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Sleigh ride. We will have a foot massage this hour, maybe i will as well. I love this. Santa deserves this. He seemed so relaxed just one more day until the big night for him. That is true. You have to be calm because it will be craziness on christmas eve. When it comes to getting those gifts, do you prefer store bought or happened made gifts . You may want to log on to that pinterest game. Do it yourself is not on americans wish list. I find that so surprising. So it is in fact 62 percent say they would prefer their presents to come from the store. 35 percent of people prefer hand made gifts. When it comes to actually giving gifts will 5 percent of the people say they would rather buy a gift then make one. Women are more likely then men to prefer hand made gifts. We should bring in for this sue serio. Yes you are so craft i. Big trouble. Yes. Because nobody want what i a make. Nobody has had the courage to tell me after all these years. I make little ornament like this. You made that. Unfortunate people who work here for many years, have had many of these in their collection and appreciate you have been very kind and not tell will me you didnt want it but guess what it is too late. I dont think that survey speaks for us here. Just a little thanks. I like doing it. I like to give what i like to receive, and i like to receive hand made gifts and im in the my north apparently. I think people treasure it. The thought that counts. It is not thought but time goes into that. Sue made meehan around. But she made me a baby blanket. We love, cherish it and use it all the time. When you have something that someone made. Aunt sue made this for you. It gives it mere meaning. So is what the matter with you people. One of my best friends mom made us a blanket the when we brought our first son home from the anchor. We love baseball in my family. Out of all of the gifts we got whether it is your first born that is one that sticks out because it was hand made. Well, anyway, ebb joy. Energy. And sorry. You are getting it anyway. I think too when you have children they love when you make you something or draw you cards. You can mark their development and have it forever. If they got a a wallet or cologne you might the forget that. Well, thanks sue we appreciate it. I will take my ornament and go home. Dont listen to them. That is right. 9 03. We have some breaking news we have to get to in delaware. School bus crashed in the outside, a school around 7 00 oclock this morning. This scene is cleared right now. Twentyfour students were on the bus at the time of the accident. Several students and driver were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. No word yesterday on what caused this accident. So that is newark delaware. We can see will mur shoe school right there, so that is the good news, on that one right there. Your kid get out today. Today is last day for a lot of children. Some were out last week but a lot of them today will be the last day. We will get more information on what happened there we have a crew there now. We willably you update. So, if you received a holiday card this year, it probably came from a woman. Who else does the cards. I know. Recent poll found women are more likely than men to send greeting cards. Married women say they send cards full of Holiday Cheer and get this, survey found that 82 percent of married people plan to give presents. That is compared to 66 percent of those who never married. So, where do you fall in this survey . Now when you are giving a gift do you always give a card or sometime they have those stickers you can put on the gift and write to and from. It depend on the relationship, right. If it is a coworker a hey, happy holidays. But i think for for your mom or christmas you write out a note. To the for christmas. Nobody gets a card. We used to too. Yes. Yeah. After every time my mom would cry, no matter what we wrote she would always break down a cry. Something about cards. She didnt even care about the gift. What would you give. It is handwritten note. You would always to have Say Something specific. Mom you sat flaw all my baseball games in the sun for six hours and when i struck out you still cheered me on. You did the card all by yourself or bought a car you added your own handwritten note in there. Either way, yeah. There is no tears if you just sign your name. That is why you have to write. One of my friend in south caroline after time without fail you could get her a card and just say thank you and she would say thank you. Something about the card, she just starts crying on cue automatically. That is like when we run video of a little will kid doing something precious, because sue starts to break down. Yes. What is best gift you have ever got. Wow, it was when i was little will i loved my life size barbie. Barbie jeepy lived in the street and would i drive up and around. I thought i was hot stuff. This is one you could ride with the big wheels. With the little engine, could go through it. They go fast. Every girls dream. My gosh. Yes. What was your favorite gift. I dont even know. He was engaged to be married, my babies, my children, you are my gift, when you were screaming. Yes. Yes, very good. Not because my familys name. I was talking about this with kids. We loved signing happy holley days. It is cheesy. But we loved doing it. If i buy a card with holley decoration is we love that stuff. Love it. So that all said are you a single will person heading home with your favorite partner, for the holidays . So, what do you do when you are staying overnight in their parents home. Umhmm. This could be august war. It really can. Be 53 percent of people say it is okay for unmarried couples to share a bedroom while visiting parents for the holidays. 30 percent say they will bunk up together in the parent house. Survey comes from tapgo magazine. My parents wouldnt go for that. Parent of girls, no way, no how. I think parents of boys might be more lenient. You are right. It is a lopsided, dynamic there isnt it. Lets say i was date something one and i went over to his familys house. I would be like no, no, im in the doing that. It send a wrong message to his parents. Yeah, no, but i know there are some homes where parents dont mind. You are grown. It is what it is. Lets extrapolate out here, if you have been together four or five years and still not married. In my parents house, no. Even if you were engaged that wasnt good enough. You had to be married before you could shaver the same bedroom you had girls that totally slept over your moms house and dads house, tote thely. The door was never locked. Really. You cannot help them from trying to see where every was a asleep. Lets move on. We showed so other interesting results, 40 percent of women in relationships admit that they contacted extra in the holidays and 28 percent of the men admitted the same thing. It depend on what type of contact. We always get those around this time of the year. Happy holidays. Random text out of no where. How about a facebook now. Facebook doesnt matter. It is like social media you can contact anybody on facebook. If you saw on a Facebook Page or your current love, reach out to a x that will cause some trouble, right. Oh, yeah. Why would they be doing that. Good question. Wish them happy holidays. But then you have a time in your life when someone you pine for, that broke your heart and still around the holiday time i remember when that, yes. Even if i did i will not contact them, that is for me to deal with and they dont need to know because i guess maybe it is my pride. I like being single. Look at us, and then look at you. Yes. Look at us. Not even just you guys, people in this building, i say i will never get married because the the way you make it seem. It is very rewarding, very fun, kids are great. Im sure one day but right the now. Seinfeld fans will know what holiday is celebrate today. Especially mike jerrick. Many christmases i went to buy a doll for my son, i reach for the last one they had, but so did another man. As a rain blows upon them i said there that had to be another day. It was the story. But out of that, a new holiday was born. A festivus for rest of us. When george was growing up, his father hated all commercial religious aspects of christmas and he made up his own holiday. Another piece of the puzzle. All right. Instead of the tree, your father put up an aluminum pole. It was a holiday created by georges father as a a means of protesting the commercial nature of christmas you you just heard jerry say. One of the key parts of the celebration is airing of the grievances where you tell loved ones all the way they disappointed you this pads year. Up steady of the tree you put up that a a aluminum pole as jerry said. This totally caught on. As soon as this episode aired everybody thought this was so funny and they would have these parties. It the is hard enough with the holidays as it is with the family drama, we could list your grievances. My gosh. It might be the best thing for families though because if you thought bit, you wrote it down and calmy shared it. Over alcohol. Some things are not meant to be share. Do you think you should harbor those feelings. Not always but in the on the holiday. Yes. Close to the holidays. When is the right time. Never, keep it to yourself, bite your tongue. Karen is like hold it in, dont let it out. You want to let it all go. One train of thought. We got twitter someone saying mike jerrick must be celebrating fest ivus. He loves seinfeld. How much seinfeld change the lexicon of america, right . Yes. I love the words. Lets get to this Angelina Jolie is opening up about raising her kids with brad pitt. The actress tells australian womans weekly that married life isnt always easy while raising six kid. Jolie admits it can be difficult but she and brad work hard at nurturing their family to make sure everyone stays connected. She says she and brad try hot to let their work and travel schedule affect their family and they would rather be home with the kids then with hollywoods elite. How many kids do they have. Six. Who else has six kids. Bob kelly. Lets get your take. I agree, it is tough, it is not easy what ages do you mine. Three, 12, 13, 14, 19 and 22. Beautiful. There you go. So we had college, the oldest one kristin she just graduated. Shes teaching. We have sophomore at penn state. Three middle schoolers and austin is three. Names or you forgot. We will left to ride, noah, faith, madison jake, kristin and austin. So of those as lou at this picture which one is your favorite. Dont ask that. It is tough because they are all going in different directions. They have sports. I do agree you have to take time to make sure you have to have have that family night. We do around the dinner table high, low. Whenever were at dinner together the high low. High of your day and low of the day. High low. Even at a restaurant. Even austin yells high low. It goes to what karen was saying about airing grievances. We would sit down in the same idea of what was the hard part, what was the fun part, what was the the difficult part, one of of those. What made you think. Because when you say to the kids what did you do today. Nothing. That is true. Every time. How was school. Okay. This helps to get conversation going. Im so stealing. That. Yes. I stole in tv during the week. I could not do that eater no tv during week. From bob kellys family, your christmas present, were doing high low starting tonight. And bob will tell you you have to force them to give you an answer. You have to. Nobody gets up from the table. You have to have an answer. There is a high and low. It becomes fun and tradition. When were out in the restaurant high low. All right. What was your high point this morning. My high point was getting my mug from alex, as and my low point that the weather is yucky. Okay. Okay. Thank you. So the the New York Daily News releases its list for best internet moments. Do you remember this. We had so much fun with this. So, soso chicago. That came in at number five. Then they had to deal with the undrinkable water. We had to show you toilet. They had a a side by side toilets. Rib seeing that. You can go with the friend. Check out number four. I challenge our new co host allah exholley to do this. Ill accept that challenge. What . All right. Since he cant do it, i will do it. Back to you. Everybody doing different celebrities, former president s, they got this one challenging social media but what was great it went to a great cause good backup for a minute. When you shot that, it was outside park restaurant at rittenhouse. Didnt you have to do a second tape. What happened. First time im so short, i kind have of got it on his back. We had to change his shirt, redo it again and he had to do it on his head. Was he mad. He was a good sport bit. He was. He was a little hot. Cooled him off a little will bit. Do you remember alex from target, he was just a teenager working when a love struck fan posted a picture of him making him and his perfect teen hair a phenomenon but it turnout to be a marketing ploy. Yes. You knew it. It really took off good what about this one, the bradley cooper. Jennifer lawrence, merrill streep, some of the big hollywood a listers came together for selfie of all selfies and most retweeted tweet of the all time. Merrill streep good didnt that come out that was a set up, like they all turn up with some marketing trick, it was like camera phone with the one behind it, it was all orchestrated so they knew in advance. It wasnt like lets do this planned. I think brad pitt has nicest teeth. Jessica lawrence is pretty good too. What is number one. Jeremy meets, there he is, the the hot convict. Everybody was loving that. He god a modeling contract in jail. Cute gang member. He is so hot he got a modeling contract. The internet went nuts. Wasnt there another picture where what hes not so hot. They shot video of him walking in the courtroom and he looks rough good he had great lighting for that mug shot. Lighting makes all of the difference. Some people made it look like a calvin kline model. Women love bad boys too so the a adds to that whole thing. This is other picture. No. Good looking guy. He has great cheek bones. He is a a beautiful man. He made bad choices but he clearly is he is a good looking man good who is hottest guy of all time. Is there so many men. I was talking about this maybe, i love math in math damon. Yes. It is not that he is most good looking man on the planet but i love everything about him. He has a good marriage. He has four kids. Good choice west movies. I feel that way with blair underwood. Nice demeanor. L. A. Law. Yes. Im so old, i go back to Jacqueline Smith from charlies angels. Come on. If that is what was tickling your fancy. We have to get to this moment because we have a couple days before christmas. We have a special Advent Calendar guest this is morning. The lets bring them in. Are they here. It is your time . Dont be shy. Come on out. Look at how cute. Is what your name. Are you seven. Can i put you up here. How old are you. Six. You are so big. I thought for sure you were seven. St. Peters. Where is st. Peters. Fourth and girard. Can we put you in the anchor chair, one, two, three. He has been eating. You are a strong six years old. What are you asking santa a for christmas. Mostly video games. My son is in to mine craft are you into mine craft, hes so into that. Im kind of into mine craft. Would you like to open up the Advent Calendar. Ready. What is today, i have to check what today is, the the 23rd. You know it is eddie vetters birthday. Oh, stop it. You got a good one. Look at the that smile. Yes. You have you been good this year. What grade are you in school, what grade. First. First grade. What a great guy you are. Thanks for coming over. Merry christmas. Has your teacher been naughty or nice. Nice. Good answer. Dont listen to him. Thanks so much for coming in. Do you want to dot rest of the show. Give him the mike jerrick ride. Hold on. You read, alex since were in the christmas spirit. My journey to linvilla orchard and picking out the perfect tree do you see that face there. You have to see this when we chances are by now you have already found your Christmas Tree. Right. But since i am wills new to the Area Learning all about the different traditions i decided to go to linvilla orchards and cut your own Christmas Tree and i found out it is not an easy task. Now that it is time for holidays i had to come to the Perfect Place to get the perfect philadelphia tradition and that is coming to the linvilla orchards. Im so excited. This is a big year. Thinks a centennial celebration. Lets bring in farmer nor m. Sure thing in problem. Sounds good lets do it. Ims ready to go. Well, wait a minute, wait a minute, this is empty, isnt it. We need more participants. This is a Family Tradition so lets bring in mize family. Come on mom and dad all the way from texas. Hello. All right. All right. Now i think were ready to go. Lets go. He knows it better than me. This is linvilla orchards remix. That is what we are calling it how far is this ride out. Quarter mile, 40,000 trees in the ground and there is about 4,000 that are in the five to 8foot range that people have available to cut. Thousands of trees, how do you pick what is right tree. That is great thing about pick your own. It is all in the eye of the beholder. What about this one. This one, this one. No. You know, this story is starting to feel like goldie locks and the three bears, the christmas version. But after the third try. Okay guys, i think this is it, i think this is the one, what do you think. I think it looks beautiful. Yeah, nice. We got to feel it. Now time to get to chopping. That is why they call it cut your own. I think we have toably dad in. He has the whole family working together. Keep it going. Keep effort here. Working hard here, tim ber. He is still sawing at it. Yeah. Now it is time to pack up and get it ready to go home. How much do you think this thing weighs. 60 pounds. Linvilla folks take it from here they shake it, bail it, wrap it up, they even put a hole in the base for tree stand for you. Of course, we had to finish off our holley day tradition with smores and hot cider what a day, thanks so much for having us. Thanks for coming out. This is how you close it out. Yes. Successful tree hunt. Yes. Cheers, everybody. Holiday tradition. Happy holidays. Holley day tradition. But it was really special to do. That i want to say apparently is there a person on twitter tweeting you are always talking about your parent. Let me break it down. Yes, i am as an only child. I am a Single Person growing up here. I just moved to this area without knowing anybody, no friend, family. The fact that my parents can come and spend time to me means everything to me. It is special. This is a holiday. This is time when you are with your family. Im so grateful for them for coming out and so i wont ab loan on christmas. I a apologize if you think it is much but i love my family. We talk burr kids, hopefully one day ill have kids and ill talk to them about them too. Be careful what you wish for. That was really heart felt. It is the spirit and when family is not around or you lost a loved one i know someone going through that last year he lost his mom it is really hard for him. You keep your mom and dad, see them on new years. They are in the ready for new years. On that note. Time for a round of drinks, hosting holiday parties we are hooking you up. Three drinks you just need to add to that menu this morning, or the afternoon or after 5 00. Or the afternoon or after 5 00. One for you, one for you ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara®. It helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® helps me be in season. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting stelara®. Your doctor should test for tuberculosis. Stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. Always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. In a medical study, most stelara® patients saw at least 75 clearer skin. And the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. Ask your doctor about stelara®. Okay, so if youre hosting, thank you for coming down for me again. Im just going to stand here, how about that . High. Oh, your heads cut off, okay. If you are hosting a holiday party, think about making signature cocktail for your guest z so joining us now, kneel ross, and amy handy, from the restaurant, hi, guys. Cheers. Youll make us three different drinks, very festive ones at that, really focused on the manhattan. We drink man hat around he is our drink, but start with the other 21st . Sure. So we have here, santa san agree. I love sangria. Basically, sangria is to sometimes is a warm weather drink, we took on mold wine, which is a cold weather drink. So what you do, the muscle the m. L the wine, we do cloves, we do cinnamin sticks, we did little bit of starneice, brew it with brandy, orange peel, apples. You these . But dont want it to come to a boil. You want it to simmer. For about 20 minutes. But do you cook off a lot of the not. Thats why you put the brand any therer. Okay. So this drink is an almost wisey, ill let you know, after, that you let it sit. Fill the glass with ice. Pour the wine in, use little grandmarnet. Fans. I yes. Summertime we do it, but often time the baby four, so all of the flavors. So threat sit . Most san agree arc yes, but his one not necessary, all of the flavors are infused when youre doing the mulling, so a beginning of mulled wine. How do you spell it . Mulled. Ill mull it over. So with a zip, i can feel all of the flavors. Yes, it is warming, and little bit of grand march yeah in there, too, so little boozey. So how many of these drinks will get you . Doesnt take much for me, i wont lie. So this one is so festive, like a dessert. Gingerbread martini. Sort of the muscled masterpiece we call it, three restaurant, one of the restaurant is in marlton, new jersey, we use van all vodka, we use a house made gingerbread infused syrup. Okay. We use little bit of kalu a, little bit of baileys, and the key to this drink is a scoop of capgerra. All right, now, i dont want to be exclusive here. Ill run this over to karen. Cite, chris favorite, ball this manhattan. Little Holiday Twist on t so we have little burbon, little ginger liquor, and a house made rosemary ginger simple syrup. Oh,. Garnished with some rosemary and cranberries. Wow. Shake it up. So these are all from different restaurant. Where can we get the sangria. Get this at our radnor locations, out on the main line, this is the center city one. These are fane. I almost think i cant go to the restaurant for these, at home . Best in the world. Chris, he has been looking forward to this all morning. Sure. Cheers. Cheers. That will definitely keep you. People at home oh, i cant do all of that fancy stuff s there any a go to holiday drink, easy to do . Of course you know what . It is not too sweet. It is not too peppery, not too alcohol i. My manhattan, too much alcohol, knocks people off their feet. This is fantastic, fantastic. Youre tall, hard to knock you off your feet. True. I wont go to his house with this drink. Cheers to you. What do you charge for these drinks . 40 each . For you, free. Question is sweet. Merry christmas to you. All right, guys. So people across the country headed to the airport this morning, but rare will do things run smoothly when traveling, like look at that, all of that fog, all the rain, so well tell you the five most annoying people that you run into at the airport gets cloudier and cloudier. And a busy travel day, two hours delays, officially, it could be worse. Really could. I know someone who is trying to come into philadelphia. They just texted me, like we cant even get there. So theyre delayed where they are in florida. I bet they have a gown stop, as bob kel i would call it. Stay in florida really. You want to come to that . So everyone want to get home for the holidays, which means a lot of people will be flying to their destinations, but getting there, as were learning this morning, isnt always east. I you know what, the people, they always say, how is other people . It is the other people you encounter terai port. They broke down the top five moist annoying people at the airport. And number five, parents stakeout your seat, back of the plane, everything else, and then you see them coming down the aisle. Theyve got all kind of stuff. They have the backpack, right, karen . They have the burping clot. They have the bottles. They have the pacifiers, none of it works. They scream the whole flight. You cant even read your grissom novel. But with babies, the issue where people dont have control over their children, and little brats. How can you not have control of a one year old . Nothing you can do with a baby. You forgive babe us. Your ears are popping. At what point do you blame the parent, though . Okay. If theyre a baby, youre right, one, you cant do anything as a parent. At what point do you look at the parent instead of kid and go why arent you doing more . The kid is a brat. Like you need to bring your whole emergency kit, bribery candy, you dont normally give them. Eye padlock town i can, movies, and not making sure theyre not kicking the person in front of them. Is it okay to hand that parent some candy, fleas. Do something a smart person, no, thats a smart person. Nicer way to do it . What about this one, four, excessive selfie takers . You know the person in front of you, could you lift up the phone, right, and to take that picture, so everybody behind you are in the photo, but that is great photo bombing. I dont minds selfie takers, not bugging me to take their pictures. Take all the selfies you want. At least theyre quiet people. Goofy faces. Theyre on the list, though. So three, people who block the moving sidewalk when youre running to catch a flight. Because on the righthand side you stands, on the left you walk. And there is always those people just stand in the middle. So you cant get around them. I want to make my flight. I mean, are we that lazy of a society where you need that . High tech society of the future, like back in the 50s, like ooh. Like back to the jet sons. Cant even walk 100 yards. Listen, when you have all every these bags, it can be difficult. Whenever im going through, checking bags, i have all of this stuff, and hard to run, and it gives me little boost, hems me out a little bit, ill take it. Terminals are far. Long, long distance. I used to cheat, went golfing in los angeles, and i had the golf bag, and i just not all the clubs were in there, stuff it up, right at 49 and a half pounds. Close, once go over 50. There go. Thats a lot of monday. I two, people who do not understand what to do when going through security. Wear flip flops, get them off real fast, unload the computer, but the rules do change, give you little. All of your liquids, out, put them in plastic bag, people who forget, common, take off your shoes. That same trip to los angeles, it was nice and calm at the beginning. But then two guys in front of me, college age kids, little older is that correct dollars having some drinks, you know, time hour flight back. By the last two hours, they were hammered, theyre loud, so thats the number one most annoying person at the airport, a drunk. I think everyone will agree, the people that get thrown off the planes, need to call security, cause a problem for everybody else. Yes. All right, so, q, youre with santa still; this correct . Ya, santa, getting prepped, at ruzzieri watch are we going to do on santa . Foot reflexology. So youll touch his feet . Santa, are you ready moore. Hohoho yes i am. These are some bad tootsies, afterring in these boots all this time. They smell wonderful. Eh, you dont want that one. Yea, actually i do. Its Mucinex Fastmax night time and its got a nasal decongestant. Is that really a thing . It sounds made up. I cant sleep when im all stuffy. I take offense to that. Im not going to argue with a talking ball of mucus. I think youre being a little hasty. Hes not with me. Mucinex fast max night time. Multisymptom relief plus nasal decongestant. Breathe easy. Sleep easy. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. Could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know you that former pro Football Player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything . Unhuh. Number 44. Whoooo fortyfour, thats me get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts whooo gimme some geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Whoo fortyfour ladies, thats me whoo. Gonna get some cold cuts today this is my favorite pearl jam song. Eddie turned ooh today, december 23rd, and my dad is a little bit older, it is his birthday today, as well. Oh, wow. Hes not watching, by the way, but here he is. Throw back. Yes, 72, my brother, just coming home from the hospital. This is in sunny dale, california, which is i dressed up every day. I always had to be a cowboy, or an army man. Youre so cute. You are. Love the hat. My dad was a look err. Whats your dads name . Paul murphy. Paul edward murphy. And he still has all his hair like that. Wow. Look at him. He runs marathons. Christopher palmer, see did thats you. Im Christopher Paul and hes paul edward. So he always oh, this poor guy, always felt he got ship tripped on christmas, two days before. So my mom god bless her would always do a Big Christmas party on december 23rd, so today, happy birthday to him. See, everybody lovers their parents. Yes. Thanks foreign tumbling. Holiday memory. Yes, truly today is more fun tan Christmas Day for us, it always was. Thats your holiday memories. Love when you share and talk with us, we have the whole connection. Families what connected people. All right, well, santa allowing us to tag along this morning for his pre christmas routine. So, quincy, i thought all along, he would be so stressed out getting last minute things together, but not so. Not any more. No, i mean, he has the elves, he has me, all helping out. It is a Family Affair here with santa. Frank, how are you doing, sir . Good, how are you . Weve been in here all morning long. It is jumping now, very early now, everybody getting in, sitting down, having dollar colors on, getting red. I you coming in pick your polish, you sit down whether you are having a manicure, see over here pedicure area, see where santa . He looks very comfortable. Yes. Santa does look very comfortable. He has been enjoying the services. I like t santa, are you doing okay . Yes, i am, santa doing very well now, especially since the boots are off. Everyone was saying santa, you may look stressed out, this is big day coming up. Youre not stress in the. Not no more. Hair is done, muscles massaged, feet getting work on, spa and salon, im doing good. Now, the last time people can see you before christmas is going to be tomorrow. Yes, yes, it is. It is a hat love park, german christmas village. I will be there all day. And will look very comfortable. What are you doing right now to santas right now just wrapping his feet with hot towels, will perform a reflexology treatment on him, get him all ready for his pedicure. Whats the difference between reflexology and actual pedicure . Reflexology actually is a very cool thing. You can work the whole body by just work, on the feet. Oh . Nice, okay, well, you guys have it all picked out here. We try really hard. What we really wanted to create with this experience here is by coming to rizzieri, have all of the other, many of the other shops here, which we call boutique row. So really more of about coming in, and spending the day. Got you. Ill tell you, i spared you guys, because i kept my socks on. Because i wanted to hop . You can. You guys can come in, join . Not on tv, though, it may get little crazy. Saint, a hes relaxed, guys. Look at him in the background there. So relaxed. Hohoho, ill be ready to go, so everybody look forward to plenty of gift under the tree this year. Oh, thank you, santa. Merry christmas. Thank you, quince. I. Whats better than that . Hell be looking good when he is giving away all the gift, nice and relaxing. You love jimmy fall flop. He is fun, he has great energy, i love the roots, i love the band, i love what they do with music, when they take all the instruments out, there so back at it once again, wait until you see who was helping them sing santa claus is coming to town. So i took my daughter, someone at the stands, oh, yeah, jimmy fallon, heard it, we waited, we wanted to go home, the game was horrible, it was humid, hot, phillies losing like 16 to two. She stayed until the ninth inning, fallon never showed up. We never would have stayed. I thought you were waiting one direct, the ban rid there, talking jimmy fallon. One direction. All kids love one direction nowadays. And adult, too. Hes pearl jam, you know, other are one direction. One direction, just hot boy band. Who do you like . Russell crow. What woman doesnt like russell crow . Welshing maybe some of the women after he made this comment. Wait until hear what you what he said about the women in hollywood. Why the oscar win is her telling them ask your oh, oh . I saw a commercial that said you can save 500 by switching to progressive. That was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said, that was me, mom. [ laughter ] look at this. All right, lets get to russell crow. A lot of people are talking about this and russell crow says it is not sure older women have harder time finding parts. Instead, in movies and stuff, instead he says they just need to act their age if they want a long career. What . Is a in a interview with australian womans weekly, he said proof there are good roles for women past their 30s, crow says actresses struggle when they go after part meant for younger women. Yikes. Heres the thing, men are still act being like oh, im the cool stud man, hero man, like person thats whatever it is, im still the action hero, still the big star. And theyre still dating the younger women. And theyre 40, 50. Now he is telling women act your age and go play grand ma . , no i dont agree with this at all. Thank you. Be careful. Yes, be careful. Smart man. Good man. Lets talk about jennifer lopez. Right. I mean, does she have to act her age . No, if you still got it, you got it going on, i say work it, honey. I will say that this that maturity, intelligence, and well traveled, well red; very sexy. Ya . But where like the lead in a movie being here is a person people think are attractive, can you just be the grandmom . It is unfortunate. It is, it is a double standard. Weve known that for years, though, thats how hollywood started. And art imitate life. Look at the clooneys, right . Amal37, george 52 . Ya. So . But merrill, if she wanted to play a 15 Year Old Girl actor, she can would work it. Yes, so we have one actress in our entire country, meryl streep. Okay, so what about this . One every hollywoods hottest singles getting married. And her husband is 97. Cameron diaz is engaged to bengie madden, two dating less than a year, but rumors about this for weeks, so it is official. She was spotted wearing engagement ring, in new york city. She fell in love. Good for her. Yes. New high fashion ad, we have to show this. Look at this. They showed couple of photos on instagram. The star couple, cast together in a few steamy photos being spring men airs wear line, look at. That will the creative director says perfect image for them. Look at the smile he has going on there. Something says holiday. Really. So Merry Christmas eve eve to everybody. Right. Going off for some cider with some folks . Have fu announcer live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Today the one and only chris rock is here talking his star stud new movie top five. And its twice the holiday fashion, we got the hottest looks of the season for you and your man. Plus, start your weekend with all of todays super juicy hot topics. Now heres wendy [ cheers and applause ]

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