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Exhibits in north america. We will show you what it has to offer coming up next. Exciting. I like that. No one knows what the future holds, right . Think we know, try and guess. New study says most people would like to keep it that way. Researchers say 90 of people, would not want to know their future, even if these events could make them happy. Even if it is positive stuff. Like no, no thank you. The study also found that those who prefer not to know the risk, people prefer to enjoy suspense. You wouldnt want to know your future . No i feel like you make your own future, work really hard, you become a good person, or stay a good person, things happen. Thats how it works . We have psychics common the q, 12 noon, oh, like touches you oh, you have something coming up. Like dont. I dont want to know anything. Let me just figure it out. Im scared every psychics like tar owe card readers, never done it, it just freaks me out. Like im really worried about something negative happening or them telling me something negative. I just dont want anything that might affect how you perceive whats diagnose to happen. I start pushing it, working out there, if something will happen out there thats life. I want to deal with it as it comes. I think we have a fear, goes all the way back, i think about in school we learn about this character cast and a cassandra, the fall of troy, greeks bringing in the trojan horse, but nobody believed her. So we think if we try to change our future, that Something Else bad is going to happen, so worried about whatever, youll get hit by a car, so try not to get hit by a car but get hit by a bus. You cant prevent it anyway, so we have that inch ate fear, so sometimes better off not knowing, just living. If you had an illness going to die of something then trial your whole life not to die that way. Yes . Who knows what would happen. Then Something Else could happen . How to make me think of the final destination or something, either way it is going down. So, i guess we agree with 90 of the people throughout we dont want to know. Cards i cats. Lets talk about these break up photos. Some people when it comes to breaking up economy back through all of their exs stuff maybe throw it out, give it back, you have photos, throw them away, instagram, might delight them or something, but now there is a new thing that people are doing. Break up photo shoot. Captured their last moments together in a mellen collie photo shoot. Looks like twilight or something . This couple says that the photos, they are meant to be funny, and but there is nothing fun bye their break up, add that theyre motions in this photo are real. Whats the point . Just delight them off your stain gram. Listen, he want to buy awe car . Dont let him. Say im done. Thats what karen said yesterday. Were not taking photos. Were done. Like most break ups, were breaking up because something is wrong, something happened, tht were not staying together. Never happy. There is that thing specially in social media nowadays, you have to announce to everybody, your friends, so maybe like break up announce. , hey guys, were done. And also what happens like press reese least. Exactly. I thought about it, oh, another me thing, me, me, me. Then think about it, what happens, maybe both had this, where like you love someone but not in love with them . And it is really sad. Like i dont want to hurt you best friends that i spend all of this time with and we like the same stuff. But i love you. So maybe thats what like theyre capturing . Why would you want to remember that . Hey, lets take a photo. Im not going out in the woods with any of my exs . Clearly. Yes, wouldnt do that. I remember though, aid boyfriends, and what was his name . Oh, my gosh. We had the whole, you know what they say facebook, in a relationship, with you can put it out there. So big deal when we were done okay who is going to ends that. So that way it will stay on one persons page an end relationship because you werent the one who did t we got our computers together we did it at the same time to make sure it wont be one person seeing the person who got broken up with. So you did this, three, two, one . It was not a photo shoot. Exactly it. Did you guys hug after tha that. Were still friends t wasnt a big deal. No, we didnt hug. What happened . We would both be in different places and cities lets just tends now before it gets ugly and we can still be cool and were still cool, still friends. We should face time and have him on the show. What . We would love to hear from him, right, karen . I dont think he would love to hear from you guys. Just kidding, just kidding. Makes me think one of the saddest stories i did, not as sad a story but it doesnt have happy ending in life. We found a woman walking along, finds a photo albumn. Discovers it, oh, can you help me these people figure out who this photo albumn belongs to, whole love story. Them taking trims, dressing up and all of these things. And so i found the people. It was a girl had made this a beautiful albumn, spent all of this time, this whole wonderful relationship and he had thrown it away. The guy had thrown it away. Jerk. So she is like i guess he doesnt want it to be found, like it was given as a giftment and if he doesnt want it, you know, it is no longer mine. I gave it as a gift. But that was done. That made me like, you know . What did you do with it . I dont know where it is now. But like it hurts me. It is one of those things you think . She just tossed it outment it is okay. Nobody want it. You had to do something with it. No, the woman who found it has it. So she took it back . Like the innocent person walking along the street, person walking along the street found it, i found the person who had really made it. You broke the news to her that the guy had thrown it away. Geez, i think i still have scrap book from a guy i date in the college. I feel bad throwing it away, he put so much time in it. Is it bad i just kept it . I still have ones. Really . Im single, youre married. Your husband doesnt care . It is a whole part of your history and life. If you spend five years with a person, like i didnt go to that place or i didnt have this adventure, like whole moment, what built you the person you are. Thats a separate thing like. Do you have like a library in your house, like the book of karen . Karens love like . In a box, in the attic. When is the last time you looked at it . Its been a while. Yesterday . Ya right exactly. No, no. Hes been warning me recently. Your husband or the other gentleman . Oh, okay. Just saying. So he snows. He has his own box. Like things change, it has been so much time. Nice to look back gosh when you were 20, all of these things. Why do you need to look back . In the present many married to you now, look it is okay to acknowledge that. But if my wife had a box, seriously, throw it in the trash. Look at you. But there were memories before you. She was a person before you. Youre absolutely correct. Dont get me in trouble, okay . Is she watching too. Probably is. But i know a person, she made. And she has like hidden pictures of past relationship. Thats fine. One thing you take out i would say is the pictures where. Those should go. Those should go. But the other pictures, near mountain, keep that. Why . Not looking at it it, seems a while. My mom kept pictures of her boyfriend before my dad, i was curious growing up how about that picture . Oh, she would tell stories. My mom does not want to ask d snow what, no, no, your father, your father. And it is never like she doesnt like to talk it is like pulling teeth. Wow. Interesting. All karen hes kids have to do pull the books out. I got boys. And they dont care. Speaking of boys, whats it like being a parent of boys . A parent throughout said she learned a few things along the way, she says the number one thing she has learned from having two boys, food. She said boys have endless appetites. Oh, boy. That little hungry head. So both of you guys can way in on. This so you agree on the food thing . My kids are six and three this year. Yes . They eat so much. Im like it is only going to get, like, increased. I have to almost put lock on the smacks in the fridge. All he does is take yogurts all day long, oh, look. Kobe and jordan. And theyre bigger now, this was like last year. Yes, old country buffet every night, oh, i want popcorn, fish sticks, this. And what happened when what happens when you dont given it to them. Cry. They start crying. You start crying. You just give them the food you want. Are you constantly cooking . Like short order cook. One kid that wants hamburgers, one doesnt eat that, he wants chicken fingers, oh, spaghetti, there is my guys. Oh, you have bonus one, too. Bone us . Shocking, the amount of food we go through, im embarrass today say i think we spend hundreds every dollars on our food bill every week, and it is locusts come by at the ends of the week on a friday, there is nothing left. Just bear . All gone. The second thing, boys come with a high noise level. We are the loud house. We have a peak into that, when you do your dish talk, what is it, monday nights . Mondays at 7 00 on facebook. Yes, they just scream. They scream so theyre just loud. Theyre loud. It is like a subway ahh, just all day long. I find when you have a play date, one more boy is like time for girls. It is so loud. And the jumping and the running and the thing and everything from the couch to the chair to the back and the for the. So thats when it is like a heard of elephants. Yes, my friends, he has four kids. Hes crazy. Hello derrick brooks. Calling him out. Ya. What we do, we just go out together. So it is his four, he has three daughters and a son. Then my two. And then we just go out. We just like terrorize restaurants. There is a super loud. Never embarrased. Youre only embarrased when youre the only family there. When you are multiple families, it is okay, it is cool. Why . It is like oh, man these kids are crazy. But if it is you and your wife, oh ya, i love it. The third thing, she said her boys leave the socks all over the house, constantly picking up socks. What is it about socks . Mine hate socks. I find them, caw cant finds the matching pairs. Im bad that the. If it goes through three cycles and i cant find them, also embarrassing, i throw them out. Too many. I cant find them. I cant figure out who goes with who, i have boxes for which kid has each different kind of sock. And they stink. All the sudden their feet start to stink. Mine are now seven and nine. It is terrible. Bad smell . Like whats that bomb in the room . Why is it so funky, it is like it is sock in the corner. Like the lockerroom guys . I feel sorry for my youngest son kobe. I think he went to school with a matching pair every son, hasnt begin to school with matching knocks eight month. I just throw them out. Thats me, i dont throw them out. Whatever, here is two, put them on, i dont even care. I just feed some socks. Lastly she says her youngest son still writes love notes and holds her hands. So are the youngest one the sweeter ones . No, he is a little terrorize err, the younger one, but both nice to my wife. They love my wife. Like she is the winner. She brought them into this worlds, so maybe . I dont have a problem with that. But no. Sometimes i wish, man, i wish i had a daughter, because these are guys. Like, you know, like rough them up. They have such a sweet connection with my wife. It is like oh. And then i pop back in, no, im in the doing that. Have you having another announce . No, no, no thank you, no. The youngest one . Thats what it is, theyre my love. Thats like they love me. And like the baby at night hes in this cute phase when around, hes three now, and he gets, still sleeps . My bed, again, embarrassing, but he calls it his nest, hes in his side with pillow. Mom, hes like mom and i think it is like he needs something, i need water, toothbrush, mom. Yes . Hes like i love you. Hes like i think im in love with you. Oh, thats beautiful. So cute. Then what do you say . I love you too, good night, good night, budd. I how old . Hes three. Oh, ya, okay. Ya, mine young zest about to turn three. Yes . Saturday. Get ready. Wait until theyre all teenagers, i want to do this again when theyre all teenagers, see what the difference is. Coming up 9 14. Beginning to feel a lot like spring, temperatures Getting Better it, cents great. But actually looks and feels like spring all year around at brand new exhibit at the insectaruim. Looking for something fun to do with the kids, why not go to the new Butterfly Pavilion. Jenny joyce is there. Reporter good morning, i have a little buddy attached at my hip right now. Just kind of hanging out here. This is part of the fun at the brand new Butterfly Pavilion at the insectaruim here in northeast philadelphia, it opens tomorrow, doctor john cambridge, you were the ceo here. Can you talk a little bit about what people can come here and see . They can see one of the nations largest Butterfly Pavilions. So 7,000 square feet of rain forest tropical plants, and thousands of exotic butterflies flying around here. Also couple of natives. So probably see some monarchs, as we walk around a little bit here. We use those as a teaching point to show people about threatened species around here. Okay, so this is an extension of the insectaruim. In is big invest. Talk about why Something Like this is so important to people in this area. What people can learn from it . The insectarium. When we came around to sort of redo the entire facility, our focus was education. So weve gotten all knee materials together, grade specific resources so that student can come here and learn about relevant things. And the Monarch Butterfly was really good example of what types of species, you know, people could do something to help in their own backyard. So you told me this, like you said, one of the largest Butterfly Pavilions in north america, right . Absolutely. There are couple that are bigger, but we are in that class, so 7,000 square feet is a lot bigger than anything else you will find around hereby a factor of three at least. Pretty amazing, right here in northeast philadelphia, also some other things that are pretty cool and interesting about this exhibit, other firsts . Yes. So were proud to have the Worlds Largest pharaoh fluid fountain, interactive magnetic exhibit. People can go over and push abut on which actually activates these magnets inside. And so people will see the fluid start to form in different shapes. And thats a neat place to learn how the Monarch Butterfly, getting back to the monarch again, orient itself to central mexico where over winter every single year. So guys, the reason youre not seeing that, well, thats type of fountain, not that the fountain that we described, but the reason youre not seeing that, still getting prepared for the big opening tomorrow. So tomorrow opens the hours are 1 00 p. M. Until 9 00 p. M. Yep. 16 admission. I just want to tell you one thing. It is really cool in here. But it is actually really hot in here. So if you come, maybe wear a tank top. Im sweating. I hope you dont see anything here, but it is really cool. You definately feel like youre in the tropics. Anything else you wanted to add . Well, ya. When people come here, we also want them to not only enjoy the butted err fly pavilion, but we have classrooms, weve got two floors of content, and we just redid our insect zoo. I know people have known our insect zoo for a long time. Now we have the largest and most differs on the east coast. So this has school fieldtrip written all over it, guys. Yes. It looks almost good for birthday parties, too, i bet . Can people have birthday parties here . Oh, yes, we love kids to come here and have birthday parties. Karen, you have three boys, bring them over. Bridal showers, you know . Bridal showers . Come, enjoy the spares, more than welcome to. Cute. And wear bright colors, because if you do, butterflies are more likely to lan on you. Oh, good tip. Good tip. Yes, you can have Little Friends to follow you around for couple of minute at least. Yes, yes, yes. How cool. Thank you, appreciate it. That would be something at a bridal shower. I went to one of those at the flower show, they had temporary one set up. I was wearing like a dark color of course, ya, it was very hard to catch them. Meanwhile my friend, mean a, catching all of the bugs, had butterflies all over herself. I was like really . So i have to go out there and try it again. Pineapple pizza did you guys hear about this . So many people are talking about this, this big debate. The president of iceland reportedly told a group of High School Student hasnt if he could, he would pass a law banning pine and he will from being used as pizza topping in his country. Can you believe that . He did clarify little later saying that you had he had nothing against the fruit, just doesnt want it on his pizza hes glad he doesnt hold the power to actually be able to pass this law. So he added he recommends seafood on pizza, just not pineapples. What do we do when we hear somebody wants to ban pineapples on pizza . We get some pineapple pizza here. So this is from, what is this, uggies . Uncle uggies, old italian pizza, very nice there is one is vegan one. Oh, okay. But im skeptical. I almost think that looks like bacon. Looks like bacon. I would say thats not. Is that how it goes . They get stuff that looks like meat. Oh, this is real bacon. You try that one, thats the vegan version of that. So this one has bacon jalapino, pineapple ton. Ive never had pineapple on a pizza i think i had a slice once, but i havent lets try this out here. One of my favorites. Ice today eat it as a kid all the timement and i havent had it since probably college. So what do you think . Should it be outlawed or do we like it. Ice lan, you guys dont have any other things going on, to ban pineapple pizza . They like fish, i like it because it is salty and sweet, good combination. It is good. Okay. I approve. It wont be banned here on good day, we will tell you that, uhhuh. Lets check back in with jen. Bet shes not having any pineapple pizza on that grill. Okay, were trying to figure out what makes these burgers so special. Youll kissandtell . Ill kissandtell. Hell tell them the secret ingredient. All right, come on back. Maybe theyll sends us a check. The glenn and jen show. [one is the loneliest number that youll ever do] nobody likes a dog with bad breath. Thats why theres oravet dental hygiene chews. Oravets dual action approach cleans teeth and gets to the underlying cause of bad breath by blocking bacteria to help prevent plaque and tartar. For a cleaner mouth everyone can love. Ask your vet about oravet chews. Serious oral care made simple this race is consequential. Its all about being able to look your kid in the eye. And say, honey, its gonna be okay. And this woman understands it in her gut. She gets it. Stephanie hansen understands what people need. This election is very, very important to middle class people to live the life they deserve. Dont ask yourself the morning after the election why didnt i vote . We are wait being for the fog to clear through, it will be here tomorrow, so thats a good thing. What about getting the grill going, right . For dinner. Lets fire it up right now, see whats cooking out, there hey, guys . Hey, guys, okay, weaver someone who actually came out to visit us. Good morning. He actually came from his house to join us. To join usment okay, so, you think a burying earl is a great thing to do for a day like today, because it is not incredible amount little nippy, it will be warm. Sue, whats going on . Burgers are quick, easy, and you can grill all winter. You really can. What i did today in honor every jen. Thank you, glenn. Doing stuffed blue cheese and bacon buryinger. Because im full of it. Because youre full of it. Everybody asking how do you stuff a buryinger . The key, get a patty little bigger bigger, put Little Pocket in it, okay . Then you take your blue cheese, any blue cheese, any bacon, congress it up. Everything is better with bacon. Bacon is it own food group. Thats my thing. Okay, so then you take another patty, Little Pocket on the top, little smaller, and you kind of shush them together. Oh,. So it is not a monster bush err . It can be. But there is room in there . There is room in there. And, you know, if you have time, do them ahead of time. Let them get colds. So it kind of gets together . Then we are going to throw it on the grill. Wait. For ooh none adventurous people, just plane old burger. All right. Ya. Anyway, fat jacks we use montreal season salt. Talk about that, lowry makes anything good. And you say the nonname brand ones, it is just i think it is more salt than anything else. And you blend those two together . I do like just like i did. Okay . Smash it up little bit. Throw it on the grill. Now, through the magic of television i got some done. Yahoo. Very simple. You ready for a buryinger . Yes, i am. He is ready for a buryinger. Stop drooling. Wait. How do i tell the temperature. Im glad you asked. Go. Hold your hand up. Okay. So, you ready for this . Yes. Cameraman, you cant hold your hand up. Thats rare, thats medium rare. Thats medium well. Thats well. Oh,. And it works. Okay. So tell me, whats the testimony tour of the buryinger . Do you mine if i touch your buryinger . Not at all. Ill say medium well. Really . I dont know. All right, the other thing you had said, this is the time, if there is anything frozen in the freezer for tonight, pull it out . Grill steaks, burgers, chops, shrimp, make vegetable shrimp steaks . Did you say vegetable shrimp steaks . Like cab on kind of thing. It is great. Do you want to eat this buryinger . Yes, i am going to eat that. There is a burger bar over here. Lets talk about this real quick though. I believe that any burger has to have with jalapino. Here, i made you the jen version. Okay, good, awesome. So fix your burger up. You go to have. Youre a pickle guy. s pickle guy. Wait. We turned our breakfast. And also is there any condition you wont grill in in terms every weather. Ill grill in a hurricane. Oh, hes going to grill in a hurricane . Fat jacks goes anywhere, does anything, and ill grill in a hurricane if i have to. I know that you had to wake up early, youve had some bad luck. Yes, somebody stole our smoker, you guys know that already. In the news. Keep your eyes open. Whats it look like . Big stainless steel oven, it ways 4,000 pounds, on red trailer. Im sure the trailer is not red any more. But if you see a smoker being dragged behind a car, thats it, call the comes. Hey, happy almost 07 degrees day. Good burger. s happy guy. Pretty good . Thank you. Only pretty good . Thats better. Thanks, guys. Jen and glenn, have to call glenn when we have a hurricane and test that out. Hey, were over here like okay, wait, rare, medium rare . I was touching, well, the guy that came out from home said it was good. So . Then it works. Wouldnt lie to us. Quincy, how often do you shave . Every day. Every day . Yep. Got to do it. You got to do it . What about women . Maybe we should start shaving . Have you heard of this . Derma plane, a version you can try at home. Look at this. We will shave our interns face. Intern shave. Yes. We will put it to the test. Testing. Ment. Testing. Testing. Testing. Determine a blank determine a grit. Some have it, some dont. When the odds are stacked against you, you either hide or stand up. At Strayer University weve seen it in our students for 125 years. And if you ever think of quitting, our success coaches will be there to pick you up and work with you every day to put you on the right path. Its time. Strayer university. Lets get it, america. Still foggy out there, and it is supposed to be extended this will 11 00. We will feel those temperatures, listening to mariah cars fantasy. Wonder if she shaves her face. Things we ponder. This is derma planing. She did this, jen did, yeah, just a little bit ago and involves a dermatologist taking a scalpel and grazing the surface and shaves off ted cells in the process. You can see it here. It is like shaving but kicked up a notch. To you do not want to to that and it looks kind of painful how about this treatment, okay it is a new rod you can that you can to this your own home. We have annasuza back. You can to waxing, tweezers, depending on your taste but these are you this. These are new, what is interesting is sometimes things drive he crazy about the beauty industry, derma planing is shaving your face. If you go to the dermatologist granted shaving your taste i will talk you through some benefits of it but if you go to the dermatologist there are incredible treatments to get for hundred bucks that will get you better bang for your buck. You can go to the drug store and pick up these products, do this stuff yourself. Okay. The perks of derma laning are basely shaving your face is you can get rid of that peach fuss you have on the surface of your skin. Your headache up will a lie so much more better. Really. You have to go all the way around. I have been doing this for years. You go around your entire face , you can go also right in trent. Umhmm. As well. We will demo it here. Yes. I know, high gosh, stop it so, what you want to to is, with this you see tiny little stainless steel blade this runs but 30 bucks to be completely honest you can use almost think type of razor, all right. So this one here is just going go to take that peach fuzz from the, from the surface of the skin and sort of just swap it off. The perk of this as well is that after you do this you definitely want to apply serum what you are doing in the process is exfoliating your skin. So you are, taking out all of those dead skin cells on the surface so then it would be great time to apply a really great anti aging or high trait ing serum. Right after. Because it goes in so much deeper. Right to the skin. Yes, all those dead skin cells are taken off from the surface, all right. This is that stainless steel. You can pick this one up, this is pretty easy. This next one, i saw this. I saw this, walking to the store and it the hads a coil on it. I said what is that for is this. This is a new iteration. I have one that is longer and you just twirl it from both side. But here it is already on the actual medic thinks many. This is from tweezerhand. This will pull from the root. It will hurt a little bit. Brace yourself. Ready. Okay. He so you start from the bottom and then what is interesting about this. How painful is it, jackie. Oh, okay. I tell it. Yes. It was fine. Your skinnies a little will red. You have to push it a little bit harder on the surface of the skin. Now when i to this, high self. Poor jackie. You have to to this all over. When i have done it, upper lip, eyebrows and helps tea fine your eyebrows while pulling from the root. You go, i dont have anything there and then it starts to pick everything up and like high ifness it was a lot. All you have to do is push it up. Yes. Push it up, do you want to try it on your arm. No, that is okay. That is why we have jackie. You can hear it, probably, do you hear that. You can hear it. And then you can sometimes even see on the actual coil. In your screens you have been doing derma planing, which do you refer the coil or razor. It is shore affordable then other one. You cannery use this a million times. This one they say usually one or two uses. You can get shore out of them, however, over a little bit of time it will look gunky too . You can get them at all kind of stores. Headache sure your taste is dry first. One last question because this is high theory, will my hair grow back thicker or darker. No, absolutely not. Especially pulling from the root. Overtime as you keep sort of, activate helping that toll california, that follicle keeps getting pulled out it will grow in thinner, finer or not at all. Have you ever luck your eyebrows and find overtime they just dont come back. Yeah you are doing same exact thing. Thanks, jackie, are you all right. Beauty is pain. That is right. It is not that jackie has a lot of peach fuzz. Shes our intern. I dont want anybody to think anything. We want to thank beauty store ulta for supplying the products. Let me know what you think, ladies. Once i hear shore feedback i will decide for myself. Bob, you are getting breakfast this morning. You know it, high favorite take of the week, new tinier in town and we are here on National Toast take, so we have the white, we have the wheat, and we have the cinnamon raisin, carmella what is your favorite. Cinnamon raisin. We are live from the folcroft diner, good morning, everybody. It is breakfast when we come right back. Prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. Farm, crate, and store. Were focusing on fresh. So you dont have to guess. My giant. [one is the loneliest number that youll ever do] nobody likes a dog with bad breath. Thats why theres oravet dental hygiene chews. Oravets dual action approach cleans teeth and gets to the underlying cause of bad breath by blocking bacteria to help prevent plaque and tartar. For a cleaner mouth everyone can love. Ask your vet about oravet chews. Serious oral care made simple good morning, everybody. Guess what, i have groupies, breakfast groupies at bobs breakfast bunch. They have followed me last couple weeks with breakfast with bob each and every thursday, we will go to a different spot to day were coming to you live from the brand spanking new, folcroft diner, it still got new car smell on it it is so new. This little girl mariah sent me a message and said said i dont know if i will be able to see you because i have school. Guess what . Momma loud her to skip your first class, thanks so much for coming out. No school for mariah today, what do you say . Got the to love it. I gave her a little excuse note, whole gang here, we are here off of the chester pike in folcroft, brand new, and angela, the manager, how oldies this joint. Six months old. Six months old. It used to be a bar. They totally went down to the brick. It is fantastic. The neighbors say you give out coupons at acme, right. For 15 percent off, yes. Take a look, first of all it is National Toast day so lets begin with the french toast. Georgey, come on that will feed us all back in the news room. My favorite is the eggs bendik very popular. Yes. What is this big old platter. That is the chipped beef gravy, some call it s. O. S. Yes, s. O. S. Cant say what that means but if you are at home you are laughing because you know what it means. That is what. Our signature folcroft am let. Okay. It it has feta cheese, olives, tomatoes. These next two go together. Yes, our big breakfast combination, it has a little bit of everything. Big bobs breakfast combination. Were here off chester pike, in folcroft. Look we have another whole win g over here, Fire Fighters are here, more kid that took off from school and carmella, carmella, you said you like cinnamon raisin toast. That is right. How about you, dear, you wanted to be incognito. Cinnamon raisin as well. Cinnamon raisin for everybody. Yes. We need to get this little guy on tv how old. Three. He is going to be late for prek. If you would like me to come to your breakfast spot just send me a message on facebook, twitter, or hit us up on fox 29 to the come. We will bring back some of this stuff back to the news room, what do you think of this, karen and alex, s. O. S. , what do you say, are you ready yes. Take that container and lets go. We will take it, thanks, bob. Love it. Love bob. There music to headache up , kanye west getting in the beauty game . We will tell you what he is planning on rolling out would you buy make up that kanye created . avo this holiday. Get the president ial treatment. With a special tradein offer. February sixteenth through the twentyeighth. And let enterprise car sales. Flip your thinking about buying your next vehicle. Stubborn soupiness is what i learned how to say because it is a dense fog advisory that hangs on, this will 11 00 r highlighted counties and we uclouds in our neighborhood. Thousand visibility have i am loved a little bit but still quite foggy less than 2 miles visibility at philly international and many surrounding areas. Now, advisory was lifted from south jersey and they are starting to see some sunshine so that gives us hope. We are at 51 degrees and temperatures will just go up from there once the sun comes out. And if you are getting sunshine congratulations, 68 degrees today, 72 tomorrow. I dont think we thought fog would be quite as dense tomorrow morning. Seventy by saturday but much colder on sunday with another warming trend heading in the hid will of next week, guys. Thanks, sue. Kanye west is branching out in the beauty world. Yeah. He is taking a few notes from the kardashians, i guess. We will get to van lathham with tmz, lipstick, eye shadow and all that. Yeah, cosmetics, man. The it is a weird move for a lot of people. Kanye west has filed legal documents to start dond thea, that was his hotters name his whole empire is that i am after her. He wants to get in the cosmetic situation, he has a whole over arching goal of things he wants to do with don d. A. But part of that is cosmetics. The reason why it is a controversial decision is because inside Kardashian Family there is already a huge gigantic cosmetic with kylie doing her thing so im wondering if kanye west is going to go head up against kylie jenner who has one of the biggest cosmetic movement out there. What would a kanye west beauty make up line look like, im trying to picture that. Probably very weird, probably some weird off putting colors, some different types of things for the skin and stuff like that, but when you deal with kanye you never know what he will do but he will push those limit and boundaries. His fashion is working, so why not try this. Would you buy it . It is weird to buy from a hand as opposed to a would hand. It is a natural thing. Is there guys that do it, but it is just from him. Kanye, his fashion is working if you want to pay 6,000 to look like a homeless person. I dont get it. But, like i said, he is always pushing limits and his brandies definitely at one of its highest peaks right now. What about katie perry. She has a problem with a backup tanser. Yeah, so break up dancer, so she was performing at the b rit award with skip marley this past wednesday, and one of her dancers just straight up fell off the stage. I dont know, what the performance was. Yes. Walking off. It looked like a house. Yes. And it fell clean off the stage. I dont know why as a human can i like to think im a good earn but it is continue i when somebody falls as long as they are not hurt and this fall was funny to me too. I guess because you have a big old house around you and it broke the tall literally walls around you. That looks like it hurt. We watched americas funniest videos for like 25 years, so. It is kind of funny people like to see this kind of stuff, they to. Arsenio hall is winning when it comes to the scandal that happened that he gave prince drugs. Well, one person in particular Sinead Oconnor said that in a very, very lengthy Facebook Rant about the fact that air send yes hall height have have have been one supplying drugs at some point to prince that obviously led to his untimely death. Obviously arsenio did not take too nicely to that or kindly i should say. He filed a lawsuit, and heres the situation about this, these are two people that go way back including both people that had relationships with prince. They were able to come together to get this squash. Sinead apologized and did not the mean to insinuate in anyway that arsenio hall was prince drug dealer and in turn air send yes and his people tea side had to actually drop that lawsuit. So, it is glad that no money has to be lost or no scandal has to be added to the tragic death of prince and these two people could come together and work this whole thing out. Okay, thanks, van we will be watching at the 3 00 for tmz live. Gotcha. I like van. He is so great. Jc making history, he is being induct in the song writers hall of fame. We will talk about why this is such a big deal. Fast, rhythmic drumming its coming soon to the poconos americas largest indoor waterpark is making waves. Kalahari resorts conventions in the poconos. Book your african adventure now he can make it anywhere he made it to the song writers hall of fame. He will be first rapper to to this. Song writers are eligible for induction after writing hit songs for at least 20 years. He released his debut album in 1996 reasonable face, baby face and max martin are part of the 2017 class. The induction award dinner will be in new york, in june, and quincy, i have to ask your thoughts. He tweeted out. This is a win for us. I love it. Hop. I think jayz is a great song writer. We have a couple other people, eminem, he has been writing songs, he is a really great song writer. Ice cube another hiphop rapper, almost 30 years, nwa do we not know ice cube. Andre 3,000 from outcast, like what is the deal. Did these people just wake up. I dont get it. I think you wouldnt have pick him. I would have but you have so many other hiphop artists that have been writing songs for over 20 years that are great. But, next year, sometimes when first year eligibility for hall of fame. Why not start in order, ice cube was out. Yeah. Death certificate album, hello, lets not talk about the love below. Dont get me riled up, peopl u. This is what you want. You got it. He said this is a win for all of us. They said rap was just a tad. It is a big win for hiphop because by the way this is a win for us. I remember when rap was said to be a fad. We are alongside some of the greatest writers in history. He is not saying, look at he im so great. I get it. You have a couple others. Maybe they will get to to it next year. Sometimes you dont get it first time, next timey wonder if ice cube is had like terrell owens. He is probably upset too. Actor tv host thick cannon do you think he will go in. I dont think so. Announced birth of his third child on instagram. He is 36 years old. His child is a boy named golden sadin, i dont know, is it supposed to be fantasy. Saigon. Maybe it is like karl saigon or like vietnam. This comes after he and his exgirlfriend before it any bell a former miss arizona u. S. A. Announced she was pregnant. He is in trouble with america s got talent. There was drama inquirer putting out stuff saying he would sue. When he said posted this joy comes in the morning and good things happen in life too. He is very happy. Good for him. He has his twins with mariah cars his exwife he has got them babies, congratulations to nick cannon do you guys watch star. Yes. Do you watch star . It got the renewed. We will see more star. So it will be another season, until then is there only three episode left, before the big season finally, and then season continually is wednesday march 15th, it is a the 9 00 p. M. On fox 29. Then empire comes back. A lot of good stuff but more star. So what is going on the q at noon. Please do not forget to watch 12 00 noon black hawk from the roots will be here live in the studio, we have the first reality show on broadway and comedian josh wolf at 12 00 noon today on the q the at fox. You have a big event tonight too. Yes, we will talk about it. Owe contact. A lot going on. Lets get pumped up, get ready for q, that is coming up soon. Have a great the day. Enjoy near 70s weather, im excited. Thats why theres oravet dental hygiene chews. Oravet cleans teeth and gets to the cause bad breath. Ask your vet about oravet chews. Serious oral care made simple we invited women to a spa to dish soap. Body wash. You may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. Dove body wash is different. It has only the gentlest cleansers. It just made me feel good. This is dove. Its so delicious. I cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Oh, its real. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Go ahead, enjoy. Live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. [ cheers and applause ] we wont judge, but were judging. Now, heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] wendy welcome. [ cheers and applause ] im wendy, aka

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