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In much of the northeast quarter of the u. S. A siberian express will make it feel double digits below zero, minus 19 as far south as the carolinas. There have been 19 deaths since the weekend, and well start our coverage with dean reynolds. Reporter there was a lot of negativity across much of the country today as the february freeze wore out the minus sign. Actual temperatures fell below zero from north to south, a day unfit for man nor beast. Two dogs nearly drowned in an icy marsh near revere massachusetts, but lived to swim another day. Near philly, it was chilly as the coast guard tried to keep the Delaware River from freezing over. Boston was again looking skyward for more snow, to be sure, but also at icicles as tall as buildings. Earlier this week in michigan, frozen pipes led to a ceiling collapse at a university dorm, and that was before the deep freeze hit. New york made it to 2 above. Its just frigid. Its just frigid. Reporter on the hudson, ferries navigated over and around ice flows. I just came from florida a little while ago so this is rough for me. Reporter actually, florida was no day at the beach. At 7 00 a. M. , it was 49 miami. In birmingham, it was 13, and a dangerously icy minus 1 in east tennessee. In chicago aaa was hard at work. They brought david goulds car back to life. What did it do when you turned the key this morning . Nothing. Reporter wraer. Swraerk the lights wouldnt go onothing, it was totally dead. Reporter unlike these seven dogs who were missing overnight when their van was carjacked. They were found safe but cold near the loop. Robert sayre got jaiden back. Its good, its really good. With this weather, i was so worried. Its good. Reporter its five degrees above zero right now in chicago, scott, but it feels like 10 below. And by the morning, it will feel that way in new york and many places in between. Pelley windy in the windy city dean, thanks very much. Of course, this is the time of year that many people flee south, but it turns out there is no escaping. Vicente arenas is in gainesville, georgia. Reporter inside the home of agnes and terry dupriest, it was 50 degrees by the fireplace, their only source of heat for three days. I found me some gloves and i put on because he had to go off and i had to build a fire, and it was like ice in here. Reporter terrys been keeping his feet warm by swapping out shoes next to the fire. How do you sleep in what is a freezer . Just what ive got on. Snow jacket and a pair of blue jeans. Reporter an ice storm knocked out their power near gainesville, georgia monday. Wind chill temps dipped below zero in 12 of 16 Southern States causing concern for hypothermia and frostbite. Negative 24 in hillsboro, kentucky, negative two in blacksburg, virginia. Many of the 33,000 outages in four Southern States on wednesday were caused by falling trees, like the one near john noirs home. Whats it been like around here . A war zone. Reporter power to did you priests home was turned on about an hour ago and s now some homeowners are having to clean up the mess left by the storm. Pelley in an important medical story tonight Health Officials are investigating a superbug outbreak at u. C. L. A. Medical center. Two patients have died. Seven others have been infected by a bacterium that difficult to kill with antibiotics. Heres dr. Jon lapook. Reporter 179 patients have been notified they may have been exposed to infection from the superbug called c. R. E. Dr. Robert cherry is the Health Systems medical and chief quality officer. There were two endoscopes that were used that had a c. R. E. C. R. E. Infection embedded in them. When we identified these scopes, we took them immediately out of service. Reporter the infections occurred during a type of endoscopy record called e. R. C. P. , which uses a scope like this for diagnosing blockages of the pancreatic and bile ducts. More than half a million are performed every year in the u. S. During an e. R. C. P. , the scope is inserted through the mouth and down to the top of the small intestine. Unlike most other endscopes, it has a foraccepts elvairkt a movable memanism at the tip. That allows doctors to manipulate tiny instruments in order to take biopsies biopsies, or remove blockages such as gallstones. Its that elevator that has the f. D. A. Concerned. Today the agency warned the scopes may be extremely difficult to effectively clean. These organisms are then being transmitted from patient to patient during g. I. Endoscopy. Lawrence muscarella is a health care consultant. Because of the overuse of antibiotics, c. R. E. Bacteria have mutated to become increasingly resistant to treatment. Once c. R. E. Enters the blood stream, mortality rate is about 50 . Lawrence muscarella found no spread of c. R. E. From colonoscopies or upper endoscopies used to evaluate heartburn or abdominal pain. Pelley what do you have there . Reporter these are the scopes were talking about. I can move this left right up and down. But this catheter i can move up and down and the gizmo behind it that moves it up and down, thats whats so hard to clean. Pelley dr. Jon lapook thanks very much. There is breaking news tonight in the war against isis. A u. S. Military official says plans have been made for what may be a decisive battle, the retaking of mosul, iraqs second largest city. David martin has more. Reporter according to this official, the battle to retake mosul, the largest city held by isis, is scheduled to begin in april or may and will will involve a force of 20,000 to 25,000 iraqi troopses backed by u. S. Airpower. Mosul, with a population of more than one million, is held by an estimated 1,000 to 2000 isis fighters who seized it last june when the iraqi army broke and ran. The official, speaking to reporters from Central Command headquarters in florida said the initial attack force would consist of about 10,000 iraqi troops, all of whom will have undergone training by u. S. Military advisers at bases in iraq. The rest of the force would be held in reserve and include kurdish fighters, along with iraqi soldiers and special operations forces. No decision has been made yet whether u. S. Military adadvisers will accompany iraqi troops on the ground to call in airstrikes. Asked why he was telegraphing a Major Military operation the official said he wanted to describe the commitment the iraqis had made to defeating isis. It also seems to be a form of psychological warfare against those isis fighters holding mosul. Pelley david martin at the pentagon tonight. Thanks. Some surprising results this evening in how americans view want war on isis. The islamic extremists now holding part of syria and iraq. Michelle miller is with us with what people have told us in our new cbs news poll out tonight. Michelle. Reporter well scott, nearly two out of three americans, 65 told us they see isis as a major threat to the United States. And 67 say the war against the Islamic Terror Group is going badly. Thats up 10 points in just four months. For the first time, more than half 57 , told us they favor using u. S. Ground troops against isis. Thats up 18 points since last september. Isis has killed four u. S. Hostages since the summer but 64 of americans say the United States should never negotiate with terrorists. Scott, this poll was taken just days after the u. S. Confirmed the death of Kayla Mueller who had been held by isis since august of 2013. Pelley Michelle Miller with a first look at our new poll. Thanks michelle. Today, president obama said Muslim Leaders have a responsibility to push back against twisted interpretations of islam. This is day two of a white house conference on extremism. The president declined to label al qaeda and isis islamic terrorists, and hes taking some heat from critics. Heres bill plante. The notion that the west is at war with islam is an ugly lie, and all of us, regardless of our faith have a responsibility to reject it. Reporter at a white house conference on violent extremism, mr. Obama appeared to take pains to separate islam from terrorism. Critics fault the president for not labeling the terrorists islamic, and at a private republican gathering in new york last night former mayor Rudy Giuliani went even further. I do not believe that the president loves america. Whats wrong with this man, asked jooul that he cant stand up and say theres a part of islam thats sick . The president has called on muslims to actively reject extremism. Muslim communities, including scholars and clerics, therefore have a responsibility to push back, not just on twisted interpretations of islam, but also on the lie that we are somehow engaged in a clash of civilizations. Reporter and president george w. Bush walked the same line immediately following the 9 11 attacks. The terrorists are traitors to their own faith trying, in effect, to hijack islam itself. Reporter white house aides say the reason mr. Obama wont refer to violence by muslims as islamic terrorism is that he wants to deny them the ability to call the clash a religious war. Hill bill plante reporting for us from the white house tonight. Bill, thank you. This evening, we have a remarkable report that the government of iran doesnt want you to see. Iran as it turns out has a monumental drug addiction crisis, and Elizabeth Palmer has managed a rare look. Reporter every city in iran has back alleys like this one, full of desperate addicts and their dealers who sell the cheap drugs that flood across the border from afghanistan. But for those who decide to kick the habit, there is help imported from an unlikely place america. Deep in an old bomb shelter left over from the iraniraq war a narcotics anonymous meeting is about to start. Our camera was invited in on condition we didnt show anyones face. I am mohammad, he begins and i am a drug addict. The same tried and true 12step program used in the u. S. Is now working for 400,000 iranian addicts. One in 10 of them are women. N. A. Conventions here fill entire sports stadiums and in a country where the islamic government controls so much n. A. Is uniquely independent. Koorosh, an exaddict, tells us thats key as it leaves it completely nonjudgmentable. You have been clean nine years seven months, and five days. Are you still counting every day . Yes, he says. And i still take it one day tie time. But as many as three million iranian vntz kicked the habit and end up homeless jobless, and abandoned by their families. Tonight, a few former addicts who want to help are distributing food to people so far gone, theyre starved. To show its winning the war on drugs, the Police Publicly destroy shipments theyve seized. Dealers are executed by hanging. But not addicts. For them, the Government Supports an Extensive Network of detox centers. Masoud tondroo a social worker, showed us around one he runs in a tehran suburb. Locked in, the men will go cold turkey and receive medical checks for h. I. V. And hepatitis. This center becomes a home, a place where Cheerful Company and stability make for a community at least temporarily. But detox only lasts a few weeks, and when its over these men will be sent back out on to the street, where narcotics anonymous is the best alternate toif an easy high. Pelley liz, i have to ask in this Totalitarian Police state that didnt want this story out, how did you manage to shoot those picture . Reporter well, it was trirky. We knew we would never get official permission to shoot so we simply doesnt dnt ask. We had it work after dark only in an industrial suburb with people who took big risks and above all, we had to keep moving in the dark so the police didnt realize pelley Elizabeth Palmer with another remarkable story. Liz, thank you very much. Something on your Facebook Page could jeopardize your job chances. And the chill hits the grille when the cbs evening news continues. So what about that stock . Actually, knowing the kind of risk that youre comfortable with id steer clear. Straight talk. Multiplied by 13,000 Financial Advisors its how edward jones makes sense of investing. Man when i got shingles it was something awful. It was like being blindsided by some linebacker. You dont see it coming. 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And may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. man namenda xr doesnt change how the disease progresses. It shouldnt be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or whos had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients. Before starting treatment, tell their doctor if they have, or ever had a seizure disorder difficulty passing urine, liver, kidney, or bladder problems, and about medications theyre taking. Certain medications, changes in diet, or medical conditions may affect the amount of namenda xr in the body. And may increase side effects. Ffects. Are headache, diarrhea and dizziness. woman all my life, hes protected me. Now i am giving back. Ask their doctor about adding. Oncedaily namenda xr. Pelley if youre looking for a job you may want to watch what you like on facebook. Vladimir duthiers found that employers have a new way to figure out who theyre likely to hire. Reporter whether its a facebook video of a cat jumping through snow or a photo of a, click the like button may cost you your next job. We had the resume, which was polished within an inch of its life. Peter maulik said social media activity has completely changed the way he screens potential employees for his firm fahrenheit 212. The resume is oftentimes so retrospective. We use the linkin and social Media Outlets to give us a more holistic impression of the individual. Michal kosinski uses a computer model to predict personality traits by analyzing what someone likes on facebook. The surprising thing is when you combine you liking lady gaga, you like something books and movies and maybe comments made by your friends, i can extract much more information from that. Reporter based on the 86,000 facebook users who participated in the study the model concluded people who like shakespeare and 2001 a space odyssey were more artistic. Liking boxing of a sign of being organized. People who liked vampires were more spontaneous. The Data Collection is being tested through a web site called apply magic sauce. Right now, users have to get permission to allow access to their Facebook Pages. If it does give us a better sense of who this person is, thats hugely valuable. Reporter this has privacy concerns by experts but scott the researchers say most of our activity online is already public and so anything that you click casually is, there for the world to see. Pelley vlad, thank you very much. In a moment living history. Iwo jima 70 years later. Why do people count on Sunsweet Amazin prune juice to stay fit on the inside . Its made only from prunes nothing else. Its works, simple as that. Its a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. Try Sunsweet Amazin prune juice. Also available in light. Ive always loved exploring and looking for something better. Thats the way i look at life. 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Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Those three Important Reasons are why eliquis is a better find for me. Ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. vo get this close with beneful healthy smile. Dental snacks that help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. With soft, meaty centers and teethcleaning textures, its dental that tastes so good. Try healthy smile during pet dental health month. Pelley that was the Service Today at the iwo jima memorial in arlington virginia. It was 70 years ago today during world war ii that u. S. Forces began a bloody but successful battle to capture the japanese island which was needed as a staging area to attack the mainland. David martin now with two men who were there. Reporter it may be the most famous picture ever marines raising the flag on iwo jima a split second that seemed to capture all that it took to win world war ii. But in truth nothing could capture the hell that was iwo jima. It cost us 7,000 american lives to take iwo jima. Reporter Frank Matthews was an 18yearold private when he went on shore on the first day in relief of a 900man ridge men that had been virtually wiped out. They lost 750 in one fiveour stretch. Reporter where was the fire coming from . Every inch of that beach and everything around it had been pinned down and zeroed in by the japanese guns. Reporter 70 years later, matthews is a guide at the Marine Corps Museum where the actual flag the marines raised on Mount Suribachi is on display. I say were showing two items today from the actual battle the flag and me. Reporter there were 70,000 marines on iwo jima. Lawrence snowden was a 23yearold captain. Thats not a fox hole hes in. Thats a crater left by a japanese shell. When we landed, there were three colors black and gray from the exploding ordinance. The third color was red, plood. Reporter at the time, the famous flag raising on the fourth day of the battle was not the symbol of victory it later became. None of us doing the fighting thought that was the end by a long shot. We knew we were just getting started. The beach is right up in here. Reporter at 93, snowden is still a fawnt of knowledge for anyone interested in the battle. Caitlin has been coming to iwo jima reunions since she was in high school. Theyre just great people to be around, not just to learn from their history, but just to spend time with. Reporter how many people your age do you think know that . Very few unfortunately. My generation just doesnt understand the importance of that part of history and that its going to be gone soon. Reporter but that pictures not going to be gone. No, the picture is going to be around forever. Reporter and that may be the greatest thing about that picture it guarantees the battle of iwo jima and what it took to win can never be forgotten. David martin, cbs news, washington. Pelley and well be right back. Introducing. A pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until. The am. New aleve pm the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. Across america, people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar but it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza. He said victoza works differently than pills and comes in a pen. Victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. Its taken once a day, any time. And the needle is thin. Victoza is not for weight loss but it may help you lose some weight. Victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza is not insulin. Do not take victoza if you have a personal or Family History of medullary Thyroid Cancer multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face lips, tongue or throat fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. Tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. Serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis which may be fatal. Stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen y cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need. Ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza. Its covered by most health plans. A long days journey into a very cold night, we end with a few note about the weather. As cold as it is a federal climate report out today says that last month was the second warmest january on record for planet earth. It says the crucial snowed pack in the Pacific Northwest is dismal, and it was the drive the january for San Francisco ever. Natures creating some unusual artwork this winter. In north carolina, an ice sculpture. Speculation is there was a jeep parked here. The front end covered in ice but when the driver warmed up the s. U. V. And backed away, the ice remained, stuck to the curb. Jeepers. And thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. But theres a catch. Tonight no thermometer is needed. It is darn cold outside. The temperatures will be freezing. And thanks for being here, im derek mcginty. The weather is beyond chilly. It is dangerously cold where it is just painful and schools will be canceling or delaying classes for tomorrow. Lets turn here real quick for you and king george and harty county schools will be closed. And Prince Georges County and fredericks county. In the meantime topper shutt is tracking how cold it is going to get and that it will be the decadeold record. Perhaps even a century one. And that they will do it. And these are not windchills. Well factor in the wind as it feels like seven below and five below in frederick. It will feel like it is 18 below in gaithersburg

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