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Princes purple rain like youve never heard it before. I have chills. I have such appreciation for people who can play an instrument. I mastered the recorder and that was it. Before empire, yaz, the greatest mom, joining us live in studio, she wrote new book, talking about her life with yaz, and raising him to be the star that he is. Specially, have you been watching new addition story, really rocking it, she will lift the kurt gahm is that maam happen who just walk in. Yes. Oh, looking good this morning. How are you . Oh, she is like uhhuh. Okay. Cant wait to talk to her. And share her story. All right, you want to feel better maybe take your clothes off. All right. Kim kardashian, strips down. They say getting naked can make you happier. Key to happy life. Okay. Is this when we do it . Reveal . You first. Dont want to see. Whatever. laughing . Trying to get ready. If were going to get right to it. Okay. Zoom out. laughing . Well, we will explain that little bit. So this one is trendingment people have been tweeting about this this morning. On line daughter, even anybody in the dating world, be aware, there is a new type of character on the scene. We talked about ghosting. We talked about all of that, new term out there for something people do when theyre dating called bread crumbers. You kind of figure it out, leaving little crumbs . Kind of like when someone is just like dipping in, dipping out. Nothing consistent. They kind of contact you here and there, and they do drop the mop to keep you interested, but really vague on whether a relationship will ever blossom. Then they vanish. And you like okay, it must be that. Then they come backment and then they vanish. Weird thing. Keep your options open. Now, karen, you werent here yet. But thomas when we were talking all done it, okay. He said hes a bread crumber. Yes, back in the day. Well, it is not yesterday . I dont think it is new. I mean, it is something that you certainly keep your options open. You kind of see where the relationship may or may not go, the friendship well, be open with it, just say im keeping my options open. No, all of the little hand sell and griddles out there, so two way street. So you prefer to bread crumb than to just be honest, hey, im not looking for anything. Not necessarily about not being honest, just, you snow. I like you but i want to see where it goes, take my time, back offer just little bit. See how you are doing. Maybe it applies to people who dont say that and just do it, because for me, when it comes to bread crumbi. G in the date willing wormed, ladies all a victim for this, fellows too, and key words. So, key words that people say when theyre bread crumbing. They go in and out. Get the text. Havent heard, and you get the text hey whats up. It is general. They dont say anything. Here is another one. So what you been up to . Another general statement. What are you talking about. Here is the kicker, big one. Another booty call. You know what, i was just thinking about you. Just thought i would text you. Just trying to bring you back in a little bit. And i really believe that guys have like arrayed after, and when you decided to move on, you found somebody new, all the sudden they sends that text, heist what i whats up. They want to feel you out and see if youre still there. Why cant it just be im thinking about you at 3 00 a. M. Thomas you keep saying the booty call thing. Im not saying in general, noon, afternoon. Even at 1 00, 3 00, any time, why cant we two weeks later, hey, im thinking about you . Why does it have to be a bad thing . These people frequently dating, not because dating one person or move onto date another person, because theyre dating multiple people at the same time. Youre just one in the shuffle. Thats what happens. If you are going on like a friend i know, but i started dating after not dating. Go on all of the sites. All the sudden everyone starts responds, shall you date, one for sunday, one later sunday, one monday. You have so many people, you cant keep up. That thats what happens. So you may have like that person but cant a guy get busy . Can a guy get busy for would weeks . Can you get busy fine, but i honestly if a guy is into you, there will be no doubt. If he is interested, he case about your day, he cares about what guess on and oh, im busy, no, were on their minds, you are thinking about us, you want to be therefore us, there will be no question, ladies. Im a single woman. Karen . I say no way, been too long. I think if you like them, sometimes you do get busy. If you are dating other people, and not exclusive, and hey we had a great time. It was all right. Lets see what else is out there. Then you circle back well i have a meeting this week, whatever, next tuesday, whatever. I dont karen do you agree then, when a guys is into you, youll know . Oh, i think. Do you think it will go away for two weeks. What if a guy doesnt know right away. It depend if youre at the right time for both of you. I met my husband, he wanted to meet someone and be real serious. If i met him ten years earlier he wont have 22nd for me, on to the next thing. He was in the right mode. So whether we met, we spent like basically every day together for the rest of our lives kind of thing. We went out that first time then went out every night after that. Hey what you doing . I dont know. Going out with a cute guy. So we go out to dinner again and again. Look at karen, flirty text. So you can forgive at two weeks hey lets give this a try. Think thats when you dont care that much. Other people are out there, your seeing how it goes, and in the like just playing the field. It is in the playing field, not getting too serious mode. Nothing wrong with that, i feel like if people are just honest you can meet people tell theyre interested in you, hey, im doing the wrong thing, out here living life, let them know that, that way they dont feel like where are you, where have you been, why havent you called . If everybody just knows what state youre in i think that really helps. I dont know if it is ever that easy though. I think after certain dates, initially we couldnt have a connection, then maybe two weeks go by, a month, a year, whatever, hey, you crossed my mind. Would you like to go out. Then maybe you have that instant connection. It wasnt necessarily i didnt think were you attractive or, you know, whatever the kates may be. But did you cross my mind, hey i would like to take you out for cup of coffee. What do you say. Bread crumberr. Hes the king of bread crumbing. If someone is bread crumbing you and feeling blue, how about tripping down to your birthday suit . Researchers saying being naked, it makes you happier. And it actually studied this. They say body satisfaction before and after clothes are taken off, you know, really themselves. So a lot of people felt belt when he they were in the nude. Do you guys feel better when in the nude . Not if im looking in the mirror, but or the lights all the way on, ah. When you pass by the mirror and you get a glimpse and youre depressed. Oh, gosh. Karen . I had the stomach flew two weeks ago and i felt pretty good after that, get down to your goal weight. Then i felt pretty good. I think it can either go either way. Sometimes you feel worse because youre like oh, in clothes it doesnt look all that bad, then another time, you know what . I feel good. I am happy with the way that i am. Yes . They say it is all about getting to know your body and also loving yourself. And if you dont, i guess look at yourself sleeping naked . Kind of what you wake up and feel refreshed . I think it is just being naked in general. Going about the snows. This is me, baby, take it. Do you ever do that . Never felt comfortable. Even by yourself. Yes. Specially by myself. No, just even sleeping. Occasionally like when it get hot you just kind of want to take everything off. I dont know, i fidget enough. When youre in bed, some things you dont want to fidget with. Oh. Well, that thing, when go into the bathroom and take a shower maybe forgot your unaware, forgot a towel, and do you have run out and grab it, you dont put on clothe to run out . Im saying, trying to run out and grab something, maybe go to the laundry . But it means you quickly put something on. But Walking Around the house and cooking in. Do you just run out and grabbing . No, dry yourself off, then, ya. Thats what you are talking about, right . Yes. Just Walking Around the house, doing chores, cleaning up, vacuuming . Frying bacon. That would maybe hurt, wouldnt it . This part of my life, you know, kids, you just never know who will show up. I have the three boys, like stop. I need privacy. They are looking, theyre big enough, you know, the whole, you know, and then i never know when boys are over, then there are six more kids in the house. And then does your husband, does very friend over . That would be really awkward, wouldnt it . Why do your friends keep coming over . Ya. Not that it has anything to do with your particular body, just your comfort level. Some people feel comfortable. How do you feel . About being naked . Ya, no. But then my par rent visiting all the time, so that would not be good. But it is like i had forgotten something, ill totally run out, do what i have to do and go back into the bathroom. How do you feel about being naked . Bobs on his phone. Oh, bob has six kids, we know how i feels about being naked. Right now . No no. Oh, someone just tweeted. Bob is pointing to traffic. Someone just tweeted me and he said i just realize now that you guys talk about it that i have ben bread crumb, no wonder i feel like ive been deep fried. Pretty clever. Thats horrible. Hey, bread crumbing happens, people. We need to advice ate topic we were discussing yesterday. We talked about bad hair. And all that was going on with, that you guys revealed yours was pretty good. Caught you at least sort of awkward moment in middle school years. And then some people there is thomas. Looking off to the side. Giving the side eye. And then we have karen who was like glamour shot im so fabulous. Twentysecond on this one, i got inspired by my darker hair to go back darker again, so brought it back. Oh, so today we are looking at darker hair. Throw back my younger years. Very nice, looks good. Lets see your hair. Yes. People, didnt you . My parent are from texas, so they had to go through all of the pictures, trying to find one. And they found one. Back when i played soccer. Here we go. Oh, my. Oh. So, and i played soccer for hot minute. All i did was pick at the grass. But i think im trying to explain this, what happened. My mom goes i think we forgot it was picture day. And you had your hair we had hair up in a ponytail. So i didnt want my hair up in a ponytail for the picture so just took it down and let it be, ya. There it is. I think thats still i mean, pretty good picture, but i do understand the hair up. Not a good look. Not a good look. But you can tell it was in the summertime. Because any hair when im out in the sun it gets a lot lighter. One time i went to arizona took dessert tour, i had blonde streaks in my hair. Oh, the natural look, looks good. Thats natural all right. Natural. There we go. Karen we will keep waiting for your actual real bad hair days. My par rent away. I would like to say that, thats part of the problemment normally they do help me out. Mom, finds a picture. Theyre away and i forgot. One karen posted on her instagram . Show it. I had my hair done yesterday. Super mod. I thats fabulous one, are you kidding me . That was color from bond to brown, winter dark. I like t a lot of people do that. They go darker because it is wintertime. That kind of thing. Bob, i would bring the camera there but are you taking off your clothes. I was, you guys werent coming to me. Welshing we have to censor some things, you know what i mean . Taking my jackets off, thats okay. All right. We want to get with you because we know that President Trump is on his way, also Vice President pence, so there is a lot thats going to be happening specially road closures, and you have been keeping us updated all morning. You know what i like to say, motorcade madness. Times three today. We got three separate motorcades on the way to philadelphia today. Here is a live look at 9 13, the schuylkill expressway, we just cleared out an accident, which in the tunnels, under 30th street station, traffic starting to move again there. Here is a live look at the 42 freeway, coming in toward philly. Again, everything is wet from the drizzle, and the littleane we had. Now, as we are speaking, and as we are getting ready for the president ial visit, Vice President , and the Prime Minister, theyre moving in 700 cars into the Pennsylvania Convention center for the auto show. That opens up saturday. So, a lot of extra volume into and out of the city, on vine st. Local. And the convention center, expect delays, on 95, and the vine expressway, whether we have three separate motorcades, coming our way, heres the details. Vice president will arrive first around 103 the president around 11 30, then the Prime Minister around 12 30. Expect delays and that will set the tone for the entire day. Yaz, born, raised right here in philly. Were so proud of him. Hes doing so much. But he got where he is today in large part because of his mother. And so she is here, of course, video came on empire, we love empire. And weve been talking about this show nonstop. Everyone lovers t then also, the new addition story, thats currently airing right now, night two last night, the final night is tonight. He plays mike have i ends. Doing such great job. But we have andrea barry, miss berry as i like to call her, you decided to write a book about your life with yaz and what it was like raising him. Yes. What made you decide to write this book . Welshing i wanted to write it because i wanted to inspire and encourage parent, i wanted to let them know that because youre a single parent, you could still get through things and also brush your hair from disorders, adhd being one of them. That was very challenging, and throughout my, me being a single parent, i just wanted to let, you know, tell people about it, so they you have to educate yourself on whatever your child is going through, so you can advocate for them properly and help them to be the best person they can be. So the book is called before empire raising yaz the greatest and the touching story every single mother raids ago star. We are showing pictures in the book. You kind of talk about you guys are pretty close. Yes. Showing inlet mat moments and pictures in the book. Yes. We are, and also when he told me he wanted to be a rapper, i took it to the Second Season of empire, thats when i started to develop him, but through all of that, you know, toyed deal with his disorders, and still being a single parent, because i had the salon, so basically i just wanted to encourage parent on just being present, and he just, you know, for parent being there, both in their personal and carreers. Because it is needed. When you say survive, because i wag going through some of this book, and soft of the different moments, talk about survival, you talked about abuse, yazs father, he abused you. I want to put up a quote that really stuck out to me. You said every time he hit me it felt like i was being run over by a truck. When the blows lessen, i was able able to take a quick glance into his eyes. I didnt see his father any more, i was looking into the eyes after demon. True. I did go through physical abuse while i was caring bry shear, i was pregnant, then in the bookie talk about it exclusively, how i got through it. So again, i wanted to put this out here, to be encourage to go parent, and to women, who ever is going through, just to, you know, let them know that you can get through this. You can do this. You can get through this. Whats your relationship with yazs father now . There is none. Because i raised him, you know, with the help of my parents, and, you know, having resources around him. So i dont have a relationship with him at all. But you talk about that. You over came it. Yes. You went through that and over came it . Yes. He didnt witness any of it. Because at that point, being abused, i made a decision to say thats it. And you think that helped him get to where he is today, make that decision . Absolutely. My children, because i do have another daughter. I have a daughter. Would have been witnessing it, and thats traumatizing. You know, thats traumatize to go children. It certainly is. I want to talk about some of the other stuff. The fact that he had empire, his big break, and you talk about that, you said even lee daniels would say, yes, already behave lining a star when he first appeared on the show, thats because thats how i treated him like a star. It didnt matter where he was. Woe perform like he was at Madison Square garden. You put the mentality, if you are going to be a star do you have act like one now. Yes, whether performing on the street, subways, because hes done that, or if youre in a bar, you still come with your dances and your band and you put on the best show that you can put on. And thats what i instilled in him. Thats part of his art of development. There is a picture in there where you see him, School Talent show. Back up dancers. Absolutely. They were professional dancers, strict screening, and, you know, i was real strict with that. So. Now, being his manager, are you still currently his man year . No. But in the beginning, when things were really getting going were you there . Yes. What was it like as a mother, you still had to be maam, a other times you put on the hat momma manager watch was that like . Hard sometimes. But i had to separate the two, because i had to once like you said be his mom, then on the manager side, he is the boss. Because i had the experience he list toned movement had to respect as a young man, developing his brained. He was like your bossy guess . Yes, he was my boss. Yes, he understood the respect level had to be there. Even though im his mom, but with a anybody, you employ, you still have to maintain a certain level of respect. So thats all, in art of developing and teaching him all about being a boss in his brand. Did you still want to continue being his manager, or now things just so it wasnt for me, it was about me, developing, and getting my own businesses, and in order, because hes so busy, you know, i felt the need to have to bring someone else onto take on that role, because i have my foundation, and my management company, and other things i have going on, along with the book. I have always been independent in whatever i was doing, so, i didnt want to stand in his way because i had other things going on. Welshing one last thing real quickly. A lot of people may be surprised to know that even though he is big star, we see him everywhere, you still have multiple jobs, creating your own empire yourself, youre in school. What do you say to some people okay he is a big star, why are you doing all that . You should be over there in l. A. Or something . For me once again im independent, i love my job, make my job for 17 years. You know, he is a young man. This is buy you house or something . He will, when the time permits, im in the red at this leave yet. Then thats when it will happen. But tonight i will be at one daddy for the new addition watch party tonight. Well, thank you. So glad youre here in philly with us. When does it come out . The book available for pre order now on amazon, on anywhere that you can order on line, it will be in target. It will be in walmart. It is on books and millions, it will be on i books and kindle, as well, the actual print copy comes out april 4th. But you can pre order now. Okay. Sound good. Im sure hes so proud of you too. Before empire. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. I appreciate it. Lot of luck here. 9 21, in the Award Winning violin cents, escobar, is here, he is joining us live to perform princes purple rain like youve never heard it before. You dont want to miss this. So stay tuned. But first, heres a snipit of him taking on john legends all of me. I read this story yesterday, and it freak me out. I just went skiing. Did you hear about tim daily . Recovering this morning after a nasty skiing accident. So he tweeted this yesterday. Humans, broke my right ankle, and left knee skiing. Simultaneously, how is that for talent . Im all good. He was in utah for the suns dance film festival. Had to go to surgery yesterday after the incident, and hes known for madam secretary and some other things, but look being at eight week recovery. Wow. Have to figure out what to do since he broke both the legs. Do they try to shoot around them, screws up the whole shooting because he is in all of the next episodes. So have to figure out what to do. But two broken legs. Oh, my gosh. Shoot from here up. Really . They give you flashbacks . It did. I was like im so glad i didnt hear this story, before i went skiing. You guys know i struggled, you saw the video from it. If you think youre good, it is the stopping i think thats also really hard. That was the hardest part for you . Also i didnt learn it because we didnt have time. What do you do . Run into the fence. It is difficult. I mean you did a great job. It was so impressive. An inspiration for so many people to go out and try it. My favorite shot. My face was like aah. H. And kit kat kline said there was another story about someone near accident while skiing, and it happened the same day i went skiing, like were in the going to tell her. Dont tell her about it, just let her go. But i did it and ive heard a lot of Horror Stories about skiing. Lick anything, dangerous, hard to do. Yes. Thats what makes it kind of cool. Have you skid . I tumble. I havent fully, i mean, like trying to get no, i dont ski. No. We will get it together. You know who skis, awesome . Karen, you and your kids . No, jenn fred. She rocks it, of course she boards, does all kind of stuff. Jen . Talking about your skiing prowess, but right now talking to your jews juice, green juice . It is National Green juice day, so we have to come to the place that has the green juice better than anyone else. Called the hulk. We will introduce you to the hulk right after the break. I laugh, i sneeze. There goes my sensitive bladder. Sound familiar . Then youll love this. Incredible protection in a pad this thin. I didnt think it would work, but it does. Its called always discreet watch this. This super absorbent core turns liquid to gel, for incredible protection thats surprisingly thin. So i know im wearing it, but no one else will. Always discreet for bladder leaks that sound. Like nails on a chalkboard. But listen to this family talking thats a different kind of sound. The sound of the weekend. Its baking season. Warm up with pillsbury. Protein. Protein proteiny protein. Proteiny protein . Protein proteiny protein. At least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. New greek 100 protein. From yoplait. And speak around 1 30 or 1 00 told by vicepresident , pence, and then, the british rhyme minister, teresa may. We will keep you updated throughout all of that. 93 00 to. We will check back with jen because when it comes to the smoothie and juice, i love green juice and it is not green juice day. Yes. It is, national the green juice day, green juice day and because i like to smooch up to our boss, jeff, and, i came hero owe. Im not a boss you are not my boss. Happy National Green juice day. Happy National Green juice day good in your previous business you were a mixolgist you feel thinks all part of the evolution of making people feel good. Absolutely. This is called the hulk. Yes. It is grand daddy of all green juice. This is my green juice, it is my creation. What is so special about it well, for one, love, of course. Love. And what else, jeff. Well, start your take off, kail is what headaches this actually green. Okay. Do you have to have kail to make it a green juice. But kail has more going for it. Okay. Kail is a super food. Yes. So it is dense. It is a lot of options right there that comes in with that. You have all of the essential is we talked about doing juic ing at home and you say what you want to do is more vegetables than fruit. People put kail in and then they try to fruit it up. You say keep it green. Keep it green. Kail toss than the have a lot of moisture in it. You will put that in first. Pound or two of kail you may only get 2ounce of juice and strongly concentrated. I like to follow that but green apple. Okay. See green apple juice go through, the juicer itself, comes out dark green and then starts to fade out. Then there is something about the row maine. You dont put it all in together. Do it in stages just like when i was bartending you dont mix a training. You put the ice in first, and then vodka. That is right. And im just saying. Ginger, everyone loves to put beginning inner a green juice. Well, you know, ginger is option that will. Some people, they dont care for the taste, i love it, i savior the ginger. Do you want to taste it or feel it. Nice. Should we have a little glass to celebrate. Yes. National green juice day. How long you have to to set this up. I use this juicer. So that is made on the spot. We have 30 seconds. All right. And, ive got it down to a science here. Yes, that much juice. You really want me to try that. Mike, he loves the juice. Mike g. Mike g, behind the camera. Yes, happy green juice day. Mike, drink your juice. This is the hulk. Cheers to you, jeff, you are awesome. That is really good. Thank you. You dont stink at this we should open up a juice place. I thought about it. What do you think, mike. This is good. Thumbs up, thumbs down from mike. Thumbs up. He never lies. Yes. He keeps it real. Yes. Thanks, jen. He said i love green juice. She changed television worlds american women so many people looked up to her such a inspiration. We are remembering Mary Tyler Moore and the legacy that she leaves behind. 9 39. Welcome back. Calling it quits, scarlet johansen and her husband roman doriak they decided to divorce after two years of marriage. The civil war actress and he is a french journalist they have a twoyear old daughter together. This will be her second divorce. She was previously married from 2008 through 2011. Im sure she will find love again. Sad news about them divorcing but im sure they will fine their separate lives. We have more sad news, hours after her death enormous fitting tribute for Mary Tyler Moore. Internet sales of her hit show are sky rocketing. Dick van dyke show, Mary Tyler Moore show, people want to reminisce. I want to see movie ordinary people again. People want to take a look at the that again. Hi van, you are out there on the west coast. What is the very latest with all of this. Yeah, obviously very, very sad Mary Tyler Moore a pioneering actress in many ways the first Carrie Bradshaw , had passed away but people reveling, taking time to look back at the her old work like you guys just said. People are gravitating toward Dick Van Dyke show and Mary Tyler Moore show. Sales of the Mary Tyler Moore show up 23,000 percent, since the news of harry tyler mores death passed, Dick Van Dyke show sales up 5,000 percent and down loads of ordinary people, which was a movie she was nominated for an Academy Award for, has been going through the roof. It shows how much she meant to people and how much she want to take solace in her work now that shes gone. A lot of people didnt get to frankly she died at 80. They didnt get to see her work. You see her. She had such a funny, courageous woman and people talking about her. They want to see what she did. So many people can still connect. People they years ago a lot of woman can connect with the fact single would hand just trying to make it. Yeah, i think, you know, to be honest with you, in the current climate and what we saw, with the womens march last week even, i think it is good to know that sort of the fight, you know, for feminism and seeing women trying to make it has been happening a very long time and this woman should be celebrated as one of the pioneers on television, of this, you really cant over state, the the importance of Mary Tyler Moores role on tv. That is the truth, van. She change it on tv and so many offices for woman all around this country who lived up to it and followed her example in the offices. Thanks, van. Thanks very much. We will be watching tmz live today at 3 00. I never miss it. 9 42. Are we ready for this performance Damien Escobar is here, he will perform princes purple rain and that will happen next. Ready. Im ready. Hes ready. Too mild for snow, just rain we are dealing with this morning as we zoom in closer, still a lot of widely scattered showers throughout the area, were starting to see beginning of the end out toward lancaster county, western party in way and we have maybe an hour left of this to go at the most. We had light rain around philadelphia, more of an annoying then anything else. Temperatures well above freezing, of course. Fortyfour in philadelphia. Forty in mount pocono. Fifty in dover. We think with enough sunshine once it comes out we will get up to 55 degrees but wind pick up today and then a cold trend as we get toward the weekend but we will call it appropriate thely cold because it is normal temperatures for january coming up. We have to remember that sue, this is not normal. Yes. We have been talking about, the new one. Yes, Fried Chicken shell. Chicken this is shell. The chicken is in the shell there it is, it is the shell. There is no meat. It is chicken, with all of the toppings in the hid will. It started, i think yesterday, and we asked an intern can you please get it. We have to try it. So jackie, one of our interns here. She got us one. It is kind of small. She only got one. Yeah,. And it is a soft taco. Chicken soft taco inn identify. There is chicken inside. So, we dont pay her a lot of honey. So heres the thing when kitkat kline, they sent her back out and she got in her car, and, she will get chicken taco before we get back. Do you want it. Go ahead. It looks good. Lets talk about Damien Escobar because he is here, ready to perform, m. A. Ward winning violin player. Unique sound all of his own. We want to show you, he can really do some wraps, all kinds of stuff. He has a new single called get up and dance. Well, it is amazing, i love that hat by the way. Thank you. You werent sporting one this morning. Too aggressive for morning news, i had to tone it town. You are very tall, by the way. Hello. So nice to meet you. Pleasure is all mine. Were you one of the third, americas got talent. Many years ago i was a young whipper snapper, but not anymore, i wish. What is best thing, we can tell you love, what do you feel when you are laying. It is an escape. Music is therapy. When i perform it is an escape for me from reality. Yes. Can i ask you why violin, why did you choose the violin. I fell in love with it, as soon as it was brought to my house. I took it at 8 00 years old. I was justin treeinged by this instrument that made it sound like my voice. You have been doing it since you were younger. Yes. I hope you know this he is youngest graduate of juliard. It is a rumor. Is it real. It the is true. I was 13. What was it like being there as a youngest. It was tough. Think bit, juliard is a college. I was killing the college kid. They were like we hate this little kid. They made my life miserable for four years but it is all good. They were proud of you. Yeah. Yes. It was amazing. The experience was amazing, but the students, geese. They are tough. It made you stronger. Absolutely. You are working on another album. The album boundless is coming out how much seventh. Why boundless. For me, as a man, it was like a coming of the age moment as a man and musically you cannot pigeon hole my music, you cannot the box it in, i will do what i want to to. It gives me chills. You will do prince purple rain. Oh, yeah. Were excited. Damien escobar, everybody. You said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. General mills big g cereals hear you. Thats why we say yes to whole grains as our first ingredient. And no way to high fructose corn syrup. In every honey nut o. Every lucky charms spoonful. And every cinnamon toast crunch square. You can feel good about General Mills big g cereals. New pantene doesnt just wash i wiyour hair, it fuels it. Gain. Making every strand stronger. So tangles dont stand a chance. Because strong is beautiful. We got an update from the intern trying to bring us back a chicken taco. We asked her to bring new taco belichick even taco where the shell with the chicken is. She brought us a soft taco with chicken inside. We sent her back. Hopefully she will make it before the end of the show. I think shes literally running in. Do we have car service. We dont have a car service here we go. Come on, jackie. There she goes. Yes. Did you bring three. Yeah. She said she got the three. So tacos all the way around what school do you represent. Immaculata. Very nice. Okay. Naked chicken is that what they call it. We were talking about getting naked earlier in the show. Now were getting name. They said it was all white meat i think. Look at it. Yes. It sounds good. Okay, karen, what do you think. I think it the is really good. If you dont like the bread, it is perfect, because it is just all of the good stuff and the chicken, what do you think it is not bad. That was like the most lame excuse. I can say that because we, we paid for it. It wasnt sponsored. We have a little surprise here what is happening. Hello, my kind sir. Fire fighter hurley what ladder are you from. Fire company two. Our dear alex. I watch you have morning and i just wanted to say hi. So sweet. My goodness. Tell me your name. Adam. Nice to meet you. Ladder company 27. Yes, sir. Shout out to Ladder Company number 27, we a rebater it, thank you so much. Keep it right here on fox 29 for complete coverage of the president s visit here to philadelphia, the republican retreat. This is sweet. Have a good day everybody. Announcer live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Hello. We dont judge. Announcer now, heres wendy [ applause ] wendy thank you everybody for watching my show. Say hello to my cohost, my studio audie

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