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To talk to each other and to disagree with each other and to with each other. While donald trump criticizes clinton over her ongoing echl mail scandal. Will justice be done . Yes or no . Good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. Good to be with you. Im annemarie green. It is the final push before by most accounts, will be a nailbiter. Hillary clinton is trying to shore up the Democratic Base today in pennsylvania, michigan, and ohio. Donald trump is trying to win over moderate republicans. The latest cbs news the New York Times poll shows clinton hanging on to a threepoint lead over trump nationally. Now that is down from the ninepoint margin she enjoyed just a couple of weeks ago. Hena daniels is here in new york with the very latest. And donald trump are using surrogates and star power to help get voters to the polls in key battleground states. We are standing against the possibility of returning and normalizing discrimination. Reporter Hillary Clinton court voters in the crucial state of North Carolina last night, alongside former rival bernie sanders. We are voting for the most powerful leader inhe world reporter singer Producer Williams provided star power as the race tightens. This election was too important. I couldnt sit on the sidelines and just be quiet. Reporter the democratic nominee used her most powerful surrogate to swing young voters in the state of florida. All of the progress we made these last eight years goes out the window if we dont win this election. Reporter trump got a rare pennsylvania yesterday, sought to appeal to suburban women with an antibullying messages. With we must find better ways to honor and support the basic goodness of our children, especially in social media. Reporter while trumps daughter ivanka hit the ground in new hampshire, the republican nominee held several events in North Carolina. Once again, bashing his opponents email practices. Hillary thought nothing of putting classified information on her illegal server, w reporter despite the push by both candidates, a cbs news the New York Times poll finds 92 of voters have already made up their mind. Trump and clinton will both campaign in the battleground states of pennsylvania and ohio today, where races are tight. An anonymous source tells cbs news beyonce will join jayz in cleveland tomorrow in support of the democratic nominee. Certainly star power. Thank you so much. Of course, the United States does not elect a president on popular vote. It is the electoral vote that matters. 270 needed to win. Cbs news director of lexs Anthony Salvanto described to scott pelley despite the tightening race, trump still faces a difficult path to the white house. Lets take a look at trumps path through the battleground states that will ultimately decide this. We think he has to win florida. That is the perennial battleground state and also get ohio whe t very tight. But then he also has to win North Carolina, which is also a tight race, and even then, he wont get above the 270 electoral votes that he needs. Hell still have to go and take a couple of other states, like a colorado and nevada to get past 270. If it sounds like a lot of work the last five days, it is. And when Hillary Clinton looks at your map, where is she . If she can hang on to that, then she just needs to win North Carolina to go over the 270 that she would need. That adds up to an easier Electoral College path for Hillary Clinton. Coming up on cbs this morning, we will talk about the final days before the election with cbs news political director john dickerson. A bond hearing is scheduled today for a man suspected of kidnapping and holding a South Carolina woman inside a storage container for two months. Were reported missing in late august. Kala brown was found yesterday about 80 miles northwest of the state capital columbia. A sex offender Todd Kohlhepp is arrested. Its pretty horrible down there. We had deputies to do the search and heard this lady banging on a container and for all of our dog, i mean, that is incredible. Brown told police there are other victims buried on the property. They are investigating. A man riding with walter scott the day a South Carolina policeman fatally shot him says he doesnt know why scott tried to run away. Scott was pulled over for a broken taillight last year. Yesterday, in the murder trial of officer michael slager, the jury watched cell phone video that shows slager shooting scott as he t t a scott family Attorney Says they are not concerned, that the jury is nearly all white. The only thing you need in this case is everything that those juries have, two eyes and their brain. It doesnt matter what color they are because they have eyes that can see that videotape. Slager tried to subdue scott with a stun gun before he shot him. We are learning more about scott greene was arrested yesterday afternoon charged with two counts of murder. Court records show greene had serious money problems and had abused his mother. A search dog found his gun and car. We did locate his car. It was bogged down in a wooded area. It appears to have been stuck and abandoned by mr. Greene. We did find a gun. We do believe there is probably it is the firearm used in the if convicted, greene would receive an automatic life sentence without the possibility of parole. The season is over for the harvard Mens Soccer Team cancelled because of sexual comments made about members of the womens team. The Student Newspaper broke the story and uncovered a document from 2012 in which team members rated the attractiveness of members of the womens Team Including lewd comments. The University President said continued through this season. The World Champion chicago cubs, something you havent heard in 108 years, will be honored with a parade and rally today. Millions are expected. Today has been proclaimed World Championship chicago cubs day in illinois. The parade moves down Michigan Avenue to grant park for a rally. The celebration comes two days after the cubs dramatic game seven extra inning win over cleveland 87. Coming up on the morning news. Why the pentagon may soon allow overweight people and marijuana users to join the ranks of the military. And luxury retailer Neiman Marcus dishes up some when Walter Cronkite needed to confirm something, couldnt google it. But today the site created a news legendary newsman. He was born 100 years ago today. The u. S. Military is considering easing recruiting standard and huge fine against penn state. Those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that penn state faces a 2. 4 Million Dollar fine linked to the Jerry Sandusky Campus Police concealed their case of sexual molestation by the former football coach. The deaths of 239 my igrant in mediterranean. It is the death toll that is the highest trying to reach migrants by sea. More than 4,200. Brexit can go ahead. The government said it will appeal. Britain voted in june to leave the eu. The Los Angeles Times says the pentagon might ease its standards for recruits. Defense secretary ash carter wants to make sure prospects are not excluded because they are tattooed, overweight, or use marijuana. The pentagon wants to attract tech savvy people needed to fight future wars which rely less on ground infantry. For in the paris treaty. The deal takes effect today. Supporter say trillions of dollars must be raised. Still to come. Drama at the beach. A group of people get together to try to rescue w ahale that stranded itself on shore. Announcer this portion of the cbs morning news sponsored just switch from denture paste to seabond denture adhesive seals. Holds stronger than the leading paste all day. Without the ooze. Feel secure. Be yourself. With stronger, clean seabond. Discover card. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. Give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh im so proud of you. Well thank you. Free at at discover. Com creditscorecard, even if youre not a customer. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. Tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Find clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. A whale gets a Second Chance at life, thanks to the kindness of strangers. They pushed the whale back into chile. One official pegged its weight at eight tons. Those are some hardy good samaritans. On the cbs moneywatch. Fallout over defective japanese airbags and Collard Greens controversy. Jill wagner is at the New York Stock Exchange with that and more. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Stocks on wall street on their longest losing streak since 2008, down for the eighth consecutive day, as worries about the election haunt investors. The dow dropped nearly 29 points. The s p closed nine points lower. The nasdaq lost 47 points. Trading of shares of takata halted this morning that the japanese maker is preparing for a possible bankruptcy filing for its u. S. Division. The exploding airbag was the lags recall in u. S. History. The japanese newspaper nikkei Investment Bank to help find a successful sponsor. U. S. Government is considering filing charges for alleged price fixing. The Justice Department could file the first charges by the years end, according to the reports. The antitrust investigation started about two years ago and involves more than a dozen countries. The industry has come under intense criticism for these spiraling costs of some drugs. The number of taxpayer dramatically, according to the irs. It says the crackdown included information sharing between Government Agencies and private tax preparers. The irs says there was nearly a 50 drop in confirmed fraudulent tax returns and reports of identity thefts this year. And every year, the luxury retailer Neiman Marcus offers extravagant gifts in its christmas book, but one of this years gift is causing a bit are a side dish of Collard Greens, but it costs 66, plus 15. 50. Hefty price there. Better than grandmas, for sure exactly. Jill wagner at the New York Stock Exchange, thanks a lot, jill. Still ahead, a breakout tv. Becomes a reality tv star. I had the best job in the world and the only way you can explain it to people is by living. This is just your average wednesday wherever i get stuck today, my future self will thank me. Thank you. Thank you how do i get stuck in an air duct . Nearly 50 years of experience has taught us no matter what the future holds, my advice for looking younger, longer . Get your beauty sleep. And use aveeno . Absolutely ageless . Night cream with active naturals . Blackberry complex. Younger looking skin can start today. Absolutely ageless . From aveeno . Youve thought about it, dreamt about it, maybe you should just go ahead and do it. Were legalzoom, and weve helped over a Million People their own businesses. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Load 120 photos. 12 seconds. Thats the power of fiber optics. This is your last chance to get super fast 100meg internet, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. This is your final week to get this great deal. Only from fios. Forecast in some cities around diplomacy is a job usually practiced behind closed doors, but when an American Ambassador pulled back the curtain on his life, he became a tv star. Mark phillips reports. Reporter Rufus Gifford is a different kind of ambassador. On this one, im not certain i can give you anything reassuring. Reporter hes the media star kind. Thank you so much reporter and this is his show. I have the best job in the world. And the only way you can really explain it to people is by living this is just average wednesday. Reporter Rufus Gifford, ambassador to denmark is a former obama fundraiser and political appointee who took the idea of transparency in government to a place no man has gone before. He led danish tv cameras in to film his work and his life. Show you around. Wonderful. Reporter the catch entitled i am the ambassador from small cult audience of Foreign Policy geeks. We thought if he were lucky, we might have have 50,000 danes tune in. Reporter instead, the danes rolled in and tuned in in their hundreds of thousands. The shows executive producer, eric struvahanson, is still in so shock. He looks like a hollywood star. Perfect smile. Good looking. Smart. And so on. Reporter an american from central casting . Yeah. Reporter butap character, a show needs a plot. Enter kitchen left, rufus partner stephen. Should be home by 7 00. I think evening is free. Free . Yeah. Reporter the two decided what they needed and maybe what the show needed was a good new fashioned wedding. Theirs i therefore proclaim that you are legally married. Congratulations. Reporter it was a happy day, a big hit, and more. Whatever you want to call it. Reporter what were you trying to prove . This is we were in copenhagen city hall were the first same sex unions of the world took place. Stephen and i got married. Reporter naturally, the awards followed. Rufus gifford oh, gosh. Oh, man reporter having conquered denmark, the show has now been picked up by netflix is a runnar you never know what sells on tv. Reporter that is true, that is true. The ambassador turned accidental tv star is going global and diplomacy may never be the same. Mark phillips, cbs news, copenhagen. Coming up on cbs this morning, late show host stephen colbert. Im annemarie green. Why do gary johnson voters have to go to the polls on election day when they could easily flush their ballot down the toilet at home . We asked woman to smell two body washes and pick their favorite. I prefer b. B. What was a. Bath and bodyworks. And their favorite. Suave. I am impressed. Its friday and were look ing at a great day, allyson. It is nice. Yesterday we broke a record at 83 degrees. Yeah, very warm. Today not going to be that warm. We are its 60 degrees out there. We will see the temperatures dip down a little bit more before they return to the 60s. So those northwestern winds are going to be pretty breezy once again. Right now were at 54 for frederick, 54 for gaithersburg and 54 waldorf. Lots of sunshine today. Well ellen over to you its friday so i dont care how much construction is on the road. We have construction here on route 1 southbound gorman road around the 198 area. Just a small delay as youre heading northbound. Once you go by this construction in the opposite direction right there. The outer loop of the beltway we ha an accident that just cleared. The accident was after route 1. Thank you so much. Good morning. Im larry miller with brea n over night. A man in alabama convicted in a 1982 murderforhire case has avoided execution for the seventh time. 74yearold tommy author was scheduled to be executed by lethal injection at midnight. He was convicted of killing a man in his bed after the victims wife paid her to do so. The Supreme Court did not release a comment with this decision. The paris casino and hotel lights after a power outage displaced guests and gamblers. They are working to repair damage to the main power line but still no luck. A full evacuation was ordered around noon yesterday. 11 people ha to be rescued from five different elevators. Quinton terretino said he plans to retire after his next museum. During a presentation to young filmmakers he pledged to never maybe more than movie and he already made eight. Hes known for pulp fiction and kill bill. Thats a quick look at what was going on. Its friday and the news at 4 30 starts right now. This is wake up washington on wusa 9. They are closing the streets right now in the windy city. A victory parade 108 years in the making will kick off in a few hours for the World Champion the Chicago River blue . Im mike hydeck. Im jan jeffcoat. Over the meteorologist al allyson ray. Its looking like a great finish to the weekend. Right. Finish to the week. Right. The weekend is going to look nice. Grab the jacket. Its november. We expect that. Temperatures are on the mild side this morning. You need the light jacket but you will need it for thees afternoon. 55 for martinsburg, 54 for front royal. Its going to be breezy today. Today will be the breeziest of the next three. 60 degrees for your lunch hour. Notice the winds out of north, northwest 15 to 20 miles per hour. Its not windy and gusty but, yes, you will feel that breeze. Now, tonight the winds will subside allowing the temperatures to dip off into the low to mid 50s and 40s saturday morning. The details ellen, good morning. Good morning, allyson. Northbound route 5 around the beltway area watch out here. We have construction that closed three lanes. All this traffic moving over so far. We have some instruction on 123 close to Tysons Corner at the beltway. No delays there. What is really nice, 39 5, you know how this is always backed up as you head northbound 2nd street to new york avenue, it is actually movingka not seeing all those delays. Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest the eastbound and westbound lanes are impacted for paving at 3rd street. Thank you. The Sheriffs Office needs your help to find two missing teenager girls. They are both 15 years old. Maryam is from ash burn. They were last seen tuesday and the Sheriffs Office believes they left on their own and could be together

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