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Yes, yes, yes. Chip kelly released a statement for of the First Time Since he was fired as the coach of the eagles. Who he says means the world to him. Good day, everybody, it is the last day of the year. Guide riddance to 2015. Really. Ive had enough of 2015. Yes, lets get started on something new and fresh. And we im hearing something in my ear. Let me tell what it is. What is he saying . Explosive. Is that australia . Where is that . Close enough. Happy new year, new zealand. Wow. Thats cool. Look at that. So australia, sydney be doing the same thing as the opera house . Hey, ryan, can you finds that . This is new zealand . Something different, though. Weve never seen new zealand. No, i never have. Whats the capitol of new zealand . Aukland. Thats awesome in aukland. Oh. Do you know that i believe in new zealand they dont have reptiles. They dont have snakes. Could we look up that, sue . Can we look that up . You noah interesting snack. Reptile report, okay. The entrepreneur capitol of the world. It is a small little obviously island, and they had to create everything that they needed on their own, and they have more inventors, and people, that make their own stuff. Really . Than any other place outside of isay. I am this is real a cool display of bouncing off the top of the building here. Different. Lets just stare at this for like half hour. Interesting, lords of the ring, all of the gorgeous cool mountains, it was fill untilled new zealand, lord of the rings. It was . Phenominal, beautiful. Gorgeous. Very lush. Lets talk about our area. All right, we will go to the numbers of the day. Lucky seven. Common. New years eve. Look at bus stop buddy though all dressed up for a party. Hes got his happy new year hat on and everything. He looks like a dork. Of course he does, he looks like a dork every day, but hes our dork and we love him. Yes, hes also wearing a coat, because it is cold outside. Temperatures are actually mostly in the 40s this morning. Still little fog any reading, but i think we can say the winds are picking up, it is dissipating. Just few clouds around, 48 degrees at the moment in philadelphia. 10mile per hour, 10 miles visibility, i should say. Heres your new yeast eve forecast, looks back up to about 51 by about one, 2 00 in the afternoon, and then down to the 40s through the evening, by midnight should be about 39 degreesment and sunset time is 4 46 p. M. Thats your planner for thursday, bob kelly off today. Checking roosevelt boulevard, and were showing some volume but no build ups at this hour as the traffic heads towards the schuylkill. 422 westbound approaching route 29 all clear, just few headlights this morning. Traffic time, no problem on the schuylkill all the way into the vine, only 15 minute there. And i95 looks good, as well. On your new years eve morning, mike and karen. Yesterday afternoon Comedian Bill Cosby about 4 00 in the afternoon, right, steps out of an s. U. V. , and hes out on bail this morning. What was the bail set at . A million. And he made 10 that far what he needed to do. One hundred grand. And did he. Welshing yea. But arrested, charged, indicted. So news worthy at this point. Dave kinchen out there with the very latest, good morning. His lawyer actually spoke after all of this good morning to you, incredible just being in the news room yesterday, as this was breaking, when news came of the charges being filed, the scrambling there, National Media scrambling, and converging onto Montgomery County, for this big case, just in time as bill cosby answered the charges of Sexual Assault. Dating back to the mid 2,000s, now, the 78 year old cosby was looking quite frail, and required help walking into tiny elkins park courtroom where the world watched. He was charged with three count of aggravated indecent assault. Montgomery county prosecutors say back in 2004 cosby met the victim Andrea Constand who worked for the Temple University Womens Basketball team. Investigators say, he invited her back to his cheltenham township home, gave her three blue pills, with a glass of wine, and thats when prosecutors say cosby assaulted her. Reopening this case was our cute. I this case involves a woman and a man who had a concentual adult relationship over time. Filed as a result of new information, that came to light in july of 2015. Statute of limitations in this type of case is 12 years. Cosby left his chem end ham home last night, released on 1 million bail after posting 10 , remember prosecutors investigated this case back in about 2,005. But decided not to press charges. This time around prosecutors want to actually see if there could be other victims out there, so theyre asking people with any possible information to come forward, guys. Yikes. We will be covering this for what six more months to a year . All the way through. At least. I would say about a year at least. I say about a year, too. Dave, thank you for. That will 6 07. Other big news around here, chip kelly, we are now hearing from coach kelly First Time Since he was fired tuesday night from his position as the Philadelphia Eagles head coach. We know how regard spoke with them, but released a Statement Last night, thanking ceo Jeffrey Lurie for all of his time here with the team in regard to the players hes leaving behind, chip said, my players mean the world to movement i will miss them very much. Ill be rooting for them to achieve their dreams. Life is all about responding to challenges and seizing opportunities. Clear for a second. Let me get it. Im good. Jeffrey lurie, played it clear on what hes looking for in a candidate to be his head coach. But clearly his comments were directed as, welshing casino after criticism of chip. Youve got to open your heart to players and everybody you want for peak performance. I would call it a style of leadership that values information, all of of the resources provided and at the same time values emotional intelligence. It kind of made it sound like thats chip had none of that. You know what i mean . The ability to relate with the players, that came up, as one of the many issues, and how he communicated. And with everybody at the nova care complex, right . Oh, my head, all right, 6 08 and avenue headache. One of the biggest celebrations of the year. And it takes some darn good planning, right . Were live this morning, with some of the preparations for tonights new years eve celebrations, at 6 00 and at midnight in philadelphia. And then there is that guy. Yes, well, mikes already started sell brail action, but in politics we will talk with doug luzader. Oh, there is no better tease in local mentioning than mentioning doug luzaders name. The doug luzader. Well talk about it. That will keep you watching. Well be back. Everybody is gearing up for whatever i want to do tonight at midnight. Big celebration planned in our city certainly. Of course, and have the mummers parade, and rebelers will note a couple of changes. What . Well, theyre going to be changing to who is invited and security, lets get out to steve keeley, he has gun to get it right there. Steve, i cant imagine what you steve keeley, whats steve keeley do at midnight on a new years eve . Are you in a library. Mike, i only have a minute, mike, i know what you do. You dont sleep from this point on until the end of the show tomorrow. No. Am i right . No, i will not be asleep at any time, at any point today. No, you and you know what i like about up . You celebrate new years eve like youre off the next day on now years day, but youre not. I will be working tomorrow. I dont change my plans. For you viewers that dont know that just moved to town, he is not a tea tea todler even on work days. Ill let in you on the secret. I dont think he went to bed last night. I think it has already started. This has been a big year for me, and i want to celebrate it. Is your nose telling that you, karen . No, it is my nose telling her, it is red. All right, my nose is about to work, because as im talking to you the port a johns are arriving. I only have a minute for this hit. Am i already over a minute . The port a johns have arrived. It is official. Im going long, let me answer what karen talk about at the lead in. Whats new this year, the same route last year, so starting here and then going south, as opposed to starting in south philly and coming here to end. And the other new thing you will see right off even before good days over at 9 00 the first defemation year the new division the philadelphia division, answering all of the critics call for diversity, see drag bands, seaport rican, mexican groups, see more than just white guys from south philadelphia, essentially, and youre going to see more after philadelphia flavor, and thats why it is called the philadelphia vision. How is that for a quick wrap. Yes. Lets go. It is 6 12, get out of here. 2016 is a big year for politics. The country will pick a new president of course in this year. All right. So lets get right to doug luzader so he can break this all down and wrap it you will up for us. Tell us about the fact there will be election in 2016, doug, like we didnt know this . Start with jeb bush, hell have bick change looking ahead to 2016. Really born of lets be honest, some desperation, he needs to do something to improve those pole numbers looking ahead to New Hampshire and iowa. So hes shifting all of his Campaign Resource frost his heard quarters in miami, to try to fortify the ground game in iowa and New Hampshire. Even kind of de em phase sizing tv ads. If he doesnt do well in those states hes in some trouble. I got a question. You know what . Donald trump just might be the nominee, man cents it is almost 2016. He may get it. It is certainly possible he may get it. You can almost feel the shutters going through the republican establishment over this. But, but, you know, you look at iowa. And it is probably ted cruz that keens donald trump up at night. Because hes doing pretty well in iowa. If he wins iowa, it doesnt mean, you know, iowa is not a must win. Can go onto get the nomination. But for trump, who persona all about winning, winning, winning, if he loses that first contest, thats trouble for him. True. What do you think he looks like when he gets up in the middle of the night . You know, thats something ive never thought of, but thanks for planning that image in my head. I appreciate that. Happy new year yes, have a great new year, doug. Happy new year. Great job, see you monday. 6 14. Severe turbulence, sent 20 people to the hospital. Forced plane to make an Emergency Landing, so, mike doesnt like to fly as it is. Hate it. Frightening moment well hear from the from the passengers. Okay. Looking at the progression of temperatures, as we are falling into the new year, hopefully thats just in a figure tiff sense, doesnt actually happen to you, as you head into 2016. Always have to emphasize, that youre celebration should be safe once. Soap, we think that by 6 00 we probably bounce back up to about 49, ooh degrees, actually, after 6 00. So were at about 49 right now. Fiftyone, by noon, we were already at 51 at 1 00 a. M. But with colder air, settling in, by midnight, at 39 degrees. To think we will be in the low to mid 40s, friday, through sunday, mondays hi, only in the 30s, just to get you ready, that preview of coming attractions. So little bit of fog left to the north of us, but not much to talk about. There is a look at the rain that has moved off shore. So we dont have that to worry about any more. In fact, every day in this seven day forecast, is dry. The sunshine each day, the thing is, it will be a lot colder, so trading those clouds that we had last week when it was warm for all of the sunshine, and colder temperatures, there is your monday high of 39 degrees. Tuesday, we start off in the 20s, in the morning, and only get to 37 degrees during the day. So you might want to run out, take advantage of those winter coat sales still happening out there. Because now youre going to need one. And thats your seven day forecast, on your new years eve. Lets see how traffic is doing early, on this morning of new years eve, which is otherwise known as thursday. Meanwhile, im just waiting for my paper here. Route 42, creek road, can i go home now. Fortytwo at creek road. Fortytwo at creek road, still showing volume, but no delays. Blue route approaching conshohocken, all clear there, this morning. Now, septa tonight will be providing subway trains, starting about 7 00, and theyll continue all day long, all night long, with service, because it is new years eve after all. Regional rail lines will be providing extra late night trains. Free city parking, after 5 00 p. M. So that gets you ready for party time tonight. Mike and karen . Party time almost 6 18. In fact it is. It is going to be a devastating new year for many living in the midwest, the flooding continues. I mean, historic flooding. Oh, we have the mississippi way over its banks into homes, missouri now facing the biggest crisis, there are mandatory evacuations underway for so many thousands, look at how high the waters over the bridges, thats the st. Louis area. Ive been on that very bridge. Many times. People, theyre battling rising rivers, the Mighty Mississippi and also the merry mack, the mississippi could crest up to 15 feet above flood level today. But how did this happen . Is that one storm . It was this whole system of rainstorms that have come through. At least nine of the levies have spilled over, and there is 11 more that are in distress. So it has just been such enormous amount. Interstate 55 closed. Cant get ton obviously. Take a look for yourself. You cant drive right there. I44 so far. And here is the tragedy in this. Twenty people have died in both missouri and illinois. Unbelievable. Isnt i44, is that part of the, that song, route 66 . I dont know. Ill figure that out. What a mess, what do they call the mississippi river, the big muddy . The big muddy . Well the muds all over there. Used to be the days it would help out for the farming, now it is creating problems for all. People that live there. 6 19. Belgium authorities arrested a tenth suspect now in connection with a november terror attacks in paris france. This person was arrested yesterday in a neighborhood in brussels. Thats a very same neighborhood where some of the other paris attackers lived including suspected ringleader. Prosecutors say no weapons or explosives were fawn during that search but they did find about ten cell phones that theyre now examining very closely. Okay. And a friend of the shooters in the San Bernardino terror attacks, they have been indicted on several charges, including, lying when he bought the guns used in the attack. Remember shall he bought the guns that gave them to the attackers . And he lied about when that all happened. So now the charges against 24 year old marquez include conspiring with the shooters, say he had farook, to care out attacks. Now, those were attacks that never materialized, they didnt happen. Farook and his wife, tashfeen malik, opened fire on the Conference Full of his coworkers at party at the social Services Center back on december 2nd. Fourteen people were killed. That couple died in a shootout with police. Update on fascinating story, the mother of ethan couch, there she is, the afluenza teenager, is back in the united state. Shes back, but hes not after being deported from mexico, that happened yesterday. Her name is tanya. Tanya couch arrived in los angeles early this morning. Ethan couch her son will stay there, judge block her deportation, couch, the jerk, and his mother, disappeared from texas last month, after video surfaced appearing to show him at a drinking party. He was on probation for a drunk driving crash that killed four people, authorities dont know when hell be sent back to texas. The deportation block was only for three days, well see what happens. Listen to this. Weve seen these things happen as close to two weeks to two month t depend on the courtesies tell down there, depends on the fact couchs have legal council, tan seems to me that if they wanted to they could pay him as much money as they want to to drag this thing out as long as they want to. Really . So, this kid couch, right . He had been sentence today ten years probation after the crash in 2013, killed the four people, because his lawyer had successfully argued that he suffered from being rich. That he had this after flew seen. He was so spoiled by his wealthy parent, answer didnt know right from wrong. Dumb he is thing ive ever heard. And he got away with that one. Throw that kid in jail. 6 22, passengers are describing the scary moment on board, this is an air canada flight. Severe turbulence. And it got so bad, people got hurt. About two dozen people got hurt on the plane. Like you see, everything flying around, who ever didnt put the seatbelt on falling off. Just like the roller coaster, the plan was just goes down like like go down, and a lot of screaming. It is why you always wear your seatbelt. Who doesnt wear a seatbelt when the plane is in the air . A lot of people like to take it off, have more room, get up, go to the bathroom. Thats why they tell to you do. That will thats the recommendation. Many of those 21 people who were hurt were taken away on stretch earnings. The plane made an Emergency Landing in calgary. Can is a says they have a full investigation underway. When i flew back from denver to philadelphia, it was turbulence the entire way. The pilot said this is going to be all right, 6 23. Eagles players reacting. To the firing of coach chip kelly. As they practice for the first time under that guy right there. Thats pat. Were going to hear from some of those players next. Thats humor eagles had busy day at the complex, chip kelly was fired and was walked out of the building on tuesday, and yesterday, Jeffrey Lurie told us why he made the move. And with this, with one game left in the season, the search has already started, for new head coach. You got to open your heart to players and everybody you want you want for peak performance. Call it style of leadership that values information, values emotional intelligence. I owe a bit to chip. He brought me into this great city, city i want to play in for a loft years, at the same time, very difficult to go through. This im very thankful for everything he did for me, but very excited for the future. Always players that dont like the head coach. But there is a lot of players that did like chip kelly. All right, thats sports in a minute. Im howard eskin. Avenue question. What if chip had won saturday, wouldnt the division, would he have been fired . So for eagles players, the show must go on, thats exactly what happened yesterday. The team practiced, scheduled, for the first time under interim head coach, pat cher sure america, players sharing their thoughts on chip kellys firing afterward. Listen to. This. Sprees practice, we had very good practice, he broke us down after practice, you know, everything was normal. For it to happen last night, i think it kind of surprised everyone. I knew something was going to happen, but i didnt think it would be this dramatic, especially at this time, during the season last week of the season, but i understand why. So check out this headline on the back of the daily news. Look at this. Way down at the bottom there, wayne johnson, glad, dictate err is gone. Wow, not holding back. Wow. A loft unrest, you know, hasnt today contend he didnt lose the lockerroom, but a loft opinions, there certainly a lot of people unhappy, may not have been the whole lockerroom, but a whole lot of people had things to say. Anything on tape from lane . We have to take a look. 6 26. An officer impersonator, guess ago Police Officer, impersonator, brought the justice in new jersey, the ironic mistake he made, that led to his arrest. Dave . It has happened, Sexual Assault charges filed against bill cosby. What happens next in this case will tell you after the break. One a dom bye legend, now arrested for the very first time ton Sexual Assault charges, bill cosby facing very tough legal battle after being charged, with sexually assaulting a former temple employee. Legal. Philadelphia police, give a report on Violent Crime in 2015. As the familys bearing the pain of this violence, stands together to say no more. We got to be bet nerve 2016. It is new years eve, all over our city and the world, people are getting ready to ring in 2016, in style. You know, if we were, any of us, were decent people, hold on a second. Okay, what were they doing . They were doing this . Yes . Sue, can you do that . I was just doing doing, that the arms, too. The mummers people. We will have two groups of p. M. Mummers on. One group, bamm. One group over there. Head still hurt. Soup, help us . Somebodys Party Started early, didnt it . Yep. Rare form. Look, bus stop buddy feeling festive today. Happy new year hat. Temperatures, mostly in the 40s this morning. Well check them in a moment. It is a seven out of ten in your weather by the numbers, happy newspaper year. We had problem earlier with fog, looks like it cleared up, judge you few clouds. I think actually we will see some sunshine today. Now, the sun doesnt rise until 7 22. It is 48 degrees, right now. We get to about 51 by maybe 1 00, 2 00 in the afternoon, then go back down into the 40s after sunset. So, sunset time is 4 46. Right now well check traffic. laughing . Seriously. I okay. First starting off with the ben franklin bridge, headed into philadelphia, were doing okay, the schuylkill westbound, approaching belmont, weve got some volume. No delays. Another bridge opening this morning, oh, this is a big event on a holiday, when burlington bristol bridge is opening up at 6 50. Lets go be there watch it . I think probably have a camera there. Yes. Well, well check it out. Back to you. Thats it . Mike playing pranks. Off the rail. I have to say. New years eve. Traffic, there is no traffic. Not real. I okay. Thats comprehensive. All right, 6 31. We do have big news though we do want to report. This was Huge Development yesterday. Comedian bill cosby, charged for the very first time. Thats the big headline. Did he make bail after that. It was odd to watch. Wasnt it . About 4 00 yesterday afternoon, he got out of the car . And he stumble. He is 78 years old, first of all. And one of his associate says hes basically blind. So interesting developments there, we know that his lawyer is talking for the very first time after all of this bill cosby make a fortune, but it was from cameras all around the world converging on small court howls, i answered charges every session all assault in a case that dates back to the mid 2,000s. The 78 year old as you said looking frail, and requiring help walking, and stumbling at one point, as he made his way into a courtroom, as the world watched, where he was charged with three count every aggravated indecent assault. Montgomery county prosecutors say back in 2004 where cosby met the victim in this case, Andrea Constand, who worked for Womens Basketball team, and investigator say evented her back to his cheltenham township home, gave her three blue pills, with a glass of wine, and at some point, assaulted her. Not time to monday morning quarterback. We have examined the evidence in this case. We have made determinations in regard to it. That the evidence is strong, sufficient, to proceed at this point, and were proceeding with the charge of aggravated indecent assaultment detective filed the evidence, where it led them we examined all of the evidence we had available to us, made this determination, because it was the right thing to do. This case involves a woman and man who had concentual adult relationship over time. Thats the attorney representing bill cosby, there, on fox 29, there as cosby left his cheltenham home last night, released on Million Dollars bail, 10 posted, due back in court mid january, we understand, and it is possible that other victims could be called or alleged victims could be called into the case to testify against bill cosby, so, we will likely be covering this for at least a year, mike, karen . For sure. 6 34. Casino of shocking there. Well the lawyer who reps 29 other women, accusing cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting them, says those accusers would be willing to testify against bill cosby if it ever went to trial, 29 other women. You know this attorney, gloria all red, had big News Conference out in l. A. Yesterday. She said the statute of limitations has he can period for many of her clients, but theyre ready to help this prosecution in the case here in our area, she called this case broad against brought against cosby his tore glick this is unprecedented. For so many women who allege they are victims of one rich powerful famous man to have spoken out in the 40 years of law practice, that ive been engaged in, ive never seen anything like this. Ive known gloria all red for 30 years, she said yesterday that she believes bill cosby deserves a fair trial, and she and her clients all 29 of them are looking forward to just result. Can i also Say Something inapropriate about gloria . She has not changed her she looks exactly the same as she did in 1983, when i met her. She is attractive woman and still looks so. Ages very, very well. Yes. 6 35. Thats what i meant. I knew was it. Thanks for cleaning that up. This is an important story. Because a lot of people gathered in our city last night. They wanted to pray. They wanted to honor people that theyve lost because of too much gun violence in our city. The. The memorial vigil, kind of special, was held on the same day the commissioner released the crime numbers for 2015. Karen, what are they . They are pretty high. Ill get to those in a moment. I want to show you there people came because they lost somebody. They released these balloons. Every single one of those balloons, picture of someone theyve lost this year, right at their north philadelphia, sharing those stories, so now lets got to the numbers. Because, theyre quite significant. First, i want to tell you about somebody. Listen. Okay . I sat on the couch for 15 minute and drank my life away. Out of work for 16 month. This world tiffany so sad, our Police Commissioner for couple more days, Charles Ramsey with us for eight years, said this is the Third Straight year weve had fewer than 300 homicides. So, heres the numbers for the year. We had 276, that is a 12 increase from last year, and it is gun violence thats the problem. Yes, well, you said 276. Our graphic says 275. Because somebody died last night. We had two shootings overnight. We didnt update that. May have gone up. Last year, of all of those people that lost their lives, 84 due to gun violence. Eleven year old girl, this is back on december the 14th. So there is the suspect. Thats the shooter, in this case, running down the block of this 700 block of luzerne street. Philadelphia police say that child was just walking home from school when she was shot in her. If you know who that suspect is, please call police. And Montgomery County store manager, west recalls an alleged would be robber, to the ground. Would you do this . It is Pretty Amazing when you see what the manager of the store does. He bolt over the counter right there, no, buddy, grabs him, pulls him down. The suspect in this case is 33 years old, his name anthony still a rushes into this circle k, up in pottstown tuesday. Grabs some money from the register, tries to get out of there, but the manager whose name is sean napper, not having it, he is a navy veteran, father of three, jumps over the counter, and nabs that guy. So napper nabbed . You got t gets there. They hold him along with one of the workers until police get there. Did he get small cut. Turns out that suspect had a knife. But hes expected to be okay. Cant stop violence, thats for sure, but he tried, sends message out to the world, that hes not abrupt with it. So, makes me feel little better. I got lucky. Im not going to lie. Sugar coat t i got lucky. I mean, this could have been a lot worse. Well, that suspect right now is being held on numerous charges. Okay, party presser underway as we prepare to ring in the new year tonight. And were getting ready for our mummers day parade, so many parties, lets get out to steve keeley. Well, he is a party in himself. Hi, steve. Mike, we might not have to wait until next week to have commissioner ramsey on. Let me tell you how dedicate in the man is to philadelphia. s working tomorrow. So, if you were going to retire, mike, next week, would you work the holiday . Oh, i would. I would absolutely. By the way, did anybody win the powerball last night . Nobody won . I dont think we know yet. You got to stick around. Im thinking if somebody won, it takes a while for some reason for computers powerball to work. But if they didnt win it will be close to 400 million bucks next week. Anyhow, we will be doing that powerball story. Commissioner ramsey loves the mummers parade. So he told me, i was talking to him couple every weeks ago, working the mummers parade because it is not really workment and then hes working in d. C. On monday and tuesday. So, he may be leaving the philadelphia job, but, this guy will keep working probably 70 hours a week afterward. This guy is dedicated, folks. So well probably see him if you are coming to the mummers parade down here, and if were here tomorrow well probably get him on the air anyway. As i wrap up in my minute 15 hit here, it has been a while since mummers really have seen this stick to successful route. So they are going again with last years short and slim and trim parade. Starting where they used to end, thats right here in center city. Then headed south, down broad street, to washington avenue, instead of up broad street from south philly, and if we have time, im going share video from the last rehearsal for the mummers fancy brigades inside the Convention Center last night. Media and insiders got this sneak peak look and listen, casino every like a sound check for a rock band before a big concert. Mike, i know your memory of some new years days on good day are kind of foggy, but my highlight was whether you are asked who your favorite mummers string band wad was, you said motley crew. Motley crew thats fantastic. All right, steve, well check back with you, doing great job today. Listen to this hey, im here so i dont get fined, so so you all can sit here, ask me all of the questions you all want tonight ill answer with the same answer. So you all can shoot if you all please. Ive been saying this for years. The reason i do the 6 00 hour, so i wont be fined. Now, you could be fined if you use that phrase without that guys permission. Marshawn lynch. He trademarked that. Marshawn lynch is trademarked that phrase. Well tell you more about it. Plus, also, a couple trapped in their apartment during a fire. Guided to safety by a hero. A 911 dispatcher. What he told them, that saved their lives. People have been communicating, one says it is her daughters birthday. Happy birthday to you, as theyre ending up the new year. And i also have something, can you imagine this one . It always could be worse. One of our viewers, her husband, wendys husband, was fired, going into the new year. He needs a new job. See, things could always be worse. We hope he finds luck and opportunity in the new year. Keep your comment coming. Now that youve wait add minute of our time here. 6 45. There was big fire in arizona it has a happy ending, because of a hero dispatcher. There is a couple that was trapped in their home, and they also had cats. I heard about this. Thankfully the 911 dispatcher saved their lives. Tell me more. The couple wakes up yesterday morning, smoke, fire, everywhere. They could see the fire on their porch. They dont have a way out. They call 911. Listen to this name. Brad christmas. Wait. His name is christmas . What a present. On the line guiding them to safe spot in the bathroom, until the firefighters got there here is part of the call. Take one towel, wet it real good. Push it under the door, so you can jam that area where the smoke can come through. Do you have any other towels you can use, any wash clots, hands towels . Take those, you have those ready, that way you can put them over your face if you need to. Heres the thing, you can hear the couple coughing. Struggling, but usually the smoke that kills people, christmas gives this couple so much credit for staying calm. And they listen. It says not everyone can keep it together when there is an emergency, and follow instructions. So, all around, amazing story. You know we had Temple University, temple basketball player, his last name was christmas, i cant remember his first name. Do you know him, sue . Dante christmas. Yes. You know what today is . This is new years eve. Sue serios anniversary. Oh, tonights the night. Well, i am working tonight, too. How about friday night . There go. Cold front that came through yesterday. It is gone though. So the rain is over. You may notice the pavement is slightly wet or something like, that but thats all we have left over. Already starting to see little bit of snow in the buffalo area, in the south towns there. Thats colder air moving across the lakes. And it is going to get cold around here, and we are going to have to get used to it. Thats what we see on the future cast, just that snow showing up there. But it is not going to affect us. What will affect us, the colder temperatures over today, and through tomorrow for the parade as well. So you better layer it up. If you are going to be watching the mummers tomorrow. Fortysix reading, lancaster had four, still in the 50s in southern new jersey, and southern delaware. Thats because coldest airs hasnt come down yesterday. Before it gets colder again tonight, win are out of the north at 3 miles an hour. So thats not too bad wont have gusty breezes until later in the day, visibility not issue any more, had dense fog earlier this morning. So heres your holiday forecast. As we get ready for the big parties tonight. Out at midnight about 39 degrees. At least it will be dry. The rain is gone. Fortyfour the high. Chilled start to 2016. And then were in thes each day of the weekend. Plenty of sunshine both saturday, sunday, but lock at monday, we get reinforcing shot of cold air. 39 degrees our high on monday. And tuesdays high only 37, look we start off in the 20s in the morning on tuesday. So get ready to shiver, the coal is coming back, just in time for the new year. Thats your seven day forecast, bob kelly is taking a four day weekends, so we check traffic starting with route 202 southbound germantown pike. Soy go on out, have a great time. I95 at con man avenue. No delays this morning. Mass transit, we have our septa city buses and trolleys lines running on modified Holiday Schedule today. Sue, think folks are doing that four day weekends thing. Why not . Tomorrow is friday. Just below it off. Why didnt i think of that . You are. None every us did. Idiot. All right, 6 49. Police in new jersey say, well, somebody impersonating a Police Officer was brought to justice when he pulled over a real Police Officer. This is fabulous. Can you imagine . Well, thats the Police Officer that was pulled over. Sergeant charles stab. He is up there on the garden state parkway machine day, all the sudden then other guy impersonator pulls up behind him, activates these fake emergency lights. Once the officer pulls over, he says the suspect, he is 68 years old, him name richard goldrick, speeds away, but they track him down. They got him. When they searched his car they found a handgun, ammunition. So i tell people if you think youre being stopped illegitimately, concerned for your safety, slow down, put your hazards on, call 91 while continuing to drive forward. Finds well literary, if you know where your local Police Station is, and pull in there. So, the guy is facing charges of impersonating a Police Officer, as well as possession after weapon, and false government documents. Though there is this story, santa claus can go down a chimney, right . Why cant he . So often when youre a child you think can i just try it, can i jump off the roof with a umbrella . Can i do what santa can do . Boy in arizona says if santa can down the chimney, i can go down my own chimney, too . But only a job for saint nick or chimney sweeper. Emergency crude had to get throughout in phoenix, 13 year old playing with his friends on the roof of the Apartment Building and goes down the chimney, falls 5 feet into the shaft. Then he gets stuck. Weve actually done this story number of times specially criminals trying to get into a chimney. Firefighters lowered a rope, pulled him to safety. He had only few scrapes and bruises and embarrassment. Such claustrophobia, a commercial out for ken if you i fried chicken, colonel stuck in the chimney, just his legs, i cant watch it because i have claustrophobia. Can you imagine . Commercial angst. Okay, pilot, im guessing airline pilot, being hailed at a Good Samaritan for his un precedented decision to help tis family after his plane had pulled away from the gate. What did he when he saw a family in tears in the back of the plane. I can get it if you are on the plane screaming no, dont do it. But first, heres a look at last nights winning lottery numbers, maybe you have them. Good luck. The republicans in harrisburg were fighting each other over the state budget. Thats right. Each other. The Republican State Senate passed a responsible budget that begins to Fund Education but the Republican House of representatives has insisted on a budget that fails to Fund Education and balloons the deficit. Call your legislator, tell them to pass a budget thats right for pennsylvania. There you go good morning, trenton. Hey, if you ever missed a flight, you can certainly under stands the distress of one family from arizona, who almost missed a very special event, because they almost missed the flight. Well, there was funeral for their father, who died, of cancer. Yes. So it meant the world to them to get on that plane. Delta pilot who comes to their aid by making basically a very unprecedented move. Brothers and sisters trying to get from memphis to scenics, miss connecting flight in minneapolis by just minute. Jet already taxing for take off. Airport officials say, there was nothing they could do, but then the pilot hears the story, says, you know what, there is. Lets turn around. Nothing they can do the power wasnt going to have them pull back in. My sister and mom in tears. Im screaming through the glass. And all the sudden we got phonecall. Yes, the pilot turned the plane around. In news we dont frequently we have stories, i never heard of this happening. First time ive ever heard after pilot turning a jet around to go back to the gate and to help out this family, pick the family up to their relief, and they made it in time to say goodbye. At the funeral. All right, our big story here. You know what . This is big story around america. Made the National News last night. Absolutely. Bill cosby out on bond, this morning. Following arrest, this is a case from about a decade ago. We have the latest on the legal battle he faces, what his attorney is saying. Steve . Mike, if you never new this, they slide the bleachers down the street by hand. No . Where . This guy here, in the red jacket, all right. What the heck is going on . All the way down here shall now there is another one being taken offer the the reason they can move them so slightly is they dont have any of the liquid in, because the tack man follows them. Once they set up in place they fill them. They wont be around for our hit, so i just did hit during my tees. So ill do a 102nd live shot when i see you next. After trying brookside crunchy clusters, carlybeyar tweeted at this point, i should just be a brookside chocolate ambassador. Well, i am sorry, carly. Its something you earn. Brookside. Talk about delicious. Bumm cosby arrested facing charges in a Sexual Assault case involving a former Temple University employee. We have team of attorneys that break this one down. Plus, preparations being made to celebrate the new year, we have details on the new security measures in place to keep you safe during the celebrations. Listen to this. It was a clear and important decision that had to be made. Yes, he made it. Jeffrey lurie the owner of the eagles explains his decision to fire coach chip kelly. Why he did it with one game still to play against the giants, and what he want in his next coach. You know, listening to him it, kind of sounded like he already new who he wanted. But, he said, tuesday night after the firing, about 7 15, he was on the phone with a couple of coaches. I think also you talk about where p. M. Were from, as though he want someone who knows philadelphia, thats had some experience account team in the past. Number of candidates that fall into that cat gore. I smells like sean mcdermott. What about dick vermeil

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