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The Catholic Churchs take on the persecution of christians and the fight against isis. Its instinctive in us to stay alive, and so everyone has a right to defend their life. The archbishop of washington Cardinal Donald wuerl joins us. And our power players of the week, the stone mason putting the National Cathedral back together after the 2011 earthquake. Welcome to the tip pi top of d. C. All right now on Fox News Sunday. And hello again. Happy easter and happy passover from fox news in washington. After months of intense negotiation, six world powers and iran have finally reached a Framework Agreement to curb teherans Nuclear Program. But president obama must still make a final deal and then convince congress, israel and our sunni allies of its merits. Today, were going to drill down into the framework. In a few minutes well talk with the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, bob corker who says Congress Must approve any agreement. But first, james rosen with a closer look at the deal. James. Reporter chris, iran and u. S. Issued separate documents agreed to is sewing confusion into what, in fact, was achieved. Iran will reduce its centrifuges to 19,000 to 6,000, roughly the number iran had when barak obama was president and other components of teherans infrastructure will be constrained. Iran will enrich uranium. Or with its advance centrifuges for at least the next ten years. The vast majority of irans enriched ewe rain yam will be. Our facilities will continue. We will continue enriching. We will continue research and development, our heavy water reactor will be modernized and we will continue the bordo facility. They enjoy weekly and monthly access to key sites continuous surveillance at others and inspect suspicious sites. And iran would be able to dispute allegations of suspicious activity. These elements, as weve said are the best hedge really against a covert path. Its not good enough to smother the known facilities with inspectors. You have to have the ability to go anywhere at any time for that unknown newlydiscovered or suspect facility. Irans foreign minister accused the u. S. Of spinning the terms agreed to saying in a tweet, iran 5 plus 1 state, u. S. Will cease all economic and financial sanctions, is this gradual . The u. S. Side man taned that sanction relief will be phased and enacted in tandem with iran compliance. If we find that iran is not complying with this agreement at any time the sanctions can snap back into place. The deal would greatly bolster irans economy. It would give iran thereby tremendous means to propel its aggression in terrorism throughout the middle east. Tony blinken is hitting the road as we speak visiting five mideast states over coming days, starting today in lebanon, chris. James rosen reporting from the state department. James, thanks for that. Now lets bring in the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, republican, bob corker of tennessee for his First Television interview since the agreement. Senator i know you have been briefed in some detail by Top Administration officials, whats your and i understand its a framework but whats your initial reaction to what youve learned . Chris, i did reach out to the Energy Secretary and ive had three conversations with him over the last couple of days. I think it would be very difficult for anyone to ascertain at this moment, as you just reported in iran, theyre reporting sort of the mirror image opposite of whats being reported here. And as you saw, they challenged secretary kerry for presenting talking points that only intended to cause congress to be pleased. So, look theres a lot of water that needs to go under the bridge here. Many, many details are unknown at this point, and so i dont know how anyone could really ascertain whether this is something good or bad yet for the american citizenry. Now there are some key issues that both sides agree havent been settled yet. One of the questions is how fast the sanctions will be lifted another one is how quickly iran could ramp up its centrifuge program after the initial ten years. But let me just ask you and i understand that you dont know all the details are there any red flags that you see right now . Is there anything at least at this initial point that looks clearly unacceptable to you . So there are four things i would lay out. First of all, as you mentioned, how will the sanctions be relieved . Iran is saying immediate, the u. S. Is saying phased. What are the elements that were going to be looking at to alleviate those . Secondly, and very importantly, the covert activities. What are the snap types of inspections were going to be able to do . What are the processes that will be in place . Is this going to create some long dispute . Thirdly, you refer to the the document refers not even in capital letters to a Nuclear Development program that iran has agreed to. Its my understanding that this is actually been written out and yet none of us have been able to see that. And ill just stop there. Those are three of the red flags. One more i would mention theres a process through which iran is going to lay out their previous military dimensions, and yet it doesnt say when that process is going to begin when its going to end, is this going to be done by the time theres a final agreement . So those are some of the red flags. Again, im open. I know there are a lot of details that will be worked out over the next several months. Thats why on behalf of the American People Congress Needs the to be playing a role. What the American People may not know right now chris there will be all kinds of classified annexes that are very important. They lay out the details a toz how much of this is going to take place. Thats why its so important that Congress Play its rightful role in approving this prior to the congressionally mandated sanctions that we put in place are alleviated. Well, let me get to that right now because your committee, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will meet on april 14th thats just nine days from now, to consider legislation that you have already introduced. And let me put up on the screen what that legislation would call for. The president would be prohibited from suspending, not even ending, but even suspending any congressional sanctions for 60 days while the house and Senate Review the deal, but president obama says this if Congress Kills this deal not based on expert analysis and without offering any reasonable alternative, then its the United States that will be blamed for the failure of diplomacy. International unity will collapse and the path to conflict will widen. Senator, couple of questions. Will your committee actually vote on your bill on april 14th . And will you insist on congressional review . Absolutely, chris. Again, i think everyone would say that the congressionally mandated sanctions are what helped in a strong way get iran to the table. And so, certainly we should approve this deal. We should approve what we see prior to those being lifted. And, look, ive talked to the negotiators. No one no one has said that congress weighing in would have any effect on this deal. As a matter of fact, what we know is just quite the contrary. We know that during the negotiation the fact that congress was likely to weigh in was something that the administration, the other western countries were able to use to ensure that this deal isnt worse than it is. So the fact that they knew congress would weigh in was helpful in the negotiation. Certainly the American People want to know that someone is teasing out all of the details, especially as they see iran reporting one thing in their country and the u. S. Something else here. So look this is the place where sober and thoughtful people to dig in. Look i want to see a negotiated agreement. I know that a lot of water has to go under the bridge over the next 90 days. Its very important that congress is in the middle of this understanding, teasing out, asking those important questions, just like the ones that you begun to ask this morning. But, senator, foreign minister of iran said yesterday if there is no deal or if the west backs out then iran will be freed and continue to resume and build back its Nuclear Program. And president obama says that sanctions, the existing sanctions prior to this negotiation, didnt stop iran from developing its Nuclear Program. For instance, 19,000 centrifuges centrifuges. Then the president said this do you really think that this verifiable deal if fully implemented, backed by the worlds major powers is a worse option than the risk of another war in the middle east . First of all your reaction to Foreign Ministers comments about their ability to continue their Nuclear Program if the west backs out and secondly, what about the president saying the sanctions dont work and if you kill this deal we are going to end up with a war . Well, look, theres always this strawman as has been said, chris, we would be better off today with the interim deal continuing as it is today if we think that were moving to a bad deal. One of the things that most americans may not be aware of, but we would be releasing about 130 billion to the iranian government once we make this deal over time. Their economy is going to flourish. So, again i think to pose this straw man of a war the fact is that congress has a rightful role to play in this. We know that weve already played a positive role. Going through this in detail and making sure that all the answer the questions are answered is an appropriate thing for us to do. That doesnt mean that there wont be a deal. We just set in place a process to insure if theres a deal its a deal that will stand the test of time and keep iran from getting a nuclear weapon. Senator, there are some details i want to go through quickly with you, if i can, sort of housekeeping, if you will. Okay. One proposal thats been floated is a nonbinding vote by congress. You could disapprove the deal but then the president could still go ahead and suspend sanctions. Is that acceptable . No. No, its not. I think the bill that weve laid out that has strong bipartisan support, chairman me den dez, who now stepped down Chuck Schumer supports this tim cane, very active, very close to the administration supports this. There is strong bipartisan support for a binding vote by congress. This is not something look, the president needs to sell this to the American People and Congress Needs to be involved in this way. All right. Let me ask you the second question. The white house has said that the president would veto the kind of legislation youre proposing. If he does, you dont need 51 votes or even 0 votes you need 67 votes which means 13 democrats to override his veto. Do you have 67 votes . Well, i dont know whether we have 67 votes or not, just with cosponsors and if every republican supports it, well see how that all shapes out. But we have 64 or 5 that were aware of today if that were the case. I talked to a number of democrats over the weekend, there are many more that are considering this. Look, i think the American People want the United States senate to go through this deal. They understand this is one of the most important gio political agreements that will take place during this decade. This is an appropriate place for us to be. If the president feels like this is something thats good for the nation, surely he can sell this to the United States senate and the house. Finally, sir, i have about 30 seconds left, the formerly top democrat on your committee, senator bob menendez who you mentioned of new jersey has taken a very hard line on a deal and, in fact, cosponsored your mandatory congressional review. He has just been indicted on bribery charges. Do you believe there is any connection between his opposition to the president on this and on cuba and the fact that hes been brought up on charges . Chris, i cant i dont know whats going on behind the scenes. I know that bob menendez has been a very good partner on Foreign Policy issues. Hes been very constructive. Im sure that he will continue to be. As to the motivations of justice department, i just would have no way of knowing. Senator corker, i have to leave it there. Thank you so much for coming in and talking to us today. And well follow what happens with your legislation, sir. Thank you sir. Up next, our sunday group joins the conversation about this interim deal with iran. Plus, what would you like to ask the panel about the agreement . Just go to facebook or twitter foxnewssunday and we may use your question on the air. But at t. Rowe price weve helped guide our clients through good times and bad. Our experienced investment professionals are one reason over 85 of our mutual funds beat their 10year lipper averages. So in a variety of markets we can help you feel confident. Request a prospectus or summary prospectus with Investment Information risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. I care deeply about the gulf. I grew up in louisiana. I went to school here. Ive been with bp ever since. Today, i lead a team that sets our Global Safety standards. After the spill we made two commitments. To help the gulf recover and become a safer company. Weve worked hard to honor both. Bp has spent nearly 28 billion dollars so far to help the gulf economy and environment. And five years of Research Shows that the gulf is coming back faster than predicted. Weve toughened Safety Standards too. Including enhanced training. And 24 7 on shore monitoring of our wells drilling in the gulf. And everyone has the power to stop a job at any time if they consider it unsafe. What happened here five years ago changed us. Im proud of the progress weve made both in the gulf and inside bp. We hope that their leadership takes the right decision, but the deal well accept is they end their Nuclear Program. None of measures include closing our facilities. The proud people of iran would never accept that. We made no concessions on your bottom line and thats the only thing thats important here. President obama setting a tough marker for a nuclear deal with iran during a 2012 president ial debate but Iranian Foreign minister zarif and marie harp putting very different spin this week on the framework deal thats actually been agreed to. Its time now for our sunday group. Syndicated columnist george will. Mara liasson from National Public radio. Jason riley of the wall street journal. And fox news political analyst, juan williams. Well, as we say president obama started out with a firm red line, if you will that iran must end its Nuclear Program were obviously a long way from there. George, there are obviously concessions in any negotiation. Did president obama and the west give up too much or is this a reasonable deal . Well what was given up that really matters was given up a while ago. That is they conceded the right to enrich, the capacity to enrich and the possession of some low enriched uranium. This deal comes in the Fourth Quarter of Obama Administration characterized by four failures. The failure to leave a stable iraq. The fail your the russian reset. The failure to advance the Israeli Palestinian and al qaeda imlaters and franchises if you will. So we went into this with a sim symmetry of urgency. The president wanted to top the iranian bomb but he really wanted a deal that could be presented as revolutionary for the whole region. The iranians wanted to lighten the sanctions but they really want a nuclear weapon. And i think thats the symmetry that defines this process. We asked you for questions for the panel and we got sharply different reactions on facebook. Bill far row asked, why would anyone who had iran struggling because of the embargo take such a weak stance in negotiation but mary ann writes kerry did the best he could. There is no way iran will give up this program. Juan, how do you answer bill and mary ann . Well i dont think its in so much about concessions especially to bills question. I think this really is about commitments. What we got here is iran was forced to the bargaining table by the sanctions. Remember, the sanctions bill the sanctions are imposed by an International Committee not the United States alone. So unless you have the whole group, plus i might add, places like japan, india, pakistan, just u. S. Sanctions would not have been sufficient to continue this and iran would have continued building their nuclear weapons. Right now i think the estimate it would take three months for them to have breakout capacity, to have Nuclear Weaponry under this current deal, it looks like it would be about a year. And you have a 15year time fraim in terms of inspections which are unprecedented. So i think there were some concessions as you say, this to me, if youre saying, juan, you tend to be more democratic than republican. Look at the wall street journal, theyre saying this too, this is a useful deal. That is the perfect segue to jason riley. I was surprised the wall street journal editorial page was surprisingly mild in reaction, saying there were useful limits on Irans Nuclear infrastructure but that enforcement and inspections needed to be stepped up. So the question i guess is, jason, can this deal be saved . Im skeptical. Im very skeptical. It is all about the enforcement. Iran has a perfect record of violating every inspection agreement. And i dont think that these snapback provisions are theyre easier said than done. Lets put it quickly what the agreement says snapback i never heard this before sanctions would be lifted but if theres any violation then they, quote snap back. Were farming out the inspections to u. N. Officials. Once those sanctions are lifted, youll have companies in asia and europe going in to cut deals with iran. And then there will be tremendous pressure to keep those deals in place. Snapback provisions or no snapback provisions because there will be an economic interest from those countries to keep that business going. So once we lift these sanctions, i think it will be very hard to get back to where we are now. I would also add, that neither president obama or the iran foreign minister mentioned that the bordo facility was built secretly underground. I mean, so i dont think, again, that we can expect iran to keep up its end of the bargain here. We have no reason to believe that they will do so based on their history. Meanwhile, i want to talk about another Foreign Policy development this week. We had this horrific attack by terrorists on deliberately targeting christians at a college in kenya and meanwhile the civil war in yemen just continues to spiral out of control. I want to play a clip from president obama from just a little bit more than six months ago. The strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us while supporting partners on the front lines is one that we have successfully pursued in yemen and somalia for years. Mara, do white house officials acknowledge that their lighter footprint counterterrorism strategy isnt working . Well, yeah. I mean, george listed all the Foreign Policy failures. I cant remember if yemen is in there or not. It is certainly one of them. The world looks like its on fire and isis and its imitators are growing. And not necessarily in kenya but in a lot of places in the middle east, iran is part of this conflict and seems to be growing stronger everyday. So thats a real challenge for the white house. I mean, what is it going to do about this . Its not a matter of root causes, economic lack of economic opportunity. More and more this looks like a religious war, going and indiscriminately killing people who are of the other religion. Its a huge problem. The question im asking is dont mean it as gotch ya but they had a strategy which was the lighter footprint. They adjusted that. Remember they were going to pull out faster more troops. Theyve agreed to keep about as many troops as their military advisers wanted to. I do think theres a kind of adjustment. I dont know what they do in places like yemen where theyre literally falling out and had to pull out their counterterrorism troops. They are adjusting and the footprint is getting a little less light. George, i was also struck by president obamas statement this week about the terror attack many kenya. Lets put this up on the screen. He condemned a terror attack, quote, where innocent men and women were brazenly and brutally massacred. He never once mentioned the fact that it was christians who were deliberately targeted. Yes. These innocent people were guilty in the eyes of their killers of being christians but this is of a piece with the administrations mincing vocabulary as it tiptoes on egg shells to avoid saying there is a religious irreducible religious dimension to this conflict. They tried to avoid this but the facts keep rearing its ugly heads. Juan, how do you explain that . On the one hand, your attackers are clearly islamic radicals. Violent. They dont want to say that. When christians are the target, the president doesnt want to say that. He should because its pretty obvious. I dont think theres any getting away from the religious dimension. You look at what isis did when they beheaded the continuic christians, if you recall. Now they have a situation where theyre pushing christians out of iraq kind of ancient homeland of christianity. I dont think theres any question. Let me say this, these radical violent muslim extremists also kill muslims in greater numbers than they kill christians. You have to take that into account. In the case of kenya, i think its quite clear, they want to foe meant a religious war in kenya because most of kenya is christian. They see it a way to destabilize that society, create the kind of anarchy that they see. If its a religious war, it might help to acknowledge its a religious war. If you think it will have some kind of strategic value. In the president s mind, not my mind speaking here, but i think in the president s mind, you dont want to say to the muslim world that this is a war against all of islam. Well i dont think we ever would say that. We havent ever said that. Jason, let me finish with you. Going back to this question of iran there is some talk at the white house perhaps you make a deal with iran and this begins to open up a new chapter theres more engagement less isolation, it will change irans behavior. The flip side well give them billions of dollars more which boosts their economy and their ability to be a bad actor. Well i think one way to look at this in terms of whether we conceded too much is to look at who is chairing the agreement and who is not. Why are our adversaries more excited about this deal than our strategic allies, like france and saudi arabia and the rest of the sunnis and the arab states as well as israel. All right. We have to take a break here. But when we come back, the fire storm of a religious freedom bill in indiana and arkansas raises questions over who is really being intolerant. Our sunday Group Debates that. Plus a dismal jobs report has experts wondering how strong is an economic recovery. This is a bill that an ordinary times would not be controversial, but these are not ordinary times. Its a fix of a bill that through mischaracterization and confusion has come to be greatly misunderstood. Two republican governors in full retreat this week over religious freedom bills they supported and then had to rework after protests, the measures would allow discrimination against gays. And were back now with the panel. Jason, what is your take away from the retreat, if you will that first of all about the whole debate over religious freedom and the fact that the governors, as you saw here of arkansas and indiana after first saying they were going to sign these bills then had to insist that they be reworked before they did were finished with them. Both sides are claiming intolerance here. Only one side is guilty of hip pocksy. Thats what i see going on here. Hilarylary clinton who opposed gay marriage until two years ago is tweeting about indianas intolerance. The democratic governor of kentucky who banned state employees from traveling to indiana even though kentucky has essentially the same law in place. So thats what i think is going on here. It is the height of hypocrisy, positions held just a few years ago by democrats are now considered antigay and bigotry in place. Juan let me pick up on that because the initial push was that these laws and the people who supported them were being intolerant, the idea that a private business could discriminate, lets say against participants in a gay marriage, that that was intolerant but you began to here a push back later, especially this week that insist that someone do something that violates their moral conviction, that thats intolerant. How do you balance those two . I think its very hard to balance because, you know someone who has religious beliefs might say i want them to be respected. I do think were a nation of law. And we are not a nation of religious beliefs. Everyone in our country can have their religious beliefs but you have to come back to civil laws and liberties. And as such, i dont think theres any question that if the law specifies that you are open for business, whether its gays or blacks, that under our laws public accommodation laws et cetera, that you have to treat people equally and fairly. Thats the basis of our understanding. Now, i will say in response to jason jason, theres been a tremendous shift in terms of American Public opinion thats why i think people who two years ago may have had one position, president obama says hes evolved on this issue, much of american has evolved and changed on this issue and why you see Corporate America taking the lead in this fight by the way. Jason let me just pick up on this conversation between the two of you. I think it would certainly agree that if somebody came in to the baker, you know, the proverbial bakers getting a lot of business this baker, and said, you know interracial marriage and we want a cake. I think you would say that thats outrageous the idea that he would not participate in an interracial marriage. Why is that didnt than same sex marriage. We have public accommodation laws in the book and theres no indication any pattern of courts allowing these religious freedom laws to trump those laws. I think this is a straw man. This is being gemmed up. Theres no reason we cant handle them on a case by case basis like weve been doing. I do agree with juan that theres an evolution in the country particularly among young people. Why you see division on the right about how to proceed with these cultural wars so to speak. This is very much a generational issue. And with the gop out there looking at the next president ial election, wanting to appeal to younger voters, theres some indication weve had other issues to talk about. Hilary is deleteing emails. Obama is cutting deals over nuclear weapons. Lets talk about those things, they unit the party. Can i quickly say before we let our friends in in fact in hobby lobby, the Supreme Court said in some cases where you have a familyowned business with strong religious beliefs you can take into consideration their faith with regard to providing contraception to women. What weve seen in indiana is different than kentucky and these other states they would say its not just a matter of government having to have a high bar in terms of putting any pressure on a religious belief, but individuals and corporations could now go to court and say were protected by the same kind of provisions. We could continue this conversation and im sure we will, but lets turn to the economy and some really disappointing numbers on the economy this week. Here they are. Only 126,000 jobs were added in march. Thats the weakest hiring in 15 months. Labor force participation dropped to 62. 7 , matching the lowest since 1978. And the Federal Reserve bank in atlanta estimates First Quarter growth at zero, 0 flat. George, whats going on here . Well, for the second year in a row theyve blamed poor quarterly growth on insufficient global warming, that is on winter, on an unusually cold winter. Let your mind go back to november last year. There was job creation of 321,000 jobs and the administration said this is a miraculous achievement. It wasnt a harbinger and wasnt miraculous. During the Reagan Administration reagan had a month of job creation of 1 million and this was at a time when there were 75 million fewer americans. Now, never mind zero growth. We are now being told really that 2 growth may be the new normal. If so thats a disaster because everyday, today, yesterday tomorrow everyday between now and 2030 10000 more baby boomers become eligible for Social Security and medicare. If we have 2 growth the crisis of the welfare state the crisis of the private sector being able to throw off the revenues to pay the bills for the promises we made to ourselves becomes impossible. Just tell again that the Labor Force Participation stat that you had what it was at the beginning of the Obama Administration. The work force rate were as high as it was the day barak obama, the Unemployment Rate would be 9. 7 , we wouldnt be complaining about the bad recovery because we wouldnt call it a recovery. Lets talk about the bad recover mara. How concerned are they at the white house with the latest jobs numbers . Do they think its more . We had bad weather in the northeast in march and what do they think it says about the recovery . Well, i think they are concerned. And it says the recovery cant seem to get any lift off and stay there. I mean, one of the big things that barak obama said in the state of the Union Address is its time to turn the page. The recovery is growing. Unemployment is down. Deficit is down. Now its time to talk about other things. How to get growth more broadly shared, inequality, we dont have growth now. This shifts the big economic debate in the country back to just getting growth. You cant talk about it being more widely shared if you dont have it. But you got to think with the divisions between the Republican Congress and the white house is nothing that they the president talks about job stimulus, things like that, nothing he proposes is going to get no, absolutely not. Worse i dont think they expect that though. What they were hoping to do lay the table for 2016, frame the debate he wanted to not necessarily pass things through congress with the exception of few Little Things like trade, maybe, maybe some Corporate Tax reform. Thats what i was going to say. I think its worse than that. Congress is talking about sequestration. They cant pass the kind of infrastructure support the Highway Trust Fund bill. So essentially congress is not contributing to this. I would add there are lots of people george, in our society over time are reaching that baby boomer age youre referring to thats part of the Labor Force Participation equation. I think this president is perfectly happy with this supposed new normal. Someone looks at the social welfare states with europe, lower productivity and sees them not as Cautionary Tales but models. He wants more entitlements. He is willing to trade for that less Labor Participation debate. More social spending. Yeah. Jason one perhaps good piece of news that comes out of all this is that the Federal Reserve had been kind of shaking the cage talking about that they were about to or shortly going to start lifting shortterm Interest Rates and everybody thinks now the fed reserve chairman january net yellen may have to hold off because of this. Well, that was always the question with her whether she would take away the punch bowl when it was time to do so. To tell you the truth, chris, 25 or 50 basis points, the economy is that fragile that we would be tossed back into recession because of that were in much worse shape than the white house is acknowledging. So, any way not out of the woods yet. Thank you all, panel. See you next week. When we come back, archbishop donald wuerl joins the bait on religious freedom. What do you think . Let me know on facebook or twitter foxnewssunday and use the fns. The pursuit of healthier. It begins from the second were born. After all, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned. Every day. From the smallest detail to the boldest leap. Healthier means using wellness to keep away illness. Knowing a prescription is way more than the pills. And believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. Healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care. By connecting every single part of it. Realizing cold hard data can inspire warmth and compassion. And that when Technology Meets expertise. Everything is possible. For as long as the world keeps on searching for healthier. Were here to make healthier happen. Optum. Healthier is here. You cant predict the market. But at t. Rowe price weve helped guide our clients through good times and bad. Our experienced investment professionals are one reason over 85 of our mutual funds beat their 10year lipper averages. So in a variety of markets we can help you feel confident. Request a prospectus or summary prospectus with Investment Information risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Now you can connect with Fox News Sunday on facebook and twitter. Check out exclusive material online on facebook and share it with other fox fans and tweet us at foxnewssunday using fns. Be part of the discussion and weigh in on the action every Fox News Sunday. A look at st. Patricks cathedral in new york city on this Easter Sunday. When we invited the archbishop of washington, Cardinal Donald wuerl for a conversation this week i expected to ask him about the popes trip to the u. S. This fall and for his easter message. We did discuss that but there was also breaking news to cover about the debate over religious freedom laws and that savage terror attack on christian students in kenya. Happy easter and welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Chris, thank you. Happy easter to you. Its a pleasure to be back. The archbishop is now involved in your own version of the religious Freedom Debate much like what were seeing in arkansas and indiana, the washington, d. C. City council recently passed a measure that says religious institutions cant discriminate in hiring someone who doesnt follow your teachings on Birth Control and abortion. Another measure must treat gay groups like any other. How do you balance religious freedom versus gay and reproductive rights . I think what we want to do is make sure were using the same measuring rod for everybody. If we talk about discrimination then we also have to talk about discriminating against the catholic church, its teachings and its ability to carry out its mission. The heart of this is the ability to recognize everyone. Everyone has the dignity of who they are. But how they act now touches others. And no one should be forced to follow the actions of another and accept the actions of another. Our schools should be free to teach. We dont believe in abortion. And we need to be free to teach that. So, lets take the classic case that were hearing about this week, the Christian Baker who is being asked to make a cake for a gay wedding and doesnt want to do it. Is he being intolerant or is it intolerant to demand that he make that cake . Thats where we have to take a look at the word discrimination. Is it being used in the same way for both instances . I wonder if across the board were not seeing different measuring rods being used when it comes to issues that were facing here, for example. Why would it be discrimination for a Catholic University to say were not going to allow a gay rights or an Abortion Rights Group to have their program on our campus . And it not be discrimination for that group to insist that the Catholic School change its teaching . If we use the same measure, i think well find a way of lowering the decimal level and finding a way to recognize the dignity of everyone and at the same time recognize the freedom and the rights, especially religious liberty of everyone. Let me switch to another very difficult subject this easter weekend. Christians are being hit across the middle east and in africa. In kenya, the Al Shabab Terror Group killed 147 targeting christians. In libya isis beheaded 21 egyptian christian miss syria they captured 200 asyrian christians. Cardinal, isis talks about conquering rome, their phrase. Is christianity under attack at this moment . I think its fair to say that. When you look at all of these incidences i think theyre all directed at christians. What just happened in kenya im told what i heard on the media was that those assassins went in and they separated the christians from the muslims and killed the christians. This is something that the whole world should be shouting out about, the whole world should be rejecting this. But you know, shouting out and rejecting isnt enough. I want to ask you about that because pope francis says that it is, quote, lawful to stop an unjust aggressor. So, what do you do in the case of isis . Is it moral to use force . Is it a just war to stop isis . What the holy father said is absolutely true and also common sense. Everybody knows that you can defend yourself against an aggressor. All you have to do is try even with a child to smack the child. The childs hand is going to go up to protect itself. Why . Its instinctive in us to stay alive. And so everyone has a right to defend their life. Whats happening with isis, whats happening with this idea of a tear tor is simply taking intolerance and hatred and violence to a new institutional level. And, yes, everyone has a right to defend themselves. And institutions have a right to defend themselves. On a much happier note, the holy father will be visiting the u. S. , including here in washington in september. I know its early, but do you have a sense of the message that he hopes to bring to this country . I think what were going to hear from him is something weve heard over and over and over again and that is we need to recognize no one is perfect. God loves all of us the way we are. God forgives us. And god asks us to love one another. The great commandment love god and love your neighbor is echoed over and over and over again in the teaching of pope francis. But i think what people see and why theyre so attracted to him and im told he has the highest popularity rating of anyone i think one of the reasons for that, chris, is we see in him not just the message but how you do it. The way in which he lives treats people, responds to people, says i think to many people says to me he sounds and looks a lot like what jesus would have sounded like. There are on the other hand some Church Practices that some american catholics are not happy with. People who are divorced unable to take communion, the status of gays in the church, the pope has seemed to try to move the Church Forward on some of these issues and some top officials in the church have pushed back. Will this pope be able to move the church . I think what hes doing is already calling everyone at every level in the church to look at two things. The teaching, which never changes, and how we live that teaching, how we apply that teaching and how we try to make the best of the situation in which we find ourselves. He keeps saying and this is a beautiful part of his ministry, he keeps saying go out meet people where they are, and accompany them on their journey so that perhaps all of us could get a little closer to where we all need to be. And i think thats the beauty of his ministry. I also think thats the secret to why so many people find him so inviting, so welcoming. Hes saying you can, you can do better. You dont have to start with being perfect. Finally, your eminence we would love an easter message from you to our audience. Thank you. As we know easter is the great joy of hope, the celebration of the resurrection of jesus from the dead, but for the whole world, its a sign of hope. We can do better. We can have a better world. We can build a better community. We, who walk with the risen lord, know that. And the call to everyone else is lets never give up hope that we can really have a better world. Your eminence, thank you so much. Its always a great joy to have you here. Happy easter. Happy easter to you as well. Thank you. Please come back. All right. I will. Up next our power player of the week making washingtons National Cathedral whole again. It has become the nations house of prayer, where they held a day of remembrance after 9 11 and the state funeral for ronald reagan. Now they are putting it back together. Here is our power player of the week. I started hearing what i thought were explosions. I didnt know the whole thing was going to collapse. Joe alonso is talking about the earthquake that hit washington in 2011 and the damage it did to the National Cathedral. The energy of that quake traveled up through the masonry walls and then all these slender carved elements, thats what shifted and fell and rotated. As the headstone mason, he leads the team putting the cathedral back together. Two months ago, they finished phase one, repairing the stone and mortar of the ceiling inside. Now comes the hard part. All of these will have to be dismantled. A ten year, 22 million project to fix or replace intricately carved stones that weigh tons on top of the cathedral. Alonso took me up the Central Tower 300 feet. Wow. This is a view ive never seen. Welcome to the tippy top of d. C. It certainly is. An extraordinary Vantage Point to see the sweep of our nations capital. But the view of the tower is not so good. The tops of three of the four min kals fell off, as for whats left its separated. The big chunk of stone that joins this to the pinnacle sheered off back here. Another two or three seconds of earthquake we would have lost a tremendous amount more stone. One thing that struck us was the remarkable craftsmanship of carvings so visitor will ever see. Thats the whole thing. This cathedral built for gods glory. Found below in the workshop, theyre creating new treasures and fixing old ones. We lost three of these finials, they fell off and were destroyed. This was the only one that survived. Joe alonso thought he had finished building the cathedral back in 1990. When he helped set the final stone on an 83year construction project that was washingtons longest. [ cheers and applause ]. For the next 21 years, he worked on maintenance until the earthquake hit. We all of a sudden got back into construction mode. I mean, construction and bigtime restoration. How do you feel about this cathedral . Oh its become a part of me. I mean so many i met my wife here. I literally got, you know blood and sweat, no tears yet. But blood and sweat in between the limestone. Which is why making this building whole again means so much to him. The cathedral is the ultimate place for a stone mason to be in. This cathedral needs to be put back together the way it was. This could be here forever. And knowing that i had a part in it and the generations before. You know this isnt going anywhere. Today is the first Easter Sunday since the earthquake without any construction inside. So worshippers will be able to see the full grandeur of the National Cathedral. Thats it for today. Have a great week and well see you next Fox News Sunday. Discover the champion in you . Ive been going through a lot right now with my mom. Shes been battling colon cancer. This is a tough time and a tough city. He just gives me more strength. Hes always positive. Greater things to come in this city i believe that god is always working for you and on your side. Life changing. I can be closer to god without feeling like im too young for this. And it was really moving. And everybody together under one roof. What more could i ask for . Im a College Student and he really spoke to me. What god has in your future will supersede what youve seen in your past. Hes inspired me to go through the right path. Really energizing and rejuvenating my soul after a tough day. All you have to do is say, god im an open vessel and im ready to receive and he will change your perspective. Why cant god use you to do

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