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their $80 monthly dues to the blood. >> high school students and younger people so he could in essence extort dues from them. >> kind of crazy. >> that's really shocking, actually. temperature is something i wouldn't really notice at that school. maybe i didn't pay attention. >> i never really thought that gangs were actually in our school. >> reporter: now, the police investigation started as a larceny investigation. students were having things stolen in school. credit cards were stolen and then credit card fraud was committed. many things were used -- the credit cards were used to buy items at nearby fair oaks and that led into the investigation of the gang recruitment. the olds recently lived in an apartment here in fairfax city but recently they moved to virginia where police will soon be conducting a search. back to you, anita. >> peggy fox, thank you. police say they are looking for a man who tried to abduct a teenage in fairfax county. the 15-year-old was walking home from woodson high. police say the man tried to pull the girl into his white pickup truck before another driver intervened. the girl was not hurt. the suspect is described as a white man in his 40s. police say his pickup truck had a pittsburgh steelers on the left bumper and one on the glass of the cab. the search for survivors continuing in american american somoa. a second quake hit late today. >> reporter: thousands of terrified people ran to the streets wednesday. a deadly magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck off the coast of indonesia and many feared a tsunami would follow. the quake was so powerful buildings collapsed including two hospitals. hundreds possibly thousands of people were believed to be trapped. it also triggered landslides and sparked fires. the indonesian earthquake came less than 24 hours after a bigger quake a few thousand miles away caused a tsunami that flattened villages in somoa and american somoa. many people that lived there were swept out to sea. >> the wave came. she lost her kids and she only managed to grab onto the tree branch. >> reporter: with tens of thousands needing help, president obama declared a major disaster for american somoa, a u.s. territory with 65,000 residents. >> fema, federal emergency management agency, is working closely on the ground and the coastguard is supplying those with need. >> reporter: some supplies are arriving but it could be days before it is distributed. water has been cut off in many areas and even rescue crews are having a tough time getting into to search for survivors. >> it struck along the fault line that triggered the christmas 2004 massive tsunami that killed more than 230,000 people. fire destroying a house. flames breaking out in the middle of the night. investigators believe that fire started in a gas line in the basement. they also say it appears that the house was vacant and that no one was trapped inside. damage is estimated at $300,000. police in warrenton, virginia, are looking for suspects accused of stealing walts from grocery store shoppers. after taking the wallet, police say they go immediately to another store so they can spend cash and use the credit cards. a u.s. capital police officer is paying the praise of what was apparently one wild night. 34-year-old thomas mcman. investigators say he went drinking saturday night and somehow he wound up in a stranger's apartment in arlington. the woman came home to find mcman in her bed, sleeping it off, as arlington police put it. officers have charged mcman with unlawful entry. more speed cameras are going up tomorrow. scott broom joining us live from the side of i-95 in laurel. what a view. >> reporter: well, it is. but let me tell you. you and me, the interstate is the fastest way from point a to point b. but for thousands of highway workers it is the office and it is an office where speed kills. rick mosser was killed in june of 2007 by a speeding pickup truck in a work zone. >> it shouldn't take the death or injury of a highway worker. >> reporter: today his width yo was widow spoke. >> every day we have workers that come to their office. this is their office. you can see how close it is to speeding vehicles, to dangerous situations. >> reporter: the system includes large warning signs going into the speed trap and even an electronic display of your speed before you get there. only then will a car mounted camera snap your picture. motorists going 12,000 miles an hour over the speed limit will get violation notices in the mail for a fine of $40. the systems will be placed on i- 95 north through the icc work zone in prince george's county and also major work areas on i- 95 past baltimore. many interstate drivers say this is a speed camera system they can live with. >> people need to slow down. it is a work zone. >> reporter: and rick mosser's widow says it has been a long time coming. >> reporter: this is not just about highway workers, these work zones on average are much more dangerous. in maryland about a dozen motorists killed every year in work zones. with highway workers on i-95 i'm scott broom, 9news now and >> first time voters have less than one week to register in virginia. the november election is monday, october 5th. the full senate could vote on health care legislation in less than two weeks. that's the word today from harry reed. meanwhile the senate finance committee is working through it's sixth day in attempting to forge some sort of health care legislation. a motion to strengthen abortion laws in the bill was defeated. $5 billion in grants today for the national institutes of health. the money is designed to support research for diseases. the president for bethesda campus. mr. obama praised them for saving countless lives. >> the work you do is not easy. it takes persistence and patience but it holds incredible promise for our nation and world. >> the president says the $5 billion grant will support 12,000 existing projects and create thousands of new jobs. metro buses an trains are getting a thorough cleaning top to bottom in an effort to keep commuters from getting the h1n1. clean steering wheels and seats and poles. fare cars as well. remember to wash your hands frequently to stay safe. beginning tomorrow you can ride amtrak from northern virginia to new york and boston. it begins new service from lynchburg with local stops in culpeper, manassas. the department of transportation held a ceremony today celebrating the new stop. dry for a good part of the day but now we are seeing just a little bit of rain out there. meteorologist topper shutt has the umbrella out on the terrace with your forecast first. just a couple of sprinkles. i probably could be brave if i wanted to. here is your forecast first. an early shower and then looking at clearing skies. it is going to be almost cold tonight. lows in the 40s. upper 40s in the suburbs. national. winchester. temperature wise little bit on the cool side because of the clouds primarily in the low to mid-60s. frederick 64. manassas 63. live look at doppler. we will show you a couple of showers. some are going through north west. heavy stuff actually across the bay. a couple of showers southwest of leesburg over towards chantilly. couple of sprinkles tonight. we will come back and show you a great picture. it is not that show, dave but we will show you a great picture of the rainbow that the showers created. >> a time for the check on this evening's rush hour. the 9news now traffic center. >> the heaviest spots we are seeing right now is definitely on the american legion. delays in both directions of the beltway. on the inner loop 123 to 270 it will be heavy then from old georgetown road to the mormon temple. it is slow from the beltway to route 121 to the weigh station. moving on to virginia let's see how 66 is looking. not too bad. it is a little bit heavy though from eastbound metro to the beltway. webb slow from nutly to 123. we will wrap it up at 393 westbound. we will be right back. the victims of distracted drivers demand action in washington. i'm joel brown . that story coming up. stock lost ground today on wall street. dow finishing the day down nearly 30 points to close at 9712. nasdaq fell a point. starting tomorrow it will be against the law to text and drive in maryland. the white house kicked off a two-day summit to trackle the problem of distracted driver. and as joel brown reports some are calling for a national ban on texting or using a cell phone behind the wheel. >> reporter: kim lowery's husband richard was killed going to work three months ago when a distracted driver hit his car. >> it is something that shouldn't have happened. unfortunately she has destroyed our lives over something so simple. >> reporter: kim and her daughter hayley are in washington hoping their story will lead to change. they are taking part in a two- day government-run summit highlighting the dangers of not paying attention to the road. last year alone almost 6000 people died and a half million others were injured in vehicle crashes that involved distracted drivers that includes people who were talking on the phone or texting while they were behind the wheel. a handful of states ban it but some groups want a nationwide ban. >> can you follow the plot of a television show or movie while you're talking on the phone? virtually everybody says, no, i can't do that. >> reporter: this man lost his 12-year-old son when a driver talking on a cell phone caused an accident. >> she was looking straight out the window, went right through a red light past traffic that was stopped in the other southbound lane. she hit the 4th or 5th car in front of her and never touched her brakes. >> reporter: to these families distracted driving is as deadly as getting behind the wheel drunk. they want people that take their eyes and minds off the road to stop. >> texting while driving in maryland will be a primary violation. that means a police officer who sees you texting while driving can pull you over immediately. it is already illegal to text and drive in the district and virginia. on our facebook we have been asking users what they think the biggest distraction is behind the while and answers range from cell phones to texting to ipods to even women brushing their hair or putting on their makeup. you can find us at a bomb threat shut down an entire public school system today. it happened in minnesota. in the town of princeton outside of minneapolis. investigators say at least three suspicious packages were found around the city, one of them at a high school. all 3500 princeton students were sent home as police scoured the area. in the end no explosives were actually found. military officials say the pilot of a plane that crashed today in indiana may have had some sort of health problem or was not get oxygen. military officials say the pilot may have blacked out due to a condition known as hypoxia. the pilots behind the so- called miracle on the hudson are back together. they will be in the cockpit together for the first time. they are slated to file from the new york airport. >> engines at maximum thrust and lift off. lift off of the rocket. a new crew was on the way to the international space station and a new space tourist is on board. the founder of cirque du soleil paid for the trip. jeffrey williams and a russian are also on board the rocket that lifted. they are scheduled to reach the space station on friday. just a little amount he paid. $35million. >> it is only about 400 miles. that's a lot of money. >> it sure is. >> wow. >> i wonder if they charged extra for the clown riding on board? >> we are going in the right direction. perfect. here is the forecast first now. tomorrow get. light winds, lots of sunshine. near 70. then friday warmer. and temperatures will be in the mid-70s. slight chance of a shower. and now on saturday we are going to try to salvage the back half of saturday. still have showers in the forecast early on saturday but the good news is we will be in better shape for the afternoon. also for the terps game. all right. now, let me show you this pictures. what a spectacular picture. isn't this awesome? is it just me? are you looking at it? >> it is very nice. >> when you see it sun is at your back and rain in front of you. that makes the rainbow. you see how high the cathedral is. one of the highest spots in the district. thank you, lauren. tonight, evening shower. clearing. almost cold. lows in the 40s. winds northwesterly at 5 to 10. live doppler. we are looking at a couple of sprinkles. nothing is heavy. these were a little band of thunderstorms that went through parts of prince george's county and they are now across the bay. we will zoom into a couple of sprinkles. barely wet the ground. alexandria. up towards national. also if you're headed out 66. moving off to the southeast at a pretty good clip. couple of sprinkles in loudoun county in between 15 and also 734. and again, these are moving to the southeast kind of run right along the north side of 50 and heading towards dulles in the next half hour. talking about temps tonight. almost everybody in the 40s. it is pretty cold. 41 in great falls. 47 at bethesda. this should remind everybody to get their furnace checked, put in a new filter. that sort of thing. temperatures right now in the 60s. we are talking low to mid-60s. 64 in vienna. and 65 in woodbridge. tomorrow mostly sunny with a cold start, yes, 40s and 50s. great day. mostly sunny and pleasant. highs near 70. winds will become light northwesterly at 5 to 10. >> satellite picture and radar combined. still see a swirl up here. big storm slowly pushing away from the great lakes in new england. our england. zone forecast for you. 68 chantilly tomorrow. 69 down towards stafford. no small craft advisory. next seven days. 59 tomorrow. mostly sunny. 74 on friday. maybe a shower but i think we will trade the chance of a shower in for the 70s and then morning showers and rain on saturday. and then partly cloudy in the afternoon. temperature in the mid-70s. still nice on sunday. mid-70s for the redskins. then 70 on monday. more rain and showers tuesday night into wednesday but next wednesday we go back into the upper 70s. >> oh, okay. >> it is looking better. >> if you are curious about how september ended up above normal, below average go to our website check out my blog. >> will do that. >> thank you. >> we will be right back. a younger you without chemicals and scalpels still ahead on 9news now. i'm howard bernstein with your living green tip of the day. cutting down massive numbers of trees is just bad for the environment. so let's do the opposite. let's plant some trees. now is a great time of year. tree roots hold soil and prevent erosion and they block pollutants that are going into the chesapeake bay. they will cast shade on your home which will keep it cooler in the summertime saving you money. you can get more tips about living green at just click on living green. so let's imagine being able to shave a few years off the way you look without going under the knife? some people believe the best way to do it is through the ancient art of acupuncture. >> i'd love to focus on the eye, ear area. brighten it up a little bit more. just make me look a little more awake. >> these creases are a little bit deeper than i want them at this point in time. >> reporter: marlene schmitt is not unlike many women that see signs of aging on their faces. but the search for the least evasive way she was led to this acupuncture. cosmetic acupuncture aims to tighten and lift without cutting or accusing chemicals. >> we work with skin quality, skin tone, lifting and shaping different areas of the skin. >> reporter: unlike traditional body acupuncture cosmetic acupuncture is performed with tiny hand and face needles targeting specific points on the face that are said to open up the flow of energy or chi. >> where more blood pools on that point than other points. so if i want to lift somebody's eyes and open their face up just a little bit so they look bright, they are going to look more youthful. >> reporter: dermatologists speculate the treatments can make a difference by easing muscle tension in the face that contributes to frown lines and wrinkles. >> we are just working with what i have and making it and improving it and it is not going to alter bone structure. it is not going to alter anything. it is not going to induce any chemicals into my body. >> now, the standard protocol for cosmetic acupuncture is two a week and each session can be $100 and up. wearing suits and walking taller. women who turn their lives around thanks to students for change gathered for a special luncheon today. joining news anchors across the town to salute the organization. >> it was so great to meet some of those women at our table. lives changed with just one step like that. >> they are she-roes as i like to call them. >> speaking of jobs we will tell you how some local organizations are focusing on getting hot green jobs for the people that need them. first, a second child dies from the h1n1 flu in maryland and this time it appears the child did not have any previous medical conditions. we will be back. 9news now is sponsored in part by your local toyota dealer. what kind of person writes a thesis calling working women "detrimental to the family..." then lies about his opponent to cover up his own record? the post said bob mcdonnell took office and began passing his social agenda... and the post confirmed that he voted to deny access to birth control. they said mcdonnell even opposed equal pay for women. no matter what his ads say, bob mcdonnell can't cover up his record. i'm creigh deeds, candidate for governor, and my campaign sponsored this ad. join 9news now thursday morning. highlighting the importance of starting an early detection program. welcome back. let's reset some of the top stories in the news now. police in fairfax city have charged a prince william father and his 17-year-old daughter with recruiting students to a gang. high school informants say 34- year-old theodore olds recruited gang members for the blood and directed them to commit robbery. more speed cameras going up in maryland tomorrow and many will be focused on interstate work zones including the icc that links prince george's and and- - montgomery county. the search for survivors continues on the islands between hawaii and australia, a u.s. coastguard plane with emergency supplies is heading to the region. a middle school student who was diagnosed with h1n1 flu has died. it is maryland's ninth h1n1 death. as derek valcourt of our sister station in baltimore reports the 15-year-old child appeared to have no previous medical problem. >> reporter: the sad news confirmed to wjz that the child died last week. the student collapsed at school. her heart had stopped beating. medics revived her and rushed her to the hospital. >> to actually stand a couple of feet away from my neice, my heart was crushed. >> reporter: her aunt said destiny appeared to be recovering but then took a turn for the worse. the city school ceo confirms the news staying in a statement on baffle of the entire baltimore school community i would like to send our greatest sympathy in the death. child. the school is working closely with the baltimore health department to inform our families about appropriate cautions. another child whose age and gender are not being released died last week. the governor is heart broken. >> we are in a race against the spread of swine flu to try to get the vaccine to as many people as we possibly can. >> and that vaccine is expected to be ready next month. that was derek valcourt reporting. since june maryland health officials have reported 198 hospitalizations due to the illness related to h1n1 flu. sky 9 flew over a middle school where 16 students were sent to the hospital today. investigators say roofers were working at the middle school in glen bernie. fumes apparently made some kids sick. no one is seriously ill and classes at the school resumed after a brief evacuation. first lady michelle obama is in denmark today to help lobby the international committee on baffle behalf of the city of chicago. president obama will arrive later. oprah winfrey is also there. rio and turkey and madrid are also in the run to host the 2012 summer olympic games. hillary clinton acted as chairwoman and president of a special session of the united nations security council today after wrapping up a speech on a u.s. sponsored resolution condemning the use of rape in conflict. mrs. clinton joked about being president for the day. >> so much i resume now my function as president of the council. i kind of like being a president. this may go on a little longer than anticipated. [ applause ] >> kind of one of her goals. the security council voted 15-0 in favor of the resolution. there is a lot of need out there especially in the district. dc has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. it served over 11% last month. some local organizations are trying to turn the trend around and do something good for the environment at the same time. >> reporter: since the great depression goodwill of greater washington has been training unemployed workers and getting them jobs. the mission during this great recession is the same with a new class that is pure 21st century. a training program for green caller construction jobs. >> inside this classroom is success. we basically call it 10-week boot camp. >> reporter: a partnership between goodwill and green builder's council of dc funded by up to $900,000 in federal stimulus money. the first class just graduated from the course that teaches the nuts and bolts of green construction. >> if we are talking about homes, we are talking about the solar panels. >> reporter: and softer skills. >> we work with resumes attitudes. >> reporter: at the end of the day this program at goodwill is about finding people jobs and they are doing just that. this education program has a job placement rate of over 70%. students come with different goals. >> where i see myself in the future possibly working for the epa. >> reporter: some to enrich careers. >> i'm coming from a background of 20 years. >> reporter: after training ends job fairs help students find employment. >> the green economy is going to flourish here in the district of columbia and we hope our students are at the front of the line to help build green buildings, install smart meters and make sure homes are more energy efficient. >> reporter: the green construction training program is free for students. graduates are also given vouchers for goodwill stores so they can pick up new interview and work clothes for their new live. jessica doyle, 9news now and >> you can find listings if you're looking for a job on our website just click on living green to get to our job page and find out why you don't need to be an environmentalist to land a green job in the current economy. tonight at 11:00 p.m. do you feel that your employer doesn't appreciate you. we will show you what some companies are doing to make their people feel wanted. up next. a special home loan just for seniors. you may think you are cashing it in but it could lead you to the poorhouse. coming up in living smart. first, we will talk about the evening rush hour. the 9news now traffic center now. >> we have a report of a traffic light out. this is out bound on the jane bridge. look for delays coming up canal road. let's head outside and see how 95 southbound is looking. volumes we are seeing in virginia. then let's head over to 95 in maryland and seeing delays there. a little bit to route 98. i-95 to i-270 it will be slow. we will be right back. parentheses have a place but not on your face. smooth those lines away for up to a year with juvéderm®. juvéderm® is a smooth injectable gel your doctor uses to smooth out wrinkles like those lines on the sides of your nose and mouth instantly. side effects... usually mild to moderate included temporary injection site reactions like redness, pain, firmness, swelling or bumps. smooth, natural. everyone will notice but no one will know. ask your doctor about juvéderm®. 800 pages of new reforms are now on their way to credit card companies. prohibiting interest rate increases for one year on new accounts and existing balances. they also do not allow anyone 21 years old to get a credit card unless they can prove they can afford it or a parent co- signs for it. some members of congress want these reforms in place by december but credit card companies say they need more time. banks push reverse mortgage loans as a way for cash strapped seniors to get money out of their home without leaving it. the ads sound pretty enticing. an investigation reveals these loans all too often lead to financial ruin. >> reporter: at 83 years old arlene swimmer is no longer able to live on her own. she is devastated. she will get nothing from the sale of the home that she shared with her late husband for 49 years. arlene's daughter says that's because a broker persuaded her parents to take out a reverse mortgage four years ago. the terms were complicated and hard to understand. >> the decision on the reverse mortgage was one of the worst decisions i think my folks had ever made. it was tragic. >> reporter: reverse mortgages are loans aimed at people 62 or older. here is how they work. you cash in some of the equity in your home and receive a lump sum or line of credit. you make no monthly payments and you can use the money for any purpose. the loan comes due at the time of death or if you move out of the home. >> the big danger with reverse mortgages is that hefty fees and mounting interest can eat up all the equity that you have. >> reporter: it pushed arlene's loan far more than what she can get from the home. as for the cash from the reverse mortgage. arlene's daughter says the broker steered her parents to a bad investment. >> there are brokers out there that prey on their customer's ignorance. >> reporter: consumer report says for some people reverse mortgages can be an option but only as a last resort. >> always consider other options first because should you some day need to sell the house these loans can be a disaster wiping out all your equity and leaving you with nothing. >> that is my son. >> reporter: even if you don't go anywhere near a reverse mortgage we may become responsible for the companies that are selling these loans. for more information on reverse mortgages go to our website we want you to read it. just click on living smart. >> thank you, lesli. giving birth and telling the world all about it on twitter. a new mom delivers a baby and tweets about her experience. we are going to meet her next. i'm brett haber at redskins park where jim zorn and players are doing their best to tune out the noise about job security and about the possibility of a lost season. their comments coming up. i'm meteorologist topper shutt. we will take you out with the pollen count. we got a break today. click on the weather tab at and follow the drop- down menu to allergy update. once we get through the first frost all we have to worry about is mold. we will worry about the weekend forecast after this. pepto-bismol. nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. yeah, my buddy's got all that. ouch. we've done corn dogs, pizza, and nachos. put it down. [ moans ] dude! pepto guy: sorry to hear that. everything ok? no, we are a little strapped for cash. do we need to buy a bunch of different medicines? pepto guy: oh, no, pepto alone relieves all five symptoms. it's a real value. plus gas too. dude. we're covered. you guys enjoy the game. easy. pepto guy: pepto-bismol. yup, you're covered. john travolta returned to the witness stand today in a bahamas courtroom and testified that a local paramedic and an attorney are on trial for extortion. john travolta told the court the paramedic demanded $25 million in exchange for not implicating him in his son's death. tlc is dropping the jon from "john & kate plus 8". the show will now focus on kate's journey as a single mother. jon and kate gosselin announced their separation last june. tlc says jon will still be on the show but on a less regular basis. >> when a new child enters the world friends and family anxiously await word from the mom and dad. well, one mom in kansas city, missouri she took communication during the delivery to the extreme. she runs a website. yesterday she took mommy blogging to a whole new level deciding to tweet updates on the birth of her third child. >> i sent out the update we were getting ready to have the baby and we were leaving for the hospital. i just didn't really have a plan. i did it when i could and didn't make an extra effort to do it. i just did it between contractions. >> that's what i would do. >> sure. >> yes. >> the birth announcement. it arrived yesterday via twitter saying fresh baked baby jacob david arrived at 6:59 and that tweet included a picture. she is a little bit of an overachiever here. >> members of our mom's website are chatting about something totally different. swine flu parties. would you intentionally expose your child to the virus in hopes of building immuneity against it? >> whatsome. >> what. >> what? >> log on to >> here is a look at what is new tonight. two of the most popular redskins players are under attack for how they have run their nonprofit youth program. and a slap on the wrist for eagles quarterback michael vick. it is all tied to his dogfighting convictions. plus, see how this device forces you to stay focused on the road rather than your cell phone. it is all coming up tonight at 6:00 p.m. right now you're saying a changing forecast? >> i want to go back to the tweeting while giving birth. >> it would probably not have been g-rated. >> no g-rated tweet. >> between contractions no less. >> weekend cleaning up a little bit. we are trying to salvage some saturday and sunday looking good. next three days. beautiful. sunshine. near 70. 74 on friday. maybe a shower. and fair amount of clouds and pretty nice day. at least mild. there are your showers and light rain on saturday. clearing out saturday afternoon. highs again mid-70s. so also mild. silver lining there. and we look at the terps in town too. i can't promise rain will be out of there by noon. tonight an evening shower possible. clearing and then almost cold. lows in the 40s. low 40s in the suburbs. upper 40s downtown. winds north westerly at 5 to 10. live doppler. you can access this via the web interactive radar. check it out. pretty cool stuff. more showers pushing south of the beltway towards clinton and upper marlboro. again, not much. generally light. there you have it. back to the computer. we will talk about tomorrow morning. mostly sunny. 40s and 50s. winds north westerly at 10. by afternoon a get day. mostly sunny and pleasant. highs near 70. winds will not be a factor tomorrow. satellite picture radar combined. there goes the last little showers through the metro area. eventually the clouds will clear and enable the temps to really fall tonight. next seven days. near 70 tomorrow. mid-70s on friday, saturday and sunday. maybe a shower on friday. better chance for showers early sunday. we will keep sunday dry for the redskins game then really not bad. about 70 on monday. another system approaching tuesday. tuesday night about 70. then wednesday we pop back into the upper 70s. >> okay. thanks a lot. >> sure. so the skins got back to work today and they are trying to put that lion's game out of their head. >> really, for all the negative -- and there has been a lot -- they are 1-2. so if they win this week they are 2-2. >> not so bad. >> that's not so tragic. i know we would rather be better but it could be worse. a reporter at redskins park asked jim zorn based on dan snyder's track record should coach zorn be worried about his job? to which he replied why would i worry about that? he was either being an optimist. >> i sleep, eat and think  football. >> reporter: but for those that venture outdoors this week the noise regarding the redskins has reached a deafening hum around washington. so inside the locker room they are doing their best to tune it out. >> you can't worry about it. we just focus on each other, buy into what each other is saying. >> we have a job to do. we are professionals. we don't get wrapped up into that stuff. >> reporter: that is the elephant in the room right now. jim zorn continuing to be the subject of white hot scrutiny. >> i'm worrying about my own job, not jim zorn. >> we play for each other and play for our coach. >> if we don't play well, we have to go out and win regardless. >> as for this week the redskins are talking on a buckaneers team that is winless and has a brand-new untested quarterback making the start which, come to think of it, is exactly what the lions were last week. and how did that work out. >> this is the nfl. every week you step out there you've got a chance to get beat out there if you come out half stepping. >> another nfl team. they have great talent. we have to worry about ourselves. getting our team ready from top to bottom and i think we focus on us we will be better this week than we were last week. >> so can i tell you what topper's take away from that story was which i thought was a detailed accounting of the redskins problems this week? >> what was that. >> topper's take away was chris samuels has very little hair. >> you're trying to cover up your -- >> for once can i be the voice of reason? let's move on. >> let's move on. up next, kids and kidney stones. simple ways to help your child avoid this painful problem that is on the rise in our area. and don't forget we are always on at stay with us. tonight's living well segment is next. if i had to sit on a bench during the middle of a game due to diabetes it would frustrate me. in a basketball game a couple minutes could mean a big momentum shift. my bayer meter is very important. (announcer) only bayer's contour meter has programmable personal high low settings. it allows me to be able to look at my highs and lows to make sure that my diabetes is being controlled as tightly as possible. with my bayer meter i don't miss valuable game time. i'm alana burns and staying in the game is my simple win. (announcer) the contour meter, only from bayer. we have so many numbers floating around in our brain. here are three more. the first is tape measure across your bellybutton. women about 32 inches and guy roughly 35 inches. blood pressure. pressure pushing against your arteries. the top number should be less than 120 and bottom number less than 80. so 115 over 75 is a great target. blood sugar, a fasting blood glucose can tell you if you are at risk for diabetes. lower than 100. three numbers you need to know. if you can't understand it you can't fix it. so follow along. we are one day away from the start of breast cancer awareness month and this october cancer experts say we have some reasons to celebrate. death rates in the u.s. continue to go down more than 2% per year. a trend that began in 1990. seems like we are doing something right when it comes to yearly screening and early detection. however, all women aren't reaping the same benefits. death rates remain 40% higher in african-american women. also tonight, dealing with the excruciating pain of kidney stones when you are only a kid. more children are getting what used to be considered an adult problem and doctors know why. >> i was having sharp pain on my right side. >> reporter: taylor miller is a maryland eighth grader who has been through a painful and dangerous journey. >> they discovered that she had massive stone on both of her kidneys. >> reporter: taylor 's mom never imagined what lay ahead for her daughter. the massive stones in taylor 's right kidney became so big the kidney actually stopped working. >> we found out that her right kidney had shut down as a result of the stones. >> reporter: so when stones were detected in taylor's left kidney doctors used a laser to destroy them before they could cause the same kind of damage. >> three pin hole incisions then half moon cut over top of her bellybuttonon. >> reporter: the doctor with children's national medical center says the size of taylor 's stones is unusual. but pediatric cases in the metro area continue to climb. >> the stone belt is an area of the united states that has a higher incidents of stones than the rest of the united states. >> reporter: the reason the doctor says is inactive in childhood and eating unhealthy foods especially those with too much sodium. >> in general if one has a higher amount of fat in their diet, a higher amount of salt in their diet, and they become relatively dehydrated then we believe that that is a recipe for developing a kidney stone. >> reporter: without the proper nutrients and calcium in the body a stone can crystalize. this is a litmus tests. >> make your urine as close to water as possible. >> reporter: she now understands a healthy diet and staying active are her recipe for living well. >> if i can maintain my weight and keep my kidney functioning. >> the main symptoms kids experience are consistent sharp pains in their lower abdomen or back accompanied by a high fever and sometimes nausea and vomiting. again, too many salty foods, too few fluids. that is what can encourage kidney stones to form. thanks for joining us for 9news now at 5:00 p.m. 9news now at 6:00 p.m. starts right now. from the first local station with news in high- definition. this is 9news now. good evening i'm lesli foster. two of the most popular washington redskins players are under attack for how they run their nonprofit youth program since retiring from pro football. art mauck and charles mann have remained silent

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