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That jupiter may be the key to our existence. This is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Support bringing criminal charges on these factors. Reporter still, he gave a scathing assessment of clintons decision to use a homebrewed server as secretary of state, apparently out of the desire for privacy. Any reasonable person in secretary clintons position or in the position of those with whom she was corresponding about those matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. Reporter he noted that 36 of clintons email chains contained information that was secret at the time it was sent. Eight chains contained topsecret information, one of the highest levels of classification. That directly refutes a claim clinton has made many times. I never sent or received any classified material. There is no classified material. There was no transmission of any classified information. Reporter director comey added that clintons server, housed in her chappaqua basement, lacked the kind of roundcl guarding government accounts or even Commercial Accounts like gmail. She also used her personal email extensively while outside the united states, including sending and receiving workrelated emails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to secretary clintons personal email account. Reporter still, it was a political victory for clinton. This is my fight song who stumped with president obama for the first time today. Hillary, hillary, hillary thank you so much. Reporter after campaigning under the cloud of a potential indictment for a year. He knows a thing or two about winning elections. Take it from me. Reporter speaking in charlotte, north carolina, both avoided any mention of the f. B. I. Announcement. Hillary doesnt get the credit she deserves. But the fact is steady, and hillary is true. Reporter it is highly unusual for an f. B. I. Director to announce his recommendations before d. O. J. Prosecutors decide what to do with those recommendations. Director comey said this is an unusual case that demands more transparency and, maurice, many clinton allies are hoping that republicans take the news better coming from him because he is a republican. Dubois nancy cordes in washington, thank you. The reaction from clintons opponents, as you would imagine, came quickly. Major garrett has that. Were all in a rigged system, folks. Im going to break up the rigged system, believe me. Reporter donald trump found vindication in his condemnation of an allegedly rigged legal system that holds the American People to one standard and people like Hillary Clinton to another. It does not look like she will be facing the criminal charges that she deserves. Trump accused clinton of compromising national security, adding, our adversaries almost on Hillary Clinton, and this fact alone disqualifies her from serving. Trump also questioned whether clinton should lose the right to handle classified information, an issue some nonpartisan analysts said might be valid. House republicans echoed trump. Texas congressman blake farenthold. I think extremely careless comes to gross negligence, and i encourage the f. B. I. And prosecutors to continue to look at this and do whats right. Reporter House Speaker paul ryan said f. B. I. Director comeys decision defies explanation and that damage is being done to the rule of law. Trump supporter, former new york mayor and former u. S. Attorney Rudy Giuliani told cbsn clintons careless use of private email servers should have triggered an indictment. All of that evidence of how negligent they were and how careless they were, thats what we as prosecutors usually use as evidence of intent. People usually dont tell us they intend to commit a crime. Reporter trumps criticism of the f. B. I. Director is unlikely to last. Maurice, trump and fellow republicans will focus instead on the many contradictions comey laid bare between clintons benign description of her email servers and the far more serious and compromised reality. Dubois major garrett, thank you. Joining us now are john dickerson, our cbs news political director and anchor of face the nation, and our chief legal correspondent, jan crawford. Jan, lets start with you. Director comey said clinton and her staff should have known that an unclassified system was no place for many of those emails. We learned today that more than 100 of them were, in fact, classified at the time they were sent. That begs the question, why isnt that a crime . Well, i mean, director comeys bottom line seems to be just because you were extremely careless or you should have known better, that doesnt mean youve committed a crime that will be prosecuted. The law says its a felony to mishandle classified information intentionally or in a grossly now, extreme carelessness, which director comey said that clinton and her team did, that sounds like gross negligence, but historically prosecutors have required something more to bring charge, Something Like intentional or dlib ratted mishandling of classified information. Thats what we saw in the case of former c. I. A. Director of david petraeus. He pleaded guilty after admitting he had given his biographer, also his girlfriend, eight binders of highly classified information. He knew it was classified. He told her it was. Thats the kind of level intent and knowledge that weve seen in these past cases. Dubois john dickerson, this sounds like a win and a loss at the same time for mrs. Clinton. Whats the political fallout likely to be . Well, the Clinton Campaign says the matter is resolved, maurice, but f. B. I. Director undermined a lot of what Hillary Clinton has said about her private server during the campaign. She said she didnt send an email that was classified. Sew, there were more than 100. Secretary clinton said her staff was careful. The inspector said that wasnt so, not even as secure as gmail. He also says a number of emails werent turned on over, undermining secretary clintons claims of transparent similar when we think about trusting a president , there are two important qualities to look for in donald trump and Hillary Clinton how will they behave when no one is looking, and will they be truthful when everyone is looking, as the state Department Inspector general found, the Hillary Clintons server was set up outside the spirit and letter of the law and her answers after it was disclosed have not stood the test of examination. So on those two fronts, voters will have a lot that has been left unresolved. Dubois john dickerson, jan crawford tonight in washington, thank you very much. Tonight a pentagon official is under investigation after pulling a gun on some young men outside his home. One of the men recorded the incident on his phone. David martin takes a look. Reporter the man pointing get in the car. Youre pointing a gun at my friend, which is a criminal offense, so please stop it. Get in the house. Reporter hes brannishing at young men he says are drunk and making noiseutside his house in a washington suburb. Youre drunk and [bleeped]. Watch your mouth, bro. Reporter they taunt him while one of them records the incident. The woman on the phone is apparently his wife. You have a gun. Get in the car. Reporter his name is karnig ohannessian, Deputy Assistant secretary of the navy for environment and recipient of two Meritorious Civilian Service awards. Im on my property. It doesnt matter. Sir, sir. Let them leave. Reporter we dont know if the gun is loaded, but hes threatening to use it. Shortly after the incident last month, the mother of the young man in the cap filed a complaint. Ohannessian was briefly taken into custody but no charges have be f the investigation remains open. The navy learned that the incident today when shown the video by cbs news. It says it is working to find out all the details of what happened. Maurice . Dubois david, before we go, we understand there is a Major Development in the drowning death of a navy seal trainee. Reporter well, the san diego coroner is about to issue a report that calls the death of James Loveless a drowning homicide. Now that is not a finding of murder, but it is a conclusion that he died not by accident but at the hands of someone else, and Navy Officials expect charges to be brought against at least one of the navy seals supervising lovelaces training. He lost consciousness during a swimming drill and could not be revived. Dubois david martin at the pentagon tonight. Thank you. Isis remains the prime suspect in yesterdays deadly attacks in saudi arabia, though it claimed responsibility. Isis has proven it can strike all over the world, from bangladesh to indonesia to iraq, even as it loses ground in iraq and syria. More now on this from Charlie Dagata. Reporter even under attack, isis has gone on the offensive. Officials in saudi arabia are investigating the bombings in three separate cities. In iraq, theyre still counting and burying the dead from the worst single terror attack that country has seen since the u. S. Led invasion in 23. 00 yet largely with the help of u. S. Air strikes, the militant groups socalled caliphate has taken a beating in recent months. The u. S. Defense department estimates that isis has lost almost half of the territory it once controlled in iraq and more than onethird of the area it held in syria. Despite those battlefield setbacks, during the holy month of ramadan, isis has managed to terror by either directly organizing attacks or by inspiring suicide bombers and gunmen to kill at least 800 people around the globe. , cbs News Senior National security analyst juan zarate. This uptick in foreign attacks is less a demonstration of reaction to losing territory in iraq and more a manifestation of longstanding plans and operations to use foreign operatives to attack in place. Reporter iraq itself has seen a surge in suicide bombings in baghdad and beyond that have left hundreds dead. As the isisheld front lines move further back, theyre deploying guerrilla tactics and terrorism as their only means to wage war. The Iraqi Military has made significant gains against isis, maurice, but the militant group still controls the city of mosul headquarters of raqqa in syria, cities still used as bases of operations to organize attacks both in that region and further afield. Dubois Charlie Dagata in london. And as isis steps up its attacks, muslims are increasingly being targeted here in this country. The United Arab Emirates has warned its citizens traveling in the u. S. To avoid wearing traditional clothing. Anna werner shows us why. Get on the ground reporter body camera video shows avon, ohio, Police Moving in on 41yearold Ahmed Almenhali at a hotel. Grab that arm. Reporter a staffer claimed almenhali was on his cell phone acting suspiciously, so she texted her sister to call 911. Hi, my sister works at the fairfield inn. Shes a desk worker. She says there is a male in full allegiance or something to isis. Look at my telephone also. Reporter police searched and questioned Malcolm Brabant and found he did nothing wrong. He collapsed as he was released. Its a very regrettable circumstance that occurred for you. You should not have been put in that situation like you were. Reporter its the latest in a string of perceived antimuslim incidents over the past week. In florida, 25yearold Taylor Anthony mazzanti was arrested for allegedly punching a man in the face and head outside the mosque attended by orlando shooter omar mateen. In minneapolis, two muslim men were shot on their way to a mosque. That suspect is still on the loose. And in brooklyn, new york, Surveillance Video shows two muslim teenagers assaulted outside a mosque over the weekend, but the nypd says that incident may have been a fight over a girl. Back the cleveland, Julia Shearson is with the l relations. We have documented a dramatic, unprecedented increase in the number of attacks both against property and against the muslim community. Reporter the Marriott Hotel said in a statement that it deeply regrets this incident, and they said they will be following up to discuss diversity and inclusion training for personnel at the fairfield inn where it happened. Dubois anna werner in ohio tonight. Coming up next on the cbs evening news, a suspect in custody in the death of an American College student in rome. And later, juno pierces the clouds of jerupit to try to unlock the secrets of our solar system. Overnight relief olax tablets for gentle suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief what muscle pain . L ask what headache . What arthritis pain . What bad wrist . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer than advil its the worlds 1 choice what pain . Advil. Dubois Italian Police took a suspect into custody today in the death of a 19yearold College Student from wisconsin who was about to begin summer classes in rome. Demarco morgan is following the case. Reporter beau solomon was last seen early friday morning at a bar with a group of friends just hours after arriving in rome. After he failed to show up the next morning for orientation, solomons roommate alerted university officials. Police tell cbs news they believe solomon got into a fight with the suspect, masimo galioto, who was homeless. A woman who identified herself as galiotos companion told italian tv solomon approached them saying he had just been robbed. Then she claims that solomon and galioto got into an angry scuffle. Police believe solomon was pushed into the river where his body was found days later close to the bar. Family members say the boys credit card had purchases made on it after his disappearance. Fellow students in rome are shocked by his sudden and tragic death. You are a little more cautious, but youre aware of the fact that people have to be careful. Reporter more than 300,000 American Students study abroad every year. While these independence, they do raise the need for safety concerns to be addressed. A social worker at nyu langone medical center. Parents should talk to their kids to know what their limits are. Some of the dangers that might prevent themselves abroad that may not actually present themselves in their hometown in their contained unit. Reporter police say they home the completed autopsy will help them determine exactly how solomon died. Maurice . Dubois demarco morgan, thank you. Well be right back. Only at t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be. Local global. Open secure. Because no one knows like at t. Lyn. Meet mylanta® tonight. Its also fast, but unlike godawgs, it makes heartburn after dinner, history. New mylanta® tonight. Faster than heartburn. So guys with ed can. Take viagra when they need it. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension. Your Blood Pressure could drop to an unsafe level. 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The players led them in what they call the viking clap. And coming up next, nasa scientists are all fired up over a journey to jupiter. To get my pie chart. The most shocking result was that im 26 native american. I had no idea. Just to know this is what im made of, this is where my ancestors came from. And i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. Its opened up a whole new world for me. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. The ford freedom sales event is on with our best offers of the year im free to do what i want. And 0 financing is back on a huge selection of ford cars, trucks and suvs. Plus get an extra 1000 smart bonus on specially tagged vehicles. Thats freedom from interest. And freedom to choose with ford. Americas best selling brand. Im free, baby now get 0 financing plus a 1000 smart bonus cash on specially tagged vehicles. Only at the ford freedom sales event. Feel free. A bank robbery and a bomb threat shuts down dubois finally tonight, the biggest planet in our neighborhood is also the most mysterious. Nasa sent the juno spacecraft to find out whats amidst the gas and clouds in jupiters atmosphere. Don dahler reports juno arrived on reporter after the space probes journey of five years and over 1. 5 billion miles, scientists still had to wait an agonizing 48 minutes for radio signal to arrive from jupiter. Juno, welcome to jupiter. Reporter what makes this so challenging . Is it the distance or the conditions of jupiter itself . Its the conditioning of jupiter itself, the radiation, the intense electroMagnetic Field that exists there. Reporter when the spacecraft entered jupiters gravitational field, it was traveling faster than any humanmade object ever, 165,000mph. By contrast, the bullets top speed is 1,700mph. It endured radiation the equivalent of more than 100 million dental xray, which could have fried its electronics. We prepared a Contingency Communications procedure, and guess what . We dont need that anymore. Reporter scientists hope to find out what lies at the heart of the Solar Systems its sister planets. Over the next 18 months, the team will map jupiters Magnetic Field by flying juno dangerously close to the surface. Understanding how jupiter was formed could shed light on how all planets came to be, including ours. Dr. Scott bolton heads up the project. Were starting to realize that jupiter may be the key to our existence. Reporter in roman mythology, the god jupiter hid his secrets behind a veil of clouds. It was his wife, june, you who peered beneath the layers to see her husbands true self. Scientists are hoping the spacecraft bearing her name manages to do the same. Don dahler, cbs news, new york. Dubois and that is the cbs evening news. For scott pelley im maurice dubois. Thanks so much for joining us. Have a good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org at 7 00, we are following breaking news in fairfax county. A bomb threat, bank robbery, both shut down route 50 in both directions at Patrick Henry drive. That caused a massive back up during evening rush. What are you hearing now . Reporter the good news is police just told us everything has been cleared. Take a look over my shoulder. I am going to step out of the way so you can get a better shot. This is on arlington boulevard and Patrick Henry drive is the td bank where a man walked in and robbed this bank. We are told he walked out and as he was leaving he told someone he was leaving his backpack and did say there were explosives inside. Police arrived five minutes

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