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Ofght violeinnce ferguson. Police say molotov cocktails were thrown at them, gunshots were fired. The New York Times is reporting a private autopsy shows Michael Brown was shot at leasx t sitimes. Kurdish forces have taken over the eastern side of the mosul dam. This as the u. S. Continues air strikes against isis. Do you think we are in greater danger now thanef bore 9 11 . I do. The threat matrix is wide. Governor rick perry isnt backing down from the ansctio he took that ended in felony charges is. I would make exactly the same decision. Julian assange, the wikileaks a fast moving brush fire in the Southern California mountains. T irawas ging quick. We went from 10 to 20 to a Hundred Acres within ten minutes. Pope francis ended his visit to south korea. He challenged the north and south to find a way to forge peace. The ntsb is looking at a fatal Train Derailment near memphis. All that wow. Camera man of the day award. Keeps his shot the whole time. Look at that. An Alabama Family snagging a 1,000 pound reptile. Thats a big boy. And all that matters. Mone davis and her Pennsylvania Team back on the diamond. What do you think the limit is . To go aras f as i can. How is she so selfconfident . Im not that selfconfident now and i have a tv show. On cbs this morning. The ice bucket challenge shows no signs of cooling off. 13 million raised since the challenge started. Aah stop it this mornings eye opener presented by toyota. This mornings eye opener presented by toyota. Lets go places. Captioning funded by cbs yeah, that actually happened. It did. More coming up soon. Welcome to cbs this morning. Charlie rose and gail king are off. Jeff glor is with us. Missouris governor is sending the National Guard to bring peace and order to the city of ferguson. [ sirens ] [ gunshots ] Police Clashed with protesters in some of the worst street violence since a Deadly Police shooting nine days ago. Governor jay nixon signed the order this morning calling in the guard. Also this morning ferguson officials postpone the first day of school for the second time. An autopsy on Michael Brown done at his familys request shows an officer shot the 18yearold six times. Vladimir duthier is in ferguson where at least two people were wounded in shootings last night as well. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Nearly three hours before the curfew was set to begin last night, violence once again erupted here in ferguson, missouri. We were on the streets as the area became engulfed with rubber bullets, teargas, shoek bombs on streets packed with police and nearly 700 protesters. Chaos once again filled the streets of ferguson late sunday night as Police Officers in riot gear fired teargas into crowds of protesters. The demonstrators stood their ground. Many were peaceful. Dont shoot hands up, dont shoot reporter others built makeshift barricades and threw debris from looted shops nearby. Molotov cocktails were thrown. There were shooting, looting, vandalism, and other acts of violence that clearly appear not to have been spontaneous, but premeditated criminal acts. Reporter Law Enforcement officials report the riots began shortly after multiple shootings occurred around 8 00 p. M. Heightening Police Presence as the crowds grew. I had no alternative but to elevate the level of our response. Reporter just hours before the riot broke out captain ron johnson spoke at a ferguson rally for Michael Brown pledging solidarity with the community. You are my family. You are my friends. I am you. Reporter people here are growing increasingly frustrated with the investigation into browns death. Late sunday night the New York Times revealed details of a preliminary autopsy performed on Michael Brown. It found he was shot at least six times, including twice in the head. The final shot hit the top of his head suggesting he was bent forward. The report said brown did not appear to have been shot from very close range. No gunpowder was found on his body. Adding to the rift, backlash over the Police Departments decision to release Surveillance Video of brown stealing a box of cigars minutes before the fatal shooting. On face the nation Governor Nixon condemned the release of the video. We didnt have any knowledge of that. It had an incendiary effect. Reporter we are understanding there will be a press Conference Today with the brown family, their attorneys, and dr. Michael bodden, the medical examiner they hired for the independent examination. Thank you so much. The fbi investigation of the death will include a third autopsiment a Spokesman Says the exam will happen as soon as possible. Bob orr is in washington where they say they have to step in because of the circumstances of the case. Bob, good morning. Reporter good morning. Concerns about violence and loss of public trust pushed the Justice Department to take a muscular role. Sources say federal officials are frustrated believing local Missouri Police mishandled the case. Now there is a full court press by the feds for the kind of dispassionate, factbased investigation that can produce a credible outcome accepted by all. Attorney general eric holder has ordered a u. S. Medical examiner to do an independent federal autopsy on brown to corroborate or refute the states findings. This follows the federal local spat over the surveillance tape which seemed to show Michael Brown robbing a Convenience Store just before he was killed. They said they released the tape to provide media the information they requested. But they argued releasing the tape which is evidence could inflame protesters and bias the investigation. Its important to remember missouri officials remain in charge of the primary case. Prosecutors there will decide whether or not to charge the Police Officer who shot and killed brown. But the Justice Department is also pushing a separate civil rights investigation, exam penning the incident, the response and the Police Departments history with the ferguson community. Right now dozens of fbi agents are still on the streets there conducting interviews and reviewing all of the evidence. Thank you, bob. In our next half hour former prosecutor and defense lawyer ricky cleman will look at the question of who s in charge of the case and what it means. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. Iraqs army is claiming a major breakthrough against isis. Iraqs foreign minister says Security Forces and kurdish fighters recaptured the mosul dam which supplies electricity and water to much of iraq. Charlie dagata from erbil on how american air power is playing a crucial role in the battle. Reporter good morning. Kurdish soldiers launched another attack toward the dam before dawn. They have taken over parts of the dam. Isis land mines and booby traps are slowing progress. Kurdish peshmerga fighters have the mosul dam and victory in site. Backup came from u. S. Air power. U. S. Military officials said drones, fighter jets and bombers conducted almost two dozen air strikes over two days. It may be one of the biggest defeats for isis militants since the offensive began. Its not the only one. Peshmerga soldiers took us to their new front line near the capit capitol. Lieutenant general ali led forces in a counter attack against better armed isis fighters. They tried. If they controlled this mountain, they could hit erbil. Reporter they could hit erbil from here. Yeah. Reporter this is as close as they advanced to erbil. Kurdish forces took two hours to push them back. This place is still under mortar attack. Get down reporter the first mortar blew up in front of the combat outpost. Two more exploded just behind. Isis fighters were zeroing in, sending a clear message, we are still here. Nearby, just a week ago the town on the outskirts of oh erbil was empty aside from isis militants who had taken it over. Now some of the residents have begun to return. The scars of the battle that took place here remain. So does isis, not far away. Kurdish forces told us the offensive against isis wont stop at the dam. They tend to win back territory lost to isis, relying heavily on u. S. Air strikes. For cbs this morning, im Charlie Dagata in erbil, northern iraq. With the fighting heating up in iraq and the violence are worsening in missouri, president obama is back at the white house this morning. He arrived with his oldest daughter malia overnight. The president interrupted his vacation on Marthas Vineyard after taking criticism for taking time off during a series of crises. Major investigator is at the white house. Do we know what the president will do in two days of meetings . Indeed. Three big issues will confront the president during meetings at the white house. On iraq, the president will confer with the National Security team. The Big Development there, the white house expects great britain, australia, and canada to join the u. S. Military effort to defeat Islamic State forces in northern iraq. The precise nature of the military contribution, those military contributions from those countries is unclear. Air support, armed shipments to the kurds and intelligence are options. The white house informed congress yesterday with a letter saying it was expanding the u. S. Military mission to help Kurdish Forces retake the mosul dam. Sabotage could justify the expansio tn ofhe original military mission. President obama will meet with eric hold er to talk about potential civil Rights Violations in the shooting death of Michael Brown and the state and local response at the police level to protest and sporadic instances of looting. On immigration the president will discuss future actions at the level to legalize those who entered the country illegally. Announcements expected early in september or at the end of this month. We are coming to you from the White House Briefing room. There is a construction project on the north lawn. Tents are being built to protect correspondents who need them, whoever they might be. When the project was authorized no one at the white house expected the president would interrupt his vacation. Back to you. Busy morning. Thank you. Texas governor rick perry is fighting back and making no apologies after the grand jury indictment against him friday. Jan crawford is in washington where everyone is wondering what this means for 2016. Jan, good morning. Good morning. This is a political mess. Its about the size of texas. It started when a powerful democratic District Attorney in austin was charged with drunk driving more than a year ago. Her behavior was caught on camera. The video is embarrassing and criminal. It shows the most powerful District Attorney in texas, Rosemary Lehmberg drunk and abusive as shes booked for drunk driving. Do you know what youre doing . Yes, maam. We have asked you to stop kicking the door and you didnt stop. Reporter governor rick per ary called on her to resign and warned he would cut stan state funding for her office if she refused. She stayed and perry followed through striking more than 7 million from her budget. That move is why perry now is facing two felony charges. A prosecutor and now grand jury say he illegally tried to coerce the democrat to quit. Tony plohesky is covering the drama for the Austin American statesman. The governor has veto power over line items in the budget. T he allegedly tried to say to a District Attorney you must leave office. You must resign if you want 7. 2 million. Reporter the indictment comes as the governor is fighting to regain his political footing after a poor showing in the republican president ial primary two years ago. Its time to have some real change in washington, d. C. Reporter with recent visits to key primary states its looking like hes thinking of another run. Over the weekend perry came out swinging. I exercised this authority to veto funding for an office whose leadership had lost the publics confidence by acting inappropriately and unethically. Reporter he went on the offensive during a sunday talk show. I stood up for the rule of law in the state of texas. If i had to do it again i would make exactly the same decision. Reporter perry is going to New Hampshire this week. First he has to stop by the Police Department in austin to have his fingerprints taken and get a mug shot. Two images that a man interested in running for president obviously doesnt want out there. Indeed, jan. Thank you. Another ebola scare in the u. S. This time in new mexico. Right now a 30yearold teacher is in isolation at an albuquerque hospital. She spent time in sierra leono. Her blood will be sent to the cdc for testing. There is no risk to the public. There is a risk in west africa where the disease is too much for the government to handle. We are tracking violence and fears surrounding the spread. Good morning. Reporter good morning. The Ebola Outbreak in west africa is spiralling out of control, according to Health Officials who are warning. This is largely due to dysfunctional Health Care Systems and rampant fear. The fear and mistrust took a violent turn in liberias capital. An angry crowd raided an ebola isolation ward in the citys largest slum. They shouted that ebola didnt exist and was a hoax to get money. The mob looteded the clinic, removing contaminated medical items and soiled beddings. Over 20 patients infected with the virus fled the Treatment Center and disappeared into the crowded city. Health officials are terrified the infection could now spread across the entire area. Treatment centers are filling up faster than they can be provided. Doctors without borders is building two new isolation units but the emergency coordinator says it will not be enough. At this stage the outbreak is totally out of controlment we need to come up with other strategies to cope with the situation. Reporter the situation on the ground is desperate. Already the death toll is well over oh1,000. The number of cases nearly 2,000 as International Organizations scale up their response. Even with the added help, Health Officials say the outbreak could continue for another six months. Doctors without borders say the Ebola Outbreak is like war and other nations are caught up in it. Kenya, a central hub to much of west africa has banned flights to all affected areas. Pope francis is headed back to the vatican. He wrapped up a busy fiveday visit to south korea including meeting with local religious leaders. Seth doan is in seoul. Reporter good morning. The pope was said to be in good spirits throughout the trip. The vatican says the main purpose was pastoral but what emerged was more political in nature due to south koreas strategic location. Pope francis entered seouls ka the dral to lead a mass focused on forgiveness and reconciliation. He acknowledged the suffering on his way to the altar the, stopping to greet seven elderly socalled comfort women forced into sexual slavery by japanese soldiers during world war ii. Speaking to a congregation which included south koreas president and north korean defectors, the pope urged resolving the differences between north and south. Reject a mindset shaped by suspicion and competition, he said. Perhaps the biggest headline of the trip came sunday during his speech and comments to bishops. The pope pushed for dialogue with countries across asia that didnt have diplomatic ties with the vatican. Most notably china, a country of 1. 3 billion with an estimated 12 million catholics. At least half of them worship in underground churches. The official Chinese Catholic Church is overseen by the communist party, not the vatican. In what was seen as an effort to allay fears in china, the pope said the church would not come as conquerers but rather as brothers. Flying over china today the pope dispatched another telegram to chinas president extending his best wishesment significant because when Pope John Paul ii requested to fly through chinese air space, beijing denied the request. Seth, thank you. 7 19. Ahead, the new drug helping patients with a specific form of announcer this National Weather report sponsored by jcpenney. When it fits, you feel it. A penalty flag in the classroom. Ahead, notre dames football coach on the scandal benching top players right before the new season. The news is back in the morning here on cbs this morning. Stay tuned for your local news. Stop stop. Januvia sitagliptin is a oncedaily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. Januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your bodys own ability to lower blood sugar. Plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar hypoglycemia . Januvia should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Tell your doctor if you have a history of pancreatitis. Serious side effects can happen, including pancreatitis which may be severe and lead to death. Stop taking januvia and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area which may be pancreatitis. 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Beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. It has carbohydrates for energy and protein for those serious muscles. [guy] aarrrrr [announcer]even accents of vitaminrich veggies. [guy] so happy you love it so much. Yes you do but its good for you,too. [announcer] healthful. Flavorful. Beneful. From purina. The bhersheys smores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. Jea shop your way members jeans and hoodies will be getting all the goodies jeans and hoodies, kicks, jeans and hoodies shop your way members will be getting all the goodies kids hoodies are now just 10 for back to school. Plus, shop your way members earn points on qualifying purchases. Kmart. Where members always get more. We dip it and shake itrlds best seven times. We hand bread it seven times. We rock it seven times. Why all of the sevens . Because its a lucky number . Jack pot. The dancing man in what you see there is none other than new Jersey Governor Chris Christie getting down on saturday night at a fundraiser in the hamptons. Wild times. He took the stage with jamie foxx to show off moves. The audience included barbra streisand, Paul Mccartney and jack nicholson. It benefitteded the Apollo Theater and brought in nearly 4 million. Thats quite a dancing crew, would you say . Absolutely. Hes looking svelte. Yeah. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Charlie and gail are off. Vinita nair and jeff glor are with us this morning. Good to have you guys. Good to be here. Coming up the new scandal at notre dame university. Four star Football Players are fighting to stay in the game. You will see what the coach is saying less than two weeks before the first game of the season. Plus, they reported 2 billion offer for one of moraccos best known hotels. Critics arent mad about the ou the plaza. Well look at the human rights controversy stretching to beverly hills. First ben tracy is also here this morning with a look at headlines from around the globe. Good morning. Well begin with the kwonew yo times and a drug that helped people grow new hair. Alopecia is a disease that affects 1 of men and women. Most regrew a full head of hair in four months. Guys, there is no evidence that the drug will help with the more common male pattern baldness or my receding hairline. Not guys, just jeff. Ouch. I meant only pertaining to men. Eventually we are all in the same boat. U. S. Today reports more than 1100 laboratory incidents involving potential bioterror germs were reported to federal regulators. They happened between 2008 and 2012. In five cases, laboratory workerers were infected or got sick. They all recovered. The names of the labs are being kept secret because of federal  bioterrorism laws. The Washington Post looks at the drought in the west. As we have been showing you california is the hardest hits. Some areas havent had substantial rain in three years. Nearly 60 of the state is officially in an exceptional drought condition. Thats the worst category. There is no relief the in sight. Aquifers are the usual backup source. They are being pumped at unsustainable rates. I live in los angeles. Man, we miss the rain. Its crazy dry out there snk Britains Guardian says Julian Assange will leave his safehouse but they wont say when or why. We can confirm that i am leaving the embassy soon. But perhaps not for the reasons that the Murdoch Press and sky news say. Reporter assange has been staying at the embassy of ecuador in london for two years. He told reporters his health has suffered. Swedish investigators want to question him over Sexual Assault allegations. U. S. Authorities want to talk to him about the leak of confidential hill tear document hs this 2010. Finally, wall street journal looks at what happens when Police Officers wear body cameras. Every officer on this force has a camera that records everything between the officers and the public. The first year use of force dropped an amazing 60 . Citizen complaints fell nearly 90 . A lot of folks say it would have been helpful in a place like ferguson, missouri. Interesting that they had them. They just hadnt been deployed yet according to the reports. Stunning numbers. 90 drop. Incredible drop. We should point out that missouris governor called out the National Guard because of the latest violence in ferguson. Police officers in riot gear fired teargas into crowds of protesters last night. The Justice Department said it is speeding up the probe of the Police Shooting that sparked the violence. Cbs news legal analyst rick ricki clemon joins us. Good morning. Good morning. Front page New York Times. The autopsy shows Michael Brown was struck at least six times. Thats the second autopsy. Now well have another by the Justice Department. Why . The Justice Department wants to shows the fundamentally fair and coming from the outside and basically starting over again. However, it is are extraordinary under any circumstances. Usually what we find is one autopsy. Then perhaps the defense of a case would like to have another autopsy. The fact that now we already have two, the second one being at the request of the family from the very, very well qualified Michael Bodden whom i have known for years and have watched testify many times. What Michael Bodden has found certainly supports the police autopsy. There are only so many gunshots need a third. Found. Lets talk about what the private autopsy paid for partly by family members. He was shot six times. Correct. Four times in the arm in the front and two times in the head. We all thought perhaps he was running away from the police and shot in the back. Let me begin by saying its inconclusive until we know much more about the forensic evidence. What it does tell us certainly is that he was either surrendering and had his head down. Or he was charging. We dont know. They say there was no evidence of gunpowder. On the body. Wasnt close. On the body. Dr. Baden has not yet had a chance or if he ever has a chance to look at the xrays, also not the clothes. One of the things we have to look at, jeff, is what is the truth . We follow the truth wherever it goes. We must follow the truth in science. So its not just the autopsy of the body. It is also the science of what gunshot powder, if any, was found on the clothes. Let alone weve got to look at the science of the car. That is, what evidence is in that car. At this point we have seen the autopsy. We have seen the Surveillance Video. Why have i still not seen the officers report from that night of what he says happened. Ordinarily during the course of the investigation, the reports are not released. They just arent until the investigation is over. One of the things that probably would have helped in this case was simply to know the number of shots that might have helped. Ultimately these things usually take their time. We have to deal with the fact that eventually there is going to be a grand jury. That will settle the issue. Thank you very much this morning. Notre dames head football coach is on the defensive todayment some of his top players are accused of academic impropriety. Don baylor looks at the story. Good morning. Reporter good morning. University officials promise an investigation into accusation that is four members of the team cheated on class assignments. Brian kelly, the head coach said he was shocked and disappointed by the latest developments. Less than two weeks before the fighting irish play their first game of the season, head coach brian kelly was forced to explain why academic problems continue to trip up many of his players. I think we have brought in the right young men. I think we have to continue to do a better job educating them. Reporter on friday the university announced star wide receiver davares daniels, corner back russell, eshak williams and Kendall Moore were accused of turning in papers and assignments written by others. At this juncture, no one has been judged responsible for academic dishonesty. No one has been dismissed from the university. No sanctions have been imposed. Reporter with the investigation now under way, the four men are barred from playing in games and taking part in practices. The University Said if any of them cheated, they would be disciplined appropriately. And the games they played in forfeited. We are in a process now of following every bit of evidence presented to us and seeing where it leads. Reporter several members of the fighting irish, winners of 13 ncaa football championships have been penalized for their academic performance. Daniels was kicked off the team last semester for failing grades while the starting quarterback was suspended last season after cheating on a test. Kelly said he holds everyone on the team to a high standard. In our locker room we have a simple covenant. Treat women with respect. Dont cheat. Dont lie. Dont steal. Our players see it every day when they walk into the locker room. Daniels maintains he wrote his own papers and likely relayed that to School Officials when interviewed. The other implicated players were on the 2012 team that won 12 games but lost the National Championship to alabama. Norah . Thank you so much. It started in beverly hills. Now the home of another World Famous Hotel is under fire. Why critics have serious reservations about the man who may buy a nrk landmark. Thats next on cbs this morning. Moderate to severe is tough, but ive managed. I got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said my crohns was not under control. He said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, the plaza hotel on the southern edge of central park has played host to rich, famous, and even royal guests for more than a century. Even the fab 4 found it a fabulous place to stay. Its the setting for classic movies such as the way we were, scent of a woman and home alone 2 which featured a cameo by the donald. Where is the lobby . Down the hall and to the left. Reporter who owned what he called the mona lisa of hotels. Now the plazas history could be trumped by its future owner, the sultan of brunei. We have an obligation to do what we can to ensure one of the worlds most Iconic Hotels doesnt end up as another jewel in the sultans crown. Reporter organizations like the Human Rights Campaign are fighting the sale. Three months ago the sultan implemented strict sharia law in his oilrich nation on the island of borneo. His oilrich nation on the island of borneo. It punished theft, yeah, carbon fiber wings, it works. Better get an a. You mean, he better get an a. Thats what i said. Agree to disagree. No during toyotas anual clearance event, get 0 apr financing on a 2014 tundra. Offer ends september 2nd. For great deals on other toyotas, visit toyota. Com this is gonna be great for my shuttle. My shuttle. Toyota, lets go places. Nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1 3 of your daily whole grains, so 1 3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. Energy for making new ocean friends. Jea shop your way members jeans and hoodies will be getting all the goodies jeans and hoodies, kicks, jeans and hoodies shop your way members will be getting all the goodies kids hoodies are now just 10 for back to school. Plus, shop your way members earn points on qualifying purchases. Kmart. Where members always get more. Ferguson, missouri, and immigration and iraq. Perry has to have his fingerprints taken and get a mug shot. Wikileaks founder jnulia assange will leave his safehouse in london. Officials promise a thorough investigation into accusations that four members of the team cheated on their class assignments. The dancing man you see there is none other than new Jersey Governor Chris Christie getting down onner saturday night. A fundraiser p in the hamptons. Wild times. Nice grabby the fan in the front row. Thats why you bring your glove to the ball yard. Now thats allowable. Absolutely. Oh, the kid threw the ball back. This mornings eye opener at 8 00 is presented by panera bread. Im Norah Odonnell with glor and vinita nair. Charlie and gail are off. The first of 80 National Guard troops are arrg when this is over im going to go in my sons room my black son. [ cheers and applause ] who wears his pants sagging, wears his hat cocked to the side, gotta toos on got s tattoos on his arms. But thats my baby. [ cheers and applause ] we need to pray. We need to thank mike for his life. We need to thank him for the change hes going to make and it will make us better. I love you. I stand tall w i will see you out there. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] wow. What an amazing speech. Several hours later after police fired teargas at demonstrators captain johnson said i had no alternative t to elevate the level of response. Alternative t to elevate the level of response. I cant think of thanks to angies list, alternative t to elevate the level of response. I cant think of now it is. 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Took the child from the parents, checked for vital signs, found none. I jumped into the back seat of the car with the baby, still doing cpr for the ride to the hospital. Reporter by the time they arrived her throat was cleared. Her heart began beating again. The baby was breathing on her own. Her dad expected to hear the worst from me. I said to him, do you hear that baby crying . He said, yeah. I said, thats your baby crying. He broke down from there. Reporter shamas stormed bak to win 76. Early in the game mone davis blooped a single in her first atbat. She said its hard to get used to the attention. Never thought i would be a role model at this age. It was kind of shocking to me when i first came down to watch a game. There was a crowd of people. I was kind of nervous. Then i was like excited for it. I just have to be myself. Mone made history as the first girl to throw a shutout in a world series game. Her team is now 20. Shes expected to pitch again on wednesday. Im going to be watching. We watched a game saturday night. Its so much fun to watch the kids. Lets go mone. Good advice. Be yourself. We should all remember that one system absolutely. Can an unread email drop your eq by ten poi a week from today, starbucks is bringing back the popular fall drink. It is rumored some stores are already pouring the halloweentinged latte. Summer doesnt officially end until september 22. It feels like fall in new york already. It does. We always move up christmas. Now moving up fall. Drinks like that have a cult following. People will be happy. People are passionate about pumpkin lattes. Every day we are deluged by a flood of data. The vugle to stay focused only seems to grow. Daniel levtins book shows us how to take charge of our brain with the organized mind, thinking straight in the age of information overload. Doctor, good morning. Good morning. Multi tasking is a myth. Why . Its a myth, an illusion. The brain is very good at selfdeception. Instead of doing a numbefo acqu. I think the mission in teaching our children has to be to teach them to become critical thinkers. I think we almost missed one of the main points of the book which is that an organized mind leads to longevity. Leads to a longer, happier life. Thank you for mentioning that. Thats the point. When i talk about being organized im not talking about making us automatons like mr. Spock. Im talking about keeping the work day efficient so at the end of the day you can close the door on it, have time for family and loved ones and creativity. Thank you so much. The book organized mind goes on sale tomorrow. Talking about the organized mind you will meet the teenager who invented an app and h dgram tht links students with instructors around the world. A remarkable accomplishment considering hes only 15 years old. You can see all the best teachers there i am. Himent. Reporter thats even youngerer than his mentor was when he started the Online Community reddit at the ripe old age of 22. Im shocked by our success at this age compared to where i was. Reporter he inspired a generation of smart, the tech savvy teens with his book without their permission, how the 21st century will be made not managed. Eric read it and took a 1,000 check from his grandmother and invested it in bitcoin. I thought it was an amazing will be really big. Reporter you hit the jackpot. I hit the jackpot. Reporter a jackpot worth 100,000. Eric was hooked. His next venture was inspired by feeling stuck in school in latte or au lait . Cozy or cool . Exactly the way you want it. Until boom, its bedtime your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire

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