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night when they were confronted with a man with a gun. he raped two of the teens and fled on foot. they took over the lobby. that's how montgomery county police described a robber bring at a silver spring motel. suspects restrained a comfort inn desk clerk. they made off with an undisclosed amount of money. the clerk was shaken up but is okay. a late night halloween party in an upscale community ended in tragedy. two people were shot, one fatally. it happened in clarksville. word is police have been called to that address before. >> reporter: shortly after 1:00 a.m. sunday, neighbors say the halloween party at this columbia home ended with gunfire. >> i hear the full magazine. >> reporter: the bullets and more than 100 terrified teens and young adults scrambling, abandoning their belongings as they fled. >> we was having a party, trying to socialize with people, and people just don't know how to act. that's all i can say. >> were you there when the shots went off? >> i ran out the back. >> reporter: 19-year-old aaron price of silver spring was killed. >> he was discovered in the driveway of the residence. at this point, we're not sure where he was shot. >> reporter: 22-year-old nathaniel quick was hospitalized after being shot in the back. >> how is your grandson? >> he'll be okay. >> he's paralyzed. >> there have been absolutely no indications at this point that this was related to gang activity or drugs. we believe that this was a halloween party that was planned for guests to attend and at some point an altercation broke out, and we don't know what the motive was. we don't know what the argument was about at this time. >> reporter: even as homicide investigators collected evidence throughout the $1.6 million mansion and on the bloody driveway, other detectives questioned young witnesses. most were very scared and did not want to talk to the media. >> thank you, sorry. >> reporter: all they wanted to do was flee the nightmarish halloween experience. howard county police are not sure if only one gunman was involved and are not sure if the victims were targeted or just hit by stray bullets. that's why tonight a lot of police detectives will be burning the midnight oil as they sift through hundreds and hundreds of pages from hundreds of eyewitnesses. 9 news now and david baker lost his job earlier this year, former police chief, after he was ed arrested for drunk driving in arlington. he had remained out of public view until recent l. he voluntarily appears in a youtube video warning about the dangers of drinking and driving. >> that moment in my life will forever haunt me. how in the heck did you get yourself in this position? why did you get yourself in this position? this is one of the more serious things you can do, mistakes you can make. the other thing is is that it doesn't go away. >> the 59-year-old baker was sentence today five days in jail by an arlington judge. he ran into another vehicle while driving a city-issued car. he resigned three days after that incident. david baker had been with the alexanderia police department. four men who want to be governor of the state of virginia have been crisscrossing the state, knowing that the latest poll show the republican ticket with double digit leads. >> the richmond times dispatch shows republican mcdonald favored by 53% of the likely voters. the lead by the republicans is even a bit wider in the lieutenant governor and attorney general's races, but despite or because of this news, both sides aren't slowing down in the final hours of this campaign. >> how you doing? >> reporter: bob mcdonald in augusta county, va. deeds in richmond. two of the places the men have been to today as the clock windsdown on the election. deeds echoing many people who have been in this position in the polls told reporters the only poll that counts is in tuesday's election. >> the voters are out there. it's a matter of us turning it out. >> reporter: mcdonald has made it clear he isn't taking anything for granted and is urging his supporters to get out the vote. >> it's about getting people to show up on game day on tuesday. worry trying to pump up the crowd and tell them how important this last 48 hours is. >> reporter: if the polling holds true, it will be a dramatic come back for republicans following barack obama being the first president to take virginia in the race for president in 44 years. in mcdonald wins he would be the first republican elected in the state since 1977. the poll released today shows 6% of the voters were undecided. the republicans are clearly buoyed by these polls after losing control of the virginia senate. >> dave, thanks a lot. turning elsewhere, afghanistan president car karzeid effectively won the second term. the other backed out, say ago fair election is impossible at this point and is urging residents not to accept runoff votes. the white house says it will work okay with karzeid despite allegations his government is corrupt. >> i will not participate in the november 7th elections. >> we will deal with the government. obviously there are issues we need to discuss, such as reducing the high level of corruption. these are issues we'll take up with president karzai. >> president obama is yet to decide if he'll send tens of thousands of new troops in afghanistan. last month was the deadliest month. close to home, a 2-year-old boy is dead tonight after apparently strangling himself. it happened in the family's home in valley court park in damascus, maryland. he became entangled in an electrical cord or mini blinds. family members were at home at the time of his death. with long lines around the country for the h1n1 vaccine, some members of congress tonight are criticizing the white house to allow the detainees of guantanamo bay to receive the vaccine. the house minority today said it's wrong to make the vaccine available bright now to the detainees. >> i don't think it's a good idea. the administration probably didn't think it would be very popular either. that's why they announced it on friday night. we have prisoners in my home county who are going to get h1n1 shots while there are vulnerable populations who want the shots who can't get them. >> drug makers had said 40 million doses of the vaccine would be available by the end of october. instead only 28 million doses bear actually available causing local health departments to make tough decisions about who would be the first in line. money time, stores that sell the vaccine are being urged to sell only to the most needy, at least for now. charles schumer is contacting the center for disease control about his concern. >> there are major holes that have to be filled and filled immediately. today i'm sending a letter to the cdc to do three things that haven't been done. first, a good number of the vaccines have been distributed in grocery stores and box stores. we have to make sure that those stores only give the vaccine to the people who need it most. >> schumer says while local health departments get a daily update on how much vaccine they're getting, they can't plan for the future needs. former baltimore william schaffer was celebrating his 88th birthday on monday. there will be a dedication of a statue in his honor. the 8-foot structure will stand at baltimore's inner harbor and depict him as he looked back in 1980 as baltimore's mayor. it shows the best known politician waving his left hand and clutching a memo in his right. as rodney carol says, he wanted to make sure schaffer appeared to be likable and approachable. coming up later, a special reunion ten years in the making. where had this dog been and how did he get there? we'll tell you that story. and what you need to know if you want tickets for the national christmas tree lighting ceremony. hey, it's great to see you guys from the weather. we're rain free for the time being. let's take a look at your wakeup weather forecast. tomorrow morning, clouds around, cooler than where we've been recently, between 42 and 46. our forecast when i see you next on 9 news now. in long beach, california, gunfire erupts after a high school football game killing a 16-year-old girl. it happened during a fight after a homecoming game on friday. this weekend, friends of melody ross returned to the school to remember the honor student. the team is wearing a super girl halloween costume, and sitting next to her best friend when he was fatally shot. >> nobody ever deserves this, but melody is the last person in the world that would. you know, this is really hard right now. >> it was really, really crowded, and a lot of people. we heard like pop, pop, pop. we thought it was firecrackers and we just sat there in a car. then all the kids started running, rushing. >> i was the last person to see her happy. i was sitting next to her when she got shot. >> police say two people were wounded in that shooting. their injuries are not life- threatening. so far, no suspect has been caught. six females who's remains are found inside a cleveland, ohio, home were all murder victims. the badly decomposed bodies have not yet been identified but the coroner says at least five of the victims were strangled to death. police discovered the first body thursday night when they went to the home of a convicted rapist to arrest him on a new rape charge. 50-year-old anthony soul was eventually taken into custody saturday. police set up a command post in his neighborhood for people to report missing persons who may have had contact with soul. in iraq, the baghdad international fair opened today. the fair is the country's largest since the 2004 invasion by u.s. troops. more than 300 local and foreign companies are taking part. observers and economists say this wide scale participation represents a reflection of the new stability in iraq. 155 people were killed last week and two suicide attacks in baghdad. iraqi officials say the attacks were the worst in the past two years. in week the national park service will hold its first ever online lottery to distribute tickets for the national christmas tree ceremony. the lottery opens after midnight wednesday and runs through friday night. almost 10,000 free tickets will be distributed, including 7,000 standing room only tickets. the tree lighting takes place december 3rd at the white house. world's biggest cruise ship is headed to florida. last night the oasis of the seas cleared a major obstacle when it lowered its smokestack to squeeze under a bridge in denmark. it happened only a two-foot gap to clear the bridge. it's owned by royal caribbean. it ship has seven neighborhoods, an ice rink, golf club, four swimming pools, basketball and volleyball courts and a 750 seat theater. tomorrow's washington examiner a proposal for a hike and biking trail that would detective the new $4 billion national harbor development with ford national park. it's managed to upset a lot of people including pikers and environmentalist also. they've given council an earful. you can read the whole story in monday's washington examiner. we'll catch a break from the rain and clouds. kim martucci with your forecast coming up. stay with us. man more and more, the quality of our lives depends on our connections. access to high-speed internet, at home and on the go, is no longer a luxury. it's how our children access education. it's how we find jobs, discover information, and connect with family and friends. it's the spark that drives innovation, creates investment, and builds a stronger economy. to shape a better tomorrow, at&t is investing in america's future - working to create an internet that's smart, mobile and safe. last year at&t invested more than any other company in the u.s. and we're continuing to invest this year, to expand and enhance our wireless and wired networks. we support a national plan that ensures high speed internet access and enables adoption by all americans, over the next five years. adoption by all americans, over the next five years. the future is our business. at&t. well, if your little ghosts and goblins got too much candy last night, you might want to make it a worthy cause. you can donate it. an orthodontist plans to buy back leftover halloween county and says he will give sellers $1 per pound and donate the money to the hospital. he plans to donate the canned to u.s. troops overseas. bowling in the lanes for a good cause. responsible stored by the national association of letter carriers raises funds in support of the muscular dystrophy association. it's the largest bowling event of its kind. thousands participated in bowling centers. good for them. so your favorite candy, you can't say no when you see it? >> man, it changes. hershey's bars, the small ones. >> the fun size. what's fun about that. give me the full size. time to get moving. we've got to plan ahead the rest of the week. at bus stop tomorrow, the kids will be facing clouds around. as the day wears on, we get more sun. that bus stop temperature will likely be in the middle 40s inside the belt which. okay? all right. good to go, here we go. the rain, the rain, the rain. we got about 2/3 of an inch in d.c. the the southern suburbs got an inch and a half. up in frederick county, my old neck. woods, you got 6/10ths of an inch. a new month, the full beaver moon will be shining upon you tomorrow night. we start november with an average high coming into the month, average highs will be 52 degrees. so we lose 10 as we head over the next 30 days. there goes the rain out into the ocean. we have sprinkles down here across southeastern virginia. it looks like it's trying to drizzle on the weather so the low clouds will be hanging with us tonight. north and west we'll have clearing. we'll definitely have colder temperatures out there. we are at 54 and holding steady right now inside the beltway. it is 51. as we look north and west, there we go, easing back into the 40s in martins burg. you'll have 30s incoming tonight. we have the northerly winds pushing you along lightly. let's inspect our forecast at overnight low temps as we mention the clearing skies out here from winchester to cumberland. that's where beer going to be interstate -- we're going to be flirting with 30s for sure. you might have clouds near 40. down here south and east, leonard town, 46. the same forecast low for d.c. when we get up tomorrow morning, if your commute takes you from southern maryland or down from the northern neck, it might be a little damp on the roads. the leaves this time of year are so slippery when they're wet. with the rain we showed you, it could be slick out there. i don't expect a lot to be falling in the morning, but it could still be damp. then as we head into the afternoon, some rain still hugs, we stay dry d.c. a nice day actually. we'll probably be reaching for 58 here with clouds around most of the time and breaks of sunshine. the way i see it this week, nothing super memorable about the wet. well have to live for the weekend. by then, things should be looking pretty good. let me explain. seven-day forecast shows tuesday, not bad. 60. partly sunny. on wednesday, i'll be watching the storm kind of take shape up across pennsylvania and might send us a couple of clouds on thursday. maybe a shower. thursday looks to be the coolest day this week, 55. as we work towards the weekend, working towards friday, we get the sunshine back. saturday and subpoenaed are looking pretty good. 63 both days. i like that. >> that's very good. >> i like the weekend shift, especially when there's nice weather with it. >> kim, thanks a lot. man and lost dog reunite after ten years. the dog was found in oklahoma. turns out the animal belonged to a man back here in virginia. the meeting took place only because of some caring strangers. >> still a hand some dog, though. >> gary gives a warm welcome. after a decade he's reunited with his dog. the dog escaped through a house door in 1999. >> his coloring hasn't changed except for his gray snout. this used to be black. by my god, i didn't realize he was so thin. he's definitely taller. >> the rescue family found the homeless boxer lab mix in september all the way in oklahoma. a pet microchip in his net identified rolle as the owner. he got an e-mail in fredericksburg saying his dog had been found. >> i never thought he would ever see that dog again. >> the hairs on the back of my neck started standing up. >> hi, how are you? >> just fine. >> he didn't know her, but she volunteered at her own expense to fly to oklahoma and drive the dog back home. >> this was something i could do. >> what have you done, where have you been? i've got lots of questions for him. don't want to leave you outside without a leash. >> gary rolle says he put dead bolts on all his doors and will keep his dog on a tight leash from here on out. if you don't have a dog, you won't understand it. you've got cats. i've got dogs. >> i love them all. >> absolutely. coming up, a quick look at sports. plus stay with us. president obama: we are americans. we're a forward-looking people. last year, virginia, you helped lead a movement... of americans who believed that their voices could make a difference. that's what we need to do in this race. that's what creigh deeds is committed to. i need every one of you to get fired up once again so that we can go towards the future with creigh deeds leading the great commonwealth of virginia! an unusual halloween charity race set a world record. organizers of the denver gorilla run say 1,061 people ran 51 miles dressed as gorillas. it was enough to set a world record for the most people in gorillas costume. it raises money for gorilla conservation fund. racers pay almost $100 to get in but registration includes a gorilla outfit that you get to keep. >> because that's something you can wear again over and over. >> that's good. okay. >> sports plus is coming up. we would like to point out with the changing of the clocks, an extra hour in your day, you can afford to stay up late with us on sports plus this evening. we're going to take you around the league with nfl highlights. two nec east teams putting on an offensive explosion today. is there a new front-runner in that division. plus, brett favre proves he can go home again, but it doesn't mean anyone will like you. we'll tackle the redskins hot topics, previewing the second half of their schedule. we ask if it's time to speak out and his thoughts on dan torino saying the redskins had a playoff roster. the cats do something they couldn't do a season ago. they score on the blue jackets. washington will lose in overtime, but the bigger issue is the reigning mvp injured in the second period. how long until he's back. in talladega, jimmie johnson likely clenched another title. it's the late last crack that had everyone talking and one driver had to be cut out of his car. that is all ahead on sports plus. they had a playoff roster, but that offensive line was always very fragile, right? you said that from the very beginning. >> it was always an issue. they had problems scoring touchdowns last year. we'll debate it. >> all right. want to recap for us? i can. we'll have clouds in the morning, everybody. waking up to middle 40s. as the week wears on, nothing so great about this seven-day forecast. heading into the first week of november. i am digging the weekend. highs back in the middle 60s. looking good. seven days away, that could always change. for now, i'm sticking with a nice one next weekend. when you see us right back here. >> thanks for watching. next on news now tomorrow morning beginning at 4:55. sports plus is next. have a great week. bye. m >> coming up on sports plus, the skins are on a by, but we don't take a break. the capital's point streak continues but a big worry for washington fans. alexander leaves the game and never returns. is the league's leading scorer seriously injured? gilbert arenas is injury- free, and while it's still early, we'll examine the winning wizard. and brian mitchell is in the house to speak out on the skins wanting their fans to keep quiet. don't flip out. sports plus is next. thanks for staying up late with us. i am sara walsh. is this is dave owen. during a by week we should all be quiet at the park. the team managed to make its own noise and it wasn't good. >> mitch will join us in a minute what turned into a p.r. nightmare, but first the other teams out to prove scoring not a problem in the nfc east. donovan

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