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coughs that cough doesnt sound so good. Well i think you sound great. Move over. Easy booger man. Take mucinex dm. Itll take care of your cough. Fine ill text you in 4 hours one pill lasts 12 hours, so. Looks like im good all night ah david, please, listen. Still not coughing. Not fair you guys waffles are my favorite ah some cough medicines only last 4 hours. But just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. President elect trump said his actions on his first day in office will include withdrawing from the trade deal known as the transpacific partnership. And ordering that for every new government regulation, two must be eliminated. With 60 days to go, and top cabinet positions to fill, mr. Trumps new York City Office has become the busiest Employment Office in the country. Chip reid is there. Reporter a parade of jobseekers passed through the lobby of trump tower today. Former massachusetts senator, scott brown, told mr. Trump he wants to be secretary of veterans affairs. I think i am the best person. Reporter former Texas Governor rick perry didnt say why he was there. Sources say he is being considered for secretary of energy. At least one democrat met with mr. Trump, Congress Woman ga she came to offer her opinion on u. S. Policy in syria. Some top network news people came for an off the record discussion. 13 days after the election, mr. Trump has not held a press conference. Then president elect obama held one on day elect released this video outlining plans for his first 100 days in office. I will formulate a rule which says that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be imeledinat. You know who that is, right . Over the weekend, mr. Trump met with a long series of job candidates at the ornate, Trump National golf club in new jersey. During the campaign, mitt romney called mr. Trump a phony and a for secretary of state. Very thorough and indepth discussion. Marine general James Mad Dog Mattis leading candidate for secretary of defense. He is the real deal. The kansas secretary of state, a leading critic of illegal immigration appears to be making a play for secretary of Homeland Security. Seen holding a document titled department of Homeland Security, kobach Strategic Plan for first it lists add extreme vetting trump tower luxury complex. The Trump Organization says it was an exchange of hellos. But indian media thought it was more. Saying, donald trump meets indian partners. One storition quoting a business parter saying he discussed Economic Policy with trumps children. I think the focus was very access would they get in the future. What was this going to do to their business. One thing it definitely did was increase the visibility of both the trump projects. But also, these Indian Business partners within the indian media. Mr. Trumps personal business interests could also create unique conflicts of interest, when it comes to national security. For example, in turkey, where the u. S. Has been critical of the government for its crackdown on dissent and its approach to the syrian civil war. The new president has licensed his name to the trump tower residential building in istanbul. On face the nation, Vice President elect mike pence promised this. What i can assure you and all of your viewers that all of the laws pertaining to his business dealings and service as president of the United States will be strictly adhered to. And, and he set that tone from the very beginning. Reporter note that the Vice President elect said all of the laws will be followed. Conflict of interest regarding the president or Vice President. By the way, scott, that photo of mr. Trump with his Indian Business partners, it has since been deleted. Anna werner, trump tower, manhattans fifth avenue. Thank you. Late today police in texas made an arrest in the murder of a veteran san antonio detective. Benjamin marconi ambushed while writing a traffic ticket. Police believe surveillance tape headquarters before the shooting. This was one of four attacks on police yesterday. Officers were shot and wounded in st. Louis, and in kansas city suburb and in sanibel, florida. 60 caps h0 cops have been kille u. S. This year. That nierzis neary double last. In phoenix, a look inside the most dangerous place during holidays could be the parking lot. . . Ugh, its only lunchtime and my cold medicines wearing off. Im dragging. Yeah, that stuff only lasts a few hours. Or, take mucinex. One pill fights congestion for 12 hours. No thank you very much, shes gonna stick with the shortterm stuff. 12 hours . Guess i wont be seeing you for a while. Is that a bisque . I just lost my appetite. Why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lets end this. I really did save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. I should take a closer look at geico. Geico has a long history of great savings and great service. Over seventyfive years. Wait. Seventyfive years . That is great. Speaking of great, check out these hot riffs. You like smash mouth . Uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so. Wait. Almost there. Goodnight, bruce. Gotta tune the a. humming geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. Rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. With eight times more fragrance control, the air wick . Scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down to fill massive minimalist rooms. Small secret rooms. And even tall rooms you climb to. You get the perfect amount of fragrance. No matter the size of the room. Air wick . Home is in the air. Fill your home with the joyful scents of the . Its judgment day. Back seat chefs peer inside your oven. But youve cleaned all bakedon business from meals past with easyoff, so the only thing they see is let em judge. The far rightwing movement known as the alt right, latched on to the Donald Trump Campaign and some of its leaders say that his victory is now giving them a big boost. We have more now. Hail trump. This meeting held by National Policy institute in alt right thinktank drew hundreds inside the Ronald Reagan pavilion in washington, d. C. Identity is the foundation of politic thousands, the foundation of culture. And even more outside. Since 2008, the alt right or alternative right movement lived mostly on obscure Message Boards online. It gained more attention after donald trump hired steve ban nonto run his president ial b bannons breitbart has the had 300 million views. Richard spencer is president of the National Policy ens to the. Im enthusiastic about Steven Bannon acting as the strategist. Breitbart has been an open place for a lot of idea i care about. Members are usually College Educated white males with strong rightwing views. Theyre difficult to define because of the wide range of members from those who believe that america will be great only when it looks out for itself, to those who believe in antiimmigration, and white dominance. Instead of asking, you know, whats good for the world . They ask, whats good for us . Thomas maine, Public Policy professor at baruk college in new york city has been the movement for years. He says after the Great Recession and with the countrys increasing minority population, many white men began to feel left out of the political process. I think what happened is that all of the shocks to the system made a lot of people, especially a lot of people on the right, say gee, our current way of thinking is not working for us. What do you say to people who call groups like yours racist . The word racist doesnt have any meaning anymore. Old guy. Do you discriminate against people because of the color of their skin . Everyone is discriminating in a all sorts of do you do that though . I discriminate all the time. Discriminating is living. Spencer says he opposes violence, scott, he calls the election of donald trump a step toward our new normal. Thank you. When we come back, h lots. The prov formula makes every inch stronger. So i can love my hair longer. As the Holiday Shopping season kicks into high gear, perhaps we shouldnt be surprised to learn that parking lots are dangerous places. How dangerous . Kris van cleave has the story. Reporter a Security Camera captured the moment a car backed up into a 24yearold mother bushi pushing her babys stroller last month. The mother was killed. Her child un. In Wisconsin Police released this video of a driver slamming into nine cars. Amazingly there were no serious injuries. Theyre just two of the more than 50,000 crashes that take place in parking lots and garages each year. How well do you think people drive in parking lots . Not very well. Not very well at all. I think its cutthroat. Reporter the crashes led to more than 500 deaths and 60,000 injuries. The leading cause, likely distracted driving. Said they felt comfortable making calls while driving in a parking lot. 56 would text while about half would send emails, use social media, take pictures or watch videos. 42 said they would video chat. Deborah herzman runs National Safety count still which publish the report. When we look at the holidays we are looking at compounding a hectic busy environment. There could be overcrowding a lot going on. Parentsar just a dangerous environment. I think people take it for granted because things are slow moving. Reporter we found joyce droba focused on her phone, not cars. We think there is a lot a lot of traffic in the parking lot. There is. People should be more aware. Pedestrian fatalities are on the rise and injuries from socalled distracted walking accidents. Scott, every year on average, 51 people die in accidents where a that need to keep an eye out. Kris van cleave, thank you very much. Very much. Z26ndz zi0z y26ndy yi0y achoo you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. Its like having a sick Family Member in your home. But lysol kills 99. 9 of germs finally tonight here at Walter Cronkite school of journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State in phoenix. To celebrate the centennial of the man for whom the school was named. Walter once said it is up to journalists to help educate americans so that they have the information to select their leaders. Today, we spent time with the next generation of journalists as they prepare to take up the cronkite more important now than ever. The quality of our democracy is bound tightly to the quality of our journalism. The kind of journalism taught here at the cronkite school. Under the leadership of dean chris callahan. As we celebrate what would have been Walter Cronkites 100th birthday. We believe there is no more appropriate and deserving recipient of the 2016 cronkite award than scott pelley of cbs [ applause ] scott is in so many ways the standard bearer for the kind of journalism that Walter Cronkite defined for so many of us. It was humbling to receive the award but heartening to meet the reporters of tomorrow. Journalism and our democracy are in good hands. And thats the overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you, the news just a little later for the morning news and be sure not to miss cbs this morning. From phoenix, arizona, im scott this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news, im michelle miller. The Trump Transition Team moved back across the river to the guilded halls of trump tower in new york city. Where the president elect received a parade visitors. Mr. Trumps cabinet is still a work in progress, but he says he is anxious to fill some key positions before heading to florida for the thanksgiving holiday. Chip reid has the latest. Reporter a parade of jobseekers passed through the lobby of trump tur todower, former massachusetts senator, i think i am the best person. But there are some tremendous people out there. Reporter former Texas Governor rick perry didnt say why he was there. Sources say he is being considered for secretary of energy. At least one democrat met with mr. Trump, congresswoman gabbard, she came to offer her opinion on u. S. Policy in syria. Some top network news people came for an off the record discussion. 13 days after the election, mr. Trump has not held a press conference. Then president elect obama held one on day three. But late today, the president elect released this video outlining plans for his first 100 days in office. I will formulate a rule which says that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. You knoo w whthat is, right . Over the weekend, mr. Trump met with a long series of job candidates at the ornate, Trump National golf club in new jersey. During the campaign, mitt romney called mr. Trump a phony and a fraud. Mr. Trump called romney a loser. For secretary of state. Very thorough and indepth discussion. Four star marine general James Mad Dog Mattis leading candidate for secretary of defense. He is the real deal. The kansas secretary of state, chris kobach, a leading critic of illegal immigration appears to be making a play for secretary of Homeland Security. Kobach was seen seen holding a document titled department of Homeland Security, kobach Strategic Plan for first 365 days. It lists add extreme vetting question for high risk aliens, ques for sharia law, jihad, and reduce intake of Syrian Refugees to zero. Scientists are warning of an earthquake danger in northern california. They discovered the two major fault lines linked just north of San Francisco and creates a new risk for the nearly 7 Million People living in the bay area. Mireya villarreal has the the story. Reporter a magnitude 7. 8 earthquake hits california and to pull a trapped man from an elevator shaft. While a especially trained dog searches for stranded survivors. This drill its meant to help Emergency Responders prepare for the real thing. You want to be the best prepared, best trained and most efficient as possible. Reporter but these extreme scenarios could easily become reality. Usgs scientists discovered two of the countrys faults, once thought to be at least two miles apart are actually connected long fault. Using this acoustic device, they confirm that the hay ward fault meets the Rodgers Creek fault in the San Pablo Bay near San Francisco. Longer a fault the larger earthquake it can produce. If the faults went together along their length up to magnitude 7. 4. Reporter what kind of damage are we talking about here . Mr. Damage than hurricane reporter the great quake leveled San Francisco neighborhoods killing thousands. In 1989, the quake killed people and caused 6 billion in damage. Folks in the bay area need to be prepared. Reporter watts team is trying to predict the future studying when earthquakes occurred here in the past and how often. When an earthquake occurs, the sediment along the fault line shifts and creates a time stamp in the mud. Watts team dropsow the cores are pulled from the water and cut. Like a cheese cutter. Sliced open. Wow. Awesome. And photographed. Think of it as looking down through time. We can find a date for the flat layers on top. The layers that are offset. Bracket in theage of when that earthquake happened on the fault. Watts research will help scientists better understand the two faults as their potential essential. Mireya villarreal, california. Pope francis wrapped up the holy year of mercy this weekend by elevating 17 bishops from around the world to cardinals. They include three americans. And news of the promotions was broadcast worldwide by the Vatican Television center the a small operation with some very hightech gear. Seth doane takes a look. Cardinals joined pope francis for mass in st. Peters square sunday it was covered by 12 cameras including two sweeping jibs. Those cameras on long arms. Moments including the closing of the holy door were choreographed and transmitted to the world at the highest quality possible. Youre broadcasting at a quality level that most of us cannot imagine. Most of us have never seen. It is the very first time. Reporter first for the vatican. Stefano dogastini its head of vatican. They use 4 k, hdr. Hdr is more bright. More detailed. More contrast. It is like the human view. Reporter workers from sony in japan were there for the debut. We peeked in to vatican vans. Parked in the shadow of st. Peters basilica. Ctv, the acronym in italian has 21 full time employees. Vatican television is like the mouse that roared. Okay, a tiny operation if you look at the number of people. The quality is great. Greg burke, former fox news office. It is unparalleled access allows viewers the chance to see the world and the crowds as the pontiff does. Vatican tv is hardly an independent observer, rather part of the churchs massive pr apparatus. Reminders of its mission are onscreen and off. . . The material its hard to beat. In setting, scale, and sheer marching into the sistine chapel. Or that memorable goodbye flight over the eternal city when benedict 16th became pope emeritus. This room hold enough memory to store 28,000 video cassettes. This is an expensive operation, many resources to tv . The answer this helps get the popes message out. The better you can tell the story. These days we are telling stories with pictures. achoo did you know you can pick up cold flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours . Its like having a sick Family Member that you didnt even know was there. And we all know what happens when one Family Member gets sick. But lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99. 9 of germs including 8 common cold flu viruses to help protect your home. Superstar bruno mars about to kick off a world tour in support of his first new album in four years. 24 karat magic. He took time out to discuss wo work. This show in connecticut last month was his first public concert of the year. Mohican sun reporter he used it for a tuneup of release of album and world tour to follow. . Hallelujah . . Hallelujah . Reporter on every song and every note, from arenas to halftime of the super bowl. Perform full throttle. . . . You dont believe it just watch . Reporter his standard are high because the legends of music set them. . Dont believe it just watch . I really care about what people see. I want them to know im working hard for them. . Hey hey hey . The artist i look up to brown. You watch them and you understand that theyre paying attention to the details of of their art. And they care. So much about what theyre wearing, about how the theyre moving, about how theyre making the audience feel. And not phoning it in. Theyre going up there to murder any body that performs after them or performs before them. Thats what i watch my whole life. Reporter he is a throwback you. See it in the choreography on stage. And hear it in the songs themselves. Descendants of the generations that came before him. . Oh yeah yeah oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah . Reporter when i listen to your songs, you can hear all of those people that you have lied over the years. A lot of people are really quick to say that song sound like this. Or he trying to sound look this. And im always like, you are damn right i am. Thats why we are all here. You know, we are all, grew up, idolizing another musician. Thats how this works. Thats how music is created. Reporter the muse cat education of bruno mars began in his hometown, honolulu, hawaii. To a puerto rican father and filipino mother. Parents who were professional musicians. Performing together in the tourist show rooms of the hawaiian beach. Their act was called the lovenotes. Bruno, you rad to rock n roll . When bruno was 4 years old his parents included him in the family business. . He played little elvis. Its when heap fst . Aint no friend of mine . The little elvis routine lasted sick years. But the lessons of his parents vegas style, entertainment review, have lasted a lifetime. You know its like school of rock for me. And it wasus jt this kind of razzledazzle lifestyle. Thats real show business. Show business, right. And the audience wasnt freaking out. Then you werent doing it right. By the time he turned 12, his parents divorced. And the family band broke up. Money was tight. His four sisters moved in with his mom. He and his brother lived with his dad. On top of this building . On top of this building. Anywhere they could. My dad was the king of finding these little spots for us to stay that we should never have been staying at. You were look Homeless People . We was in a limousine, once, 1984 limousine. Reporter sleeping in the back of the car, on top of buildings and this place. This is where you lived . Paradise park. A bird zoo where his dad took a job. This was the first time he had been back here since. Even people who work with him, havent heard this part of his story. Where we were staying at first. Didnt have a bathroom. The park to this other spot that had a bathroom. Reporter wow. In a reporter some times in the middle of the night. Middle of the night. Reporter when the park closed they stayed, moving into this oneroom building. Right here. Reporter this was your house . Yeah. Reporter they lived here more than two years. Just so people dont think we were crazy. It did not look like this. Had a roof. Didnt have plants growing inside. Dont have plants going roof. Bed would be there in the middle. Awe. Reporter all sleep in one bed . Sleep in one bed. Happy memories . The best. Reporter that is kind of amazing. Yeah. Reporter and what you remember about it is not the struggle or the things you didnt have all the things you had. Yeah. We had it all. You know . We had each other. And it never felt like it was sorry, we dont got, electric today. Its all right. Temporary. Well figure this out. You know, maybe thats why i have this mentality when it comes to the music. Because i know i am going to figure it out. Just give me some time. Reporter as soon as he graduated high school, he left the show rooms and hawaii altogether. Reporter you could have stayed here, right . Yeah. Reporter made a good living. And done what your dad did and been a big star in hawaii. I wanted to go i wanted more the my family pushed me. And this island pushed me. Reporter how . These are my team. This is my culture. I want to represent them. Think of hawaii, palm trees, magical island, and bruno mars. Reporter so he headed for los angeles where he was quickly signed by motown record. Gone was his given name of peter hernandez. Branding himself bruno mars instead. The name stuck. But the record contract didnt. Motown dropped him. I dont blame motown. It was simply, wasnt ready yet. I think everybody dont know what color i am. Its like, he is not black enough. Hes not white enough. Hes got a latin last name. He doesnt speak spanish. Who are we selling this to . Are you making urban music . Are you making pop music . What kind of music are you making . R of his own and dead broke, he started over. . I got nothing on you . Writing and producing songs for other artists with arie levine and phillip lawrence. They were starving musicians, inspired by the hustle to pay for food. They came up with this song. . I want to be a billionaire so frickin bad . . When i see your face . . Theres not a thing that . Reporter his career as a songwriter and performer was finally on track. Just the way you are. About that time though, he was arrested for possession of 2 1 2 grams of cocaine. From the outside you really seem to keep it together. And to be very professional and, you know very committed. But you nearly threw it all away. I did something very stupid. Im in las vegas, laura, im 24 years old, im im, you know, drinking way more than i am supposed to be drinking. And it was so early in my career. And i always said that i think it had to happen. That was the reality check i needed. And i, im promised myself that, you know, never going to read about that again. Reporter headlines for hits, not drug busts have been his narrative ever since. Capped by two super bowl halftime performances in three years. And three grammys including record of the year for his collaboration with producer, mark ronson. Uptown funk. The biggest hit in a cr of them. You can see the full report on our web site. Cbs. Com. The overnight news will be right back. coughs that cough doesnt sound so good. Well i think you sound great. Move over. Easy booger man. Take mucinex dm. Itll take care of your cough. Fine ill text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. Ah david, please, listen. Still not coughing. Not fair you guys waffles are my favorite ah some cough medicines only last 4 hours. But just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Its judgment day. The inlaws, the typea cousins, siblings and back seat chefs have all assembled to look inside your oven. But youve cleaned off all the bakedon so the only thing they see is that big, beautiful bird. Mmmmm go ahead. Let em judge. I had frequent heartburn, but. My doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. Just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, its been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 the museum in San Francisco where the food in the cafeteria is a work of art. John blackstone stopped by for a bite. Reporter at San Franciscos recently expanded museum of modern art, record crowd have been feasting their eyes on the works of contemporary masters, like ls warh warhol. And feasting themselves on the works of master chefs. Like wily duframe and dominique ansel. So obvious when you think about it. Reporter chef cory lee reimagined the Museum Restaurant as a museum gallery. A lot of people kind of stumble in here. They sit down. Theyre look what is this . Reporter the restaurant offers Signature Dishes of some looks like a museum program. Start seeing dishes from around the world. Dates on them. I think it is disorienting for them. Lee is a celebrated chef himself. His three michelin star menu is blocks away. But the 37yearold does not serve any of his own creations at the restaurant. I think of cory as curator of food. Chosen to design a Museum Worthy restaurant. Wonderful about what we do, curators work, pictures come to be on the walls. I explaeplained if we wanted t one, our curator would bring them to our museum. I wanted to do the same thing with food. A diner can come in and try a dish from the chef in bell up. Chef in japan. Chef in hong kong. Experience with food. Reporter chefs from from all over the u. S. , and asia have visited, teaching the kitsch in staff to reproduce perfectly. When executive chef Brandon Rodgers prepares fresh steamed crab claw it looks and tastes just as it did when first served at hong kongs restaurant in 1970. Got the exact bowl they use to prepare it. Same portions they serve. Try to immitate that exactly. He does the same with chef breast from the world renowned French Laundry in californias wine country. From 1995. Within the first year of them opening. Reporter some of the classic dishes served here are no longer on the menus where they originally appeared. And sometimes, the chefs who created them, are among the diners here. Alice waters stopped in to try the meier lemon ice cream and sherbet dessert she first made restaurant, chez panice, 20 years ago. Ton of achoo did you know you can pick up cold flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours . Its like having a sick Family Member that you didnt even know was there. When one Family Member gets sick. But lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99. 9 of germs including 8 common cold flu viruses to help protect your home. This cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy not only is thanksgiving week the biggest travel week of the year, it is also primetime for Holiday Shopping. 137 million americans are expected to hit the stores between now and next monday. And most of them will get there by car. But there are new warnings about the dangers of parking lots. Up to 2 3 of drivers may be distracted as they look for parking space. And the Insurance Industry says one of every five accidents happens in a parking lot. Chrkris van cleave has the stor from a parking lot in arlington. No surprise number one culprit for distraction in the parking lot is the cell phone. Experts say we all have a false sense of security because of the slow speeds cars are traveling in parking lots. Deadly. Video captured the moment a speeding driver struck a mother pushing her 15monthold babys stroller last month. 24yearold Maria Cruz Gonzalez cortez died. Her baby survived. Wisconsin Police Released a video of a driver who lost control of his vehicle, slamming into nine cars, before coming to a stop. Amazingly, no one was seriously injured. But the National Safety council found on 60,000 are injured and 500 or more die in 50,000 plus crashes in parking lots and garages every year. Just as dangerous to be distracted, in a parking lot, going five miles an hour, as it is to be going 50 miles an hour. Deborah herzman runs the National Safety council. People have their heads down, in their phones, behind the wheel or pedestrians. There is a lot of inattention out there. Reporter a recent survey making calls while driving in a parking lot. More than half would text. Roughly half of drivers were okay with sending emails. Using social media taking pictures or watching video. 42 said they would video chalt. Joyce droba was more focused on her phone than cars around her. Do you think you give the parking lot the same attention as the road . Not really. Why do you think that is . We think there is not a lot actually there its. I think people should be more aware of this. On average, every year, 51 people die in parking lot accidents that involve cars backing up. Experts say particularly this time of year where it is getting dark earlier and people are increasingly wearing dark winter coats. Worth taking a second to double check before you back up, or use that camera. Thats the overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you the news continues. For others we hope you will morning. From the Broadcast Center here in new york city. Im michelle miller. Br eaking news. Children have been killed in a School Bus Crash in tennessee. Also tonight, a contender for secretary of Homeland Security failed to secure his plan to enforce a major Trump Campaign promise. An officer down in front of headquarters. Anhe mhunt for a cop killer. And, one of the most dangerous places to be this holiday season. How well do you think people drive in parking lots . Elot w al atll. I think its cutthroat. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Reporting tonight from phoenix, arizona. Chattanooga, tennessee. Jim axelrod is working on the story and has the latest. Reporter it is an horrific scene in chattanooga, scott. Here is what we know close to three dozen Elementary Students on a school bus this afternoon when it crashed. Police are confirming multiple fatalities. According to the Hamilton County district attorney, at least six children are dead. These are kids ranging in age from kindergarten to fifth grade riding on ths. The name of the school is woodmore elementary school. 23 taken to area hospitals. A fluid situation. The bus the only vehicle in the crash. Pictures from the scene show a tree slicing through. The crashed bus a grim situation in tennessee tonight what the governor is calling a tragic event. Jim axelrod, thank you. We will update this as we get more information. Just as millions of americans are starting to hit of them have become very dangerous. In the east, many are covered with snow and ice. Parts of new york state got about 2 feet of lakeeffect snow. And another foot is possible by tomorrow. Tony dokoupil is in the storm zone. Reporter winds gusting up to 50 miles an hour and deep snow pummelled upstate new york blinding drivers and sending dozens of vehicles careening off the road. It was a frigid snap from the day before. When rochester and watertown basked in 70 degree heat. Jefferson county sheriff colleen oneal. Everybody went from short sleeves and shorts to mittens and hats. Reporter the first major lakeeffect storm of the season dropped as much as an inch of snow an hour. The same storm whipped through minnesota and michigan. Giving wolverine football fans a snowy celebration in ann arbor. York buried in 2 feet of snow, jackknifing this this is tug hill region of new york, the snowiest place in america last year. Timing is not great for people in this region. The start of the Holiday Travel season is today. When you see the Weather Report showing snow, what goes through your mind . Cars in the ditch. Here we go. Jefferson county deputy, steve gruber busy since 5 00 this morning. How dangerous are win to places in the country . This is the worst i have ever seen. Winter storm warning remains in effect for vast stretches of upstate new york. And 5,000 homes are without power. Scott, conditions are expected to improve in time for thanksgiving. Tony dokoupil, thank you. Eric fisher, our chief meteorologist at cbs in boston, wbz, eric, what is coming next . Scott, the winds will continue to crank. Then it starts to taper off. Some additional snowfall. Some towns will pass 30 inches of snow from the first big lake effect event of the year. Tomorrow watching a developing storm in the middle of country. That will bring rain to chicago midweek. Wintry mix across the upper midwest. And a wintry mix, in the northeast. As we head into thanksgiving itself. The stormiest part of the country, the Pacific North west. Round of rain swinging int one to three feet of mountain snow expected here and windy conditions at the coastline. That will go through friday. But look at our coast to coast on thanksgiving day. Dry, mostly mild across the Southern Tier states. Light, wintery mix, moving through the northeast. Stormiest across the Pacific Northwest. Not a major storm on thanksgiving day, scott, a few pockets here and there. Eric fisher, wbz, thank you. There was concern about a possible strike. At chicagos ohare airport. A Major National hub. Well today baggage handlers and janitors said they will walk out, but not until the tuesday after thanksgiving. Japan has been hit by a very powerful 6. 9 earthquake today. Off of fukushima devastated by the quake and tsunami five years ago. A small tsunami hit the shore today. First reports indicate the waves were no higher than 3 feet. Damage at the Nuclear Power plant that was knocked out in 2011. In syria, the assad dictatorship with the help of russia is completing the bloody destruction of its largest city. Rebelheld eastern aleppo is shuddering as bombs rain down with no place to treat the wounded. We have more on this now from strike, every second counts. But some times, all of the rescue crews can do is take away the bodies. Between 200 and 300 people have been killed in the past week of relentless bombing. Hospitals that were still functioning just have now been hilt. And there are none left to help the more than 200,000 residents, many of them already gravely hurt. Rescue crews, known as the White Helmets are now experts at finding and saving life in the ruins. Slowly, he says, can we flip this rock . He survived the one air strike. The bombs are still falling. The goal is to drive opposition fighters out of eastern aleppo. Then the government will be looking to talk to president elect donald trump, says syrias foreign min see, whalid moalam. Administration, he says to stop funding armed groups in syria and to tell allies to do the same. But thats politics. And this is war. Six years in, and still escalating. In fact this past weeks bombing, scott, has been some of the very heaviest since the war began. Elizabeth palmer in our london newsroom. Liz, thank you. Today a man from brooklyn, new york arrested on terrorism charges. Mohammad rafiq naji accused of traveling to turkey yemen in an attempt to join isis. Federal prosecutors say he expressed support for a potential truck attack in times square. Like the one that killed more than 80 people in nice, france in july. The cbs overnight news president elect trump said his actions on his first day in office will include withdrawing from the trade deal known as the transpacific partnership. And ordering that for every new government regulation, two must be eliminated. Cabinet positions to fill, mr. Trumps new York City Office has become the busiest Employment Office in the country. Chip reid is there. Reporter a parade of jobseekers passed through the lobby of trump tower today. Former massachusetts senator, scott brown, told mr. Trump he wants to be secretary of veterans affairs. I think i am the best person. But there are some tremendous people out there. Reporter former Texas Governor rick perry didnt say sources say he is being considered for secretary of energy. At least one democrat met with mr. Trump, congresswoman tulsi gabbard, and she came to offer her opinion on u. S. Policy in syria. Some top network news people came for an off the record discussion. 13 days after the election, mr. Trump has not held a press conference. Then president elect obama held one on day three. But late today, the president outlining plans for his firs 100 days in office. I will formulate a rule which says that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. You know who that is, right . Over the week mend,rur. Tmp met with a long series of job candidates at the ornate, Trump National golf club in new jersey. During the campaign, mitt romney called mr. Trump a phony and a now he is under consideration for secretary of state. Very thorough and indepth discussion. Marine general James Mad Dog Mattis leading candidate for secretary of defense. He is the real deal. The kansas secretary of state, a leading critic of illegal immigration appears to be making a play for secretary of Homeland Security. Seen holding a document titled department of Homeland Security, kobach Strategic Plan for first 365 days. It lists add extreme vetting question for high risk aliens, question them for jihad, and reduce intake of Syrian Refugees to zero. In what appears to be reference to a wall on the mexican border, the document says have entire 1,989 miles planned for rapid build. Scott, kobachs office did not respond to request for comment. Than a dozen nations, donald trump faces a thicket of potential conflicts between his businesses and foreign policy. Anna werner has been looking into this. [ applause ] reporter donald trump has been adamant that his business will mean nothing to him as president. Telling 60 minutes last week. I dont care about how pell occupancy. Facebook photo from last tuesday shows the smiling president elect at trump tower joined by three of his Business Partners. Developers of the trump towers luxury apartment complex in india. The Trump Organization says it was an exchange of hellos. But indian media clearly thought it was more saying donald trump meets indian partners. One story quoting one Business Partner as saying he discussed indian Economic Policy with trumps children. An expert on India Foreign policy at the brookings institution. I think the focus was very much on the Business Leaders as who are they, what kind of access would they get in the future. What was this going to do to their business. One thing it definitely did was increase the visibility of both the trump projects. But also, these Indian Business partners within the indian media. Mr. Trumps personal business interests could also create unique conflicts of interest, when it comes to national security. For example, in turkey, where the u. S. Has been critical of the government for its crackdown on dissent and its approach to the syrian civil war. The new president has licensed his name to the trump tower residential building in what i can assure you and all of your viewers that all of the laws pertaining to his business dealings and service as president of the United States will be strictly adhered to. And, and he set that tone from the very beginning. Reporter note that the Vice President elect said all of the laws will be followed. But there are no laws on conflict of interest regarding the president or Vice President. By the way, scott, that photo of mr. Trump with his Indian Business partners, it has since been deleted. Anna werner, trump tower, manhattans fifth avenue. Thank you. Late today police in texas made an arrest in the murder of a veteran san antonio detective. Benjamin marconi ambushed while writing a traffic ticket. Police believe surveillance tape shows the suspect at Police Headquarters before the this was one of four attacks on police yesterday. Officers were shot and wounded in st. Louis, and in kansas city suburb and in sanibel, florida. 60 cops have been killed in the u. S. This year. That is neary double last year. In phoenix, a look inside the socalled alt right movement. Later, attention shoppers, the most dangerous place during holidays could be the parking lot. . Look at this. A Silicon Valley server farm. The vault to mans greatest wonders. Selfies, cat videos and winking emojis. Ea spking of tech wonders, with the geico app you can get roadside assistance, digital id cards. Or even file a claim. Do that. Yeah, yeah that should work. Its not happening. Just try again. Uh, i think i found your problem. Thanks. The far rightwing movement known as the alt right, latched on to the Donald Trump Campaign and some of its leaders say that his victory is now giving them a big boost. We have more now. Hail trump. Hail our people. Policy institute in alt right thinktank drew hundreds inside the Ronald Reagan pavilion in washington, d. C. Identity is the foundation of politic thousands, the foundation of culture. And even more outside. Since 2008, the alt right or alternative right movement lived mostly on obscure Message Boards online. It gained more attention after donald trump hired steve ban nonto run his president ial campaign in august. 300 million views. Richard spencer is president of the National Policy ens to the. Im enthusiastic about Steven Bannon acting as the strategist. Breitbart has been an open place for a lot of idea i care about. Bannondenies being alt right. Members are usually college rightwing views. Theyre difficult to define because of the wide range of members from those who believe that america will be great only when it looks out for itself, to those who believe in antiimmigration, and white dominance. Instead of asking, you know, whats good for the world . They ask, whats good for us . Thomas maine, Public Policy professor at baruk college in new york city has been following the movement for years. He says after the Great Recession and with the countrys increasing minority population, many white men began to feel left out of the political process. I think what happened is that all of the shocks to the system made a lot of people, especially a lot of people on the right, say gee, our current way of thinking is not working for us. What do you say to people who call groups like yours racist . The word racist doesnt have any meaning anymore. Its basically calling me a mean do you discriminate against people because of the color of their skin . Everyone is discriminating in a all sorts of do you do that though . I discriminate all the time. Discriminating is living. Spencer says he opposes violence, scott, he calls the election of donald trump a step toward our new normal. Thank you. When we come back, hundreds are killed each year in parkin lots and my cold medicines wearing off. Im dragging. Yeah, that stuff only lasts a few hours. Or, take mucinex. One pill fights congestion for 12 hours. No thank you very much, shes gonna stick with the shortterm stuff. 12 hours . Guess i wont be seeing you for a while. Is that a bisque . I just lost my appetite. Why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours . Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. With eight times more fragrance control, the air wick . Scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down to fill massive minimalist rooms. Small secret rooms. And even tall rooms you climb to. You get the perfect amount of fragrance. Air wick . Home is in the air. Fill your home with the joyful scents of the limitededition air wick holiday collection, in stores now as the Holiday Shopping season kicks into high gear, perhaps we shouldnt be surprised to learn that parking lots are dangerous places. How dangerous . Kris van cleave has the story. Reporter a Security Camera captured the moment a car backed up into a 24yearold mother pushing her babys stroller last month. The mother was killed. Her child unhurt. In Wisconsin Police released this video of a driver slamming into nine cars. Amazingly there were no serious injuries. Theyre just two of the more than 50,000 crashes that take place in parking lots and garages each year. How well do you think people drive in parking lots . Not very well. Not very well at all. I think its cutthroat. Reporter the crashes led to more than 500 deaths and 60,000 injuries. The leading cause, likely distracted driving. Making calls while driving in a parking lot. 56 would text while about half would send emails, use social media, take pictures or watch videos. 42 said they would video chat. Deborah herzman runs National Safety count still which publish the report. When we look at the holidays we are looking at compounding a hectic busy environment. There could be overcrowding a lot going on. Parents separated from their children. Just a dangerous environment. I think people take it for granted because things are slow moving. Reporter we found joyce droba focused on her phone, not cars. We think there is a lot a lot of traffic in the parking lot. There is. People should be more aware. Pedestrian fatalities are on the rise and injuries from socalled distracted walking accidents. Scott, every year on average, 51 people die in accidents where a kris van cleave, thank you very much. Finally tonight here at Walter Cronkite school of journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State in phoenix. To celebrate the centennial of the man for whom the school was named. Walter once said it is up to journalists to help educate americans so that they have the information to select their leaders. Today, we spent time with the next generation of journalists as they prepare to take up the cronkite challenge. More important now than ever. Is bound tightly to the quality of our journalism. The kind of journalism taught here at the cronkite school. Under the leadership of dean chris callahan. As we celebrate what would have been Walter Cronkites 100th birthday. We believe there is no more appropriate and deserving recipient of the 2016 cronkite [ applause ] scott is in so many ways the standard bearer for the kind of journalism that Walter Cronkite defined for so many of us. It was humbling to receive the award but heartening to meet the reporters of tomorrow. Journalism and our democracy are in good hands. And thats the overnight news for this tuesday. For others, check back with us just a little later for the morning news and be sure not to miss cbs this morning. From phoenix, arizona, im scott this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news, im michelle miller. The Trump Transition Team moved back across the river to the guilded s received a parade of alist visitors. Mr. Trumps cabinet is still a work in progress, but he says he is anxious to fill some key positions before heading to florida for the thanksgiving holiday. Chip reid has the latest. Reporter a parade of jobseekers passed through the lobby of trump tower, former massachusetts senator, scott brown, told mr. Trump he wants to be secretary of veterans affairs. I think i am the best person. But there are some tremendous people out there. Governor rick perry didnt say why he was there. Sources say he is being considered for secretary of energy. At least one democrat met with mr. Trump, congresswoman gabbard, she came to offer her opinion on u. S. Policy in syria. Some top network news people came for an off the record discussion. 13 days after the election, mr. Trump has not held a press conference. Then president elect obama held one on day three. But late today, the president elect released this video outlining plans for his first 100 days in office. I will formulate a rule which says that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. You know who that is, right . Over the weekend, mr. Trump met with a long series of job candidates at the ornate, Trump National golf club in new jersey. During the campaign, mitt romney called mr. Trump a phony and a fraud. Mr. Trump called romney a loser. Now he is under consideration for secretary of state. Four star marine general James Mad Dog Mattis leading candidate for secretary of defense. He is the real deal. The kansas secretary of state, chris kobach, a leading critic of illegal immigration appears to be making a play for secretary of Homeland Security. Kobach was seen seen holding a document titled department of Homeland Security, kobach Strategic Plan for first 365 days. It lis a question for high risk aliens, question them regarding support for sharia law, jihad, and reduce intake of Syrian Refugees to zero. Scientists are warning of an earthquake danger in northern california. They discovered the two major fault lines linked just north of San Francisco and creates a new risk for the nearly 7 Million People living in the bay area. Mireya villarreal has the the story. Reporter a magnitude 7. 8 National Guardsmen are working to pull a trapped man from an elevator shaft. While a especially trained dog searches for stranded survivors. This drill its meant to help Emergency Responders prepare for the real thing. You want to be the best prepared, best trained and most efficient as possible. Reporter but these extreme scenarios could easily become reality. Usgs scientists discovered two of the countrys faults, once thought to be at least two miles apart are actually connected long fault. Using this acoustic device, they confirm that the hay ward fault meets the Rodgers Creek fault in the San Pablo Bay near San Francisco. Longer a fault the larger earthquake it can produce. If the faults went together along their length up to magnitude 7. 4. Reporter the great quake leveled San Francisco neighborhoods killing thousands. In 1989, the quake killed people and caused 6 billion in damage. Folks in the bay area need to be prepared. Reporter watts team is trying to predict the future studying when earthquakes occurred here in the past and how often. When an earthquake occurs, the sediment along the fault line shifts and creates a time stamp in the mud. Tubes in the bay floor. The cores are pulled from the water and cut. Like a cheese cutter. Sliced open. Wow. Awesome. And photographed. Think of it as looking down through time. We can find a date for the flat layers on top. The layers that are offset. Bracket in theage of when that earthquake happened on the watts research will help scientists better understand the two faults as their potential for damage makes emergenc preparation like this, even more essential. Mireya villarreal, california. Pope francis wrapped up the holy year of mercy this weekend by elevating 17 bishops from around the world to cardinals. They include three americans. And news of the promotions was broadcast worldwide by the Vatican Television center the a small operation with some very hightech gear. When the new american cardinals joined pope francis for mass in st. Peters square sunday it was covered by 12 cameras including two sweeping jibs. Those cameras on long arms. Moments including the closing of the holy door were choreographed and transmitted to the world at the highest quality possible. Youre broadcasting at a quality because our tvs arent that good. It is the very first time. Reporter first for the vatican. Stefano dogastini its head of he explained the technology they used they use 4 k, hdr. Hdr is more bright. More detailed. More contrast. It is like the human view. Reporter workers from sony in japan were there for the debut. We peeked in to vatican tvs high tech mobile production vans. Parked in the shadow of st. Peters basilica. Ctv, the acronym in italian has 21 full time employees. Vatican television is like the mouse that roared. Okay, a tiny operation if you look at the number of people. The quality is great. Greg burke, former fox news correspondent. Who now runs the Vatican Press viewers the chance to see the world and the crowds as the pontiff does. Vatican tv is hardly an independent observer, rather part of the churchs massive pr apparatus. Reminders of its mission are onscreen and off. . . The material its hard to beat. In setting, scale, and sheer theatrics. Whether it is the car cardinals marching into the sistine chapel. Or that memorable goodbye flight over the eternal city when benedict 16th became pope emeritus. This room hold enough memory to store 28,000 video cassettes. This is an expensive operation, vatican tv. Is why dedicate so many resources to tv . The better you can tell the story. These days we are telling stories with pictures. Just keeps coming back. And always way, way, way too soon. No matter what you do. Amop . Presents pedi perfect. A new level of hard skin removal. It removes hard skin thoroughly yet effortlessly and reveals the silkiest smoothness you can rely on. Because it lasts, and lasts, and lasts. Give the gift of long lasting smoothness. achoo did you know you can pick up cold flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours . Its like having a sick Family Member that you didnt even know was there. And we all know what happens when one Family Member gets sick. But lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99. 9 of germs including 8 common cold flu viruses to help protect your home. This cold and flu season your home happy and healthy superstar bruno mars about to kick off a world tour in support of his first new album in four years. 24 karat magic. He took time out to discuss his work. Month was his first public concert of the year. Mohican sun reporter he used it for a tuneup of release of album and world tour to follow. . Hallelujah . . Hallelujah . Reporter on every song and every note, from arenas to halftime of the super bowl. He and his band, the hooligans . . . You dont believe it just watch . Reporter his standard are high because the legends of music set them. . Dont believe it just watch . I really care about what people see. I want them to know im working hard for them. . Hey hey hey . The artist i look up to like, you know, michael, prince, james brown. You watch them and you understand that theyre paying attention to the details of of their art. And they care. So much about what theyre wearing, about how the theyre moving, about how theyre making the audience feel. And not phoning it in. Theyre going up there to murder any body that performs after them or performs before them. Thats what i watch my whole reporter he is a throwback you. See it in the choreography on stage. And hear it in the songs themselves. Descendants of the generations that came before him. . Oh yeah yeah oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah . Reporter when i listen to your songs, you can hell those people that you have listened to. Yeah. Over the years. A lot of people are really quick to say that song sound like this. Or he trying to sound look this. And im always like, you are damn right i am. Thats why we are all here. You know, e are all, grew up, idolizing another musician. Thats how this works. Thats how music is created. Reporter the muse cat education of bruno mars began in his hometown, honolulu, hawaii. He was born peter hernandez. To a puerto rican father and filipino mother. Parents who were professional performing together in the tourist show rooms of the hawaiian beach. Their act was called the lovenotes. Bruno, you rad to rock n roll . When bruno was 4 years old his parents included him in the family business. . He played little elvis. Its when heap first learned he could steal the show. . Aint no friend of mine . The little elvis routine lasted sick years. But the lessons of his parents vegas style, entertainment review, have lasted a lifetime. You know its like school of rock for me. And it was just this kind of if he wasnt hitting the notes and the audience wasnt freaking out. Then you werent doing it right. By the time he turned 12, his parents divorced. And the family band broke up. Money was tight. His four sisters moved in with his mom. He and his brother lived with his dad. On top of this building . On top of this building. Anywhere they could. My dad was the king of finding these little spots for us to stay that we should never have been staying at. You were look Homeless People . 1984 limousine. Reporter sleeping in the back of the car, on top of buildings and this place. This is where you lived . Paradise park. A bird zoo where his dad took a job. This was the first time he had been back here since. Even people who work with him, havent heard this part of his story. Where we were staying at first. Didnt have a bathroom. So we would have to walk across reporter wow. In a reporter some times in the middle of the night. Middle of the night. Reporter when the park closed they stayed, moving into this oneroom building. Right here. Reporter this was your house . Yeah. Reporter they lived here more than two years. Just so people dont think we were crazy. It did not look like this. Had a roof. Didnt have plants growing dont have plants going inside. Dont know what happened to the roof. Bed would be there in the middle. Awe. Reporter all sleep in one bed . Sleep in one bed. Happy memories . The best. Reporter that is kind of amazing. Yeah. Reporter and what you remember about it is not the struggle or the things you didnt have all the things you had. Yeah. We had it all. You know . We had each other. And it never felt like it was the end of the world. Its all right. Temporary. Well figure this out. You know, maybe thats why i have this mentality when it comes to the music. Because i know i am going to figure it out. Just give me some time. Reporter as soon as he graduated high school, he left the show rooms and hawaii altogether. Reporter you could have stayed here, right . Yeah. Reporter made a good living. And done what your dad did and been a big star in hawaii. I wanted to go for tip. Reporter you wanted more . I wanted more the my family pushed me. Anis reporter how . These are my team. This is my culture. I want to represent them. Think of hawaii, palm trees, magical island, and bruno mars. Reporter so he headed for los angeles where he was quickly signed by motown record. Gone was his given name of peter instead. Bruno, his childhood nickname, mars, shooting for the stars. The name stuck. But the record contract didnt. Motown dropped him. I dont blame motown. It was simply, wasnt ready yet. I think everybody dont know what color i am. Its like, he is not black enough. Hes not white enough. Hes got a latin last name. He doesnt speak spanish. Who are we selling this to . Are you making urban music . Are you making pop music . Making . Reporter with no hit songs of his own and dead broke, he started over. . I got nothing on you . Writing and producing songs for other artists with arie levine and phillip lawrence. They were starving musicians, inspired by the hustle to pay for food. They came up with this song. . I want to be a billionaire so frickin bad . It led to another record deal . When i see your face . . Theres not a thing that . Reporter his career as a songwriter and performer was finally on track. Just the way you are. About that time though, he was arrested for possession of 2 1 2 grams of cocaine. From the outside you really seem to keep it together. And to be very professional and, you know very committed. But you nearly threw it all away. I did something very stupid. Im in las vegas, laura, im 24 years old, im im, you know, drinking way more than i am supposed to be drinking. And it was so early in my career. And i always said that i think it had to happen. That was the reality check i needed. And i, im promised myself that, you know, never going to read about that again. . Ill catch a grenade for you . Not drug busts have been his narrative ever since. Capped by two super bowl halftime performances in three years. And three grammys including record of the year for his collaboration with producer, mark ronson. Uptown funk. The biggest hit in a career full of them. You can see the full report on our web site. Cbs. Com. The overnight news will be righck day. Back seat chefs peer inside your oven. But youve cleaned all bakedon business from meals past with easyoff, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. Go ahead. Let em judge. My hygienist said the most random thing. She said i should think of my teeth like an apple. It could be great on the outside not so great on the inside. Her advice . Use a toothpaste and mouthwash that strengthens both. Go pro with crest prohealth advanced. And is better at strengthening the outside than colgate total. Crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my whole mouth feel amazing. Advance to healthier gums and stronger teeth from day one. My checkup was great. Whoa, this is awful, try it. Oh no, that looks gross what is that . You gotta try it, its terrible. I dont wanna try it if its terrible. Just try it guys, i think we should hurry up. If you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. Its what you do. I cant get the taste out of my mouth if you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Shhh dog, dog, dog. coughs that cough doesnt sound so good. Well i think you sound great. Move over. Easy booger man. Take mucinex dm. Itll take care of your cough. Fine ill text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. One pill lasts 12 hours, so. Ah david, please, listen. Still not coughing. Not fair you guys waffles are my favorite ah some cough medicines only last 4 hours. But just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. The museum in San Francisco where the food in the cafeteria is a work of art. John blackstone stopped by for a bite. Reporter at San Franciscos recently expanded museum of modern art, record crowd have been feasting their eyes on the works of contemporary masters, like ellsworth kelly, andy warhol. And feasting themselves on the works of master chefs. Like wily duframe and dominique ansel. So obvious when you think about it. Reporter chef cory lee reimagined the Museum Restaurant as a museum gallery. A lot of people kind of stumble in here. They sit down. Theyre look what is this . Reporter the restaurant offers Signature Dishes of some of the worlds celebrated chefs. Looks like a museum program. Start seeing dishes from around the world. Dates on them. I think it is disorienting for them. Lee is a celebrated chef himself. His three michelin star menu is blocks away. But the 37yearold does not serve any of his own creations at the restaurant. I think of cory as curator of food. Chosen to design a Museum Worthy restaurant. Wonderful amount of curiosity about what we do, curators work, walls. I explained if we wanted to do one, our curator would bring them to our museum. I wanted to do the same thing with food. A diner can come in and try a dish from the chef in bell up. Chef in japan. Chef in hong kong. This very fun, kind of new experience with food. Visited, teaching the kitsch in staff to reproduce perfectly. When executive chef Brandon Rodgers prepares fresh steamed crab claw it looks and tastes just as it did when first served at hong kongs restaurant in 1970. Got the exact bowl they use to prepare it. Same portions they serve. Try to immitate that exactly. He does the same with chef Thomas Kellers pan roasted duck French Laundry in californias wine country. From 1995. Within the first year of them opening. Reporter some of the classic dishes served here are no longer on the menus where they originally appeared. And sometimes, the chefs who created them, are among the diners here. The meier lemon ice cream and sherbet dessert she first made at her named berkeley . Music . Runners on your mark . Youre rolled out at the dawning of the day . . Heart racin as you made your little get away . Get set . It feels like youve been runnin all your life . . But why . Oh why . . sfx starter pistol shot . So youve pulled away from the love that wouldve been there . . You start believin that your situations unfair . We lose our way, we get back up again . . Its never too late to get back up again . . One day, youre gonna shine again, . . You may be knocked down but not out forever . . We lose our way, we get back up again . . Its never too late to get back up again . . One day, youre gonna shine again, . . You may be knocked down but not out forever . . We lose our way, we get back up again . . So get up, get up . . Youre gonna shine again . . Its never too late to get back up again . Not out forever . . . Take a good look at yourself. . Oh, yeah. . And turn. . Oh . Very nice. . Check that smooth backside one more time. . Do you see any changing or suspicious spots . . Its your skin. . And its important. . If youre a man over 50, youre in the group most likely . To develop skin cancer, including melanoma, the cancer . That kills one person every hour. . . When detected early, skin cancer is highly treatable. . Check yourself out. . And find someone else to help. . Learn more about what to look for at spotskincancer. Org. . Its tuesday, november 22nd, 2016. This is for this community. Breaking overnight, a School Bus Driver is charged with vehicular homicide for the crash that left several students dead and many more hospitalized. Hail trump, hail our people a White Nationalist group with president elect trump. Now the president elect is speaking out about the death threats

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