. Living well . Rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Music and celebration prohibited during the mourning for fidel castro. In contrast to Little Havana. David begnaud is there. Reporter charlie, when news first broke that castro died. It turned into something of a street party. Right here in front of cafe wellknown Gathering Place for cuban americans. This weekend, more than 3,000 people celebrated peacefully. This is it. The icon is gone. And hopefully everything is going to change. Fernando hernandez one of 14,000 children who came to the u. S. Between 1960 and 1962. During operation. Fearing castro their parents sent them here hoping life would be better. Parents for putting me on that plane to come here. I am very happy about that. Reporter for some cuban americans, castros death is bittersweet. Her exiled mother didnt live to see the day. I am happy that i came to share this moment with my mom. Reporter it is so personal for these people we have spoken to in that it is bringing up these old painful memories. The crowds that we saw over the weekend are gone. The roads are open again. But cuban exiles are planning whats being called a massive prodemocracy rally for this wednesday in miami. Thank you, david. Today the white house said, neither president obama nor Vice President biden will attend castros funeral. I will be back later with closing thoughts from havana. Now back to Norah Odonnell with the rest of the days news. Charlie, thank you. Will terminate president obamas deal with cuba to normalize relations if cuba doesnt make a better deal with its own people. Mr. Trump spent the day weighing his choices for secretary of state. Here is major garrett. Vice president elect mike pences promise went unfulfilled as president elect donald trump continued to ponder his choice for secretary of state. Retired general and former cia director, David Petraeus met with mr. Trump for an hour. He basically walked us around the world. Showed a great grasp of the variety of challenges out there and some of the opportunities as well. So, very good conversation. And well see where it goes from here. Reporter petraeuss stock is rising. After the meeting the president elect tweeted. Very impressed. But Rudy Giuliani remains a contender and mitt romney a strident, never trump voice tomorrow. Romneys viability confounds top trump advisers. Chiefly Campaign Manager kellyanne conway. We dont know if he voted for donald trump. He and his consultants were nothing but awful to donald trump for a year. The consensus among transition insiders is that conway is channelling the president elect, not crossing him. Adding to the intrigue, norah, Senate Foreign relations, bob corker, will meet with mr. Trump to discuss secretary of the plot thickens. Major, thank you. Today mr. Trump was certified as the winner in michigan. Thats one of three states where aed their Party Candidate is seeking a recount. But will this make any difference . Nancy cordes takes a look. We are going to look back when this recount is completed and fine that the system worked well. Reporter the Wisconsin Elections Commission Set a time line today to reexamine every ballot and test all of the stein raised nearly 7 million. To pay for a recount there, in michigan, and in pennsylvania. Hacking is by nature not obvious. So the only way you can tell is by counting the votes. Hillary clintons team says it has found no evidence of manipulation of results. But, will participate in the recount any way, out of on li gigs to the more than 64 million americans who cast ballots for clinton. Mr. Trumps incoming chees of i think the American People know this is a waste of everyones time and money and is only for, to divide this country. Reporter but mr. Trump stepped on that message sunday when he suggested there actually was massive vote tampering. He said he only lost the popular vote because of millions of people who voted illegally due to serious voter fraud in virginia, new hampshire, and california. A false charge he appeared to pick up from a conspiracy reporter alex padilla is californias secretary of state. To simply allege millions of illegal votes throughout the country or particular list of states including california i think is wrong. And we have to call him on it. Reporter wisconsins recount will take about two weeks. The bar for stein to secure recounts in michigan and pennsylvania, is higher, shell ned to show for example, norah, some evidence that hacking took place. So far, there isnt nancy cordes, thank you. Delta air lines today banned for life a disruptive passenger who shouted his support for president elect trump and insulted those who didnt. You cant hear hear me donald trump, baby thats right, this man knows whats up. Well another passenger on the flight from atlanta to allentown, pennsylvania posted the video. No one on the flight crew intervened. Passengers. In syria, thousands fled aleppo after Government Forces recaptured large portions of the city from rebel fighters. Elizabeth palmer reports, this could be a turning point in syrias 5 1 2yearold civil war. Three months of nonstop, shelling and bombing, finally paid off in syrias army, its allies, and its russian backers. Troops punched into rebel controlled eastern aleppo on the weekend, and the territory held bite opposition since 2012. Recall day civilians have been streaming out of the battle zone. Today, regime and russian soldiers who for weeks have been attacking their homes, instead offer the refugees Bus Transport away from danger. And, desperately needed food. This woman hasnt eaten for three days. Mother in a wheelchair. My mother died of hunger she says. We have had very little to eat or drink for five months. As the syrian army and its allies continue to press forward, hoping to bring the whole of aleppo under the control of assad, there is no solid information on how many people have escaped into government territory. But it is a fraction of eastern aleppos roughly 200,000 tonight that many of them are actually fleeing the syrian armys offensive and heading deeper into rebel territory which means, norah there is more fighting and bloodshed eaahd. Elizabeth palmer, thank you sorry much. Coming up next fake apps take the joy out of holiday shopping. Later the baby who amazingly survived a terrifying crash. An expensive septic disaster. But for only 7 a month, ridx helps break down waste. Avoid a septic disaster with ridx. . Living well . For improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. Look at this. A Silicon Valley server farm. The vault to mans greatest wonders. Selfies, cat videos and winking emojis. Speaking of tech wonders, with the geico app you can get roadside assistance, digital id cards. Or even file a claim. Do that. Uh, i think i found your problem. Thanks. Hmm. The awardwinning geico app. Download it today. coughs cough doesnt sound so good. Take mucinex dm. Ill text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. One pill lasts 12 hours, so. Looks like im good all night some cough medicines only last 4 hours. But just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. Lets end this. Cold flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours . Its like having a sick Family Member that you didnt even know was there. And we all know what happens when one Family Member gets sick. But lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99. 9 of germs including 8 common cold flu viruses to help protect your home. This cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. Cyber monday kept its crown as busiest Online Shopping day of the year. Sales are expected to top 3 billion and that is up 9 from last year. But, buyer beware. One in four shoppers claims to have been hacked in the last 12 months. Reporter dan barker and his wife use mobile phone apps to make their shopping quick and easy. Busy job. Busy with our kids a lot. I use amazon prime a lot. I use other web sites to do a lot of my shopping. One out of three major retailers now has their own app. But it turns out criminals are creating them too. Fake apps in the names of real companies. Dillards, payless and christian dior. No reviews. A reporter the problem discovered by a company that creates legitimate apps, chris mason. For every single retail brand you can imagine you would see their name on the map of the mall there is a fake app for the company. In fact there could be dozens. The gel for the crooks, to get your personal data. Gary malevski of snoopwall. When they type in their user name, their password. Putten all their credit card information. From you. Reporter wouldnt i notice if i was using that app hey it didnt work . Some of the counterfeit apps are so good they give you a complete shopping cart experience. Everything through the congratulations here is your order number. It is on its way. You never get the goods. Reporter theyre not the only risk. He also warns against popular Emoji Keyboard which add hundreds of the cute faces. Many he says, can also get access to your personal information on some phones, well the best way to avoid being tricked by a fake app, experts say, norah is to go to the retailers own website. And click on the link to the app store from there. Important information. Anna, thank you. Coming up. A baby survived a terrible many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. And even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, veryday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. Whenever you come to havana, a city of music. People in the streets. Theyre dancing. Almost a festival this time it was different. People are in the streets. Subdued. Talking to each other quietly. Couple reasons for that i think because fidel castro has been part of their life for a long time. Nearly 50 years in power. Secondly those who want to oppose him and feel strongly against him are reticent to be speaking out at this time. You got to remember, that for many, he is the only leader that they have known. And so, there is a sense of quiet respect. For that. Ah david, please, listen. Still not coughing. Not fair you guys waffles are my favorite ah some cough medicines only last 4 hours. But just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. Start the relief. Tonight a survival story for you that seems to defy logic. Jericka duncan reports an 8monthold infant was thrown from a car after a terrible crash. Baby bryce hale of hope, arkansas looked to the sky almost as if she knew who to thank for saving her life. Captainrl fighter josh moore found her in a storm drain friday night. She more or less had her hand up, ready for somebody to pick her up. Reporter a tractortrailer collided with the car carrying baby bryce and their family. Their vehicle went spinning out of control and into a guardrail. Throwing the baby 35 feet away from the car. Jakesia colson spent 30 minutes searching for her only child. Injuries. So many times we go out and, things arent okay. And just, during the holidays here to have a positive, just feels good. Reporter especially good to a mother who can kiss her baby again. I feel like god, took her out of the car and place herd there. She is still alive. She is my miracle baby. Reporter the baby was in a car seat, but police tell us she was not strapped in properly. Norah, baby bryce will be weeks. Yeah, very thankful thanksgiving week for them. Thank you, jericka. Thats the overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you into the news continues. For others check back lit us later for the morning news. And join, charlie, gale and me for cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new welcome to the overnight news. Im don dahler. World leaders headed to havana for the Memorial Service for fidel castro. The revolutionary leader and communist dictator died friday as thousand began lining up before dawn to pay their respects. The white house announced that president obama will not be attending the memorial, nor sundays state funeral. Neither will russian president vladamir putin. Castro was cremated saturday. Remains are inside the jose marte memorial in revolutionary square. Then driven 750 to santiago de cuba. Revolution. Charlie rose has more on the death of a dictator. Reporter Fidel Castros death marks the end of an era whether the start of a new one for cuba remains to be seen. Illness forced castro to transfer his powers to his brother raul in 2006, and to hand over the presidency in 2008. Though his iron fist no longer ruled cuba, the 90yearold was a potent symbol of the revolution. What was the best thing he did . For the cuban people . Free for the people. Reporter health and education . Of course. Reporter will it change without fidel . I dont really worry about it. I dont. Reporter after his 1959 overthrow of the cuban dictator. Fidel castro, face the nation. Castro appeared on face the nation. What we want now is peace. Here. Reporter some cubans wonder if raul castro will pursue modified capitalism and democratic reforms. These women are wives and mothers of jailed dissidents. We are going to continue with raul castro who will do the same thing fidel did, she said, those two did the same things together. President barack obama reestablish with havana and loosened the travel ban in 2009. President elect donald trump called fidel a brutal dictator and may roll back some of president obamas policies. Youngeran cubs saw a taste of american style freedom. Last time tie was here, diplo stood on the stage in an electronic dance music concert, watched by 400,000 people. Tonight a city in mourning, there is less partying and more who founded the revolution. Translator there could be change, this man said, or maybe things will remain the same. But many believe Fidel Castros death is a time for mourning and a consideration of cubas future. The government has not released many details about castros death, be still do not know the cause of his death for example. For his part, raul castro says he intends to step down in 2018. Here is what is interesting here. Whether you because of what he did in education and health care, or hate him because of civil rights and human rights, there is no doubt that he is kconsidered a revolutionary hero not only in cuba but in many places around the world and also for his defiance of the United States. One place where fidel castro is not considered a hero is miamis Little Havana neighborhood. David begnaud has that side of the story. Conversation at cafe versailles. For thousand who celebrated this weekend. It was celebration. News of his death is the best news off the island. The front cover of the miami herald has become something of a collectors item. This is it. The icon is gone. Reporter dolce abrerro, one of thousands who gathered in Little Havana. Some look her left cuba for the u. S. When they were placed flowers at the graves of their parents. I am here for their voice today. Thats what i am here for. Their voices cant be heard. I am here saying many cuban americans here in south florida are questioning whats next. I think that the death of a tyrannical leader, fidel castro would have had more Significant Impact had he been in power. This florida congresswoman and her family fled to the u. S. Is a change in cuba. Castros leaving this earth will not bring this about. Are you encouraged by the death . Not going to change anything. Changes nothing for you. I think so. Castro is gone. His brother is still there. I dont think his brother is as strong as he was. Reporter the four came to america as part of operation pedro pan. They put us in a plane. To happen. Reporter in 1960, the year after castro seized power, thousands of cuban parents sent their kids to america. The four were 16, 13, 6, and 9 at the time. Their parents later joined them in the u. S. None of you have been back . No. Why havent you gone back . I am not ready. Other people can not understand. Even my own children, they really dont understand. It made us very strong. I am eternally grateful to my parents for putting me on that plane. The cubanamericans david spock spoke to may have no intention of going back to cuba. A lot of other people do. Jetblue kicked off their flights to cuba yesterday. There are questions whether the Trump Administration will follow through on the thaw in relations. Chip reid has that. Cubans for trump. Reporter days before he was elected. Donald trump promised to reverse the nations diplomatic deal with cuba. We will cancel obamas onesided cuban deal. Made by executive order. If we do not get the deal we want. Reporter on sunday, mr. Trumps Incoming White House chief of staff, signalled the whole deal is up in the air. President elect trump is going to be looking for some movement in the right direction reporter in peru earlier this month. President obama reassured latin American Business owners, u. S. Ties to cuba will not be cut off. All those things i expect to continue. The white house and the president elect were on opposite ends of the spectrum in their comments. In his statement, president obama left if the up to history to judge the enormous impact of this singular figure. Trump was more blunt. Calling astro a brutal the guy was a pawn the a prisoner of both governments. Reporter allen gross spent five years in a cuban prison. Accused of undermining their government. He says the only thing keeping the countries at odds had been the men in charge. I boil it down to a personality conflict. Between 10 u. S. President s and one cuban president. And when we got to the 11th president and the cuban presidency changed thats when we were able to move forward a relations. The overnight news will be right back. . Living well . Rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. I pinky promised my little girl a Fabulous Garden Party for her birthday. So i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. I thought i got everything. Of up to 13,000. But for only 7 a month, ridx is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. Ridx. The 1 brand used by septic parliament. Charlie rose has the story for 60 minutes. . We met mateo renzi in florence where the renaissance was born and where it flourished. This is the salavicci, the flower, symbol of florence. Reporter he insisted on conducting the interview in the old palace in a room with a look out the window. Yes. Reporter it was 4 hours after donald trump had stunned the world. This is the headline in the New York Times this morning when i got up. Here in your city. Whats your reaction . It is a surprise. A great surprise. Yesterday, i spoke with the president elect. You spock wike with trump . Did he call you or you call him . I called him. Because the president elect deserved a call by the prime and i i wished him every, every good, good luck for, for the next years. Reporter did you remind him you supported his opponent . But we dont discuss about it. But it is normal. It is the the great, the great play of democracy. Reporter renzi finds himself at the center of a great play of democracy, italians will vote on december 4th on a referendum he initiated. Constitution by slashing the number of senators in parliament. Italy is incredible. Because italy is the country with 950 members of parliament. The double of the United States of america. Reporter u. S. , 435 members of the house. 100 members of the senate. In italy, the number are 630 in the chamber. And in senate, 315. Reporter a yes vot w reduce the senate to 100 members, who would be appointed and not elected. Renzi believed the change is needed because the senate is the graveyard of legislation in italy. This referendum is not a referendum to change democracy in italy. It is a referendum to reduce bureaucracy in italy. Italy is the worst country for bureaucracy around the world. And this is very important. If we have a system with a lot is 63 government changes in 70 years. Reporter 63 governments in 70 years exactly. Because we have a system and bureaucracy. Everything is difficult. Everything is complicated. And my idea is simply give simplicity to italy. Reporter renzi known as the demolition i he wants to scrap the old ways of doing business. He has already passed a bill that makes it easier to hire and fire workers. Renzi argues with a leaner senate he can streamline the way italy is run. History is italys richest asset. But its present is hampered by a bloated inefficient state. Italys economy hasnt grown for two decades. The Unemployment Rate is nearly 12 . Stuck in place. Many italians are suspicious of renzis motives for the referendum. This is crazy. This is madness. Ridiculous. Democracy is the right that people have to choose their, their representative. Reporter virginia ragi, the mayor of rome who cam to office with little political experience. Her Party Opposes renzis constitutional reform. He doesnt want to change the he just wants more power. Reporter that is an incredible accusation to make. More power to do what . What he wants. Maybe all the laws he wants to do without great opposition from the parliament. Reporter one of italys leading columnists. He says renzi personalized the referendum early on by threatening to quit if the no vote prevailed. All of his opponents everywhere, the left, right, center, wherever. Even within his party. So in practice it is a referendum on mateo renzi. Him against everyone else. Reporter it has become a vote about you. And thats not good. Yes. This is, was my mistake in the first days of electoral campaign. I understand the mistake. I dont, i dont accept the people who say oh, polia have to refuse to admit mistake. No, i am a man. I can make some mistakes. Reporter if you can trust them, the polls show the no vote slightly ahead. There have been weekly rallies against renzi and his referendum. Some of which have turned violent. While others have been simply passionate. Si or no though in office for a little over two and a half years, mateo renzi is seen as the establishment, the vessel for people to vent their anger in a year when discontented voters are sag no to those in power. After the victory of trump. A lot of italian populists, ah, we won. Reporter they said trump was a vote for no. Yeah, if trump won in michigan or pennsylvania, it iso lombardia. Italy is nervous, rattled by the shock of the brexit vote. The European Union needs stability in italy, a country notorious for its instability. . . And president obama with an eye perhaps on boosting renzi before the referendum, last month invited renzi and his wife, anyezi to the white house for obama years. . . If renzi pulls out a victory next week, it will likely be because he is a relentless campaigner and a master of operatic stage craft. With his tuscan swagger and a florentine ease with the italian language he is racing around italy like a man who consumed one double espresso too many. Renzi is a natur he is trying to convince his people that a yes vote is the best chance for italy to move forward. Heres what i hear from you, sitting here in this remarkable place of history. I love italy so much i want to change it in order to make sure it can be all that it can. The message is exactly the that. After two years in my chair in absolutely sure about the potential role of my country. Reporter from a young age, renzi was the smartest person in the room. At age 19, he won over 30,000 on the italian version of wheel of fortune. By age 34, he became the mayor of florence. In 2014, despite not being a member of parliament, he managed to assume the Prime Minister seat wit election. It was a move worthy of fellow florentine machiavelli whose name for five centuries defined the gaining of political advantage. We are in this city of florence, the home of machiavelli. Yes. Not only machiavelli. Not only. Machiavelli worked exactly in the other room. Reporter he worked in there . Yes. And there is the portrait of machiavelli now. Reporter machiavelli was thats the game you are in. Machiavelli is in italy because machiavelli its a representation as a man who used the every way to achieve the power. But i think machiavelli is one of the symbol of italian intelligence. This is the portrait of machiavelli. Reporter renzi is selfaware and self deprecating but the joke in italy is that renzis ego is so huge, the entrances to the pallals had to be enlarged to accommodate it. Heres what some journalistic friend said to me. He is a man in a hurry. He talks too much. Has tried to do a lot in 2 1 2 years. But they remind me that your mateo. But you are not god. Its true. He told me. I am not interested to change about the government, i interested to change the conditions for the people. So, yes, i talk a lot. You can see the full report on oebur wsite, cbsnews. Com. The overnight news will be right back. One pill fights congestion for 12 hours. Guess i wont be seeing you for a while. Why take medicines that only last 4 hours, lasts 12 hours . Rumors that fidel castro was on his deathbed began almost ten years ago. This time theyre true. Fidel castro died friday. Once a revolutionary leader battling a tyrannical dictator, then a dictator himself. Tonight well take a look not at his last days or the last years, but the beginning of his reign. And we well do it with the help of a cbs news correspondent by the na we have dusted off a grainy, black and white interview murrow did with castro in february 1959, 30 days after taking power. It was castros last full interview in english. Murrow wore a suit. Oddly and inexplicably, castro wore pajamas. Fidel castro at age of 32. You now have in your hand a great deal of power and a great arent you a little frightened by this . Well, really not frightnt. Because i have selfconfidence. Reporter this rare interview at a time of great promise for castro. He had just ousted a corrupt dictator. And was greeted by cheering crowds as he and his revolutionaries entered havana. Tell me, fidel castro are you concerned at all about the communist influence in cuba . Not threat about communism here in cuba. Reporter history would prove otherwise. For more than half a century, fidel castro was the communist, 90 miles off our shores. Facing down 11 american president s. He could be ruthless and repressive. At the same time, a national hero. Who brought education and fidel castro was 90. I did everything i could to make her party perfect. Almost everything. You know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. But for only 7 a month, ridx helps break down waste. Not everyone in cuba is singing the blues over the death of fidel castro. A lot of younger cubans dont have strong attachments to the deceased dictator. Reporter young and old have started to gather to pay their respects to fidel castro who turned over power to brother so not everyone here will remember fidels time as president and even fewer will recall his days fighting the revolution. This Church League soccer game might make it seem like any other sunday in havana. That is until halftime. When both teams stop to hold a moment of silence for fidel castro. Alejandr say they admire fidel. Translator for us cubans it like many young people an image molded less by firsthand experience, and more by tradition and family. Reporter your grand farnts have cried about this. Translator they were part of the revolution. They feel this much more heavily. Translator clearly they feel this a lot more than we do. That was apparent away from the field in church pews across the island where older cubans mourn. We spoke with this woman after mass. You love fidel. I see a tear . Streaming down your face. Because i love too much fidel. Reporter and your revolution . Yes. Reporter there is no mention here at least publicly about the abuses and oppression of the castro regime. In fact the effort here is to make sure the revolution does nearly a third of the islands population is under 25. And theyre increasingly drawn to american pop culture as wifi hot spots pop up. We found Carla Martinez sharing a phone with her mother. You are more interested in talking to your friend online no . Si. Reporter as you can see, now the first of many, many thousands who are expected to gather here at revolution square have started to arrive. Now as you saw in the piece we talked about wif i and access o the internet. Something dissidents have come to as a way, and concern the youth is becoming too distracted at a defining time in the islands history. Thats the overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im don dahler. Attack at ohio state. We have a man with a knife running around cutting people. A student from somalia targets pedestrians as others rush to safety. I heard a loud noise like a crash and just saw people running. Also tonight. Im charlie rose in havana on a day emof rembrance and reflection on the fiery and controversial leader of the cuban revolution. A warning on cyber monday. Thieves are targeting smartphone apps. We found hundreds of fake apps, hundreds. And i panicked. I thought she was gone. Tossed 30 feet into a drainage ditch. How did this 8monthold survive . Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. The assault was sudden and violent. And within moments the campus of Ohio State University was 60,000 students was locked down. 11 people were hurt when a student from somalia attacked with a car and then a knife. In what is being investigated as an act of terror. A Police Officer shot and killed the suspect. Dean reynold is in columbus. Reporter Additional Units th we have several pedestrians struck by a vehicle. Reporter the time on the ohio state campus was 9 52 a. M. And a clutch of students and teachers assembled outside because a building fire alarm sounded. They were easy targets for a man drove his honda civic on to the sidewalk, and into them and got out and slashed as many onlookers as he could with a butcher knife. I need medics at macquigg but severe bleeding out of some of them. Reporter the attacker identified as a student at osu, somali born, Abdul Razak Ali artan. Joseph knoll, a junior at osu on the street a few feet away. I heard a bunch of screaming. I took my headphones out. And all of these people were rushing over this way. At first i thought it was some sort of game or something. Faces. Reporter what did their faces look like . They were terrified. Reporter Campus Police were at the scene investigating a gas leak that triggered the fire alarm and allen harougeko took action. Chief, we got one down. Critical down here. Shooter is in custody. Reporter Ohio State University chief of police is craig stone. Our officer was on scene and in less than a minute he ended the situation less than a minute. He engaged the suspect. And he eliminated the threat. The suspect is doa. Reporter as the events alerts to students in unmistakable terms. Run. Hide. Fight. Key instructions used in campus wide training to indicate an active threat. The response was immediate. As students barricaded themselves in classrooms while waiting about two hours for the allclear. 11 people including students and faculty were hurt, and one of them, is in Critical Condition tonight. Some were injured in the car crash, norah, while others suffered lacerations in the knife attack. Dean reynolds. Thank you so much. So the question now is what do we know about the suspect . Jeff pegues has that part of the story. Reporter the man behind todays attack at Ohio State University was a new student. Officials say, Abdul Razak Artan came to the u. S. With six Family Members in 2014. After fleeing somalia and spending seven years in a in columbus before transferring to ohio state this year. On his first day in august, artan was interviewed by the lantern and he complained about what he believed was the media negative portrayal of muslims. I wanted to pray in the open, he was quoted as saying, but i was kind of scared with everything going on in the media. It people look at me, a muslim praying, i dont know what theyre going to think. What is going to happen. Law enforcement is investigating the incident as a likely terror attack. They have searched the car the suspect was driving as well as apartment complex. Terrorist groups like al qaeda and isis have been encouraging supporters to carry out lone wolf attacks. Earlier this month the fbi renewed its warnings to Police Agency as cross the country about potential for home grown violent extremist activity targeting civilians in crowded venues. A Law Enforcement source told posted on face book that he was sick about the way muslims were being treated. Norah the simple hard to stop attacks are exactly what concerns police. Jeff pegues, thank you. Turning to our other top story, reaction in cuba and the u. S. To the death of fidel castro. Charlie rose is in havana tonight. Good evening, charlie. Good evening, norah. Thank you so much. We are in revolution square where hundreds of thousands of people have lined up to pay their final respects to the nearly 50 years. Although he turned over power to his younger brother, raul, nearly 10 years ago, fidel castro remained the heart and soul of the communist revolution. Here is manuel bojorquez. Reporter the lines of mourners, as the sun rose, as the day wore on, all were drawn to revolution square to pay respect to the outsized leader your father is gone . Father of cuba. For nearly 50 years, Fidel Castros booming voice echoed throughout the plaza as he delivered impassioned speeches meant to rally supporters. Now, its strangely quiet. As thousands upon thousands say farewell. Inside, some mourners wept as they walked by photographs of castro. Flanked by his military medals, flowers, and guards. His ashes lay in a private room. Out of the publics view. Norma diaz was too emotional to talk. That is until we asked how the world will view her weepng over a man many consider a brutal dictator . Translator let them tell the story they know, she says. We can only tell the story we know here. He was always with the people. Angel cortez dismissed sell celebrations by cuban exiles what do you say to them . Translator that theyre insensitive, he says, that hey have no feelings. Reporter if it is any indication of castros stature here, some people have deemed this event a commemoration of the physical departure of their leader. Charlie, they rarely use the word death when it comes to castro. Thank you so much. By coincidence, today, commercial flights resume from new york to havana. The first in more than half a century. American Airlines Flight 17 from miami arrived to a water cannon salute. Many passengers cubanamerican, some visitingub ca for the first time. Music and celebration prohibited during the mourning for fidel castro. In contrast to Little Havana. David begnaud is there. Reporter charlie, when news first broke that castro died. It turned into something of a street party. Right here in front of cafe wellknown Gathering Place for cuban americans. This weekend, more than 3,000 people celebrated peacefully. This is it. The icon is gone. And hopefully everything is going to change. Fernando hernandez one of 14,000 children who came to the u. S. Between 1960 and 1962. During operation. Fearing castro their parents sent them here hoping life would be better. I am eternally grateful to my i am very happy about that. Reporter for some cuban americans, castros death is bittersweet. Her exiled mother didnt live to see the day. I am happy that i came to share this moment with my mom. Reporter it is so personal for these people we have spoken to in that it is bringing up these old painful memories. The crowds that we saw over the weekend are gone. The roads are open again. But charlie, we are hearing that being called a massive prodemocracy rally for this wednesday in miami. Thank you, david. Today the white house said, neither president obama nor Vice President biden will attend castros funeral. I will be back later with closing thoughts from havana. Now back to Norah Odonnell with the rest of the days news. Charlie, thank you. President elect donald trump warned on twitter today that he relations if cuba doesnt make a better deal with its own people. Mr. Trump spent the day weighing his choices for secretary of state. Here is major garrett. Vice president elect mike pences promise went unfulfilled as president elect donald trump continued to ponder his choice for secretary of state. Retired general and former cia director, David Petraeus met with mr. Trump for an hour. He basically walked us around the world. Showed a great grasp of the variety of challenges out there and some of the opportunities as well. So, very good conversation. And well see where it goes from here. Reporter petraeuss stock is rising. After the meeting the president elect tweeted. Very impressed. But Rudy Giuliani remains a contender and mitt romney a strident, never trump voice with mr. Trump for a second time tomorrow. Romneys viability confounds top trump advisers. Chiefly Campaign Manager kellyanne conway. We dont know if he voted for donald trump. He and his consultants were nothing but awful to donald trump for a year. The consensus among transition insiders is that conway is channelling the president elect, not crossing him. Adding to the intrigue, norah, Senate Foreign relations, bob corker, will meet with mr. Trump to discuss secretary of state. The plot thickens. Major, thank you. Today mr. Trump was certified as the winner in michigan. Thats one of three states where aed their Party Candidate is seeking a recount. But will this make any difference . Nancy cordes takes a look. We are going to look back when this recount is completed and fine that the system worked well. Reporter the Wisconsin Elections Commission Set a time line today to reexamine every ballot and test all of the voting equipment. After green Party Candidate jill michigan, and in pennsylvania. Hacking is by nature not obvious. So the only way you can tell is by counting the votes. Hillary clintons team says it has found no evidence of manipulation of results. But, will participate in the recount any way, out of on li gigs to the more than 64 million americans who cast ballots for clinton. Mr. Staff, reince preibus, denounced the move. I think the American People know this is a waste of everyones time and money and is only for, to divide this country. Reporter but mr. Trump stepped on that message sunday when he suggested there actually was massive vote tampering. He said he only lost the popular vote because of millions of people who voted illegally due to serious voter fraud in virginia, new hampshire, and california. A false charge he appeared to pick up from a conspiracy website. We have seen no evidence californias secretary of state. To simply allege millions of illegal votes throughout the country or particular list of states including california i think is wrong. And we have to call him on it. Reporter wisconsins recount will take about two weeks. The bar for stein to secure recounts in michigan and pennsylvania, is higher, shell ned to show for example, norah, some evidence that hacking took place. So far, there isnt any. Nancy cordes, thank you. Delta air lito life a disruptive passenger who shouted his support for president elect trump and insulted those who didnt. You cant hear hear me donald trump, baby thats right, this man knows whats up. Well another passenger on the flight from atlanta to allentown, pennsylvania posted the video. No one on the flight crew intervened. Deltas ceo apologized and offered refunds to the aleppo after Government Forces recaptured large portions of the city from rebel fighters. Elizabeth palmer reports, this could be a turning point in syrias 5 1 2yearold civil war. Three months of nonstop, shelling and bombing, finally paid off in syrias army, its allies, and its russian backers. Troops punched into rebel controlled eastern aleppo on the weekend, and now control 40 of the territory held bite opposition since 2012. Recall day civilians have been streaming out of the battle zone. Today, regime and russian soldiers who for weeks have been attacking their homes, instead offer the refugees Bus Transport away from danger. And, desperately needed food. This woman hasnt eaten for three days. Not even bread. Mother in a wheelchair. My mother died of hunger she says. We have had very little to eat or drink for five months. As the syrian army and its allies continue to press forward, hoping to bring the whole of aleppo under the control of assad, there is no solid information on how many people have escaped into government territory. But it is a fraction of eastern aleppos roughly 200,000 people. There are reports from aleppo tonight that many of them are actually fleeing the syrian armys offensive and heading deeper into rebel territory which means, norah there is more fighting and bloodshed ahead. Elizabeth palmer, thank you coming up next fake apps take the joy out of holiday shopping. Later the baby who amazingly survived a terrifying crash. Cold flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours . Its like having a sick Family Member that you didnt even know was there. And we all know what happens when one Family Member gets sick. 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One out of three major retailers now has their own app. But it turns out criminals are creating them too. Fake apps in the names of real companies. Dillards, payless and christian no reviews. A red flag. Reporter the problem discovered by a company that creates legitimate apps, chris mason. For every single retail brand you can imagine you would see their name on the map of the mall there is a fake app for the company. In fact there could be dozens. Reporter the goal for the crooks, to get your personal data. Gary malevski of snoopwall. When they type in their user name, their password. And put in all their credit card information. From you. Reporter wouldnt i notice if i was using that app hey it didnt work . Some of the counterfeit apps are so good they give you a complete shopping cart experience. Everything through the congratulations here is your order number. It is on its way. You never get the goods. Reporter theyre not the only risk. He also warns against popular Emoji Keyboard which add hundreds of the cute faces. Many he says, can also get access to your personal rm well the best way to avoid being tricked by a fake app, experts say, norah is to go to the retailers own website. And click on the link to the app store from there. Important information. Anna, thank you. Coming up. A baby survived a terrible crash. And no one knows how. Jack be nimble, jack be quick, jack knocked over a candlestick onto the shag carpeting. And his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. Because all his belongings went up in flames. Jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. Visit geico. Com and see how affordable renters insurance can be. coughs cough doesnt sound so good. Take mucinex dm. Ill text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. One pill lasts 12 hours, so. Looks like im good all night some cough medicines only last 4 hours. But just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. You wanna see something intense . Pantene expert gives you the most beautiful hair ever, with our strongest prov formula ever. Whenever you come to havana, a city of music. People in the streets. Theyre dancing. Almost a festival atmosphere here. This time it was different. People are in the streets. Talking to each other quietly. Couple reasons for that i think because fidel castro has been part of their life for a long time. Nearly 50 years in power. Secondly those who want to oppose him and feel strongly against him are reticent to be speaking out at this time. You got to remember, that for many, he is the only leader that they have known. And so, there is a sense of quiet respect. For that. An end of an era. Tonight a survival story for you that seems to defy logic. Jericka duncan reports an 8monthold infant was thrown from a car after a terrible crash. Baby bryce hale of hope, arkansas looked to the sky almost as if she knew who to thank for saving her life. Captain Charlie Smith and fire fighter josh moore found her in a storm drain friday night. She more or less had her hand up, ready for somebody to pick her up. Reporter a tractortrailer collided with the car carrying baby bryce and their family. Their vehicle went spinning out of control and into a guardrail. Throwing the baby 35 feet away from the car. Jakesia colson spent 30 minutes searching for her only child. She should have been gone. Things arent okay. And just, during the holidays here to have a positive, just feels good. Reporter especially good to a mother who can kiss her baby again. I feel like god, took her out of the car and place herd there. She is still alive. She is my miracle baby. Reporter the baby was in a car seat, but police tell us she was not strapped in properly. Norah, baby bryce will be celebrating 9 months in just two weeks. Thanksgiving week for them. Thank you, jericka. Thats the overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you into the news continues. For others check back lit us later for the morning news. And join, charlie, gale and me for cbs this morning. Welcome to the overnight news. Im don dahler. World leaders headed to havana for the Memorial Service for fidel castro. The revolutionary leader and communist dictator died friday at 90. As thousand began lining up before dawn to pay t the white house announced that president obama will not be attending the memorial, nor sundays state funeral. Neither will russian president vladamir putin. Castro was cremated saturday. Remains are inside the jose marte memorial in revolutionary square. Then driven 750 to santiago de cuba. The first place of the revolution. Death marks the end of an era whether the start of a new one for cuba remains to be seen. Illness forced castro to transfer his powers to his brother raul in 2006, and to hand over the presidency in 2008. Though his iron fist no longer ruled cuba, the 90yearold was a potent symbol of the revolution. What was the best thing he did . For the cuban people . Education, health. Reporter health and education . Of course. Reporter will it change without fidel . I dont really worry about it. I dont. Reporter after his 1959 overthrow of the cuban dictator. What we want now is peace. What we want now is our peace here. Reporter some cubans wonder if raul castro will pursue modified capitalism and democratic reforms. These women are wives and mothers of jailed dissidents. We are going to continue with raul castro who will do the same thing fidel did, she said, those two did the same things together. President barack obama reestablished diplomatic ties with havana and loosened the travel ban in 2009. President elect donald trump called fidel a brutal dictator and may roll back some of president obamas policies. Younger cubans saw a taste of american style freedom. Last time tie was here, diplo stood on the stage in an electronic dance music concert, watched by 400,000 people. Tonight a city in mourning, there is less partying and more a sense of remembering the man translator there could be change, this man said, or maybe things will remain the same. But many believe Fidel Castros death is a tie for mourning and a consideration of cubas future. The government has not released many details about castros death, be still do not know the cause of his death for example. For his part, raul castro says he intends to step down in 201 here. Whether you love fidel castro because of what he did in education and health care, or hate him because of civil rights and human rights, there is no doubt that he is considered a revolutionary hero not only in cuba but in many places around the world and also for his defiance of the United States. One place where fidel castro is not considered a hero is miamis Little Havana neighborhood. David begnaud has that side of the story. News of castros death the for thousand who celebrated this weekend. It was celebration. News of his death is the best news off the island. The front cover of the miami herald has become something of a collectors item. This is it. The icon is gone. Reporter dolce abrerro, one of thousands who gathered in Little Havana. Some look her left cuba for the u. S. When they were children placed flowers at the graves of their parents. I am here for their voice today. Thats what i am here for. Their voices cant be heard. I am here saying many cuban americans here in south florida are questioning whats next. I think that the death of a tyrannical leader, fidel castro would have had more Significant Impact had he been in power. This florida congresswoman and her family fled to the u. S. Cuba will change when there is a change in cuba. Castros leaving this earth will not bring this about. Are you encouraged by the death . Not going to change anything. Changes nothing for you. I think so. Castro is gone. His brother is still there. I dont think his brother is as strong as he was. Reporter the four came to america as part of operation pedro pan. They put us in a plane. They didnt know what was going to happen. Reporter in 1960, the year after castro seized power, thousands of cuban parents sent their kids to america. The four were 16, 13, 6, and 9 at the time. Their parents later joined them in the u. S. None of you have been back . No. Why havent you gone back . I am not ready. Other people can not understand. What we underwent. Even my own children, they really dont understand. It made us very strong. Parents for putting me on that plane. The cubanamericans david spoke to may have no intention of going back to cuba. A lot of other people do. Jetblue kicked off their flights to cuba yesterday. There are questions whether the Trump Administration will follow through on the thaw in relations. Chip reid has that. I see all the signs. Cubans for trump. Reporter days before he was elected. Donald trump promised to reverse the nations diplomatic deal with cuba. We will cancel obamas onesided cuban deal. Made by executive order. If we do not get the deal we want. Reporter on sunday, mr. Trumps Incoming White House chief of staff, signalled the whole deal is up in the air. President elect trump is going to be looking for some deal with cuba. Reporter in peru earlier this month. President obama reassured latin American Business owners, u. S. Ties to cuba will not be cut off. All those things i expect to continue. The white house and the president elect were on opposite ends of the spectrum in their comments. In his statement, president obama left if the up to history to judge the enormous impact of this singular figure. Trump was more blunt. Calling astro a brutal dictato the guy was a pawn the a prisoner of both governments. Reporter allen gross spent five years in a cuban prison. Accused of undermining their government. He says the only thing keeping the countries at odds had been the men in charge. I boil it down to a personality conflict. Between 10 u. S. President s and one cuban president. And when we got to the 11th president and the cuban presidency changed thats when . Rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. With eight times more fragrance control, the air wick . Scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down for the perfect amount of fragrance. President elect donald trump ran his campaign promising to drain the swamp in washington. Well half a world away in italy, Prime Minister mateo renzi has an ambitious plan. A referendum would reshape the italian constitution. Among the provisions, slashing the number of senators in charlie rose has the story for 60 minutes. . We met mateo renzi in florence where the renaissance was born and where it flourished. This is the salavicci, the flower, symbol of florence. Reporter he insisted on conducting the interview in the old palace in a room with a view. Look out the window. Yes. After donald trump had stunned the world. This is the headline in the New York Times this morning when i got up. Here in your city. Whats your reaction . It is a surprise. A great surprise. Yesterday, i spoke with the president elect. You spoke with trump . Did he call you or you call him . I called him. Because the president elect deserved a call by the Prime Minister of italy. And i i wished him every, every good, good luck for, for the next years. Reporter did you remind him you supported his opponent . But we dont discuss about it. But it is normal. It is the the great, the great play of democracy. Reporter renzi finds himself at the center of a great play of democracy, italians will vote on december 4th on a referendum he it would change italys constitution by slashing the number of senators in parliament. Italy is incredible. Because italy is the country with 950 members of parliament. The double of the United States of america. Reporter u. S. , 435 members of the house. 100 members of the senate. In italy, the number are 630 in the chamber. And in senate, 315. Reduce the senate to 100 members, who would be appointed and not elected. Renzi believed the change is needed because the senate is the graveyard of legislation in italy. This referendum is not a referendum to change democracy in italy. It is a referendum to reduce bureaucracy in italy. Italy is the worst country for and this is very important. If we have a system with a lot of politicians, the consequence is 63 government changes in 70 years. Reporter 63 governments in 70 years exactly. Because we have a system and bureaucracy. Everything is difficult. Everything is complicated. And my idea is simply give simplicity to italy. Reporter renzi known as the demolition man in italy. He wants to scrap the old ways of doing business. That makes it easier to hire and fire workers. Renzi argues with a leaner senate he can streamline the way italy is run. History is italys richest asset. But its present is hampered by a bloated inefficient state. Italys economy hasnt grown for two decades. The Unemployment Rate is nearly 12 . Italians still know how to enjoy life even as the country seems many italians are suspicious of renzis motives for the referendum. This is crazy. This is madness. Ridiculous. Democracy is the right that people have to choose their, their representative. Reporter virginia ragi, the mayor of rome who cam to office with little political experience. Her Party Opposes renzis constitutional reform. He doesnt want to change t reporter that is an incredible accusation to make. More power to do what . What he wants. Maybe all the laws he wants to do without great opposition from the parliament. Reporter one of italys leading columnists. He says renzi personalized the referendum early on by threatening to quit if the no vote prevailed. The left, right, center, wherever. Even within his party. So in practice it is a referendum on mateo renzi. Him against everyone else. Reporter it has become a vote about you. And thats not good. Yes. This is, was my mistake in the first days of electoral campaign. I understand the mistake. I dont, i dont accept the people who say oh, politicians have to refuse to admit mistake. No, i am a man. I can make some mistakes. Reporter if you can trust them, the polls show the no vote slightly ahead. There have been weekly rallies against renzi and his referendum. Some of which have turned violent. While others have been simply passionate. Si or no even in florence where though in office for a little over two and a half years, mateo renzi is seen as the establishment, the vessel for people to vent their anger in a year when discontented voters are sag no to those in power. After the victory of trump. A lot of italian populists, ah, we won. Reporter they said trump was a vote for no. Yeah, if trump won in michigan or pennsylvania, it is not the same thing in the lombardia. Ta the shock of the brexit vote. The European Union needs stability in italy, a country notorious for its instability. . . And president obama with an eye perhaps on boosting renzi before the referendum, last month invited renzi and his wife, anyezi to the white house for the final state dinner of the obama years. . If renzi pulls out a victory next week, it will likely be because he is a relentless campaigner and a master of operatic stage craft. With his tuscan swagger and a florentine ease with the italian language he is racing around italy like a man who consumed one double espresso too many. Renzi is a natural politician. He is trying to convince his people that a yes vote is the best chance for italy to move forward. Heres what i hear from you, sitting here in this remarkable place of history. I love italy so much i want to change it in order to make sure it can be all that it can. The message is exactly the that. After two years in my chair in rome as Prime Minister, i am reporter from a young age, renzi was the smartest person in the room. At age 19, he won over 30,000 on the italian version of wheel ofortune. By age 34, he became the mayor of florence. In 2014, despite not being a member of parliament, he managed to assume the Prime Minister seat without winning an election. It was a move worthy of fellow florentine machiavelli whose name for five centuries defined the gaining of political advantage. We are in this city of florence, the home of machiavelli. Yes. Not only machiavelli. Not only. Machiavelli worked exactly in the other room. Reporter he worked in there . Yes. And there is the portrait of machiavelli now. Reporter machiavelli was about power and the exercise of machiavelli is in italy because machiavelli its a representation as a man who used the every way to achieve the power. But i think machiavelli is one of the symbol of italian intelligence. This is the portrait of machiavelli. Repor and self deprecating but the joke in italy is that renzis ego is so huge, the entrances to the palace had to be enlarged to accommodate it. Heres what some journalistic friend said to me. He is a man in a hurry. He talks too much. Has tried to do a lot in 2 1 2 years. But they remind me that your mateo. But you are not god. Its true. He told me. I am not interested to change about the government, i interested to change the conditions for the people. So, yes, i talk a lot. You can see the full report on our websitesn, cbews. Com. The overnight news will be right back. . Living well . Rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. Meta appetite control. It helps put some distance between you and temptation. If you take medication, you may sometimes suffer from a dry mouth. Thats why theres biotene. And biotene also comes in a handy spray. So you can moisturize your mouth anytime, anywhere. Biotene, for people who suffer rumors that fidel castro was on his deathbed began almost ten years ago. This time theyre true. Fidel castro died friday. Once a revolutionary leader battling a tyrannical dictator, then a dictator himself. Tonight well take a look not at but the beginning of his reign. And we well do it with the help of a cbs news correspondent by the name of edward r. Murrow. We have dusted off a grainy, black and white interview murrow did with castro in february 1959, 30 days after taking power. It was castros last full interview in english. Murrow wore a suit. Oddly and inexplicably, castro wore pajamas. Fidel castro at age of 32. Deal of responsibility. Arent you a little frightened by this . Well, really not frightnt. Because i have selfconfidence. Reporter this rare interview at a time of great promise for castro. He had just ousted a corrupt dictator. And was greeted by cheering crowds as he and his revolutionaries entered havana. Tell me, fidel castro are you concerned at all about the communist influence in cuba . I no worry because there is not threat about communism here in cuba. Reporter history would prove otherwise. For more than half a century, fidel castro was the communist, 90 miles off our shores. Facing down 11 american president s. He could be ruthless and repressive. At the same time, a national hero. Who brought education and medical care to his people. Fidel castro was 90. Bill whitaker, edward r. . Its tuesday, november 29th, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. Wildfires threatened two people to evacuate. Several people survive a plane crash carrying a soccer team in the colombian mountains. And Ohio State University attacked. This morning, classes resume, but questions remain after a student ran over and stabbed student ran over and stabbed several people. Captioning funded by cbs good morning, from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york

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