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Okay, you want the diy trend. But you probably dont wand to spent 400 for a pair of ripped up jeans, alisa is back, will show us how to make this at home. It is pretty cool. Okay, you remember her, as the fit mom. So lets get picture of her right away. Personal trainer hearing sharing her experience, as she says, her fit body actually complicated her pregnancy. Thats 27 weeks into her pregnancy. Here she is, about ready to pop. Sean tell duncan, first made headlines for rock that full set of eastbound during pregnancy, she is 27 years old, none confessed her ripped stomach muscles actually caused problems, so on her instagram, she shared her struggle. Duncan said they struggled to rip jeremiah from my tummy as my abs locked him in, super tight, as i began vomiting during the operation. Over sharing . So to tell all of the women out there wearing a cscar, im very proud of what mine means here are memories of the day we all became mommys or mum ills. So, karen hepp, following this story, they took the babies cesarean . Yes, emergency csection. So, she was she shares the picture of the cesarean. So i think the complications were because she needed to have that, hoping to have vaginal delivery but couldnt. Interestingly, the baby has been as tight as fit, still 7 pounds. Big babe. I pretty big baby, wasnt like the baby was small. Now i know people sometimes say, ive never heard the time, ob gyn. Yes. I know ob gyn, you can look at this, i mean, you can tell, i am no obyn. No. I nos the process well all right. Anyway. What in the heck if ob gyn there. s watch this show every morning, would strong abs, strong stomach muscles prevent a natural vaginal birth . Thats confusing. Why . I couldnt figure out it would be, that should be helpful, would help to push the baby out. That will would make good sense, i dont know her problem was, and she didnt really reveal it. Interesting. We have have done so many stories about when there is fit mom, working out, lifting weights, people freak out, no, it is okay, it is okay. Well, here is one situation where really fit mom. She is saying hey it ended up causing complications. But does she know what she is talking about . Again, we look to ob gyn a he is, why would strong stomach muscles prevent a vaginal birth . Why . No, think what i it did make it more difficult to do to cut through the stomach muscle. Oh,. Thats all that i think thats what she is talking about. Here is the thing. Scale pell is unbelievably sharp. You can cut through a could you ace hide with it. Much less a womans abs. Bring in a doctor. You are going have a baby, all have your vision, first child, all excited have your birth plan, write down hopes, dreams. Go into to have the baby. Rip it all up. Because whatever you thought would happen. You cant predict it, you dont know whether you worked out from now until, you know, whatever, fit mom, not fit mom. Whatever it is. You never know whats going to happen. So thats what happened to her. She just got dose babely do what babely do. I know my mom wasnt in great ship. I was the fifth of six kids, long time ago, she wasnt nobody was running back then, you didnt see people running down the highway. Nobody was jogging. Nobody was doing crunches. There was no thigh master. I remember my mom, she did a lot of walking with my d they would walk together in the park. And i didnt think she was that strong, but she said i came early, in the living room, she knocked a grant father clock, during labor. What did you shootout across the room and hit the clock. No, she did, she was in so much pain. She was like i had you with without any drugs, all natural birth, very proud of that. And she lets me know. Well, talk about my mom, who was not in shape, thats okay, i was 10 pounds. So it was a problem. And i was coming out ass backward. I was breach. 10 pounds . 10 pounds, here we go. I wasnt coming out. My butt was coming out first. Crazy thing, all head. All head. Thats why they call me butt face to this day. So they had to use these steel forceps, began in there, yank me out by the head. Thats why your head is shaped this way. And they had to spin me around, so even complications no matter what. And your mom still had more kids. Had another child after that. Because you cant fin wish this guy. One more time. No, im sure that me, and my younger sister, joanne, fours years later, we were mistakes. Oh, why do you say that . I know it. They didnt have much money. They were struggling to raise four kids. They didnt want two more kids. But she saw you and it was all love. That changes back to for the, year to year. Yep, they were doing their catholics, and ya . Roulette, really . Ya. So, should we talk have you gotten the new phone . No, if i dont get it by friday, this will be trouble. Yes . I have to get it today tomorrow or friday, or the tech guy will go crazy. Im loving the new emoji. I love the seven where you can draw. You have that . Emojis will be available to apple customers, software upgrade. Another ways of time, it is great. Now, new female pro next icons. So talking about a judge, mechanic, farmer, singer, it will happen. Both male and female. As well as customary utilize. That will but one of my favorites, real excited about is the face palm emoji. Oh . That is fantastic. Uhhuh. So give me exam job so many times, now what i do, if i am texting ill put an asterisk oh, i said there is and put asterisk, walks away slowly, on hands in the face, that kind of thing, to describe what im doing . Now, right there. That emoji is the story of my life. I do this almost every day in my minds. Oh, what have i done now . Oh. I love it. Or someone says something silly and youre like oh, we cant. Seriously, my gosh. Every day i get it from alec. I cant with you. Really good. Thats great description. Really tried coming to me one day, whats this mean . Is that something specific about no, it means there is so much going on here, were just diagnose to say a last. In my experience now, a lot is not good. A lot . When directed at me, it is not good. You think about all of these things, so smart, it is, well, it is a lot of things. You shouldnt have done something negative. Another thing really cool. The slug. So now, couldnt do that. Is there an eye roll . I dont know. Oh, thats cute. It is cute. I dont know. But mike, the one youre upset about, because the peach, people been use that one, now getting an upgrade. Before the one on the left, people always use it because it looks like it looks like somebodys butt, or a heart. People use it for the butt. Anyway, so they changed the peach, now looks more like a peach. We wanted a peach with a peach. It looks more like a peach now. And who want the peach . I mean, peaches are great. I love peaches. But like fun when people use it as an euphemism, oh. Like some of the other emojis around. Lets go to singer from the 70sment alex, karen, i love your peaches, want to shake your trees. Or who was the singer . Steve miller, right . Can you finds that milky way . And i think just google that line. The joker. I really love the song is the joker. I really love your peaches i want to shake your tree. Oh, my gosh. So even with the old peach, it just looks cuter to me, like cute little it is a cute peach. This one so peach. I some peaches are cute. Some are not. Really . Whether you pick it up, they smell so good, but feel like skin. One of the few fruits that actually feel like skin. Because there is hair ton. Peach fuzz. Skin on beautiful womans armor baby, peach fuzz. Peach fuzz . Oh, im man, full of testosterone, i dont have peach fuzz, i have i have a beard. You better enjoy it before you get the new selfie. Kind of real, but still oh, karen there is a big statue in i think it is in georgia, no, south carolina, and it is a huge peach, can you google that, big thing, because in the town their water tower is shaped. Like a peach . Uhhuh. So just imagine all than can be said about that. Now, georgia is pot etch state. Are you sure it is not georgia . I think is south carolina. Google and scan one thing. No, no, i know that, so are you going to punch up megan . Yes lets see it. Doesnt see much light on her. Didnt look like it. Thats a song for the joker, what she is looking on right there. She just ignoring us. Okay, the first part whatever . Got to be the peach state. This grow teaches p south carolina. They do. South carolina right there. Boom. South carolina here go. Ready for this . Can i show it on here . Oh. Look at that. Yes. Thats it, baby. Look at the position. Everyone . That does not look like even just a peach. No. It looks like something oh, i had to google it, like i needed to know. Wow. How many pictures have been taken under that . Wow. See, youre all right, lets quit having fun and go to steve. Steve . All right. Unbelievable. Reporter well, we just lost orient view, but there she goes, on her shuttle bus, she wait add hour for. She goes to a philly charter school. And no school yesterday. Because of the chaos. Soap, she finally got her bus, and i said to the bus driver, it is five minutes a block. Look where we, are broad and wyoming, remember our last hit broad and olney. Took thus long just to get about six blocks. And look at this shot. So, the bus makes the light. That bus is going to be in the shot for as long as i talk, and way longer. And it is a school bus, but that doesnt mean it is a septa bus. And thats the problem. Traffic is horendous on broad street, see the down the hill, up the hill, turn around, look this way. We better not walk into this third lane here. It is nuts. Everybodys honking horns, everybodys cursing, and it is awful out here. And lets show you the reason why. Here we go. Heres everybody thats walking and driving, normally would be on the broad street subway. And you can see, like one of the stations here, many stations, they got that fresh yellow sign station closed and the gates all lock up. Septa must have invested in new change, see that complain . Very silveri and shiny, had bunch of new chains, new locks for their thing yesterday. So, another horendous day, get ready to hear a lot of car horns like this, and get ready to be very patient, and only go about a block every five minutes, if you are lucky. Oh. Yikes. All right, 9 15, come on, lets settle this strike. What do you say . I dont want to do this another day. National deviled egg day. Going to bob first. All right, bob, what do you have . Thats all right. What do you have . Eating deviled eggs here, live look at i95, southbound, jam from pretty much wood half mean downtown you got northbound, delay, that stretches from pretty much center city, all the way up to bridge street, accident right there, live look at cottman avenue there. Heres another question, just came in. For our calling on kelly here, new from the northeast wants to know, is there a cocktail car on the Regional Rail trains . Hey, we can probably make some money out that far one there, not amtrak train, septa and we dont have any cox tail cars on the Regional Rails but we do have average of 30 minute delays on all of septa Regional Rail lines, gridlock around city hall. From that protest we showed you few moments ago, from skyfox, in center city. 9 16. Bob, wow, yes, thank you, mike. 9 16. And National Deviled Egg day, i love deviled eggs, favorite day. Yes, sue, also loved dealed eggs. One of the five things i actually cook. Must be an expert. And then you are . I accept rate. Chef from ocean prime. You love deviled next. We do, we do. National deviled egg day. And were all deviled egg fans, why dont we have a deviled egg so we start with sue, we come to you. And we will we will compare, ill be the judge. Okay. Okay . Ill be fair here. Sue, what kind are you preparing . Well, i thought i would go seasonal, try to be cute on account of i have egg envy already from chef rory, because i know it will be good. So, i went to pinterest, and found these devils eggs, that look like little pumpkins. Do you see them behind us here . Theyre so cute. Arent they a door be . They are. Cute. I never made them before. Going to try them for the first time here, because you know i like to do that, where and then maybe pin it on pinterest. Pin this. I love this. Right. So the key to making it look orange, though, roasted red peppers. And hopefully you can see them right there. Okay . Since i wont make anything that has more than five ingredients in it, it is mustard, it is mayonnaise, and my secret ingredient, it is that seafood seasoning. Oh, okay. Okay, egg. Well, you got to have the egg. So, while put that together, go ahead, put that together, ill what name deuce for yours . Truffled deviled eggs topped with caviar. Oh, fancy. So we do our egg yolks have been meld or pushed through a sieve. Mayonnaise, truffles, truffle oil, dry mustard, chives, white pepper, salt, and had little bit of lemon juice, top it with the calf year. Top it with calf year. Put something together here. So heat up some of them already. Yes, yes. Both of you guys working at the same time. Sure. Sure. Little economy pigs here. Idea, youre supposed to use a tooth pick to make it look like a pumpkin. Okay . Well, im not sure whether i should be just, well, cheese. Okay . Lets look, see. I have egg envy for sure. I like your idea, sue. So then, i brought these chives, right. Lovely, mix ours up. Wont up like this. What happens when you get like this watery thing in there . Look how neat your legs look. Dump that watery thing out. Waterproof. Yes, there you go. Might as well get the professional advice while hes here. All right . Nice helping out the competition here. The roasted pepper thing so here is sue. And then here is ocean prime. Sue, since you got started first . Yes, chase it. Okay. Ill stick to the one right . Okay. Here we go. How is that . Oh, gives it extra flavor. It does. Oh, look at this. Wow. Is there one you recommend . Go ahead, take that one, that one looks great. Yes,. No pressure, alex. There goes. You like caviar . laughing . I have a confession, you know, being the texas girl that i am from the country, i never had caviar before. What . How was it . It was good. Just enough. Yes, just enough. laughing . Stop that. You have this. Flavor, and this, oh, the flavors, explode in your mouth. Yes, we feature this at ocean prime, seven days a week. Here is the calf year. Oh, great. And you love caviar. Ocean prime is very romantic. Yes. We have breaking news open, can we do that just for a second . See if you can bring that up. Im partial. I almost oh, messed up there. 9 26. There could be a new princess across the ponds. Prince harrys rumored girlfriends is apparently quite popular with the royal family. We got to learn more about this woman. Porche, who is it . It is megan mccall, and she is american, and apparently, she has made him fall in love with her. Because hes already introduced her to his father, prince charles. What . To me that says this relationship is really serious, now they met back in may. But like i said, apparently the romance has gone to the next level. Even though theyre long distance, somehow theyre able to keep it together and, you know, theyve been visiting each other back and forth, and both of them pretty quiet about this little romance. Were just hearing about it, but we hear that it is very, very serious, even matching jewelry, like the bracelet. So they have a lot in common. That could be a big scandal, she was dating a celebrity staff. Right . She is divorced, right, older than him, she is 35. And shes by racial. So, i think that it is just wonderful that she will be taking over the kingdom soon. And she is suit. Didnt she date roy mcelroy. Whole bunch. How old is harry . How old is hairy . Hes 32. Okay. Hes 32. So not that much older, but shes experienced, remember, she divorced, been there, done that, knows house to get a husband if anything. Oh, my gosh. Interesting. So shes wards wearing beaded bracelet, he happens to be wearing the same beaded bracelet. But instagram last night, making a lot of trips to london recently. She has been. Exactly. Well, porche, thank you for that. Thank you. It is quiet no more, because of porche williams. How do you meet a prince, and like get in touch where he can ask you out . What circles do you have to be in . Instagram,. He did not fly in . Secretly, he secretly following her under like a pseudo name. Thats how they matched up the bracelets. What . Wait. Thats how he started wearing matching bracelets . No pictures every them together, but him wearing a bracelet, her wearing the bracelet. Where was that party . Theyre always with celebrities. Oh, okay. Black leather skirt too. Anyway, a force on the football field. I want to meet her. Breaking down some barriers, playing target football with the boys, she here, her coach is here, inspiring story. I alone can fix it bomb the [bleep] out of em. Id like to punch him in the face. I like people that werent captured, okay . Hes a mexican she ate like a pig. I moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that. I love war. Yes, including with nukes. Blood coming out of her. Theyre rapists. Wrong. There has to be some form of punishment. Such a nasty woman. I wanna be unpredictable. On 5th avenue and shoot somebody. Shes a slob. I dont remember and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Prioriat a neighborhoods a is rerestaurafavorite a place for a good, family meal. She juggled customers, cooks, waitresses and never complained. My dad was a Police Officer walking his beat. I learned from both what it means to be honest, to work hard, and love family. Big banks, wall street, special interests thats who pat toomeys with. In the senate, ill work for you and your family. Im katie mcginty, and i approve this message. Okay. Our next guest is remarkable shes a young lady breaking down barriers break go through her own Glass Ceiling in a way. So meet, quinn. Quinn chain is one of the four children. Her mom says that the sports have always played a huge role in her life and out of of everything that she does, her passion is football. They see me out there, it is a girl. Im a girl. Im coming for you. Quinn is certainly in the seventh grade at richardson in green field, delaware county. Shes only girl on the fat ball team and force on the field who commitment is unmatched. Just ask her coach. Unfortunately quinn had lost her father a few weeks ago and it happened on a monday night. We have a game on tuesday, afternoon. And, she showed up at school. I said quinn, what are you doing here . She said, we have a football game. You told me yesterday in practice that when players go down, that i need to go in and step up, and, now i can take over someones starting spot. Tom brady filled in and look at tom brady. I want to be tom brady. That commitment landed number 12, a well deserved role as one of the team captains. So we have, number 12 right here in the studio, quinn chain with her coach, mr. Nelson. Good morning. Thanks for being here. Should i call you quinn brady. Yes. Well, name any sport, name any sport you have played. Swimming, soccer, softball, basketball, volleyball, lacrosse, did i miss one. Field hockey. So, i know you have three, are they all older brother. No, i have younger brothers. Have they influenced to you get into sports. Yes. Are they football players. Yes, both of them were on the varsity team. So one dropped out, but other one is still on the racerty team. So coach, why is she able to play with the boys. Well, it the is more her determination, shes just fearing nothing on the field. So, you know, we dont discriminate, we allow anyone to come out on the team. She just has the heart and that is what you need in order to play football you have to have heart. What did you do when she came up and said hey coach, i want to play football. Last year she said she wanted to play. I have had girls come to me before but when it comes time to get equipment, they never show up. Quinn is there. You got to be kidding me. I talk to her brothers and she said they really want to play. We will see if she shows up. I said all right, well, we will go from here and see how it works out. You will not just let her play. She has to prove she can handle it. Shes not the kicker. You know what position she plays, she plays both side, linebacker, and fullback. Not the a half back. Shes a fullback. They give you the ball and you crash in the line. Umhmm. How is that working for you. It is pretty cool. Show them the bruce. That looks like ecuador. Oh, my god. You are fearless. You look at that and like do you want to go back out there, you have a game tonight. Yeah, it is a badge of honor. It is proud to be bragging about it. How does it feel when you are out there on the field to be the only girl, how does it the feel. It is pretty awesome, because they see me, it is a girl, we will go for her. They come after you. Sure. Well, some of the other teams, when we have to shake hand, some just put their hand down. Really. Where is sports man ship in that. Do you just ignore them. Yes. One game we had, i was take my hand out and i shook it for him. Good for you irrelevant girl. Coach, is this more prevalent and do they have a future . Can girls play in high school. We do at our high school we have a girl that is a kicker, and the kicker this front of her, hes really good but she has been in a few games where she has kicked. There are some girls. It is easier at middle school level because at the this point girls are most girls are bigger than the boys, and in seventh and eighth grade so when eighth grade they start to change. The boys begin to get bigger but at this point quinn is receipt i much matched up among all of the other boys. Shes only a seventh grader. Most seventh graders dont play as much as she has played. Do you plan on sticking with these sports. What makes football your favorite. I love the intensity of it, like being able to hit someone. Yes. And just fun to be out there on the field, with the guys. Do you plan on sticking with this then. Umhmm. All right. How burr teammates do they support you. Yes. At first i didnt think all of them thought i would be on it. They thought i was going to quit second day but now they are used to me being around. After you tackled them a few times. Yes, you have been named captain. Two games she has been game captain. Great to meet you quinn. Good luck this evening against drexel. Yes, drexel hill, she will be playing inside linebacker. That is right. Glad to meet you both. Nice meeting you. 9 38. Jimmy kimmel ons halloween prank leaves kid in tears, you know how this goes every year but this one is one little girls adorable response to her mom eating her candy. I dont know what i said, ahh. Who attributed a reporters questions to her menstrual cycle. Trump blood coming out of her. Wherever. He is not a person who is equipped in temperament, judgment or character to lead our troops. Donald trump has created a toxic atmosphere pitting one group against another. Hes a mexican. Claiming a person cant do the job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Donald trump i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. And shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go f themselves you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of r wherever. You gotta see this guy. Ahh, i dont know what i said, ahh. I dont remember. Hes going like i dont remember okay. It is unmasking, the legacy, this is my, philly magazine, philly man magazine and jersey man magazine but women are certainly invited to this. Women will be honored tonight including our very own karen hepp. I get the to give you an award tonight. There will be ten men and women who have had profound impacts on our community and they will be honored. Congratulations, karen, this is big. Im profoundly nerdy. A little bit. No, this is great. Im excited. Cant wait to to it. I have to find a dress to wear. You have to have a mask because is there a prize for best mask too. Tickets are still on sale, they will be on sale for another 15 minutes or so, okay. Unmasking the legacy. At ballroom at the bend been tonight, which is on chestnut street. I will give you web site to buy tickets in the next 15 minutes when jen is done with her distressed jeans. Shes under stress. You can teach us how. Pound on them. I am. I know mike hates ripped jeans, he rips on everyone wearing ripped jeans but women love them. She will show us how to do it by herself right after the break and it looks pretty good. Katie my mom was a restaurant hostess at a neighborhood favorite a place for a good, family meal. She juggled customers, cooks, waitresses and never complained. My dad was a Police Officer walking his beat. I learned from both what it means to be honest, to work hard, and love family. Big banks, wall street, special interests thats who pat toomeys with. In the senate, ill work for you and your family. Im katie mcginty, and i approve this message. Okay. There is the web site, this is where you go, to get the tickets, and there is some Still Available jersey man magazine. Com. Very simple. It is going to be a party, quite sophisticated too but make sure you have a mask to wear, not elaborate or anything like that. They sell them at the door. We all want to have stressed denim i know every day but who wants to pay for these ripped jeans two or 300. When you can do it yourself. You are showing us how. Good knife. Yes. We are saving you time, saving you money and making you look fabulous. Lisa is here who works with us on station on style. Good morning, everybody. So mike is always making fun. We see a leash a demichael she was jeans rip, if you are a mom or just starting a trend, start simple. It is all about what you are comfortable with. Whatever your look is, where you are going, some moms are not the that comfortable and that is why i say do it a little bit at a time. You dont need big slits, really high up in your thigh. This is a good example. I have two little slits, still registering that thigh trend but not overdone. You cannot the see pocket that is a good thing. Again it depend on what you are look is. If you are doing that rocker thing and you want it torn up in the pockets that looks good for that look but trying to maybe pick up from school and you dont want the other moms like what is she wearing. Yes. I feel like this is a good way to go. Give us the dos what do we need. It is really very simple. You need a good pair have of scissors ones that cut fabric. Do not wear kitchen scissors you will destroy denim. Use fabric chalk i stole from my daughter a little piece of chalk. I like to keep baby wipe on hand in case you make a mistake with your chalk, you can just erase it. You should put them on, in your closet, the jeans you will do, why you want people do this. Take your jeans, put them on. When i hade these i stood in front, had jeans on so you can see placement, how do your jeans fit you. You will start making your lines while wearing them. What i like about doing it yourself customize it tour inseems to your legs. Put it on, mark it up. For instance i made these. I started with just these before i work down here. Start here, take the queen off and start the cut and then put it back on. Make sure you did it right. Right. Other thing you say you will to have wash them. Right. And then what did you do, all kind of stuff. For knees what i do to make them look legitimate they are behind, i like to bend down, okay and break in the knees like this so these are, i made little slits but i do this the natural flow so it rips it the way my knee moves. Other thing i said to you, i said, that thigh is a little sexy. You say for some women just starting the trend there is one slit to make to make it not all of them. These other pairs, if youre super conservative but want to register the trendy like idea of doing just one knee slit. You are a little edgey but not too much, not showing your thigh. This works for me. I feel comfortable to go to school and pick up my kid. You are always trending. Yes. Other thing, you can do, you want the thing to be right at the knee or below. It is your preference. I like to make a slit and bend down so it is really how i move and walk and hitting my knee, my knee pops out. Other thing that i think i do on everything i own i cut bottom. I have a 32inch inseems and denim is a 36 when you buy it. I ten to cut all of my jeans as well. Okay, i love it. I learned a lot. I never think of doing black for the jeans. Yes. And wait one last thing make sure after you cut them up and you have have your slits you have to turn them inside out and wash them in the washing machine and play with the seems. Really rip them apart and work the hems. No one really listens to me, mike. Thanks, jen. I did this within time and now, i didnt take the jeans off bring started cutting, and now i cant have children. There are no stranger to. Did i get the eye roll. No, what are you talking about. No stranger to the spotlight but this Rob Kardashian dude and black china, they will share a very personal intimate moment on their tv show, what do you think it is. Oh, lord. You out. No warning, no hearing. Its a lending practice so outrageous, most states banned it. But at the bank founded by pat toomey it was business as usual. Forcing Small Business owners out of their homes. Toomey even used his power in the senate to help himself, voting to gut rules that protect us and crack down on big banks. Pat toomey. Out for himself, not us. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Jimmy kimmel asked parents to prank their kids just after halloween by telling them that they ate their halloween candy, and, of course, to film it. How mean. Yes. After six years it seems, of course, new kid are born and they dont know about this planning. They dont know the joke but we do. Lets take a a look. I was really hungry and i ate all of your can i. No. You idiot. I was really hung gray. You cant talk like that. I ate all of your halloween candy tonight. I ate it all. Im not mad im not happy. But i still love you. You see, i love that girl. Those other ones are brats. If i ever hit my dad in the crouch because i call him an idiot, i wouldnt be here. I brought new to this world, i will take you out. My kid would sound like that, it business this time, maybe we will do it tomorrow, what happens when you take candy. I cannot have them eating candy, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I cant get them to eat. I will be pulling it. Ill pull your candy. So i will pull your taffy. Stop it. Do you me a favor . Do this tonight. Just rip jimmy kimmel off. No, they will call me idiots and terrible. No, come on. You have brian, your husband videotape you saying this to your three boys, which kid would take it the best. None of them, they would do all of those things. It is so important to them. I dont let them have candy all that often. It is best day of the year. They love it more than anything. So kitkat candy bar is more important than their loving mother karen hepp. Without a doubt. There is no comparison. If you take that. I beg of you. I offered them a trade we can do Candy Exchange and we can get a gift. Then there is negotiating how much do we get. They want something that i dont want to get them. Would i take that too. And they come back with a huge thing. Well, your kid are mercenaries, i love this. Yes. So, there they are. Halloween costumes in the neighborhood. They are very popular our percy jackson. They are campers. Hey, boys put on your orange shirt as your costume. It is wonder you went to houses, where is your costume. Real quickly because we teased this so this black china and Rob Kardashian will have have a kid and they will tell vice the whole thing because they have a tr show. They have a reality show about their relationship but now they want to document the baby shower and the actual birth. So, the reality show on e, it is renewed for a second season. They started date nothing january. Now they are engage. Baby is due november 16th. It is coming up. Video tape the birth for a reality show. Oh, yeah, this relationship is on solid ground. So what do you call this show. Oh, then they should do reunion show afterward and call it have birth. We will see you tomorrow. Videotape that tonight please. Have a great night. See you at 4 00 a. M. I have an event tonight and see you tomorrow at 4 00 a. M. No bones about it. Ah. 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Live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Wendy how you doin . Its going to be now heres wendy wendy right back at cha. Thanks for watching. Welcome to my company hokocomp o audience

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