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Is not about to change. G just because he says we need to not judge or need to love everybody, doesnt mean that he is saying that everything is right. Reporter people we talked to on Catholic University campus agree pope francis consistent theme of no judgment runs throughout the joy of love documents. Let us not as people be judgmental. Lets let god be judgmental. As a community of catholics, lets welcome everybody. Its pretty consistent what he has been saying for the past few years. Im not surprised. Reporter john likes that the document sticks to the churchs history. Like that he is getting back to basics of the church teachings. Reporter others hope change is down the road. I think thats evolving conversation as always more to talk about as far as concerned. Reporter the archdiocese says this is really a document and a message for the people that work in the parishes and welcoming including anyone who wants to be part of the church. Ellen brian, wusa9. A big part of the conversation at church this sunday. Thank you. In the document, pope francis says there is absolutely no grounds for considering homo sexual unions and calls divorce evil and urges the Transgender Community to accept our humanity as it was created. Bernie sanders will head to the vatican days before the new york primary. Attending a conference on socio, economic and environmental issues. Unclear whether he will meet with pope francis. Hilary clinton said on her worst day, she be an infinitely better president than either or telephone republican candidates. A poll 55 of americans have a negative affect of clinton. When we tack about april showers, yeahs we are usually not talking about snow. Ed we average 3 10ths of an inch in dulles. We put an article on the website. 83 degrees the first day of april. Here is radar. Over the last hour. See the rain and snow out to west of us. Healthy clipper, going to pass to north of us, to the south of philadelphia. Most of the precipitation ending up in the philadelphia suburbs. If you have plans tonight, you are fine. Get home showers across the metro area, includes northwest dc, rockville, silver spring, gaithersburg, fairfax, temperatures 36, 37 degrees, 9 30, we still have rain or snow showers with temperatures in the upper 30s and low 4s. Not going to be v a cloudy day but rain and snow showers all day. We will come back and talk about the strong winds behind the clipper, also talk about and look ahead when temperatures resemble average. A guilty plea from the teenager behind the wheel in a deadly crash in North Potomac that killed two classmates. Sam ellis pleaded guilty. An dreyian was inside the circuit courthouse for todays developments. Reporter a heart breaking statement from the parents of crash victim alex merck. David and pamela say dragging out the case until now has only served to pour salt on their still fresh wounds according to courtroom audio sam ellis spoke calmly and clearly in court. In answer to the judges questions about whether he understood his guilty plea. The judge asked, are you pleading guilty in this case, because you are in fact, guilty of auto manslaughter. The 19 year old replied yes, sir. There is no jumping for joy or no winners in this situation. Reporter the lawyer says his clients is devastated and filled with remorse. The guilty plea closes a case, that has shattered the wooten community. Ellis was a recent graduate as were two teens who died in the violent crash. Alex merck and calvin lee. Front seat passenger cameron are graduate this spring. The parents issued a statement calling the plea bittersweet and wrote while it relieves us from having to endure the endless pain of tt days of trial it drives home the cold hard fact that our son died at the hands of another human being. Sentencing guidelines for this type of case are between 3 months and 8 years, that is not binding. Ellis could face up to 10 years in prison, on each count. Ellis sentenced june 3rd, determined by Montgomery Circuit Court judge how much time he gets. We posted the statement in entirety on our wusa9 app. Exnavy seal that shot Osama Bin Laden is facing drunk driving charges. Robert o neil was found asleep in a running car parked outside a convenient store. When they woke him up, he appeared confused and intoxicated and failed a field sobriety test. Prince georges, a 9month old bare by girl was killed. Why her unlicensed daycare investigators, the medical examiner says savanna wright died december 2nd from a non accidental blow to the head. Investigators charged 43 year old Beatrice Manning with murder. State official says the daycare she was operating on pellmont in temple hills was illegal. Neighbors call her the neighborhood mary poppins. She is a hood mary poppins, she is good with children. Her child was a perfect baby that smiled at everything her mother said. Bruce springsteen announcing he canceled a concert set for sunday in greensboro, north carolina. This to show opposition to a state law he says attacks the lgbt community. The law requires people to use those bathrooms matching their biological sex. Springsteen issued a statement saying some things are more important than a rock show, this fight against prejudice and bigotry is one of them. Developments in the one Time Showdown between apple and fbi. Senators are drafting a bill that would make it a law to help break phone encryption. The bill would require companys to help the government get data without a warrant. No individual or company above the law. Still ahead, report find dcs circulator buses are dangerous, why are they taking passengers . Washington dc is one of two places that gets a passing grade when it children should get an hour a day of moderate to intention activity. 150 minutes of physical education each week for students and 225 minutes, middle and high school students. Washington dc and oregon meet the requirement. Physical education has to be increased. It has to be viewed as important part of the daily curriculum. Health experts say physical education keeps kids, their minds in good shape and in the classroom as well, many states allow students to substitute other classes for pe. Pap two men behind bars accused of attacking a 12yearold multiple times in the tomae have been charged with rape, kidnapping and assault. He picked the girl up from dc two weeks ago, drove to wheatton where he and his roommate raped her. She was forced to go to a party in virginia. They are charged with similar sex crimes in dc and maryland, charges are pending in virginia. Hundreds packed First Baptist church of glenn ardon to say goodbye to washington. He is the Largo High School student gunned down saturday before easter, as he waited for train at the deanwood met to with his mom and sisters. Maurice was caught on camera, and charged as an adult with Second Degree murder. The two did not know each other. A virginia man tastes freedom for the first time in 33 years after dna evidence clears him of a rape and rder, he did not commit. Up next reaction to the arrest of a teenager for the murder o a university of texas student on the austin campus. But jamie raskin is the only abdemocrat for congress who led the fight for tougher gun laws. Only raskin took on the nra to ban militarystyle assault weapons. Raskin im jamie raskin, and i approve this message. Time magazine called Chris Van Hollen a hero to environmentalists, education groups, and gun control advocates for his accomplishments as a young legislator. Now a respected leader in congress and key ally of president obama, protecting planned parenthood and social security. Chris van hollen is the only candidate who fought the wall street banks and the nra. And won. Thats why hes endorsed by the post as the talented successor to senator mikulski who will deliver results. Im Chris Van Hollen, and i approve this message. Shots rang out in land. An unidentified airman fatally shot his commander, committed suicide. No one else was hurt. Police made an arrest the campus murder of a university of texas student. Wiser vanished sunday, her body discovered tuesday in a creek on campus. Police in austin, texas, say this man, caught on Security Camera sunday night, killed 18 year old wiser on the university of texas campus. He is 17 year old criener. He is in jail. We are very certain that the subject we have in custody, the suspect is in custody, is the suspect responsible for the death of this beautiful young woman. Reporter austins police chief says he is homeless and officers picked up criener monday for setting a fire in a trash container. They took him to a social services center. Yesterday, as they started to connect the dots apd officer located the which we believe to be belonging to our victim. Reporter wise an oregon native was seen leaving the Drama Building 9 30 p. M. Sundays and texted a roommate she was heading to the dorm but never made it. Two days later her body was found. A medical examiner ruled the death a homicide. Yesterday, hundreds of people gathered on campus for a memorial for the young freshman. Since her death Police Stepped up patrols on campus, 50,000 students at the university of texas are now being urged not walk alone and be aware of their surroundings. Police say they will formally charge criener with murder. Tonight a man wrongly convicted for rape and murder is a free man. This is harward being released where he served 33 years of a life sentence, recently exonerated after evidence cleared him of pa roan and sexually assaulting the victims wife. Psychotic killer that broke out of a Mental Hospital has been spotted. Garver is still on the run after he and a patient broke out wednesday night. Police called mark adams later, garver was charged with toreturing and killing a woman torturing and killing a woman three years ago. An independent report says yes, the agency ultimately in charge is saying no s. After an independent report came to light saying 95 of the buss are so dangerous they should be taken off the road, ddot released a report saying the majority of the problems have been fixed. D dot says safety is the priority. Some drivers say when they report problems, they are told to take the bus back, and go home without pay. We have situations street and the doors are opening up on their own. D dot is in charge, they contact the bus out to metro. They pay First Transit to operate them. First transit did not respond to our questions. Victory for space x, the first inflatable room ever built for astronauts is heading to the iss. Also minutes after the launch, the reusable booster, successfully landed on a barge in the atlantic off the cape. The first time space x successfully done that. Supplies should arrive by sunday. Shareholderrers approved the sale to Marriott International of starwood hotels. Marriott would be the Largest Hotel chain. Trust regulator ace s approved the deal. Happy friday, everybody. Ye so enjoyable. It will be bright but brisk on sunday. You can walk on the canal on sunday. How much snow. No accumulation, its just going to fall from the sky. If you have soccer games, they will be played. I dont know about you, i have been picking up sticks the last week. The highest wind gusts recorded at national since last saturday. 58 Miles Per Hour wind gusts last saturday. 65 dulles. 50 sunday, 34 on monday. 41 Miles Per Hour wind dwus on tuesday, 30 Miles Per Hour on wednesday. 36 Miles Per Hour wind gust yesterday. 31 Miles Per Hour wind gust today. Probably seeing 40 or 42 Miles Per Hour wind gust tomorrow. Thats crazy, for april. Thats crazy for march. Live look outside, 53 now, dew points in the 20s. Winds are gusting to 23 Miles Per Hour. Sort of breezy tonight and really become strong tomorrow aften, wake of the clipper. This is the showers, rain and snow showers across much of the great lakes and almost in to detroit. A little bit of snow showing up to north of indianapolis. The clipler track to the north of us, to the south of philadelphia. Philly is in worse shape in terms of accumulating snow. We have conversational snow and rain showers heading our way. Be here by 5 00 or 6 00 in the morning. Good enough for yellow weather alert. We feel there are Higher Expectations in april. Not so much tomorrow, strong winds in the afternoon. Windy with rain and snow showers, lots of sun on sunday. Still chilly. Temperatures out of the 40s. In to the 50s by nowhere near average high of 66. 10 00, tonight, looking at temperatures in the low to mid 40s. 48 downtown, 44 in dumfries. 45 del city. By temperatures in the mid to upper 30s. 35 frederick. Little bit of a break. More rain and snow showers will develop, temperatures will be hard pressed to make to it the mid 40s, 1 00, 42 aldean. 41 in frederick. Here is your day planner, temperatures in the 40s to start. Rain and snow showers on through 1 00, maybe 45 by 1 00 p. M. Rain and showers, rain and showers on tuesday, 54. Finally, low 60s wednesday, mid 60s thursday, upper 60s friday with sunshine. No flakes on that part of the sevenday forecast. We are worried about socker and baseball tomorrow. They play inside the whiz. They got to worry about trying to bhaik the playoffs make the playoffs, they are hanging by a at giant, shoppers low prices by the thousands, plus a thousand more that just dropped. All these low prices what are you trying to do, get me to feed the whole neighborhood . No. Just trying to save you a whole lot of bread. Thousands of blue tags, thousands of low prices. My giant. 7 30 from motown. No record for braiden, nerms the of number of wins, remaining stuck on 47. After 430t loss against pittsburgh. Best he can do is tie the record of 48 with one more start this weekend. Jordan spieth won the green jacket in the masters last year, so far looking good to get another one this year. Second round of the masters down in augusta. Beautiful day of course, augusta in georgia. Up and down all day long, even par on the fronts 9. Back 9 has been a struggle. Bogieed 16 and 17 to drop to 4 under, but leads by one shot. Today, augusta bidding farewell to tom watson in normal competition. Played finishing at 8 over par. Noodt go enough to make it to the weekend. Speaking of the weekend, we got a special masters show tomorrow ni should be a lot of funs big weekend of course, for pursuit of the green jacket. It makes you feel good. A par putt from 3 feet. You got that in your mind. He finished out second round. Lot of folks would have walked off the tournament. He played. Good for you earnie. Rain and snow showers tomorrow. Strong winds tomorrow evening and night. Wall street. The nra. Theyre powerful. They usually get their way. But t nowith democrat Donna Edwards. She wont take cash from wall street banks. And when washington insiders wrote a loophole to let the nra spend dark money to kill gun safety laws, Donna Edwards said no shes fighting to ban assault weapons and putting the safety of our communities first. Because to democrat Donna Edwards, the special interests arent special. We are. Working for us pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Yeah. We love low prices. No bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. My giant. Trying to make me eat my greens . Low. No, just trying to save you some green. Whaaat . thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. My giant. Brown securing the airports. Major changes are in store for travelers. How vulnerable are our airports . Reporter are you crfd a brusselsstyle attack could not happen at a u. S. Airport . Brown also tonight, the last fugitive from the paris attacks was arrested. Was he also the man in the hat in brussels. An arrest is made in a murder that shook a college campus. And Steve Hartman went on the road to find out whats so special about a ripped up dollar bill. Reporter you saved this for 40 years . Saved it for 40 years. Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley

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