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♪ ♪ 3q septic system breakdowns affect over one million homes each year, causing a disgusting mess and hours of repair. the powerful formula in rid-x has enzymes to immediately break down waste and bacteria that work continuously to reduce tank build-up. use rid-x once a month and help save yourself from disaster. . good evening. for the first time in history, the united states credit rating has been downgraded. our triple a rating was reduced a notch to double a+. standard and poor says the u.s. has not done enough to stabilize the nation's debt situation. we turn right now to dr. ravon, professor of international fitness and international affairs at george washington university. doctor, why is this happening, came to a deal on the debt ceiling, was it the contentiousness of the politics or did they just not do enough? >> i this both of them. this is -- i think both of them. this is dragged down to the wire. we were warned not to drag it down to the wire. and if we did, we better come up with a package that was sound and doable and workable and we didn't. it was a very weak debt reduction package. and this was not done in the vacuum. in the background is a huge european crisis. the greek crisis spilling over to italy and spain and almost unmanageable if that happens. >> so what happens monday not just with our markets but worldwide? >> i'm afraid for monday a little bit. because the markets -- people will be shocked. i think markets have absorbed the fact this is coming. that we will probably get a downgrade. there was a 50/50-shot and it happened. the next 2, 3, 4 months, i don't expect any good growth coming out of this. >> wow. >> well, because you have to understand when we get downgraded by u.s. treasuries, other bonds get affected by 7,000 types of bonds get affected. entities that are relying on revenue. hospitals that receive medicare. >> so the trickle down effect. >> absolutely. >> what about to the consumer, the individual sitting out there tonight thinking what is going to happen to me? >> interest rates are going to go up because institutional investors like mutual funds and pension funds, china, for example, are trying to withhold a certain amount of triple a rated bonds. they're going to have to do a little selloff. in order to capture them back, we're going to have to raise the interest rates. >> what can we do to bring it back? can we go back? >> we can go back. it's a long road. but congress has to do a very good job of the package they're going to have to come up with in terms of debt reduction and convince the market that they pay attention to the market and not ignoring them like they have for the last month. >> okay. thank you for joining us at this late hour to deal with this breaking news that has so many implications. >> thank you. >> thank you for your insight. tonight, house democratic whip says tonight's announcement serves as another wakeup call that we must put politics aside as we work to put our nation's fiscal house back in order. they are working to reach a balanced comprehensive agreement. john boehner issued this statement tonight. it is my hope this wakeup call will convince washington democrats that they can no longer afford to tinker around the long-term debt problem. moving on to other news now, harassment, assault and hate. tonight a group of women say they suffered all of these things and say police did nothing to help because the women are gay. now the woman at the head of dc's police department says those officers are being investigated. new at 11:00, ken molestina spends time with one of the victims and joins us with that story. >> reporter: the attack happened just steps of the columbia heights metro station. it was bad enough they were attacked but what happened after the police got there they say is incomprehensible. >> we were screaming and crying. and the police they were laughing at us saying we're drunk. we wasn't drunk. >> reporter: this 21-year-old woman asked we don't show her face or give her name. she says dc police officer turned a cold shoulder to a cry for help. >> she just came at all of us like literally made my friend fall on the grounds. >> reporter: the attackers were cat calling her and her group of lesbian friends. the men shouted derogatory words criticizing their sexual preference before hitting all five of them. and once police got there, the victim claims they were ignored. >> they didn't do nothing about it. they just sat there and looked at us and laughed. >> reporter: the victims and leaders says the officers failed to take a report at the scene. it wasn't until days later that the gay and lesbian lay yeah son entered a -- liaison entered a report. >> obviously not taking a report is very much not a good thing. but we want to make sure that they have the possibility of homo phobia looked into. >> reporter: aj is the president of gays and lesbians opposed to violence. they are calling for a full review of the officers involved. >> it's still a shock because i've never really actually got hit by a boy. >> reporter: this statement was released by dc police. they regret i was appalled when i heard about the incident and the conduct of the officers. i want to assure them and the public that the incident and the conduct of the officers are being investigated. chief lanier says while they investigate the officers, they will arrest the men responsible for the attack. >> ken, thank you. for hate crimes to a crime where it's easy to hate the criminal. a determined pedophile who is accused of twice molesting a 7-year-old girl at a thrift store on viers mill road. gary nurenberg has pick tuz of the suspect. -- pictures of the suspect. >> reporter: 7:30 in the morning the unique thrift store. police believe this man targeted a 7-year-old girl who had become separated from her mother. >> and the male touched the child in her genital area. she tried to escape from the suspect by going to another area of the store to which he followed her and touched her again. at that point the girl ran away and hid in a rack of clothing. and while she was hiding in the clothing, she happened to catch sight of her mother. >> reporter: when police were called, the man went to a restroom and changed his shirt. apparently to alter his appearance and make it more difficult to identify him. >> i think it's cruel and i think he has no heart. he's heartless because she's a child. >> reporter: here are the pictures again. both shirts. police are at the store looking. outraged shoppers now pass this sign on the way into the unique thrift store. all children must be with their parent. no children are allowed in store by themselves. >> you just have to guide yourself. that's all you can do. and that's all you can do because there's a lot of -- there's a lot of child pedophiles around here. if someone did that to my child, i would go off. >> reporter: again, the pictures. the description vague. a hispanic male. there's no good news here but if there is any, it may be this. this appears to be an isolated incident. if you recognize the suspect, police want to hear from you. >> absolutely. a woman dragged to a nearby playground and raped. it happened around 1:00 this morning. a man attacked a woman getting out of her car. he grabbed the 22-year-old by her neck, sexually assaulted her and ran off. this is a highly unusual incident in allegheny and officers want to keep it that way. if you know anything, please call police. surprised development in the gruesome murder at bethesda's lululemon athletica store. montgomery county officers said if there is a guilty verdict they will not seek the death penalty, instead opting for life in prison. brittany norwood killed her co-worker jayna murray. the blows to murray's head were so numerous her spinal cord had almost been severed. many are shocked at today's announcement. but one legal expert is not. >> usually death penalty is a murder committed during a course of a felony. if it was a robbery. a vulnerable victim, a child, a senior citizen. one that involves torture, which this one may have been close to. >> an argument between norwood and murray over the stolen merchandise may have led to murray's death. norwood's trial is slated to start october 4th. in the last two months, 8 baikz have been rob -- banks have been robbed but four are committed by the same man. this man has robbed the bb&t twice. he hasn't been caught yet because he blends into the neighborhood after the crime. >> in each of the bank robberies he's worn a baseball cap and t-shirt. he presents the teller with a note. >> people were desperate for money at this point. the economy is declining and people are robbing banks. >> here is a picture of another recent bank robbery suspect. arlington police are looking for. and this picture comes from the city of falls church. if you have any information, please want to hear from you in any of those cases. now to more stories making headlines in the dmv. first a fairfax county police want to hear from anybody who recognizes the guy in this surveillance video. they believe he could be the key to solving a brutal crime last week in herndon. a man wearing a mask broke into a family's apartment. he beat the father, drove the family to an atm and then dropped them in a secluded business park. activists gathered outside the lobby of wal-mart. demonstrators called on wal-mart to keep its promises of fair pay and good working conditions. this as the retailer plans to open a handful of stores in the district. and in frederick, the postal service says it's going to be closing its processing and distribution center come january. this is going to affect 187 employees who could be reassigned elsewhere. the cash strapped postal service says the closing will save the agency more than 4 million bucks. if you plan to hit the road this weekend or go to the metro, you might run into some bumps. we have detours and delays in tonight's time safer traffic. >> reporter: a heads up for drivers that use the wilson bridge. major road work is taking place now until monday morning. drivers are urged to use different roads. the work is part of the woodrow wilson bridge project. and drivers beware, on the beltway this eekened, the maryland state police is beefing up patrols on part of the interstate tonight and early tomorrow morning. operation centipede will take place along the entire length of the beltway in prince george's county. 20 additional troopers will be out there in marked and unmarked cars looking for drunk, aggressive and speeding drivers. and news now for thousands of metro riders. parts of both the red and blue lines are shutting down this weekend. on the red line, there will be no service between the rockville and bethesda stations beginning tonight. and that includes twinbrook, white flint, grove ner and medical center. shuttle buses will run through the area. the closure will last all weekend. then on sunday part of the blue line will shut down in fairfax county. no service between franconia, springfield, van dorn and king street. shuttle buses will get you around this. we have all of this information on our website thanks, monika. we did it streak number three. today with highs under 90. the here is your wakeup weather. good enough to walk the dog, play some golf. 70s at 6:00. mainly afternoon storms. we'll talk about the forecast when we come back. also tonight, a woman tries to clear her brother's name 25 years after his death. why she says the police investigation is incomplete. and caught on tape, a terrifying hit on a bus that leaves a group of innocent victims tonight the story of a greenbelt woman fighting to restore her brother's good name. keith warren's death was ruled a suicide more than two decades ago. but his sister is convinced that ruling was wrong. matt jablow explains. >> i was 16 when he died. >> reporter: sherry warren is a woman on a mission. >> i remember a personality that would make you want to hug him. >> reporter: a mission to have her brother's death certificate changed a mission that sherry says she's determined to complete. >> he was a good kid. >> reporter: it happened almost exactly 25 years ago. july 30th, 1986. that's when 19-year-old keith warren was found hanging from a tree in a wooded area behind the georgian colonies townhouses. when it was ruled a suicide, there was no investigation. >> they did nothing. >> reporter: but warren's family members who simply did not believe he killed himself then began their own investigation, which included having warren's body exhumed. >> there is no broken bones in his neck. >> reporter: 25 years later sherry warren says she's more convinced than ever that her brother did not kill himself. >> he loved life. >> reporter: instead, she believes that keith somehow died while partying with friends and that something then hung his body up on a tree to cover up whatever really happened. >> i believe that sob drugged him. not sure who, what and why. the it could have been an accident. >> reporter: her goal right now is to get the montgomery county police department to reopen the investigation into her brother's death. >> this is the diagram the paramedic drew of what he saw. >> reporter: if they do, she thinks they'll eventually have no choice but to arrive at the same conclusion she arrived at years ago. >> we have proven he did not put himself on the tree. >> reporter: matt jablow, 9news now. >> in a written statement, montgomery county police says as in any criminal case, montgomery county case will be willing to look at any new evidence that comes to light. a hit that played out in a public bus. it happened in june in philadelphia. four people are now on trial for this. here is what prosecutors say went down. a bus passenger shown here with her baby called two men she knew and asked them to come to the bus with guns. she wanted them to shoot another passenger who criticized her for spanking her child. the gunman opened fire as the bus pulled away with passengers scrambling for cover. bullets ripped into the bus, but amazingly nobody was hurt. a wing and a prayer and three solar panels. nasa has launched a solar power explorer going all the way to jupiter. it's called juno and it's going to take five years to get there. a journey of 1 billion 7 hundred million miles. jupiter is like a time capsule of our entire solar system and they're hoping the mission will help answer fundamental questions about how planets are formed. on the silver screen, she was lucille. on tv, she was just plain old lucy. and on both, she was hilarious. >> meny, mino, mo. >> tomorrow she would have been 100 years old. this is the anniversary of the premiere of "i love lucy". they are honoring the actress and comedian. >> both of us started giggling seeing the clips. >> she was a very good actress. >> very accomplished. >> incredibly talented. all right. we did not hit 90 today. >> all right. thank goodness. >> 88 was the high. i think we'll make it day four tomorrow. let's start with the satellite picture and radar combined. this is the remnants of emily and all indications are it's going to form back into a tropical storm maybe as quickly as tomorrow afternoon. anny will be in here all weekend to track it for you. you can compare past tracks with different storms. pretty good stuff. thunderstorms in the carolinases. they stay down to the south of us and they were hammering charlotte earlier today. over seven inches of rain. but that stays south of us with the front. we do have some showers back to the mountains. that is going to be the best chance for showers tonight and particularly tomorrow. in fact, the farther west you go tomorrow, the best chance for showers. so saturday mainly afternoon storms in the immediate metro area. more storms linger into saturday night. heating up on sunday. we're back in the 90s. and more storms on sunday. in fact, if you don't get hit on saturday, you might get a thunderstorm on sunday. particularly you folks east of 95. sunday is probably your day west of 95 and especially out 66. tomorrow night partly to mostly cloudy and must go re. 70-75 -- muggy. 70-75. tomorrow air quality green. that is good air quality. best chance for showers in the morning will be west of i81 as we mentioneled. tomorrow afternoon showers and thunderstorms. temperatures 85-89 just under the 90-degree mark. winds out of the southeast at 10-15. zone forecast if you're west of the divide so. low 80s for cumberland. mid 80s for hagerstown. culpeper you'll probably flirt are 90 again but warrenton, manassas, leesburg and fairfax, upper 80s. downtown upper 80s. upper 80s in gaithersburg and frederick. upper 80s by the water and by the bay. i'll tell you what, a small craft advisory will go into effect tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. and go through 8:00 a.m. on sunday. saturday's day planner we'll keep it dry in the morning. 70s. maybe a thunderstorm in the noon. 80-85 and a better chance for thunderstorms closer to the metro area by evening. 85-89. now, the next three days, sunday storms a little fewer and farther between. low 90s. and, boom, hot again on monday. isolated storms, temperatures in the mid 90s. next seven days, it stays hot. tuesday we'll keep it dry but temperatures in the low 90s. and, in fact, low 90s on wednesday with isolated storms. isolated storms on thursday. still a better chance of scattered activity next friday with temperatures holding in the upper 80s. >> okay. this is not good. we're talking about injuries piling up. we are not in the season. >> unfortunately yes. as we count down the days to the first pre-season game, which is just a week from today, the injuries just keep piling up. who is the latest to get bitten by the injury bug? plus a look at this year's hall of fame class and a scary moment during the nats now 9 sports with kristen berset, the best sports in town. >> injuries in football are just as inevitable as topper's golf ball missing the fairway. and the number of injured redskins unfortunately continues to grow. just a week and a half in training camp and they're without ryan kerrigan, malcom kelly and now tight end kris cooley. it's obvious cooley has not been at 100% this training camp. he has been seen himming and icing his left -- limping and icing his left knee. it's the same one he had repaired in january. cooley did sit out of practice today and mike shanahan hopes the problem is nothing major. >> you're keeping your fingers crossed that it's not. he started needing some rest so hopefully he'll be able to come back like normal but he didn't feel like he could practice today. >> and there is no timetable on when landry will turn. he has yet to practice this year. but says he'll be ready for the season opener on september 11th. the nfl labor strike has teams clammering making up for lost time. probably the biggest casualty is the annual hall of fame game. the induction ceremony will go on as schedule, and this year's class includes the hang man. former redskins line mack er kris hamburger got that nickname for his clothesline tackle on the field. although hamburger played his last game over 30 years ago, he says the honor is well worth the wait. >> i'm thrilled to death with it. i mean, when you think about the players that have played before i did, the guys that i played with, people playing now, there's so many of them that won't even get nominated, let alone get elected. >> hanburger is part of an elite group this year that includes marschall fax, shannon sharp and 94-year-old ed sabol. and the last time the nats played colorado, the pitcher was struck in the face. well, a similar situation occurred tonight as the two teams met again. this time the rolls reversed. desmond lines the baseball off the head of juan. check out the replay. right in the side of the head. he goes down. but he was talking while being carted off. no word yet on his condition. more positive moment in the fifth, michael morse with this homer to center. right now it's 4-3 in the 8th. legg mason quarterfinals today. we start with john isner. he needed three sets. clinched his ticket to the final. the two americans could possibly meet in sunday's final. that would make for a great final game at legg mason. americans doing well this week. >> we need to keep our redskins possible. >> that seems to be impossible. >> we'll b when i grow up, i want to be a psychologist or a therapist. i want to be a pediatrician. i was hoping to become a chef someday. i want to study law. i don't want to become a lawyer, i want to become a cia agent. young people i think, do need a mentor because you know, we don't know everything and you know all the people they've experienced stuff that we haven't. i would like to be a baseball player. as long as there's somebody behind you, pushing you, and supporting you, then you feel that you always have the strength to keep going. each of our children has hopes and dreams for their future. help them get there. become a mentor.

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Rockville , Maryland , United States , Georgia , Montgomery County , Pennsylvania , Hagerstown , Philadelphia , Leesburg , China , Colorado , Gaithersburg , Washington , District Of Columbia , Spain , Greece , Italy , Americans , Greek , Georgian , Michael Morse , Franconia Springfield , Sherry Warren , John Boehner , Kris Cooley , Malcom Kelly , Mino Mo , Ryan Kerrigan , Mike Shanahan , Brittany Norwood , John Isner , Keith Warren , Warrenton Manassas ,

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