Everyone. Reporter the book will be on display at the New York Public Library until january 9th and i will flock to see it its so much fun to see it. A lot of people dont realize that dickens had an extensive speaking tour in the u. S. Very popular. Who knew . Its a criticism wondhristm. Ahead we go behind the scenes at a company that puts some of the magic into the Holiday Season here in new york. For some of you, your local news is next. For the rest, stick around. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Wow, shes sure making a splash in that designer dress anthd wi a thicker, more fabulous formula, e shs not splashing. You can wear anything and poleur bach. An d her whiter whites, just dazzling. Clorox splashless bleach. Also try crystals and packs. Welcome to cbs this Morning Saturday. Im Anthony Mason. Im alex wagner. Coming up this half hour, time to celebrate this weekend. Its not just Christmas Eve, its also the first day of hanukkah. Ahead we look at how often that has occurred and inside a Company Tasks with dozens of cities each year. One is not enough when it comes to his portraits. Meet the photographer who specializing in photographing groups of similar people. See the hidden messages he sees and find out what it tells us about ourselves. John batiste, band leader for Stephen Colberts late show is here to rein in the special weekend with songsro hell perform ahead in our saturday session. Christmas weekend brings wintry weather for a large part of the nation. Snow, ice, and rainstorms move from the rockies to the east coast. In wisconsin on friday, the Minnesota Vikings Football Team plane slid off the taxiway at appleto international airport. The players had to be removed by a cherry picker. There were no injuries. That has to be a first. Air travel slowed to a crawl on friday. One of the busiest travel days of the season. More than 3,000 flights were delayed and more than 200 others were cancelled. Heavy rains in Southern California have residents living near burned hillsides bracing for more mudslides. Homeowners are trying to avoid a repeat of last weeks damage when the hills gave way. More from meteorologist ed curran of our chicago station wbbmtv. Here are the rains in Southern California moving south of los angeles. Today. Snow to the north with Winter Weather advisories through the bluish area here. Winter storm warnings in the pink area. That is later on today, into tomorrow. But tomorrow, that is when we have a blizzard warning up in the dakotas here. 6 to 12 inches of snow, maybe more in some areas. 55mileperhour wind gusts. And then east of there, where its a little more mild, ice storm warning up here northwest of minneapolis and freezing rain advisory through this region here. And believe it or not, the chance for severe thunderstorms. We have a slight chance for severe thunderstorms in the yellow area, most of this is for damaging winds from those thunderstorms. So the system tracks saturday, into sunday across the nation with your blizzard warning up here on sunday. Some wild weather as you try to travel this holiday weekend. Wild, indeed. Ed curran of wbbmtv, the fbi has notified Police Departments across the country about an isis call for attacks on u. S. Churches and other holiday gatherings sites. Police here in new york are on alert at some of the citys most Prominent Churches like st. Patricks cathedral. Fridays online posting follows the assassination of the Russian Ambassador in turkey and the deadly truck attack in berlin, germany. U. S. Officials say there is no credible threat that they are aware of. They are putting Law Enforcement on notice out of an abundance of caution. Star wars actress Carrie Fisher is in intensive care in a los angeles hospital this morning after suffering a possible heart attack on a flight from london. Costars and fishers massive fan base are sharing their thoughts and prayers on social media. Ben tracy has the latest. Reporter Carrie Fisher was traveling from london to los angeles when she went into cardiac arrest on friday. We have an unresponsive passenger. They are working on her right now. Reporter a filmmaker sitting in first class near fisher tweeted that the 60yearold actress appeared to stop breathing and said members of the United Airlines flight crew, along with a doctor and nurse on board, offered assistance and cpr. They rushed from the back w i think it a defabribrillator and first aid books and running towardes thon frt. Reporter the plane was met by paramedics when the plane landed in l. A. And took her to a local hospital. If money is all you love then that is when what youll receive. Reporter when the world first got to know Carrie Fisher she was already royalty. Princess leia in the 1977 film star wars. She went on to play the iconic role three more times, including just last year in the force awakens. Our sister is the next target. Below it up. Always way to do that. Hans is right. Reporter i think you have the same eyes as your mother. Reporter she flirted with enwarrtt beay in shampoo. No, the reporter and was meg ryans gal pal when harry met sally. Owe he just spent 120 on a new nightgown for his wife. I dont think he is ever going to leave her. Reporter in edition to appearing in dos of films and tv shows she was a prolific screen writer and author and often writing about her personal struggles, including bipolar disorder and addiction to drugs. She told cbs this Morning Saturday writing is better than life. Life doesnt fall out like an entertainment. It really doesnt. And i like being able to make it go the way that i want. Since i havent been able to do that in my actual life, please let me do it in the way that i write. Reporter fisher was flying back from london on friday where she was promoting her latest book, he for cbs this Morning Saturday, ben tracy, hollywood. Very distressing news. Very distressing. She has had an incredible career and we hope it continues. Sure do. With the same passion that it has. The new york jets may be without their head coach today in the game with the patriots. Jets coach todd bowles is hospitalized what the team described as undisclosed illness. Bowles did not travel with the game in new england in foxborough, massachusetts. They say bowles is in stable condition but uncertain if he would eventually join the team in time for the game. This square is crowded about christian pilgrims this morning. Tourists lined up at the site believed to be the birth place of jesus christ. The Israeli Occupied town on the west bank is drawing large crowds this christmas. Palestinian Security Forces and city workers are making final preparations ahead of Christmas Eve celebrations today. Tonight is the first night of the the fourth time since 1900, the start of the eightnight festival coincides with Christmas Eve. The last time it happened . 1978. It is the result of the between the jewish calendar and the more commonly used calendar. The holiday can start as early as batiste and i have committed to a Charity Basketball game against joe biden and president obama. It looks like its happening because john and i are in. 50 is pretty good. Obviously, its for charity, too. For the kids. We dont know what kids or who. You know . Its for kid or former kid. And joe biden was on and he is like, im in but he is covering me, ed. He doesnt want to cover batiste. So now we are just waiting for the leader of the free world. He is probably got time. Hell have a lot of time pretty soon. Does he have to play as president or could he play as expresident . He could play as expresident. That would be fine. You can see more of john dickersons interview with Stephen Colbert tomorrow morning on face the nation on cbs. You can see more of john batiste on this show. Not playing basketball. A doubleheader a little later in the broadcas as the yuletide carols tells us its christmastime in the city. Every yerk thousands flock to new york to see some of the finest and largest decorations. Ahead, we will meet the man behind much of that magic. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. toilet flush if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go. Except you. Tried many things . Still struggling to find relief . You may have opioidinduced constipation, oic. Its different and may need a different approach. Opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. Which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. Longing for a change . Have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. Made on behalf of those living with chronic pain and struggling with oic. Ad, and my sweethearts gone sayonara. This scarf, all thats left to remember. What she washed this like a month ago hows a guy supposed to move on the long lasting scent of gain flings. Listen, sugar, were lettin you go. Its that splenda naturals gal, isnt it . Coffee look, shes sweet, shes got natural stevia, no bitter aftertaste, and zero calories. All the partners agree . Even iced tea . Especially iced tea. Goodbye, sugar. Hello, new splenda naturals. With ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, nutella adds a smile to any morning. One jar; so many delicious possibilities. Nutella spread the happy well, the Holiday Shopping season is fast coming to a close. The twinkle and glow of holiday decorations will linger a bit longer. Once again stores and Office Buildings in new york went all out to show their holiday spirit and again turned in one place in particular to make the magic happen. Michelle miller hat story. Reporter in midtown manhattan last month, saks fifth avenue turned into a land of a thousand delights. That is the theme of the show running every ten minutes each evening from now through the new year. The display of 225,000 programmable lights, strobes, crystals took 11 months to produce and six weeks to install. Welcome to ameca christmas. Reporter this is it i mean, this is my dream. You understand . This is a Christmas Wonderland for sure. Reporter it really it. And it started here with fred scham and his Company American christmas. This is a wreath that will hang in the General Motors building on fifth avenue. Reporter we visited back in october just days before these treasures were trucked down to manhattan. The building is 110,000 square feet and it is filled with every type of christmas decoration and display that you could imagine. Reporter candy canes these are 57th street. These are 18 foot tall candy canes that hang at 9 west 57th street. This is a section of the 72foot half round tree that gets mounted on the facade on the marquee at radio city. Reporter the full tree is wired with 10,000 l. E. D. Lights and it took 25 people to build and 40 people to install. We close three avenue and work overnight and overnight, christmas happens at radio city. Reporter his clients are a whos who of retailers up and down fifth avenue. And in 30 cities around the country. Like cartier. We decorate them with giant bow and rhythm and the panthers are a part of the cartier marketing so we have these lit panthers climbing up the building and sitting on the ledges. We have thousands upon thousands of ornaments and novelties and florals and ribbons and it puts us in position to always offer unique custom displays to all of our clients. So organization is key . Oh, i think our ability to organize all of these different materials and elements is critical to our success. Reporter the company was a present of sorts from his father when he was a month away from graduating and specializing in artificial plant and flower arrangements and he had a small Christmas Division. Were you one of those kids who said i am not going in the Family Business . As a kid, it was not my intention and even while i was in college, it was not my intention. Reporter so what sold you . It was really a matter of my fathers circumstances changes in that he sold this larger corporation and the company that he sold to was simply going to liquidate the inventory of the Christmas Division. Reporter you were like, wait a minute, that is the heart of the business . Right. We felt like there was an opportunity. So i bought back the Christmas Division from the company that my father had sold. Reporter is it safe to say that youve built this business to the point where its even bigger than the original business . For sure. Reporter for years, swham worked hard to build American Christmas. I literally walked every block of manhattan and called every that i could possibly call. It took a number of years but, slowly, but surely, i started to gain a clientele. Reporter he got his big break in 1997 when radio city and Rockefeller Center got on board. You know what you could have said, fred . Take a look around me why wouldnt they hire me . We try to just, you know, give our clients a sense for what we are capable of and talk a little bit about our experience and hopefully that will provide comfort and influence them to engage with us. Reporter how far do you go . You have to go big or go home. Reporter mark is president of saks fifth avenue. What does American Christmas bring that nobody else does . They bring that elevated energy and they bring something. They know how to do and it the goal was to bring joy and joy is a big word this year. Really, i think, Everyone Needs it. Reporter including this family. Its fantastic. You only see Something Like this in new york city. Its beautiful. Its amazing. It gives you that feeling. That feeling of being a family, that good feeling on the inside. Reporter his employees seeing their work on display as much as everybody else. It must be thrilling when the lights turn on and the onlookers with there and their response to what you and your team have created. Yes. For myself and for my entire team, watching the reaction of the people on the streets and watching literally thousands of people taking pictures in front of our displays, its a great thrill. Reporter for cbs this Morning Saturday, michelle miller, new york. Not a lot of people who have a job like that where they get that much public appreciation. Its true. I think this is the year i finally get a cartier panther, anthony. I have high hopes. I hope so santa is coming down the chimney with one. Im on santas side. I think you deserve it. In this age of the selfie, a photographer with a far different cu slaven was inspired by the majesty of multitudes and people together. We will visit his work coming up on cbs this Morning Saturday. I tried hard to quit smoking. But when we brought our daughter home, announcer this portion sponsored by nicoderm cq. Every great why needs a great how. Take delsym, the 1 12hour uncontrolcough medicine. It helps control the impulse to cough for 12 hours. Which means, youre controlling your cough on your morning commute. And later when youre joking with beth. Even when most cough medicines stop, delsym is still working. And when your days over, your cough is still under control. Thanks to the 1 12hour cough medicine. Delsym. The cough controller. Jimmy dean sausage today from the fridge. Cious fully cooked and ready in seconds. It makes breakfast complete, which makes bill feel like completing the gazebo. Prompting a celebration in lauris backyard. With jimmy dean, good mornings lead to great days. Same nose. Same toughness. And since hes had moderate alzheimers disease, the same never quit attitude. Thats why i asked his doctor about onceaday namzaric. avo namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimers disease in patients who are taking donepezil. It may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. Namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. Dont take if allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine or any of the ingredients in namzaric. Tell the doctor about any conditions including heart, lung, bladder, kidney or liver problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, or procedures with anesthesia. Serious side effects may occur, including muscle problems if given anesthesia; slow heartbeat, fainting, more stomach acid which may lead to ulcers and bleeding; nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. Most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness loss of appetite, and bruising. man dad and i shared a lot of moments. Now were making the most of each one. avo ask about namzaric today. In his 50year career, photographer neil slaven has taken pictures for esquire, Rolling Stone and oprah magazines among many. He is best known for his group portraits, images of people gathered with their tribe, their class, or their club. In a new retrospective of his work shows what a powerful portrait it is of all of us. Reporter what happens when a group of for a photograph . The first thing that happens, its a commemoration of some kind. But when an organization or a club gets together for a picture, its a celebration. Just reshot the same picture. Reporter neil slaven has been photographing groups for more than four decades. This is his portrait of a custodial staff at stone hinge. A group of pub owners in new york. The masseuses at the Elizabeth Arden salon. At new yorks Lawrence Miller gallery, the centerpiece of the new xicket neil slaven, a 40year chronicle of groups and gatherings is a portrait of new york hot dog vendors. I love the four faces of these men. Reporter one thing i love about this photograph is you probably would never take those four faces and put them together in any other they sell hot dogs. That is their togetherness. Reporter many of his pictures have been taken with a giant 20x24inch polaroid camera. He started focusing on the subject in 1973. Just something about it just struck me and i said i got to do this. Reporter his first shot . The International Twins association in muncie, indiana. And after that picture, that was it. That really clenched it for me, you know . People say they are funny, they are quirky, they are filled with humor. For me, they are filled more with sociology. So this is the electrolux Sales Convention photographed in the grand ballroom of the old waldorf astoria. To get invited to the convention and wear a blue jacket at that worth of vacuum cleaners. Reporter wow. As you notice, all of the wives are seated. Reporter yes. And so, again, anthony, its a sociological document of a time capsule how we felt at that time. Reporter a lot goes into the work of each picture. We photographed the New York Stock Exchange in stack of you. We spent 14 hours just light it. I some somewhere like five minutes or less to photograph them just before the bell rang. And somehow we got it. Reporter you cant make a moment like this happen. You cant. This only happened in one frame. Reporter one frame . It happened the day he shot a group of zookeepers in britain. Suddenly, the elephant just put his trunk down and gave him a kiss on his cheek i saw it i said, i cant believe it i just pressed the button. Reporter and youve continued to do this throughout your career . I say no more. Reporter but again and again, neil slaven has been drawn back to how we look when we gather in groups. I think its a very afirming experience just to look at all of these groups and you get this feeling of this is humanity. Reporter this show runs until the end of the year. The New York Times called it one of the four not to miss photography shows in the city this season. If youre around, you really should catch it. He fixes the locations but never arranges the people. He lets them arrange themselves and the hierarchy is natural in each photographer. Very cool. Gifts of all kinds will be exchanged this weekend but none more needed pouring into a los angeles school. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Step on zero really can be a hero. Ds get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first months payment on select volkswagen models. Right now at the volkswagen sign then drive event. We begin this half hour with a tale of generosity. Perfect for this holiday weekend. Monday on cbs this morning, we heard the story of a Los Angeles Area physical Education Student whose young student couldnt afford a simple pair of sneakers and he wasnt the only one. The teacher wrote it on facebook and it went viral and now the footwear is flying in. Ben tracy has the latest. Ready set go reporter Samantha Ford teaches physical education at several schools in santa clarita, california. Earlier this month, she noticed some of her students at cedar creek elementary were lacking something pretty basic. I see kids running in sandals or shoes that have holes or a couple of kids with a hot glue gun the sole on every single day. Tell your teammates good job. Reporter ford asked one little boy who was wearing boots if he had running shoes. The boy said, these are the only shoes i have. And the boots were old and ratty and worn out, and it just hit me really hard reporter so she went home and posted about her conversation with the boy on her facebook page. Within hours, one of her friends bought the boy new shoes. It didnt stop there. Suddenly, she had hundreds of pairs of shoes lined up in her classroom, donated by friends, strangers. Oh, my gosh how are you . Reporter and someone she hasnt seen in years. I cant believe youre standing here its crazy reporter fords favorite teacher from her High School Days dropped off on to drop whenever i see a former student that is, you know, doing something that is showing generosity and care for the community, it makes my heart sing. Reporter nd then an alumnus of the school showed up, trevor brown, a catcher for the San Francisco giants. Tyler glass now who pitches for the pittsburgh pirates, he grew up in the area and he has pledged 30 pairs 7yearold jesse valencia says he has always been a fast runner, but with new shoes, there is a new spring in his step. I wanted to pick them up because i ran so fast and they make me run so fast more. Reporter julie is happy to berunning with him in her new rainbow colored kikx. I like them. So comfortable. Reporter so far more than 400 pairs of shoes have been donated. So many that each kid in sherri ramseys second grade class got a pair too. There was so many choices for them and shopping and so many choices for them. For some of these kids this so many years. Reporter answer with those new shoes is a new sense of gratitude. Dear miss ford. Thank you for the new shoes. At my home, my shoes are old and i need new shoes. He gave me one of the best hugs ive ever had. He knows how to hug. So great, so excited. Reporter ford says she is close to providing new sneakers for all 485 students for this school and collecting shoes for two other schools nearby. A gift she hopes will keep on giving. For cbs this Morning Saturday, ben tracy, los angeles. Good for her, huh . And nothing like getting a real hug from a happy kid. Nothing like getting a new pair of shoes too they are equal and a great story. Up next, the dish. A true legend of the restaurant world. Long ago, he pleneded his classic french training with the flavors of asian cue keen and launching a food revolution and restaurant empire. We will sample his special holiday menu next on cbs this Morning Saturday. Its the most wonderful time of the year the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Listen, sugar, were lettin you go. Its that splenda naturals gal, isnt it . Coffee look, shes sweet, shes got natural stevia, no bitter aftertaste, and zero calories. All the partners agree . Even iced tea . Especially iced tea. Goodbye, sugar. Hello, new splenda naturals. Therthere is nothing typical about making movies. Im victoria alonso and im an executive producer. At marvel studios. We are very much handson producers. If my office. Becomes a plane or an airport the surface pros perfect. You dont do this 14 hours a day, 7 days a week for. Decades if you dont feel it in your heart. Listen, i know my super power is to not ever sleep. Thats it. Thats the only super power i have. Nothing like christmas in new york even among celebrated chefs there is a rare distinction. Those whose first name is all you need to know. And here is one of them. He was born in france known for its blend of french and german cuisine. He practically grew up in his parents busy kitchen and his 16th birthday they took restaurant and he soon found himself working there. He would apprentice with frances greatest chefs and began to open restaurants of his own around the worl. Now head of a true restaurant empire with dining establishment from paris to tokyo, shanghai, to new york. Still an active chef, one of the most influential on the planet. Welcome to the dish. Thank you for being here, chef. What a beautiful table. Stunning. Tell us what you brought for us. Its christmas, you know . So we are celebrating dessert and strawberry and marshmallow and chocolate pudding with whipped cream on crystallized gems. We have red and stripe and yellow with cranberry and ginger. So festive. Some mushroom, bacon, mushroom with wine sauce. The main course is a rack of lamb. Wow. Could be any mushroom. Beautiful. Just roast it together. What is the green sauce . Leak. Gorgeous. My favorite dish for christmas just a simple steamed lobster with lemon and butter chef, tell us lets start from the beginning. What were the holidays like in your household . It was a whole week celebration. I mean, we fortunate. I had a brother and sister. By the time we were leaving the grandparents and we were all together. Very festive. A lot of good food. A lot of flavor. A little flavor. Cabbage and potatoes and pork. You were telling us that you started throwing parties for your brothers and relatives when you were really young . That is correct. My first party was organized for i was 5 1 2. Lighting, music, you know . Cake. You had the touch even then . I read you were also known as the palette among your family members . Black dust. I was spending more time in the kitchen. My mother and grandmother call me and say ready to go . We mentioned your 16th Birthday Party when your parents took you to a very prominent restaurant. How big of a moment was that for you . I was supposed to go to Engineering School and take over the business for my father. I hated it. You hated it . On my 16th birthday they took me to this restaurant. You were home it was in 73. We never go to a restaurant and eating at home all the time. I thought this is it. It unlocked something for u . Head. This is the business i want to be in. One of the things i love most about your restaurants, the rigor in terms of the tradition, the taste. There is also a variety of sources that youre pulling from. You travel throughout asia. That is correct. A lot of your food is from cues from flavor over there. Tell us about that. France and leon. I spent about seven years probably most of my life in asia, bangkok, singapore, hong kong, japan. Sure. S your palette. Lemon grass, ginger, chiles. Just absorb all of the ingredients and when i arrive in new york in 86 i started mixing, you know, not too many people using ginger all the time. Not at all. Or lemon grass or chile. I read when you came to new york you took a course at Hunter College in how to run a small business. Thats right. I left school at 16 to open a business. It was a crash course. Three months. I was sittinit i was like kind of embarrassing but you know . Amazing youre a quick study, quite obvious. As i pass you this dish, chef, i must ask you the question ask all of the wonderful culinary minds that come on here. If you could share this meal with any person from the past or the present, who would it be . Probably my family. I would invite you too merci thank you. You can use your hand, actually. Oh, okay we have been standing ceremony but no longer. For more, head to our website. Ahead, a special Holiday Edition of our saturday session with jon hn batiste. He and his band are here to ring in the saturday with holiday tunes. Its coming up next on cbs this Morning Saturday. Ltry align probiotic. N your digestive system . For a nonstop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. Get 24 7 digestive support, with align. The 1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. Now in kids chewables. Im hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. But that doesnt stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. Thatd be devastating. I took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about oncedaily xarelto. A latest generation blood thinner. Then i made the switch. Xarelto® significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. It has similar effectiveness to warfarin. Warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. Xarelto® is selective targeting one critical factor of your bodys natural clotting function. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. Out talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. To help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. Theres more to know. Xarelto. And let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. Roomba navigates your entire home. Cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba, from irobot. What bad knee . Ull ask what throbbing head . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. In our saturday session jon batiste. Best known as the band director for the late show with Stephen Colbert. The new orleans native is out with a new holiday album. Christmas with jon batiste features original compositions and unique arrangements of the classics and available on amazon music. Here with judy hill is jon batiste with god rest you Merry Gentlemen. God bless the very Merry Gentlemen let nothing you dismay remember christ the savior he was born on Christmas Day to say from his power when we had gone astray oh, good tidings from comfort comfort and joy all the time comfort comfort and joy comfort and joy tell them about it judith hill from every adviser of blessed angel came and on to shepherd brought tidings of the same how back in bethlehem was born comfort and joy oh, the tidings of comfort and joy tell them about it tell them about it hold on tell everybody love me tell everybody make me want to shout freedom i want to tell you about it today jesus dont go away. We will be right back with more holiday music from jon batiste. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Announcer saturday sessions are sponsored by blue buffalo. You love your pets like family, so feed them like family with blue. Life is better when we celebrate together during toyotathon. Listen, sugar, were lettin you go. Its that splenda naturals gal, isnt it . Coffee look, shes sweet, shes got natural stevia, no bitter aftertaste, and zero calories. All the partners agree . Even iced tea . Especially iced tea. Goodbye, sugar. Hello, new splenda naturals. Im pulling my weight in help me make sure im not broke have a wonderful holiday weekend, everyone. We leave you now with more music from jon batiste. This is his version of Johan Sebastian bachs men desiring. Narrator today on lucky dog, its a tale of two underdogs. A middleaged lab mix facing discrimination and an empty nester looking to spread her own wings. Karen i spent a lot of years raising kids and i really feel like now is the time for me to just rejoin the world. Narrator but if ollie wants a shot at a new life hell need to put the shackles of his old life behind him. Brandon you got a lot of scar tissue on the neck there. Ollie most likely was tied up by a chain for most of his life. A couple dog days in your past, huh . Dont worry, its all over. Im Brandon Mcmillan and ive dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are

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