What is going to mitigate the nature and scope of the terrorist threat we face. Is there a downside to the ban . Yes. First of all, it sounds a very bad message to individuals that are being singled out because of their nationality. It gives a clear impression that there is an effort on the part of this administration to focus on muslims themselves. So i think its subject to various interpretations that do not help our national security. You know, youre here speaking to us on the record. But i should ask you, have you talked to anybody in the press since leaving . No, i have not. Youre the first one. On, off the record, anything is thats correct, yes. Which issy as people point fingers about leaks, i certainly welcome that investigation to stop those leaks, because they shouldnt be taking place. Anybody responsible for that is dead wrong. If you were still director of the cia, wt at night . Many things that used to keep me up at night. From the standpoint of what is it that we need to do to prevent proliferators from achieving their aims, from terrorist groups, cyber, but also russia, what they might be looking at in terms of their next area for exploitation. What they did across the board on elections. So one of the things that the Intelligence Community and Law Enforcement agencies have to do now is deal with simultaneous issues with great consequence to our national security. To watch the full interview, go to cbsnews. Com and click on face the nation. On tuesday, cbs news will bring you President Trumps first address to a joint session of congress. Live coverage begins at 9 00 p. M. Eastern time. Well be right back. The following ad for your viewing convenience. So i just switched to geico. What took you so long . I know, i saved a ton of money on car insurance. Thats what im talking about geico also gives you 24 7 access to licensed agents good game, you really crushed it. No son, geico crushed it. Makewith instant moisture utes from ky ultragel. Ohio Governor John Kasich was the last candidate to drop out of the republican primary. Governor kasich then refused to endorse or vote for donald trump. On friday, kasich met his former campaign rival in the oval office. The main topic was obamacare and the republican push to repeal and replace it. Sunday on face the nation, governor kasich spoke about his meeting with the president and the future of the Affordable Care act. Governor, you met with the president to talk about health care. Where do you think he is in his thinking about reforming the Affordable Care act . I kind of outlined for him the things that i thought would work. The Program Needs reformed. If you look over on the exchange sites, some of these companies are melting down and you dont want to have all the exchanges collapse. And you also dont want to be in a position of where you dont cover these 20 million you have to make sure that you have a system thats reformed,e. And is going to work, but were just not going to pull the rug out from under people. He listened intently to me. He got secretary price on the phone. We were there, the two of us. And heres what i think the problem is. The question is, are democrats going to work with republicans to fix this system . What im hearing is, no. You know, you republicans didnt work with us when we did obamacare, were not going to work with you. And its kind of like fifth grade stuff. Whats at risk is all these people who are now getting coverage and we dont want to see it denied to them. But democrats would say, they dont want to repeal it, they just what is your sense of that in terms of the president s thinking . Look, i cant read his mind, but i felt it was very positive. He responded very positively to a number of the ideas i had. And the fact of the matter is, you cant just repeal without repealing and replacing at the same time. It just becomes a political impossibility, and theres no reason to do it any other way than that. I wonder what you make of what former Speaker John Boehner said recently. But most of the Affordable Care act, the framework is going to stay there. I should. Call it repeal and replace, because thats not what is going to happen. Theyre basically going to fix the flaws and put a more conservative box around it. Do you agree with that characterization . I think hes pretty close to where if it gets done. I mean, theres going to be a problem in the house of getting anything out of there that still provides coverage to people. Thats why the republicans have to reach out to some of the democrats. Why is there a problem, explain that problem to me. I think there are some very conservative republicans in the house who say just get rid of the whole thing. Thats not acceptable when you have 20 Million People or 700,000 people in my state. Because where do the ill go, where do the drug addicted go . Look, i dont understand everything thats going on with these town halls. But what i think its having an impact from the stand point of hey, people are watching. I dont think that they might reform, but dont take everything away. John, let me tell you, the republicans can go and do what they want, and im going to talk to them. But at the end of the day, im going to stand up for the people that wouldnt have the coverage if they dont get this thing right. And i happen to believe that the best way to get this right over time is for actually both partying to work together. I know thats considered an impossibility now. But whats at stake is not some political thing. Whats at stake here are 20 million americans. Let me move on to the question of leaks in washington. You are no longer of washington, but you know how the place works. It leaks like a siv. Are we in a new age, or is this you lived in washington, you . Well, the leaks arent the same. But what washington doesnt look like to me when i was here is that if youre not in the same political party, we dont like you. And theres fighting inside the parties, but theres fighting between the parties. And when were divided and fighting all the time, nothing significant can get done. The partisanship is amazing, but theres one other thing, people are only consuming news that they happen to grow with. Whether its regular news or fake news. So we live in a silo. If im a liberal, i just consume liberal stuff, if im a conservative, i just consume conservative stuff. And im an expert, how dare you tell me how things work. The Intelligence Committee was called by the white house and said will you help us out with these stories about leaks. What do you think about that . I remember there were leaks when i was here, some of which came out o committees. I think that when people take an oath to be secret in the Intelligence Committee, which is the committee that doesnt get any publicity, but the committee at the root of the security of our country. When people leak there, they need to be held accountable. In terms of this investigation, there needs to be cooperation in the house and senate intelligence. They need to get to the bottom of this and they need to do it together, and i think thats the way we should proceed. But leaks are not acceptable. If they are looking into the administration, how can they also defend the administration . Do you see a conflict there . Well, look, im a republican, but i put my country before my party. My party is my vehicle, not my master. If you are the chairman of the Budget Committee or Intelligence Committee, it is your job to lead for the best of the country, not to think about what is my party going to say or what is the white house going to say. Come on, john, this is what is think its my party more than it is my country. You were a critic of the president. Youve now met with him. What gives you hope about the president . Well, i mean, he listened to me, and as i said, im on a plane, and hes the pilot. The fact, is i want the pilot to be successful. But you know what . Every once in a while, i was thinking about this last night, you need to yell into the cockpit. What i told the white house look, since i was a young man at the age of 30, i had fought at times with president reagan, president bush. When you do a great job, praise you. When you do something i dont agree with, and i feel compelled, im going to speak out. And when i said that in this meeting, there were a few more people in the oval office that said yeah, we noticed. But im not doing that to try to further anything other than if i dont agree with something, ive got to say it as long as im not being selfrighteous. What i worry about is being hoisted on my own petard. Check that out in google. Amen, governor. We all do. Governor kasich, thank you. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Make the most of a few minutes with instant moisture from ky ultragel. Living well come on up, grandpa dont let joint discomfort keep you down. Come play with us im coming. Upgrade to move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility, and flexibility. It also provides 20 better comfort than glucosamine chondroitin, all from one tiny mighty pill. Get in there with move free ultra, and enjoy living well. Living well 6yearold tommy morsy is following his passion for golf, Norah Odonnell caught up with him on the fairway. Reporter oh, my gosh. That is beautiful. Hes known in the golf world as the onearmed golfer. Get on the yard, get on the yard. Reporter with personality, and an envied swing. Read it for me. You should go straight. Reporter quick to dispense advice on the course, his celebrations reflect his pure love of the sport. I smoked that. Reporter you did smoke that. Holy cow. Reporter and theres certainly no lack of confidence. Nice shot, look at that. There are like 60yearolds who have been playing golf their whole life and not as good as you. How did you get so good in six years . I dont know. Reporter practice, practice, practice. He discovered his love of the game more than one time i sing hod with golf clubs. Why were you sleeping with a golf club . I love golf. Reporter have you ever had a golf lesson . No. The only swing advice that he was given was by gary player, and he had some very definitive advice. What did he tell you . Balance. Reporter tommy was born without his right arm. But many of the pros he emulates are righthanded. So he developed a righthanded swing using his left arm. When you were pregnant and you have your moment thinking about having your first child, did you think this is how your life would turn out . Well, i found out that he was going to be born with onerm so that w the least. But i think because joe and i decided that come hell or high water, this is our life. Were going to give this little guy everything he needs to succeed in this life and boy, you know, thats why i say i think he was truly born to play golf, to inspire the world. He is who he is. And he was perfectly made. Reporter often seem mingling with the pros at pga tour events, tommy is musing his celebrity to raise money for other families in need. How are you . Im ryan. Reporter his foundation, unlimited, which he started with the help of his parents, has donated over 375 sets of clubs to children and military families. They also talk with people about living with physical differences and standing u how do you help peopleli there kids golf organizations which has qualified for world championships, which is the highest honor, with a limb difference. Reporter are you trying to create a child golf prodigy . Were that will be successful in academics and be a positive part society. Its about him being happy and fulfilled, doing his part to contribute to society. Thats it. We dont focus on golf. He plays five sports a week, and its all about growing. Every sport we play, its all about learning. One handed onehanded catch the cbs overnight news will be right back. Son its been more daughter no, it hasnt. Mom hey, can you two keep it down . Son i want it. Its my turn. Daughter no it isnt. Mom please just keep it down. [tires screeching] mom i remember days when just driving down the street would give me anxiety. And now look at me. [restaurant sounds] man 1 dont get me wrong, i still dont love crowded places, but its good to get out again. Crashing]n 2 oises like that usd to make me hit the deck, but now i can keep going. Announcer transitioning from the military can be tough. We all have unique experiences, but many veterans are facing similar challenges. Life goes on, but some things are different now. Visit maketheconnection. Net to watch our stories and learn ways to create the story you want to live. No one can write it for you. Make sure its a good one. Make the connection. When a chefs restaurant in california burned to the ground, something priceless rose from the ashes. Steve hartman first met him years ago. Now theyve reconnected on the road. All gone. Reporter earlier this month, bruno serano walked into the nightmare that used to be his dream. This is whats left of the white house restaurant in anaheim, california. Theres a piece where my mom was on that. Reporter the picture of mom, pretty much everything he loved was in this restaurant. This is what it looked like before the electrical fire. During our first visit in 2010, that story was about this italian immigrant who catered to the rich and famous. Are we hungry . Reporter just so he could feed the down and out. Every day here at the local boys and girls club, some of the poorest children in anaheim had been eating from one of the most exclusive restaurants in anaheim. At the time, he was giving away more than he was selling and he was going broke. And you refinanced your home . Yes. Reporter how can you keep feeding these kids . I cannot stop. Reporter and that devotion is what made this so devastating. This fire will destroy everything i worked for 30 years. It was like we need to find a kitchen somewhere because we need to do the pasta for the children. Reporter unfortunately, that mission was clearly over. Or so he thought. Until he got home, turned on his computer and learned what happens sometimes when really bad things happen to really good people. He got thousands of messages online and hundreds more in person. All of them offers whatever i can do. Some kind of fundraiser. Reporter and with that, the man who started serving all those kids on his own was alone no more. We want to make sure that you rebuild that restaurant so you can continue to serve all these children. Reporter more than a dozen caterers and competitors offered bruno their kitchens for free. As a result, he didnt miss a single day feeding his favorite customers. People have also donated money to help rebuild the restaurant. Is everything good . Reporter do you think youll ever look back and say im actually glad that happened . I really think of that. You give love and you get 100 times back. I disagree, i get one million times back. Reporter thats a lot of karma. Steve hartman, on the road, in anaheim. Thats the overnight news for this monday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in n captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com President Trump gets set to face the nation. All eyes will be on the president s primetime speech to Congress Tuesday night. Will he give republicans marching orders on obamacare and taxes . Also tonight, a mardi gras horror. A suspected drunk driver plows into a parade crowd. A transergendth alete wins a state championship. But why was he forced to wrestle against girls . And on hollywoods big night, we remember bill paxton and his scene stealing performances in twist herb, apollo 13 and aliens. Game over, man. This is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news. Im elaine quijano. Winter break today with ics loo president s primetime address tuesday night for guidance on a host of key issues, including health care and taxes. During their break, many lawmakers heard an earful from angry voters at town hall meetings. Now theyre eager for answers and instructions from the president. Errol barnett has more from washington. Reporter what should the country expect from the president s speech tuesday . The unexpected, because President Trump and candidate trump took the regular structures of campaigning and the presidency and turned them into the trump show. Reporter face the nation host John Dickerson said the republicans want the president to issue detailed marching orders in his first primetime televised address to congress. What they need is the president to advocate a clear policy on the things he wants them to take on, whether its tax reform or Affordable Care replacement, to make a case and give them ammunition to sell that program to the public. Tom perez. Reporter democrats meanwhile are organizing their opposition. On the heels of selecting a National Committee chair this weekend, tom perez, who was president obamas labor secretary. A United Democratic party is not only our best home, it is Donald Trumps worst nightmare. Reporter while mr. Trump sent a sarcastic tweet congratulating mr. Perez yesterday, today he claimed the dnc vote was rigged. Also this weekend, the president announced on twitter he will not attend the White House Correspondents Association dinner in april. Trump was the punchline of mr. Obamas jokes at the dinner in 2011. No one is prouder to put this birth certificate issue to rest than the donald. Thats because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter, like did we fake the moon landing . Emerged this weekend among republicans over whether a special prosecutor should investigate russian interference in the u. S. Election. You cannot have somebody, a friend of mine, Jeff Sessions, who was on the campaign and an appointee. Youre going to need to use the special prosecutors statute and office to take not just to recuse. Reporter tonight the president and first lady will be hosting the governors ball here at the white house. They will be joined by Vice President pence and his wife, promoting a message of collective strength and shared values. Elaine . Errol barnett, thanks. Following a mardi gras horror this weekend, a suspected drunk driver has a sunday Evening Court appearance in new orleans. The 25yearold, who has no criminal record, is accused of plowing into a crowd at a parade during one of the busiest nights of mardi gras. Enjoying the sights and sounds of mardi gras saturday night, when 25yearold Neilson Rizzuto rammed his chevy pickup truck into a crowd on carrollton avenue. This is a breaking situation right now. Reporter rizzuto hit two cars according to police, then spun out of control into a group of people. A Police Officer and a 3yearold are among the injured. It all ended when he allegedly slammed his truck into this city dump truck, which happened to be parked in the area for parade cleanup. New Orleans Police believe it prevented more people from being ijured. Theres a gentleman right here being taken away. Reporter Police Arrested rizzuto at the scene on suspicion of drunk driving and hit and run. This man says he saw the crash. People said it looked like he got frustrated and aggravated and he tried to swerve around people and lost control. Reporter a firefighter told cbs news the suspect was in a fetal position behind the wheel of his truck when he was pulled out of the vehicle. 21 people were rushed by ambulance to seven area hospitals. None of the injuries are said to be life threatening. City officials had a largescale security plan in place this year, with High Definition cameras and these barriers, meant to stop potential terrorists from plowing into a crowd on bourbon street. Trucks have been used as weapons in terror attacks in france and germany. It gives proof to the point we were making that these are vulnerabilities we have. In this instance, we had barricades reporter our cbs affiliate here in new orleans is reporting that the suspect was at a parade last night with friends and was on his way home when the crash happened. Elaine, we have just confirmed from new Orleans Police that the suspects blood alcohol level was 0. 232, that is nearly three times above the legal limit here in louisiana. David begnaud, thanks. A man accused of shooting and killing a man and injuring two othens bar is due in court monday. There are cao lls fo be investigated as a hate crime. Paula reed has the latest. He did not deserve a death like this. Reporter just days after her husband was killed in a possible hate crime, the widow said she feared living in the u. S. As an immigrant. I was always concerned, are we doing the right thing of staying in the United States of america . Reporter an indian born engineer was shot and killed at a kansas bar wednesday night. 51yearold adam puritan allegedly opened fire after witnesses say he shouted get out of my country. Police say hours later at a different bar in missouri, he told a bartender he had just killed two middle eastern man. Across india, on the streets of central deli people lashed out at how they are perceived in the United States. They are feeling we are taking their jobs and nothing else. Reporter go fund me sites for all three victims families have raised more than 1 million combined, with thousands of donations pouring in from every state in the u. S. And dozens of other countries. Federal and state authorities are investigating this as a possible hate crime. This is among the first high profile incidents like this under the new attorney general Jeff Sessions and he will be under enormous pressure to bring federal hate crime charges in this case. Paula, thank you. Police in philadelphia are trying to track down whoever vandalized a Jewish Cemetery. Dozens of headstones were knocked over. Last week, a Jewish Cemetery in missouri was vandalized. Vice president mike pence helped with the cleanup. Muslim groups also pitched in. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Along with hollywood stars, politics are taking center stage tonight at the oscars. One nominated director is boycotting the ceremony over the president s proposed travel ban. Heres jonathan vigliotti. Reporter this iranian film director of the salesman tells the story of a couple whose new home in tehran is haunted by the previous tenant. Its nominated tonight for best Foreign Language film. But the director wont be on the red carpet, instead boycotting the ceremony in reaction to Donald Trumps travel ban. Iran is one of seven muslim majority countries on the list. Should he win, the award will be accepted on his behalf by two prominent iranian americans. Of london siddeeq khan hosted a free screening of the film tonight. A syrian cinematographer will also be a noshow tonight. The film, which profiles the civilian team of First Responders behind Iconic Images of rescues like these, was nominated for best documentary pshort. He was granted permission by the u. S. To attend the awards, but according to a statement, his passport was revoked by the syrian government. The films director and other crew members are expected to attend. Syrian president Bashar Al Assad has accused the White Helmets for being an affront for al qaeda and of faking footage of the aftermath of air strikes. Charges the group themselves deny. Elaine . Jonathan vigliotti, thanks. Out the oscars tonight. Shes nominated for best lead actress for her portrayal of Jacqueline Kennedy in jackie. She says her pregnancy will prevent her from attending. Shes in her third trimester. As hollywood celebrates, it is also pausing to remember bill paxton. His family says he died of complications from surgery. Bill paxton was 61. Mireya villarreal looks back at some of his most memorable performances. Another cow. Actually, i think that was the same one. Reporter at the top of bill paxtons list of block buster credits is storm chaser bill hardy in the 1996 hit twister. Its not going to drop anywhere near us. Reporter his subtle charm shined in titanic and he guided rose back into the abyss. Are you ready to go back to titanic . Reporter he also played an astronaut in apollo 13. Down the middle length wise. Reporter his laugh was up mistakable as chet in the classic weird science. You know what time it is . Umm, 2 00 . Time to pay the fiddler. Reporter the 61yearold actor grew up in texas and got his start in hollywood by working in the Art Department for blist movies. Paxton starred in more than 50 feature films. Thats great. Around features and always liked the craft and the quality that goes into feature filmmaking. Reporter paxton leaves behind a wife and two children. His family released a statement saying, in part, bills passion for the arts was felt by all who knew him and his warmth and Tireless Energy were undeniable. In his 40year career, he mastered the small screen, nominated for three Golden Globes in big love. Please welcome bill paxton. Reporter more recently, he cbs training day. Bad cop, young cop, old [ bleep ], young buck. Reporter his versatility on screen was matched by his genuine goodguy persona off screen. Terminator costar Arnold Schwarzenegger posted, bill paxton could play any role. But he was a great human being with a huge heart. And Justin Cornwell said, we were just two guys on top of the world. Rest easy, my friend. Mireya villarreal, cbs news, los angeles. We also want to note the passing of one of americas Favorite Television judges. Judge Joseph Wapner presided over the Peoples Court for 12 years from 1981 to 1993. Hes one of only two judges, along with judge judy, to receive a star on the hollywood walk of fame. Judge wapner was 97 years old. Transgender boy, a High School Wrestler forced to compete against girls. gasp just head shoulders . I thought it was just for, like, dandruff new head shoulders. Cleans, protects and moisturizes to. Get up to 100 flakefree and unbelievably beautiful hair its not head shoulders, its the new head shoulders [joy bauer] two thirds of americans have digestive issues. Im joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. But many probiotics do not survive rsh environment. Digestive advantage is different. Its natural protein shell is tougher than your stomachs harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic, to get where you need it most. Get the digestive advantage, and enjoy living well. Makewith instant moisture utes from ky ultragel. Hey, searching for a great used yeah you got it. Just say show me millions of used cars for sale at the all new carfax. Com. I dont want one thats had a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported pretty cool i like it thats the power of carfax® find the cars you want, avoid the ones you dont plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing start your used car search at carfax. Com a Transgender High School athlete won a state championship this weekend, but he would have preferred wrestling against boys, not girls. Tony dokoupil has the story. Reporter mack beggs fought his way to a girls cham son identifies as a boy, he was pulled unwilling into a new fight. This one about the rights of transgender americans. I wouldnt be here today if it werent for my teammates. Thats honestly what the spotlight should be on, my teammates. Reporter the 17yearold High School Junior is among an estimated 1. 4 Million People in this country who identify as transgender. In beggs case, his birth certificate says hes a girl but identifies as a boy and is taking testosterone for the permission. Some girls have forfeited rather than face him. He says he would rather wrestle against boys. But under a code enacted by the state, all athletes must compete according to the gender on their birth certificate. Lisa latham, whose daughter has wres ltled beggs for years, says nobody wins. Its no matter because shes not getting a true wrestle on their level. They are at a complete disadvantage. Reporter 33 states allow High School Athletes to compete on their gender identity. Ten states have no pollty, and texas is one of seven states that restrict transgender athletes. We train hard every single day. Every single day. Reporter after his victory, beggs did his best to dismiss the controversy, but its likely to continue in the next wrestling season. Tony dokoupil, cbs news, new york. Well be right back. Makewith instant moisture utes from ky ultragel. Living well come on up, grandpa dont let joint discomfort keep you down. Come play with us im coming. Upgrade to move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility, and flexibility. It also provides 20 better comfort than glucosamine chondroitin, all from one tiny mighty pill. Get in there with move free ultra, and enjoy living well. Philadelphia is seeing a disturbing increase in homicides and gun violence this year. Michelle miller tells us about a program that gives shooting victims a fighting chance. Reporter at this north philadelphia church, this isnt just role play. Its not tight. Reporter 60yearold Veronica Daniel and the rest of the residents are learning to the goal, to prevent a gunshot victim from bleeding to death before the help arrives. So you become the First Responder . I dont know. I hope so. I hope im brave enough to do that. Reporter in philadelphia, it takes an ambulance 6 1 2 minutes to arrive at a crime scene. Every second a victim lays unattended could be a death sentence. Daniel learned the importance of survival when her brother was shot 30 years ago. In my brothers instance, the gunshot wound brought him home, so we were able to talk to him. Reporter the workshop is called fighting chance. It was started by Temple University hospital. Just real quick triage. Absolutely. Reporter Scott Charles is the hospitals trauma outreach coordinator. Unfortunately, gun homicide is the leading cause of death for young black men between the ages of 15 and 24. And we owe it to them to give them a fighting chance. If we only save two or three, its worth it to us. Reporter the sessions are taught by hospital trauma nurses and e. R. Doctors. Participants learn to stop blow flow at artery pressure points and how to move the wounded out of harms way. But Scott Charles says the larger point to all of this is to prevent more gun violence in the first place. If they died, the assumption is among their friends, they have to avenge this shooting. So if we can save more lives directly, theres going to be a downstream effect, i fully believe that. Reporter because success here is measured not in mastering the skills, but having to never use them. Michelle miller, cbs news, philadelphia. The cbs overnight news will be right back. crows crowing youd do anything to take care of that spot on your lawn. So why not take care of that spot on your skin . If youre a man over 50 youre in the group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma, the cancer that kills 1 person every hour. Check your skin for suspicious or changing spots and ask someone you trust to check areas you cant see. Early detection can put you in a better spot. Go to spotskincancer. Org to find out what to look for. A message from the American Academy of dermatology when a chefs restaurant in california burned to the ground, something priceless rose from the ashes. Steve hartman first met him years ago. Now theyve reconnected on the road. All gone. Reporter earlier this month, bruno serato walked into the nightmare that used to be his dream. This is whats left of the white house restaurant in anaheim, california. Thats a piece where my mom was on it. Reporter the picture of mom, pretty much everything he loved was in this restaurant. This is what it looked like before the electrical fire. During our first visit in 2010, that story was about this italian immigrant who catered to the rich and famous. Just so he could feed the down and out. Every day, here at the local boys and girls club, some of the poorest children in anaheim had been eating most exclusive restaurants in town. At the time, bruno was giving away more meals than he was selling, and he was going broke. And you refinanced your home . I refinanced my house, yes. Reporter how can you keep feeding these kids . I think thats tough. Reporter and that devotion is what made this so devastating. This fire will destroy everything i worked for, for 30 years. It was like we need to find a kitchen somewhere, because we need to do the pasta for the children. Reporter unfortunately, that mission was clearly over. Or so he thought. Until he got home, turned on his computer and learned what happens sometimes when really bad things happen to really good people. He got thousands of messages online and hundreds more in person. All of them offers to pitch in. Wha of fundraisers. Any way we can help. Nd wh th man who started serving all those kids on his own was alone no more. We want to make sure you rebuild that restaurant so you can continue to serve all these children. Reporter more than a dozen caterers and competitors offered their kitchens for free. And as a result he didnt miss a single day feeding his favorite customers. People have also donated money to rebuild the restaurant. Do you think youll ever look back on this and say, im actually glad that happened . I really think of that. You know when you say you give love and you get 100 times back . I disagree. I get one million times back. Reporter now, thats a lot of karma. Steve hartman, on the road, in anaheim. Thats the overnight news for this monday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im elaine quijano. This is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news. Im elaine quijano. President trump will address congress for the first time tomorrow in a primetime speech. After just over a month in office, the president is expected to lay out the details of his agenda, including immigration, taxes, and the fight over obamacare. Sunday on face the nation, former cia director john brennan weighed in on the Trump Presidency in his first interview since leaving the agency. He discussed the impact of President Trumps travel ban and the investigation into russias role in the election. Here is part of his conversation with John Dickerson. Lets start with reports that the white house asked the chairman of the two Intelligence Committees to knock back reports about an investigation into russian efforts to collude with the Trump Campaign in the election. How does that strike you . I certainly dont know the content of the conversations they had with the media. I have tremendous respect for senator burr, the chairman of the committee undertake thing investigation. I do think its important that investigation be done in a bipartisan fashion. If its only one party leading this, its not going to deliver the results the American People need and deserve. So i hope theyre conscious of the fact that not just the concern about the content of the discussion that they might have had with the media, but also the appearance of any impropriety. But i think the chairman recognizes his responsibilities, along with vice chairman warner and i hope they pursue this investigation with vigor and the appropriate amount of bipartisan support it needs. The white house also said they talked to fbi director comey about the investigation goinon them or that the fbi told the white house there was nothing to these stories about russians contacting the Trump Administration officials. Do you think you know james comey, director of the fbi, do you think he would have weighed in on what was happening with that Ongoing Investigation . I have tremendous respect for jim comey, his competence and integrity. Its been my experience that he wouldnt do anything that was going to in any way compromise the integrity of an Ongoing Investigation. Thats why anybody who claims the facts are already known in terms of what did or didnt happen between russian officials and u. S. Persons during the election is speaking prematurely. But the white house needs to understand that the interaction with the fbi on criminal investigations is something that really they need to steer clear of. Certainly when i was in the white house for four years and at the cia, any type of engagement between the white house and the fbi about an ongoing criminal investigation was forbidden. Not just because of the impropriety of doing it, but the appearance it would provide to folks on the outside that there might be some so this is not regular business. When you were serving in the white house, no one ever called you and said, would you help us out here, we have a story, could you talk to some reporters . No, i never did that on behalf of the white house request and the white house never made a request of me in that regard, particularly if its an investigation that by implication that deals with members who might have been associated with the individuals that currently reside in the white house. There is a report that the department of Homeland Security, that intelligence from the Department Says that the travel ban really wont solve the big problem, that these seven countries arent responsible for it. Its not the full report, but give me your sense of how an Administration Assesses this kind of information as it comes in. Is it the president takes it in and he does what he wants . Does he have tli how should people think about this in this report . Well, the department of Homeland Security has the responsibility for providing the assessments and insights into how best to protect this country from individuals from maybe coming from overseas in concert with the cia and fbi and other elements of the Intelligence Community. I do think that report puts its finger on it that says citizenship is not the indicator of potential terrorist activity. Individuals might have associated with certain elements that lent themselves then to a terrorist activity. So the vetting process that needs to go on has to take into account multiple factors, not just countries of origin. Or where they might be departing from. The Trump Administration would say these countries were targeted by the Obama Administration in terms of their being the birthplace of terrorism and some of them on the terror watch list. And we need to be vigilant about them. But that doesnt mean there needs to be this temporary ban. During the Obama Administration, we looked very carefully at what was happening in those countries and how we could ensure to take the steps to protect this country from having individuals arrive here on our shores that might have nefarious purposes. If you were advising the president about the threats to the homeland, where would you put the travel ban in the rank order . And if its not number one, what would you put ahead of it . I dont think the travel ban is going to help in any significant way. What they need to do is take into account all the means terrorist groups use to carry out attacks in the homeland. And the cyber domain is where most of the terrorists are operating in a very free wheeling fashion. So the efforts to encourage and to recruit via that cyber domain is something that the fbi and the intelligence agencies are very, very vigilant about. So its it may sound good to have a ban against individuals coming to certain countries. But you need to take a look at what is going to mitigate the nature and scope of the terrorist threat we face. Is there a downside to the ban . Yes. First of all, it sends a very bad message to individuals that are being singled out because of their nationality. It gives a clear impression that there is an effort on the part of this administration to focus on muslims themselves. So i think its subject to various interpretations that do not help our national security. You know, youre here speaking to us on the record. But i should ask you, have you talked to anybody in the press since leaving . No, i have not. Youre the first one. On, off the record, anything thats correct, yes. Which is why people point fingers about leaks, i certainly welcome that investigation to stop those leaks, because they shouldnt be taking place. Anybody responsible for that is dead wrong. If you were still director of the cia, what would keep you up many things that used to keep me up at night. From the standpoint of what is it that we need to do to prevent proliferators from achieving their aims, from terrorist groups, cyber, but also russia, what they might be looking at in terms of their next area for exploitation. What they did across the board on elections. So one of the things that the Intelligence Community and Law Enforcement agencies have to do now is deal with simultaneous issues with great consequence to our national security. To watch the full interview, go to cbsnews. Com and click on face the nation. On tuesday, cbs news will bring you President Trumps first address to a joint session of congress. Live coverage begins at 9 00 p. M. Eastern time. Well be right back. Makewith instant moisture utes from ky ultragel. Ohio Governor John Kasich was the last candidate to drop out of the republican primary. Governor kasich then refused to endorse or vote for donald trump. On friday, kasich met his former campaign rival in the oval office. The main topic was obamacare and the republican push to repeal and replace it. Sunday on face the nation, governor kasich spoke about his meeting with the president and the future of the Affordable Care act. Governor, you met with the president to talk about health care. Where do you think he is in his thinking about reforming the Affordable Care act . I kind of outlined for him the things that i thought would work. The Program Needs reformed. If you look over on the exchange sites, some of these companies are melting down and you dont want to have all the exchanges collapse. And you also dont want to be in a position of where you dont cover these 20 million americans. Have a system thats reformed, thats more afab and is going to work, but were just not going to pull the rug out from under people. He listened intently to me. He got secretary price on the phone. We were there, the two of us. And heres what i think the problem is. The question is, are democrats going to work with republicans to fix this system . What im hearing is, no. You know, you republicans didnt work with us when we did obamacare, were not going to work with you. And its kind of like fifth grade stuff. Whats at risk is all these people who are now getting coverage and we dont want to see it denied to them. But democrats would say, they dont want to repeal it, they just what is your sense of that in terms of the president s thinking . Look, i cant read his mind, but i felt it was very positive. He responded very positively to a number of the ideas i had. And the fact of the matter is, you cant just repeal without repealing and replacing at the saim it just becomes a political impossibility, and theres no reason to do it any other way than that. I wonder what you make of what former Speaker John Boehner said recently. But most of the Affordable Care act, the framework is going to stay there. I shouldnt call it repeal and replace, because thats not what is going to happen. Theyre basically going to fix the flaws and put a more conservative box around it. Do you agree with that characterization . I think hes pretty close to where if it gets done. I mean, theres going to be a problem in the house of getting anything out of there that still provides coverage to people. Thats why the republicans have to reach out to some of the democrats. Why is there a problem, explain that problem to me. I think there are some very conservative republicans in the house who say just get rid of the whole thing. Thats not acceptable when you have 20 Million People or 700,000 people in my state. Because where do the mentally addicted go . Look, i dont understand everything thats going on with these town halls. But what i think its having an impact from the standpoint of hey, people are watching. I dont think that they might reform, but dont take everything away. John, let me tell you, the rpublicans can go and do what they want, and im going to talk to them. But at the end of the day, im going to stand up for the people that wouldnt have the coverage if they dont get this thing right. And i happen to believe that the best way to get this right over time is for actually both partying to work together. I know thats considered an impossibility now. But whats at stake is not some political thing. Whats at stake here are 20 million americans. Let me move on to the question of leaks in washington. You are no longer of washington, but you know how the place works. It leaks like a siv. Are we in a new age, or is this you lived in washington, it looks like it always has to you . Well, the leaks arent the same. But what washington doesnt look like to me when i was here is that if youre not in the same political party, we dont like you. And theres fighting inside the parties, but theres fighting between the parties. And when were divided and fighting all the time, nothing significant can get done. The partisanship is amazing, but theres one other thing, people are only consuming news that they happen to agree with. Whether its regular news or fake news. So we live in a silo. If im a liberal, i just consume liberal stuff, if im a conservative, i just consume conservative stuff. And by the way, im an expert, and how dare you try to tell me how things out to work. Let me ask you a specific question about something thats been in the paper. The Intelligence Committee was called by the white house and said will you help us out with these stories about leaks. What do you think about that . I remember there were leaks when i was here, some of which came out of the Intelligence Committees. I think that when people take an oath to be secret in the Intelligence Committee, which is the committee that doesnt get any publicity, but the committee at the root of the security of our country. When people leak there, they need to be held accountable. In terms of this investigation, there needs to be cooperation in the house and senate intelligence. They need to get to the bottom of this and they need to do it together, and i think thats the way we should proceed. But leaks are not acceptable. If they are looking into the administration, how can they also defend the administration . Do you see a conflict there . Well, look, im a republican, but i put my country before my party. My party is my vehicle, not my master. If you are the chairman of the Budget Committee or Intelligence Committee, it is your job to lead for the best of the country, not to think about what is my party going to say or what is the white house going to say. Come on, john, this is what is at the root wrong when people think its my party more than it is my country. You were a critic of the president. Youve now met with him. What gives you hope about the president . Well, i mean, he listened to me, and as i said, im on a plane, and hes the pilot. The fact is, i want the pilot to be successful. But you know what . Every once in a while, i was thinking about this last night, you need to yell into the cockpit. What i told the white house look, since i was a young man at the age of 30, i had fought at times with president reagan, president bush. When you do a great job, praise you. When you do something i dont agree with, and i feel compelled, im going to speak out. And when i said that in this meeting, there were a few more people in the oval office that said yeah, we noticed. But im not doing that to try to further anything other than if i dont agree with something, ive got to say it as long as im not being selfrighteous. What i worry about is being hoisted on my own selfrighteous petard. I have to be careful of that. Check that out in google. Amen, governor. We all do. Governor kasich, thank you. Thank you, john, very much. 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Hs drive is inspiring many others from kids to professional golf stars. Him on the fairway. Reporter oh, my gosh. That is beautiful. Hes known in the golf world as the onearmed golfer. Get on the yard, get on the yard. Reporter with personality, and an envied swing. Read it for me. You should go straight. Reporter quick to dispense advice on the course, his celebrations reflect his pure love of the sport. I smoked that. Reporter you did smoke that. Holy cow. Reporter and theres certainly no lack of confidence. Nice shot, look at that. There are like 60yearolds who have been playing golf their whole life and not as good as you. How did you get so good in six years . I dont know. Reporter practice, practice, practice. Right . He discovered his love of the game as a toddler. Dragging his fathers clubs into his crib, and mimicking the up at the golf course missing a club or two. Reporter do you remember that, tommy, you were sleeping with golf clubs . Why were you sleeping with a golf club . I love golf. Reporter have you ever had a golf lesson . No. Hes never had a lesson. The only swing advice that he was given was by gary player, and mr. Player had some very definitive advice, didnt he, buddy . What did he tell you . Balance. Balance. Reporter tommy was born without his right arm. But many of the pros he emulates are righthanded. So he developed a righthanded swing using his left arm. When you were pregnant and you have your moment thinking about having your first child, did you think this is how your life would turn out . Well, i found out that he was going to be born with one arm when i was 14 weekpr so that was terrifying to say the least. But i think because joe and i decided that come hell or high water, this is our life. Were going to give this little guy everything he needs to succeed in this life and boy, you know, thats why i say i think he was truly born to play golf, to inspire the world and he was perfectly made. Reporter often seen mingling with the pros at pga tour events, tommy is using his celebrity to raise money for other families in need. How are you . Im ryan. Reporter his foundation, unlimited, which he started with the help of his parents, has donated over 375 sets of clubs to children and military families. The morrisseys also talk with people about living with physical differences and standing up to bullies. That they can do things that perhaps they didnt think they could do . Because they watched me. Reporter thats got to be i know youre proud of your son for his own great abilities, but its got to be something to watch him inspire other people. Its very cool. Whenever he goes to a golf tournament, you can see the people looking at him saying how is he going to swing with one arm . Then they see him come out and hit the ball and go, oh, wow. And then they see him at the winners table getting the blue ribbon and they go okay, this changes everything. Oh, good one. Theres no child in the u. S. Kids golf organizations which has qualified for world championships, which is the highest honor for junior golf with a limb difference. Reporter are you trying to create a child golf prodigy . Were trying to create a child tt academics and be a positive part of society. Its about him being happy and fulfilled, doing his part to contribute to society. Thats it. We dont focus on golf. He plays five sports a week, and its all about growing. Every sport we play, its all about learning. One handed onehanded catch the cbs overnight news will be right back. Hailey is one of 7 million children with asthma whose parents have to worry about when the next attack will strike. Today more kids suffer from asthma than from any other chronic disease. In emergency rooms, one fourth of all visits are due to asthma attacks. Most asthma attacks are caused by allergic reactions to allergens. Things like pollen, dust and even household pests can trigger asthma. 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Captioning funded by cbs its monday, february 27th, 2017. This is cbs morning news. Theres a mistake. Moonlight, you guys won best picture. This is not a joke. Moonlight gets a surprise win after an oscar envelopes mixup. And President Trump hosts a soiree at the white house. I have to say after four weeks, its been a lot of fun. Mr. Trump touts his

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