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Will you do to . Sivethe nice thing i havente that much money that i need a tax return. Sanders is holding rallies in a bunch of states. Look out, when i look out at this crowd, i dont think there is any way we are going to lose on tuesday apple ceo tim cook speaking out the companys privacy fight with the fbi. Pl to aace back door in the iphone, we believe it does put hundreds of millions of customers at risk. President obama considering a icpublan noe. Brian sandoval, the governor of nevada, to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. When with ecigarettes exploded inside a mans pocket in kentucky. All that. Adele adele has stolen the show at this years brit awards. You love me christopher was discovered. Mostly cue in science magazine. That happens every year . It does. You dont follow it . Here i am worried about the oscars all that matters. Do you plan to campaign for her . I dont think they need me, quite frankly. He might need me, but she doesnt. On cbs this morning. A third consecutive win in the nevada caucuses keeps donald trump wellpositioned to steam roll his way to victory a super tuesday. Like many other las vegas visitors, the gop woke up this morning with a raging hangover wondering what the hell happened last night . This morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go place. Welcome to cbs this morning. We begin with a dramatic rescue going on right now to get the crew of a stranded fishing boat to safety in new york. A coast guard helicopter is trying to pull crew members off the boat and an early attempt to rescue the sailors failed when a Coast Guard Boat capsized. All of the coast guard crewmembers swam to safety. These are live pictures right now. This rescue effort comes after violent storms swept along the east coast. Winds flipped over a semitruck on new yorks George Washington bridge. The storm brought down a home in the bronx but no one hurt. Power lines sparked one car fire. The powerful band of storms is responsible for at least eight deaths in the south and several tornadoes ripped through virginia killing four. R emergency is in place. Reporter good morning. I am standing in the middle of home park here in waverly, virginia. As you can see, this was the laundromat and it was meat of brick and cinder block but it has been completely destroyed. Walk down here. Take a look at this. That trailer there behind the bushes that is largely destroyed, we talk to a man who lived there. He can hardly believe he is alive and that is partly because on the other side of that trailer is where another trailer used to be and that is where three people, including a 2yearold child, died. A deadly storm system lashed the east coast wednesday, pummeling it with violent winds. And torrential rain. Multiple tornadoes were reported in virginia where at least four people have died and dozens more have been injured. A tornado just came through right on tore place t pieces. Reporter three died here in waverly. A 2yearold child and two men who were found 300 yards from their own home. Vincent donald lived next door. Spinning and lift the roof. I survived. Reporter in pennsylvania more than 30,000 people lost power and tornado warnings were issued and several homes were torn apart. You hear stuff tossing and turning. We heard debris and this is just, like, not even real. Reporter a steady downpour led to flash flooding in and around washington, d. C. Where drivers slogged through the evening commute. Tree just fell down. Reporter at least three tornadoes were reported in north carolina. Straight line winds and pounding rains toppled trees and cut one home nearly in half. Time lapse video shows the storm as it rolled through downtown charlotte. That is one wild storm. Reporter the system made its way to the northeast where strong gusts flipped over this truck in new york. Covers were spent flying into the air. The wet weather caused underground electric explosions in elizabeth. First responders spent the night going through this area, going through this incredible debris field, trying to make sure there is nobody unaccounted for. There is still, apparently, some question whether this was officially a tornado. Just look. Its hard to believe it could have been anything other than that. Ill say. The pictures really tell the store there. Firefighters in indiana rescued more than two dozen drivers trapped for hours on a snowy eye. An accident during the snowstorm made the word impassible. Two fire trucks got stuck in six feet of snow and firefighters faced strong winds and blinding snow and walked cartocar to bring 30 people to safety. Donald trump is facing questions about his taxes this morning from the last republican president ial nominee, mitt romney. He claims the republican frru his tax returns because they may contain a bombshell. Trump tweeted in response that taxes made romney, quote, look like a fool in 2012. He sarcastically called romney a tough guy. Major garrett in washington looked at the issue that may affect tonights Republican Debate in houston. Major, good morning. Reporter good morning. On the Republican Debate stage tonight in houston, mitt romney no, no, not in person, of course. But through this issue of tax returns that he lobbed at donald trump yesterday. Trump has dismissed romney through this campaign as a weak nominee who should have won in 2012. Trumps republican rivalst a another texas forum last night, they sided with romney. They are not exotic but we will release them. Very glad to release tax returns. Nothing to hide. Not a problem. The nice thing i havent made enough money that my tax returns are not that interesting. Reporter closest rivals had no problem respond from a challenge to 2012 nominee mitt romney who had this to say about trumps tax returns. Frankly, i think we have good reason to believe that there is a bombshell in Donald Trumps taxes. Every time he is asked about his taxes, he dodges and delays and says, well, we are working on it. Reporter the tax issue tripped up romneys white house bid but trump said he feels no pressure to release his returns at all. My returns are extremely complex and ill make a determination at the right time. Im in no rush to do it. Nobody has been bringing it up except for mitt romney. Reporter a carter gop field advantages trump as the rest of the candidates are scrambling to dull that edge but no one appears to be willing to give up their smaller share of support. Once this race begins to narrow youll see more of that support consolidating. Reporter three candidates yet to win arent dropping out. Marco rubio finished second in South Carolina and nevada. We are not going to allow the conservative movement to be defined by a nominee who isnt a conservative. Reporter john kasich has backtoback fifth place finishes. We are not stopping and im not giving up reporter ben carson hasnt finished higher than fourth. Its like a baseball game. Everybody wants to call the game after the first inning. Reporter a loss on cruzs home turf could cripple his campaign. Of the delegates up for grabs on tuesday, texas has the most with 155. He called it himself the big prize. Hillary clinton is focusing on South Carolina this morning but Bernie Sanders is hundreds of miles away campaigning in ohio, michigan, and illinois. Clinton is making four stops in the state where democrats vote on saturday. Nancy cordes is in columbia, South Carolina, where clinton is also thinking about the gop frontrunner. Nancy, good morning. Reporter good morning. Thats right. Republicans are not the only ones who are starting to come to grips with the notion that trump could be the gop no yesterday, the Clinton Campaign sent out this fundraising appeal saying, everything is coming up trump. A message meant to scare their supporters into opening their wallets. When with you talk about the trumps of the world to divide us up. Reporter trump that united the democratic candidates, at least temporarily. I listen to the rhetoric on the republican side. I dont recognize my country. You know . Senator sanders and i have been trying to run a Campaign Based on issues. They run a Campaign Based on insults. Reporter clinton is camped out in South Carolina, protecting her large lead in the polls here. Hi. Reporter sanders headed west in search of Greener Pastures and he found them. Here in missouri reporter 7,000 people came to here him speak in kansas city. Almost 10,000 in tulsa. I look out add this crowd, i dont think there is any way we are going to lose on tuesday reporter the only other candidate drawing crowds this large is trump. Not translated into turnout, which is down on the democratic side since 2008 in the three contests held so far. Anthat is a problem for sanders, who says this ahell t time. Voter turnout is everything. Our job is to create a high voter turnout. If there is a large turnout, i think we will do very well. Reporter translation . Sanders needs his young supporters to hit the polls in record numbers and offset clintons advantage with older and more reliable advantage. In nevada she won by a full 50 points and won the caucus. You say you want to create the revolution that clinton couldnt. Is turnout a sign that that revolution isnt happening . Its a sign that barack obama ran a Brilliant Campaign in 2008. Unprecedented. Reporter and even with that unprecedented campaign, though, obama just barely edged out hillary clinton. Going to win several super tuesday states and keep pace with clinton in the delegate count. Thank you, nancy. See you on tuesday. President obama may reach across the aisle to get the senate to vote on his next Supreme Court nominee. Reports say the white house is considering nevadas republican governor to replace justice Antonin Scalia. Jan crawford is on capitol hill and watching the Supreme Court debate. Reporter good morning. Senator republicans say they will block anyone the president nominates even if its someone from their own party. Yesterday, the president predicted they will cave. I recognize the politics are hard for them. Reporter from the oval office, president obama suggested that eventually republicans will back down and give his Supreme Court nominee a shot. There is not a lot of vigor when they defend the position that they are taking that they wouldnt even meet, for example, with a Supreme Court nominee. They are pretty sheepish aut comments. Reporter across town, the senates top democrat, harry reid, offered a surprise pick, a rpublican. Nevada governor brian sandoval. If he were picked, i would support the man. Hes a good person. He has a great record. And he has been a tremendously good governor. Reporter sandoval may be seen as a moderate conservative but he is no fan of the president s signature achievement the Affordable Care act. He has called many aspects of the law unconstitutional and threatened to fight to have them overturned. In a statement, sandovals office said neither the governor nor his staff has been contacted by or talked to the Obama Administration regarding any potential vetting and that did not surprise utah senator mike lee. I dont think that is a legitimate rumor. I dont think it reflects any truth. I dont think that is who president obama is going to nominate. But even if it is, our position remains unchanged. Reporter lee says regardless of the nominee, most Senate Republicans are holding firm until the country elects a new president. We are a coordinate branch. Government. This is our discussion, not his. Reporter the president says the sandoval buzz is read and they are playing games. A republican to the Supreme Court would make a conservative majority on that court for a generation. Charlie . Thanks, jan. Apple ceo tim cook defended the company in his first interview about the standoff over the San Bernardino gunmans iphone. He calls the governments request to unlock it bad for america. Jeff pegues is in washington to show us apples case. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Apple executives and the tech giants attorneys say this is a slippery slope. Tomorrow the company will put its arguments in writing when its expected to file its legal challenge to the government. Some things are hard and some things are right. And some things are both. This is one of tse reporter speaking publicly about the controversy, apples ceo tim cook laid out his reasons for refusing a court order to unlock the iphone of syed farook, one of the terrorists behind the deadly attack in San Bernardino, three months ago. To oppose your government on something doesnt feel good. And to oppose it on something where we are advocating for civil liberties, which they are supposed to protect, it is incredibly ironic. Reporter cook says the decision would compel the company to write new software and create ago key that he says, in the wrong hands, could make all iphones vulnerable to hackers. Our smartphones are loaded with our intimate conversations, our financial data, our health records. They are also loaded with the location of our kids in many cases. Reporter cook says apple has cooperated with Law Enforcement, but contends investigators made a crucial error by telling bernardino county, to reset his icloud password. Apple says that limited the information that could be retrieved but even with the password change, the fbi says there may still be information on the phone that would not be accessible without apples assistance. If a court can ask us to write this piece of software think of what else they ask us to write. Maybe an operating system for surveillance, maybe its the ability for the Law Enforcement to turn on the camera. This is not what should be happening in america. I think this is going to be a question for the American People and their congress to decide if we want to make these Communications Devices immune to warrants when we know that they are used in crimes all the time. Reporter cook and bill gates agree that this issue will ultimately have to be decided by congress. Eventually, as it has been with the patriotic act, this will all be subject to reporter today, fbi director james comey will be on capitol hill where he is expected to discuss the governments case against apple. Norah . Jeff, thank you. The debate continues. Isis this morning is threatening two Silicon Valley titans. A new video purportedly made by supporters of target, Mark Zuckerberg and zach dorsey. The propaganda video is in response to facebook and twitter suspending accounts and removing posts that promote terrorism. President obama is tamping down expectations about the partial truce in syria that takes effect at midnight on friday. Syrian Government Troops are fighting in a suburb outside of damascus. The assad regime says the area is excluded from the ceasefire because Al Qaedalinkeded group is there. Our Elizabeth Palmer got a firsthand look on the lines above and on the ground. Reporter how confident is the syrian army right now . Latest victory. A half of a square mile of total destruction and five miles from the center of dah mass mumascud. This general leads the way through what used to be family homes that is a wreck now. A sniper was right here only yesterday, he says. We are in the suburb of daria. The army says 24 hours ago, it pushed the opposition fighters half a mile back to the next cluster of buildings. Now they are pounding them with machine guns and from the air. Overhead, the sound of the helicopters scouting its target. Then a strike. They are using barrel bombs, cheap and deadly. Are there any civilians left over there . No, he says. There arent. In fact, by now, almost everyone has fled. Bombs smashed this area to bits. The opposition fighters only survived by going underground into a network of tunnels. This is the road. The soldiers showing us around, this one explains this tunnel was under the main road. You can see the black strike that gave extra protection. The army says the fighters here were with Al Qaedalinked al nusra not in this weekends ceasefire so no let up on this world of the suburbs of damascus. Great reporting there. Coming up, our electronic announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by brookdale. Bringing new life to senior living. Buckle up are you ready to fly commercial on a bench . Nope ahead, theaj taking a stand on how you sit. See how you could foot the bill. The knucks is back this morning right here on cbs this morning. rebecca ive struggld with depression. I thought i needed cigarettes to cope. I was able to quit smoking. And then i started running. Now, i feel a lot better. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. You know the symptoms when they start. Abdominal pain. Urgent diarrhea. Now theres prescription xifaxan. Xifaxan is a new ibsd treatment that helps relieve your diarrhea and abdominal pain symptoms. And xifaxan works differently. Its a prescription antibiotic that acts mainly in the digestive tract. Do not use xifaxan if you have a history of sensitivity to rifaximin, rifamycin antibiotic agents, or any components of xifaxan. Tell your doctor right away if your diarrhea worsens while taking xifaxan, as this may be a sign of a serious or even fatal condition. Tell your doctor if you have Liver Disease or are taking other medications, because these may increase the amount of xifaxan in your body. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan on becoming pregnant, or are nursing. N increase in liver enzymes. If you think you have ibs with diarrhea, talk to your doctor about new xifaxan. A leading consumer testing the top laundry detergents. The winner persil 2 in 1, didnt only beat tide. It beat every single detergent tested. Boom. Switch to Persil Proclean 2 in 1. 1 rated. This is ti love bread i love bread. I now just manage it, so i dont deny myself bread, i have bread everyday. Thats the genius of this program. I lost 26 pounds and i have eaten bread every single day. Start with a specialist. Start with a team of experts every stage. Every day. The evolution of cancer care is here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com experts. Appointments available now. Johnson johnson fight back after losing a 72 Million Dollar lawsui. Says talcum powder is not in addition to the like button, facebook has now added buttons for love, wow, ha ha, sad, and angry. In other words, facebook copied the emotional journey of any adele album. I guess it did well in spain because its now available everywhere. Here they are. There is like. Which we had. There is love. There is ha ha. Is there wow. There is wow and there is sad and there is enough with the baby photos already facebook is doing what i tried and failed at with so many women. Moving moving beyond just like i like the wow emjoi. Y i wasnt a facebook yesterday. I havent used them either. You have a favorite . I like wow. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Wow coming up in this half hour new fears about an explosive danger linked to Electronic Cigarettes. One man says he was burned when an ecigarette burned up in his pocket. That is scary. What may be causing them to catch fire is ahead. We will look at a dramatic redesign that may be coming to your Favorite Airline and see how it can affect your wallet. That is ahead. Gayle, can you imagine sitting on a bench . Nope thats all you have to say about that . I dont want anybody sitting on a bench on a plane. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The New York Times reports on the United Nations Security Council to vote today on tough comik sanctions against north korea. This is a response to the norths recent nuclear test. Among the measures the United States wants to reportedly limit north korean access to north korea ports. Time is reporting on the zika virus the World Health Organization says the virus will spread globally. At least 109 cases here in the United States. Zika is linked with a severe birth defect. The Washington Post reveals that Antonin Scalia was vacationing a secret of Hunting Fraternity when with he died. He was at a texas ranch with members of the International Order of st. Hubert. The exclusive group was formed in europe more than 300 years ago and not known if the Supreme Court justice had any official affiliation with the secret organization. Dallas morning news reports a plane was headed from washington to san antonio last night and diverted to dallas after losing cabin pressure. A passengers photo shows oxygen masks deployed as the plane suddenly subsi suddenly descended 20,000 feet. A man says Electronic Cigarette battery exploded in his pocket. Surveillance video captured the very frightening moment on saturday at a gas station. Vinita nair is here to show us why the devices may be lighting up scary stuff. Yes. This latest incident caught on tape is raising new concerns about the multibillion dollar ecigarette industry. Reporter Surveillance Footage captured the moment Josh Hamiltons pants suddenly burst into flames at a kentucky gas station. He ran outside struggling to ditch his clothes before a man do douses him with a fire extinguisher. He tweeted the following. To electronic vaporizers across the country. Ts an alternative to smoking grets. Its supposed to be a safer and health ca healthier way of doing it. Reporter evan was in a coma three days at a mom hospital after he says an ecigarette blew up in his mouth in october. And earlier this week at Ohio Fire Department issues a warning on its Facebook Page after a rechargeable ecigarette battery apparently exploded inside the pocket of a victims lab coat. More than two dozen incidents of incidents and fires caused by ecigarettes between 2009 and 2014. It has the same fuel capability as gasoline. Reporter many are linked to the lithium ion battery and overcharging and manufacturing defects and punctures can cause it to overheat and triggering an explosion. The lithium ion batteries the same type found in many hoverboards which have been criticized for catching fire. In terms of the actual product itself this is the chemistry you use you are comparing apples and apples between what happens in the hoverboard and what happens in an ecigarette. Reporter vaporing advocates remain that the explosion of ecigarettes are rare. The association said the following. The food and Drug Administration does not regulate ecigarettes. You should avoid metal objects with coins and keys and jewelry, the things we all have in our pocket. Thank you. This morning, Johnson Johnson is fighting back against a 72 Million Dollar verdict. The judgment was awarded to a woman who claimed the companys talcum Powder Products caused her Ovarian Cancer. Layers say the award is the first of its type. Anna werner has been looking at the lawsuits claims and the actual cancer risks. Reporter Jacqueline Fox was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in march of 2015 and died last october. Her lawsuit claimed the talcum powder in johnsons baby powder and shower to shower is carcinogenic. Reporter generations of women have used Johnson Johnsons talcum Powder Products to help them feel clean and fresh. Its a feeling you never outgrow. Reporter Jacqueline Fox used them for feminine hygiene for decades. Her lawyer, jerry beasley, says those products ultimately caused her death. Johnson johnson knew of the association of talc and Ovarian Cancer starting back in 1979. Reporter the american cce on a possible link between talcum powder and Ovarian Cancer have been mixed with some studies reporting a slightly increased risk and some reporting no risk. An expert for. Conducted his own study in september showing there shows an increased risk. There has been a number of studies and the majority of these have found an elevated risk. Reporter during trial, foxs lawyers introduced into evidence this 1997 letter in which Johnson Johnsons own consultant warned that denying the risks could mean the talc industry will be perceived by the public it perceived the cigarette industry and denying the obvious in the face of all evidence in the contrary. They have made a conscious decision not to warn the customers that are using a very dangerous product. Reporter on monday a jury in st. Louis ordered Johnson Johnson to pay million in compensatory damages and another 62 million in punitive damages. Marvin, her son. The whole fight was not just for her, but for so many other women. And that is why i continue that is why i continued this fight. Reporter Johnson Johnson said in a statement it sympathizes with foxs family but said the verdict goes against decades of sound science, proving the safety of talc as a cosmetic ingredient in multiple products. There is a warning this morning for travelers. They are being told dont get too comfortable in your seat. Reporter flying has always come with a cost. Im kris van cleave. Coming up on cbs this morning, a new design for Airline Seats that could make the way you fly now history. Door, dont forget, you can watch us live through the cbs allaccess app on your digital device. We are betting you dont want to miss hope solo who is here from the womens world soccer team. We will be right back. If you have moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. If other treatments havent worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works by focusing right in the gitract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. While not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns medication isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. Im gonna take mucinex sinusmax. Enough pressure in here for ya . Too late, were about to take off. These dissolve fast. Theyre new liquid gels. And youre coming with me. You realize i have gold status . Mucinex sinusmax liquid gels. Dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. Lets end this. We owhat made their mystskin more radiant . Nt. What . wait only dove has 1 4 moisturizing cream. Smooth dewy skin. Dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant skin. Brandois heaven in a jar. Thats because our ingredients come from. Farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils. Like cagefree eggs. Mmm. Heaven. Real ingredients. Thats how were working to bring out the best. Airline passengers could see a very different kind of seat on planes in the future. Aircraft maker airbus has filed a patent for a new kind of adjustable seat and it could allow airlines to cram even more people into each row or change the seating to make room for larger passengers. And the change could come with new fees. Kris van cleave is at the national air and space museum in washington. Reporter good morning. Back when the dc7 was flying Airline Seats were spacious. Take a look over here. About 20 inches which is not too bad. By the jet age, they had shrunk down to 17 1 2 inches and in the even smaller and shrinking down yet another inch in space. Now, this new seating concept could usher in a day where the airlines could truly price by your size. As americans have gotten larger and their Airline Seats smaller, its not made flying any easier. Oh, they are too close, yes. Especially if they are heavy people or big people. Reporter some overweight passengers even find themselves being shamed on social media. Now jetmaker airbus is looking to patent this seating concept that could let airlines create what would essentially be a fee for larger passengers, just dont expect them to call it that. This bench seating concept would allow a traditional row of three seats to be rapidly and easily reconfigurable into seating for two passengers who need additional space, including overweight passengers, or instead of seating three, the bench could handle a family of four with two small children. A feature that could almost certainly come with a price all about making more money. Reporter Charisse Jones covers Business Travel for the usa today network. Airlines are going to be very careful about not saying that the seat is for a specific class of people. You know, such as overweight people or even families. They dont want to be accused of being discriminatory but i dont think there is anything wrong saying these are options for different groups of people you might find more comfortable. Reporter typically that means more money for the airlines. Last year, airbus sought a patent for a design that would have passengers sitting above and below each other. Before that, it was this semi standing seat. Seat maker zodiac create a h hextagon feature. Tennessee congressman steven cohen worries the focus of squeezing in other extra seats could make it evacuating. He recently tried to set the faa to set minimum seat line standards. If people cant get out of an plane in an emergency condition, they lose their lives. It shouldnt be after an accident. After an accident, its too late and people are dead. Reporter airbus says every year, it takes out hundreds of patents and the vast majority of those never become fully realized products or knowledge. Its going to change the way we fly. I hope its one of those patents that never goes anywhere, the ones he just mentioned. I think its tough. It is tough. Make bigger seats. How about that . They are getting closer. Yes. Its uncomfortable. If it were the three of us, we wouldnt mind closer seats, right . What happens when students can have guns okay. This is a really serious story we have coming up. What will happen when students can have guns on campus. Ahead, how concerned professors at one Texas University are preparing for a new carry law by changing the way they teach. Up next, kevin spacey is working on a new impre announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. For the past 27 days, four men have outlasted authorities by making their getaway in a prius. This game ends now. , youve gotta be a prius. 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We were just talking to your team here about working on a charlie rose. I said it would involve a lot of hands. That is the way that works. And computers. Always a lot of and do this. I cant wait to see what he does you. I can wait. I cant wait to see what he does all in the hands, thats what kevin spacey says. He plays president Frank Underwood on house of cards. Throwing out a new role on charlie roses pbs program last night. Does it make you uncomfortable when people say im going to start working on my charlie rose . Yes. He is very good. He is very good. We will be right back. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients whove had no prior treatment. Its the one and only cure thats one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni, theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. 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Esidents he made a remark to me about not sure he wanted to be there anymore, but he said something to me that has stuck with me to this day. After having your dinner, i think i want to stick around a while and that really meant something to me. I never had an experience like that and it just let me know that what im doing is much more important than just food. New fresh step with the power of febreze. Told you have cancer . Start with a specialist. Start where youll find advanced technology, precn Treatment Options and truly compassionatate care. Start here with a team of experts who treat only cancer. Every stage. Every day. Its not one thing we do. Its the only thing we do. Start at Cancer Treatment centers of america in philadelphia. The evolution of cancer care is here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com experts Appointments Available now. Top of the morning to you. It is thursday, february 25th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. There is more real nus ahead, including the dramatic sea rescue this morning in new york city. First, heres a look at todays eye opener at 8 00. This was the laundromat and made of brick and cinder block but it has been completely destroyed. Trump has dismissed romney through this campaign. Severing coming up trump. A message meant to scare their pporters. At sene republicanes ar saying they are going to block anyone the president nominates even if its someone from their own today, fbi director james comey will be on capitol hill where he is expected to discuss gothe mevernnts case astgain apple. This incident caught on tape is raising new concerns about the new multibillion dollar ecigarette industry. This seating concept could usher in a day where the airlines could truly price by your size. If it were the three of us, we wouldnt mind those seats, right . Im pretty sure why trump won nevada. This is a Campaign Sign supporting ted cruz. This is a sign supporting marco rubio. And this is the one for donald trump. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by nationwide. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. We begin with a dramatic rescue this morning in new york. The crew of a stranded fishing boat has been saved after it took on water. The coast guard received a distress call from the vessel around 2 00 a. M. Seven crewmembers were on board. The coast guard sent a rescue boat to assist but that boat capsized. All five crewmembers had to swim ashore. Eventually a coast guard helicopter assists in the rescue. All crewmembers were pulled off the boat and no reports of any injuries here. Very scary. The high waves are the effect of a powerful storm system killed eight people this week. Storms lashed the east coast yesterday with violent winds and heavy rain. Several tornadoes ripped through the south. Four people died in virginia. Chip reid is in waverly, south of richmond, where one community was torn apart. Chip, good morning. Reporter good morning. You can see behind me, a big pile of just somebodys belongings. But what is really sad about where im standing right now is that Cinder Block Foundation back there, that used to be where a mobile home was. It was picked up and knows where, by this tornado and that is where three people lived, two men and a 2yearold child, all of them died. Its believed that it all took off about 300 yards in that direction. A tornado just came through right on 460 right now. Tore this place to pieces. Reporter there were reports of multiple tornadoes in virginia, in addition to the three fatalities in waverly. Homes were torn apart in pennsylvania also where 30,000 people lost power. At least three tornadoes were reported in north carolina. Powerful Straight Line winds and pounding rains toppled trees and cut one home nearly in half. Virginia Governor Terry mcauliffe will be hereat damage and pay respects to the victims. It is being reported now he is sending in the National Guard to help this area recover. Thanks, chip. The republican president ial candidates hold their last debate tonight before super tuesday after three straight wins for donald trump, his opponents in the party are looking for some way to stop him. R n2012 nominee mitt romney sai we have good reason to believe that there is a bombshell in Donald Trumps taxes. Cruz said that donald trump should follow. I said that donalds tax returns a little more complicated. You know, an awful lot of people speculate he hasnt made as much money as he says. Who knows . Because he hasnt released his tax returns. I do think mitt has a good point, that the voters are entitled to know before they vote because you Better Believe the democrats, if there is anything in there, the democrats are going to go to town on this one. Donald trump said last night that his tax returns are, quote, extremely complex and he will make a decision at the right time. He tweeted this this morning. Mitt romney, who is one of the dumbest and worst candidates in the history of republican politics, is now pushing me on tax returns. Dope. Certainly a topic in the debate tonight, no doubt. 53 democratic delegates at stake in saturdays South Carolina primary, that is a practicalion of those available on super tuesday. Bernie sanders is rallying people in super tuesday states and beyond. The theme at his rallies has not turned into voter turnout which is lower than 2008 so far. He told a crowd in tulsa yesterday that voting is crucial. If people dont get involved in the political process, if people dont vote, there is a political vacuum. That vacuum will be filled by wellpaid contributors. Hillary clinton is camped in South Carolina and working hard to protect her lead in the polls and bring home a decisive win. She and former bill clinton have seven events today and covering the northeastern half of the state. Professors learn a new gun law threatens free speech and safety on campus. Texas is a state to allow concealed weapons at public universities and law was signed last june. Georgias house monday passed a similar bill. Manuel bojorquez is on the houston campus how some faculty members are taking precaution. Manuel, good morning. Reporter good morning. Republican president ial candidates will debate here tonight. But there is already a political discussion under way about the campus carry law. Starting august 1st, if you have the proper permit for a gun you can bring it to you with class on this 40,000 student campus. In texas, guns a out on the range. And in some places, out in the open. But professors at the university of houston are targeting guns on campus, where concealed carry will be allowed later this year. Its an uncomfortable position to be in but its a discussion that faculty need to have. Reporter during a recent university of houston faculty meeting, staffed discussed how to teach when some students could be carrying concealed weapons. Among the suggestions . Be careful discussing sensitive topics and remove certain topics from the crippurriculum and not there if you sense anger. This is the law. It will happen. So what can you do . There is not very much and this is precisely what we are talking to faculty about and what they should not do in the classroom is express their displeasure of students bringing guns to class. Reporter some f students say they must establish sensible guidelines while complying with the new law. We know there are concerns about safety on campus and we will do everything we can do to protect the members of our community. We are students. We are not criminals. Reporter sophomore edwin is running for student body president. I do not have my concealed carry license yet. Reporter will you apply for one . Yes, sir. Reporter to obtain a handgun license in texas, applicants must be 21 years old. The initial application fee is 140 and the process requires up to six hours of classroom training and a written exam and shooting test. It seems like there are many professors who feel they cant have a robust debate on this topic or any other topic in their classrooms. To say that we are going to snap because we have a debate . No. Reporter the university is expected to release its official guidelines next week, including exactly where on this campus concealed guns will manuel, thank you. She will be protecting the net as team usa shoots for a fifth olympic gold medal. Soccer legend hope solo is right here in studio 57. We will ask how she is preparing for the rio olympics and her announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by nationwide. Nationwide is on your side Rikki Klieman is in studio 57 to show us a fertility battle she calls a first of its kind. We will look at the woman who wants to carry the frozen eggs of her deceived daughtased daug. That is ahead on cbs this morning. What i feel i cant say but my love is love for you any time of day if. To get relief,congestion anything is fair game. Introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. Powerful relief from nasal allergy symptoms, all day and all night. Try new rhinocort® allergy spray. Muddle no more® only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. It penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Dont tough it out, knock it out, fast. Abreva. [001 13 17;00] [001 13 18;00] could be youve got the wrong bed. Enter sleep number. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. You can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. All beds on sale. Right now, find our c2 Queen Mattress starting at only 599. 99. Only at a sleep number store. An extraordinary legal battle in britain is getting worldwide attention. A woman wants to carry the eggs of her daughter who died of cancer and she hopes birth to a grandchild. The court is allowing her to ban the appeal. They believe the daughter, quote, expressed a strong wish to her mother that one or more of her eggs after being fertilized should be plant in her mother who would give birth to the baby. In a statement to cbs this morning, the 60yearold mom says we know the chances of conceiving a grandchild are very small, but in the unlikely event we are successful, it would mean the birth of a child who would be loved and cherished by us and the rest of our family. Cbs news legal expert Rikki Klieman is here to talk about this. First of its kind. First of its kind. She was their only daughter so they are saying this is the only way they could have a which would. Yes. But it really should not be about their desire to have a grandchild. It should only be about their now decease daughters wishes. What did she say about that . It depends on who you believe. Because she could have said in we call a special direction in britain, there is a form where if you want your eggs to survive after your death, that part she signed, you can also sign a special direction, which then would have said i want my mother to be able to carry my eggs and have my child because my parents were such great parents. She never signed that. Now, originally, what happens is youre in a clinic. The clinic hat egs the eggs and clinic is put in a situation we cant export these eggs to the u. S. Without a real directive. The reason they have to export them, there is no clinic in the uk who is going to do this in vitro fertilization, but the punitive grandmother said she did find a clinic in new york that will take these eggs. Is the grandmother going to carry it . The grandmother wants carry the eggs herself. Now, she says that is her daughters dying wish. They have said we are going to let you appeal which is a reversal of another judges decision saying, no, you cant. And the reason they say that is the mother says, which is really the punitive grandmother, if we can get this right. I understand the legal argument but her daughter died. You know . It feels creepy and touching at the same time. Is that possible . Exactly right. I think both of those words are really well taken. In britain they have said this is unseenly and we should not have a 60yearold mother giving birth from her own body of her own daughters eggs. Then you get back to the issue why its touching or disturbing is whose life is it any way . If the daughter really had this desire that her own mother would be the best parents for child, then there is something to be said for her decision about what to do with this. She knows her mom. Well, she knows her upbringing. Suppose they rule in the couples favor and it goes forward. What are the precedents that it sets . I think its an interesting precedent in britain, because we have never had a grandmother carry a daughters eggs. Whether or not it would be a precedent in the u. S. Remains undecided because here we look, contract informed consent and written agreement always controls. Thank you. Really interesting. Rikki klieman, thank you. Adele gets another shot after her glitchfilled grammy performance. Her appearance on the stage of the brit awards. Youre watching cbs this morning. Screaming out your name your name i set fire to the rae rebecca ive struggled with depression. I thought i needed cigarettes to cope. And then i started running. Now, i feel a lot better. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. A leading consumer testing the top laundry detergents. The winner persil 2 in 1, didnt only beat tide. It beat every single detergent tested. Boom. Switch to Persil Proclean 2 in 1. 1 rated. How dowhile you enjoy life and lose weight . Now you can do it all with one simple plan. Our most advanced plan ever. Join for free. Hurry, join by march 3rd and get 1 month free. If. To get relief,congestion anything is fair game. Introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. Powerful relief from nasal allergy symptoms, all day and all night. Try new rhinocort® allergy spray. Muddle no more® and the winner is adele. Hello, adele. Song of the year goes to adele i said is earlier but to come back, i was really lost for a while. I didnt know if i would ever come back and for you to so nice to me adele we are so glad she is back. A very emotional adele stole the show at last in london. The singer took home four trophies including the album of the year for 25. She supports kesha who accuses her musical producer of sexual abuse. I want to thank my manager and my record label for embracing the fact that im a woman and being encouraged by it. I would also like to take this moment to publicly support kesha. Adele moved past her sound problems at the grammys and closed the show with a flawless performance of her hit song when we young. 25 came out too late to qualify for the grammys here but look for the grammys in 2017. Adele, adele, adele. Why was she worried about coming back . She had a baby and she was wondering how that would affect her voice and she had some throat issues and she said she was just working through stuff. But she came back . Came back strong. A starstudded lineup ath white house last night paid tribute to ray charles. Hey ho hey hey ho ho feel. That was fun. President obama led the crowd in a singalong. He said the late singers legacy was on display in the musicians he influenced, including some on stage. The president called ray charles and electrifying performer who showed us our course of cultures and what makes america beautiful. I think they like music at the white house. I know looked like a lot of fun. That is the guy from empire. Nice to see alabama shakes there. I loved ray charles. Superstar goalkeeper hope solo has five straight shutouts going into the rio summer toyota green room to tell us how team usa will stay when it comes to the fithings you love,. You want more. Love romance . Get lost in every embrace. Into sports . Follow every pitch, every play and every win. Change the way you experience tv with x1 from xfinity. New England Patriots tight end rob gronkowski, in case youve been worried about whether or not rob is enjoying his offseason so far, dont. Because he has been cruising the bahamas with 2,500 of his biggest fans on the gronk party ship. We are going down boogie boogie boogie going down boogie boogie you got to love him. We do. How would he have celebrated if his team had won . Oh, my he is fun to watch. We do love gronk. He has some moves. We really do. He is f t the field. No doubt. Back or front . That is right the boy looks good. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, world cup soccer legend, shes a legend. Olympic medalist hope solo is in our toyota green room. She will show us how team usa has new faces and what it will take to win an olympic title for the fifth time. Good for them. Heartland, see the Software Companies finding a shortcut to success. Ahead, aol founder steve case about his plans for Silicon Prairie. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. U. S. News and world report says beijing is the new billionaire capital of the world. The Chinese Capital overtook new york city as the place with the most billionaires. That is according to a shanghai based research outlet. Moscow is number three and followed by hong kong and shanghai. Doat tells you something, beijing is what it tells me the Washington Post reports that would be a very interesting idea yes. Gayle and mr. Wong, that would be very interesting the Washington Post reports on lifelike robotic animals being used to crack down on illegal hunting in the u. S. Remotecontrolled decoys are game wardens who high from game porches and some of those decoys shot a hundred times or more pr he. Here is the question. Can you spot the fake deer . The answer is one on the right. That is pretty good. Yeah. That looks more lifelike to me. I thought so too. I pick the wrong one. Color looks more lifelike to me. We were all wrong the New York Post is reporting on tiger woods response to questions about his health. Woods posted a twitter video of his golf swing and wrote that he is progressing nicely. That followed a report saying his latest back surgery had left him hobb competed in about six months. The story also suggested that he is still the most popular person on golf right now. The new yorker calls it a decline of civilization. Croissants are getting straightened out. A new york chain is only selling straight versions of the popular breakfast pastry. They are usually curved. Consumers find it easy to spread jam. Fortune reports careers attracting the most rightswipes for women are physical therapy, interior designer and founder entrepreneur and Pr Communications and teacher. For mens list is pilot, founder entrepreneur, firefighter, doctor, tv radio personality. Gayle, you should get on tinder what are you looking for . The u. S. Womens soccer team this month im not a physical therapy. We are back to you, hope. They earned a spot in the 2016 rio summer olympics. Solo, what a save the womens world cup champs, i like that, champs. Led by goalkeeper hope solo had five straight shutouts in the qualifying round. Hope joined team usa in 2000 and been the starting goalkeeper for more than a decade. She will make her third consecutive appearance in this summers games where the american women stand to win their fifth gold medal. She told sports illustrated, quote, if i had to make the choice today, i wouldnt go. The twotime olympic medalist is here at the table. Hope solo, good morning. We are glad youre here. How do you feel today . Will you go to rio . Well, you know, i feel very fortunate that i dont have to make the decision today. I hope that a lot of things can happen in five months. Im a little bit skeptical, to be honest. News came out today that things probably could get worse before they get better. So its scary. And i have a lot of reservations going to the olympics. But, like i said, i dont have to make the decision right now. There is a lot of unknowns and i hope that we get some clear, concrete answers very soon. What specifically concerns you about the zika virus . I just think there is a lot in life to worry about as it stands, that, you know, at some point, i do want to start a family. And i dont want to be worried. I dont want the anxieties. I dont want the constant tests. I dont want to risk the safety of a child, the health of a child. Its just a scary time, and there is really no clear answers so until i know more, i dont really feel like i can make a really informative decision. If things are like they are, you probably wouldnt go sfl. As things stand like they are right now, i probably would not go. To your teammates feel the same . I think everybody is just trying to get a lot of information right now, so i dont think anybody is making any irrational decisions. But you have to understand that my team is filled with different age ranges and different personalities and some people dont want to have families, some people do. I think for the most part, we are all based on winning the olympics. Its never been done before after winning a world cup. First and foremost, we want to be backtoback champions. Its never been done before i want to be a part of that i always wanted to ask you this. Youve been called the best goalkeeper in the history of the Womens National team. In the green room, they were saying in the world. In the world do you agreeh in the world own it, hope, own it i feel fortunate. If that is true, what makes you so good as a goalkeeper . What makes a great goalkeeper . Oh, gosh. I still ask myself that day in and day out. Goal keeping is a very difficult decision. Youre kind of a hero or the goat. Five setups in olympic qualifications but qualifications to me are not that busy. We are playing some poorer countries and some country who dont really build the womens game, who feel honored to be on the field with us because they know that in their country, women dont really play sports. So we are beating these teams who they dont really have a lot of resources in their countries. So i honestly didnt get much action so i got these five shutouts but i didnt feel like i earned all of them. They are also saying people in your position in their 30s peak. Youre going to be 35. Do you even feel like youre even close to peaking . Well, where i was going with something that you can never really master. There are so many details and intricacies and mental game more than anything else. I stay focused. That is the exciting part about it. It is. And why i never want to walk away because there is always something new to learn and always a challenge. Anybody who knows me, know i love challenges. As a little girl, did you think you would be doing this . Maybe not world champ but did you think you would be doing this . Yeah. I was 12 years old and i read a paper that said when i want to grow up, i want to be a professional soccer player. They didnt have that there. How could you dream something that was not there . It was in the 90s, not the 80s. I wrote it and there was no womens professional soccer. I had this gigantic dream that wasnt in the realm of possibilities at the time and, by god, it happens. You know, we have a long way to go to push for womens sports and womens equalities but i dreamt something at the age of 12 that didnt even exist and i was ablego professional soccer player. I want to ask you about that very point, because after the world cup win, it was reported your team would earn just 2 million, the team. While the winning german mens team won two times more than that in 2014. What do you think it will get to get equal pay in sports . Its going to be a long road. Im very proud of we had a great summer, you know . We crushed the ratings. We had an incredible following worldwide. But it wasnt enough to make people say things need to change. For fifa to change. It opened peoples eyes up, but we, as a team, have to step every step along the way. Whether its cba negotiations and standing as a team and thats really hard to do as women because we tend to get bullied and crack under the pressure. So im proud of my team. Im proud of all of us coming together and sg for equality and push for what is right and people are paying attention. After soccer, what might you do . Oh, goodness. I dont know. You know . I want to start a family. We will start there. But in terms of work, i dont know. I put my life and passion into goal keeping and this team. Ive been on this team for 16 years. We would like to see you one more time out there. Its scary. Life after soccer is scary and i think any athlete who tells you anything else, i dont think they are speaking the truth. I will admittedly express my fears. Great to have you. We will be watching. We will be watching and hope you guys make it to the olympics. Thank you. Zika does not scare away our womens team. We want you there. Hope solo, thank you very much. Silicon valley is facing new competition halfway cross the country. The new were about to show you an incredibly low fare. Like all our fares, you get two free bags and zero change fees. Because whats the point of an incredibly low fare if youre just going to stack fees on top of it . Book them now at southwest. Com low fares. Nothing to hide. Thats transfarency. Sfx clap, clap, ding he will come. If you build it, they will come. That is the most famous scene from field of dreams. Kevin costner played the iowa farmer who plowed his land to build a baseball diamond more than y sports, but Tech Companies bringing thousands of people to the midwest. Mark strassmann reports from lincoln, nebraska, on americas new innovation frontier. Reporter across the great plains, even in winter, the new cash crop is high tech. Its time we bang the drum and let people know there is something happening over here in lincoln, nebraska. Reporter what is happening, say stephanie and paul garrett is an explosion of startup Software Companies in the heartland. In 2012, they decided to launch bulu box, a monthly server providing samplers of Premium Health product but, first, they had to leave San Francisco. We could just be another startup on the west coast in the valley, or we can be part of this movement in the midwest. Reporter bulu box now has 100,000 subskcribers and did 5 helped greatly by this community. It feels like people in nebraska, investors or other connections would bend over backwards to help you. Reporter this is Silicon Prairie and its remaking cities across the midwest from des moines, to kansas city, to lincoln, where david graph cofounded huddle in 2006. Our pitch is get in here and make a difference off the start. Reporter huddle Services Sports teams, amateur and professional. Coaches post their game film to huddles site and the companys software instantly analyzes it. What is it about lincoln that works . University system is phenomenal. Its a very Supportive Community for entrepreneurs. Reporter paul garrett compared Silicon Prairie to Silicon Valley like this. We have a core value and one of our core values is fire the [ bleep ]. Reporter you realize people from San Francisco and new york will be watching this . You know where to find me. Reporter another edge. Everything is cheaper. The median home in San Francisco sells for 1. 1 million. In lincoln, its about 158,000. You can grow your team a lot faster with a lot less capital. Same with our office space. Reporter today, lincoln is becoming a mini palo alto and home to a hundred Software Startups and once abandoned buildings house coworker spaces and incubators. You just hear from people who come visit and check out the town, they go, lincoln is cool. Like, this is really cool. And they are like, it is, right . Reporter there are challenges. Companies have struggled to attract outside talent and investors. 75 have investments last year went to three states california, new york, and massachusetts. But that is changing. I dont think that reflects the distribution of great entrepreneurs with great ideas. Reporter steve case, a cofounder of aol, heads up revolution, firm. It plans to invest close to 1 billion in Tech Companies inside the coasts. Some people call it the flyover country which is kind of pejorative. We think they are great entrepreneurs building great businesses. Reporter huddle started with three employees. It now has 400. On Silicon Prairie, you have the microsoft in lincoln. Its been an amazing ride and we are incredibly lucky and with a great team around us and i think the most fun part of it is. Reporter huddle has employees working in 14 countries but its new World Headquarters is going up right here where it all began. For cbs this morning, mark strassmann, lincoln, nebraska. Lincoln sounds cool. Great american story. The urge to create and innovate. And then you do it. Love it. Go huddle. Yes. They changed our nation and now the foot soldiers of the Civil Rights Movement are making history once again. That is coming up next on centimeter. Nearly 51 years after the bloody sunday march in selma, alabama, Congress Took steps to celebrate the heroes of the Civil Rights Movement. The socalled foot soldiers were honored the highest honors yesterday. The foot soldiers accepted the award yesterday. Their defiance helped lead to the Voting Rights act. So thank you from each and everyone who marched, who prayed, who never gave up. Who never gave in. Ill say. The medal will be kept in a selma museum. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Great men. We offered women a mystery beauty treatment. What made their skin more radiant . What . wait only dove has 1 4 moisturizing cream. Smooth dewy skin. 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He is a good doggie and hes a little shiba. He looks like a little fox. He is as shibu in you inu which is a hunting dog. He is fullgrown and its the home of the samurai. We all of our dogs, i have a dog that i cant wait to go home to because she is with my dogs with my parents. What kind of dog . We dont know. Before i had her for three

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