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William bradford bishop. Bishop is accused of killing his wife, mother and three children in their Bethesda Home in 1976. He was added to the f. B. I. s ten most wanted fugitive list in april. Andrea mccarren joins us live on the road from birmingham to scottsboro with more on what led the f. B. I. There. We said before this is amazing if this concludes this case because people have sighted seeing bishop as late as 2010. Reporter absolutely, andrea. What an astonishing [ no audio ] casket has just been lifted out of the ground at the cemetery in scottsboro, alabama. Ive been talking with Law Enforcement sources this morning who tell us this john doe buried at the cemetery bears an uncanny resemblance to murder murder suspect William Bradford bishop. They tell me they share a distinctive chin cleft, long nose, receding hairline, even side burns. The forensic evidence will be gathered today, including d. N. A. And fingerprints and the f. B. I. Will also be examining dental records. I just spoke with the f. B. I. Agent from birmingham, and he says it will be at least a couple of weeks until we get definitive word on whether or not the john doe buried in alabama is indeed William Bradford bishop. Andrea . Andrea, what was the tip, though, that led the f. B. I. There . This body has been in the ground since 1981, 33 years. Was it a phone call . A tip from someone . What . Reporter well, i believe that the f. B. I. s placement of mr. Bishop on the most wanted list generated a lot of Law Enforcement attention from around country. This manual has been unidentified for years and years. Just to give you a little background, it was october of 1981 that this unidentified man was hit by a car and left to die at the roadside of highway 72 in alabama. He was buried the next month in november of 81. He did not have any identification on him. He did have a phone number written down in his pocket. Police called that number. It turned out it was a truck driver who had picked him up, but never learned his name. So it has been a mystery for scotts borrow ever since as well. Cedar Hill Cemetery has a fascinating history as well. It has a lot of civil war era graves there. It will be interesting to see if there is a new chapter of history written here, too. Absolutely. Thank you, Andrea Mccarren on the road live from birmingham to scottsboro, alabama, where well expect to hear more reports from her layer on today at 5 00 on what could be resolution to a 40yearold murder case. Also in the news, test results are expected today or tomorrow on a sheriff deputy who was inside the dallas apartment where a man with ebola was staying. Some major u. S. Airports are getting ready to start additional screening for west africa travelers. Omar ville tran came is in villafranca is in dallas with the latest. Reporter thomas duncans body will be cremated to spread the virus from spreading further. He died yesterday underscoring questions about the care he received. Duncan was initially turned away from the hospital three days before being put in an isolation ward late last month. His remains will be turned over to his family in dallas. Texas officials expect ebola test results on the sheriff within 48 hours. He went inside the contaminated apartment where duncan was staying and complained of ebola like symptoms yesterday. Officials say the deputy had no direct contact with duncan and did not have a fever. Theyre taking his Health Concerns seriously but call his case, quote, a lowrisk event. As Health Officials begin screening passengers arriving at five u. S. Major airports, dozens of Airline Cabin cleaners walked off the job at new Yorks Laguardia airport because of ebola fears. Two american ebola patients are still being treated in the u. S. A tv cameraman ashoka mucko received treatment. Officials at emory hospital in at ran take confirm theyre still treating an unidentified ebola patient who arrived one month ago. Hes believed to be a World Health Organization worker. In spain Health Officials say the condition of a nurses assistant with ebola has worsened. She was the first patient to contract the disease outside west africa. And at a World Bank Conference here in washington today, the leaders of three west african nations where 3800 people have died from ebola made pleas for more aid. College park just got a little safe forepedestrians. A new for pedestrians. A new pedestrian signal was turned on this morning on route 1. They hope the new signal along with a knew median fence will reduce the number of pedestrian accidents in the business area popular with university of maryland students. We all know that engineering enhancements are part of the solution here on u. S. 1 but they cannot serve as the only solutions to pedestrian safety, not when drivers and pedestrians and their behavior are major factors in the Traffic Safety equation. The administration got together with college park and university of maryland officials to come up with the safety improvements following three deadly accidents involving pedestrians last school year. Montgomery county police are stepping up their search for a man who repeatedly stabbed a woman in silver spring. Theyll be handing out flyers beginning at 4 00 this afternoon in the area of the Forest Park Apartments on piney branch road. Thats where on monday a man stabbed a woman several times during an attempted robbery. A passerby saw the attack and called police. The attacker ran off. The victim is now recovering at home. The suspect is described as a hispanic male between the ages of 17 and 19 weighing about 120 pounds, thin build, medium height, black hair, with a black and white pattern bandanna covering the lower part of his face. He was wearing a blue shirt, skinny blue jeans, a baseball cap, and a black belt. Anyone with information should call Montgomery County police. Right now a former d. C. Police officer is due in court to be sentenced for running a prostitution ring involving teenage girls the Linwood Barnhill pleaded guilty to two counts of pandering a minor and one count of possession of child pornography in june. He was arrested after police found a missing 16yearold girl in his apartment. During a chase. St. Louis police chief sam dotson says the teen opened fire first. I know emotions are high and i know tensions are high but the reality is what weve seen or what the evidence tells me right now is an individual pointed a gun at a police officer, fired at least three rounds and continued to pull the trigger. Door Dotson Dotson says the 32yearold officer returned fire. The veteran was on patrol for a private Security Company at the time. He told investigators three men ran from him and one started shooting. The suspect continued to pull the trigger on his gun. Once we recovered the gun, we learned the gun malfunctioned. Reporter last nights demonstration comes two months after 18yearold Michael Brown was shot and killed by an officer during a struggle in nearby ferguson, missouri. The death of the unarmed teen prompted days of violent protests. Cbs news, new york. Police made no arrests during last nights protests. The police chief says the suspect was no stranger to Law Enforcement. Isis militants make gains in a key syrian boarder town while the parents of an american hostage reach out to his captors. Im Craig Boswell at the white i isis is close to capturing a syrian town on the border with turkey. The group reportedly now controls a third of that town. Craig boswell has the latest from the white house. Reporter u. S. Fighter jets dropped bombs on isis targets near came ban any. The militants are trying to take control of the Syrian Border town. Theyre battling Kurdish Forces in the street. Weve been very honest about the limits of air power. The Ground Forces that matter the most are indigenous Ground Forces. Reporter retired general john allen is in neighboring turkey helping coordinate how Turkish Forces might help. If it falls, it will be easier to smuggle weapons into syria. The white house is trying to invest turkey town vest more in the fight against islamic militants. Theres a broadbased consensus that isil is a threat to world peace and order. That their barbaric behavior has to be dealt with. Execution of hostages. The mother of peter kassig, the american aid worker threatened in the latest isis beheading video sent a twitter message to the group referring to her son by the muslim name he chose in capital captivity, she said abdulrahman is my only child. My husband and i are on our own with no help from the government. Wed like to teach you. How can we reach you . A vigil was held last night in his hometown praying for his freedom. Kassig is a veteran of the iraq war and was helping victims of the syrian war in of the civil war in syria when he was captured. Today is the day to get out and enjoy. We have lots of sunshine. Nice comfortable temperatures but im tracking approaching rain right now and ill tell when you it will impact the d. C. Metro area coming up in d. C. Metro area coming up in the first enron, the largest coporate fraud in american history. And ed gillespie was their lobbyist. Enron paid gillespie and his firm seven hundred thousand. Dollars to block regulation of the energy markets. So they could raise utility rates. Then got even worse. Thousands lost their jobs and life savings. The former leaders of enron head to prison. Enrons ed gillespie. The Million Dollar lobbyist who put enron ahead of you. Take a look at this caught on camera. A Mountain Lion climbing in a car. The surveillance camera outside the san jose home captured the large cat leaping on to the hood of the camry. The lion spent about 30 seconds on top of the car and walked across the front lawn and disappeared into a neighbors backyard. Im a little concerned for my dogs. I have a littlier dog. I was just worried about the deer in my neighborhood last night. The California Department of fish and wildlife believes this cat weighs about 125 pounds and is probably 2 to 3 years old. Experts say the lion was most likely chasing deer or coyotes running through the neighborhood. Mark your calendar now if you want to attend the National Christmas tree lighting. The Online Lottery period for free tickets starts next friday, october 17 and runs through october 20. 3,000 seated tickets and 14,000 standing room tickets will be made available through the lottery. The National Tree Lighting Ceremony will take place this year on thursday, december 4. Tonight ÷nthe orioles sta their quest for the American League championship. So sad its not growing to abbeltway series. Im to be a beltway series. Im very sad about that. But are they going to be dodging raindrops at camden yards . It doesnt look like. I think well be in good shape through the game at camden yards. But showers approaching and friday does look unsettled from start to finish. Lets start off with a look at the michael son weather cam and the day planner. Plenty of sunshine. Let me tell you, it feels gorgeous. 73 degrees at 3 00 with all that sunshine. Down to 71 at 6 00. As youre driving home, its still going to be very pleasant out there. The winds are nice and light, mostly out of the west. The clouds start to roll in as we head into the evening hours and those clouds are going to prevent our temperatures from dipping too far tonight, but the clouds are also a harbinger of that rain thats on the approach and its going to move in on friday and bring us off and on rain showers. It does look like the bulk of the rain will be later in the day on friday, but we could still have some rain falling during morning commute, not just the evening commute. Saturday is a mostly dry day but it will be cool for this time of year, and showers will return on sunday. Right now it is 68 degrees in leesburg and manassas. 68 winchester but were already up to 72 in frederick. Its 69 in la plata and at andrews. On satellite and radar, you can see the approaching cloud cover. See it here . Its making its way toward us from the west and so is the rain. The clouds arrive first and the rain will get here as we head into that morning commute tomorrow. So tonight were just clouded up. The clouds are going to prevent temperatures from dipping too far tonight so well only drop into the 50s. But as you step out the door tomorrow morning, those showers will be pushing through. Looks like the shower activity is light enough right now that we will just have a green alert for friday. But topper and i reserve the right to upgrade that to a yellow as we head into friday morning. The evening commute could be dry, but notice how close the showers are to the metro area. So there is a potential for those showers during the evening commute on friday and then more rain arrives in time for the friday night football games. Probably the tail end of the game some of that rain will still be falling. But saturday morning, we start to clear things out and then it will feel milder on friday or i should say it will feel milder on saturday than it will be on friday because of the sunshine returning to our forecast. Forecast high temperatures for today, 71 in leesburg and frederick. 67 in hagerstown. 72 at andrews and 70 in baltimore. Overnight tonight, well dip down to 56 in fredricksburg and manassas. 50 in martinsburg. 57 in downtown d. C. So most of us staying in the 50s overnight tonight. Then over the next three days with that rain arriving on friday, we do have the potential for a yellow alert. Its kind of right on the brink of being a yellow alert day so well continue to keep you updated on that and the all important Holiday Weekend forecast, not looking great. Saturday its definitely the better day of the weekend. High temperatures only in the 60s and more rain arrives on sunday. It could hang around on monday as well. You know what day it s. Its petline thursday. Joiping me now, joining me now im so sorry if i get your name wrong from the washington humane sow. You brought with us a beautiful black cat. Is there any significance you brought us a black cat since halloween is eastern the corner . Absolutely not. Black cat [ inaudible ] he happens to be particularly snugly so we brought him over. I noticed hes sitting there very content in your laugh. Black cats sometimes have a tougher time getting adopted. Is that because of superstition . A lot of it is tied to superstition and a lot to the perception that black animals do bring around bad omens but theyre just as great at any other animal and have great personal is. He is actually very affectionate. Hes being leashed train right now so hes very smart and very adventurous. How old is he . Hes only seven months old which is great. Hes still a kitten but hes out of the stage where hes nipping and biting and scratching. If someone wants to take him home, what can they do . They can go to our website and look him up. On saturday, october 1, we actually have our megaadoption event only at our Georgia Avenue location called frisky business. Its an 80s teamed event on its an 80s teamed event on the in Fairfax County we had to cut a lot of waste. We consolidated offices. Started sharing printers. We can walk a few feet. Replaced computers, but kept the monitors. They still work fine. We even discovered that the phone company overcharged us by three Million Dollars i approve this message because congress doesnt need another right winger. They need someone who can balance a budget. Oh, and we definitely didnt need so many government studies. Getting diagnosed with Breast Cancer can turn your life upside down. Besides the fear, there are so many decisions to make about treatment. Dr. Ken miller is an oncologist and author of the book choices on Breast Cancer treatment. Wusa9 has been talking about the importance of Early Detection and the earlier you find it, the more options you have. Is it true you have more options when it comes to treatment . Yes. Breast cancer can be diagnosed early and screening is very important. That means breast selfexam, exam by your physician and mammograms. Mammograms are safe and theyre important and diagnosing Breast Cancer early is a wonderful chance that it will be a curable disease. You talk about self christmas and mammograms but selfexams and mammograms but there have been conflicting stories. That its not worth it. What is a woman to do . Talk to your doctor and take advice from your professional caregiver. However, as an oncologist, i want to promote that selfexam is free. If you feel something, report it to your doctor. An exam by your doctor is easy, part of the normal exam. Mammograms have a place. Theyre not 100 sensitive or specific but theyre a wonderful screening tool. I want to encourage women not to be afraid of mammograms. Theyre a gift youre giving to yourself. Weve been raising money for decades for Breast Cancer research leading to the cure. Where are we in terms of a cure . Because were still reporting 200,000 women a year diagnosed. Breast cancer is an epidemic. However, there are many women who are cured of Breast Cancer, who go on to live long, long healthy lives. And i think our goal obviously is a hundred percent. Were not there. But for women with early stage Breast Cancer, stage one, were getting close. Were over 90 now when we look at that whole group of women. Again, its not exactly where we want to be but its wonderful progress and theres a lot to be proud of. There are four million women or more in the United States who are longterm Breast Cancer survivors. Dr. Miller, thank you very much. Encouraging news and again, the most important is take charge of your own breast health. Thats it for wusa9 news. Well be back at 5 00 but were always on web week. Have a great always on wusa9. Com. Have a great day. See you tomorrow morning. Phyllis sharon. Is this a dream . Or a nightmare . So tired. Sharon phyllis, no. Please stay awake. [ knock on door ] nick [ chuckles ] all right

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