Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20170822

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tweeted this picture. four generations of family take in the partial eclipse today. already looking forward to the next one in text in 24. >> senator john mccain watching the eclipse with fox news meghan mccain. >> philadelphia police wanted to get in on the fun tweeting out this video ahead of today's eclipse. ♪ turn around -- >> every now and then i get a little bit lonely and you're never coming round ♪ >> ♪ turn around, every now and then i get a little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears ♪ >> that is philadelphia police captain singing the song as video interspersing with the actual music video and cuts of philadelphia police officers and brass singing. >> got to give him credit for that. not to be out done or good day team also remained bonnie tyler's iconic music video. mike and alex had lot of fun with this one. >> ♪ >> wait for mike. here he is. >> ♪ >> it might be a little disturbing for me. >> it's a little creepy. >> i'm just saying. [ laughter ] >> oh, my. >> it has been 24 hours since uss john mccain ran into another ship still no sign of ten missing sailors. what happened? that is very good question. ♪ >> essential continues tonight for ten missing sailors. they disappeared late last night when the uss john s. mccain collided with an oil tanker in southeast asia. now, tonight we're learning the us navy has ordered an investigation into the performance of redness of the pacific based seventh fleet. the head of the navy said it's time to do something rare. chief of operation operations an richardson called for one day pause. as a result us navy ships will suspend operations for a day or two this week to go over what has gone wrong. this is a second collision of a navy ship in two months. >> i directed an operational pause be taken in all of orients around the world. >> the navy is now looking into how it qualifies junior officers to pilot ships and how sailors are trained to stand watch especially in these congested shipping lanes. >> u.s. and south korea are beginning joint military exercises. it's an action that has north korea concerned. the 11-day drill involving computer simulations designed to prepare for war with a nuclear capable north korea. officials in north korea are not a fan. they think the military exercises are aggravat aggravatn already tense situation between them and us. south core's president said today the drills are held regularly because of repeated threats by north korea. manhunt for the last remaining suspect in the attacks in spain ends with a deadly shooting. employees say the 22-year-old more rock can man flashed what turn out to be a fake suicide belt at two state troopers. officers shot and killed him out of the side barcelona today. authorities are now confirming a 12 person jihadi cell larged deadly terror tacks last week made up of the suspect killed today along with his brother and friends. authorities are now confident the immediate danger is over. the death toll from the attacks has risen to 15. all right. let's take like at your forecast right now. how goes it, kathy. >> we're tracking some showers. right now on ultimate doppler moving through the suburbs more to come. a heat advisory goes into effect tomorrow. some serious heat in the seven day. ♪ >> now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. good evening, everybody. watch for construction on our way tomorrow. 95 crews will be back working up here along 413 putting in those ramps for the eventual pennsylvania turnpike connection to i-95. they're also going to be work through the overnight through the day tomorrow all of this week on the schuylkill expressway. just watch for the uneven pavement between conshohocken all the way in toward the gladwyne interchange. again, rocky start and then take break during the midday back later on tomorrow night. new schedules kicked in today on the patco high speed line. make sure you're ready to go there. and of course both market frankford and broad street subway will be using shuttle buses until 5:00 o'clock tomorrow. we'll fire up the jam cams. sue and scott will have the forecast at 4am tomorrow. ♪ all right. so from darrell hall and john oats to to this. if prosecutors are right this man had enough fentanyl to kill half the population of new jersey. it is a record setting amount. a grand jury indicted 23-year-old ya mirror boardly for 31 pounds of fentanyl. he faces charges of second and third degree possession. so new arts program is one of the glowing examples of the growth of the arts and culture scene in philadelphia. so can such a positive program already positive, right, do even more? today fox 29's bill ant son spoke to group of ex offenders and youth on probation who questioned whether there were any real opportunities to turn around their lives but then they found out about mural arts for goodness sake. ♪ >> didn't have nobody in my corner. i turn to the streets because i didn't have no nobody after my mom died. >> reporter: murals like the one behind me are all over the city. normal whole we talk about them we talk about how beautifully they are or maybe the people in them or one of the thing we don't normally talk about is who actually painted them and the difference that the mural arts program is making in this city. this is your last draw. you got to rack it up. i stayed with it. kept doing it. kept doing it now i actually walk around with a brush. >> reporter: mural arts program teaches skills prone vied jobs to he can offenders and youth on probation. >> when they get out there's no reason for them to go back. >> mayor kenney came to seat program and i stuck around after to really hear their stories. >> i'm 25 years old. i've been on probation since i was 15. >> really kind of hard for me coming, coming home with nowhere to live, no clothes, no nothing. >> reporter: after years in jail, few real friends or family and some bad choices they didn't know what was next. but through various paths they end upped in the guild program. >> i don't want to see thighs guys, you know, in a casket or, you know, with an orange jumpsuit we want to see our peopling as positive members of our community. >> they might not have any experience with getting up in the morning on time. arriving to work on time. just general every day accountability and responsibility after you leave us then you're able to hold a full-job or life skills anywhe anywhere. >> program trains them in painting and light construction. it case a stipends and gives them a chance to be positive part of the community. >> i was committing crimes or getting high or littering. we pick that all back up. >> we learn something about themselves. >> it just opened my eyes somebody cared for me and that can give me an opportunity and know that i can do right. >> reporter: >> all the differ rec centers we've gone around the city. >> probably seen their work and now know the back story. avenue group of people making good on another chance and program providing it for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ mural arts giving and giving again. >> great program. >> um-hmm. >> good luck to those guys. >> absolutely. you know fox 29 weather authority, we luck out for the eclipse today. i mean it was little cloudy here and there through the clouds it would break occasionally we could see it. so life look at the ben franklin parkway tonight hours after the great eclipse of 2017. and question is, what about tomorrow? kathy's forecast in 15 seconds. in weather we're talking about a partly cloudy sky. a few spotty showers out there and allentown right now it looks quiet. i think that's the way it's going stay. temperature 78. dew point temperature 73 degrees. so it's quite humid. ultimate doppler showing a few showers moving through from the west especially through parts of chester county. right now pottstown 75. 72 in reading. lancaster a rain cooled 71 and down the shore still quite mild. along our barrier island in the mid 70s. the ocean water temperature sitting at 76. dew point temperatures in the 70s. that means oppressive and during the day tomorrow, a heat advisory goes into effect because of the heat and humidity it will feel like it's over 100 degrees. the wind right now out of the south in philadelphia just 8 miles an hour. calm in millville as we do hourr we'll see these showers moving off tour the east.our tuesday. by late tuesday, more like tuesday night, we'll see stormsg through. some early morning clouds wednesday. giving way to much cooler air mg into the region. i meanlike fall like air. overnight tonight, temperatures will be in the 70s. pretty m are right now. during the day tomorrow the high 92 degrees. summer sizzle a lot in the month of august here we go. few scattered showers and storm. and on your seven day forecast from the weather authority, morning clouds sunny thursday. looking great friday. saturday feeling like fall. th s monday with highs in the 70s and lows right 60 degrees. there you have it, guys. we goo fall in just seven days. >> kathy one of the eagles wide receivers might have to start a gofundme page. i'll tell you just how light his pockets are about the bean. alshon jeffrey. hear from the dolphins while he'll be fine when the regular season starts coming up next in sports. ♪ ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 outbacks. ends august 31. ♪ eagles wide receiver bryce trigs pockets are about to be $25,000 lighter. he was fine for hit he put on randall in the first preseason game against the packers. he was going for a block look at right here he goes up high. hits the helmet. randall calls eight dirty play. he said he was just trying to make a good block. he made the league's minimum last year so on twitter he joked that he was going to start a gofundme page. >> dat eagles had joint practice with the dolphins and they intensity sky rocked any time these guys get to practice somebody that's not their teammates the excitement goes up. one little hiccup brandon graham left practice way strained by september. it's all good. that injury will probably be day to day. but still great practice and the guys talk about how productive practices like that are. >> it was fun to practice against somebody who wasn't, you know, on our team and stuff. so a lot of energy out here today. enjoyed competing against them. a lot of great tackles and great ball playing. it was fun for us. >> alshon jeffrey looked pretty good today, too, he's been struggling lately he sat out few practices and him and carson wentz just aren't on the same page right now. chemistry isn't there yet people are starting to get worried a little bit. you know how we are. you know how philly is. alshon used to play with adam and jay cutler in chicago both those guys are in miami now. so they had plenty of experience with alshon and both guys think, listen, he'll be just fine when the season starts. >> as long as he's healthy, he's going to produce. he's going to go out there. he's a pro. he knows football. he's got great feel. great instincts. if he's healthy i wouldn't be a guy i'd worry about. >> he's made incredible play has we were together in chicago. the first times i ever had a player i'd call a play and say throw it to alshon. his arms, his wing span is incredible, and his ability to track the ball and go get it in traffic is really something that you don't see a lot. >> listen carson never had weapon like that before. he'll adjust and get used to just throwing up those junk balls alshon will get it every time. phillies with the day off feeling good after winning two in row. they'll be back in action tomorrow begins the marlins. a double header so the first game there star at 4:05. to the little league world series. new jersey taking on california and rj with solo shot to dead center that was his second of the game. jersey gets the w12-nine eliminating calf calf from the tourney. and the philadelphia union now have an official chief tattoo officer. it's bone daddy's tattoo basically any time a player wants any type of tattoo they can go straight to these guys. um, okay. it's the first time a sports team has ever done this but, you know, why? like a guy has a tattoo guy if he gets tattoos. he's going to go to his tattoo guy. >> the guy. >>xa you know, they have something there. >> if they need to go to anybod. >> they got a guy. >> they got guy. >> they have guys for everything. everything. you goo the to have a guy. >> or a girl. one. >> why would you open -- well. good but any way. >> you know. >> i know. good job. seal we'll see whatou end up doing. >> not while lyiv house. >> they getting a sleeve no, they aren't getting a>> a tear . >> no, nothing. not while in my house. lucy what's coming up at 11:00. >> unless you'r them. forget a picture of physique looking to fine the love of your lifeha your online dating profile except sexy photos and wake up t it's all in the first five minutes. ♪ dude, you were right, these wait...what? the gold fish, man! you said i should buy some. no! i said you should buy gold fish, the new scratch-off from the pennsylvania lottery... with top prizes of $25,000. ooohh.... are there really...? 25,000 of them? yeah. want more changes to win? go to and enter your non-winning tickets for the gold fish second-chance drawing with $10,000 prizes. live from sent city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11. or 11:30 as the case may be. we begin with stealing 101. a woman in camden county actually teaching a little boy how to steal cash. the crime itself sadly typical. the accomplice not at all. thank you for joining us. i'm lucy noland. whole lot of folks are upset this could be a mom teaching her little boy how to commit a crime. fox's shawnette wilson reports. >> reporter: this is the woman caught on camera doing a disgusting thing. before we show you, get a good look at her while i set up what's happening. the owners of the store say she called two shrimp bowls at new honk couldn't restaurant and left while her order was being prepared. meanwhile she went to another room in the back of the store with her family. >> my mom thinks something is suspicious. so, yeah, so there's like problem. so she check the camera. >> reporter: 11-year-old jenny says her mother noticed bag of money they kept behind the enclosed counter missing and the woman hadn't come back to pick up her or. watch surveillance video the woman come back in the store with the child and while no one is behind the counter, police say she tells the little boy to crawl through the opening of the glass window and get the money. notice his arm zigging out as he goes in. >> she sat the baby like on the counter, and then the baby crawled through the son crawled through. hopped down, and got the money. went outside to check what's in the bag. and then after she check all the money, she -- the family just left. >> reporter: police concealed the child's face. he's so young he likely doesn't understand what he's doing. >> the little boy and he was about five or six years old? >> yeah. >> reporter: the family si say they have never been robbed before and they worry the neck time could be dangerous for th them.& in camden, shawnette wilson fox 29 news. ♪ breaking right now. president trump delivered a nationally televised address tonight outlining his plans for the war torn nation of afghanistan. fox's joel waldman breaks down what he said. for the past several months, the trump administration has been at odds over how to move forward on afghanistan. but tonight president president trump and laid out his strategy to eventually recommend our nation's longer running war of the. >> the american people are weary of war without victory. >> reporter: president trump addressing the nation and us troops at the army base next to arlington national cemetery. the final resting place for many service members who made the ultimate sacrifice in iraq and afghanistan. >> today the afghan war claimed more than 2,000 american lives and cost the us billions of dollars but 16 years after the 9/11 terrorist attk

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