Residential election. Pfox 13 Political Editor craig atrick is back with his take on ptoday hi store voc. Pgood monday morning february 1st palready im laura moody. Pim russell rhodes. Poutside today, we go to check on pthe weather. P no, russell. Pfeel good. Pi know. Phanging on. Pjust barely. Pi feel bad, boar guy has been psick for week now p i cannot shake this thing. Pi know, i know. Pwell weve got temperatures in pthe upper 60s. Pi do have mostly cloudy skies at pleast where im standing. Psouths mild as your 69 in tampa. P64 in st. Petersburg. P68 in sarasota. Pand you compare that to pyesterday, were about 9 to 12 pdegrees warmer then we were pyesterday at this time. Ptrust me, it a noticeable pdifference. Pand now that were shifting the pwinds to more of a southerly pdirection. Pguess what, going to go above pnormal. P76 for a high today. Ptomorrow, even warmer and pmuggier. Pthe big 80. Pwow. P80 degrees. Pall right, thank you, dave. P9 0 one time couple new pincidents were following poverturned vehicle reported palong gandy bridge westbound pdirection blocking right lane. Pof course you was tonight plan pat that way. Pexpect delays as well. Pfortunately were not seeing panything major. Pbut it is here along state road p54 collier parkway eastbound plane blockage were really pactually see most of our delays pin southbound direction though. Pand so youll want to plan extra ptime to navigate that. P all right vanessa, thank you. Pwell its finally here, d day. Pcaucuses. Pthe first time we will really psee where the candidates stand. Ptrump take the state . Phillary. Pgood morning to you. Pgood to see you. P good morning. Ptheres new quinnipiac poll out pthis morning that shows that pBernie Sanders is three points pup in hillary clinton. Pclearly within margin of error, pon that side of things, among pdemocrats really shocking pbecause a few weeks ago the phillary clinton had kind of a pcommanding lead here. P yeah. Pyeah. Pthis is going to be an pinteresting day. Pwe will interested to know how pit plays oh sxut what we will ptalking about tomorrow. Pi want to talk a little bit good pweather there too. Pstorm brewing not just political pone you leave one blizzard only pto run into another one. Pweather is get nasty there, pisnt it . Pthats right. Pgood news is iowa probably phandles these things much better pthan washington does. Pim not sure they will digging pout for quite a long. Pas beautiful as it looks right pnow, gorgeous morning here, in pdes moines going to get rough ptonight. Pthey are expecting a pretty pmajor snow storm. Pit may be mixed with rain too. Pa pretty major snow storm. Psome time this evening 9 to p10 oclock range which puts it pright toward the end of pcaucuses, will that hurt turn pout will that keep people home . Pnow. Pand well just have to wait and pthis is just big get out vote poperation here in iowa today. Pim sure it is. Pright now neck and neck between pdonald trump and ted cruz. Pdonald trump has been a little pflippant about it. Phe says he doesnt have to pnecessarily win iowa. Pwhat, what is feeling there pabout this race and where marco prubio plays into all of this p yeah. Pyou know even front runners they pnever want to say everything pmust win if they lose then they pare really faced with conundrum. Pthis recent poll from quinnipiac pthis morning show trump opened pseven poin lead over ted cruz pwhich means hes widening the pgap a little bit. Pnow he still could go onlying pway. Pone to go keep in mind when look pdonald trump and republican side pand Bernie Sanders and pdemocratic side they are both prelying on very then useic psupporters but largely people pthat have not been to caucuses pbefore. Pthe caucus system is kind of parcane complicated. Pso the question is will those eople show up even though ptheyve never done it before. Pfor both trump and sanders ptonight. P and you know, caucus is not psomething that were familiar pwith here in florida. Pwe dont do it that way. Pbut this is a very intimate kind pof campaigning more like town phall feeling. Phelp us understand exactly how pthe process plays out. P yeah t gets a little pcomplicated. Pgive you quick thumbnail sketch pon republican side its prelatively simple. Phe show up for caucus night ptonight around 7 oclock you pshow up to local precinct gather ptogether with friends and pneighbors you take a nose count pwhich candidate you support. Pwhich ever candidate wins walks paway delegates. Pon dem krapth side its much pmore complicated. Pthey separate into their various pfactions and if a candidate pdoesnt get 15 percent support pthat candidate is eliminated pfrom consideration. Pthose candidates can then psupport someone else. Psue look Martin Omalley pulling paround 3 percent his supporter pcould serve king maker whether pthey go toward clinton or psanders. Pdoug law sadier thanks so much palways good to see you. Pthanks so much. P 9 06 right now. Pwe have developing story two pteenager being held for grand ptheft auto escape from juvenile pdetention is there. Pshayla reeves has following this pstory all morning long for us phigh pressure hey shayla. P hey, good morning to you. Pive been on phone with phillsborough county sheriffs poffice they tell me they are pstill continuing to search for pthe two teen who is havent seen psince yesterday morning. Pi want to take you right to this pvideo here of mug shot. Pthis is who they are looking pfor. P18yearold tonight bays and p7yearold anthony cook. Pcrime stopper is offering up to p 3,000 reward in connection with pthis case. Pauthorities telling us the two pescaped through a whole cut into pchain link fence at the states pyouth residential facility here Poff Columbus drive. Pnow we learned a private company pruns from a. Pto find out how and why this pescape happened. Pnow according to a hillsborough pcounty Sheriffs Office, bays pand cook disappeared during precreation time. Pin an outside fenced yard. Pwere told facility staff member pnoticed other teens looking ptowards that fence, they checked pout the fence, spotted the hole, pdid a head count a search and pthey could not find bays and pcook. P that was around 9 15 sunday pmorning. Pby 10 30 we learned hillsborough pcounty Sheriffs Office did preceive notification about what phappened. Pat this point, the department of pjuvenile justice spokesperson phas said they will look into pthis see if there were any pwere violated. Pand determine how and what steps pto take at that point. Pso if you have any information pahead and give hillsborough pcounty Sheriffs Office a call. Pback to you. P all right shayla, thank you. P some big changes could coming pto cuba soon. Ptelecommunications company said pbroadband Home Internet service. Pthis would allow cubans to get pto the internet in this home for pvery first time. Pa pilot projects. Pand the cost of the service is pnot yet known. Palthough it is step forward, pmost cubans only make about 25 pa month. Pso whether or not they be able pto afford that is very different pstory. Pcountry only began allowing pgeneral public Internet Access plast year. Pand only then at public wifi pspots. P america, land of the free phome of the brave land of popportunity. Pmaybe not. Ptheres a new study out that pquestions a persons ability to ull themselves out of poverty. Preleased just this morning pstanford University Center of overty says that the poor have pa harder time rising to middle pclass in america than a lot of pother countries. Pthey call it the at birth plottery. Pwhat class youre born into oor, middle, we will thee and pstudy from stanford says it pother countries. Pin fact, United States rank ptenth. Pwho is number one . Pfinland. Pfollowed by norway australia pcanada, germany, france england pseventh on list. Pitaly and spain. Pall ahead of us in this. Pstudy also looks at jobs and pfound that the country didnt do pso well there either. Ptenth again. Plooked unemployment levels of pmen and women in their prime pworking age 25 to 54. Pstudy says the that united pstates extreme levels of wealth pand equality and lack of a psafety net is why our country pwrites so low. Preport finds that america safety pnet was ineffective because it ponly provides only half of the pfinancial assistance that is pneeded. P its 9 opalocka 9 now tampa psurvived another invasion by irates and only few casualties pwere had. Ptampa police say there were only ptwo known arrest and 21 pmisdemeanor arrest saturday panything from pot possession to presisting arrest disorderly pstriking a police horse. Pthats one of the charges. Pagain final number should be pavailable today. P well our jobs expert doug parms is back. Pwrapping up how you can take padvantage of is the mistakes pthat hiring managers make. Pand one woman took the law into pher own hands when she pulled pover an officer from speeding. Pshe pulled him over. Pstrange story. Pit is a very strange story. Pand then theres charley pbelcher. Pstrange story. Pthere was no way to avoid it. Pim sorry. Pfin with me i own it. Pfine were a cool school this pweek theen unacademy charter pschool in clearwater. Phanging out with middle pschoolerics, seventh 8 graders laying a little jeopardy oh pill be able to help them kid pjeopardy i got first question pwrong. Pyou know capital of pennsylvania pis not philadelphia, harris pberg. Pwe all know that now, dont we . Pgood day tampa bay. Pathenian academy is cool school. Pyou know, they got to dab it pout. Pthey are so, they are definitely pmiddle schoolers. Pyou loving dabbing it out. Pstick around. Ptell you another reason wait puntil you see game room pdefinitely cool school. Pdab it out during this extended visit extended family, all you want is a peaceful moment to stream your show. And you need enough bandwidth to share with a full house of hungry users. Lightning internet from bright house networks. The speed you need. And now connect to. Standard tv and 50 megabit lightning internet. Only 94 a month guys, when you order now you get a free pizza after super bowl 50 thats a great idea. Ever notice how people always show up when you have free pizza . Free pizza . Hello . We get it after the super bowl. Oh. Ill come back. Order now through super bowl sunday at papajohns. Com and get a free pizza starting the monday after super bowl. Use promo code superbowl50. Better ingredients. Better pizza. Better football. 3 russell wiep cg3 the past two weeks, weve talked ast couple of weeks we talked pabout a mistakes of hiring pturn that to your advantage. Pthere are ten of them, wed make pit through the first 7. Pdoug arms is with vicepresident pkelly Services Back to talk pabout it. Pwe should tell everybody again, pthat you and the tony. Pand wro thet article and geared ptoward hiring managers and the ptrying not to make m i stakes pfor our people, for out viewers pmost of you are not hiring pmanagers. P this is how i could take padvantage of it once a hiring pmanager. Pwere in home stretch this time p8, 9 and 10. Pyou will have to Pay Attention pto some of these to figure out phow to use them to your padvantage. Pnot as obvious as some of the pother ones we covered. P all right lets get to it, pignoring pipeline. Pgood hiring manager or good phiring company with good hiring ractices should maintain a ipeline of qualified candidates pmaybe apply to job that you one ptechnology portals online papplications. Pthat should store your pinformation send you emails keep pshould searchable on database. Poften what happens is there new psearch that comes up they go pinto like unique mode. Pthey start looking for all new pcandidates for every search that pthey work instead of going back pto pipeline and looking for pcandidates that in their pdatabase or that maybe pcandidates that talk to that phavent necessarily applied yet ptapping them on shoulder prepeatedly still here an update pgive to give updates no update pyour resume up today a cover pletter. Pgive recruiter youre working pwith spoeshl in updates where pyou are with your career. Pa what point does it become too pmuch you start sound to pest phiring manager, because they pwont leave me alone. Palways a bans balancing act ptypically with online papplications, anything you do to pupdate will show an alert. Pyou go update your resume and so palerted this or have a new, new pjob responsibility maybe now. Pthat you can update on. Pif youre working with recruiter pnot about prompting them for pevery job j tous say here i am pright now. Pasking too many leading pquestions. P yeah this for hiring manager pso many keep in mind they are pnot necessarily trained or great pinterviewers. Pso they may go into sort of an pattorney mode where they are pasking very leading questions. Pwhether they maybe they like you plot from get go maybe they dont plike you from get go establish a pcandidate or are candidate by palmost completing answer for pyou. Pdo you have experience in pfollowing . Pim sure that you do. Pbecause of your vast background plets move on. Pim sure hours will be very pdifficult. Pvery challenging for you robably something youre not pgoing to interested in. Pso just give some examples. Pyou have to catch that early be pvery aware of interview. Pso you can come back and let me psay add clarity to that pell me pwhy thats not the case with me ersonally or is case. Pfound a lot of candidates have phad that challenge or have not phad that skill or qualification pbefore. Ptry to put your own answers, if pyou find they are answering for pyou or write words in their pmouth stop and use your own planguage. Pfinally last one. Pmany hiring managers are under a plot of pressure to make their phires. Pthey maybe under hiring quo to ptime frame they to make hires pbefore they lose budgets for oh pdont have clearance at prequisition they expire may be pmaking hire too quickly for are pwrong reasons. Pif you find they are push pinterview process very quickly pyou foond they are trying to get pyou to get to a decision very pfast or faster then youre pcomfortable slow process down palways ask question when are you plooking to make hire by if that preasonable time frame make sure pyou have list of questions you pneed to have answered. Pbecause fury operating according pto a super fast time frame it pthey, they may not making good pselection on their end youre pgoing to forced into bad fit. Pyou may not have information you pneed to be comfortable in your pnew career choice. P you know, what i want torques pyou did a lot of work on this particle. P its been done ive read it, pits very, very good. Pso thanks. Pthanks for taking it and turning pit around and making it easy for pall of uses to understand. P my pleasure. Pive got at furs two segments up pon my facebook page. Pi will put these, this one up as pwell. Pyoull if you want to look at pall 10 they are at my facebook age. Pthe last three will be will ill phave them by tomorrow. P all right thanks so much. Pgood toe see you man, thank you, pguys. Pwarm starting to get a little pmuggy outside as well as our pwind are shifting now to more of pa southerly direction. Pwhether it be southeast or psouth. Oint is thats going bring punseasonably warm air. Pthats going to last likely pthrough mid week. Pthen some sea fog. Pthats the problem when youre pin the wintertime like this, you pget this little south wind, ptypically develop some sea fog pright along the coast always pgood wind direction. Pif its due south, maybe it pstays off shore. Pmore southwest wind you push it pon shore point is we will plooking that tomorrow morning pand once again on wednesday pmorning. Pshowers and thunderstorms, heavy prain coming in, rain coming in, pthats Late Wednesday through pi think thursday, best chance we phave of picking up rainfall paround here. Pbrandon, youve 70 degrees, wow pearly in day for that. P67 weather wesley alcohol ep pbrooksville 64 New Port Richey pupper 60s as well south pbradenton sarasota, venice pinglewood and mid to upper 60s pas well polk county, hardee de psoto and highlands county. Pyeah, we are seeing some breaks pin that cloud cover with the pvisible satellite. Pa few more breaks that then we phad yesterday. Pjust by the fact that were 8 to pten degrees warmer than pyesterday. Pi dont think this is going to pbe an issue of easily getting pback into the mid 70s for high ptemperatures for today. Pso partly sunny, that you 20 ercent rain chance in there pthats nothing being okay psterned about. Pi dont think it will be huge pdeal. Pif one or two pop up. Ptonight, we will watching for ossibility of sea fog late potherwise few clouds around and p64 degrees. Pand then for tomorrow scattered pgroundhog day tomorrow, i, what phappened in january . P i dont know. Pokay. P80 degrees for a high tomorrow. P78 on wednesday. Pstate fair starts thursday we pwill greet that in afternoon pwith showers and thunderstorms. Pvanessa. Pall right dave, thank you. P and to hear 9 18 lingering pdelay along northbound 275 pHoward Franklin bridge heading pup interchange a live look near pwest shore. Pyou can see our times, that pstretch that i just mentioned 22 pminute ride at this point. Pwe still have a bit of a delay pgoing on as well along state proad 52. Pweve seeing this actually all pmorning long. Pthere are some road work under pway looks like crews when skyfox pwas flying overaed earlier atching a hole. Peverybody reduced to one lane. Palternating eastbound and pwestbound traffic in that single plane. Pwe have delays remaining out phere eastbound seems to be bit ptrickier. Pmake sure youre planning extra ptime. Pkind of same area f dot warning pnew temporary exit along proad 52. Pkeep in mind they are saying pabout a mile north of where pyoure used to see thaeg old pexit so you will exiting early. Pand this is something we will pseeing traffic pattern in place pfor next three to 5 months. Pall right vanessa thank you. Pto this story and i just pmentioned a few moments ago psouth florida officer finds phimself on other side of a ptraffic stop. Pa he was pulled over by a pcivilian for allegedly speeding. Pall caught on camera. Pheres the story. P the reason i pulled you over ptoday, and im ask you to over pand have a conversation because pi saw awe since miller drive pwhen you were first jumping on pto palmetto p okay p you were pushing 90 miles an phour. Preally, okay this claudia the pwoman behind this video thats pnow gone viral. Pshe says her cell phone was phooked up here she tells 7 news pshe started recording after an pofficer flew by without his pemergency lights on. Pfast this is man going. Pshe also speeding up she says pshe did it to find out how fast pthe officer was going. Peventually you see him pull over pthinking she had an emergency. Ponce he approached car she pstarted the questioning. Pstill, still, you know eating pyour dust, leading me behind. Pi was going 80 miles per hour. Pi just wanted to know whats the pemergency. P i dont know how fast i was pgoing. Pbut i can tell you im on the pway to work right now. P uhhuh. P i dont believe i was pspeeding but like i said youre pentitled to your opinion. Pmiamidade responding act pdirector releasting this pstatement miamidade will have pimmediate command staff pinvestigate matter once officer pand citizen are identified, pappropriate course action will pbe taken a that point. Pend quote. P well hopefully they leave it pjust there. Pthe woman who recorded this pwant the officers name or badge pnumber she just wanted him to pslow down and set a better pexample. P and the latest pictures from pthe hubble space telescope. Phave you seen this . Pit is amazing photo. Pbut scientist say dont just plook at the picture, think of pthis as an event. Pwell explain at 9 30. Pand then charleys up next with pthis week cool school. Phe has been having fun with kids pall morning long talk to him in pjust a minute. Pthen this, getting live pictures pto show you from california. Pthis is a structure fire. Pand look at the flames that are pthere ware house and really pindustrial area there in los pangeles. Pfire Officials Say its a pcombustible storage building. Pwhen we get more information pwere back a p you want to talk about a pcool school, check out this, pits got its own game room. Pgood day tampa bay im charley pbelcher coming to you athenian pacademy. Ublic Charter School, tuition pfree. Ublic Charter School in pclearwater. Pright on hercules to be exact. Pyoure in charge of older kids. Pwhat a room this is. Pits amazing. Pone of a kind. Pi dont think anyone school in pthis neighborhood has a game proom like this. P pinball in the corner. Pyouve got a ping pong, youve pgot a little, some 80s games. Pi love it. Acman over there. Pgame console. Pi like to he board games alive pand well playing game of life pover there. Phow do use this room . Pthis is motivation plan. Pour program after ron clark from patlanta Georgia Education guru. Pour students have a choices. Pso this is one of their choices, pagain they have a bank account pand they pay in tokens just to pget in here you can see no adult pzone. P its fascinating when youre pusing this throughout day it a pno adult zone. Padults are not allowed to come pin this room. Pnow i will point out there are pcameras in this room p yes. P so they are none unsupervised pbut gives them a sense of pindependence. Pdakt exactly. Pthey really follow through pintrinsically motivated they do phave choices they feel like they pare in control of their own peducation. Pthey love coming to school. Plot students they are ready to pgraduate so ready for global peconomy. Pthey always come back. Pwe always invite them back. Pi love it. Pfantastic. Pi love that you guys are playing plife over here. Pcan i play next time . P yeah. Pcan i . Pwhos winning . P you are. Pvery nice. P because we have a lot of pwe learn responsibility. Pfor you. Pgood for you. Pi will live give you last word. Pnot going to totally interrupt pyour tennis game. Pwhy is it a cool school because ptheres lot of choices that we phave. Pwe have a lot of rewards. Pgood for you im always telling pmy daughter make good choices. Prussell same goes for you. Pand me. Plets all make good choices. P now you tell me. Phow you tell me. P well theres always a chance pto make another good choice. Pall made plenty bad choices. Pnext choice lets make a good pchoice. Pvery good point. Pwhat i tell my daughter. Psee you later, okay . P bye. Pnot just a beautiful picture why pwe look at the hubbl3 russell 2shot decision day. As candidates make one last push p decision day candidates make pone last push before tonight pcaucus while accounts blanketing pstate theres also a storm pbrewing and a big one too a snow pstorm fox 13 Political Editor pcraig patrick tells us how this pcould affect the caucuses. P well races have tighten in pboth parties we will nail biter pin democratic race for sure. Pwe also could have a movement in prepublican race as well because pmarco rubio has been making a pmove. Pif you look at the latest rojection models and at olling, it seems to favor pdonald trump in republican race pfolds by ted cruz and marco prubio. Pin democratic race the polling pwhile it is close, favors rojection models heavy favoring phillary clinton in that respect, pbut we have a lot of wild cards phere. Pone of them is weather. Pwe have snow storm rolling pthrough at some point later ptonight. Pthat could suppress turn out and art of state that could really pshake up the results articularly people in more pconservative west are unable to pgo to caucus or stay home for pwhatever reason. Pwhy people in east particularly pyounger voters and college pstudents turn out in droves. Pthat would be a snare that could pset up an upset for bernie psanders. Pand it could allow marco rubio pto make some hey as well. Pbut we still have a long way to pgo, and we will bring you live presults as they come in tonight pright here on fox 13 news. Palso follow us on twitter at pwww. Fox13news. Com. Preporting from des moines, fox p13 news. P local news authorities in psarasota need your help looking pfor a driver who fled after phitting a man on a bike. Pcyclist was rushed to the phospital but later died. Pfox 13 jen epstein has more for pus from sarasota. Pa deadly night for a bicyclist a olice around look foggy driver pinvolved in deadly hit and run pact according to officials they pare reporting accident happened pjust after 7 15 sunday evening. Pa cyclist was traveling in knot pbound lanes of u. S. 301 which pwashington boulevard between 6 pthe street and 8 the street when pa vehicle struck that bike from pbehind. Pofficials arrived on scene and ptook that male victim to the phospital to sarasota memorial phospital, where he later died. Pno other information has been pgiven about that. Pcyclist other than a male victim pwere still waiting to hear more pinformation about the person in pthat crash. Pnow according to an officials, pinvestigators are looking for paround dark colored toyota with pfront end damage. Pif you know anything about this paccident or have seen this ptoyota please call sarasota olice. Pwere outside Sarasota Police pdepartment in sarasota jennifer pepstein, fox 13 news. P sad. Parrested after his semitruck paction look at that, after his psemirolled over spirlg cabbage pall over road happened sunday on pi 95 in north carolina. P the driver overcorrected when pover. P both people in truck were ptaken to hospital rnl their pinjuries are no the serious. Pspilled cabbage closed 1 part of proad for hours. Pwitnesses say it felt like they pwere driving through snow. Pcharges. Pincluding driving while pimpaired. P two Virginia Tech students phave arrest in thurd 13yearold pgirl she disappeared last week. Arents say they noticed she was pmissing when when they found a pdresser blocking hr bedroom pdoor. Pwith the window cracked open. Pofficials believe he met p18yearold david eisenhower. Phes not charged with murder and pabduction. Pnatalie keepers facing charges pfor helping dispose of her body pboth being held without bond. Puniversity of florida student pat an off Campus Housing pcomplex. Pchance wolf was found punconscious and bleeding pyesterday. Phe was pronounce dead psurveillance video show wolf pwalking down a hallway before pfalling over a glass partition. Olice dont think there is any pfoul play here just a terrible paccident. Pthey are investigating. P just last week we were premembering the Space Shuttle pchallenger tragedy from 30 years pago today another sat day in pspace flight. P13 years ago the Space Shuttle pcolumbia intent grated preentering earth atmosphere. Ptrouble actually started on lift pop when some heat insulation pfoam broke off damaged wing as pshuttle launched. Pthen as it was reentering earth patmosphere the shuttle broke papart. Pall 7 astronauts were killed. Pand debris scattered all over pthe east texas sky. Pnasa estimates its only found pabout 40 percent of the shuttle pto this day. P wow. P with journey to explore space pimage from hubble space ptelescope shows galaxy scientist pcan only imagine. Pthey say this one known ngc 1487 pis 30 million light years away. Pand while it gorgeous nasa tess pdont look at it is a celestial pobject look at as an event. Pthey say this shows us two or pmore galaxies in act of merging ptogether to form a single new pgalaxy. Pnasa says you can see older pyellow and red stars on outer pregion and new bright blue stars p wow. Pits beautiful. Pyes, it is. P and then, you know what is to pknow its two galaxies merging pthats just fascinating pfireworks show in space. Psure is. Pgreat. P all right dave osterberg. Pget over to you. Pcould you see that . Pi saw that. Pno, but heres my question, as pthey are merging you know some pobjects have to be colliding pwith that what thats doing too. Pi mean just, mind blowing to be phonest with you. Pwere sitting in upper 60s right pnow. Pwe do have mostly cloudy skies. Pvery similar to way yesterday pwas kind of set up. Pbut there are spots. Pheres one. Plook at the Clearwater Hilton pbeach camera. Pbeautiful outside. Pwere getting back moving into pthat sunshine. Pyouve got temperatures running pseveral degrees above yesterday. Pso brandon is already at 72 pdegrees. Pmatching that weve got arcadia, pvenice as 70. Premember tampa international, pyesterday made it to lower 70s pbut today were going to way ast that, at least into the mid p70s. Pnow that were ing our winds to pmore southerly direction peverybody in the state gets in pon the act. Pwere running 12, 12 degrees pwarmer for orlando to pbrooksville to tampa then we pwere yesterday at this time. Pnot to mention, the dew points pare higher, so its muggier out pthere. Pand with the visible satellite pyou can see some cloud cover phanging around. Pi mean were going to make our pwere not going to have clear pskies. Pwell have partly sunny skies. Pill take it certificates for phigh. Ptonight overnight lows near 64 pdegrees. Pwith the extra added addition of pmoisture and a little bit of psouth rl component to the wind pthere may sea fog to contend pwith late tonight or early ptomorrow morning. Pin general tomorrow though pscattered clouds, warm and muggy pwith High Temperature of around p80 degrees. Pi just showed you how beautiful pthe beach is if youre boating ptoday, joan it seas running less pthan two feet with very smooth pto light chop expected. Pthings will change m id to late pweek as we bring showers and pthunderstorms in. Pbest rain chance looks to be on pthursday. Pand i might even try to narrow pthat down a little bit more for pthursday afternoon thursday pevening right now. Pthat will change as we get a plittle closer. Pthen another round of rain looks pto come if for second half pweekend as well. Pyou do have one first birthday ptoday. Pi want to pass along. Plook a lilley. Pshe loves stealing her brothers ptoy trucks and likes to play pwith building blocks. Pshe loves getting tickled by pdaddy and warm hugs from mommy. Pso happy first birthday to you psweetie. Pvanessa. Pall right dave, thank you. Pbeautiful smile. Phope lilley is having a great pbirthday anybody else as well ptoday. Pall right time right now 9 39. Pwe want to check in on roadway pas couple things to talk about pincluding a new incident thats preported in holiday area. Palternate 19 u. S. 19 a crash pwith sh lane blockage reported. Pwhile fhp is not reporting pdirection of crash yet we do phave delay really sticking oh ptlut in southbound direction. Pso keep an eye out particularly pif youre heading that way. Pmeantime, i did show the bad pdelays in last report along 275 pnorthbound. Pthose are sticking around in pheavy side. Pcoming from the Howard Franklin pheading to interchange. Panother trouble spot sticking paround i4 westbound m l k to pinterchange is 17 minute ride. P all right. Pnight it was amazing. Pgrease is the word. Pi think, have you heard . P we loved it, didnt we . Pi havent seen it all yet what i psaw i loved it. Pyes. Previews are in and were going pto be talking about that when we pcome back. Pand live look at the board on pdow down about welcome aboard my starship. Ahoy, mateys its full of things i love. Like me brave crew. And my fellow Space Adventures and free of things i dont. Like aliens. When its time to refuel, i eat chex cereal. Its full of stuff we pirates need. No artificial flavors, and its glutenfree. Excelsior eat up, me hearties keep it down im exploring the galaxy. Arrrr, thats not even 3 another one of vanessa take vo vanessa take vo 3 another one of jefferson pcan you believe this another one pjefferson airplanes original pmembers has passed away. Pwere talking about sydney panderson who died at her home in poregon the same day paul cantor pdied. Phe was a vocalist and left group pafter their first record to be phome with her newborn. Pwe are learning she died pelectric chronic obstructive ull mother disease copd panderson was 74 years old. P sandy . Pand im losing control p p oh my goodness. Pif you missed this, you missed pan event. Pthis was foxs grease live. Pyes live on air last night. Pa threehour extravaganza. Peven with minor glitches most pfolks say it was a homerun. Plove this show. Plisten to this, did you know pthis, Vanessa Hudgens who played pr ouchlt zzo dedicated a erformance to her late father phe passed away just hours before pthe show began. Pher father greg had battled pcancer but lost the fight last pnight just 65 years old. Pand hudgens tweeted about him pbut it seems that she never pthought of not doing the show. Pi must say she was excellent. Pwell we have new top film at the pbox office. Anda kicked its way to a top pbrought in 41 million bucks. Pfared much better that radar pthan weekend other new opener pcoast guard adventure, finest phour debuted fourth place. Pbringing in 10. 3 million. Prev 90 came in second. Pstar wars the the force pawakens rounded out top three. Pno Chocolate Candy or flowers pthis month. Punless you want to shell out psome bucks. Pthe new month means new deals on pother items. Pwhat to buy in february coming pup next first heres a look at 3 russell 2sh with president s day and valentines ahead. February is a pwith president president day a pvalentines day a just aheap pfebruary a month to find deep pdiscounts. Pthere are also few bad buys. Pstart with good news. Pif youre market for gps or pelectronic equipment february is pvery good month to shop around. Plot of new gadgets seen at the pconsumer electronics show. Pthey are starting to flood the pmarket now. Pso many retailers are offering pdiscounts on old stock to try pand make room for the new stuff. P also, deals to be had on pindoor furniture new lines of ptables beds couch and more ptypically hit the market in pearly april so stores are now pmarketing down their stock. Palso, keep an eye on bedding and ptools some retailers discount pthese items as much as 80 ercent over the threeday residents day weekend. P but but as we mentioned no peverything good buy. Pif youre able and its n punfortunates time hold off pjewelry flower and perfume. Pstores love to jack up prices as pvalentines day approaches. Pyoull want to stay away from pdigital cameras better deals can phad later in the year. Pwere not saying dont buy them pnice things for valentines day. Pthats not what were saying. Pyou might just have to pay full ay premium for it. Pyeah. Pwell right back with last guys, when you order now you get a free pizza after super bowl 50 thats a great idea. Ever notice how people always show up when you have free pizza . Free pizza . Hello . We get it after the super bowl. Oh. Ill come back. Order now through super bowl sunday at papajohns. Com and get a free pizza starting the monday after super bowl. Use promo code superbowl50. Better ingredients. Better pizza. Papa johns. Com. Meet martha, a beluga of a thousand faces. Like her happytoseeyou face. Her dancing face. And her coaster face. How do you say no to a face like that . You dont have to. With an annual pass from seaworld that gives you rides, shows and events, and that face all year long for just 14 a month. And the sooner you buy one, the sooner the fun starts. So come meet martha, the face that will make your face smile. All year. Only here. 3 heres another live picture of the board on wall pheres heres another live like pdow down even more than it was plast check. Pone tlikts. Pwere starting february kind of plooks like we started january. PLauren Simonetti. P i know. P okay the reason, stocks are pdown today is for first time in pfive days, oil prices are down. Pchina slow down, yes pretty bad ptheir manufacturer sector prow. Pwere kind of on hold for pfriday. Pwe get january jobs report and pone. P not being shaping up to a pno. Pnot expected to be at all. Pyou know last year wasnt good peither neither was year before p401k. Pnot good. Pdont look. Pdont look. Pi did the other day. P thats why. Plook away. Pall right. Plets talk about something a plittle lighter. Psome most outrageous excuses for pbeing late to work weve ever pheard, right . P it comes from career builder. Pthey asked folks what youre pcraziest excuse. Pwhat have bosses heard. Pthis is list of them. Pi thought of quitting but then pdecide in order to so i came in plate. P i love that. Pwhy not. Pexactly. Pyoure dmilting about thinking pabout quitting. Pokay. Pthis one happens. Pmy care caught on fire florida pmy blow drier. Pagreed. Psecurity. Palso a real possibility. Pim going use that. P no ones going to question pthat one. Pno, they are not because they pare a little scared. Pi have to chase my cows back pinto the field. P okay. P its happened to me. P really . P. Pi love it. Pi just love it. P you know if you live in texas pout in country it could happeni pheard this can happen in pflorida. Pa black bear entered my carport pand decided to take a nap on the phood of my car. P no, cant wake a bear up pagain. Pthis could happen where i am, pwell actually no. Pmaybe a little more north. Pthere was fresh powder on hill pso i just had to go skiing. Riorities. Pi would love to meet person that pused that excuse. P i just want to see them. Pguys, best part is that one in 4 pworker one in 4 say they are plate at least once a month. Pthat number is so low. P one in 4 . Plate . Ponce a month . Pthat is low. Pyeah. Pright . Pyeah. Pcome on. Pyou know youre late every day. Pyoure late every day. P yeah, i am. Pleave it alone. Pyou and i sneak in together, pdont we . Pwhile. Pyou know, we come in we see oech pother in parking lot were prunning from door to get in. Pright here with him. Pzippering dress as you get to pon. Phair still a little wet. Pyep. Pall right. P good to see you. Pyou better be at work tomorrow. Pyou better be a work tomorrow, pno excuses. Pon time. Pgot it. Pall right. Psee you. Pall right. Pdont miss Lauren Simonetti on pour Sister Network station too pfox Business Network log on to pfox busy. Com and all look for pchienl finder. Psomebody caught just the tail pend of that conversation, it pcould be a misconstrued. Panyway weve got upper 60s poutside right now. Pim looking for are a nice punseasonably warm weather attern for first three days pthis yeah a groundhog for ptomorrow 80 degrees. Pthen showers and thunderstorms pmoving in for thursday pafternoon. Pand i think that maybe another pround of rain right now it looks plike it will be at second half pof the weekend. Pbut check back in with lindsay pat noon time give you more info pon that. Pi never thought about that. Phe hears. Pyou know, he you can never be psure that will do if for us pmonday february 1st live with pkelly and michael coming up next pwindy williams and fox 13 news pat noon as always you can get platest on fox 13 nowed. Com like pus on facebook. Pyou made it. Pwell done, sir. Ptoday, okay. Pkeep those germs far away. Pwe will elbow bump. Prealtime closed captioning here in vineland, home of progresso, we love all kinds of chicken soups. But just one kind of chicken. White breast meat chicken every time. So if youre not going to make your own chicken soup tonight, do what we do. Make it progresso. Look at this sweet face. So sweet. Ok, were going to need a napkin gooey, flaky, happy. Toaster

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