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This photo was taken near the spot where i am standing. It was sent to Radio Station one 101. 5. People were wondering if it is a dog in distress . A fox of some sort . A coyote down on its luck . I came to get to the bottom of it. Not before i got it great example of the longstanding tradition of new jersey government making basic, helpful information as difficult as possible to obtain. I put a call into Union Township animal control officer, he told me he has been getting calls about this animal. He thinks it is a fox with mange. There are foxes in the area with mange. That is what they get when they bed down and groundhog holes. He poses no threat to the public. I sent him the pictures which he had notot seem to confirm that. I called him back and he said, you have to call the Mayors Office about this. That is how things have to go. We all know that elected officials know more about animals than the animal control officer. Now i am waiting for a phone call back. To confirm the identity. Thankfully the owner of the service station behind me was working on a car, hes a former animal control officer in town. He came out, looked at the picture and said. It is a fox. You may ask the obvious question, what did the fox say . And i actually got a call from the fox and the code is, pow, pow, pow pow, pow. It pow pow, pow, pow pow. That is what the fox said . What did the fox say . Pow pow pow, pow pow. That is different. , sing the whole thing so they can play. Should we sing it . Pow pow, pow pow pow, pow pow, pow. Thank you. We do not need more than that. Pow pow, pow pow. I thought they were dings . It first is that pow and then the dings. Thank you brian. Brian doesnt want to go. It is Election Night here in new jersey. The results are in. The republicans have nominated Lieutenant Governor kim and the democrats have nominated millionaire and former german ambassador, phil murphy according to the atlantic. Team chaser coverage. Diana with phil murphy at in newark and sibile your chasing kim. I want to start with you diana. Thats right. We met Robert Treat Hotel and as you can hear from the noise and music, the excitement, phil murphy is the democratic nominee for governor in new jersey. We are waiting to see, earlier on tuesday we caught up with him in middletown. Is skill set that matches up at this moment in time in new jersey with a state that is desperately in need of leadership in the economy. I also caught up with ray lesniak. The numbers were [inaudible] his side today. Loot tenant governor kim is the victor. He was the on the controversial action of the gas tax per that strategy paid up big time. I was with governor christie earlier on tuesday as he voted for governor kim. I have seven more months of work to do and a lot of other things to have happen. It doesnt matter how i want to be remembered. In the end i will remember myself i want to remember it. Everybody else gets to make that determination of how i get to be remembered. The mood there doesnt seem that exciting. Was this just an expected when . Look at the numbers. She clearly won the nomination here. To answer your question, it wasnt expected when, not a surprise. Now the question is, without a all of the money, the connections and to former president obama, is that enough to have him coast into the Governors Mansion in november . We will see. She will fight tooth and nail. She has the governor support hopefully she will win. The plan for people you talk to, is his strategy effectively say nothing in terms of details, focus on anti trump, focus on anti christie and that is the race they are going to run coming into november . He is a man of short answers. He said before the Biggest Issue was the economy. He did not say how. When i spoke to voters they said hes a great listener. They feel like all the candidates in the primary race for the same but they felt his experience differentiated him. We will see if that will help him in the ultimate race. Thank you. Well see what happens. Well keep you posted. Hello. Fml. That is what people are saying in new york city yesterday when they are on the s train that got stopped for about an hour without power. No airconditioning, people were starting to feel cluster for burke and getting overwhelmed with the heat. One woman completely disrobed and people were covering her with a jacket. A pregnant woman on the train started to feel overheated and needed to sit down. They were stuck for about an hour and push to another station but nobody told them why they were trapped. They eventually got out. Calling kimball was a reporter in philadelphia. She has been terminated following this video. Thats okay man. Mary intoxicated. She was cursing at Police Officers and she was eventually arrested and terminated after the video of its surface. It was viewed more than 1 million times on facebook. She has come forward to say that she had one drink at the club. She felt like she was drugs. She is mostly incredibly embarrassed for herself and her family. Am i to understand that you brought treats . A possibility. If theres one thing i know about the people in this office, they like taking selfies. Cute photos of bill, diana, and more. If you do not know what a selfie is, it is taking a photo of yourself. To think there are people who do not know what a selfie is . If you do not know what a selfie is. That is clarification. It is in the dictionary now. A new york Company Called selfie has created an edible photo booth that lets you put yourself these are photos on coffees, ice coffees and more. Like a selfie coffee. To learn more about it and tried out i headed to their headquarters in long island city, queens. I met up with the cofounder who started the company around 18 months ago with his partner. I look at the camera and say what the heck . It has two parts to the business. One part is ecommerce so you can upload a photo online and get cookies shipped to you. The second is bringing the edible photo booth to events like corporate events, parties, weddings and things like that. So while cakes and cookies with photos printed on them are nothing new. I asked what is so different about your business versus what is already going on . This is a direct Inkjet Printer method, they are printing on either sugar paper or rice paper. The company uses fda approved inks and has an inclusive app and technology that differentiates them from competition. I brought some for you. Dont worry, look at this. One for you. Thank you look at alexs. He is so angry all of the time. It looks like the bad guy from [laughter] pretty colors. The family is being reunited with her much loved dog. The owner was crying and explained how she was stolen. How she never thought they would see her again. The broken promises sanctuary found the dog in salem county. Hundreds of miles away from her home. She was totally emaciated, extremely dehydrated. She was pretty lot wobbly a limp. Have a story we should know about . Help us chase it when he was arrested in my kitchen the officers let me know as heroin. My ever waking thought is that i just want to get high once more. Its an every day battle we have to shatter the stigma that the only thing that keeps us alive. The state department decided to focus on something very local. It was in the sergeants home. It was an epic battle of cat and mouse. Lulu, the cat woke up in the middle of the night because a mouse was in the house. He saw the stand off and decided to let it go even though there causing ruckus. Woke up in the morning and saw this, he left an inspirational message on the Facebook Page for the Police Department with the house , feed the mouse. Check out the footage of a guy going to prom with that one, not two, but three days. His mom brought in a camel from out of state, shipped in sand to create a dubai like feel the got a mural painted up to buy. She spent 25000 to do it. People were not too happy about that but he has a 3. 9 gpa and a full right to college. Moments like this of a family being reunited with the seventh member and their much loved dog bring out the soft side and all of us. The broken promise sanctuary in new jersey captured on video the family see in their dog after she was still from the backyard when they lived in long island, new york. The broken promises sanctuary brought in kelly after she was dropped off by someone they knew who found the dog wandering in the woods in salem county, hundreds of miles away from her home the sanctuary believe that kelly was abused or neglected. They were afraid that kelly would not survive. When she first came from south jersey she was emaciated, very dehydrated. She was wobbly and limp from be a malnourished. I literally had to pick her up and put her in the car and we rushed. They discovered she had cancer in a tumor growing around the i. They pay for her to get radiation what she needed. Fortunately she had a microchip which was registered and that is how they were able to find her family. When we are in contact with the owner their hysterical and explain to me the story about how she was stolen and says that they have moved to north carolina. I told you it would happen. So they were able to pick up kelly over the weekend and bring her home. We cant say thank you enough to the sanctuary and everyone that was involved there, an Amazing Organization in place. Without them this would not have been possible. Amazing how effective the sensors are that you can insert into the dog and identify them if they are at a shelter. You have to find them first. Youre always stressing that you need to register your dog and microchip your dog. In situations like this from so far away, without that microchip she wouldve been a shelter for the rest of her life. Its like a tracking device. No. But once they did get her income is the only reason theyre able to find her. It is important. Thank you. As chasing news senior correspondent, i feel like im supposed to intra the interview that was carried out on Facebook Live with wrapper logic. [applause] at astor is 92. 3 with three to 7 00 p. M. , what is a good word . Let me tell, logic stop by the studio yesterday and he was such a pleasure to have. How does it make you feel that you have such an impact on peoples lives with your words and music which mark. Its the bond. Whatever started it was a selfish place. You could do it, be anything you want, because nobody told me. Just came off which is a huge festival over the weekend. He totally killed it. That place was packed. Is one of the best experiences he ever had. He actually made an announcement that is he is going to be bringing the tour to the Berkeley Center on august 8. I already have tickets. I know you do. So, you are a woman about new york city, you go all over the place, you to document your journeys, you are recently at the top of the World Trade Center with incredible photos. From the world observatory was so romantic. I said that i need to go there during the sunset because the sunset is the best time to see this city enters a. So i wanted to take a ride to the second floor. It takes 47 seconds to get there which is amazing. If you havent been there the elevator is complete video screens that showcases the evolution of new york city from the 1800s to today. What is next on your tour . I stop up on lupe to be. If you love racecars you have to check the place out. If you like liquor, that is your spot to be. Theyre known for their cocktails, its a nice pop, all different flavors of alcohol on a pop. The views are spectacular. We love views, we love booze. Thank you views and booze, thats a good and the number on the back is. Yeah im going to have to call you back. Hey. Hold on. We understand people lose things. Here ya go, sarah. Hold on to this one. Thank you. Sarah . So at td bank, you can replace a lost debit card instantly. Yep, thats mine. Dont just bank. Bank human™. Booze, thats a good one theyre so mad. How is this . Everything is great. Where is your off. Im having a party, good one youre welcome its difficult to believe that the president of the United States can be so ignorant about the effects of such an action, its almost like you cannot believe it. Their mayors across the country that are posting President Trumps decision that theyll take out of the paris accord. We are going to cancel the paris climate agreement. Mayors across the country have signed donna said they will oppose it. Once it is white plains, north of new york, publish and 55000, mayor, tom roach. I dont think word trying as much as we should. We are starting projects here and there, but its not a priority. I went to white plains on monday and met the councilwoman. A professional urban planner and has a sustainability committee. She talked about the cosmetic ways that they tried to transform plain station. By her knees abound. There is a Community Garden but only accessible by car. Theres a land full that would be ideal for a solar panel and it could save the residence 10 of their utility bills but the project is stalled. Go to the poison ivy in the park but the council isnt sure where the goats came from. There putting the goats and their to manager, why not tell the council. She is challenging the democratic primary in september. The mayor said that he defense what is being done and attacked her saying she is not sponsored legislation to make white plains cleaner. Is it unrealistic to expect one small city to reduce its omission by one quarter . It starts with the people. Where expecting big change in big corporation. Residents can also help. The bike lanes going in know yoto nowhere . In the bike lane so seem to be connected to another. There some that go one way. The councilwoman says you need to do a plan and shes criticizing the mayor for not having a cover has a plan. Cells like a political statement. Doesnt do anything to make new jersey more affordable but a nice sound bite. s talk about what happens in new york city. I feel like theyre trying to make new york city a green but every time you bikes going all over and pedestrians and cars its a disaster. Ive had stories about people being hit by bexar cars. Its unfortunate people dont realize that its great to be green but be realistic. Love him or hate him, President Trump was trying to make it more realistic. It is not easy being green. Another great night of chasing news. Today was election day new jersey. You decided. More for you on the radio tomorrow and watch the show tomorrow night. It is not what you hear the news every night. A complete di youbusted tail. Rd. And impressed the boss. Maybe, its time to be your own. Transform your career with strayer universitys mba program today. Lets get it, america. bells jingling homer ho, ho, ho doh tires screeching grunts oh, are we gonna stay rotorootered like this the whole show . Its rotoscoped, dad. Whatever it is, its making me sick. A noble experiment that failed. Acoustic Guitar playing bart why is the sky blue . Hmm. I dont know. Just is. Why are clouds white . No clue. Why are people yellow . Its the way god made them. Why is grass green . So you can find your damn golf ball. Now i have a question for you. Why did you leave your toy car on the stairs

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