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Overview anything, and probably are overdoing this, with the draft at 8 00 tonight, at about 8 05, 8 07. The six remembers expected to pick Markelle Fultz, as the number one pick if the draft. Thats true. Whats the number one pick . Also, though, have some shirley temples here. Because why . Well, joel embiid, talking about trusting the process, you know, thats his thing, joel embiid thats his favorite drink. So cheers to the number one pick today. Lets mention these cats are freaking out because were freaking out, them out, and they all are available for add open drop sean from paws, our friends. So the number one pick tonight. Lets do it, trusting the process, ladies . Hey whats the weather going to be tonight for around 8 00 at the draft . I think good, cooling off from high of 09 degrees. Which we will get to today so it will be nice. Big draft party, expecting maybe 3,000 people at the piazza. The piazza. Schmidts oring . The old schmidts brewery. Could be as many as 5,000. What . I know, people are excited about this number one pick. Get there earl. I wow okay. See you there. To the number every day get your forecast on. It will be about a eight out of ten today. Weather by the numbers, we are feline friendly here at fox 29. We have bus stop buddy, celebrating another thing today, National Chocolate eclair day by the pool. And it should and nice day by the pool. We do have few clouds around this morning. We are looking at 71 degrees right now. And a high later on of about 90 degrees. So, by this evening, when youre all settled in, it looks like it will be a little cooler than that. We do have some showers on the way. We will time that out for you coming up in just a few minutes in your seven day forecast, bob kelly, finish the shirlie temple yet . You want to get to the cherries on the bottom . Hold on. Im good now. Good morning, everybody, shirley temples go with your iron donut here. Coming in toward philly starting to see volume pop coming into town. Blue route near route one, everything damp and wet from the storms that rolled through last night, and closure every route 55, northbound, overturned dump truck, right at the vineland interchange, all traffic forced off at exit 35, from there you can hook up with route 47. Up in bordentown, some downed wires, from last night, route 130, downs mill road. Yo northeast philly the boulevard at solly avenue, inner drive block because every downed tree, and septa having some left over delays this morning, as a result of the storms last night looking at 24 minute delays on both the paoli and the doylestown line. Mike and alex back over to you. 7 03 now. Apparently, Recovery Efforts resume in about 90 minutes or so, at low tide. Hamilton township, for 17 year old, who was swept away while swimming with friends, in the first day of summer. So jenny joyce is in Hamilton Township with the latest updates, yes, at first we thought they would, the plan was to start as soon as the sun came up, but now having to push it back. Yes. As mike said, they are waiting on low tide. I did talk with some police here, who tell me that when this search does resume, when the recovery effort does happen, we will see all of the emergency crews, coming down, this way, trying to get down to the lake here. Which is a marsh that feeds into the delaware river, so it is now about 14 hours after the 17 year old went missing while swimming at rowan lake, in roebling park yesterday. He was with three other teens celebrating end to the school year when he got suck under by strong current after storms swept through. The missing teen did not know how to swim. The Hamilton Fire Department responded and began their search, the new Jersey State Police searched from the air while diving teams entered the water after four hours in the water, the rescue cue mission turned into recovery operation. That got called off after dark. A boy who was swimming with the missing teen told us that he tried his best to grab hold of the 17 year old, but his hold was not strong enough. The teen is still missing at this hour. The current took him, like reached out, tried to grab him. But like we were like this, and then like since the current so strong it took him away from my hand. And then he went down, he was like going under, coming up, grasp for air, come back down, gasp for air. And then when he went aroundment corner i lost site of him. Hamilton township Swift Water Team dispatched, on the scene in three minute. Approximately 12 firefighters entered the water to start an investigative search for the child. It is considered a recovery operation. All operations for the Fire Department has stopped due to lighting. And concerns for the safety of the firefighters. So, all four teens out here yesterday are resident of Hamilton Township, hammill toll schoon district tells us they will have counselors, on hand, on campus, today, to try to work with any student, who might be a little emotional after hearing that one of their classmate got sucked into the current here yesterday. Mike and alex . Will be emotional. My gosh. Horrible. Okay, we will punch up a shot from Galveston Texas along the gulf coast there. Look how hard it is raining already. This Tropical Storm named cindy, is starting to come ashore now. Certainly in galveston. Well take you live to new orleans, theyre really concerned, theyre expecting 15 to 20inch of rain today. You can really see the rain coming down. We will check in with nora very soon. Okay. All right, 7 06. Coming up 7 07. Frantic moments for mother who left her young daughter asleep in her minivan. Yes, apparently a tow truck driver did tow this van away, didnt notice, this is what he says, and Police Believe him, that he didnt notice it was a seven Year Old Girl in the back seat, in a carseat, in the back of this van, this minivan. Thankfully shall everybodys been reunited all of that. Cops talked to the tow truck driver. Says listen, this is a reposition. I didnt see the kid. So they let him go back to his tow truck with the van behind it, and he towed that van away. So, sabina has more of the details in southwest philly. Sabina . Yes, bizarre circumstances here. You mentioned Police Released that tow truck driver, so, we, in fact, talk to him. The mother right now is being questioned by police. This is 50th and woodland, already towed the minivan away. But going to video we got for you from the scene after all of this happened. Around 2 30 this morning, now the mom tells us, the mom tells police, that she was running into the restaurant where she works at 45th and chestnut for about five minute. It looks like it was a dominos, thats when in those five minutes the reap owe guy came. And he took her minivan away. Like i mentioned, we talked to him. He told us that he visually checked the van, to make sure nobody, or anything was inside, the van is heavily tinted. He says he didnt go inside of the van. And he didnt see the child. So, he started driving away. Well thats when a penn officer on bike patrol caught up with him. He said that she visually checked the car outside, and didnt see the kid. So then he kept going. Again, then, a 12th district officer caught up with him. And that officer again this was the third time this car was being check for the child, where apparently he finally saw little tiny leg, sticking out from a blanket in the back of the car. The kid was fast asleep. She is seven years old, lungly didnt wake up. Realize exactly what was going on, mom and daughter were reunited again here at 50th and woodland so we have a lot of questions for the tow truck driver. Here he is trying to answer some of the questions. Like everybody else, out here in the middle of the night, grabbing cars from people that are del representing went, im not a bad just, this is my job, been doing it for ten years now. Girl was in the third row after minivan. Underneath a blanket, laying down, what look like to be like a box under a blanket or something. So that is why i didnt think anything of it. Well, he didnt think anything of it but the kid was under the blanket. Now he again was released by police. He said hes not being charged with anything, and he was actually able to come back, get his tow truck, take the minivan away as well. So police right now trying to figure out why the mom had the child in her car, again, it was 2 30 in the morning. According to the tow truck driver, he, from his side of things, saying he thinks the mom might have been making deliveries at that time of night. Were not sure. She told police she was only in the store for five minutes. So, again, the kid is okay right now. Were not sure whats going on with the mommas Police Continue to talk to her, guys, back to you. That explains a lot actually. I thought maybe the kid was in a carseat, but no, laying down in the third seat after minivan under a blanket. No wonder he didnt see her. And it was dark because it happened earlier this morning. Yes. Thats why the cops believe the story and now hes back at the job. Sabina, thank you. Two hold out, listen to this, going and talking about the cosby trial now from last week, two, out of the 12, jury members, were hold out, probably stood in the way of the con vick shop of bill cosby in his Sexual Assault case. Remember 52 hours every tense deliberations and end up in a mistrial. One juror because the judge yesterday released the name made them public of all of the jurors. One juror now speaking out about the experience, so thomas has some of the details on what this one juror is saying. It went back and forth, all over the place. So during aint view, mike anal he can, one juror shared that the group initially took a pole, nonbinding pole, before going overall of the evidence, basically saying how do you all feel about the case. Overwhelmingly, they vote today acquit cosby on all three count of aggravated indecent assault. After going over the testimony, that vote quickly changed. The deadlock came after about 30 hours of deliberations over the four days, and at one point the injury coy no longer reach a concensus after voting ten to two to convict on the first and third counts in the 11 to one to acquit on the second count. Juror also mentioned that emotions were running high as deliberations wore on over the five days. Some were in tears, just simply exhausted, as you know, judge oneil declared a mistrial, back on saturday. But prosecutors they plan to retry cosby. We will learn, im sure, from several other jurors as they come forward, some holding out on possible book deals, paid interviews. Of course. Well hear more. Not supposed to be doing any of this. The judge told them not to talk. Well the judge basically told them not to talk about other jurors how they voted. They can talk. They have the option to speak with the media but not to mention i thought also not to talk about the breakdown of the vote. I thought that as well. What i understanded looking over the judges ruling basically dont talk about juror smith, how juror smith voted and his feelings, but youre more than willing to talk to media about the case. Then im not surprised how it turned out f they were all kind of in agreement to acquit him, when they started deliberating. Thats when the questions start. I dont know, im sure you are of served, initially you say this is how i feel, go over the evidence, you start asking each other questions. And then your opinions start to change your minds. Ask for a lot of the testimony to be red back to them, andrea constand, her mother, some of bill cosbys deposition. So they did go through a lot and go back over. People started changing their minds. Exhausting. All right. Thank you, federal investigators say an airport attack in michigan, flint michigan, supply been an act of terrorism. Kind of seems like it. Canadian man allegedly stabbed a Police Officer multiple times at the flint airport while shouting god is great in arabic. This is, hi, doug, what else can you tell me about . Youre at Reagan National airport in arlington. Thats right. Well, you know there is attack happened in kind of this part of the airport. Before you get to the Security Check point, and this has long been an issue, this is not the first time weve seen this kind of attack. Bishop airport in flint evacuated just after what was described as brutal attack. The 49 year old omar, approached of approaching police lieutenant, repeatedly stabbing him with 12 inches knife with 8inch serrated edge shouting god is great. When the subject went up to the officer and stabbed him, he continued to ex claim ala. And he made a statement, something to the effect of you have killed people in syria, iraq and afghanistan, and we are all going to die. The police in montreal served the suspects home. At least one neighbor said he was a nice guy. As for the victim, he was initially list in the Critical Condition but has since improved. Lieutenant neville got him to stop stabbing him. Lieutenant neville fought him to the end, until i was able to handcuff this person. The flint attack had one thing in common with other recent incident. The Brussels Airport attack last year, when a bomber struck near the check in area. And in florida, a shooting in Fort Lauderdale airport claimed five lives in baggage claim. All involved attacks outside Security Checkpoints. And thats long been an issue for security agencies. How do you protect people outside of the Security Check point . You can make the check point itself better and better and better. But, people can be vulnerable before they get to it. Mike and alex. How far out do you make a perimeter around an airport . You just keep going farther and farther away from the terminal. And even still, theyll be right there. Yes. All right, doug, thank you, see you tomorrow. Okay, so we have three camera locations for this Tropical Storm cindy. We got one in galveston, one in bull ex i, mississippi, thats right there, oh, the gulf of mexico is churning. Yes. Look at those waves. Then we have a reporter, at our camera location, in new orleans. This is galveston, now, see a lot of the rain. Galveston, texas. Galveston, texas. Then we head to new orleans now where lawyer send, earlier, an hour ago it, seemed pretty mild. Still seems to be pretty mile where you are now. Hey, mike and alex, it is still actually quite a nice morning here in new orleans, but dont let that fool you. We are under a tornado and a flood watch for the time being. The storm of course did just hit couple of hours ago, about four hours west of where i am right now. And that area is getting hammered with rain. This area bracing for similar rain, if it does hit here, and in the areas that it is hitting they need to be careful and watch for flashflooding. Thats going to be the really dangerous part of Tropical Storm cindy. Real quickly here, i told you about the other location. So, lauren, we will check back with you when the weather goes a little more south. So to speak. Down there in the south. Lets list never on a report here is in biloxi right now. Do we have a reporter talking in galveston . So theyre both in commercial breaks for their tv stations, you can see the light up on the right there. So what i am guessing, i remember toyed do some Tropical Storm coverage when i was in south carolina, you get back into the news van inbetween the times youre on tv so you can stay dry and be able to go back out there. So im pretty sure theyre in the news van. But the photograph is her out there, checking his lighting. Theyre moving around because they dont know we punched this up in philadelphia. Doing report for their local station, where ever that is. But youre right, everybodys in the van except for the photographer. And thats why we pay them so much money. I know, photographers around the city ready to come over here and pun of me in the face. All right, 7 16. We will get back to the gulf coast with a ion cindy. Sue . Yes, just got the latest update on cindy, it is 30 miles west southwest of lake charles louisianna, little further inland, 40mile per hour winds. Show you there is lake charles right there. And there is the eye of the storm. It hasnt lost it Tropical Storm status yet. But it wont be long before it weakens, because only 40mile per hour winds, 39 miles an hour, the thresh hole for a Tropical Storm. But you can see, the bands of rain from that storm, pretty far out from the center. As we go northward, and check our area, lacks look everything okay for now. Had couple of pop up showers earlier, but nothing left of. That will i think okay for the rest of the afternoon. Here is 10 00 tonight. With a little bit of rain rolling through. And then, early tomorrow morning, another rounds of rain. Little break at midday. Then another round for the evening, so, weve got some rain in the forecast that will probably linger into saturday morning, by saturday, we are starting to possibly factor in the renmant of cindy as it continues to move to the northeast. So we can get quite a bit of rain saturday morning. But does look like it will dry out for saturday afternoon. So we put it altogether in the seven day forecast, 90 degrees, possible, today. Hot, not too humid. Humidity comes back tonight and tomorrow. With that chance of showers, and maybe some thunderstorms, saturday morning some rain, 86 y the best weather day of the weekend high of 83. And some comfortable weather as we head into the early part of next week, with temperatures right around 80ish. Monday, tuesday, and wednesday, and dont forget to join us on the radio all morning long 101. 1 more fm. Thats also where you can catch your Weather Authority forecast, bob kelly. 7 18. Good morning shall everybody, got some construction coming our way today. Schuylkill again, down to one lane westbound. Beginning at around 9 00. But check out this Police Escort. Just happened few moments ago. The whole family of ducks leaving the schuylkill, exiting the westbound side, at gladwynn. They got a state Police Escort here. Awe. This was the schuylkill westbound at gladwynn. Nice, look at them, missing over dozen every them all lined up, they pushed them off. Got them off to the side. Nobody got hurt. Now down at the off ramp at gladwynn there down, whats it, the creek back there, so Police Escort for the little guys. Can you look up for one of our cameras and see if we actually is that movement . We had that movement. Theyre now scattered. Thats why i took a snap pick for you. Well the next time you have it, just break . Ill come running over. Right. Just attack us. Okay. Northbound 95, some sun glare and delays, working up toward high lan. Fiftyfive northbound, closed at the vineland interchange, which is exit number 35, that Early Morning overturned dump truck, fatal accident, theyre investigating it now, want to use route 47, through vineland, this morning, some downed wires in boards end town. Route 100, downs mill road. Live look at the schuylkill as you work your way into town. Not bad at the moment. But that westbound delay, begins at the boulevard, out toward belmont. You and i hug when i come in, ritual here, for bob and i. Did i smell good . You did. Did i smell like booze . Into. I may tomorrow. I have a new deodorant. How do i smell today . I cant smell. Thats right, your nose all stuffed up. I cant. Thank goodness for. That will what if we told you, your deodorant, could you make it, smell like alcohol. Oh,. Yes. New product out there. Well tell you about it, and different types every alcohol. Smelling like alcohol when i came in got me in trouble. Snow is okay, though, this is a deodorant . A deodorant. That doesnt make it okay. At least you just smell, you wouldnt be under the influence. Would you wear deodorant that smelled like rose wine . And were not done with our Sixers Draft Party yet. How our potential number one pick, Markelle Fultz, will fit in with the sixers young stars. Or do you think there is a chance that we are going to trade the top pick . Oh, god. Oh, my goodness. After all of this planning . I rarely get jealous of humans. Ahh. More on George Clooney, in just a second, but first, back to this deodorant. So smells like rose, lauren . Yes, rose. It is all natural deodorant stick, launched yesterday, first day of summer, timely, made by native cosmetics. All natural. All natural deodorant work . You guys ever try it. I have. Does it work . I tried it in the 90s. It actually made of crystals. Oh, interesting. Not sure what this one is made of. But it smells like sangria, well, san agreeing a, mimosas, rose. Rose is the trends, you guys, rose all day. Trending all the time on social media. Thats why youre dressed like rose today. So you walk into work, like, i smell some wine. Not good for people who get caught drinking too much he smelled like booze. Smelled like wine when he came in at 6 00 this morning. Whats rose smell like . It is not a very discontinuing smell is it . Not really, you have to smell your knows down nose down for the nose. I would rather smell like secret. Speaking of alcohol im so jealous of George Clooney. He has everything. He really does. Are you guys rumbling something by the way. Ache purr too far George Clooney. Thats what i thought. Im in the dark over here. So hes like sitting in his mexican ville, a his trainer cindy crawford, her husband, look oh, tech we will, a lets start our own tiquila company. Custom egos, just bought it for 1 billion. What . Im going to spit up in my breakfast. So whats so special about his tiquila . Havent tried t but it is like booming right now, rose is popular, feck we will an is popular. So the space to be in. Thats why were seeing some of the big players and booze business. But if you have, you know, zip i crawfords husband and George Clooney on your team, you can sell anything. So we dont know what makes m all of the other feck we will an out there . Ive never seen it, havent seen it or tried t dow like tech we will a im petrone girl though. Where is it from . Ill just google it. It has to be something pretty spectacular, different about it. You know the petrone stuff is fake tiquila anyway, you know that, lauren . How is it fake . Made up by a guy who sold hair products, degeorge guy . It is not fake. I didnt know that. Thanks. Yes, it is the tiquila with mint in it, little bit of mint. Really . Yes. So lets give over what George Clooney he has a billion dollars now from tiquila. He has awards in hollywood. A movie star. He is good looking. Twins, he has twins. Now he has twins. He does have it made. You know what sniff squat. Nothing. Zip. I sit alone on my couch and weep. You have alex next to you right now. Really . Thats special. Youre the only good thing in my life. I lover you. Sure. So faint aroma of faint gaff a, cinnamon comes through, so, huh. Well, good for him. See you tomorrow, lawyer glenn bye, guys. The rich always get richer. Yes. Oh. But you know whats cool about whats happening right now . Filly . Everybody in the pool. Yes, the pools are opening up, jen. Yes, so how do you get in . Whether do they open . Whats the deal with swimming lessons . Were lock up for now. Theyre going to let us in. Were right near the please touch museum. Philadelphia hopping on day like today. So come on back, we will tell you all about the pools. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Where is the music . Tada. Ill provide the music. 76ers philadelphia there you go. Oh. Oh, oh. Whats up . Yeah what are you doing . All right. We got to put up the number ones, right . Number one pick tonight. Were red. I it all changes for our city tonight. Right . Lets hope so. Better. See you guys at the party tonight, okay . Party at the piazza. Exactly. You guys all going to be there . Oh, ya. Well all be there. See you tonight. Sue . Thank you. Yes . Whats the number of the day besides number one. Of course we have the number one draft pick. Eight out every continue, little cooler start today with bus stop buddy. And temperatures that are in the 60s, we have nothing to show you on radar. Lets get right to the temperature as you are walking out the door, pleasant 71 degrees, with a little bit after breeze, and we will get to perhaps an unpleasant 90. Now, it wont be too, too humid today. It will be hot. And make sure if youre outside that you wear your sunscreen. Specially if youre going to the ballgame today. Weve got business persons special, bob kelly. Thats right. Bring your business papers, profit and lost statement, meet you there 1 05 in south philadelphia. So see a lot of extra volume at lunchtime, then instant traffic jam once the game so far. South on 95, stack up from allegheny avenue, in toward downtown philly. The vine expressway, heavy here, the right lane all back up, trying to get into 30th street. On the way home, from the ballgame, youre going to see some delays on the schuylkill, westbound theyre working with only one lane at city avenue. Here is another cute picture of the Police Escort, the whole family of ducks, were getting, they were ducking in and out of the lanes, on the schuylkill expressway, westbound. We had to push them off gladwynn. Whole family safe and sound at the offer ramp at gladwynn. Good to go there. But, north on 55, still closed at the vineland interchange, and Early Morning dump truck accident, all traffic push off at exit 35 in vineland from there pick up route 37 to work your way back to the freeway. Left over delays from wire problems last night, septa running with delays on the paoli, doylestown, and the Chestnut Hill east Regional Rail lane. Mike and alex back over to you. All right. Well, 7 33, jurors in the bill cosby trial they spent 52 intense hours altogether in one room trying to reach averred. On three counts. Any time we do court stories, and the deliberation by the jury goes on and on and on i think of 12 angry men, dont you . Where are you going . Human life dont mean as much to them as it does to us. Look, theyre fighting all the time. If somebody gets killed, they dont care. Oh, sure, there is some good things about them, too. Look, im the first one to say. That will ive known a couple who were okay. But thats the exception, you know what i mean . Most every us like to have no feelings, they can do anything. Whats going on here . Im trying to tell you, you are making a big mistake, you people. This kid is a liar, i know all about them. Back and forth, ten, what we are learning now, 12 people on the cosby jury like any other jury. Ten of the 12 jurors agreed cosby was guilty on the first and third felony counts. There were only two holdout who refuse to convict him. A juror who spoke, he didnt want to be seen or his name known says the jury just couldnt reach a concensus. And we toning to another juror who said he is too scared to speak out. But they are giving some information, im sure, as the days go on, we will be learning more and more, but we want to bring in ken rotweiler talk about this a little bit. Good morning, you know why theyre scared to speak out. Moth supposed to. Judge told them not to. Well he told them they could just couldnt talk about other jurors . Let me read what the judge said. Jurors shall not disclose anything said or done in the jury room by any of their fellow jurors that may indicate his or her thought or opinions. Here is the key line. Jurors shall moth disclose argument, or comment made, or vote cast, by fellow jurors during deliberations. Now, we know it was tentwo, so that person violated the judges orders. Clearly. We should not know the vote. The judge clearly didnt want the vote out there. But i have to tell you it was pretty clear to everybody at least to the people who were really taking a look at this case that it probably they were leaning toward basically a guilty verdict. It is a reason why Brian Mcgonigle was pushing for hung jury. The reason why during those deliberations, at the end, that he was pushing for the hung jury i think he knew that the longer they go the more likelihood it would be for a guilty verdict. All right. As it turns out, he was right. Explain. He kept motioning for mistrial. Did he. Five or six times. Did he. And the judge said no, no, try to decide, try to decide, members of the injury. I turns out then it turns out. Let me tell you something, one of the juror said i thought it was interesting here is a quote not moving no matter what. The two that were the votes to, you know, a quit, they said were not moving. No matter what. The other ten people became extremely frustrated, one guy punched the wall, concrete wall, and they think he broke his fink i finger. They said this thing if it didnt end was going to wind up in a fistfight. There were some guards outside of the jury room had to be called in at least two times. Thats exactly it. To break up potential fights. What they did they took them from a larger room and they put them in a smaller room. Oh, worse. Now these people are in closer prom innings at this to each other. The guards sheriffs were afraid there would be fight. I have a question. Same juror that is speaking out, and aninimity of course, doesnt want to get in trouble, said when they first started deliberating, almost all of them said well acquit bill cosby. So then they started changing their minds. Well they started changing their minds when they started going back reading the testimony. So their initial vote was zero acquit. Which is interesting. At first blush what they thought was after hearing the evidence they were going to acquit. But then when they dug down deep into the testimony, those opinions started to change. And those, most all of those people flipped. Wow, 52 hours, they called back the testimony, multiple questions. Good news for the prosecution, though. That is. And thats why i was going to ask is that part of the reason why the judge didnt want the counts to come out and other specifics how the jurors were going because there will be another trial . Polluting the next jury pool. Everybody knows ten out of 12 people wanted guilty vote. Now when they have the next jury pool come in, what are the lawyers going to ask . Did you hear about what the vote was, does that affect but if they were all going to acquit at the beginning why wouldnt they just take a vote, oh, lets vote, first vote, okay, acquittal, out. They actually did. So somebody was holding out against acquittal . True. First vote. True. And then everybody started changing their mind. Freaks me out man about jurist. There is whole dymelor takes goes in the jury room that jury deliberations which have, very interesting. Which is why they make move business it. Right. I wish there was camera on t watching the deliberate race that is would be fascinating documentary to watch. Somebody punching the wall. One guy went up to the cement wall, punched the wall, broke his pinky finger. Probably thought it was dry wall. I guess he was disappointed his hand diagnose begin go straight through. Ken, good seeing you. Looking forward to the sixer. Tonight. This guy right here. Bick sixers fan. Seats right un the basket on the floor, mike and i go to the games. Yes. We like it. Looking forward to this year. Best back court in basketball. Tonight. Absolute. I tonight. No doubt about it. So it is draft night, and the sixers have the number one pick. You know that by now. Okay . But there are rumors floating around, of an unexpected trade that may be in the works. Well talk to our sports guys. This summer in a place where flavor runs deep, any dish and every glass might be the best youve ever tasted as long as you dont forget your appetite. New york state. Its all here. Its only here. Plan your trip to the finger lakes at iloveny. Com we said we would do this yesterday, recreate the saturday night fever movie, open, and we did it yesterday. Uhhuh. Okay, those werent exactly bellbottoms that i have on. Theyre not. Hideous. It is all i had. I lost my black bell bottom pants. Those are the kind of things you keep, mike. I know, i cant finds them, bob. I hate when that happens. Bob, you still have yours . I still have my pant. Well, you should have done this bit yesterday. You dont know where your pants are . Anyway, bob, weve recreated the open, well air tomorrow. It is the 40th anniversary every saturday night fever. Ive seen it. Snuff. Weve done a lot of music videos in our time. Make sure you watch it tomorrow. Get ready. If you find a pair of pant, drop them off here at fourth and market. Left over delays, from last nights storms, septa running with big delays on number of its Regional Rail lines here, whole list of excuses bottom line be ready for delays and crowded trains, white marc whit, joshua from downed tree, again, stenton avenue probably be your best bet. In bordentown, route 130, downs mill road, downed wires, solly, inner drive block as you head southbound, here is a live look, the boulevard right near fox street, some sun glare out there this morning, and the vine street expressway bumper to bumper from ends to end here in downtown. Early morning dump truck accident, still has 55 northbound closed at the vineland interchange. Thats exit 35, if you jump off there, and use route 47, that will get you back to route 40. You have an announce . Sixers party around here somewhere. Oh, over there. Thank you. Now, we forecast for the draft tonight . Sue has it in 15 seconds. Day game today, maybe theyll sal raj with the cardinals, 58 degrees when the game start. Bring your sunscreen, dress cool. Because it will be a very warm afternoon. Probably get to zero nine by the time the game is over. And hopefully well celebrate victory, here is a lock at the progress, of Tropical Storm cindy, and the bands of rain that spread out to alabama from the storm. For us though we dont have any rain right now. But we are expecting some tomorrow. Showers, thunderstorms, on and off throughout the day. And then, some rain on saturday morning. And that should be it for the weekends, 83 degrees, our high saturday. That looks like the best weather day of the weekend. Lets see what jenn fred is up to this morning, hi, jen . Sue, when the weather looks like this, people want to get in the pool. So, were going to be with the philadelphia parks and Rec Department in just a little bit. As they start filling the pools. Okay, were getting ready for the draft night tonight. Im sure a lot of people will be having draft party, because this is big. This is a big moment for philly right now. So you can tell there is a lot of noise going on in the news room. Were having our own draft party. Whats up . Good to see you, man, welcome to the party. Welcome oh, whats up, guys . We better put pull this off. Hey, welcome. Good to see you, my man. Im gone for like a month and i see mike doing the robot this morning. Is that what that was . I was trying to figure it out, too. The team robot. Lets get the rumors out of the way. In the paper today, it says hole on a second. That the sixers might pull a fast one, trade the number one pick. What . To the nicks to get their big guy. N im more than okay with that. What . Listen, lets go on the hypothetical first, which is that they land chris, the guy that everybody want the big guy that the nicks want to move. But i cant yes, you can. We call him dario, you can call his christians. Dont we have enough big guys . The thing hes the perfect thing ned to embiid. Talking historic fit that the game has not seen. Thats the hypothetical. So thats where youre at right now if you want to move that number one pick, but how likely do you think it would be . Doing all of this stuff about fultz. 15 , they want this kid. The nicks are a train wreck, opposite what the sixers are about to be. No possibility we will get josh jackson . No. Two likely possibility, right now. The overwhelming possibility, that Markelle Fultz complete the process and we get four young kids to grow w there is a small unlikely possibility that they move everything to the nicks. And they say we want chris, and thats the best fit with embiid. But i dont see that happening. So we can celebrate fultz. Look at the back page of the daily news today. Theyre comparing this Markelle Fultz to james harden of the rocket. Look at that beard. Not bad. Not bad. Thats a beard on Markelle Fultz. James hard end beards. Beards are good here in fill, known for our beards. True. Nothing wrong with, that listen, you compare a guy, well, toyed shave this morning because mine got little gray. Like where is your beard. Little gray, you know . Thats all. I didnt know i would be matching with you guys otherwise i would have kept it on there. Thats the thing. Youre getting compared to james harden, doing something well. Hes lil scorer, dynamic scorer. Can he do anything with the basketball. We expect Markelle Fultz to be able to do everything with the basketball. Great comparison. I know we do it all the time and say he is the next great. But i love it. Either way this will be a big moment tonight. I see youre wearing is that a sam hinkie patch . Patch that i saw here stacked up here, from creep records, right, and it is to honor sam hinkie. Should we thank sam hingey . A lot of people are selling these. Absolutely yes. Sell them. Put them on your jerseys if you k sam hinkie, we thank you for everything that you have done. Credit brian coangelo, as well. Where is sam hingey . All palto alto at a starbucks somewhere. I see. So should we meet at the piazza tonight . I still call it the piazza. Schmidts. Piazza submits commons. Northern liberties. What time should we be there . Im going to show up at 6 00. The draft starts at 8 00 . So show up at 6 00 after work. Dont even go to work. Leave early. Lets go, get there now should we go over some of this food that we have . So some of the beer, weaver christian here from urban fill. I hey, christian. You have the mike . Where is the microphone . Do we have a microphone . Here we go. So hush and village providing the beer tonight. We have weld i wheat, we have cpa. Pail all. And our it is a smooth drink banana clove and our pail all, if you like hoppy beer excellent beer to drink. Are you excited . All right, next. Ex next waive sean from schmidts commons. So you would know what time we should be arriving. Absolutely. Tonight celebrating with 5,000 of philadelphias best fans. 5,000 . Really, 5,000 . 5,000 folks. Holy moly. It will be great. Arrive at 6 00. Sproles encouraging folks to get there early, food specials, drink specials, sixers legend, the mascot be there there. A lot of fun. Are you guys putting up on the big jen. Absolutely 400 square foot jumbo tron, there it is on the screen now, great crowd, great energy. How many night for the schmidts commons as well as for the franchise. Love it. Very excited. Thank you. So lets talk about the food. We have ted from crabby sport bar. You guys are expert. You guys made the shirley temples. Made the shirley temples. Theyre going to be virgin and spike. Oh, spiked. All right. And we have the grilled wings. Oh, what kind of wings are these . Ranch grilled wings. So actually ranch, and chipotle ranch sauce. Oh, that does look good. Amazing. Whats yellow . Actually Little Cherry pepper relish. Oh, lord. Sounds great. Okay. Thank you so much. Then we have josh from he will cam even owe royal. Hey, george. Okay. So, this guy can get you into trouble. You made the drinks. We have lots of cock tames. We have a tropical rum punch. Oh, lord. Spiked burbon lemonade. Okay. And margarita, we will be serving frozen and brats margaritas, for food we have fried mac and cheese, spite i catsup, some pulled pork, sweet and spicy shaw. It will be great. So this is a lot, 5,000 people, a lot of fun. To listen to one man say one mans name. Markelle fultz. Markelle fultz. And the entire city goes nut. Look at. That will this is huge, isnt it . Gigantic. This is what weve been waiting for. This is why he sat through four years, five years of misery. Please, fultz completes this process . And then see if they can play together. Theyll be able to play. That will take a year. Really. See you tonight everybody. Were ready. Alex, get well. Pace past a story back in new york, 30 years ago. Where you miss pronounce someones name. I thought i had a friends name antoin. Exactly, i was with him last night matter of fact. Yes, talking sixers draft. Oh, what were you all doing . We went to sushi, actually, japanese barbeque. Sounds interesting. Over at 19th and callowhill. Yes, was it good . Oh, so good. Maybe you got to try this . I think it is. Okay. A nine Year Old Girl is proving big things can come in small packages. So name after her favorite parent singer, sell even, well, she snubbed the judges when she belted out everyone her idol owes most famous ballads, my heart will go on. Oh, i like the titanic. Okay, i dont know im a cynical man, i will tell you that. I just got chills there. Oh, my gosh. And the fact her name is sell even. Yes. Like it was meant to be. You think it was real, that they named herzl even at birth . What do you think they changed her name once she could sing that song . My god. Did you see her parent tearing up . I would have kid through the whole darn thing. Whats weirds is they kick her off the show. Did they really . No, kidding. She probably will win the whole danker thing. Who could beat that . My gosh. Even celine dion herself the real one tweeted out one simple words of encouragement. Adorable. Adorable. All she had to say after that . Wow. Yes, wow. It is adorable. It is. Can i just talk about simon cowell . He even looked impressed. But seriously . Hes a billionaire. Okay . But famous for his tshirt, his white tshirts. Thats how you stay billion mayor billionaire, save that money. Does he have any that fit if. Might be 500dollar tshirt. No question it is worth 500. Yes. But it is all like great fabric. Not haines. Not thin, like real heavy. Not fruit of the loom. I like fruit of the loom. I do too. Do you wear fruit of the loom panties . I mean, under pants . Youre asking me that . I mean they make underwear for women too. You can bike like the six packs. Am i wrong . Fruit of the women makes womens underwear . Why wouldnt they . I thought it was guy stuff. Most of the five fruits, werent those all dudes . Apathy make socks and stuff. Hey, megan . Why limit yourself to just men. Can you bring up the picture of the original grews in the fruit . All men wasnt it . Doesnt mean they only make it foremen. So they make womens underwear . Fruit of the loom. Why are you so shock by this . I think i bet originally it was foremen only. You think so . Im wikipedia the heck out of my under pant right now. There they are. Where are the women . Oh, good point. Who actually thinks about that . Just an initial commercial, one of them. Good day everybody it is thursday june the 22, 2017. From the fox 29 studios. This is good day philadelph ia. Kid in tow. A minivan is towed away, with a seven Year Old Girl inside. Now, police are talking to her mom, and the tow truck driver. What the little girl was doing when the van pulled away. Kim car adder yan, kanye west, hire a surrogate to carry their third child. Many couples turn to it but what is done, how much do you need to pay . What you need to know if youre considering surround gas. I the conspiracy continues. Does this sketch proof that jfk was killed by two gunmen . Who drew it, why it point to that grassy noll again. What achievement. These south jersey twins love school so much, theyve never missed a day. But theyre not alone. Why their accomplishment gives the whole family bragging right. None of them have missed. None of the kids ever missed day of school. Meet them. Meet the mother more importantly. Well, did you ever miss day of school . You seem like a goody two shoes. I dont well i didnt get perfect attendance certificate. You didnt miss very often i bet. I wonder if the mom had something to do with that . I know youre sick but get that book bag, get to school. Right. In. She owns kad l product. Very weird. Talking to her in the green room. See . Here are tissues, get to school. Whatever it takes. We will talk to her. All right. Lets, not perfect day. Oh,. For a perfect attendance, but it is pretty close. It is a eight out of ten. Thats good. Weve got bus stop buddy in the backyard, having good time. Waiting for chocolate eclair day, for dessert, for later on, i think it might melt if you leave it out too long, that chocolate eclair. No rain in the area. A lot of sunshine, and 74 degrees. Just 3mile an hour breeze out there. And plan on sunshine all day, it will be hot, high around 90 d the summer solsus, and it hasnt really kicked in yet. But little by little, bob kelly, the days will be getting shorter. Enjoy our sunset 8 33. 8 03, morning, accident on 95, this one involving a tractortrailer, one of those us mail tractortrailers, and this fellow, you think youre having bad start to the day . This guy kissing the concrete barrier here. This is the northbound side every 95 right at cottman avenue. Again, northbound, watch for delays, as you lever center city. Pretty much start to hit the brakes around bridge street. On up to the accident scene there. And then, big delays in overcrowding, whole host of reasons here on septas Regional Rails lines. Started out with some leftovers delays from last nights storms. The big one, Paoli Thorndale, 40 minute, doylestown, Chestnut Hill, cynwyd, wilmington, all running with delays this morning, and still closed northbound rained of 955 in vineland, from Early Morning truck accident. Mike and alex back over to you. Check it out. About 2 30 in the morning, driving your minivan, got your seven year old daughter in the back seat for the third seat of the minivan right . Goes into fastfood place . Her daughter was sleeping under blanket. Come out of the fastfood place and your car got towed with your daughter still sleeping in the minivan. Poof. Theyre both gone. So thankfully Philadelphia Police are able to track down the tow truck driver and ten minute later theyre able to reunite the girl and her mother. The truck driver tells us, he didnt even know there was a girl in the back seat. He towed the minivan 2 30 from south 45th and chestnut streets. The mother says she was running a quicker around, didnt want to wake her daughter since only a few minutes. So her daughter waist under an blanket in the third seat of a minivan. By the way, why did she get towed . Well apparently didnt make paint. The minivan was being repossessed in the middle of the night. So the truck driver, the tow truck driver, was released from the police department. They believe his story. Everything is fine. He is back in his truck. And he did tow the van. All right, 8 05. The recovery effort resumes in just about 30 minutes at low tide in Hamilton Township for a 17 year old who was swept away while swimming on the first day of summer with some friends. Jenny joyce in Hamilton Township with some updates. Jenny . Reporter good morning, about 30 minute we saw the first remember cue boats arrive at roebling park. They were new Jersey State Police boats. Since then weve seen additional Hamilton Township boats. Theyre getting ready, standing by, to enter the waterway off of roebling park to continue the search for a missing 17 year old swimmer. The Biggest Issue is the swimmer cant actually swim. He was out here yesterday afternoon with three other teens. Celebrating the ends of the school year when he was caught up in a strong current. The boys were in the water after gusty storms swept through. The water was no longer calm. Fire crews responded and combed the marsh that leads to the delaware river. New Jersey State Police searched from the air and dive teams entered the water after four hours, a no success, the rescue turned into recovery operation that got called off after dark. A boy who was swimming with the missing teen tells us he tried to grab the 17 year old, but the water was too strong. That boys mom says as soon as she heard about the rescue, she rushed to the park thinking that it was her son who was missing. The current was so hefty took him, and i kind of like reached out, try to grab him, but like we were like this, and then like since the current so strong it took him away from my hand. And he went down, he was like going under. Gasp for air, come back down, come back up, gasp for air. When he went aroundment corner i lost site of him. Hamilton township swift want err team dispatched on scene in three minute. Approximately 12 firefighters enters the water to start investigative search for the child. It is considered a recovery operation. All operations for the Fire Department has stopped due to lighting. And concerns for the safety of the firefighters. So while i was talking, i dont know if you could hear that helicopter flying overhead, but that was in fact new Jersey State Police helicopter. A sign that the recovery effort has resumed, mike and alex. Okay, sounds like it. All right, 8 07. It is day four, in the corruption trial of da Seth Williams. Yesterday nursing home executive wrapped up her testimony. She told jurors that she spent months trying to collect more than 20,000 from Seth Williams for his mothers care. Prosecute remembers trying to prove that williams took bribes, worth tens of thousands of dollars, in return for favors. Williams maintains he did nothing wrong. Forget bikes and skateboards, this summers most dangerous toys are fidget spinner. Weve had them on the show many times. Warning for paren, a Consumer Group just came out, with a new list of what to watch out for, with these spinners. Yes, karen, you know what mike will make us do. We have to admit that you predicted this, when it first came out, first got big, mike, you said this could be a problem. Only because when i was playing with it, the metal little thing in the spinner hole popped out. Thats the problem, you predicted it accurately, you demonstrated it, thats whapping happening. You can pop them out. Then younger kid can pick them up. Do knucklehead thing, put them in their mouth can be choking hats around, world against toys causing harm, came out with the summer safety list. Fidget spinners, top most dangerous toy. Lets show you exactly why. Take a look at xray that we got. Nine Year Old Girl, with the beginning it spin nerve her throat. She started choking, they raised her to the hospital. She got surgery. Shoe is he doing fine. Recovering, also, those small batteries are dangerous. But those are the ball bearing things very dangerous. Number two danger, electric shock drownings. This happens near docks, and marinas and both. We just had one every these tragedies this week in our area. There was ten Year Old Girl who is electrocute in the lag aoun advice ill ago friends in toms river, just happened saturday, on raft it, touched a metal boat lift. That will was energized by electric current, thats the dining when he swimming near a dock or any of those areas. Number three on the list, hoverboards. The big danger it is the batteries still the lithium batteries catching fire. Kids can get burned. Of course also you can fall off, break a leg. Also on the list for this year, new toy very popular because of the movie, wonder woman Battle Action sword, hard edges that theyre warning people about. Nurf powered water guns, very high powered, that can be very dangerous, and as a parent these are the stories, 20 years of news i cover all the time, drownings, huge one. Jenny just reported on that story. We had 17 year old who died last night. So many drowning deaths, then one more danger which is not on the list but kids getting hit by carsment millions every kids get hurt every summer. Lets keep our kids safe together. Lets be careful this summer. Things to be aware of. Karen thank you. He will toy bed, early to rise, thats the old addage, of course, necessarily, it doesnt necessarily hold true for teenagers, for sure, what time they should be going to bed to stay healthy. It is probably later than you think. I figure it was around, you know, 9 30, 10 00. But first, finding a way. Kim kardashian and kanye west, they reportedly hire a surrogate to carry their third child. It is an option many couples turn to, but how is it done . How much should you have to pay . What you need to know if youre considering surround gas. I you know different in every state. Should we go through the tristate area . We should. Okay. Countless patients. Countless ailments. Countless hours. And guess what . You can handle it all. Be a leader in your field with a bsn from strayer university. A Nursing Program created by and for nurses. Lets get it, nurses. Good morning, i95 northbound, right at cottman avenue, philly firefighters, responding to somebody definitely hurt in a car there. So, in that far, only the two far right lanes are open. So were back up from bridge street, all the way up through cottman avenue. And we have our typical delay going the other way, coming into downtown, so, rough go, there, on 95. Delays in overcrowding on a number of the Regional Rail lines, this morning. The Paoli Thorndale line, the big one, a beginning of left over delays from last night, theyre saying some amtrak signal problems, some wire issues, you pick it, we got it, delays, north on five still closed vineland, all traffic forced off exit 35, and from there, you can use route 47. We got a baseball game this afternoon, forecast for the phillies, sue has it in 15 seconds. The weather will be good, very summary, very hot for the phillies, cardinals, lets hope we maybe break the losing streak today. High of 90 later on, when the game begins, we will be at 85. Bring the sunscreen with you. And make sure youre dressed cool. Now, tracking the tropics. We got Tropical Storm cindy, quick update on. That will it is now moved 40 miles northwest of lake charles, louisianna, further inland, at a rate of about 12 miles an hour, spread ago lot of rain, where ever it goes, for us, though, no rain to speak of at the moment. Were saving that for tomorrow. So, high of 90 today. Showers and thunderstorms, kind of on and off, tomorrow, and rain in the morning, on saturday, the way it looks right now, could be some heavy rain, but will dry out, looks like in the afternoon, and sunday, your best weather day of the weekend, with sunshine, mike and alex, and high of 83 sunday, as you end your weekend. Sorry, sue. Mikes being bad again. I was being little bad. Yes. I just find the story so interesting. Kim kardashian and kanye west report i hadly hired surrogate in hope of adding whats their third child . Yes, would be their cheered child. So kim recently posted family photo on her instagram. And it shows her four year old daughter north and 18 month old child saint. She developed a police and that acreta during last pregnancy, where it gross to the wall doesnt easily detached. So, decide to go hire a surrogate, is no easy decision, whether youre a billionaire, big celebrity or not. There is a lot that needs to be considered, if a woman even wants to consider caring a baby for somebody else. Here to shed some light on that process is attorney, david schooler. Did i get that close . So i got your last name right and screwed up your first. Which is david. What did i call him . Deaf inch. Close enough. It is david. How are you doing. Well, how are you . Okay. Lets start with you. How many times have you been a surrogate . Just once. One time. Yes. What did you have . A little girl. Okay. But you have two other children . Little girls. That you kept . Yes. Who did you do it for . As a surrogate, can you say . I cant give names but two dads living in spain. Yes. And you still keep in touch with them . Yes. We went to visit them last summer actually for her second birthday. And we talk pretty regularly. Can i ask a stupid question . Here we go. Im full of stupid questions. Made a career. Or inch appropriate ones. So how does it work physically . They take the sperm from one of these men. So they had an egg donor. They had embryos created using both of their sperm, so they had half and half from each dad. Do they know who provided ther . They did genetic testing, they new, they had a daughter through surogacy two years beforehand. So they have a baby from each dad. So the sperm and the egg come together. They implant it in your womb. Correct. Is that painful. No it is pretty straightforward a loft testing ahead of time, ultrasound, blood work. What made you want to be a surrogate mom . I really enjoying being pregnant. I wanted to experience that one more time. Like helping other families. You like being pregnant . I do. Why . How does it make you kneel. I dont know, just something neat about watching your body go through the transformation, pretty amazing. What our bodies able to do. Womens bodies are amazing. We hear there are Different Things do you have do per state. Pennsylvania, new jersey, california, it is different, new york maybe you cant even be a surrogate. So lets break it down. Okay. So david, it sounds like that kara had already had two kids, one of the requirement, you have to have already had a child . Have healthy pregnancy, be able to show that you can car a baby full term, that everything work out for your birth, you didnt have an emergency at the end that would preclude you from caring again. Wow, you already had to have had a child. Yes. Judge is that . If have had one successful . Records show if you had one healthy pregnancy, you can car a pregnancy. And emotionally, too. You know what goes into it. Makes sense. Okay, so lets go, pennsylvania, delaware, and new jersey. Sure. It is legal in all three states. Legal, yes. Pennsylvania, would be the best of the three. Why . In my opinion. We have process, where, say, while cara was pregnant with the baby we file paperwork with the court where we get the intended parent on the birth is her self cat before the baby is born. So we know who the legal par rent. Okay. That process not available in new jersey, and to my knowledge not delaware either. How does that make it complicated once the baby is born . Of at baby is born youre going through adoption proceedings. Not straightforward. Not as straightforward, not assisi corks run into issues with potential surrogates saying i want to keep the babe. I how often does that happen . You to gross inside of you, you become close to it, and then it comes out, i want to keep that baby . Thankfully ive never dealt with a situation like that. Gstational surogacy what we are talking about here the surrogate is not genetically relate the to the child. And go into it with the intention you are caring this baby for somebody else. You made a contract. Mentally go into it with a different state of mind. This isnt my babe. I who were we talking about yesterday . Yes, mike we found out about 45,000, what kim and kanye with paying for their surrogate. Mike went all up in arms, thats it, just 45,000 . You know, theyre millionaires, Kim Kardashian made 14 million yesterday with her beauty line. So they could have paid her little more. Then we got some tweets from the viewers saying well there are rules when it comes to how many you can pay. California had statutory law on surogacy. We dont have that out here. Coy give you averages in pennsylvania, are way less than that. California. So here could you pay as much as you want. Theoretically you could. Pennsylvania, first time surrogate, looking at mid to high 20s. Twenty grand . Yes. For first time. Jerry . Probably in the same area. Del way . Yes, same area. California, youre looking, everything more expensive in california. That downed like enough to me. Not doing it for the money. It is part of compensating you for all of the things that you go through, throughout the process, but really people caring surrogates are doing it because they want to help people. So that covers the doctors visit this. All that is separate. And connected to the pregnancy intended parent are cover. In addition. Twenty this just for going through it. The fee for caring the pregnancy. But yes, to have go through ibs, use a clinic, donor, people to match with surrogates, that costs significant amount of money too. Youre watching right now, you want a surrogate. How, well, you dont call up surrogates are us . How do we get a hole of you . On line through website, google me, vladmeere law. Com or surogacy lawyer pa. Com. No surogacy line i could call . We go through an attorney . Well, you can go through agencies. I mean if you google surogacy agency youll get blown up with agencies that do this as well or got private attorney. We couldnt find one around here. Im right here. There are a lot of small ones, larger ones, but kinds of going through middle person versus directly to the attorney. So they match you with the attorney, they match up with the surrogate. They kind of handle all of that. But it is not as personal of an experience. So not like you go up to the person i choose you . Usually people go to families members first and ask. Do you ever want to see your baby . Yes, we went to see her last year. Did you . She is great. I have a nice relationship with the parent, theyre awesome. Cool. And we had a get together in spain. Nice have i case. Real quickly i know youve been doing there are for three years now, how many have you handled . Ive probably been connect today somewhere around 60, six a babies, that ive in one way or another helped bring into the world. Interesting line every law. Yes, absolutely. For sure. Thank you both. Thank you. All right, 8 23. The conspiracy continues. Oh, god. This sketch right here, does this proof that jfk was killed by two gunmen . We will tell you who drew the sketch. And why it poised to the grassy noll. Again, the grass having a baby. Caring for your parents. Learning you have a condition. These are moments when people realize that where you get your medicine matters. And they look to us. Cvs pharmacy. For advice. And ways to save money. Plus, get up to fifty extrabucks each year just for filling prescriptions. Switching is easy. Were here for you. Join us. At cvs pharmacy. All right, here we go again. Could jfk been killed by two different gunmen . At one point, people thought three. But now this is down to two again. A sketch by jfk surgeon suggesting Lee Harvey Oswald was not the open one who pulled the trigger. This guys name was doctor robert mcclellan. Head jfks head as he was operating dollars on after being shot in dallas in 1963. So, it wasnt his personal surgeon. It was the surgeon on duty, at Park Land Hospital that day. He drew sketch based on what he saw that said, the bullet came from the front, but he later decided, kennedy was shot from in front, and behind. He believes the second gunman must have been on the infamous grassy noll i was ahead of the motorcade. The sketch is up for sale for 2500 bucks . Thats it . Bidding closes tonight. Ill be darn. See, they always thought that the first bullet, you know, went through and out the front, and then governor shot was to the back of the skull, where you see his head explode. And in dallas, because you know thats where i grew up, they do have a spot, still, popular roadway. Yes. They still have a x, in the exact spot when youre driving past. In dealey plaza. Yep, exactly where it happened. Ask the school depository, billing still there . Museum now. Then not from from it they have a museum just dedicated to all of the conspiracy theories and all Different Things people think happened that and the grassy noll still looks the same . Little coeloms. Still looks the same, people still go by, there see it, and they like to go and see exactly where the x is that they have there. Well tell you tomorrow, if somebody bought that. I would imagine somebody is going to buy it. Maybe it will go in a museum, one of those me museums. Everybody in the pool. Philly pools open hey, jen . Do i look like im in a resort . It is gorgeous. Im going to tell you how you can get into this resort. A lot easier than you think, a philly pool. Im looking. It is gorgeous. Come on back. Giant has unbelievable pro tip produce prices. so youll never have to choose between your favorites. I thought i was your favorite. Thats right honey. Bye take a fresh look at giants produce prices. [ light music playing ] youve wished upon it all year, and now its finally here. The mercedesbenz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedesbenz youve always longed for. But hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. Lease the c300 for 399 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Bus stop buddy hoping it is national eclair day, temperatures in the 60s, little bit of cooler start than yesterday, but we lend up being warmer, no rain, on radar, none in the forecast for today, 74 degrees, and we will probably get up to oh, around 90 or so, by the time the day is done. We do have rain in the extended forecast in the seven day. Well tell when you it arrives, when it leaves, coming up in just a few minute, bob kelly. Good morning, everybody, 8 32, on this thursday morning. Got little accident here, eastbound, 422, right at the 29 onramp here, kind of tucked there behind the trees. Lot of sun glare, this morning, and still little damp from all of the thunder boomers yesterday. Then north on 95, accident, at cottman avenue. Only the two right lanes are open. As you approach cottman, and we have been experiencing delays and overcrowding on a lot of Regional Rail lines this, more the big one, Paoli Thorndale line, 40 minutes, there is the rest of the delays right there running down the line. Then westbound, on the schuylkill, going to go down to one lane in about a half hour, crews will be working from city out to conshy all day long. Mike and alex back over to yo you. Big moment. So jen in west philly this morning, are you going to dot official opening, jen . Reporter so the official opening; at 3 00 today. Good morning. Okay so the reason we wanted to talk to you so can see how gorgeous pools are in the city of philadelphia. But i get calls and texts all the time from people like do i have to join a pool. Do i have to show id. How much does it cost . First do you have to show id to get into a pool . No id. No id. So anyone in the city of philadelphia can come and relax . Free of charge, Public Access pool. Just have to show up, that simple. Okay. So you decide it is free of charge. Free of charge. So a lot of people want to take swim lessons. How do that work . Supervisors of the pool set out times that we have, lessons for folks, who wish, are interested to do that. How do you find out about that . All do you have do is talk to lifeguard, supervisor at a facility near you. The city of philadelphia has the most pools of any big city park system . Beef system. Seventy outdoor pools, four indoor pools. Amazing. And they stay open until Labor Day Weekend . Start to close mid august. We start to do slow roll out. Then we finish i believe last week of august. You have to be proud. This pool is in west philadelphia. Obviously right next to the please touch museum. Really pretty. Some big. Some small. Bottom line 70 outdoor pools. And well utilized, last few years, seen up tick in terms of advice take, so 825,000 visitors in 2015, 924,000 visitors in 2016 there is year we hope to surpass 1 million. We know you seem to have a lot of statistics. Are you aware that the former mayor ed rendell got into a pool the first day. Ive been told. Are you aware then mayor street got into a pool the first day. Of been told. Then we also have mayor nutter the last mayor. I believe thats the case as well. So we have this guy, jim kenney, mayor of the philadelphia of city philadelphia. Long time city councilman, he knows what came before him. Last year, he did not get in the pool. This year, getting in pool . It is a mayoral tradition. 3 00 today, official kick off, find out then. Are you going to bring him shorts . If i need to ill pick some up quickly. Come on, mike jerrick. Bob kelly gets in a shoe with his shoes on. Right. Just get in the pool, mayor kenney. Get in the pool. Wait a second. Is life going by this fast in is this the second summer for mayor kenney . Yes. This is an outrage. It does move fast. All right. Well he watches the show. Mike real quick mike and alex, the people that are on the parks and rec commission, not necessarily commissioner, right . No. You guys are thinking about going to each of the 70 pools this summer. Wow. And getting in each of the 70 pools. There is a number of folks looking to get a dip. And should be something fun to watch. And all we want is one mayor, in one pool, one time. You didnt hear it from me. A mayor in every pool. Like a click never every ponds. Thats really cool phrase. Yes. Chick never every pot. Early to bed, early to rise, you know thats the way we live. That is trowel. It is an old aid and for sure necessarily does not hole true for teenagers. When should show go to bed your teenagers, how many hours should they get . Different from the rest of us, well tell when you it is. Oo, yeah. Are you ready for a rush . Yes, yes i am. Youre in for a treat. Fast play is the new way to play fast and win instantly from the pennsylvania lottery. Pick a game, get your ticket and see if youve won. I won pretty fast, huh . Fast play. Play fast. Win instantly. 8 40, teens are known for being night owls, researchers say they know the perfect time they should be in the sack. A new study fawn teenagers have a later body clock, making the operate miami bed time for 17 and 18 year old, 12 30 a. M. Yes. Twelve doctor 30, lace late. The study says blue light from smart phones and tablet, though, can alter that. Those findings based on data from almost 54,000 people from 2003 to 2014. 12 30, no way. In high school my par wont let me go to bed at 12 30, thats crazy. Interesting. What achieve so these south jersey twins. They love school so much, theyve never missed a day. Nope. But theyre not the only ones. Why their accomplishment gives the whole family bragging rights. Youre going to meet them next. This summer, journey into the adirondacks where campers carve through stone. And to the thousand islands, where kids can be kings. If you like big adventure, youll love new york state. Its all here. Its only here. Plan your Summer Getaway at iloveny. Com they call this business persons special, afternoon phillies game. Maybe theyll turn it around today. Bring some sunscreen if you have ticket. All fun to spend a warm afternoon at the ballpark started at 85 degrees at 1 00. Ends up around 9o take you through the future cast because weve got some rain rolling in. Could see little bit every rain, but otherwise, saturday morning, heavy rain through noon, but for saturday afternoon, i think we will salvage the rest of that day and then some sunshine, so 74 degrees in philadelphia right now we head into the weekends, temperatures 80s, very comfortable and nice, early part of next week. Mike jerrick, im calling on you. See thank you, playing the part of a School Teacher now. How do i look . Can you imagine me as your teacher . Oh, god. I was just looking over my grand caught here is six years old, teddie, she got all as, actually give them es, excellent. She got all es, as, she was late to school 23 times the worst in her class. So im going to show her this segment. One new jersey mom knows how many times her four children have been absent from school. Zero. Twins michael and mckenna dowd graduated from williamstown high school. With perfect attendance, graduated last night, there they are, honored during the ceremony. Perfect attendance for their four years, students at williamstown high school. Also, student from kent err garden, through 12th grade. Thats 13 years. Amazing. Michael and motorcycle ken, a would you please stands at this time . We can all recognize this unique accomplishment. Their mother who shot this pat it being video is sitting next to me now, hope, ive been in that situation with my children, where youre so emotional, the cameras moving around and your regal cant see the view finer. Is that how you were . They did it. They did t made it all the way through with perfect attendance. Now, their sisters, madison and allison are also here, two are in college, right . Yes. And you also had perfect attendance . Never missed an day. For the love of pete. Are you listening, granddaughter teddie . Late 23 times. So, first of all, talk about the twins, congratulations. Thank you. Youve been up all night the two of you. Yes. Why . Project graduation. What is a project graduation. You get lock in at rowan. And at Rowan University . Yes. Locked in. Not punishment. No. So you cant get out. Yes. And then how was the party, michael . Well it wasnt real a party. Played basketball it, blow up rides and stuff. Thats it . There was pool, too. Fun, though, right . Yes, it was. Mom, you must be proud. Very proud. How in the heck did you do it . For four kids. It started with them Loving School when they were little they played school. Like i loved where they went to school. Where . Holly glenn elementary, and teachers will great. I heard about those schools. Let me turn you so i can see your face. How is your husband. Police officer. Yes, he is. With what jurisdiction . Glassboro. Glassboro. Does it help to have a dad who is a police offerser . When he says go to school there is impact there . He always goes to work, and hes always on time, and hes dependable. So mr. Punk all is your dad. So you learn from him, right . Did you have perfect attendance when you were little . I did third grade to 12th. So what youre saying the apple didnt fall far from the tree . Okay, lets go through, your name again . Madison. Whats the key to not missing any school . I think it was luck most of it. We just so happened to in the get sick. Not have anything really bad happen to us, thank goodness. Would you say two is luck . I hate when people say it is luck. Because it is hard work. Some things are luck. But like i think it is a lot of determination. Like of course there are sometimes where we woke up tired. Of course there are sometimes that we just were like oh, god we have to get up, but just to push for through t we consider it a jobment like in our future jobs i think we will also be great with that who instill that in you. My parent, the best parent in the worlds. Are they . Im not feeling well mom. Im not going. She would say to us if youre sick, dont go, dont be mad at anyone this theyre sick and cant go. You werent like a freaky mom, no, we wont blow this record . No, the only thing i ever worried about is maybe oversleeping and me not waking them up or if a snow day wasnt real a snow day. Oh, is it really snow. Dont they have skip day in your town. We didnt do it. They have skip day. You just wouldnt do it. Like one of two. Michael of the four, seems like youre the most vulnerable to missing. Did you ever come close to missing . No actually. Dont you ever get sick any of you . No, we get sick but it is the rhyme time, like weekend or storm or Something Like that. So we have time to heal. I think big impact is being involved in outside activities. Because that of course builds your immune system. Yes. Whats the deal with your family . Is everybody really good looking . Thank you. My husband. Theyre your husbands looks . All right. So what do you think of me as a teacher . Perfect silence. Congratulations. Thank you. Are you going to give them Something Special for graduation . Thats what was so great. We never, ever had to promise anything, they just did it,. Well your parent want to announce that theyre giving you both cars. Brand new cars. Oh, ya . Well thats not true. Yes. We all have toyota camrys. Toyotas for everybody. You get a toyota. Thank you, congratulations, good luck on your college career. Speaking of school, forget college, majors like business, or communications, how about majoring in going viral . Oh, there is a school that teaches you how to be the next Kim Kardashian. Oh, help us. P hi, and then, there was lights. So you saw real quickly there, the clip from 1977, alex holley, of saturday night fever. Yes, that movie is 40 years old. Wow. Oh. By the way, they have a stage version of it over at the walnut st. Theater for about three, four more week. So got us to thinking. We would like to make our music videos. Probably done 15 over the years. So, we, yesterday, recreated the saturday night fever open. Want to see just a taste, well run it tomorrow. Here is a taste. Yes, did we eventually tilt up my pant to reveal what i had on top. And those pants are not bellbottoms. , no theyre horrible pants. I couldnt find any pant. We put the shoot together quickly. I couldnt find my bell bottom black pants. So i just went with big fluffy flowing pants. Is it because you only wear them on weekends, is that what it was . I cant finds them, alex. Cant finds them during the week. No. How is your cold. Do i sound worse. Are you struggling . You have great energy today. I admire that. Then why are you asking. Because youre talking youre little bit like there. Like youre in fog, and trying to get out of it. I am that way every day. Anyway we will play the whole music video for you tomorrow. It could be epic, or it could be an epic fail. You decide. Oh, i got something for to you do. Sue serio playing the part of patsy, no, pat you dont play patsy cline . Im her favorite fan. She is connected to patsy cline, patsy clines biggest fan, okay . Okay oh, there is patsy. Name of the lay is always patsy cline. Oh. Are you going to sing . Patsy will be here. Well, you know. Crazy

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