Transcripts For WUSA CBS Overnight News 20170310

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The cbs overnight news will President Trump said despite what you hear in the press health care is coming along great. Well, what you have heard in the press is that aarp and the American Medical Association are against the republican replacement for obamacare. And so are conservative republican senators who say the house bill should be scrapped. We asked dean reynold to find out what mr. Trump supporters think. Reporter jims lawnmower and snowblower business has hit some hard times. The lack of snow this winter for one thing, and obama care for another. Seven days a week and we dont have any more to show for it. Insurance for himself and effec for obamacare that made his coverage more expensive too. We are just working to pay off the insurance, it seems like, something has to change. Reporter Trump Supporters said obama care is a mess. But at franks diner down the road in kenosha, larry rash was not confident a replacement will be an improvement. But should it be replaced no. I think we should fry to work within it. And make changes to it. I dont think we have to necessarily replace it. All right. Everyone we spoke to felt Congressional Republicans are running up against the reality that health care is complicated. Dick gentz is an accountant. Sounded look to me they really couldnt pull the plug on it entirely. At the counter, glen woods said it is time for the republicans to more than anything else, you have the power to change it, you belter change it. Woods and the other Trump Supporters said protracted health care tugofwar has not lessened their regard for the president. Not even the president s doing too early to tell . Honestly. Its its hard to turn around an aircraft carrier. Reporter is he headed in the right direction . Yes. In fact the people we spoke to, scott, seemed much more patient with President Trump than with their own republican congressmen who happens to beep the speaker of the house, paul ryan. Dean reynolds as we continue to listen to the people. Dean, thank you very much. Mr. Trumps new head of the epa, broke with science today to say that thhe is not convinced car been dioxide from trucks, cars and power plants is driving the rise in global temperature. Here is chip reid. Reporter scott pruitt head of the epa dropped today saying this about the role of Carbon Dioxide emissions and Climate Change. No, i would not agree it is a primary contributor to the Global Warming that we see. It is not the first time pruitt hinted he is a Climate Change denier. Last year he wrote the debate is far from settled. But he seemed to change his tune during confirmation hearing last month when he was asked if he agreed with President Trump who called Climate Change a hoax on the campaign trail. I do not believe that Climate Change is a hoax. Reporter todays apattern change of heart, infurated environmental groups. The sierra group said the arsonist is in charge of the fire department. Director of Climate Science with the union of concerned scientists. If you were talking to mr. Pruitt what would you tell him . Listen to the scientists. 97 of scientists studied Climate Change agree that car been dioxide is the primary cause of human driven climate reporter in january, nasa confirmed, that rising temperatures are driven largely by increased Carbon Dioxide and human made emissions into the atmosphere. This is still on the website of pruitts, epa, Carbon Dioxide the primary Green House Gas contributing to recent Climate Change. Pruitts comments appear to be a sign of things to come. Scott, the Trump Administration preparing to role back Obama Administration regulations that limit c 02 emissions from cars and power plants. Chip reid, thanks. Today the head of u. S. Forces in the middle east, general joseph otell told senators more american troops are needed to beat isis in syria. Thats on top of 400 that recently joined u. S. Special Operations Forces backing emission to retake raqqa, the isis capital in syria. The u. S. Is also supporting iraqi forces in their fight front line. Mosul is shattered. Iraqi forces, pounded isis. And the people of this once wealthy city, fled with their bundles of possessions. Sometimes with just the clothes on their backs. A part of the world so ancient it is mentioned in the bible. Now, brought to its knees. In the neighborhood, around 150 yard from the front line, Mohammad Yunis made it to safety with his young fame loo. He told us isis fighters are hiding in peoples homes. Including four in his. Before it was hit by a mortar. As the the iraqis claw back one street at a time, isis has smashed its way from house to house. So its fighters could move without being detected from ir tuesday. But today we couldnt get within a block of it, the general told us isis is still sniping at his men. Contesting every inch of territory even as it is forced to retreat. And when isis is finally pushed out of mosul, which could be in weeks, scars will remain. Assan ali fled with his wife hallah and five children. But told us they had to leave behind the body of his father, after he died a week ago. The u. S. Has spent around 12 billion combatting isis in iraq and syria. And scott, americas top general in the fight recently predicted that both mos of theul and raqq be recaptured within six months. Holly battle of mosul. Holly, thaou next, impostor fra how to spot a phony. Im joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. Try digestive advantage. It is tougher than your stomachs harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. Get the digestive advantage. The irs said today its crack you on Identity Theft has cut the number of fraudulent tax refund nearly in half. But another type of fraud is on the rise. Anna werner says more than 400,000 americans fell victim last year to impostor scams. Richard tanner says the call took him by surprise. I literally was about to hang up when they said, are you at this address . It was my po box i have had many, many years. Reporter the man on the other end said he was with the Sheriffs Department. And tanner owed fines of 1600 for failing to appear for jury duty. He immediately launched into this very polished sounding, i mean, very authentic sounding speech about we are calling you as a courtesy. You have several outstanding citations. Reporter tanner told him he served jury duty. But the and citation numbers. Ely im face a warrant for his arrest. The call went on for nearly 40 minutes on his land line before tanner used his cell phone to call the local Sheriffs Department. The first thing i said, is there a Sergeant Wade marshal. And i barely got the word out when the, the real Sheriffs Department said, no, scam, hang up. Law enforcement would never make request. Reporter director john bolen says it is a growing problem nationwide. The scammers are well versed in the judicial process. They have frequently used real judges names, real names of u. S. Mar sham sshal service emp spoofed numbers to federal courts and offices. Monica is with the federal trade commission. There are probably a lot of people out there, who are hearing this, saying, huh, i wouldnt fall for that . But the fact of the matter is when you got one of the calls. Scammers are very, very good at making you believe that you have got an emergency situation on your hands. And they have a really powerful way of getting you to act on that. Reporter some red flags with scams, they typically call you on the phone. Most Government Agencies will send you a letter. And scammers often ask to be paid with gift or prepaid cards which the government wont do. The best advice for consumers who get calls look these, scott, just hang up. Be warned. Anna werner for us. Thank you. Still ahead, flying dogs. On a life saving mission. Bite into magnum double caramel. And unleash your wild side. Made with silky vanilla bean ice cream and rich belgian chocolate. Discover magnum. Its league night . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico goin up the country. Bowl without me. Frank. im going to get nachos. Snack bars closed. Gah ah, ah ah. Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, we end to night with four legged recruits in the war against poachers. Debora patta now on the canine airborne. Reporter meet aeroand his handler. Together they take off across the vast wildlife preserve. Aero hurdle out of the helicopter, falling more than 6,000 feet to ear earth. Landing in the middle of the poaching wars. Getting the dog on to the front lines as fast as possible is always a challenge. Parachuting is one of the ways in getting the dog boots on the ground. [ indiscernible ] elite canine dogs are trained to sniff out the poacher. Rushing to attack. Pinning him to the ground until more help arrives. This may be a training exercise, but the dogs bites are reels. And special bite proof suits are needed. The dogs are up against highly trained heavily armed poachers who run a multiMillion Dollar industry trading in elephant and rhino horn. Third of africas elephants have been wiped out. Nearly 100 of the skydiving dogs have been placed in game reserves across africa. In one region they caught over 100 poachers in 18 months. He told us one dog, killer, nabbed more poachers than rangers equipped with the latest high tech weapons. That its the most effective tool against the fight against poaching. Ever used. And it is technology. Low cost completely compared to other technologies, it works. Mans best friend may turn out to be a poachers worst enemy. Debora patta, cbs news, johannesburg. Thats the overnight news for this friday. For some of you, the news continues. For others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and be sure not to miss cbs this morning. New york city, im scott pelley. This is the cbs yoipz. Welcome to the overnight news, im tony dokoupil. President trumps executive orders on immigration and travel, an exodus to canada. Making their way north of the border free to apply for asylum. Jericka duncan has the story. You know that is illegal what you are doing . Warning from Canadian Police are mostly ignored. You speak english. Towing her baby, this woman struggled through the snow. Refugee. Okay. To claim asylum in canada. She its among the hundreds of u. S. Refugees who have illegally entered canada since President Trumps first immigration order. U. S. Refugees who cross at an arrested. But once on canadian soil, they are allowed to claim asylum. At an official border crossing, they would be turned away. A record 724 u. S. Refugees, a 700 jump over the same period last year, walked into quebec last month. Well are beth 2 1 2 miles away from the main port of entry. The Staff Sergeant says he has seen the desperation firsthand. Some body crossing barefooted. You can tell the people, are not used to the climate and all that. Or, theyre not dressed properly. Reporter we werent able to talk to any of the refugees, but immigration lawyers told us most are fearful they might be deported from the u. S. Two subject crossing. Reporter surveillance cameras allow police to monitor the new arrivals from this command post. Some arrive by cab. Dropped just a few feet from the border. This family is from usually the route that they, the migrants will use to cross into canada. Negotiating across the snow bank has become a familiar part of the job. A syrian family arrived in below freezing temperatures, getting some help before being arrested. But not all make it. Cant cross here. Illegal. This pregnant nigerian woman fell a few feet from canada. Caught between canadian and u. S. Officers she appeared confused and upset. Do you have a passport . A visa. Without proper documents, she was arrested. A journey more seemed willing to risk. Jericka duncan, cbs news, new york. The white house now says it has no rooeason to believe President Trump is target of an investigation. Press Secretary Sean Spicer shed no new light on the president s weeken administration wire tapped his phones. Reporter press Secretary Sean Spicer said the white house is still not sure whether or not the president is under investigation. I am not aware of it. Thats my point. We are not aware of anything. You havent been told by the Justice Department there is no investigation. So there might be one. You just dont know. Right. I said i am not aware. I am not aware. The Justice Department is saying they never gave you assurances that you gave us. No, no, the assurance i gave you is that i am not aware. Some one asked if i am made aware, the answer is no. The answer is no. Spicer says the president has not asked the fbi for answers and would appear inappropriate if he did. Members of congress contacted burt row for information as a taxpayer funded proed. Senator lindsay graham. Not too much to ask the department of justice and fbi whether or not a warrant was sought and issued. Reporter attorney general Jeff Sessions recused himself last week from any Trump Campaign relate in calls to apin the a special counsel for an independent probe. But today he said he might kid one to investigate obama era scandals. Im going to do everything i possibly can to, to restore the independence and professionalism of the department of justice. So we will have to kid whether outside special counsel its need the. Overseas, battle for mosul continues to rage. Iraqi, Kurdish Forces outnumber the fighters 101. Isis gunmen are ready to feet to the death. Holly williams has two records from the front lines. Reporter mosul is shattered. Iraqi forces, pounded isis. And the people of this once wealthy city, fled with their bundles of possessions. Sometimes, with just the clothes on their backs. A part of the world so aie now, brought to its knees. In the neighborhood, around 150 yard from the front line, Mohammad Yunis made it to safety with his young family. He told us, isis fighters are hiding in peoples homes. Including four in his before it was hit by a mortar. As iraqis claw back, one street at a time. Isis smashed its way from house to house. So its fighters could lose without being detected from the sky. Iraqi forces claimed they recaptured mosuls main government building on tuesday. But today we couldnt get a block of it. The general told us isis is still sniping at his men. Contesting every inch of territory, even as it forced to retreat. And when isis is finally pushed out of mosul, which could pea in hassan ali fled the city with wife hallah and five children. But told us they had to leave behind the body of his father. After he died a week ago. It looks like a toy plane. And sounds like a lawnmower. But the rq 7, bb 2 is a 1. 5 million dom lllar drone, the u. Military calls it the shadow. In the skies above mosul, it allows the american col coalit this. Call in air strikes, targeting isis owe sixes. Sergeant joe pinchot, drone pilot with 82nd Airborne Division in northern iraq. Surveilling the battlefield in incredible detail from the back of the humvee. Vehicles theyre theyre wearing easy to tell. You can see what people are wearing . Enough to make out if theyre american or not. Cant read name tags. I can tell what theyre wearing. Reporter the average age of the drone pilots in shadow platoon is just 22. Many of them keen video gamers. Their screens here too secret to show you. How is it different to a video game . Well, much sloper paced. Graphics arent quite as the good. The controls arent quite the same. Sort of like a video game. But nobody would buy it to play this video game. Reporter isis has its own drones, which it uses to guide its suicide bombers. Which they have even adapted to drop munitions. For the most part, extremists rely on low tech weapons, like wieflz a rifles and explosives. Americas military technology is gradually beating back the enemy. Holly williams, west airfield, iraq. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Im joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. Try digestive advantage. It is tougher than your stomachs harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. Get the digestive advantage. Believe it or not, more than half all fruits and vegetables grown in the United States are actually thrown away. Because theyre rotten before they can be eaten. One company may have found a high Tech Solution to that. Ben tracy reports. Reporter on this lush Hillside Farm near santa barbara, it is not just the views that grab your attention. But the rare produce on the trees. Including these aptly names caviar limes. Once you pick it, there is, there is a timer going off. Caviar limes are the prized by restaurants and bars because of their acidity and texture. They last a week to ton days after theyre picked. Making shipping and distribution difficult. Thats where appeal sciences, James Rodgers comes in. Ruskey teamed up two years ago. We use food to preserve food. At they start with organic material like frozen grape skins. They then extract food molecules and mix them up in different combinations. The powder called edipeel is mixed with water sprayed on produce. When it dries it leaves behind a barrier of plant material on outside of the produce. That thin barrier slows down the rate that water gets out of the produce. And it slows down the rate that oxygen gets in. By dpoing that we can preserve the shelf life. How much longer does the average piece of fruit last with your product on it . Each produce has different characteristics, we can get extensions from twice shelf life of a piece to five times the shelf life. You are monitoring how the lemon is dying over time . Exactly. This timelapse room where they study the results. By day five, the untreated strawberries on top rot. But the treated ones on the bottom are still it is fda approved. The thin layer it leaves behind is edible and tasteless. It would replace the wax that is often used on Grocery Store produce. You are going to have some people who look at this and say, this is frankenfood, i dont want something sprayed on my food that remind me of a pesticide. How do you get over that hurdle with the people . The way we fry to do this is try to be open with people about exact plea what we are doing. So we are taking stuff you are eating already in every bite of your produce. We are just reapplying exactly where it is, on the produce. Putting it on the outside. Reporter the Company Hopes their product will help with Global Hunger in places without access to refrigeration and could reduce food waste. Here in the u. S. , 24 of produce its tossed out before it reaches the Grocery Store. Another 2 is thrown out at home. But food waste experts say no one technology is going to solve a problem this big. Driven by our hits around food. And soap we cant technology our way out of that. I think it need to be paired with careful shopping. Reporter apeel raised 40 million from investors. Right now work with several growers in talks with large produce brands. It remains to be seen if those using the product would pass the cost along to consumers. For farmers like rusky, apeel is buying him valuable time. Been able to do, two, three times the shelf life. Super happy to see the results. Been tracy, santa barbara, california. In a lot of inner city neighborhood it can be difficult to track down fresh fruits and vegetables much less healthy food on the go. One startup in Southern California dedicated to bringing, healthy affordable fast food to everyone. Reporter the people behind this l. A. Storefront nestled in a neighborhood made up of fast food chains and second hand way residents here eat. What we are doing is making healthy food affordable for everyone. The real mission and the ethos of the company which its that no matter where you are born, no matter where you live within the u. S. We think everyone deserves access to healthy, fresh, delicious food. Food is made by some of the best chefs in the country. The cofounder, sam polk and david foster left their jobs in finance to do something purely good in the world. But their business is still based on hard numbers. Briefly describe every table for me. We price our meals so that everyone in the neighborhood can afford them. So here in south l. A. , where per capita income is 13,000 a year. Our meals sold for 4. In more have flaw end aaffluent the same stores, selling the same food, but for 8. The idea for every table grew out of a nonprofit creation, groceriships, educates families on how to eat nutritious meals. They found education wasnt always enough. They wanted to make healthful eating simple. By bringing premade meals to areas where quick and easy often means high calorie and low new trgsal quality. Do you find that people are surprised when they walk in and see what they get for the same price of a value meal at a fastfood restaurant. Totally. I think theyre surprised at the price. Theyre also surprised at the quality and selection of the food. We design this menu so that it would work very well in brentwood, but also in inglewood, what that meant for us talking to the families we were working with through groceriships, to basically find out what they wanted to eat. So that grew into a menu, that celebrates the cultures and cuisines of los angeles. The menu include everything from jamaican jerk chicken to a california cobb d. All cooked not on site but a central kitchen a few miles away. Further reducing costs. The whole thing has been designed to to be as economical as possiblement. We are not producing meals here in the store at each store. Having the small footprint stores, that enables us to save on rent and labor and the combination of the two things, enables us to price at a level that gets some people to laugh. This is the tamale, seasonal. Jess ska speica spear is the chef. Delicious. Thats healthy . Its healthy. Obvious question, how crucial is flavor when you are trying to make a community not used to eating healthy, eat well. Theyre used to a certain flavor and thing that resonates home to them. So if you dont hatch the right flavors in there, completely something that they dont understand, theyre not going to eat it. Reporter which is something every table employee, juan bravo has seen firsthand with his father. Heap is t is traditional, me guy, used to red meat, beans. But he also has the got diabetes to deal with now. And other conditions. And he is coming around. Now he is he is never had kale before, until now. Now he has checken caesar kale salad. Isnt it great . Also changing is the way organizations like every table on rate. With a mission you would associate with a nonprofit. Every table is every bit of business. One committed to doing well, by doing good. We believe in the power of nonprofit, charity. Think there will be a place for that in society. Can create a Profitable Company that fully expresses our humanity taz well. We want to make money. Be profitable. We also want to do work that we connect with on a heart level. To lift all of us up. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Ven to help reduce hunger between meals. From metamucil, the 1 doctor recommended brand. Im alex trebek. If youre age 50 to 85, this is an important message. 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Upgrade to move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility, and flexibility. It also provides 20 better comfort than glucosamine chondroitin, all from one tiny mighty pill. Get in there with move free ultra, and enjoy living well. Living well there is an ancient spice from india that is finding a lot of modern uses here in the United States. Lee cowen has the story of the latest super food. Not far from the Surfers Paradise on the hawaiian north shore grows a spice as golden as a hawaiian sunrise. That might just the same kind of healthy glow. Its called tumeric, member of the ginger family. That before it is washed looks a bit like an ugly carrot. Tumeric, not a root, but a risome. Which means its stem is where the good stuff is found. Native to india, tumeric around thousand of years only recent leap caught on in the west. Now people cant get enough. This year, do you know how many thousand of pound of tumeric you will ship out. Tonnage. Tonnage. Major tonnage. Phil green and wife linda bought this 45 acre farm over a decade ago. Oh, man, Beautiful Day isnt it . Yeah. Reporter they planned a semiquiet retirement. Until tumeric became one of most talked about superfoods. Did you kno barely. To me, tumeric was a powdered spice in a jar that, that stayed on your shelf until you made a curry recipe, you know. Reporter curries are most common use. But tumerics taste is part of its allure. Scattered to the wind, a sacred part of hindu ceremonies. And used as dye for fabrics. It is what gives mustard the bright yellow hugh, the very thing that makes tumeric, powerful, a compound, what some researchers say makes it a powerful weapon against disease. You are doing Clinical Trials on alzheimers disease, parkinsons, arthritis, diabetes. Seems to have an effect . Absolutely. Such a wonderful compound, that it has been shown to work. In every single instant people tried. The bio physicist hee studying medicinal qualities at Baylor Medical Center in dallas. He says thousands of studies have shown that in a concentrated enough dose, the tumeric is proven to be an antioxidant and antiinflammatory, but also shows promise in preventing and even treating something as serious as cancer. You are frying trying to und what are the processes and mechanisms. You know it works most part. Not sure why. Yes, exactly. Reporter while he says more Research Needs to by done. The word is already out at trend setting restaurants. Like cafe gratitude in los angeles. Here, tumeric mixed with steamed almond milk. Or, blended into a shot. Served with a dose of cayenne pepper. That is spicy. Called i am brave. Tumeric, ginger, lemon. Cafe gratitudes coowner, ryan. In a knock out diseases. Yeah, its got a kick. Its crazy. Its become a phenomenon. It is the buzzword in the health world. Reporter so much so, googles food trend report called tumeric, a rising star of 2016. Is it as the good as all of the hype . Is it as healthy . As good for us . People love it. They come back for it. Do i exactly know what it is providing for people . No. The greens arent sure either. But if it is both healthy and a cash crop, so be it. Farmers grow what people want. What people demand. And so we, we kept increasing because it kept selling. We have all heard the advice, eat the colors of the rainbow. Here in hawaii, this brightly colored spice, just might be the pot of gold at the end of one too. In most parts of the american west, the world of the cowboy has long since passed. Replaced by shopping malls and interstate highways, but for one afternoon, at least, cowboy justice rode off the ranch into a walmart parking lot. Steve hartman explains. 28yearold robert borba one of the last of a kind. A real, honest to goodness, cow roping cowboy. Robert works at a ranch outside eagle point oregon. But we didnt come here to see his prowess in the cow corrals. We came here because of what he did recently amongst the cart corrals of this walmart parking lot. It happened so fast. Few months ago, robert moseyed over to the walmart for dog foot. And on the way out, he heard a woman screaming. Stop him. Stop him. He stole my bi kind of look around. Then all of a sudden the guy goes whizzing guy on the bicycle. As the security cameras show. No way to catch him on foot. So the cowboy did what cowboys do. He saddled up to save the day. Armed with little more than a lasso. Couple swings. Then i threw it at him. Just like i would steer. He had to be blown away, what is going on . Like what are you doing, man . You got a badge . No i aint got a badge. Lot of people were incredulous. 911. The cavalry arrived. Led by chris adams. I looked up from the horse. A rope attached. Holding on to a tree. Its real. It was real. In fact here is a picture. On the left see the susp roped, tied like a steer headed for the pen. You ought to pick up the rope and throw the gun away. Might have better luck. He started laughing. What made you decide to take action in the first place. Heroes like cowboys are getting harder to find. Especially modest ones like robert who want nothing in return. When it was over police say all he asked for was his rope back. Coiled it up. Tipped his hat. And then rode off into the yellow logo sunset. Blazing saddles. Ell that is the overnight news for this friday. For some, the news continues. For others check back later for the is the president under investigation . There is no reason to believe there is any type of investigation with respect to the department of justice. 24 hours later. Were not aware of anything. There might be one, you just dont know . Also tonight the war against isis. 400 more american troops head to syria while Holly Williams is on the front line of the battle to Liberate Mosul iraq. Telephone con artists impersonate the law to break the law. Barely got the word out when the real Sheriffs Department said no it is a scam, hang up. And the paw patrol. Parachuting pooches pounce on pooches. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Well begin with breaking news in the widening scandal involving the u. S. Military. The Defense Department is investigating online outlets through which marines shared nude photographs of women including fellow marines, some pictures taken without the knowledge of the subject. Tonight, david martin has the learned that the investigation has spread to all branches of the military. Reporter the website first gained notoriety for posting nude photos of celebrities like jennifer lawrence. But it also contains a message board for military personnel where men from all branches of the military exchange comments and nude photos of female Service Members some times identifying by name and or duty station. Some of the pictures, pure porn, others snapshots followed by wins, slang for nude photos. Any one got any wins for this one, some one asks about a young woman in the Massachusetts National guard. This message board came to light days after the exposure of a facebook group, marines united which included nearly 30,000 active duty and retired marines. Some of whom shared nude photos of female marines, along with raunchy and sexually violent comments. A criminal investigation has begun. And the top enlisted man in the marines, Senior Master sergeant, ronald green told congress marines united is just the tip of the spear. James laporta, former marine turned journalist, marines united is spreading like a cancer to chat groups. He sent cbs news this one screen grab in which a member of marines united asked what are some other blue falcon free groups. In marine corps slang, a blue falcon, some one who rats out his buddies. Marine Officials Say they half dozen other sites. Beyond the criminal investigation, pentagon Officials Say this scandal could do real harm to the military by convincing young women not to join or convincing those already in uniform to get out. Scott. David martin breaking the story from the pog tonight. David, thank you. President trump has been holed up in the white house all week not taking one question from reporters since he accused president obama of wiretapping his phones. Twice this week, White House Events scheduled to include reporters have been closed at the last minute. It was saturday that President Trump accused his predecessor of committing a crime he said was equal to watergate. Mr. Trump said it is a fact that his phones were tapped in the latter days of the campaign. It is true the fbi has been investigating communications between Campaign Officials and russian operatives, no one has been charged with a crime. Yesterday our Margaret Brennan asked the white house if mr. Trump is the target of an investigation. The president s spokesman came up with two answers, and how to day a third. Reporter press Secretary Sean Spicer said the white house is still not sure whether or not the president is under investigation. I am not aware of it. Thats my point. We are not aware of anything. You havent been told by the Justice Department there is no investigation. There might be one. You dont know. I said i am not aware. I am not aware. The Justice Department is saying they never gave you assurances that you gave us. No, no, the assurance i gave you, margaret, i am not aware. If i am made aware of something, the answer is no. Answer is no. Spicer said the president has not asked the fbi for answers and it would appear inappropriate if he did. Members of congress contacted the bureau for information as part of a taxpayer funded probe. Lindsay graham. Republican senator. Not too much to ask the department of justice and the fbi whether or not a warrant was sought and issued. Jeff sessions recused himself last week from any Trump Campaign related investigations. Before that, he had rebuffed calls to appoint a special counsel for an independent probe. Today he said he might consider one to investigate obama era scandals. I am going to do everything i possibly can to restore the independence and professionalism of the department of justice. So we will have to consider whether or not some outside special counsel its needed. Reporter today, fbi director jim comey briefd key members of the house and senate. Each for about an hour. On these wiretapping allegations. And the Ongoing Investigation into russian contacts with trump advisers. Scott. P no word on what came out of the meetings yet. Margaret brennan. Thanks. Today founder of wikileaks bragged to reporters two days after exposing cia methods for hacking phones, computers and other devices. He spoke via streaming video from Ecuadors Embassy in london. Where he has been living as a fugitive from justice since 2012. Jeff pegues has more on this. Reporter this is historic act of devastating incompetence. Reporter in a nearly hour long presentation, wikileaks founder, Julian Assange railed against the cia for failing to protect secret cyberespionage tools. Central intelligence agency. Lost control of its entire cyberweapons arsenal. Wikileaks obtained information from socalled gray hat hackers. Contractors who work for u. S. Intelligence. The 8,000 stolen documents detailed cia tools to penetrate smartphones, smart televisions and compute r systems. In a statement, a cia spokesman said assange was not a bastion of truth and integrity. Yesterday, the agency said the disclosures, jeopardize personnel and operations. The cia was aware weeks before tuesdays disclosure, that valuable information may have been stolen. The fbi is now working with the cia to determine not only two stole the information but whether a country like russia was involved. Jim lewis consults about cybersecurity. There is good data, suggests ties between assange and there is very strong data that wikileaks has a powerful antiamerican agenda. Wikileaks says it is reaching out to companies, microsoft, apple, google so they can fix hacking vulnerabilities. Scott, they all say, they all are working to close loopholes they know about. The cbs overnight news will be right. Announcer the cbs evening news with scott pelley week nights. President trump said despite what you hear in the press health care is coming along great. Well, what you have heard in the press is that aarp and the American Medical Association are against the republican replacement for obamacare. And so are conservative republican senators who say the house bill should be scrapped. We asked dean reynold to find out what mr. Trump supporters think. Reporter jims lawnmower and snowblower business has hit some hard times. The lack of snow this winter for one thing, and obama care for another. Seems like we are working seven days a week and we dont have any more to show for it. Though he has private Health Insurance for himself and workers, he says there has been a Ripple Effect to rising costs for obamacare that made his coverage more expensive too. We are just working to pay off the insurance, it seems like, something has to change. Reporter Trump Supporters said obama care is a mess. But at franks diner down the road in kenosha, larry rash was not confident a replacement will be an improvement. But should it be replaced no. I think we should fry to work within it. And make changes to it. I dont think we have to necessarily replace it. All right. Everyone we spoke to felt Congressional Republicans are running up against the reality that health care is complicated. Dick gentz is an accountant. Sounded look to me they really couldnt pull the plug on it entirely. At the counter, glen woods said it is time for the republicans to act. Whn you run on one thing have the power to change it, you belter change it. Woods and the other Trump Supporters said protracted health care tugofwar has not lessened their regard for the president. Not even the president s doing too early to tell . Honestly. Its its hard to turn around an aircraft carrier. Reporter is he headed in the right direction . Yes. In fact the people we spoke to, scott, seemed much more patient with President Trump than with their own republican congressmen who happens to beep the speaker of the house, paul ryan. Dean reynolds as we continue to listen to the people. Dean, thank you very much. Mr. Trumps new head of the epa, broke with science today to say that he is not convinced car been dioxide from trucks, cars and power plants is driving the rise in global temperature. Here is chip reid. Reporter scott pruitt head of the epa dropped a verbal bomb on the Environmental Community today saying tab of Carbon Dioxide emissions and Climate Change. No, i would not agree it is a primary contributor to the Global Warming that we see. It is not the first time pruitt hinted he is a Climate Change denier. Last year he wrote the debate is far from settled. But he seemed to change his tune during confirmation hearing last month when he was asked if he agreed with President Trump who called Climate Change a hoax on the campaign trail. I do not believe that Climate Change is a hoax. Reporter todays apattern change of heart, infurated environmental groups. The sierra group said the arsonist is in charge of the fire department. Director of Climate Science with the union of concerned scientists. If you were talking to mr. Pruitt what would you tell him . Listen to the scientists. 97 of scientists studied Climate Change agree that car been dioxide is the primary cause of human driven Climate Change. Reporter in january, nasa confirmed, that rising by increased Carbon Dioxide and human made emissions into the atmosphere. This is still on the website of pruitts, epa, Carbon Dioxide the primary Green House Gas contributing to recent Climate Change. Pruitts comments appear to be a sign of things to come. Scott, the Trump Administration preparing to role back Obama Administration regulations that limit c 02 emissions from cars and power plants. Chip reid, thanks. Today the head of u. S. Forces in the middle east, general joseph otell told senators more american troops are needed to beat isis in syria. Thats on top of 400 that recently joined u. S. Special Operations Forces backing emission to retake raqqa, the isis capital in syria. The u. S. Is also supporting iraqi forces in their fight to isis. And Holly Williams is on the front line. Mosul is shattered. Iraqi forces, pounded isis. And the people of this once wealthy city, fled with their bundles of possessions. Sometimes with just the clothes on their backs. A part of the world so ancient it is mentioned in the bible. Now, brought to its knees. In the neighborhood, around 150 yard from the front line, Mohammad Yunis made it to safety with his young fame loo. He told us isis fighters are hiding in peoples homes. Including four in his. Before it was hit by a mortar. As the the iraqis claw back one street at a time, isis has smashed its way from house to house. So its fighters could move without being detected from the sky. Iraqi forces cla recaptured mosuls many government building on tuesday. But today we couldnt get within a block of it, the general told us isis is still sniping at his men. Contesting every inch of territory even as it is forced to retreat. And when isis is finally pushed out of mosul, which could be in weeks, scars will remain. Hassan ali fled with his wife hallah and five children. But told us they had to leave behind the body of his father, after he died a week ago. The u. S. Has spent around 12 billion combatting isis in iraq and syria. And scott, americas top general in the fight recently predicted that both mosul and raqqa would be recaptured within six months. Holly williams with the battle of mosul. Holly, thank you. Coming up next, impostor fraud, how to spot a phony. alarms wheres the car . Itll be here in three. Uh, four minutes. Are you kidding me . No, looks like he took a wrong turn. Dont worry, this guys got like a fourstar rating, were good. His name is randy. Thats like one of the most trustworthy names ordering a getaway car with an app . Are you randy . Thats me awesome surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money erin saved by switching to geico. Everybody comfortable with the air temp . I could go a little cooler. Ok. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Ive got the gelato. Is that ice cream . No, its, uh breyers gelato indulgences. It looks like ice cream. Its not. Can i have some . You really wouldnt like it. Its got caramel and crunchy stuff. I like caramel and crunchy stuff. Its not for kids. Im a grownup. Breyers gelato indulgences. Topped with crunchy curls. Its way beyond ice cream. Im joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. Try digestive advantage. It is tougher than your stomachs harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. Get the digestive advantage. Do you think im gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field . Defy expectations any day with always infinity. Made with flexfoam. Absorbs 10x its weight. Rewrite the rules. Always. The irs said today its crack you on Identity Theft has cut the number of fraudulent tax refund nearly in half. But another type of fraud is on the rise. Anna werner says more than 400,000 americans fell victim last year to impostor scams. Richard tanner says the call took him by surprise. I literally was about to hang up when they said, are you at this address . It was my po box i have had many, many years. Reporter the man on the other end said he was with the Sheriffs Department. And tanner owed fines of 1600 for failing to appear for jury duty. He immediately launched into this very polished sounding, i mean, very authentic sounding speech about we are calling you as a courtesy. You have several outstanding citations. Reporter tanner told him he served jury duty. But the sergeant gave him case he instructed tanner to pay up immediately or face a warrant for his arrest. The call went on for nearly 40 minutes on his land line before tanner used his cell phone to call the local Sheriffs Department. The first thing i said, is there a Sergeant Wade marshal. And i barely got the word out when the, the real Sheriffs Department said, no, scam, hang up. Law enforcement would never make request. Reporter director john bolen says it is a growing problem nationwide. The scammers are well versed in the judicial process. They have frequently used real judges names, real names of u. S. Marshal service employees, spoofed numbers to federal courts and offices. Monica is with the federal trade commission. There are probably a lot of people out there, who are hearing this, saying, huh, i wouldnt fall for that . When you got one of the calls. They sound really, real. Scammers are very, very good at making you believe that you have got an emergency situation on your hands. And they have a really powerful way of getting you to act on that. Reporter some red flags with scams, they typically call you on the phone. Most Government Agencies will send you a letter. And scammers often ask to be paid with gift or prepaid cards which the government wont do. The best advice for consumers who get calls look these, scott, just hang up. Be warned. Anna werner for us. Thank you. Still ahead, flying dogs. On a life saving mission. Hey there, starting your search for the ri am used car . You got it. Just say show me millions of used cars for sale at the all new carfax. Com. But, i don want one thats had a bunch of owners pretty cool its perfect. Thats the power of carfax® find the cars you want, avoid the ones you dont plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing start your used car search at carfax. Com or is it your allergy pills . Holding you back break through your allergies. Introducing Flonase Sensimist. More complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most allergy pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist. Up again. Wall street bull market turned eight years old. Today. Since stock prices bottomed out on march 9, 2009, during the great recession. The dow is up well over 200 . A rising tide of popularity has made water the best selling drink in america. An Industry Research group told us today the average american drank more than 39 gallons of bottled water compared to 3 1 2 on skydiving dogs, quite a tail. Next. We end to night with four legged recruits in the war against poachers. Debora patta now on the canine airborne. Reporter meet aeroand his handler. Together they take off across the vast wildlife preserve. Aero seems unperturbed as they rd falling more than 6,000 feet to earth. Landing in the middle of the poaching wars. Getting the dog on to the front lines as fast as possible is always a challenge. Parachuting is one of the ways in getting the dog boots on the ground. [ indiscernible ] elite canine dogs are trained to sniff out the poacher. Rushing to attack. Pinning him to the ground until more help arrives. This may be a training exercise, but the dogs bites are reels. And special bite proof suits are needed. The dogs are up against highly trained heavily armed poachers who run a multiMillion Dollar industry trading in elephant and rhino horn. In the past seven years alone, a third of africas elephants have been wiped out. Nearly 100 of the skydiving dogs have been placed in game reserves across africa. In one region they caught over 100 poachers in 18 months. He told us one dog, killer, nabbed more poachers than rangers equipped with the latest high tech weapons. That its the most effective tool against the fight against poaching. Ever used. And it is technology. Low cost completely compared to other technologies, it works. Mans best friend may turn out to be a poachers worst enemy. Debora patta, cbs news, johannesburg. Thats the overnight news for this friday. For some of you, the news continues. For others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and be sure not to miss cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im scott pelley. Welcome to the overnight news, im tony dokoupil. President trumps executive orders on immigration and travel, an exodus to canada. Making their way north of the border free to apply for asylum. Jericka duncan has the story. You know that is illegal what you are doing . Warning from Canadian Police are mostly ignored. You speak english. Towing her baby, this woman struggled through the snow. Refugee. Okay. She its among the hundreds of u. S. Refugees who have illegally entered canada since President Trumps first immigration order. U. S. Refugees who cross at an unguarded part of the border are arrested. But once on canadian soil, they are allowed to claim asylum. At an official border crossing, they would be turned away. A record 724 u. S. Refugees, a 700 jump over the same period last year, walked into quebec last month. Well are beth 2 1 2 miles away from the main port of entry. The Staff Sergeant says he has seen the desperation firsthand. Some body crossing barefooted. You can tell the people, are not used to the climate and all that. Or, theyre not dressed properly. Reporter we werent able to talk to any of the refugees, but are fearful they might be deported from the u. S. Two subject crossing. Reporter surveillance cameras allow police to monitor the new arrivals from this command post. Some arrive by cab. Dropped just a few feet from the border. This family is from colombia. Usually the route that they, the migrants will use to cross into canada. Negotiating across the snow bank has become a familiar part of the job. A syrian family arrived in below freezing temperatures, getting some help before being arrested. But not all make it. Cant cross here. Illegal. This pregnant nigerian woman fell a few feet from canada. Caught between canadian and u. S. Officers she appeared confused and upset. Do you have a passport . A visa. Without proper documents, she was arrested. A journey more seemed willing to risk. Jericka duncan, cbs news, new the white house now says it has no reason to believe President Trump is target of an investigation. Press Secretary Sean Spicer shed no new light on the president s weeken treepz the Prior Administration wire tapped his phones. Reporter press Secretary Sean Spicer said the white house is still not sure whether or not the president is under investigation. I am not aware of it. Thats my point. We are not aware of anything. You havent been told by the Justice Department there is no investigation. So there might be one. You just dont know. Right. I said i am not aware. I am not aware. The Justice Department is saying they never gave you assurances that you gave us. No, no, the assurance i gave you is that i am not aware. Some one asked if i am made aware, the answer is no. The answer is no. Spicer says the president has not asked the fbi for answers and would appear inappropriate if he did. Members of congress contacted burt row for information as a taxpayer funded proed. Senator lindsay graham. Not too much to ask the department of justice and fbi whether or not a warrant was sought and issued. Reporter attorney general Jeff Sessions recused himself last week from any Trump Campaign rat before that he had rebuffed calls to appoint a special counsel for an independent probe. But today he said he might kid one to investigate obama era scandals. Im going to do everything i possibly can to, to restore the independence and professionalism of the department of justice. So we will have to kid whether outside special counsel its need the. Overseas, battle for mosul continues to rage. Iraqi, Kurdish Forces outnumber the fighters 101. Isis gunmen are ready to feet to the death. Holly williams has two records from the front lines. Reporter mosul is shattered. Iraqi forces, pounded isis. And the people of this once wealthy city, fled with their bundles of possessions. Sometime on their backs. A part of the world so ancient it is mentioned in the bible. Now, brought to its knees. In the neighborhood, around 150 yard from the front line, Mohammad Yunis made it to safety with his young family. He told us, isis fighters are hiding in peoples homes. Including four in his before it was hit by a mortar. As iraqis claw back, one street at a time. Isis smashed its way from house to house. So its fighters could lose without being detected from the sky. Iraqi forces claimed they recaptured mosuls main government building on tuesday. But today we couldnt get a block of it. The general told us isis is still sniping at his men. Contesting every inch of territory, even as it forced to retreat. And when isis is finally pushed weeks, scars will remain. Hassan ali fled the city with wife hallah and five children. But told us they had to leave behind the body of his father. After he died a week ago. It looks like a toy plane. And sounds like a lawnmower. But the rq 7, bb 2 is a 1. 5 Million Dollar drone, the u. S. Military calls it the shadow. In the skies above mosul, it allows the am coalition to do this. Call in air strikes, targeting isis owe sixes. Sergeant joe pinchot, drone pilot with 82nd Airborne Division in northern iraq. Surveilling the battlefield in incredible detail from the back of the humvee. Vehicles theyre driving what theyre wearing easy to tell. You can see what people are wearing . American or not. Cant read name tags. I can tell what theyre wearing. Reporter the average age of the drone pilots in shadow platoon is just 22. Many of them keen video gamers. Their screens here too secret to show you. How is it different to a video game . Well, much sloper paced. Graphics arent quite as the good. The controls arent quite the same. Sort of like a video game. But nobody would buy it to play this video game. Reporter isis has its own drones, which it uses to guide its suicide bombers. Which they have even adapted to drop munitions. For the most part, extremists rely on low tech weapons, like rifles and explosives. Americas military technology is gradually beating back the Holly Williams, cbs news, guyara west airfield, iraq. The cbs oigvernht news will be right back. Dpa dont let joint discomfort keep you down. Come play with us im coming. Upgrade to move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility, and flexibility. It also provides 20 better comfort than glucosamine chondroitin, all from one tiny mighty pill. Get in there with move free ultra, and enjoy living well. Living well start by taking care of families for 70 years. Earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. And help, when help is needed americas 1 isnt a status earned overnight. Its earned in every wash, and reearned every day. Tide, americas 1 detergent believe it or not, more than half all fruits and vegetables grown in the United States are actually thrown away. Because theyre rotten before they can be eaten. One company may have found a high Tech Solution to that. Ben tracy reports. Reporter on this lush Hillside Farm near santa rbara, it is not just the views that grab your attention. But the rare produce on the trees. Including these aptly names caviar limes. Once you pick it, there is, there is a timer going off. Caviar limes are the prized by restaurants and bars because of their acidity and texture. They last a week to ton days after theyre picked. Making shipping and distribution difficult. Thats where appeal sciences, James Rodgers comes in. Ruskey teamed up two years ago. We use food to preserve food. That simple. They start with organic material like frozen grape skins. They then extract food molecules and mix them up in different combinations. The powder called edipeel is mixed with water sprayed on produce. When it dries it leaves behind a barrier of plant material on outside of the produce. That thin barrier slows down the rate that water gets out of the produce. And it slows down the rate that oxygen gets in. By doing that we can preserve the shelf life. How much longer does the average piece of fruit last with your product on it . Each produce has different characteristics, we can get extensions from twice shelf life of a piece to five times the shelf life. You are monitoring how exactly. This timelapse room where they study the results. By day five, the untreated strawberries on top rot. But the treated ones on the bottom are still good to eat. It is fda approved. The thin layer it leaves behind is edible and tasteless. It would replace the wax that is often used on Grocery Store produce. You are going to have some people who look at this and say, this is frankenfood, i dont want something sprayed on my food that remind me of a pesticide. How do you get over that hurdle with the people . The way we fry to do this is try to be open with people about exact plea what we are doing. So we are taking stuff you are eating already in every bite of your produce. We are just reapplying exactly where it is, on the produce. Putting it on the outside. Reporter the Company Hopes their product will help with access to refrigeration and could reduce food waste. Here in the u. S. , 24 of produce its tossed out before it reaches the Grocery Store. Another 2 is thrown out at home. But food waste experts say no one technology is going to solve a problem this big. Fundamentally this problem is driven by our habits around food. And soap we cant technology our way out of that. I think it need to be paired with careful shopping. Reporter apeel raised 40 million from investors. Right now work with several growers in talks with large produce brands. It remains to be seen if those using the product would pass the cost along to consumers. For farmers like rusky, apeel is buying him valuable time. Been able to do, two, three times the shelf life. Super happy to see the results. Been tracy, santa barbara, california. In a lot of inner city neighborhood it can be difficult to track down fresh fruits and vegetables much less healthy food on the go. One startup in Southern California dedicated to bringing, healthy affordable fast food to everyone. Reporter the people behind this l. A. Storefront nestled in a neighborhood made up of fast food chains and second hand shops are trying to change the way residents here eat. What we are doing is making healthy food affordable for everyone. The real mission and the ethos of the company which its that no matter where you are born, no matter where you live within the u. S. We think everyone deserves access to healthy, fresh, delicious food. Food is made by some of the best chefs in the country. The cofounder, sam polk and david foster left their jobs in finance to do something purely good in the world. But their business is still based on hard numbers. Briefly describe every table for me. We price our meals so that everyone in the neighborhood can afford them. So here in south l. A. , where per capita income is 13,000 a year. Our meals sold for 4. In more affluent areas we have the same stores, selling the same food, but for 8. The idea for every table grew out of a nonprofit creation, groceriships, educates families on how to eat nutritious meals. They found education wasnt always enough. They wanted to make healthful eating simple. By bringing premade meals to areas where quick and easy often means high calorie and low new trgsal quality. Do you find that people are surprised when they walk in and see what they get for the same price of a value meal at a fastfood restaurant. Totally. I think theyre surprised at the price. Theyre also surprised at the quality and selection of the food. We design this menu so that it would work very well in brentwood, but also in inglewood, what that meant for us talking to the families we were working with through groceriships, to basically find out what they wanted to eat. So that grew into a menu, that celebrates the cultures and cuisines of los angeles. The menu include everything from jamaican jerk chicken to a california cobb salad. Central kitchen a few miles away. Further reducing costs. The whole thing has been designed to to be as economical as possible. We are not producing meals here in the store at each store. Having the small footprint stores, that enables us to save on rent and labor and the combination of the two things, enables us to price at a level that gets some people to laugh. This is the tamale, seasonal. Jessica spear is the head chef. Delicious. Thats healthy . Its healthy. Obvious question, how crucial is flavor when you are trying to make a community not used to eating healthy, eat well. Theyre used to a certain flavor and thing that resonates home to them. So if you dont hatch the right flavors in there, completely something that they dont understand, theyre not going to eat it. Reporter which is something every table employee, juan bravo has seen firsthand with his father. He is traditional, mexican guy, used to red meat, beans. But he also has the got diabetes to deal with now. And other conditions. And he is coming around. Now he is he is never had kale befoe, until now. Now he has checken caesar kale salad. Isnt it great . Also changing is the way organizations like every table on rate. With a mission you would associate with a nonprofit. Every table is every bit of business. One committed to doing well, by doing good. We believe in the power of nonprofit, charity. Think there will be a place for that in society. Can create a Profitable Company that fully expresses our humanity taz well. We want to make money. Be profitable. We also want to do work that we connect with on a heart level. To lift all of us up. Yeah, i just saved a whole lot of money by swhuh. Ing to geico. We should take a closer look at geico. You know, geico insures way more than cars. Boats, motorcycles. Even rvs geico insures rvs . Whats an rv . Uh, the thing weve been stuck on for five years wait, im not a real moose . . Weve been over this, jeff. Were stickers im not a real moose . Give him some space. Deep breaths, jeff. Whats a sticker . . Take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. Im joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. It is tougher than your stomachs harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. Get the digestive advantage. There is an ancient spice from india that is finding a lot of modern uses here in the United States. Lee cowen has the story of the latest super food. Not far from the Surfers Paradise on the hawaiian north shore grows a spice as golden as a hawaiian sunrise. That might just offer our bodies the same kind of healthy glow. Its called tumeric, member of the ginger family. That before it is washed looks a bit like an ugly carrot. Tumeric, not a root, but a risome. Which means its stem is where the good stuff is found. Native to india, tumeric around thousand of years only recent leap caught on in the west. Now people cant get enough. This year, do you know how many thousand of pound of tumeric you will ship out. Tonnage. Tonnage. Major tonnage. Phil green and wife linda bought this 45 acre farm over a decade ago. Oh, man, Beautiful Day isnt it . Yeah. Reporter they planned a semiquiet retirement. Until tumeric became one of most talked about superfoods. Did you barely. To me, tumeric was a powdered spice in a jar that, that stayed on your shelf until you made a curry recipe, you know. Reporter curries are most common use. But tumerics taste is part of its allure. Scattered to the wind, a sacred part of hindu ceremonies. And used as dye for fabrics. It is what gives mustard the bright yellow hugh, the very thing that makes tumeric, powerful, a compound, what some researchers say makes it a powerful weapon against disease. You are doing Clinical Trials on alzheimers disease, parkinsons, arthritis, diabetes. Seems to have an effect . Absolutely. Such a wonderful compound, that it has been shown to work. In every single instant people tried. The bio physicist has been studying medicinal qualities at Baylor Medical Center in dallas. He says thousands of studies have shown that in a concentrated enough dose, the tumeric is proven to be an antioxidant and antiinflammatory, but also shows promise in preventing and even treating something as serious as cancer. You are trying to understand what are the processes and mechanisms. You know it works most part. Not sure why. Yes, exactly. Reporter while he says more Research Needs to by done. The word is already out at trend setting restaurants. Like cafe gratitude in los angeles. Here, tumeric mixed with steamed almond milk. Or, blended into a shot. Served with a dose of cayenne pepper. That is spicy. Called i am brave. Tumeric, ginger, lemon. Ryan. In a petri dish that could knock out diseases. Yeah, its got a kick. Its crazy. Its become a phenomenon. It is the buzzword in the health world. Reporter so much so, googles food trend report called tumeric, a rising star of 2016. Is it as the good as all of the hype . Is it as healthy . As good for us . People love it. They come back for it. Do i exactly know what it is providing for people . No. The greens arent sure either. But if it is both healthy and a cash crop, so be it. Farmers grow what people want. What people demand. And so we, we kept increasing because it kept selling. E whave all heard the advice, eat the colors of the rainbow. Here in hawaii, this brightly colored spice, just might be the pot of gold at the end of one too. Its friday, march 10th, 2017. This is the cbs morning news. Today President Trump faces the opposition, making his pitch for the republican replacement to obamacare. Winter weather heads into the northeast this morning while parts of the midwest are cleaning up after whipping winds. Breaking overnight, two protesters are killed in south korea after the president s ouster. And it was a hollywood ending for the suspect in an l. A. Police chase. Good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at

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