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Shawnette. Reporter yeah, just incredible lucy and iain. As you know, this was supposed to be a sevenday cruise to the bahamas. Problem there was no relaxation, no fun, no rest at all. It was just a nightmare for these passengers. But as you mentioned were told the ship is expected to arrive back here in new jersey tonight around 9 00 oclock and im told the first order of business the coast will be here to expect it. The anthem of the seas actually left here in new jersey on saturday and was battered by a storm on sunday night. It was headed to Port Canaveral florida but had to turn around and head back because of the force of the wind and waves that youre looking on this video. Passengers on board reported being tossed around as they say furniture and other things aboard the ship overturned. One woman that we spoke with via skype two days ago shed they went 15 hours without eating before they were finally able to get water and some snacks. The ship were told by the coast guard sustained cosmetic damage but they say it is maneuverable and it is sea worthy. So back here live again the ship expected to return here in new jersey tonight. Weve also learned that many of these passengers wont likely get off the ship. They may spend another night as the ship is docked here as you can imagine many of them didnt expect to be back so soon so likely not get off the ship follow tomorrow morning and return safely home, though, well still be tonight hoping to talk to some of those passengers. Back to you in the studio. All right, shawnette, thank you. Authorities in camden coun county, new jersey releasing new Surveillance Video they are hoping will help track down a driver involved in a fatal hitandrun. Berlin Borough Police say 55yearold john hays died after two vehicles hit him on tansboro road back in january. The first vehicle a mini van stopped at the scene but then cops say a Nissan Sentra took off and shown on this video. Pulling into the parking lot of the Golden Nugget tavern minutes after the incident. Investigators say the driver that enters the bar anyone with information should call police. Happening now a stomach illness spreading fast at a local college at least 100 students at Ursinus College in Montgomery County are dealing with psalming, stomach pains and diarrhea. Its not clear whats causing the sickness. But Health Officials are working right now to figure all of this out. Fox 29s dawn timmeney is live on campus. Dawn, the number of sick students has been climbing all day long. Reporter it has lucy. When we arrived on campus this afternoon, 50 students were sick in a matter of hours that number has doubled to 100 and its growing. Ursinus college taking this very seriously as the Montgomery County Health Department tries to get to the bottom of it all. Im a little nervous. Reporter students at Ursinus College in collegeville are concerned after dozens get sick. A bad stomach infection is hitting the Small Liberal Arts College of just over 1600 students. More than 20 rush to the hospital last night or tape to urgent care with severe abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. We are at this point not sure if this is some food bourn illness or if it is being transmitted person to person. Reporter whatever it is the College Medical director says its still spreading. As soon as we got word of it we mobilized all of our Emergency Services right away. Biggest concern is some students getting bad case of it and ending up getting dehydrated needing to go to the hospital. Reporter freshman courtney says shes hoping to avoid it by just staying in her room. But worried she can get sick. Have any of your friends come down with this. Yeah, about like a third of my hall has it so thats not good. A lot of vomiting and problems like that. Ras are pretty concerned about it. My roommate just tech immediate i have a stomach problem. I was like oh, no. Theyre urging students who are filling sick to their stomachs to immediately go to the campus wellness center. Its also taking precautions closing and cleaning the dining hall today and suspending Dining Service until further notice. Were spending some extra time obviously in our residential areas and high traffic areas on campus like the fitness sent, lounges, common areas where students congregate to try to make sure that were cleaning those effectively. Students are also heeding the schools warnings. Im washing my hands. Im using like the little pock packs of Hand Sanitizer all of that. Yeah, just trying to like stay as like clean as possible i guess. Reporter now all of the students who were hospitalized have been discharged. The medical director at ursinus says that this is a 24hour stomach illness as far as he can tell and hes hoping it will run its course by tomorrow. But its really hard to say at this point because its still unclear exactly what is making these students sick. Lucy . All right. Dawn ill take it thank you. Breaking news tonight in lehigh county. Officials at Lehigh University say theyve been informed by the Pennsylvania Department of health that one of their students who traveled abroad over the winter break has tested positive for the zika virus. School says that student has recovered and is quote feeling welch its not clear though if this case is one of the two already confirm zika cases in the state. We are waiting on more details for that. Lehigh University Officials say there is no health risk, though, to anyone on campus. Breaking in maryland now, two sheriffs deputes have now died after a shooting in abington. Authorities say the shooting occurred inside a panther rah restaurant after a deputy showed up for a disturbance call. That deputy was shot and so was another deputy who caught up with the suspected shooter outside. The suspect was shot dead by police. Again, both deputes now confirm dead and we of course will keep you updated. Police are investigating reports of a Sexual Assault at a philadelphia public school. Parents of students at dimmer beiber middle school in overbrook received a letter yesterday. It says the special victims unit is investigating an incident between students in the classroom, a parent told us. The incident involved five boys and one girl. And that the teacher had stepped out of the classroom. District told parents it will release more information once the investigation is completed. Preparing for arctic plunge in your fox 29 Winter Weather authority. It was another snowy morning for lot of us but quickly cleared up. Tonight weve got Something Different to be concerned about. Cold yet like we have yet to feel this win. Lets check in with chief meteorologist Scott Williams. Thats certainly right, iain. Were looking at those temperatures already dropping across the philadelphia area and in fact factor in that wind and take a look at the feels like temperature. 23 degrees. We have westerly winds at 14 Miles Per Hour but its going get even colder. We have a series of arctic fronts that will head in our direction. The first one still well to the north. But the cold air, it is already rushing in. We also have a couple of flurries still showing up on the map. You can see around reading, berks county, moving toward sections of pottstown as well. But not amounting to much. But look at the temperatures already freezing right now in millville, atlantic city, 32 degrees. We have upper 20s in lancaster. Put factor in the winds, feeling like the teens. Low 20s pretty much area wide. So for tonight, a chilly breeze. There might be a few snow showers or some flurries but coming up well talk about some of the coldest air of the season moving in for the upcoming weekend. When feels like temperatures could approach 20 to 25 degrees below zero. Back to you. All right, talk to you very soon, sto t scott. Developing to night big fall out from the results of yesterdays New Hampshire republican prima primary. Two gop candidates left the race after poor performance. One of them is new jersey very governor chris christie. Lets get straight to our bruce gordon joining us live from the newsroom right now. Bruce, really no big surprise here. Reporter no, not at all lucy. With Poor National polling numbers and back of the pack showing in iowa, governor christie need add strong showing in New Hampshire to keep his candidacy a float. It did not happen. And so the campaign sinks. The first hints of his decision came last night when christie announced he would go home to new jersey to mull his options instead of heading straight to South Carolina for the next primary. He finished sixth Place Overall in New Hampshire well behind the winner donald trump and behind both other governors in this race john kasich of ohio and former Florida Governor jerk bush. That finish meant christie would not qualify for the gop debate stage ahead of the South Carolina vote in short there was no longer a hint viable path for the nomination. Last night christie told supporters he had no regrets. We came here to say speaking your mind matters, that experience matter matters, that competence matters and that it will always matter in leading our nation. That message was heard by a lot of folks. And it was stood for by a lot of folks here in New Hampshire. Just not enough. Christie has lots of fences to mend back in the garden state with the economy is still struggling and his approval numbers have plumetted with voters feeling he abandoned them to chase his president ial drea dreams. One other casualty of the New Hampshire vote business woman Carly Fiorina called it quits today. The next question regarding christie who will he endorse. The gop field looking less crowded. Lucy . Thank you very much, bruce. Pennsylvania attorney general Kathleen Kane survived a vote to remove her from office an but an evident to impeach her moves ahead. Kane is if anything a criminal trial for allegedly leakinleaking secret informatiod lying about it under oath. She as lost her license to practice law the state senate failed in its attempt to remove her from office today when it couldnt muster a twothirds majority. Democrats largely rejected the measure in the state house a vote to begin the process to impeach kane was approved. A panel will begin an investigation which could result in a trial in the senate. All new at 61 00 of the darkest chapters in american history. Today slavery is back in the headlines in delaware. What the state just did to try to make amends. And a view we dont get often enough. Check out earth from above an aerial view of phenomenon we know all too well here on the ground. Howard . If you have a felony conviction in college football, you will will have a hard time showing nfl teams what you can do on the practice field. The rules have changed. And the flyers general manager not happy with his team after last night. All of that coming up in sports. View from the top courtesy of british astronaut tim peek super cool isnt it . This is a Lightning Storm striking earth from really really far away. In case youre wondering very far away because peeks filmed the video from his spot in the International Space station around 270 miles above it he captured the storms as they crossed through europe and of a forty three casm peek is in the midst of a sixmonth mission on the iss for the European Space agency. Delaware governor jack markell apologize dag for the first states role in slavery. The government signing a resolution passed by state lawmakers back in january that resolution also apologizes for wrongs committed against africanamericans during the jim crow era. Resolution hopes to promote reconciliation and healing. You know those registration stickers pennsylvania drivers have to put on their lance plates . Theyre about to go away. Penndot showing off a new automated license plate reader. Check it out. Demonstration held today in harrisburg. Penndot says Technology Gives police a better tool to verify expired vehicle registrations. Officials say registration stickers can be counterfeited, sold or put on plates for, in theyre not intended they will be eliminate the next year. Penndot will make the registration process much easier for vehicle owners. It is Ash Wednesday and christians in Chester County didnt even have to get out of their cars to mark the start of lent. The West Minster Presbyterian Church offered drive through ashes this morning. The pastor says its for people who couldnt make it to Ash Wednesday services and he adds some christians feel bad if they havent been to church in awhile and this is a way for them to receive ashes that makes them feel comfortable. In camden, new jersey a big crowd attended Ash Wednesday mash at the cathedral of the immaculate conception. Bishop Dennis Sullivan blessed Catholic Relief Services rice bowls hasnted out to those in church. Parishioners put money in the bowls if they can and all of the money raised provides food for the hungry here at home and overseas. Lets check back in with winter wet authority now. Heres Scott Williams and i know its not that cold today. But it is going to get the polar plunge g polar vortex. Its headed flight our direction. I mean, get those layers ready. Were talking about feels like temperatures by sunday morning in around the philadelphia area 10 to maybe 20 degrees below zero. But take look at ultimate doppler right now. Not a whole lot of activity across our area. A couple of flurries. But look at all of the lake effect snow on going well to the north and west of us. This is the first arctic front that will be moving through late tonight during the day tomorrow. Dropping those temperatures below freezing for at least five days. Right now its 33 degrees. You factor in that wind look at the wind chill a chilly 23 degrees. So 33 right now philadelphia. 20 in pittsburgh. Look at temperatures right now across places in around the great lakes. We have grand rapids 17. Milwaukee 13. Seven in marquette but it gets even colder once you move into canada. Take a look at martin falls. 11 degrees below zero. Thats the current air temperature so thats the arctic air that will dive in our direction over the next several days. So were talking about all of this cold air moving from green land the hudson bay through sections of canada right across the great lakes and, yes, into the delaware valley. So it looks like the cold air if you will is going to peak by the upcoming weekend. So take a look at what to expect from tomorrow through next monday. Were talking about five days with High Temperatures below freezing. And then as we move toward the coldest period sunday morning, winds are going to be gusty as well so wind chills will be a factor. There could be some scattered snow showers around from time to time. But take look at the danger here especially as we move toward saturday night into sunday morning wind chills advisories are likely. Its going feel like zero to 10 below were talking down the shore. Move a little farther inland into south jersey. The i95 corridor. North and west suburbs. 10 below to 20 degrees below zero. This is valentines morning on sunday in the pocono mountains parts of Lehigh Valley as cold as feeling like 25 degrees below zero. So for tonight, a chilly breeze arc couple of scattered snow showers. Maybe some flurries moving through. Teens in the burbs. Low 20s in the city. Then for tomorrow, we begin our High Temperatures below freezing for several days. 29 degrees that will be it but when you factor in those winds gusting up to 30 miles an hour it will feel like the teens and low 20s for much of the day. So take a look at your fry day. It will stay frigid if youre headed out, bundle up, dress in layers and then saturday well hit that High Temperature iain of 21 early in the day. Temperatures drop. In fact plunge. Look at sunday morning. 3 degrees. That will be the low temperature in philadelphia. The record low temperature for that day is two. 19 for the high and take a look at monday into tuesday. Maybe a chance for some snow. Changing over to rain as those temperatures climb by wednesday to near 50 degrees. I love that almost 50. Heat wave. Exactly. Ill tell you. Well be out there in tshirts shirts 50 degrees. Im checking flights to martin falls because i want to see how cold its going to be. We should send you out there. Wouldnt it be great . Howard reporting live from martin fal falls. The nfl changed the rules for College Players convicted of a felony it really affects their place in the draft and the flyers most action in a fight. That was last night. But the team showed no fight early in the game. The general manager let them know about it. Thats coming up in sports. Those flyers, theyre not playing good hockey these days. Just when some fans thought they may be a play off team this year they lose three straight but last night was the worse of the three against anaheim. All right. To the wells fargo center. The flyers showed no life in the first period when they fell behind by two goals and it wasnt much better after that. Now the flyers lost the game. Lost the fight. The general manager wants accountability and was not very happy with what he saw last night. I think that weekend we had good efforts. We had good performance and quite honestly deserved a better fate. Last night was it wasnt good. Thats not acceptable. Just didnt find a way to get out of the losing streak. I think we are a good team. We have to make sure if we want to make the playoffs it cant happen. No, it cant. Big changes are coming main show the nfl is starting to care or care about how incidents have damaged their image. Nfl will no longer allow players with convictions for domestic violence, Sexual Assault or weapons offenses to attend the scouting columbine in annapolis. The key word is convictions. Tell me the last player that has been convic convicted. Almost all athletes get off with no convictions. Although we may believe they are guilty. All right eagles had another signing today. Nothing dramatic. Special teams linebacker najee good signed oneyear deal. Head coach of the San Antonio Spurs greg pop poe witch won 5nba champions. He believes hes earned the right to not answer questions during the quickie interviews during the game and a a stab at humor. Pop, your impressions of the First Quarter . Were behind and theyre ahead. Why is that . They scored more than we did and we were pretty crappy on defense. Do you want to leck results . Sanders and trump. He tries to be funny but i dont know what he moment by that. I think he just wanted to have a gesture. Why even do the interview with him. Waste of time. Exactly. All right tee. That does it for us here at 6 00. Well see you right back here at 10 00. Have a great night. Inside edition is up next. She worked for donald trump. She was at his side for 18 years. What was it like working for donald trump . Deborah and put on a happy face. What your candidates smile is saying about them. If you look he has two things going for him. And imagine finding yourself sitting next to this. Turkey on a plane no ones gonna believe me. Then, the o. J. Simpson case. Where we found the bloody glove. I feel chills right now just standing this close. And the scariest bridge in america. Here it comes. This is what i dont like. Just the thought of driving onto it sends her into a panic. Oh gees, oh pete now imagine crossing it in a

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