Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20160510

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cherokee passing a couple of vehicles on 52nd then ramming bicycle and rider from behind. a separate security camera shows the jeep then drive through a red light at 52nd and spruce on the wrong side of the road. a passing moat rift cease the injured victim lying in the street and hops out to render aid. police say the victim sudden a head injury and possible fractured ribs. in fact near the site of incense man's street business acquaintances were wishing him a speedy recovery and singing his praises. >> good guy. >> very nice, very nice. down to home. >> he's a kind man. he comes out and works every day, you know. he's not here he's on lancaster avenue. he's a well-known guy. >> reporter: selling incense. >> just selling incense and oils much that's it. >> reporter: again, the victim in this case last reported here at pennsylvania presbyterian in scale condition. if you know anything about this incident again just after 2:00 a.m. 52nd and spruce a white jeep grand cherokee call police. lucy? >> got to track down that person, bruce, thank you so much. rain we can't seem to shake in your fox 29 weather authori authority. the greenery mains on ultimate doppler radar chances are you've probably seen at least a little rain today and this is a pattern sticking around. let's check in with chief meteorologist scott williams. >> yeah, it is going to stick around lucy and iain. it's more of a nuisance type of event. don't cancel any of your tuesday evening plans maybe you have soccer practice or you're going to be in the garden. take look at the light showers across a part of the area. everyone is not seeing the rainfall but as we move into new castle county right now, around chadds ford also as you move toward hokessin wilmington looking at light showers as we move into parts of south jersey a couple of sprinkles along the ac expressway but once again it's just more of a light rain as you head down the shore. outside our studios you can see it's cloudy, eighths little cool and the high temperature today 12 degrees below where we shall be for this time of year. we squeaked out 60 degrees the normal for this time of year is 72. so as we take look at those temperatures pretty uniform across the area, upper 50s in trenton. we have 58 degrees in millville. 59 right now in dover and 56 degrees in lancaster. winds are relatively light to calm out there. so really not dealing with a breeze. just a can be of spotty showers mostly cloudy and cool as we go throughout your evening by 9:00 o'clock 56 degrees. 54 by 11:00. more showers expected tomorrow but once again it's not going to be wash out just some spotty showers by tomorrow morning. lancaster, chester county, parts of delaware and then maybe couple of sprinkles in around the philadelphia area by late morning. but mostly cloudy skies again tomorrow and temperatures just a few degrees below average. in fact over the next two days, tomorrow spotty shower around upper 60s. low 70s by your thursday and thursday looks to be a dry day. we'll talk about showers and thunderstorms in the forecast and that weekend preview coming up. >> all right, scott that's correct thanks deadly weather hitting owing okay. powerful storms bringing hail and tornadoes to the state that knocked over trees and toppled power lines it was a similar scene in nebraska where one resident says he and his dog survived dangerous weather even though his home did not. >> the dog and i headed for the basement and didn't make it. >> it was like the movie twist twister. legs up flying. >> more strong storms are forecast to impact areas from mid mississippi river valley into the ohio river valley. large hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes are all possible. to a developing story tonight out of city's frankford section. skyfox over a tragic scene right under that i-95 overpass. authorities tell us a septa bus hit a man on his bike and although medics rushed him to the hospital, it was too late. >> tragically he later died. let's get right out to fox 29's dawn timmeney who is live in frankford tonight. dawn? >> reporter: well, iain and lucy, this is such a sad story. police have not yet released the identity of the bicyclist. we do know he was a 25-year-old man and he died just minutes after arriving at the hospital. >> i just heard lot of sirens. i figure it was something serious. >> alicia mcdonald was right. septa bus hit bicyclist op orthodox street right under i-95 afternoon. she owns an insurance and auto tag on the corner of orthodox and aramingo and came out to see quite a commotion. >> usually when there's a lot of sirens around here it's pretty devastating the street was jammed up for while. a lot of police officers. a lot of transit police. >> i just scene the bus out here. that's about it. and all the cops and the fire depth. >> reporter: norman bucco witnesses work at frankford plating feet from where the bike cleft was hit. cars and buses speed down orth dock street. there's no lights, nothing. just fly down the street. >> reporter: there is no indication at this time that the septa bus was speeding and in fact police say the man on the bike cut in front of the septa route j bus when he was struck. >> there's ton of bikers. we have the bike lanes but it's all jammed up over there for the bikes and a lot of the bike lanes are under construction right now. especially along aramingo. it's really dangerous. it's very sad. >> reporter: now the bus driver did stop immediately after the accident. one of the gentleman who works at a nearby business says he talk to that driver and he was extremely rattled. again, police say that the bicyclist cut in front of the bus. iain? >> dawn, thank you. the man who was nearly killed after falling through a glass ceiling at the row dan museum has reached a settlement with the philadelphia museum of art and their security company. you may fine this video a little difficult to watch. the 27-year-old was speccing lights back in 2012 when he fell nearly 40 feet through the glass ceiling. he survived and he's now reached a settlement of 7.25 mel i don't know dollars. attorneys for the man say they're client spent more than month in the hospital and had more than dozen surgeries all as a result of that fall. new information in the murder of a kensington woman who police say was killed by her boyfriend. philadelphia police now say he strangled her. early yesterday morning police say that man called 911 saying he had killed his girlfriend in a home on rohrer street. officers found the body of 27-year-old veronica rodriguez in a bedroom. 25-year-old juan camacho faces murder and sexual assault. rodriguez's mother lives in florida. she told tv station there that her daughter had broken up with camacho and that he actually teched and apologized -- an apology after the murder. and philly police are investigating claims of sexual assault inside a west philadelphia high school. it's a story you saw first on fox last night. investigators say a 14-year-old girl has told them a fellow student assaulted her last friday inside sayre high school. police have not yet made an arrest but the special victims unit is investigating. delaware state university joining with national scholarship program to help increase college opportunities for immigrant students living in the country illegally. the program is called dream u.s. and it will offer 500 scholarships of up to $20,000 a year, 16 states refused to allow students living in the country illegally to either enroll in state colleges or force them to pay out of state tuition. fresh start for delaware county animal care facility. providence animal shelter unveiled this afternoon along with new building in media. officials say it's important to rebrand it as it works to expand its services. the new facility includes isolation rooms where vets can treat infectious diseases. >> helping our planet and getting a pizza in return environmental group schuylkill action network celebrated the work of fourth graders at green woods charter school in today for all of think hard work to help to protect our water. the students went on field trips and participated in community service projects centered on keeping the schuylkill river clean. >> we're testing the schuylkill and help -- and dissecting fish. we are helping safe trout and -- and and finding about dams want the river is and like how it works. >> very cool. because you know the schuylkill riff base cipro sides drinking water for more than 2 million people. new at 6:00 how do you attract people to a job that can be thank less and dangerous? philadelphia's police chief has talk about sweetening the deal to get cops on the streets but now there are some prominent voices saying that's a bad idea. 96 years old this local man is not slowing down. he still bikes more than 9 miles day. love that. he's about to hit a big milestone and about get a big surprise. howard? >> below up on the field by the best player in baseball last night. a car at the ballpark but it's chasing baseballs in the water. i will show you and explain coming up in sports. at giant, shoppers low prices by the thousands, plus a thousand more that just dropped. all these low prices! what are you trying to do, get me to feed the whole neighborhood? no. just trying to save you a whole lot of "bread." [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags, thousands of low prices. my giant. thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $59.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. ♪ should police officers have to go to college? >> it's a question philadelphia's currently re-examining and big changes could be on the way but not everyone is happy about it. our bill anderson live in the newsroom. bill, this has touched off one big debate. >> reporter: lucy it has. mostly because when addressing the violence in our neighborhoods, the question becomes, are more police better or better educated police the solution? it's a question that's currently being debated as new policy is in the works. most agree that we need more nervous our neighborhoods, but at what costs? former philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsay made a requirement that police must have two years of college or military experience. now due to shortage of officers, that policy is in the process of being remove and some are very concern. >> you are dangerous if you're, f you're not educated and do you not know how to deal with people you are dangerous. >> reporter: new policy introduced by commissioner richard ross at a council hearing in april would remove the college requirement and increase the minimum age of applicants to 22. and although additional education is a plus, ross said it's simply about more officers. >> that old buzz phrase doing more with less but this is not a business where you can get away with that for so long. >> gwynnedd mercer professor is a military veteran and former state police officer who respects the need for more officers but also believes that more experience plane and simple saves lives. >> i think a young cop today coming right out of high school, i truly believe they are not ready to deal with all the things that we have to deal with today. >> reporter: policy is make its way through the approval process and could be in place as soon as july. commissioner ross knows everyone isn't happy about it, but still believes it's the best way to keep our streets safe. >> we are having a significant problem, again, not laying it completely at the feet of 60 credits above i've got to do something. again, 22 years is how far you got to go back to see this level of manpower that we have. >> reporter: it's hard to find agreement even among big cities. on whether whether more education helps. new york and chicago require college credits but los angeles and detroit do not. of course, we want to hear from you. get your comments. you can tweet us at fox 29 philly or comment on our fox 29 facebook page tell us how you feel about our new policy. lucy. >> you know people will, thank you, bill. bucks county manziel broughting his 96th birthday doing what he loves the most. >> hopping on bike. >> right. (applause). >> that's bill gun of doylestown central bucks bike club presented the avid cyclist with surprise birthday ride. his 90th decade nothing is slowing him down and he took off on 9.6-mile ride. gun says he's been riding since he was 10 years old and explains how bikes have changed over his lifetime. >> my first bicycle was bicycle that had no gears. you got on it by putting your foot on the piece that came out the back and swung into the seat h no gears to use. like a track bike today. the next bike i got was the one i got selling magazines door to door. 99-year-olds remember it. >> people had paper routes. remember that. >> i did. >> bike club gave him a commemorative membership in honor of his birthday. >> it's a awesome. good day for baking. no downpours or anything like that. fox 29 weather authority right now. >> yeah. >> he's over the weather. >> i did see the sun for minute. >> i mean it wasn't really that bad. i mean it was 60 degrees. a couple of light showers out there but that guy on that bicycle that is motivation. 96 years old. yeah, it will be pretty comfortable if you're getting outdoors for that bike ride on this tuesday evening. don't cancel any plans. just a couple of light spotty nuisance showers across the area. in fact we're looking at a fifty seven of potential 70-degrees or better days. some late week showers and thunderstorms, and of course the all important weekend update. the weekend not looking that bad. as we look at ultimate doppler a couple of sprinkles in parts of south jersey, moving into new castle county also as you move into parts of chester, lap caster county right now. zoom in a little closer and then around hokessin, down to around the wilmington area watching out for some light showers that should be dissipating over the next hour or so. as you move into sections of gloucester, cam county northern sections of atlantic county so if you're headed out of philadelphia down the ac expressway, you'll probably run into a couple of spring kills as well as some cloud cover. as we expand the view the severe weather threat today has been in sections of illinois along with parts of kentucky. reports of tornadoes and funnel clouds some of that energy moving right now along the ohio river valley and that stalled stationary boundary that has been a focal point for showers and thunderstorms earlier this week and we'll continue to be that mechanism for some lift, clouds and showers. as we move toward your wednesday, a couple of spotty showers across the area. but most of the showers and the coverage will stay to our south around the delmarva peninsula but high temperatures tomorrow better than today. in fact we'll flirt with fenn degrees tomorrow. ocean temperatures still chilly in the mid 50s. so right now as we look at those temperatures, we have upper 50s in wrightstown. 58 degrees in wilmington. upper 50s in allentown. 54 in the pocono mountains. zoom in little closer down the shore. temperatures pretty uniform as well in the low to mid 50s. so chilly for us in philadelph philadelphia. but look at raleigh, 80 degrees right now. it's 83 in memphis and look at the 90s in dallas, 92 degrees we're looking at 94 in mid land so we'll tap no a piece of that warmth as we move toward the latter part of the week. but mostly cloudy a couple of early light showers temperatures upper 40s low 50s. upper 60s for high temperatures tomorrow once again a couple of spotty showers especially the first part of the day. but otherwise, 73 degrees on thursday. that's right around average for this time of year. friday 74. a couple of afternoon and evening thunderstorms popping up then saturday it looks like highs in the low 70s. a couple of scattered showers but don't cancel any weekend plans it doesn't look like a wash out. and then a little cooler mid 60s for highs on sunday upper 60 noose early next week. hey, what about looking ahead. 17 days away the sun will set 8:20 memorial day is just 20 days away. and the first day of summer only 41 days iowa and what about the fourth of july in case you're counting that is 55 days away. so, yeah, we have the cloud, the gloomy weather but we have a lot to certainly look forward to. >> you know what this is, iain, this is a classic diversion nary tactic. don't look at the weather over here. think about christmas. (laughter). >> pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. >> exactly. >> i don't pay attention any w way. i wait scene what it does in the morning. >> you're a low maintenance type of guy howard. >> that's exactly right. we are different in that rash. (laughter). >> i'm not a guy. >> okay. >> the car that chases baseballs in the water outside the ballpark sounds strange and look the same. baseball emotional game it really got emotional last night with the best player in baseball and that's all coming up in sports. ♪ to you, they're more than just a pet. so protect them... ...with k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, it repels them, too. so do more to defend your four legged friend... ...with k9 advantix ii. for the love of dog. pat toomey started his career as an investment banker. then, a wall street wheeler-dealer overseeing stock trades in new york, london and tokyo. next, toomey moved to hong kong to work with wealthy chinese investors. in the senate, it's no surprise toomey's been siding with wall street. voting to allow banks to continue making the risky investments that wrecked our economy. afscme people is responsible for the content of this ad. ♪ the phillies they had the night off last night. they have the final three games of current road trip that begins tonight in atlanta. the phils are 18-14 which is the sixth most wins in major league baseball. phillies still struggle offensively but they're clearly a better team this year. but they play the team that is the worst in baseball tonight. the atlanta braves are now the worst. the braves are so bad and find so many ways to lose games they have only seven wins so far this season. they have lost 10 in row at ho home. 15 of the last 16. they're playing awful baseball. there are other numbers showing really how awful they are. as well as the record, they have scored only 99 runs in 30 games. by the way that's not good. last in baseball. braves as a team hit only seven homeruns as team. look at that number this way. there are 18 players individuallindividually in baset least have eight more than the whole braves times. bryce harper best player in baseball now he wasn't happy with that pitch and that's not bryce harper at the plate much that's he is pi notice s that was an awful pitch. the umpire was -- terrible call. so bryce harper says something he gets thrown out. but he got his money's worth. the next batter hits a homerun in the bottom of the ninth after harper gets thrown out. you shall never throw out harper the best player in baseball. harper when he comes out to the celebration -- bryce harper may have cost himself more money in fines after the game as well. >> i was pretty upset. i don't think it was right to even do that. let hem hear what i had have to say and let him hear it again. so what? >> couple choice words. absolutely. >> you think you might get fine. >> if ooh i do, i do. i'll pay it. maybe he'll get fined too, we'll see. his next contract will be 400 million he can afford it. >> there's ritual in mccovy cove behind the right field wall at&t park. it happens during the giants games and the boats can news and kayaks but something new to chase the homeruns. they chase the homeruns when it's hit in the water. let's go to san francisco. >> ♪ >> that's a car back to the future car -- >> did he lore yann. >> that's exactly what it is. did he lore yann. that's good. >> thank you. >> they chased a little quicker the baseball. >> that time machine or pluck capacitor is working that does it for us here at 6:00. >> we'll see you back here at 10:00. have a great night. inside edition is up next. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. more complete allergy relief. flonase. 6>1 changes everything. sharon osbourne breaks her silence. >> you kicked ozzy out of the house. is that made up? >> no, it's true. >> what we learned about the hair dresser at the center of the infidelity allegations. >> i'm 63 years of age and i can't keep living like this. >> what is this thing worth. >> lots of you said $30,000. >> i think it's late 19th or early 20th century. >> not really. >> i made that in high school. >> then, mystery solved. the donald trump tombstone. >> now we know who put it there. >> and, drama on the tracks. >> what is your name? >> there is a woman trapped

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