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balloon bust. authorities con firm the whole episode was a hoax and plan to file felony charges. p. >> they put on a very good show for us and we bought it. home coming heartbreak. a connecticut football play ser stabbed to get following a campus party. >> i love my baby. they took him from me. he didn't bother nobody. and going green. medical marijuana users get the group light from the obama administration. this is the "cbs morning news" administration. this is the "cbs morning news" for monday, october 19th, 2009. captioning funded by cbs good morning and thanks for joining us. i'm michelle gielan. it turns out the balloon drama was all a bunch of hot air. law enforcement officials say the story of a colorado boy that floated away in a balloon was just a hoax to land a reality tv show and the whole family was involved. now instead of landing that show, the parents could land in prison. katherine brown reports. >> reporter: the family that lived for the limelight is now scrambling to stay under the radar. the attorney for richard and may uhe mi hooep said the couple is willing to turn themselves in if charges are filed. >> we need not have a public spectacle of a perp walk for the media's consumption. these folks are presumed innocent. >> reporter: colorado investigators now believe the balloon boy drama that played out on national tv last week was all part of a bizarre host. >> it was a publicity stunt done with the hopes of marketing themselves. >> reporter: investigators re-enter viewed the heene family on saturday and combed through their colorado home looking through computers and e-mails. they now believe richard and my uhe mi heene had been month willing this stunt for weeks for get their own reality tv though deal and instructed their three children to lie to the media and to police. >> they put on a very good show for us and we bought it. >> reporter: investigators plan to file felony charges, including conspiracy and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. the fly-away balloon sparked a heat, high altitude search and worldwide concern when the heenes reported their 6-year-old son, falcon, had crawled ens just before it floated away. he was found hours later at home hiding inside a cardboard box in the attic, but speculation the incident may have been faked began almost immediately when falcon made this comment on cnn. >> we did this for a show. >> reporter: the heene children are not likely to be charged because of their ages, but child protective services are now involved. katherine brown for cbs news, new york. turning now to afghanistan and the debate over deploying more u.s. troops in the war zone. the obama administration says the decision will be based on the out come of the disputed presidential election. whit johnson is in washington with details. whit, good morning. >> reporter: michelle, good morning. weaknesses in the afghan government are underlining u.s. and nato forces and that's clearly weighing heavily on the obama administration as it looks for a new strategy. president obama may not be willing to commit sthous of more troops to afghanistan until the country's government can prove its legitimacy. >> the question does not come how many troops you send, but do you have the credible afghan partner for it this prz that can proit security and the type of services the afghan people need. >> reporter: u.s. officials fear afghan citizens are turning to the taliban for their needs because of concerns about the country's leadership. this summer's presidential election was plagued with charges of fraud, raising more doubt about the government's reliability. massachusetts senator john kerry visited the region over the weekend and says the president should wait until the election cloud has been lifted. >> i don't see how president obama can make a decision about the committing of our additional forces without an adequate government in place. >> reporter: the obama administration has held several strategy meetings on afghanistan with more planned this week. the lengthy review which started in september has some republicans running out of patience. >> at some point, deliberation begins to look more like indecisiveness, which then becomes a way of emboldening our enemies and allies. >> the review will be onning for. i think we're getting closer and close ter to where the president wants to be be. >> reporter: it isn't clear whether obama will wait for final election results to make his decision. later today a united nations fraud panel will announce its vertd of the disputed presidential vote, which could help put some of the political uncertainty in the country to rest. the fraud panel has been pouring over ballots for the last eight weeks. the results could require a presidential runoff election. michelle? >> whit johnson in washington. whit, thanks. the much anticipated u.s. backed pakistani ground offensive against the taliban is in it third day this morning. pakistani troops are moving on the remoout stronghold along the border with afghanistan. the pakistani army says some 70 militants have been killed in heavy fighting in the south waziristan region. le at that timely ban says it will fight under h. up their last drop of blood. this morning pakistan is denying it had any connection to a deadly bombing in southeast iran. at least 42 people died in yesterday's attack by a suicide bomber at a sports center. five top commanders of the revolutionary guard were among the victims. iranian president mahmoud am continue squad charged that security agents in pakistan cooperated in the attack. connecticut police are looking for suspects in the stabbing death of a university of connecticut football player jasper howard was killed early yesterday morning just after a homecoming cans at the uconn student union. a fight br out between two groups including students and nonstoonts. hoard's mother last spoke to her son after the game. >> he was telling me how he played and i told him he played a between game yesterday. and before i hung up, i said i love you and he said, mom, i'm going to a party. i said, okay, just please be careful. that was the last i talked to him my baby. >> and howard was her only son and about to become a father. three runners collapsed and died during the detroit marathon. more than 19,000 runners were registered for yesterday's race.runners who collapsed were all men, ages 26, 36 and 65. race officials say emergency personnel treated the runners within seconds after they went down. the last time somebody collapsed and died at the detroit mayor than was in 1994. just ahead on the "morning news," new rules for medical marijuana, plus hurricane rick stirs up big waves as the monster storm takes aim at baja, california. first katie couric has a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." a new drug could save the lives of people critically ill with h1n1. so why do most doctors not even know about it? we'll have that story and more tonight only on the "cbs evening news." dangerous plaque that can build up in arteries. it's called atherosclerosis--or athero. and high cholesterol is a major factor. but crestor can help slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. go to and take an interactive tour to learn how plaque builds up. and then ask your doctor if crestor is right for you. along with diet, crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol and raise good. crestor is proven to slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. crestor isn't for everyone, like people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. you should tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. learn more about plaque buildup at then ask your doctor if it's time for crestor. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. is it real? no. just decorations. i'm going to make the biggest pumpkin of all. the biggest pumpkin? i need to make a witch's hat. in case my hat falls off. it's pointy and then... a spike. mamma... the best treats are the ones you get at home. rice krispies. childhood is calling. ( laughing ) ...the more you expect from your pain reliever. tylenol 8 hour eases body pain... with one layer that works fast, ...and another that lasts all day. federal prosecutors and dea are getting new order kas on medical marijuana. the justice department is issuing new policy guidelines relaxing enforcement. the change will apply in 14 states that law allow use of the drug for medical purposes. it's dramatic change from policies during the bush administration which insisted on enforcing the federal laws everywhere. in the pacific off mexico, hurricane rick has weakened somewhat, but its 140-mile-an-hour or so winds still pose a threat to coastal community, including resorts on the baja a peninsula. the category 3 storm is now about 400 miles south of cabo san lucas and could reach that resort community by wednesday. on the cbs money watch otherwise, most stocks gained ground. >> reporter: good morning. well, asian markets were mostly higher today, though japan's nikkei index lost 21 points. oil prices jumped above $79 a barrel while the dollar edged down. wall street opens this morning near it highest level of the year. friday the dow dropped 67 points, slipping back proceed the 10,000 level. the nasdaq lost 16. more earnings reports could set the tone for the market this is week. one of the most highly anticipated is apple, which releases earnings after the market closes today. analystses are expecting profits to be up as much as 20% from last year due mainly to its strong iphone sales. investors will also be listening closely to the company's predictions for the holiday shopping season. well, regulators have shut down a san joaquin bank in california, 99th failure of a federally funded bank this year. the fdic says customer's deposits are safe and the five branches will reopen today as part of citizens business bank. experts fear up to 400 more banks could fail over the next two years as unemployment continues to rise and consumer spending close slows. well, just in time for the holidays, toys "r" us is introducing a lay away program for large ticket items such as bikes and cribs. the largest u.s. toy retailer says starting today customers can put a numb items on hold and make payments until the item is paid in full. and parbie just isn't bringing in the money the way she used to p it. mattel says profits sang 3.5%. barbie, who turned 50 this year, is facing shall stiff competition from other dolls, including live and moxi yes. girls. and i don't know but, but i think barbie looks pretty good for 50. i grep they say 50 is the new 40. >> exactly. >> ashley morrison here in new york. thanks. and we have a follow-up now on that justice of the peace some louisiana who refused to marry and enterry shal couple pep keith bardwell is under growing pressure to resign. he's been sharply criticized by state officials and civil rights group groups for his action. la a la senator call it is an example of, quote, ugly bigotry, but bardwell says he isn't sorry. >> no, i don't reget what i did and if it ever come up again, i'd have to do the same thing. >> bardwell insists he isn't racist and claims he's just trying to protect the children of enter racial couples. the couple bardwell turned away was married elsewhere. straight ahead, your monday morning weather. and in sports, playoff baseball and a dilly for the phillys in chilly philly. are my life. they always ask me, grandma, take me here, grandma, take me there. but with my occasional irregularity i wasn't always up to it. until i discovered activia and everything started to change. announcer: activia is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks when eaten every day. now i enjoy every minute. my grandkids are happy, and so am i. ♪ activia 6 years. i've had asthma forever. i never knew why my asthma symptoms kept coming back... ...kept coming back... ...or that i could help prevent them in the first place. the problem was that my controller medicine... ...was treating only 1 main cause of asthma symptoms. but there are 2. airway constriction. and inflammation. unlike most controllers, advair treats both main causes. advair treats both main causes. and that helps prevent symptoms in the first place. (announcer) advair contains salmeterol. salmeterol may increase the chance of asthma-related death. so advair is not for asthma that's well controlled on another controller medicine. advair will not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms... ...and should not be taken more than twice a day. talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of advair. if you take advair, see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. if you're still having symptoms... ...ask your doctor how to help prevent them with advair. (announcer) get your first prescription free and save on refills. advair. now you know. on the "cbs morning news," here's a look at today's weather. new york, partly cloudy, 54. miami, showers, 80. chicago, 58. denver, partly cloudy, 78. los angeles, partly cloudy and 64. and time for a check on the national forecast. the latest satellite picture shows that clouds are scattered over the northwest and northern rockies. much of the east is mainly clear. it's a nice morning across the deep south and southwest. and skies are gray over new england. later today, look for showers over new england. the southeast stays warm and dry. much of the deep south and southwest will remain hot and dry with temperatures in the 80s and 90s. showers will be developing in the northwest and northern rockies and it will remain cool and dry across the midwest and ohio valley. in sports, it was a cold night in philadelphia, but the phillies were hot. starting with ryan howard's triple in the fist, the phils made it look easy against the dodgers in game three of the national league championship seri series. the phillies stuck out a career-high ten batters as philadelphia pounded l.a. 11-0. so the phillies lead the sear rights 2-1. they play game four tonight. in the american league series, the yankees lead the angels 2-0. game three is this afternoon in anaheim. now to the nfl and chicago at atlanta. the bears jay cutler got the scoring started with a 23 yard touch down pass, but the falcons came back and chicago missed three scoring chances as atlanta won it 21-14. in new orleans, the saints drew brees put on a sew against the visiting guy ans. he hit jeremy shockey in the end zone in the first quarter and at the half, it was 34-17 saints. bre. s went on to throw for 389 yards and four it t.tds and new orleans won 48-27. and in snowy and cold new england, the patriots tom brady proved he's fully back from his last year's knee injury. brady threw an nfl record five touchdown passes in the second quarter as the pay the gots buried the titans 59-0. when we return, another look at this morning's top stories. and trouble brewing for college students as they face a tough job market. it was a horrible feeling, like i couldn't catch my breath. i couldn't believe i was actually having a heart attack. i remember being at the hospital, thinking about my wife. i should have done more to take care of myself. now i'm exercising, watching my diet, and i trust my heart to lipitor. (announcer) unlike some other cholesterol lowering medications, lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and certain kinds of heart surgeries in patients with several common risk factors or heart disease. lipitor is backed by over 17 years of research. lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. i'll never forget what i went through. don't take your health for granted. (announcer) have a heart to heart with your doctor about your risk. and about lipitor. on the "cbs morning news," here's look at today's weather. showers will be developing across the northwest. it remains hot and dry in the southwest. and much of new england will see showers this afternoon. here is another hook at this morning's top stories. felly charges are expected to be filed against the parents of the colorado boy who claimed he floated away in a balloon. authorities say it was all a hoax designed to land the family a reality tv show. and the white house has seg naturaled any decision on sending more troops to afghanistan will be postponed until the disputed election there has been settled and results in a government that could work better with the united states. even though america's economy beginning to revive from the recession, unemployment remains high with more than 4 million jobs lost this year alone. and no one knows that better than recent college graduates. many of whom are getting a crash course in how to cope. ben tracy thats that story from los angeles. >> reporter: the campus cough fae shop has allowed elyse to help work her way through college at ucla. the only problem? she graduated five months ago. >> both my parents had jobs when they left college. and so i kind of always expected that that was going to be the same situation for me. >> reporter: what she didn't plan on was hitting one of the worst job markets for college graduates from in a generation. now as the economy begins to recover, job creation is lagging. >> kahn elf my friends have unpaid internship, a couple are working just part-time. a lot of them are in coffee shops. >> reporter: two year ago, the unemployment rate for 20 to 24 year olds with bachelor degrees was just 2.2%. now it's more than four times that at 9.3%. kathy simms has ucla's career center and this thez this is the worst job market she's seen if her 32 year career. next year could be worse. >> the class of 2010 will not just be competing with itself. it will be competing with some of the class of 2008 and many of the class of 2009. >> reporter: compounding the problem is the huge amount of debt students have when they graduate. the average credit card balance is $3,000. and the 60% of students who need to borrow money to get through school end up owing nearly $23,000. >> the beginning of november, i have to start paying back roughly about $20,000 to $25,000 worth of loans, which i don't know how i'm going to do that. >> reporter: kyle graduated a year ago hoping to get a job in advertising. he moved back in with his dad and has yet to find a job. >> and at this point, will you you take anything? >> anything. >> reporter: kyle is now considering joining the navy. meanwhile, the peace core, a mary core and teach for america have all had record numbers of application capitals. elyse is still optimistic. >> i just feel like my personal luck has to improve. >> reporter: and that she can finally graduate to a full-time job. ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. a 16-year-old australian girl is somewhere in the south pacific this morning beginning her bid to become the youngest person ever to sale around the world solo and unassisted. jessica watson took her 34-foot book out of sydney harbor yesterday. she expects to spend eight months at see. a prospect she admits is a risky and a bit scary, but she says she's prepared. >> i have absolutely everything, the communication and navigation system is amazing. better than some of the big ships out there. >> the more than 23,000 mile voyage will take her through some of the world's most dangerous waters. thrng on "the early show," we'll have the latest on the balloon hoax when we speak with the attorney for the heene family. i'm michelle gielan and this is the "cbs morning news." maybe one of the most important... is new centrum silver ultra women's. a complete multivitamin for women over 50. it has vitamin d which emerging science suggests... supports breast health... and more calcium for bone health. new centrum silver ultra women's. now i'm the mom. and i know... 80% of us don't get enough calcium from food. our bodies can steal it from our bones. give yourself some tlc. tender loving caltrate. and give tlc to somebody you love. dominates heartburn. 24/7... including the eight hours you spend with your eyes closed. prilosec otc. heartburn gone. power on. good morning. i'm andrea roane. topping the news this morning, the president's chief of staff has a message for afghanistan's government, prove your legitimacy. in rare sunday talk show, rahm emmanuel said sending more american troops will not be effective if the afghan government cannot provide services to prevent people from flocking to the taliban. the parents of the boy at the center of the helium balloon drama face felony charges. they say it was a hoax concocted by the heene family in hopes of planning a reality show. now they will evaluate whether the children should remain in the custody of their parents. we are awaiting an announcement from the redskins. zorn was told he would no longer call the plays. it is widely suspected that sheryl lewis will get the job. better than calling the numbers at bingo. >> frosty on the pumpkins outside. frost and freeze warnings. 41 inside the beltway. we are in for brian and so you need not to worry about rain n. to the afternoon there we go. we will be taking a nice warmup toward about 60 degrees, which i know doesn't sound that great but trust me it is better than what we have had recently. >> sunshine. bring it on. it is monday and we are ready to go. 95 northbound. we are tracking the taillights. doing fine. 95 to 86 all clear and 270 southbound no problems 109 to the split. and ya, over to you. compact fluorescent bulbs made energy and money but the spiral shape doesn't work in every lamp now there are some new designs. lesli foster has the winners and losers. >> randy wanted to install cfls in his new home. he knew he would need dimmable bulbs for the fixtures. >> we want to put them in the kitchen and they didn't have them so we couldn't do that. living room and dine atlantic room. >> reporter: fast forward to now days, you can find them for and leers and candleabras. they tested 43cfls to find out which work best. >> look for energy star qualified cfl. the ones we tested that were not energy star qualified did not do as well. >> reporter: this one doesn't do, as well. five of the ten bulbs burned out before 3,000 hours which most cfl as meet. >> they are not good for staircases or other locations where you need instant light because they don't reach full brightness right nay way. >> it took a full three minutes to brighten and when it comes to dimmable cfls not great news for homeowners like randy. they tested and go out more than they actually dim like a regular bulb. for table and floor lamps an sconces, testers recommend the eco smart spiral cfls from the home depot and track and recess ceiling lights there are eco smart indoor reflecters. >> be aware cfl's contain a small amount of mercury so they need to be recycled not just thrown in the trash. some stores like home dee coe and ikea and check the ep a's website for more options. we have a link on our website at click on living smart. later today we will learn

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