Jeff good evening, everyone, im jeff glor, calls for a ceasefire continue though tonight both sides appear to be heading in the opposite direction. Israeli tanks are massing at the gaza border. Israel briefly did deploy Ground Troops inside the gaza strip this morning, a precursor to a possible ground invasion. In gaza city thousands of palestinians continue fleeing their homes. Many taking shelter in United Nations buildings. So far 167 have died in this latest conflict. More than a thousand have been hurt. We begin with Holly Williams in gaza. Reporter in a night of heavy fighting, israeli air strikes pummeled the gaza strip. Four israeli commandos were wounded in a gun battle with palestinian militants. The first land incursion since this escalation began. And in this house 18 people were killed. The single deadliest air strike during israels offensive. By early this morning Many American citizens decided to evacuate. While hundreds of other families with no means of escape passed up their belongings and fled to the safety of school buildings. Most came from northern gaza where the Israeli Military dropped leaflets from the air warning res didnts to leave for their own safety. Theres security here, but no comfort in a place bracing for an Israeli Ground invasion. Most of these people, they dont want to be here this is miserable. Robert turner is the United Nations representative in gaza and told us he expects things to get worse. I dont see that either side is taking steps to deescalate the situation and i think if it carries on then inevitably we will see a ground invasion. Hoson jarboa fled here from the town of beit lahia with her daughter and three grandsons. She showed us what happened to her home the last time tensions flared with israel two years ago. It demolished by an israeli air strike. I thought i would have a heart attack, she said. We lost everything, even our clothes and furniture. Now i am worried it could be happening again as we speak. Palestinian militants continued to fire their rockets into southern israel today. One of them injured a teenage boy, and jeff, several others were intercepted by israels antimissile defense system. Jeff Holly Williams, thank you. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended his countrys military actions during an interview this morning on face the nation with bob schieffer. Last night Israeli Forces on the ground went into gaza to take out a rocket launching facility there. Is this a sign that this war is about to get wider or are you going to go in in force in the gaza with Ground Forces . Well, we use whatever means are necessary to defend our people. As would the unites states or any other government faced with such a predictment. Prime minister, how long do you think this is going to go on . I mean, i understand what you are saying here but how will you know you have won . I think the issue is achieving the mission. And well have to see how that is achieved. I was asked by someone is this the beginning of the end. And i said i dont know if the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end. Jeff three months of the kidnapping of hundreds of Nigerian School girls the Islamic Militant leader behind the abduction surfaced in a video today. Debora patta has his message. For 09 days the family of over 200 girls had hoped for good news. Instead their hopes were met with scorn in a new individualo from boko haram leader an youbaker shekau who mocks the bring back our girl campaign. The social Media Campaign bring back our girls quickly drew worldwide attention to the might of the Chibok School girls but just as quickly faded from the global spotlight and in that time boko haram has stepped up its terror campaign. In this video shekau also claims responsibility for a june blom blast in the capitol of abuja which less many dead. While attempts have stalled over past weeks, sources close to the negotiations tell cbs news that channels remain open. They even believe there could be action within days but they warn against raising expectations as they say they have been close to a breakthrough on three separate a times on to have it aborted at the 11th hour there was a measure of comfort for the parents today when they were visited by malala yousefzai, the young pakistani girl shot by the taliban for also having the audacity to seek an education. To speak up for their daughters and their education, so far the Nigerian Government has appeared impotent in the face of the increasingly braz enboko haram attacks. Sources tell cbs news they have all but ruled out a military rescue as it could further endanger the lives of the girls. This means there are few options left for a government facing strong criticism from its own people over their failure to bring the chibok girls safely home. Deborah patta, cbs news, Johannesburg South africa. Jeff more than five million americans currently have alzheimer. That number is expected to increase dramatically in the decade decade ahead. Today researchers announced the promising result of a study on a new test to pick up that disease years if not decades in advance. And theyre looking for the sign in an unusual place, the eye. Don dahler has more. These bright dots are proteins called Beta Amyloids visible in the retina of a patient diagnosed with alzheimer disease. Beta amyloids are typically found in the brain and have been known to be linked to alzheimers. Dr. James galvin is a neurologist at New York University langone medical centre. What makes it unique is that the retina is actually an extension of the brain. And so we think that a lot of the pathology that is occurring in the brain may also be occurring in the retina. Australian researcher sean frost tested 40 people using a liquid form of a natural substance that makes curry yellow. It sticks to beta amyloid as lawing doctors to spot the proteins with a simple eye test. Frost found that the test positively identified 100 of the participants who had alzheimers. Alzheimers is far is just is incurable. So why is it important to be able to detect it . Well, for several reasons so we have medicine today that treat the symptoms of the disease so you would like to be able to pick up the disease as soon as possible so you can start someone on an available medicine am but more importantly in order to develop new therapies we need to be able to identify people at the earliest possible stages. Reporter currently the disease is detected through spinal taps or pet scans which are invasive, expensive an not readily available. The developers of the eye test say it can predict the onset of alzheimer 15 to 20 years before clinical diagnosis. The full study involving 200 subjects is expected to be completed later this year. Don dahler, cbs news, new york. Jeff 19 people were hurt after a Greyhound Bus crashed in indiana today. Police say the bus collided with a stolen cargoing the wrong way near the city of richmond. The driver of the car was killed. The driver of the bus had to be airlifted. Most of the other injuries were minor hard rain has caused flash flooding in colorado this weekend. Roads drowned by water in Colorado Springs made for difficult muddy driving. The rain is expected on and off there through the middle of the week. And its going to be quite cold, at least for july and much of the middle part of the country this week. Eric fisch certificate chief meteorologist with our station wbz. Eric y this chill . Well, jeff, weve got what we call a high amp pli tude pattern, with extremes on the warm and cold side. On the cole side huge area below average temperatures starting tomorrow and lasting much of the workweekment. Warm air across the pas civic forth west with 80s and 90 in places like seattle. Tuesdays 50s and 60s across the great lakes and midwest, those are the high temperatures and even 70s dow down through oklahoma and north texas. Overnight lows 30s and 40s will possible here. So some furnaces may click on in what is usually the hottest time of the whole year. When you bring in the cold irair with hot summer like air you have thunderstorms. There is a severe risk for this evening. Tomorrow that will shift a little farther toward the east. So from the tennessee vallee, mid mississippi it up to the midatlantic and toward new york city could see damaging wind gusts, large hail, pretty vigorous thunderstorms and all along the periphery of this cold air, you look from the east coast down through the southeast and towards the plains a heavy rain threat this week. Eric fischer, thank you very much. And an unlikely series of tragedies this weekend in Rocky Mountain national park. Lightning strikes killed hikers two days in a row. Teri okita reports on this. Electrical storms have gripped colorado all week. On friday they turned deadly. Rocky Mountain National park spokeswoman kyle paterson. To have two People Killed by light ing on two sequential days is extremely uncommon. Mary iverson wit nlsed the loud white flash then saw fellow hiker on the ground. Went over to the man that was down and started doing cpr on him until help came. Reporter estes Park Medical Centre says as many as 21 people have been treated for lightning related injuries just on friday and saturday. Here comes the hail i think. Chad greenless knows just how suddenly storms can form. He took this video from what he thought was the safety of his garage. It was like being nine volt y water. He suffered bumps and bruises and says next time he will stay inside. Teri okita, cbs news, los angeles. The cruise ship that wrecked off the coast of italy is being refloated and towed away. The Costa Concordia crashed two and a half years ago now. Once the ships been towed officials will search for the last unrecovered bodies still underwater. Last year the Costa Concordia was pulled back upright it will ultimately be scrapped. The world cup is over and germany has won in thrilling fashion, getting by argentina 1nil. The match was scoreless for over 112 minutes before germanys finally got one in the net. Here it is, a thrilling goal at the 112 minute mark off his chest in the net. Germanys fourth world cup victory, this is its first since 1990. Up next, cleveland on the rebound and its more than just lebron james. And a farewell pickup game at candlestick park. And a farewell pickup game at candlestick park. When the cbs evening news continues. Like taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. So you always get flavor thats anything but flat. New flatbread sandwiches, try one today. But ive managed. I got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said my crohns was not under control. He said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. [ female announcer ] humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. Crestor lowered bad cholesterol in its a fact. Highrisk patients more than lipitor. Bad cholesterol. Youre going down yeah lowering cholesterol is a big deal, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors, because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. So, when diet and exercise arent enough to lower cholesterol, adding crestor can help. Im down with crestor crestor is not right for everyone, like people with Liver Disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor about other medicines you t call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of rare but serious side effects. Are you down with crestor . Ask your doctor if crestor could help you. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Jeff its people of chiefland are getting new confidence this weekend and they have more than returning nba star lebron james to thank. Dean reynolds is there. In brazil for the world cup, the toast of cleveland reflected on his decision to return. I think its an exciting time for myself. You know, its a place that i will be home, be able to represent for the family and my friends and those fans. Lebron james will be moving back to a city that is a far cry from what was once called the mistake by the lake. A post industrial backwater where the polluted river occasionally caught fire. Remember that randy newman song. Did it hurt . It hurt the pride of the city, undoubtedly. Mark naymik is a columnist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer who says the bad days are long gone. Cleveland outgrew the joke before the rest of the world has dicovered it. They have this week. Cleveland is now attracting people into its once shop worn downtown. 12,500 newcomers at last count occupying some of the 40 existing buildings turned into apartments. Joe marinucci is president of the downtown cleveland alliance. Were in the midst of about a 4. 5 billion dollar investment cycle. Over the last two and a half years weve seen significant Major Investments occur in downtown. Marinucci says the return of lebron will ago sell brat accelerate the growth boosted by the signing of Johnny Manziel and the republican partys decision to hold its convention here in 2016. Well fill hotel rooms, put seats in restaurants. They will animate downtown in a way we have not seen in quite some time. So from our perspective its a great, great opportunity and it feels good to be a clevelander today. Much better than when newman sang about cleveland, city of lights city of he was mocking the town, of course. But it may well be that way. Well, at least this week, i think that song would have a new meaning. One look at the faces of the fans here confirms that. Dean reynolds, cbs news, cleveland. Jeff lets hear it for the rust belt. Up next here, why shoppers are in the grips of a retail slide. The 1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protection™ one of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. Sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. So my doctor prescribed symbicort. It helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. With symbicort, today im breathing better. Come on, boy [ female announcer ] symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. [ man ] now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. And that makes a difference in my breathing. Today, im hanging out with my best friend. Talk to your doctor about symbicort. I got my first prescription free. Call or go online to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. Tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. But for everything we do, we know you do so much more. Tylenol®. Jeff is america in a retail funk . Nasss what the c. E. O. S of Container Store, walmart and other big chains are saying after watching sales so far this year. Here to discuss is Business Analyst jill schlesinger. The Unemployment Rate at 6. 1 , economy much better, why are people not spending, why are we in this funk. According to walmarts president ceo bill simon he says part of this has to do with the fact that lower and middle income families havent seen the same gain. And any sort of improvement in the employment landscape is probably going to take another six to 12 months. He really says that theyve seen that americans are willing to spend on the holidays, on family events, maybe a car but not much else. Jeff this week the Container Store stock dropped 9 after sales were down 1 . Is everybody being affected by this. Well, not everyone. The highend retailers are doing well but walmart, their sales have been down for five consecutive quarters. Lumber liquidators had a tough time, Family Dollar stores are all seeing sales slide this is translating into bad news for their stock prices. If we look at the somebody 500 this year. The 6th worst performers are all retail stocks. Retailers are down 2 yeartodate, compared with the s p 500, its up 6 . So what are retailers doing to fight all this . They are look for new ways to get people in the stores, promotions, some sort of loyalty plans. I think youre going to really have to go to more of a digital front. Thats where people are doing research and price searching before they even enter the stores. Well get more on the retail, we get a big report on the government on tuesday but its going to be stuff for a while. Jill schlesinger, thanks very much. Thank you. Joe montana to jerry rice was one of the classic pass combinations in nfl history and last night the two played together again it was part of a pickup game among classic 4 candlestick park. More than 25,000 people watched candlestick is set to be torn down. A new stadium for the 49ers is going up in santa clara. Still ahead tonights dinner specials, ready for their closeups. Rheumatoid arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com this is humira at work if you suffer from constipation, you will likely also suffer from gas. Introducing new dulcogas, which starts working to eliminate gas bubbles in minutes for effective relief. Dulcogas, from the makers of dulcolax nothing relieves gas faster. Dulcogas, from the makers of dulcolax you wouldnt have it she any other way. Our toes. But your erectile dysfunction it could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about experiencing cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. Jeff finally tonight there is a saying in the culinary world that people eat with their eyes first. Its a thought many of todays cell phone centric diners would eagerly endorse. Heres bill plante. When chef rj cooper opened rogue 24 three years ago he made diners sign a contract promising to leave their camera phones at home. I was very, very antiphotographs, cell phone, dont bring the cell phone in the restaurant. Reporter he worried that it would distract other customers. He also worried how some of his dishes might look. Is flavor more important than appearance. Oh, absolutely. I put out some ugly food. I mean really ugly food but the flavors have been fantastic. Reporter but the hey, look what im having post of restaurant dishes has become such an integral part of dining out that cooper decided to lift the ban. We love our guests. We need our guests to produce our craft. So we need to be able to adapt to the guests needs as well. The images of the restaurant make it around the internet at lightning fast speed. And so everybody sees these pretty dishes and wants to emulate them. Has it come at the expense of the food on the plate. Sometimes. Washington post food editor joeionan says some chefs are con johnan says some chefs are concentrating too much on how it looks. There is tweezing, happening, that it is not hot any more by the time it reaches your table am but i think diners have something to do with that too. Because the dishes come to the table. And nobody can touch anything because everybody has to take a picture first. Mintwood place chef cedric montillier says foodog rafee can be inspiring. I am using them, i want to be part of the movement. Reporter so long as kitchens keep their priorities straight. It is the guest in the end, feel like you have too much chichi on the plate you will not come back am maybe will you take a beautiful picture but say to his friend, you no he, the food looks better than it tastes. Reporter but the internet has a seamingly insatiable appetite which means restaurants have to find a balance. Food always first. Guests always first, you know. And if the guest wants to take a picture, go, take picture as much as you want. I dont mind. Reporter the balance between food that satisfies and meals ready to tweet. Bill plante, cbs news, washington. Jeff that is the cbs evening news tonight, later on cbs, 60 minutes and first think tomorrow, cbs this morning. Im jeff glor, cbs news in new york. Scott pelley will be here tomorrow. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org right now at 6 00, the reprieve is about to end, which will be the beginning. Im bruce johnson, thanks for joining us on this sunday with severe storms in the forecast for the next couple of days. Some of us may see some storms tonight as well. First alert meteorologist erica grow is in the Weather Center with more on the yellow alerts ahead. Hey, erica. Hey, we have yellow alerts on monday and tuesday. Today is just a green alert day because it didnt look like the thunderstorms were going to impact your outdoor plans. The heat and humidity certainly did, but you can see the next line of thunderstorms that are starting to make their approach to the metro area as they

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