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early morning landing in florida. following a 16-day mission to the international space station. "endeavour's" only remaining flight will be to california, where it will go to a museum to be on display. randall pinkston is at the kennedy space center with more. >> reporter: the shuttle landed here on earth on time without any problems. with the landing it is "endeavour's" final mission to the international space station. "endeavour" glided onto the tarmac into the night marking an end to the mission. >> it's sad to see her land for the last time but she reallies had a great legacy. >> reporter: the shuttle's six-member crew spent more than six weeks in orbit, installing four spacewalks. "endeavour" is the youngest of nasa's shuttle fleet and next to last to be retired. >> houston, "endeavour" will stop. >> the space shuttle has been the space horse of the u.s. space program for more than 30 years now. the shuttle will be sad to be retired. >> reporter: before leaving space "endeavour" commander mark kelly called the end of the program bittersweet but says he's excited about the future, that including seeing his wife, congresswoman gabrielle giffords who is recovering from a gunshot wound to the head. she was here for the launch but not the landing. she put on twitter saying she and her staff would stay up and watch it on tv. kelly said he had no regrets leaving his wife. >> you miss your wife and so do all of us. in hindsight it was the right decision. >> reporter: the couple is expected to reunite tomorrow in houston. first the crew will be holding a news conference and the "endeavour" will be getting ready to be sent to california for its final mission at a museum. terrell? >> randall rinkston at the kennedy space center, thank you so much. even as "endeavour" was landing, "atlantis" was on the move at the space center beginning preparations for the last space flight. "atlantis" began its slow journey to the launch pad. it left just after sunset, "atlantis" with the four-member crew is scheduled for launch july 8th. to politics now and sarah palin's coast coast bus trip her latest stop including a visit with donald trump. they shared pizza for dinner following a brief meeting in new york. palin says she and trump had have much in common. >> a love for this country and a desire to see the economy get back on track, to have a balanced trade with countries across the world so americans can have our jobs, industries and manufacturing again. that's what built this country. >> palin still won't say if she'll run for president. president obama meets with house republicans today. today's meeting follows a game of political chicken and a move they admit was just for show. house republicans overwhelmingly defeated their own debt bill. joel brown is in washington. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. this bill failed overwhelmingly last night, that was no surprise. what is more certain says the white house, if washington doesn't come to terms soon in this battle over its red ink, the outcome could be disastrous. republicans called it symbolic. democrats called it a political stunt. >> the bill is not passed. >> reporter: house republicans unanimously defeated their own proposals to raise the debt ceiling last night, in a bid to pressure president obama to agree to significant spending cuts. >> republicans in congress are going to send a statement today that america will get its house in order. >> reporter: lawmakers on the other side of the aisle didn't appreciate the message or how it was delivered. >> this is not an honest debate. we are playing russian roulette with a loaded gun in the american economy. >> reporter: the nation hid the $4.3 trillion debt ceiling two weeks ago meaning it's already borrowed the money it's legally al aloed. if no agreement is reached, the u.s. government will default on its debts. >> it could reverse the recovery potentially, it could definitely have an impact on growth and definitely have an impact on job creation. >> reporter: behind closed doors vice president biden has been leading talks with a small group of lawmakers from both parties. they're looking for more than $1 trillion in spending cuts to offset an increase in the debt ceiling but freshmen republicans who campaigned on fiscal discipline are pushing for more. no one's really sure what would happen if the country defaulted on its loans. it's never happened before but even the debate has consequences. lawmakers scheduled to vote for after the stock markets closed. >> we'll see what happens in the coming months. joel brown thank you so much. republicans say the obama administration's actions to make school lunches healthier costs too much, it calls for less salt, starch and more whole grains and low-fat milk. yesterday they called on the agriculture department to rewrite those rules. a new study found pregnant women who are vaccinated for the flu are less likely to have premature babies. researchers in data in atlanta found babies of vaccinated mothers were less likely to be premature or unusually small than mothers who didn't receive the vaccine. the world health organization says cell phones may be linked to brain cancer. sandra hughes has our report. >> reporter: it's been an ongoing debate, whether the cellular phones can cause cancer. an international panel of experts with the world health organization says yes. >> when the scientists look at this data in total, the conclusion is that yes, there is a possible risk, particularly when you begin to have long-term exposure, and you know, the way that people use cell phones as we currently do 30 minutes a day or more. >> reporter: the w.h.o. designated the risk as category 2b, the pesticide ddt and gasoline exhaust are in the same group. neurosurnl dr. keith black says it's like a microwave cooking food. >> when you put it next to your brain it's vibrating the water molecules in your brain and it could potentially be heating, cooking the brain over time. >> reporter: 5 billion people use cell phones, that's almost three-quarters of the world's population, many of whom have already started changing habits. >> i use loud speaker a lot now and the headset but not always on it as much as it was. >> it makes sense because it hurts when you talk for it on the cell phone so i use the land line. >> reporter: to reduce exposure limit time on the cell phone, use the speakerphone or headset and don't carry it it in your pocket. brain cancer is fairly rare. it means 12 people per 100,000 would get it. sandra hughes, cbs news, los angeles. coming up, a new feature for twitter fans to tweet about. plus housing's double dip, bad news for homeowners keeps getting worse, this on the "cbs morning news." [ female announcer ] you do so much... to stay healthy. but did you know fiber choice can help support your overall well-being? every tasty tablet has prebiotic fiber from fruits and veggies... that lets your good bacteria thrive and helps support your immune system. fiber choice. an easy way to defend your health everyday. learn more about prebiotics and get a free sample at but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. discover aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals. give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. aveeno tinted moisturizers. then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. man: and all the pens are put down... woman: and everything there is to learn is learned. man: till the heroes retire and the monsters return to their dens... woman: and all the plots are wrapped up. man: till that day... boy: by hook or by crook... girl: by book or by nook... woman: i will read. and orlando, florida, more emotional testimony at the murder trial of casey anthony. the 911 call was played when her mother made in 2008 telling police her granddaughter was missing. a former friend is expected to take the stand today. anthony could get the death penalty if convicted of killing 2-year-old caylee. thunderstorms dropped hail the size of golf balls over 160,000 homes without power this morning, the governor declared an emergency for battle creek. major cleanup operations begin in tornado ravaged joplin, missouri. the environmental protection agency will oversee removal of debris, it could contain asbestos, hospital material. in the dakotas the race is on to save entirn towns from the fast-moving missouri river. thousands have been told to evacuate. runoff from melting snow and heavy rains are forcing crews to work around the clock. they're building emergency levees. >> these areas for secondary diking are deseened to save the most amount of infrastructure and be built in the amount of time available and i want to tell you that the amount of time available is critical and that's why we've had to make some difficult decisions. >> it's feared some people won't be able to return to their homes for two months or more. cbs money windchill time. ashley morrison is here. >> a mostly quiet day for asian markets. tokyo's nikkeieninged up to a three-week high, hong kong's hang seng edged up a fraction. the automakers release their may sales numbers. on tuesday stocks roll rahlelied with consumer confidence dropping to a six-month low. the dow jumped 128 points. the nasdaq added 38, despite those gains, may was the worst month for the market since august. for the month the dow lost almost 2%, while the nasdaq 1.5%. analysts are warning it could take the housing market five or six more years to recover. home prices are down more than 5% in the past year bringing them to levels not seen since 2002, and moving into double dip territory. many economists think prices could crop another 5% just this year. sprint nextel asked regulators to block at&t's takeover of t-mobile. they argue the $39 billion deal would decrease competition and increase consumer prices. if approved it would make at&t the biggest mobile carrier in the oout with more than 40% of the market. twitter is expected to announce today it's launching a new photo sharing service, according to online reports the new feature will allow users to upload photos directly from the outside service. and finally that summer bash auto cue is going to cost you a little bit extra this year. according to the labor department the average price of ground beef and cheese are up 12% over the last year. lettuce is up 28% and the cost of corn has soared, get this, a whopping 150%, so terrell, when you come over to my house this summer for dinner, do not ask me for an extra piece of corn. >> key word, come into your house, since everything's going up i'm not buying it. ashley morrison in new york appreciate it. up in sports, it's about the "d" and the threes. the heat and mavericks meet in game one of the nba finals. at bayer, we're re-inventing aspirin for pain relief. with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles, enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. here's a look at the weather in some cities around the country. in new york after thunderstorms 89, miami sunny and 87. 72 and partly cloudy in los angeles. time now for a check of the national forecast, the latest satellite picture shows storms fading away in the great lakes region while another batch lingers over texas and oklahoma. later today heat and thunderstorms push into the northeast with a chance of heavy rain, and hail. sunny and hot in the northwest. miami's lebron james torched the mavs nailing fourth three-pointers. the heat beat dallas 92-84 to take the series lead. in baseball, texas took on the rays in florida. c.j. wilson made a bare hand snag on a shot coming back at hill. evan longoria a go-ahead two-run homer, tampa beat texas 5-4. french open tennis, roger federer is moving on to the semifinals. the 16-time grand slam winner rolled past his opponent. federer has yet to drop a set in this open. when we come back another look at the top stories. n ongoi. i didn't understand it. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of overactive nerves 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[ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. rich amador, our capital one commercial banker really rolls up his sleeves to help keep our business growing. he's done hands-on research to better understand our growing cash flow needs. rich, i am very excited about what you've put together. and with the strength of the largest bank headquartered in the dc area, he's able to fiercely protect our bottom line. plus, he always looks for new perspectives on the club to help us grow. 75 by 16! [ laughs ] [ all ] what's in your wallet? on the "cbs morning news," here's a look at today's weather, warm air is surging further into the northeast, along with the threat of severe thunderstorms this afternoon in the northwest, temperatures below normal and scattered showers will linger through the day. here's another look at this morning's topper toys. house republicans meet today with president obama to discuss the nation's debt limit. yesterday they defeated their own bill to raise the nation's borrowing limit, a move aimed at highlighting their demand for steep budget cuts. "endeavour's" final flight landed safely this morning. one more shuttle flight is planned, "atlantis" due to launch in july. it's reported this morning that the pentagon is said to classify computer sabotage as a potential act of war. that would allow the u.s. to use traditional military force. a pentagon report will be released next month. two iraqi men who came to this country as refugees pled not guilty to terrorism charges. before leaving iraq one of the suspects took part in attacks on american troops. bob orr has retails. >> reporter: prosecutors say the two suspects were hardened on the battlefields of iraq. while al juan and hammadi have been charged with 23 counts of providing material reports to al qaeda, and alwan is charged with conspiring to deliver weapons of mass destruction. alwan's fingerprints have been matched up with a bomb components recovered in iraq in 2005. court papers do not say when alwan was released but in 2009 he and hammadi both came to the u.s. sources say the fbi acting on a tip began watching alwan and later hammadi using an undercover informant to set up a sting. alwan admitted to carrying out ied attacks in iraq between 2006 and 2009 saying he collected everything, tnt, electric detonators, mo are tar shells and rpgs and bragged his group conducted strikes every day using ieds in iraq hundreds of timds. the two suspects pleaded not guilty. u.s. officials admit they never should have allowed the men in the country in the first place, blaming that mistake on screening gaps which have not been closed. this morning on the "early" show captain "sully "sullenberg "sullenberger. "sullenberg "sullenberger. thisshe hasn't shopped for at e. new pc because... erika: ... my computer is the same as a new computer. vo: so to show her what she's missing, we built a pc store in her house. erika: (gasp) employee: come on in. make yourself at home! erika: this is my home! employee: let's take a look! erika: (lifting laptop) it's really light. honey, help me shop! employee: you can get up to seven hours on this battery. jesse: the color really pops out. employee: everything's wireless. wireless keyboard. jesse: that's impressive. i like this one better. erika: and i like this one... vo: new pc. what's it gonna be? erika: i'm a pc, and i got what i wanted. jesse: as usual. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena naturals. removes 99% of dirt and toxins without dyes, parabens, or harsh sulfates. so skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new from neutrogena naturals. to london starts with arthritis pain... and a choice. take tylenol now, and maybe up to 8 in a day. or...choose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. enjoy the flight. mach tower. dude, it's like two hundred and... ...forty feet high... ...right in the middle of oktoberfest... ...the seats go, whoooa... ...up to the top, then... ...the music just stops. and the seats totally start shaking. it's insane. but then all of a sudden... [ group ] aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! [ male announcer ] mach tower. heart racing. jaw dropping. coming soon to busch gardens williamsburg. >> good wednesday morning. i'm andrea roane. >> i'm mike hydeck. angie is here. she'll be here with traffic. >> she's been around. >> mike will get his tongue back. >> more caffeine, mr. bernstein. take it away. >> we have one last hot day. i'm excited about what's coming especially as we head toward friday. thursday and friday. friday looks beautiful around here. we have earned it because we've got one more blazingly hot day with a push for strong to severe storms. our day planner starts sunny and muggy. we'll be in the low 80s by 9:00. topping off around 94, 95. yesterday, 98 yesterday, boys and girls! 98! some storms could be strong to severe and a heat advisory up one more time. until 8:00. heat index 100 to 105. phillies have the heat warning going on for them. a cold front coming through this afternoon. that will kick off the storms and bring us some drier, cooler weather. >> right now, we're going to start this wednesday morning off with a green light. construction is what we're waking up to this morning. let's begin with 95 going northbound, you'll find it at powder mill, the set-up going southbound is near the 198 exit. over to the beltway in maryland, the inner loop past route 50, the roadwork there is taking away a couple of right lanes and the inner loop, only the left lane of traffic is able to get by early this morning in virginia near 123. more work zones to watch out for early this morning. mike, andrea, i'll have that at 4:31. >> here are stories we're following for you this morning. the space shuttle "endeavour" has touched down for the very last time. >> the shuttle and six crew members landed at the kennedy space center earlier this morning. "endeavour" left the international space center over the weekend after they were able to put the finishing touches on an orbiting lab. the california science center is where it will go on public display. youth baseball is not as big a deal as football and basketball. there are a number of ways to explain that but one of them is that from 1927 to -- 1972 to 2004, youngsters didn't have a pro team to follow. >> now that the nationals are here, they're taking steps to revitalize baseball among d.c. kids. dave owens explains. >> reporter: playing baseball, meeting heroes. nothing better for a kid. >> i've always really wanted to go out and play catch with them. >> the washington nationals and the district agree. >> three, two, one. >> breaking ground on an 18,000 square foot youth academy in southeast. >> the program like this will offer the opportunity to pass on to the next generation, you know, what the people in front of me passed on to me. >> mayor gray who went to dunbar with a council member gave an impassioned speech saying these kids need baseball. >> it is just heartbreaking to watch the decline of baseball at the youth level. >> the academy was part of the original agreement to bring the nats to d.c. but it won't just be about baseball. it will house educational and nutritional resources, too. the total cost ranges between $13 and $15 million but the nats and major league baseball providing about $4 million. the city will pitch in more than $10 million to turn the fields into the baseball academy. a lot of money in tough economic times so how do they justify spending that kind of money here -- >> we borrow money to be able to invest in these kinds of efforts for children. and you know, we'll never be able to estimate the number of lives we will have saved. >> still, is it a tough sell? we asked people in the neighborhood, three refused to comment. richard page who lived in ward 7 for years said he supports any money spent on kids. >> that's your future. >> reporter: as for today, these kids just wanted to meet superstars. >> i was very excited. dave owen, 9 sports now. good morning and welcome to 9news now. today is wednesday, june 1st, a new month. hallelujah. i'm andrea roane. >> you like the heat, don't

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