Transcripts For WUSA 9News Now At 6am 20110304

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dorn. use duke street to get around it. a wide view of the area if we can, please excuse the minor glitch in the graphic there. just take the live shot. 66 headed eastbound, filling out around route 50. taking drivers anywhere from 12 to 15 minutes to make it from 50 to 123. back over to 495, let's take a look at virginia's 3495 starting to pick up between braddock road and the dulles toll road. these are your live conditions at little river turnpike and on the travel times, i want to let you know -- coming up in the next traffic report, traveling 95 headed southbound in maryland. now back to you. at the top of the hour, a check on the stories happening today. president obama is heading to florida. he'll visit a high school in miami and he'll be there with former governor and presidential brother jeb bush. there will be a vigil tonight for haja seymore- wilson. tonight's vigil started at 7:00. tonight at 10:00, metro work will shutdown parts of two lines. the orange line closed from stadium armory and new carrollton and the blue line closed from stadium armory to being road and last all weekend. also today, nurses at washington hospital center are going on the strike. >> the one day labor action begins in less than an hour. >> surae chinn is live outside the hospital in northwest washington. tell us why the nurses are walking off the job today. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, it has to do with wages and benefits and other things like that. in the 11th hour, it looks highly unlikely that a strike will be averted. matt brock here with the washington hospital center is here to talk about the problems and let's also talk about the hospital itself. and the patient care. none of that will be sacrificed. i know you're flying in 600 nurses, but there are 1600 nurses at the hospital who work here. >> there are 1600 who work here. we'll be taking account of them and as you said, we have nurses to replace them. what is a little different there is that many of them actually have already worked here. they're familiar with our hospital. the ones who are not or who are new, we took through an orientation process and they're perfectly capable of filling in. there's also a lot of managers and existing nurses who will there to assist them. but this is what they to. they they're accustomed to stepping in to help out and take care of patient care. as we understand the trains are running on time this morning. >> reporter: that is 24 hour walkout. but the hospital may lockout the nurses for five days. deactivate their badges to come in. the union says this punishment, retaliation. >> no, it's not punishment. what it is that when you hire the outside nurses, you have to give them 60 hours a week, which -- or 60 hours of employment, which equates to five days' employment. we told the nurses alet of time this this would happen and it's not like this is a big surprise to them. they knew ahead of time and in fact, national nurses united warn nurses that this would happen as well. contractually, we have to pay these folks for 60 hours of work, that's five shifts and five days. we'd rather work with our own nurses and our own team. they left the bargaining table. we value the nurses and we want them here. they've made washington hospital center what it is today. we'd like to bargain with them and get them back on the job. >> reporter: thank you matt brock, a strike is expected to happen this morning. back to you. >> thank you. the clock is reset for the nfl owners and their players' union. >> we're back the 18 hour lefts before the collective bargaining agreement runs out and that could mean a lockout. >> both sides agreed to an extension of talks yesterday and it bought them an extra 24 hours. they're talking with mediator here in washington. the $9 billion in league revenue is up for debate. they'd both like to avoid a shutdown. >> we're looking forward to another day of discussions and keep at it and keep at it as long as it takes. >> for all of the fans who dig our game. we appreciate your patience as we work through this and going to keep working and we want to play football. >> presidentobama is a big football fan, but said both sides need to work it out. people living in a high- rise for the district's elderly and disabled said they encountered locks and closed doors when they were trying to escape a fire. it broke out last night at the potomac gardens. d. c. firefighters helped several people escape with third floor with ladder trucks. the fire was contained to one apartment but smoke filled the entire building. >> third floor doors wouldn't open. i had to run upstairs and come from the fourth floor all the way down and then the door right here got stuck. i had the kick it open to get out. >> three people were treated for smoke inhalation in this. the red cross is assisting about a dozen people whose apartments were damaged. police in richmond, virginia think they know where the body of a slain district woman is. but they're in the going to look for it -- not going to look for it frazier vanished last month. some of the people arrested said she was beaten to death. police in richmond say her body is in a landfill there. but buried so deep it would cost $1 million to find it and they will not do it. one of the two u.s. airmen killed in germany was from virginia. zach cuddeback was a student at old doe min john. he was one of two americans kill wednesday by a radical muslim from kosovo. it appears the man acted alone. a montgomery county conservation group is calling on pepco to replace all of the trees it's cutting down. one critic calls it tree slaughter. a stretch of river road in bethesda is an example they're citing. the spokesperson for the utilities declined to comment on camera on this, however, they did issue a statement saying pepco is sensitive to the concerns of customers and will address the individual concerns within a legislative process. maryland governor martin o'malley is making a fresh push for wind power. for the next 20 years, but appoints say the cost of wind power is higher than can be bought from other utilities. governor o'malley agrees but he says the slight difference will be offset by the environmental benefits. the plan calls for windmills to be built off ocean city. the maryland senate will consider that issue cooling up on march 15th. jessica doyle is watching your money on a getaway friday. >> some places to visit cheaply. but there's a catch. >> there's a big catch and this catch appeals to the adventurous traveler. what are we talking about here? big questions about safety. now we're going to start with one of the most obvious questionable travel destinations right now. beautiful sites, deep discounts and political unrest. we are talk about egypt of course. trip operators are heading back to the country and resuming tours after political protests toppled the government. for example, grand circle travel and overseas adventure travel are resuming sailing on the nile and if you're daring, you can find some big deals. says cairo is experiencing the biggest drop in average room rates for march. the company also expects even more price decline in the coming months, but it's strongly urging all travelers to look atrial warnings before visiting the region. egypt, not the only price destination where prices are dropping. of course we've got spring break upon us, a new round of travel warnings for parts of mexico and mexican travel is down so the prices are as well. some examples here to cancun, four nights with air, $499 to a three star hotel or five wrights with air -- nights with air, $479 to riviera maya and also extras like all inclusive packages and kids eat free as well as resort bonus credits. so if you're willing to go? you'll have great stories and it will be cheap. >> not too great a story. >> i bet you can even negotiate the rates down at this point. >> i'm sure you can make deals wherever you go. >> is it worth it? watch the travel warnings, just putting the information out there. well, circle these dates, this is the safe place to come. march 29th through april 3rd, that's the peak predicted peak for this year's cherry blossom festival. >> we went to the tidal by sin yesterday and caught -- basin yesterday and caught a few of the trees sprouting buds. the national park service said you can count on the beauty of these trees. >> you always hear that the cherries are not reliable. they don't cooperate. i'm sorry, i said it before and say it again. they're the oldest most reliable living things in our nation's capital. in any event -- i can't believe i said that, but i did. >> tongue firmly implanted in cheek there. of course he is talking about the trees are reliable, but other meaning i think in there too. a big party, the 100th anniversary of the gift of the chorery trees to washington. here's a look at what's still to come. in three minutes, providing mental health first aid, how maryland is leading the way in this new field. a commuter alert, a big heads-up for the belt drivers. up next, howard has the friday forecast. the weather first just 90 seconds away. at 6:13. you know we've got temps in the upper 20s and low 30s, mid 30s by 9:00. dancings in and out out of the clouds today. by noon, we're 44 degrees with mostly cloudy skies, a high near 50 and driving home around 48 degrees, angie goff, how's the traffic? been tracking the trip out think fairfax, virginia and right now in problems to report. -- no problems to report. a look across the area in the next traffic report. that's at 6:19. mike, over to you. calling for a day of rage today in libya, it is the latest call for muammar gadhafi and his forces to get out. it is one of the stories making news at 6:13 now. gadhafi's war planes are hitting the eastern part of the country. and they are focusing on oil refineries, here at home, president obama once again called gadhafi an illegitimate leader who needs to step down. the navy is ken suring four of its top brass -- censuring four of its top brass members in remit to the video. the satellite didn't roach orbit. $424million mission managed at the goddard space flight center in green belt. andrea? thank you mike. chances are the someone had a health emergency near you, you'd know what to do. glove call 911 or perhaps perform cpr. but what if they had a mental health crisis? there's a new push to teach people mental health first aid. to talk about that, i'm joined by dara, she's with the department of health and mental hygiene. this is a total new concept. where does this start? >> this started in australia. it was developed by a husband and wife team. a nurse and a researcher. and it's designed to teach people what to do when you encounter somebody developing a mental illness or in a mental health crisis. >> how would i know that someone is developing a mental health crisis or in crisis? is there some obvious? someone who's attempting to commit suicide right there and then? >> it could be. it's part of the what the course -- what the course teaches. there's a range of mental illnesses and it teaches you how to approach the individual and how to talk to them and how to actually get help. >> that is one of the first things someone should do is listen and engage the person. >> that's exactly right. and with cpr training, which is analogous to this, it teaches you the signs that people are familiar with and with mental health first aid, there's similar signs ask things you look for and then certain actions that you take. listening, nonjudgmentally, talking to the person. letting them know you care about them and you hear them. and making a connection with them and then encouraging them to get help whether it's treatment or other kinds of help. >> this is something that's going on the at maryland's, but a lot of us in our office environments and our families are learning about first aid, cpr and those kinds of things. is thissing? we all need to -- is this something we all need to learn about? >> this is targeted to members of the general public, we're starting by working specifically with people who work with members of the general public and who are more likely to encounter people in a crisis. but anybody could find that this is helpful to them. one person in every four has some type of diagnoseable mental illness, many times people don't know how to recognize the signs or what to do and this helps you do that. almost everybody has somebody in their family or their network of friends that they could help more if they had this course. >> and if you had the course, you wouldn't have many maybe an escalation of a virginia tech or even a tucson incident. >> right. right. >> darrell plevy, thank you for joining us and to learn more, go to and you can watch bruce leshan's report, just look under the health news section. thanks andrea, quiet in morning and a mix of clouds and sunshine today. your bus stop forecast calling for the mix of clouds and sun. 28 to 38 at the bus stop. 6:37 on the sunrise and about 20 minutes from now, it will set a few minutes after 6:00 p.m. looking at the day planner. in and out of the clouds today. it picks up though midday. the winds will be 10 to 15 this afternoon. upper 40s to around 50 at 4:00 and from a high anywhere from the upper 40s to lower 50s and at 8:00 p.m. back with partly to mostly cloudy skies and mid 40s and shower chances are going up. the cold air that's here now also going to be leaving area. upper 20s to low 30s, even 19 in providence, but out west, 40s in ohio and 50 degrees in lexington and the milder air will be returning for the weekend. in the 20s north now and gaithersburg and laidensville. leesburg is 30 and manassas is 27. fort belvoir is 28 and arlington is 29 and at washington's reagan national. cloudy skies and 31 degrees and a very light wind. but still a windchill right now sitting in the upper 20s. across the country, we've got scattered showers out west. rain and snow. but in the middle of the country here, the great lakes and ohio valley, the next system gathering some moisture going to be moving off to the northeast. we're also going to watch a little moisture in the atlantic kind of inch this way as we head into the overnight hours. for today, we're in and out of the clouds. some sunshine midday, few more clouds later on. and then we watch this moisture lift toward us for tomorrow morning south and east and then this moisture approach for saturday night and sunday. so watch out for the rain especially for the second half of the weekend. today, 50. in and out of the clouds. tomorrow 60 with a couple of showers is, but a better chance for a soaking rain saturday night into sunday. sunday 53 and we're cooling off to the low 50s but sunny early next week. time saver traffic. all right, good morning everybody. we begin with a live conditions on 95 headed northbound in virginia. from the prince william parkway. overall, a pretty good pace. overall drive time of about 10 minutes. if we continue on to 395, it looks like drivers starting to slow down a bit. tracking the taillights, stacking up here towards the duke street exit. okay, d. c., picking up volume between the times building on this road, inbound new york avenue. on the outer loop in maryland, speeds are dropping between new hampshire and georgia. overall drive time 12 minutes. out on 270 southbound, more volume between germantown road to i-370. that's a 15 minute commute and coming up around 6:25, i'm going to have live look at canal and fox hall. andrea and mike? wake up and thanks for watching. still ahead this morning, wisconsin's governor said today is a day of reckoning in his budget battle. see which of the capitals finished the game a hero. that's coming up on 9news now. [ male announcer ] from maryland to the mall and beyond, it's easy to spot a capital one bank. ♪ ♪ ♪ the most branches and atms in the dc area. one near you. what's in your wallet? s one near you. coming up on 6:24. we'll be in and out out of the clouds today and warmer than yesterday only in the lower 40s. future cast, some clouds just in and out. that's going to be the day. some days from time to time -- sometimes, mostly cloudy, other times partly sunny as we climb into the 40s here for the middle of the day. actually get to around 50 give or take a couple and we're going home with some clouds east and some sun southwest. temperatures in the mid- to upper 40s. mike and andrea? it's sports, capitals now just one point back of first place in the division. >> to win last night, needed another comeback effort. in the second period, the caps trailed the blues 2-1. nicklas backstrom into the net. that tied the game at 2. then in the third period, a new capital picks a good time to get his first goal. >> jason arnott with his first goal in a washington sweater, the caps beat the blues. they played here in washington and also another d. c. st. louis match-up in sports. the nationals taking on the cardinals in florida for spring training. jordan zimmermann pitched three shutout innings striking out one and allowing four hits. the nats lose to cards. up next, the latest on the nurses strike at washington hospital center. and for owners of one car model. their spidey sense may be tingling. why spiders are leading to a car safety recall. is it still green light? >> oh, yeah, look at this. problem free from canal and fox hall. the next traffic report is coming up when we return on 9news now. stay with us. dinner's ready! it's french's crunchy onion chicken! (announcer) for a quick and easy dinner crush french fried onions. dip chicken in egg. coat with onion crumbs and bake. when dinner's made with french's french fried onions, everyone's happy. french's. happy starts here. look for it in the canned vegetable aisle. my "me time" is when i thougor maybe 8? on level 2. my "me time" is when there's a 10% chance of rain! [ cellphone rings ] my "me time" is when he doesn't get the hint. ♪ my "me time"... [ bang ] is when everybody's takin' shots at me. [ male announcer ] discover you time anytime. mccafé your day with a mcdonald's frappé. smooth and icy caramel or mocha blended just for you and topped with a decadent drizzle. "me time"! [ male announcer ] the simple joy of a frappé. ♪ we're back at 6:29 this friday morning. and this is where you always get your weather first. give you a live look this morning at the stadium army metro station in northeast washington. it's 30 degrees there. we'll have a commuter alert affecting this station coming up in about five minutes. and happy friday and thanks for starting your day with us. i'm mike hydeck. >> excitement andrea roane, howard bernstein -- and i'm andrea roane, howard bernstein is on the weather terrace. >> cold and comfortable. the winds are fairly light and the birds are singing, a mix of clouds and sun. that will be the kind of day we're going to have. sometimes cloudy, sometimes mostly sunny. the day planner better than yesterday. temperatures which will get milder, in fact by late this morning, we'll beat the 41 we had yesterday. 44 at noon. driving home at 49 with a high today in the upper 40s to lower 50s. some breaks now are also moving across the region. some showers in ohio and kentucky. overnight, we may see a couple of showers, 20s in many of the suburbs. steven and charlie calling in with mid 20s. they're down 25. i'll be back talking about the weekend rain chances. right now angie has the time save every traffic. we have the green light on with no major incidents or accidents to report right now. take you over to the one tie-up that has popped up. this is at old land of road at killmore street and you want to use caution out there. some crash activity reported and an overall view of the area still reveals a lot of the green on the screen. focus into d. c. roads and out there live. this is key bridge. drivers crossing it making their way into georgetown on m street, they're doing just fine. this is in northeast d. c., the live conditions out on kennelworth and eastern avenue, you notice we have a the lanes pretty much wide open. checking on the rails, happy to report all trains, all of the lines still remain on time. in the next traffic report coming up at 6:46, we're going to take a like around the region -- look around the region. back to mike and andrea. the clock is ticking down to the top of the hour now. >> that's when nurses at washington hospital center will begin a one day strike. >> surae chinn is live. good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning to both of you. yes, nurse union members are gathering at each corner of the washington hospital center. we have ken here with the nurses union to talk about any chance of averting strike this morning. we are counting down here. >> we've been saying over and over we're willing to come to the table and have gotten no i want case from so far from them. weave said over and over. they rejected the last offer we had on saturday last week. we said we were ready to continue the bargaining, they said no so we're ready to bargain. >> some of the problems are the staffing and pay. >> that's not right the reason they put the numbers out is because the nurses are working a lot of overtime. the issue here is about safe patient care. the nurses are taking a stand and they're protesting on a one day strike to stand up for their patients to make sure the patients here have the highest quality care possible. this is the largest hospital in the district of columbia, it's a level one trauma center. people who come here are the sickest of the sick in the city and they deserve the best care and unfortunately this hospital is refusing to acknowledge our concerns about safe staffing. having a sufficient number of nurses at the bedside. >> reporter: now ken, are you actually saying that there's the potential that this is a dangerous situation because of lack of staffing? >> there are many times when it's a dangerous situation. we just had two weeks ago and a mother baby department, a situation where one nurse was taking care of 12 patients. six mothers and six babies. that's an unsafe situation. and that's not -- that's one an exdote. but not the -- anecdote. but not the only example. we have told the hospital about incidents that have happened over the last year and we've told the d. c. department of health about this. >> reporter: ken seven with the nurses united talking about what it might take to get folks back at the table. but for right now, the strike goes on at 7:00 this morning. back to you. >> thank you, surae chinn live at washington hospital center in northwest this morning. the governor of wisconsin is saying today is the day. republican scott walker going to issue 1500 layoff notices for state workers if the democrats don't return. in an effort he says to help close the budget gap. last night protestors left finally. they did so peacefully after a judge ordered them out. they'll be allowed back in today. the protests this morning at the university of california berkeley is over. eight protestors camped out on a ledge with plenty of onlookers below. they were upset because of the state budget cuts. a committee vote is expected today on a bill allowing same sex marriages in maryland. the judiciary committee frailed to vote on the measure thursday. in another development, the governor announces he would support a voter referendum on the issue. the maryland house of delegates passed legislation prohibiting drive fresh texting while stops at a traffic light. supporters say the legislation closes a loophole in the texting while driving law. the maryland senate has already given preliminary approval to similar legislation. we have a commuter alert for you this morning metro riders in prince georges county in northeast washington. it's for you. parts of the orange and blue lines will be closed tonight at 10:00. they will stay closed until monday morning. the orange line closed stadium armory to new carrollton. the blue line will be closed between stadium armory and benning road. shuttle buses will be around, but make sure you add 40 minutes to the ride. a heads-up for you overnight drivers on the beltway. all next week the inner loop will be their rowed to one lane from this point, route 7 up to 123. the exits from the inner loop to both directions of 123 will be closed also. all of this will begin at 10:00 at night and will be done by 5:00 the next morning. it is 6:36 and jessica is back with another your money report. >> we're talking about your jobs. 8:30 it comes out and wall street is really focused on the jobs picture. investors are waiting on the big jobs report for february. it comes out a day after first time claims for unemployment benefits fell to the lowest level since 2008. don't be surprised if the unemployment rate rises slightly. 175,000 jobs created last month, but many economists are also now estimating 200,000 or more. economists believe the rate will edge up to 9.1% for unemployment. unemployment rates often rise when the economy improves and people who haven't been looking for jobs start job hunting yet again. the next time you go to costco, you can get a toilet paper, detergent and a wedding dress. they have teamed with bridal designer christy kelly ranging from $700 to $1,400. but that's more than half off the usual retail price. they are creepy and crawlly and apparently retail worthy. spiders living in a fuel tank vent. mazda recalling cars in north america because of a danger posed by the spiders. the japanese automaker says a spider can weave a web and clog up the ventilation. that can lead a crack, fuel leakage and the risk of a fire. mazda says 20 cases have been identified in which spider webs were found in the vents. it not clear why they were crawling into the mazda 6 ratter than into other -- rather than into other vehicles. raises more questions than answers in terms of spiders living in the car. >> how bizarre. >> i can't wait the hear more about it. >> i wonder if it's a scent or something? >> or the design. now a friendship that can really pay off. you can win an apple ipad 2. you have to like us. go to and click like and fill out the sweepstakes form to enter. if you're already a fan, you still have to enter. the more friends you refer, the better the chances you have of winning. 38 degrees, on the high to about 40. that's it. howard has the weekend forecast coming up. and here's a look from sky 9, northbound 355 is blocked at the drive because of a stalled truck. angie is next, time saver traffic report two minutes away. here's what you'll see tonight -- ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy low-fat yogurt, mcdonald's strawberry-banana and wild berry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪ good morning and welcome back the 9news now, it's friday morning, you're preparing for the weekend, howard here with the forecast first to get you all started. >> i think it's going to be a weekend you work on inside projects, not outside projects. >> okay, no caulking to keep the stink bugs out? >> that kind overclean up outside the up to do it. you might be able to get some of that in tomorrow and some of it today for sure, but sunday is looking like it could be a washout across much of the region. here's the bus stop forecast. cold out there, but wind are fairly light with some sunshine mixing with the cloud cover. sun came up 10 minutes ago. about six minutes ago. upper 20s to upper 30s at the bus stop over the next couple of hours with partly to mostly cloudy skies. our day planner today, calling for dancing in and out of the clouds with the sunshine. mid 30s at nine. mid 40s by noon. 34. you notice that when southeasterly winds and 10, 12, 15 miles per hour in that range and by 6:00 p.m. mostly cloudy and 46. this is a chance of a shower by tomorrow morning. but sunday, that's going to be the wet one. we're 31 now. 27 to the north in gaithersburg. hagerstown's in the 20s along with culpeper and fredericksburg across junction. in the mid 30s from reedville to the naval air station at 34. locally, we've got windchills also in the teens to 20s out there. but the winds as i said were fairly light as evidenced by national airport's south- southwest wind at 3 miles per hour. dew points have also come up. a little bit more humidity to come up. starting to sew the showers break out in the midwest heading to ohio. little bit of freezing rain northwestern pennsylvania through parts ofmyny now and know -- michigan now and way up in the u. p.. boy midday, seeing lots of breaks in the cloud cover. partly to mostly sunny, mostly cloudy up north. it's really going to be varying today in the afternoon, but by 6:00, we're still dry. showers out to the west and heavier rains pick up to saturday morning in ohio. back toward kentucky and some showers may sneak in from the atlantic to get us one or two spots as we go through saturday and by saturday midday, you know, still looking at spotty showers. the heavy stuff you can see here in the ohio valley? this is all going to move over us saturday night into sunday morning and that's when i think it's going to be the wettest time. maybe even an inch of more in spots. today, 50 degrees with a mix of clouds and sun. tomorrow, mostly cloudy and a shower or two possible. but really, rain chances pick up overnight night into sunday. perhaps by mid-afternoon sunday, things start to clear out and a cooler day sunday, are 53. monday, tuesday and wednesday, low to mid- 50s and back to 60 thursday, but rain and maybe thunder as well. angie, how's the traffic doing? we begin with yellow light because we have some conditions out there to tell you about causing headache for drivers. let's begin with sky 9, here's the live situation out on northbound 355. notice the disabled tractor- trailer right there in the roadway. causing drivers the lose all of their lanes going northbound on 355. and this is between college parkway and east gooty drive. it looks like southbound traffic is moving without incident. meanwhile, northbound traffic diverted on to college parkway to yale place and then that gets drivers back on to east gooty. let's move it to the accident in hyattsville. this is at old landover road. they're in the clearing stages of this. old land of meeting killmore street. just take note and use case. the water main break in alexandria, virginia. edsall road still closed between van dorn and south picket street. things are stacking up on 66 as well. no incidents or accidents to report. mainly the congestion is between 50 and nutley and again approaching the capitol beltway. we are tracking the travel times in maryland -- your next traffic report is at 6:58 and i'll have your top traffic stories. at 6:47,going to the top of the carts, the morning, the best selling books according to "usa today" -- every day this week we've been helping you claim your cash. and boy, have you been doing your part. >> exactly. state and city treasury departments say their offices have been flooded since we first began reporting on unclaimed money and valuables they're holding. >> but there are still billions of dollars out there for the taking and here's some more of the people that can have riches coming their way. >> let's begin in virginia with -- >> in maryland and c. c., the toll lowing -- d. c., the following names -- >> now whether you heard your name or not, go to search government data bases and learn how to get the money owed to you just look under the consumer tab. 6:49, 31 degrees here in northwest washington. a check on the news before you go a up next. i'm kristin berset, just hours away from the latest edition of dc high high school report. bishop schools the ball from crystogen kins. brandon scales gets the putback and gonzaga won 53-50. we are looking for campus correspondents. if accepts, you'll get a free flip cam. apply at we've got a chilly start, terms in the upper 20s and lower 30s. lots of breaks out there and dancing in and out of the clouds today. 9:00 temp. 37, noontime, mostly cloudy, 44. and by 5:00, driving home 49. highs today around 50 give or take a couple. mike and andrea? here's the news before you go, at the top of the hour, nurses at the washington hospital center are going on the strike. they hope it will draw attention to what they say are serious issues. one man is hospitalized after being shot overnight on kennel worth avenue. police have not made any arrests in this. a woman is in critical condition after a fire in southeast washington. it happened last night at the potomac gardens senior complex on g street. one more traffic and weather check when 9news now returns. [ male announcer ] from maryland to the mall and beyond, it's easy to spot a capital one bank. ♪ ♪ ♪ the most branches and atms in the dc area. one near you. what's in your wallet? at 6:57. an update on the developing story. nasa confirms its glory satellite won't have the velocity to get into orbit. >> it didn't separate properly and it may mean the three year, $424 million project could be a bust. glory is managed by nasa, goddard space flight center in green belt, maryland. hi howard. >> no, they usually have insurance on those. your seven day forecast, a mission of clouds and sunshine -- mix of clouds and sunshine today. temperatures around the 50- degree mark. as we head toward tonight, cloudy again, around 35 to 40, now tomorrow could be a couple of showers, 60 and a better chance for a soaking rain as we head into saturday night and sunday. all right, thank you howard bernstein. in rockville, northbound 355, it's closed between east gooty drive and college parkway because of this. this tractor-trailer blocking the roadway obviously out there disabled trying to get it out of the way. southbound lanes, doing just fine. in hyattsville, we have an accident on old landover road and that's going to be near killmore street. but this is the outer loop from 95 to georgia. a 15 minute commute. inner loop a 15 minute drive as well. over to mike. signs of warmth even in winter. check out this fence in bedford, virginia. >> leonard loves hats and scarves and they aren't ones people left behind. instead, they've been left behind to help those in need. >> the rules are simple. if you need one, take one just so you can stay warm. after such a cold winter, just decided to help out. >> it's easy enough to drop off canned goods or something like that or old clothes, but this is an investments in people's time. >> mosley is getting help from friend and neighbors. she said it adds a lot of color on a cold winter's day. >> very nice. as for wall street, looking flat right now, but we've got the unemployment report coming out at 8:30 and we could see 200,000 jobs created last month. >> how about that? "the early show" will talk more about that and plus a federal agent blowing the whistle on what she calls illegal gun shipments to mexico. howard and i, we're going to be back in 25 minutes with a live update on traffic and that accident on 3:55 and your weather. >> get your news, traffic and weather all day

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