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Switch in may. He was suspended and not allowed to play in sundays game. This is a photo from tmz of his sons alone injuries, the the prosecutor said parents are entitled to discipline their children but grand jury thought peterson went too far. You can see his skin, he is bleeding. Experts said for years that spanking is an ineffective parenting tools but some believe otherwise. According to one study 94 percent of three and four years old have been spanked. 94 percent. That is right. Wow. And 74 percent of mothers said they believe spanking is acceptable for kids between the age of one and three. And then 61 percent of parents say they conn down spanking as a regular form of punish. That is a majority of the country. Heres the deal, apparently adrian had his son for over a weekend or something, took the child back to his mother. They are not married. She while dressing him went my god had happened to you. Daddy got a switch out of the yard and hit me witt. She takes him to the doctor, and the doctor tells her it is his responsibility to call the cops. They are required by law. Heres the spanking controversy. Kerry barrett, i want to you respond to this, kerry. I will start this by saying i dont spank, i dont spank, i will never spank avery. He she doesnt need it. Shes a very easy kid. She worked well with time out and discussion. There are a lot of stud that is say it doesnt work but we dont know why that is. I mean is it perhaps that kids are more aggressive and maybe have less impulse control are spanked more often and that kind of follows through the path or sit parents that are more aggressive or less impulse control past those genes to the child. What he dont know cause and effect. I will preface this whole conversation that for me it is not worth risk. That is now how i want to relate to my kids. Within form of discipline works for one may in the work for another. We need to be very clear, this is not a spanking. This four yearold child was whipped. This four yearold child was whipped. If you look at the dictionary spanking it is a slap across the buttocks. If you look at the definition of the American Academy of pediatrics it is slap across the buttocks with a open hand that is meant to modify behavior, without causing injury. If you saw that child, Walking Around, a four yearold boy Walking Around lets say your community, Swimming Pool and you saw those injuries, on his legs, you you too would raise an eye brow. Would i hope would you call the police because that is what i would do. You cannot take this risk anymore. Im tired of reporting on stories of six yearold being put in refrigerator because they wont stop crying or a mother who beat her four yearold son to death because she thought he walked and talked gay. These are stories that all came out in our nationwide over the past couple weeks. It is disgusting. A four yearold child, is there nothing a four yearold child to do to warrant that. You look at some of the Text Messages that went on between adrian an this boys mother, oops, you will be upset with some of the marks i left on him. He admitted to, that, one of the whippings actually, got the boy in the genitals as well. He cannot even control what he is doing. I agree with everything you just said. Were you spanked as a kid. No, i was than the. I will say my sister was. She was a little more feisty in terms of her personality but when she looks back on being expanding now and she has two children of her own that she does not spank, she does not remember what the spanking were for only that she has a reservoir of anger and hate for her parents, our parents. I have have never expanding my daughters. That is not to say you have to be careful because people say oh, well these kids need to be discipline. I believe in discipline. But i do not believe that the only form of discipline is spanking. To be clear this was not a spanking. I was expanding growing up. Stepping off the curb when you were not supposed to. Well, lying. Yeah. I told my mommy wouldnt bring a tie to school and i ended upbringing it anyway. And, and, yeah, i wouldnt be able to look and they would spank me that was last summer. No, for my parents never did anything. My dad would do this, mike, do you want to go to the basement. That was always the threat. I had no idea what was going to happen in the basement but i didnt wanting to in the basement. Charles barkley came out and said that is what people do in the south, it is called a switch, and my grandparents did it with my dad and everything go outside and grab a switch. I think as parents, sometimes were really attached to the things our parents passed down to us. It worked for me. So we use that. Were mostly connected to it. But maybe there is a better or different way of doing it. It is not all it is crack up to be. Parents stopped spanking when the kids get up to their size. It is a form of. Drawing blood. Yes. Leaving marks, some people are deeven ifing this. What he saw that one woman who showed up at the game with a jersey and she was holding a whip or some sort of stick. People use the bible too, kerry, is what the line, spare the rod, spoil the child. You have to put that in context as well. Yes. Okay. Let us have it on twitter. The hate is going to come. It is kerry barrett, kerry barrett. Talk to her, let us know. All right. It is 9 07. New Education Report find an increasing number of parents are holding back their fiveyear olds from kindergarten. They are hoping to give their child Competitive Edge over then the younger classmates. They called it academic red shirting, across the country 6 percent of kindergarteners are red shirted every year. In Richer School district 27 percent of the kids have this happen and in poorer School District it is only 2 percent. That is because it is easier for families who can afford another year of child care, before they can go in Public Schools. The the controversy controversy is perceived advantage it gives children more mature but studies show that is not always the case and the results are doubtful. So who have we really been doing this for is the question. Well, i did it for my daughter, jill because her birthday is august 30th. She was littlees human in the class. So we decided to do kindergarten over again at the urging of her teachers. So that was recommended. Yes. And she has turnout to be great. She was falling behind in kindergarten. She was in that age. A lot of parents are delaying kindergarten for other reasons, competitive. Jen, have you ever heard about doing this. Yes, Brody Fredrick is a july birthday. We are in the lower merion School District. I can tell new lower merion academic red shirting is the rule, not the exception. Brody fred rake was in preschool, twoyear old, threeyear old, four yearold he was only child in his class to go to kindergarten on time, of our child was held back. Now, i went to a pediatrician, i went to the Elementary School principal, i got to the preschool principal and i spoke to them, this academic red shirting is not my way, it is not my familys way. I remember my pediatrician saying it is in the your way but it is way that the district are raised and reared and put into stuff, and she was candid about it. I said what if i move for tv, to some other place and then he is a year behind and he feels weird about that, right. A lot of times, it is mostly the boys. They feel like they will be bigger, in the just better academically but for athletics. Brody fredrick will still be Brody Fredrick and way they do sports is by birth the day anyway. His birthday is 05 so he is with the the 05 kids regardless of where those kids are, many of them going in to third great and not fourth grade. If everybody is red shirting, what does that matter anyway so what is the difference. Heres the thing, what happens is when you go to publish school and everyone know this about me, Public School for me is big important thing in my life. Whether it is letter merion or philadelphia School District when you go to publish school. There are kids who have never been to preschool and there have kids that have been to preschool several years and day care and socialized. What happens to these kids in kindergarten and land dry is in kindergarten there are kids that can read chapter books in kindergarten and kid in kindergarten who are figuring out how to write the letters. The great spans is a difficulty for the teacher, right. So, there is in right answer but for us, my kids is the younges those studies indicated the parents are doing it more for themselves, then it were for their child. My child is the biggest in the class. Brody want to show up the other kids. Yes, jen, thanks very much. I dont know if you know this but i know sue does but i have a granddaughter. Yes, i know this, teddy. We all know. So, i show her off every now and then. My daughter jessica sent me a picture yesterday. She is now, there is teddy. Is that a selfie. It looks like a selfie. It looks lick she took a selfie. Yes. Look at her. She is mommy daughter ballet lessons. Look at her bun. Yes. Doesnt she look cute. Yes my goodness. I wanted to send another picture where you see the whole shot, to see this outfit looks like. She has a toto on. I thought that was kind of cute. Sweet ballerina. And now i have an a announcement to make, my other daughter jill is presenting nan. She just moved to colorado and she is out hiking. She loves to hike. That is why she moved to colorado. They wanted to do this instant is they have been together for six years. She gets out there, goes on this great hike, and the doctor told her over the weekend, no more hiking. Because of the altitude apparently. Yes. Denver is already a mile high and shes even climbing higher she could get light headed. Kind of ironic, she finally moved out there to hike and then you get pregnant. She can do it after the baby. Sure. It would be fun. So i will nauseate you in a few months with more pictures of a boy. It is a boy. Yes. Wow. Perfect. Teddy and then youll have a boy. Yes. Heres the thing, i dont know how to tell her. They have pick out a name. Is what the name. This kiddies going to get stuffed in the locker. They go with this. What is the name. It is not henry, it is kenry, they made it up. Reason for k this there. Combination of the name. Yes, i dont know what it is. Ancestors of some sort. Kenry. Maybe they will call him ken. Just call him ken. But it will be kenry mikal. Makes you proud. Legacy lives on. I will try to get them to change to it michael kenry. Work on that. The last name is perfect filing too. You know what his last name is, my daughters last name is right now. It is in the that bad. Get this. Say it. Beadnick. That will get him teased, it is kenry beadnick. He will be the toughest kid in the class. Call him back. Yes. I keep asking this guy that she married, brandon, why dont you just pronounce it, bubnick, i mean nobody knows. What is the answer. No it is pronounced boobnick. Yes. Are they in love and happeny it seems so. That is all that matters. He we all have awkward moments. Thinks a biggy yes. So kanye west is doing a concert down in australia and he does this a couple have of his concerts before. He stops in the middle of this one song and says i want everybody in the huge arena to stand up, and if you dont all stand up, ill wait until every single one of you stan before i continue this song and i will not sing until the entire arena is standing up. So heres some cell even if footage of this happening over the weekend. Unaudible. You see, he was just yelling, and he said to the crowd, there is two people up there, whether or not standing and i will not sing until they stand up. The crowd starts booing these two people sitting. Oh, no. Until finally, somebody got it to him up on the stage, they are in wheelchairs, they can the not stand up. My goodness. That is terrible. When he gets it through his head, i think one of them took, this is what i have heard, i cannot confirm this but guy took his leg off, prosthetic leg and held it up, i cannot get up. Look, it is that bad. Once he realized the the mistake he made and then ignored it. And he certainly didnt a will guys. Even the biggest fans of kanye were not happy with him. He apparently didnt know. He was trying to be kanye. I dont know. But why are people. Because he is the king. You must respect me. King kanye. In my presence. I tell you to stand, you stand. Yes. He is your latest tool. No, beiber is still a bigger toll. Yes. Did you see last week beiber was booed on stage. He took his clothes off. That was fashion week. So his answer was ill just strip my clothes off. Yes. We should do that. If we get negative tweets. Start taking clothes off. You can handle that. We will hear boos where ever they are. Hopefully this last last time i ever do this story, but that 20 cents tip. It lives on. Yes, by shady mccoy, give me the update, yall know this story that happened at pyt in northern liberty. A friend of the pyt owner put the receipt on e bay and bidding started at 0 cents and it is now up to 760. According to the auctions description money from the winning bid will go to the staff at pyt. Last week mccoy spoke about the tip saying he left 20 cents to make a statement about the the service. Owe kay. That is horrible. I like the chorography. Yes. So shes did not know i was videotaping her with my cell phone because i wanted to videotape it and put it on record because that was first time you ever dit. First time. With quincy, of course. Leading the the way. I had a lot of energy there. Yes. She was cheering for shady mccoyy was cheering for all of the eagles just like i will be tonight. No, that was after, Jeremy Maclin touchdown. Was it. Yes. Yes. Yes. Im still learning the song but by the even of the game because. It is a pretty easy lyric. The spelling is always tricky. Yes. Eagles eagles. Yes. Okay, yeah. I was making fun of miss america, miss spelling jane austin and people on twitter got me back. Really. Sometimes yall miss spell stuff at the bottom of the screen. Well, that does happen. I think we misspelled Chris Murphys name. Yes. We spelled witt a k or Something Like that. It happens, right. It is a new room and were still figuring out where everything is. Yes. Whenever you move. Yes. We change all of the keyboard. That is our story and were sticking to it. If you are a parent, you want to believe that your children are honest about everything, that they dont like like alex did, about taking a toy to school. I knew would i get in trouble. How can you tell fur kids are lying, sometimes it is rip all over their face. Ready for this. This little kid lies to her daddy. Did you get in the lipstick. No. Hey wait, come here. I want to know, i want to you look in my eyes and tell me, hey, come here, did you look in my eye, tell me, did you get into the lipstick. Nope. Promise. Umhmm. That was a bold lie too. Yes. This is so cute. It is all over her face. He should just put this kid up for adoption right now. Shes trouble. Can you imagine her at about 17. My god. What time did you get in last night . Where did you go . Who are you were you with. Did you see bobby no, no. Shes trouble. Still ahead you know how i love to find these different places, restaurants that basically put thanksgiving dinner in to one bite. I found another place. Cool. We will take you there, it is a thanksgiving waffle. Waffle wait until you hear what the waffle is actually made of. It is good. Guess what . The money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. Thats right. Down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. But because of governor corbett, were the only state in the country that doesnt make oil and Gas Companies pay an extraction tax. As governor, ill make the Gas Companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. Tom wolf for governor. A fresh start for pennsylvania. Well, coming up. Yes. And months away from south philadelphia south Philadelphia Restaurant gs getting in the the spirit. Yes, the cafe you are practicing. Yes, it is turning thanksgiving dinner in to a breakfast favorite and mike says youve got to try this. Im back down in south philadelphia back on east passyunk. I spend a lot of time between here between moore and mifflin at a restaurant called chaya and im standing here with the owner and chef vi. This woman has been here for five years. She has lived all over the world. She went to the university of pennsylvania. Im glad you did. How would you describe the the place. Sometimes like coffee shop, sometimes more of a french restaurant. You cannot decide how are. We try to make room and accommodate everybody. What does chayay mean. Shelter, but in general it means a shady quiet tranquil place you know watching these segments im obsessed with thanksgiving dinner in a different form. Yes. All in one bite. I have had hamburger, burrito, you name it. You call this like a thanksgiving waffle. Yes. I see it as a shape of the waffle there, but what is it made out of. It is made out of stuffing. We make a sausage and stage stuffing with stale bread and we combine it with eggs and cream and we cook it on a waffle. It is a waffle. Yes. Made of stuffing. And then what is on top of it. Oven roasted turkey and then a homemade gravy, homemade cranberry sauce and little bit of chives. How do i go after it, how would you attack that because i want to get it all in one bite. Would i just start right there. Right there. Yes. Get a little will bit of that in there too. Yes good this is gross. Look a way. I love you. I love you, v. I will come down anytime you want. That is fantastic. Yes. Every time, you know what this means, it is cranberry because you have have salty, and sweet, tart all together. It is so easy to make cranberry stuff french. She will also be at our youve got the to try this tasting event, it is coming up, folks, it is thursday october 2nd. There is a few tickets left. Go to my fox philly. Com. You can buy the ticket. We will link you to where you can buy ticket. We are trying to make money for the kid of the delaware valley, with this Second Chance foundation. Yes. It will be great. Yes, it is glad to know you. You too. Can i stan up now. Okay. Youve got to try this. Yes. Do you you know something you unique and deliver thaws mike has got to try . Go to my fox philly. Com and click good day tab and scroll down to youve got to try this section and email us. Today is here, the ladies of the real are premiering their show this morning right here on fox 29. We will talk about all of what you need to know before this hot new talk she premiers. It is will the three the ladies of the real are back ready to kick off the season in high style. Lets take a peak. I couldnt help but think it. What . They actually gave us the talk show. I know. Let me tell you. And all five of the ladies are with us now, here, welcome to philadelphia. Hi, guys. High oh, man i got to tell you, because we got last summer we got to see this show, i love it on the man, not much after man, but i am the man. And that other show, that stinking view show, which is so boring, you guys are are on oh, thank you. Thank you, thank you for the compliment. Adrian, i miss you. Hi, miss you too. Ive got to come back, cohost with you guys again, we have so much fun. We did. I love me some philly. Oh, thank you, did you a great job on the show here. I really am looking forward to this. 11 00 this morning on our station. You guys have a big guest this morning, starting off with a bang, arent you . Yes. He was our first guess during the trial so we decided since he was our first guess, successful trial, he would be our first guest for the premiere show. We are so excited. Glad to be back. He is like our good luck charm. Yes, good luck charm. Keeps it real, too, doesnt he . Yes, he does. And you know, hes really really attractive. laughing . Eye candy in the morning never hurt. I also can say there is the five of are you very track tiff. There go. Thank you. Bright and early. We woke up like this, mike thats right. Youre flawless, ladies, flawless. Thank you. Run your promo adnauseum, all summer. Thank you for that. So, im ready for the show to begin. When you say it is real, what does that mean exactly . Well, i think we all individually are just genuine people. And i think we were born to just tell it like it is. I know for me, when i was younger, i used to get in trouble for it, we naturally dont have any filther. Yes. So if youre going to ask you a question, yes, youre going to ask us a question, were going to give it to you. Were going to be 100 person it. Like our station at fox 29, like maybe what was apparently your 29th year, which was very big deal. Yes. This is based on the promos weve been seeing. Thank you very much. It was a great year. I thought it was a good year. I got that. I got that, mike. Let me tell you social security, mike, it is surely in the morning. Some day you have to come up here and keep it real on the real. Oh, i would love that so are we going to learn more real facts like that . Oh, absolutely, fortunately for you guys and unfortunately for us. Yes, so, lets go around the table. Maybe at the present time 15th, 2014 . Oh lucky date for all of us. Tremendous, quickly back to tamara, real quickly, because you are married to one of our colleagues, at fox. Yes. And you guys love adam. You real dow. Oh, i know him very well. Weve been to dish. And hes talked all about you. Oh,. Thats nice. He was real . He was real. How, i mean, he had to agree, is he going to be on the show . He would like to be on the show. We do have a segment where we bring all of our spouses on, so, hes personally told me woe love to do that again. Okay. So hopefully adam will be on the show again. Because you know add a he does keep it 100 . Weve had the kids on the show actually. We have. Aired andaden and logan, how moms will work out with their babe us. And we have great premiere week. We have lauren fishburne, orlando gems, jenny gash, really good guests. Nick carter, ya, really good weeks. So Everybody Needs to tune in, philly, represent, 11 00 a. M. Today, it starts. You know you can tweet us, you can instagram us the real. Com. We got it going on, mike. I know. And hashtag the real premiere if you can live tweet with us, we will be watching and hashtag the real premiere. All right. Looks like this will be a huge ship and make us all a lot of money. All right, pimp daddy. Bye, well be watching, 11 00 this morning. You guys are amazing. We love everybody. So real. I love it. Just so real. So real. Okay, still ahead, there is Nothing Better than fall fashion, and of course it is all about the shoes. The top five trends you should have in your closet, this season, well show them to you next. A new you would way in on the spanking stuff. We appreciate your opinions. Fall week, from today. From today. Fall begins, us a up, and of course that means youll have to switch out the shoes. Already feels like fall little bit out there. So we sent alex outside to tell us what the hottest trends are for this fall. Hey. Hey, mike, sue. Of course you have to have the perfect shoe for this kind of weather. Even though it is fall, there are some hot trends going on, right . Plenty of hot trends. So we have kristin, editor in chief of philadelphia style magazine. Where are we going to start . Whats the hottest thing so far . We start with mens inspired. Two looks, doing splurge look. First look is our splurge from bus stop boutique, it has swayed due tails, black leather, very rich looking, then our seal from soul society, great teal color, nice alternative to black, has little fun tap on it. Tassel ton. How much difference . Bus stop sludgier is about 200, soul society is about 65. Oh, nice. Yes. So, going on to the next, is this a booty here . Yes, this is a booty, futuristic trends were seeing for fall, havent seen anything like this before. Snow is our steel, from macys, under a hundred dollars, these are definitely for someone who is not afraid to take a fashion risk, and then our splurge is from bus stop boutique, metal details on the heat. Oh, lets see the heal. Little funky. Oh, ya. And very funky. The funky, and see the heal on this one, very nice. Knocking over the shoes here. I must be excited, tripping over myself. All right, i like the detail on this one. These are amazing, my favorite. From walter, at jones chef. They are a splurge. And the trend is the curved heal, and also sort of the curvey detail scallop edge. And then our steel is from macys, about a hundred dollars, and sort of like more after booty style, has buckle on the front, and the swayed swayed gives it nice look for nighttime. Everyone, we think fall, we think boots. And you say the taller the better. Exactly, seeing thigh high boots this year, heals, flats, but i think one fall essential is definitely the flat riding boot. So, we have the nice brown sw suede1, splurge from sole south society. Still hot, things heating up obviously. Obviously, then these from bus stop, 65, great base being black riding boot. Always good to have the black, because you can match it with anyone . Match it with anything. Essential for the closet . Looks like more booties, right . Yes, more booties for fall, actually some of my favorite styles, splurge from zara, about 100, great lazer cut detail, and perfect for nighttime. So looks like cut outs and details are really in right now, not just having something simple. Got have a cut snout. Lazer cut detail is real popular. Definitely, and from forever two; under 30 bucks, chunk year heal, but sort of nice alternative. All right, well thank you so much. Thanks, and were ready for fall, hey, jen, i know youre ready too. Did you just toss to me . Talking about the fall booties because you care about the booty. Okay, we are here with some of my favorite union players, high five up top, baby, we will talk about your earring, and about the u do you realize 100 days until christmas . Im not red. I im not ready either. Here is the gift i want, Philadelphia Team to win something, a championship, and it could be our Philadelphia Union tomorrow night. Oh, lets do it. So they are in chester, getting ready at ppl park. Jen is with them. Hey, jen al edge, i want you to pay close attention, because, one of these two guys could be your new boy friend. Okay, now, this is the one i like, this one has a lot of swagger, got a lot of this, too a lot of chit chat. How is that game winning goal . Thats what i am talking about. Amobi, really . You do like a nice earring, though. Its all right. You know alex likes jewelry, you picked those out yesterday . Of course i knew alex would be watching. So one of his best friends . Yes. Dont let him fool you. He has a lot of swagger, we need that going into the cup. You guys are technically the underdogs, right . I wouldnt say. That will i think were both confident going into the game. I think we can pull off a w. I like it. Founders, watch. Common. Dempsey who . What is it that you guys think. Let me tell you something. Jimmy, your head coach, i know you guys like calling him coach. Jimmy says you guys work as a team, act as a team, that can bring a w to this field. It definitely can, i think our strength for this team specially is our depth. You know, we have a lot of players. Guys that can come in, maybe they havent played a lot in the season but can come in, make an impact. Last game, pedro, didnt get develop minutes earlier on, but came in, made a big impact, scored a goal. Thats a lot of sports talk. Trying to help you out. Lets go back. Imobe, didnt score the goal at the ends of the game, like youre not here, i think good he didnt score that goal, then he needs it, wants it, has to have it for this game. Motivation for tomorrow. Me and eat and were making fun of him. He was 6 yards away, missed it. 6 yards away. 6 yards. Thats like a 2foot put. Thats a 2foot put. So see him on game of the week. You guys want to see my scoop kick . All right. By the way, other coach came out. Their fine. Okay, you guys pretends like youre soccer players, okay . And im me. The web door. Oh, okay. How about that . Thats pretty good. Who is bringing that . You got to do it again. Hold on, ill de it again. What is it that i would do with this . That, i use as directional thing to get it in the net, reich . You would need it apparently. Oh, i love this team. You know those little boys, little girls that love sock snore tell the moms, the single ones primarily, which one they why should she bring the kids to the game. Gooden vier onment, always exciting, one of the most exciting games. Okay. Loud music, loud fans. Youre single too . Oh, ya. Imobe is not single orest single, bringing his girl . To be determined. Ladies, come here. He has a girlfriend, but doesnt bring the girlfriends to the game. Is that what it is . No no . What is it . Why is he snatching. Well, depend on what she looks like. Calls me out. This is unbelievable. All right. Three of them. They are all good looking men. All very nice. The one that was more discontinuingly attractive. Oh, i dont. Shes being so coy. I dont want to hurt anyones feelings. Certainly not. They are all very attractive. All very nice attractive young men. Public service announce . Oh, goodness. Ive had, i would say over the last week, seven individuals, males. Here we go. Text me wanting to know if i could put you in touch with them. Some of these people are Fairly Famous in our city. Oh . What should i tell them . I dont know. I cant give them your phone number. Hey i feel like the e harmone i dude. You have to tell me if im allowed. To do what . Went me to send out greetings . If you put out her phone number she would be upset. As you can see those three guys are all players, but they play. And according to their shirt they only date bimbos. Oh, oh, boom. I think it is pro found beambo. Bakery, ive seen it in the store. Unbelievable shot by roy mcelroy, i guess ranked number one in the world in golf, championship, the ball clipped a tree, and ended up in the pocket of one of the fans. Get out. Pocket . How is that possible. So come in, assess the situation, decide how to play t take a look. Which pocket is it . laughing . Got to drop it. Youre good. You can move now. All right . Keep the ball . Keep p. He needs this one. Yep, he wasnt p about to fish in another mans shorts for a ball. Is that a man ball violation. Ya, actually. Or hit it out of the pocket . Ya, ya. Too close to his putter. Oh. We cant keep going. Best two balls i hit all day is when i stepped on the end of the rake coming out of the sand trap. Okay, something happened to roy at the Scottish Open in july. And then they all started dancing about it. Beyonce was very excited. Coming up, more divorce rumors. Now baby rumors . Yes. Big hint during the last concert with beyonce next. Four and a half minutes away from wendy williams. Now george just tweeted me, he says, mike, without a doubt im the one for alex. Alex and george. Oh, how lovely. All right. I like that hat. All these people just got to be careful. See bans a pregnant . Jayz may have dropped major hint at the conner . Changed lyrics to the song during the concerts last concert in paris, she is pregnant with another one. So far representatives, thats why people the couple have not said anything about the rumors. You know, someone tweeted the other day, they said, hm, that elevator incident was about four months ago, now that shes pregnant could she be four months pregnant. Maybe it was like make up next. Make up sex. Maybe they made up . Wow. Hey, lc, yes, i admit i used to watch laguna hills. The hills . What is it called . The hills. Whatever happened to talen . Lc got married. I liked her, too. Lauren conrad, or lc, married 34 year old william tell over the weekend two, said their i dos in a small ceremony in california, surrounded by close friends, family, said it was the perfect way. William tell. Did he make instead of they served apples. Give me prediction tonight. How long, okay. Eagles in inched april list. I hate it colts. So were going to win. We will we win, will we hard. It will be hard. Lets bring us some good luck. Should we close with maybe the eagles fight song . Yes. I like that idea. Fly eagles fly live from new york city, its wendy and back and all new. From mariah and nick, plus the inside scoop on Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Martins new romance. The hottest topics all morning long wendy said kim and kanye wouldnt last. Today, wendy makes good. I have my hot sauce ready. Heres wendy

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