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Phere, brandon, bartow, winter phaven haines. Pi mean you look at these, these ptemperatures, overall and they pare quite chilly. Pthe winds, anywhere from 6 to 22 pmile per hour winds. Pso still pretty brisk outside pthat wind making it actually pfeel cooler than that. Pwind gusts right now 21 to 28. Pgoing to be a cold day, blustery pday. Pbut a pretty day. Pwith high temperatures back to pthe upper 50s. P vanessa. Pall right thank you. Pand of course were going to ptouch on winds in just a second. Pbut we want to start off with pwhat probably the big its crash phappening on roadways. Pthis lingering for past couple pof hours. Pthis is involving a dump truck pthat apparently had its truck pbed up went through an pintersection and took out some ptraffic signals. Pthis is happening along north 56 pthe street at hillsborough pavenue. Plane blockage has improved since pthis crash first started. Pbut were still seeing some lane pblockage, mostly on 56. Pand were seeing most of those pdelays too also in that psouthbound direction. Pyou might want to consider pthe very least south downed pdrivers take 56 might want to pstart thinking about harney road pas an alternate. Pmeantime, we wanted to mention pthe winds. Pwe have a live look at the psunshine skyway bridge. Pyou can see bridge is open but pwe do have a high wind advisory. Pthat fhp put out a travel padvisory for all of those pvehicles especially high profile pcars. P anchor developing overnight psh the search for a modern day pbonnie and clyde ends in shoot pout with florida police. Pjust before 1 30 this morning pblake fitzgerald was a killed pbritney harper shot in leg. Pthey committed crimes in four pstates and Taunting Police on pfacebook. Pthe crimes ranged from gun pthefts to robbery even pabductions u. S. Marshal service phad hunting them since sunday. Phe Escambia County sheriffs poffice will hold a frees prest pconference at 9 30 to release pnew details on shoot out and the parrest. P student day at the fair psounds like fun, right . Pa day out of school to go to the pbut on february 7th, 2014, it pwas anything but. P hundreds of teenagers ran pwild as part of a student day ptradition known a wilding dozens pof kids were thrown out. P99 by the time it was all said pand done. Pone of those students was p14yearold Andrew Joseph the pthird. Phe was hit by an suv when he was ptrying to cross i4 his parents pa was not one troublemaker and pnow they are suing appear psecurity and safety precautions phave been increase at the fair pespecially on this day. Pshayla reeves is live for us psafety is number one concern, pright . P reporter yes, there will be pa more deputies here on the pgrounds today. Pand there also be more psurveillance cameras to monitor pthe grounds as well. Pin addition, students, who are punder the age of 16, they are pnot going to be allowed to be phere unaccompanied by an adult pafter 6 oclock in the even even pthing. Pafter death of 14 Gerald Andrew pjoseph the 3rd back in 2014. Pagain he was hit by an suv there pon i4 after deputies kicked him pout of the of the fair he ptrieded to return to the pgrounds. Pit happened as deputies say phundreds of teens took off prunning through the fair psomething josephs parents say phe did not do. P the couple filed a wrongful pdeath lawsuit on behalf the phonor student. Pthe suit alleges deputies made pan unjustified arrest racially rofiled tune and released teen pwithout letting his parents pknow. Pjosephs want Sheriff Office a pschool district and fair to be pheld accountable. P we see the nair and changes pthat theyve made, but in my pmind i believe there are common psense changes that should have palways been made and should have palways been implemented. Pespecially when you have an pentity that says safety is our pnumber one priority. P now, all three organizations pcomment publicly. Pciting policies that they have pindividually for commenting on ending litigation. Pso this is still working its way pthrough the court system. Pin meantime today Andrew Joseph pthe thirds parents are planning pto attend the fair, but they lan to be outside staging some ptype of protest this afternoon. Pback to you. P thank you. P russell. P its 8 05 new case of zika pvirus has confirmed in pHillsborough County. Pthat makes three a total of 12 pin florida. Pgovernor scott already announce pad state of emergency ask pdiscussed his plan of action. Pgovernors krg cdc for more ptesting kits for zika virus. Pright now florida has less than p500 of those. Pstate just bought 4 thousand pmore. Pgovernor scott asked cdc to put pa rush on a thousand testing pwould focus on pregnant women pwho are most affected the virus phas linked to rare birth defect pcausing babies to be born with pweve telling you this is pmosquito borne illness the they pgive Mosquito Control agency pmore freedom to spray right no pHillsborough County focussing on premoving standing water since pthats where an insects breed. Parea wide spraying wouldnt peffective at this point. Pgovernor has acted quickly on pall of this with florida history pof fighting off mosquito born poutbreaks state could number pbetter position than most other pstates. P to a troubling story. Pa Pinellas County high school pteacher is not only accused of a phaving sex with a student, but pgetting her pregnant. Pand fathering the baby. Probert worked a Pinellas Park phigh school as gym teacher. Pand was assistant football coach pfor several years. Phes 50 years old. Phes accused of a getting a p16yearold pregnant. Pshe turned 17 before she pdelivered the baby. Pdeputies say they were tipped pthat man at the hospital was her pfather. Phe was with her at the time. Pcriminal investigations starred pin august of 2015 and then pmonths later a d na test pconfirmed it was his. Phe enter ad not guilty plea in pcharges against him and due back pin court next month. P pasco county man got so angry pat his cat for scratching his pfurniture that deputies say he pthrew it off a balcony. Pit Robert James Lewis of new ort richey charged with one pcount felony animal cruelty. Pdeputies say that he threw his pcat off his second story pbalcony. Pthe cat injured his back leg plewis was taken to land olakes pdetention center and being held pright now on 10,000 bond. P well this man must have preally want to drown. Roblem he didnt want to pay pfor. Psarasota police he walked into pinto hobby marketplace in psarasota square mall picked a p 1,000 drone off the shelf but pclear too. Phopefully someone recognizes phim. P i know. Pall right. Pgrab a coat today the wind is pmaking it extra chilly outside. Lus you may notice a lot of red pwhile youre out today. Pheres walter with one. P good morning there guys. Pwere live in south tampa. Plive along bay shore. Pit is wear red today promoting pawareness for some of the issues pthat affect Womens Health heart pdisease. Peven talking stroke it kills 1 pin three women every year. Pwere talking about eradicating pthat. Pand were promoting awareness pfor Healthy Habits for women. Pwe will talk to a Family Member pof survivors coming up after in. Pstay with us. Pgood stuff walter. Pi am coming to you from the pseminole hard rock casino. Pthis space will be filled with pgood food. Pwee inside new restaurant called pgray salt. Pflorida they are, busy in the pkitchen cooking it up celebrity pchef mark murphy in the kitchen. Pin kitchen himself. Pit will be a good day tampa Everyone Needs a bff. Even your smile. P colgate optic white express twhite toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide. For whiter teeth in 3 days. Think of it as your smile bff. Colgate optic white express white. Whiter teeth in 3 days 3 laura bw today p anchor we well today a pnational wear red day all to praise awareness for women and ptheir risk of Heart Disease. Pright now bay shore boulevard pcovered in sea of red. Pwalter allen is right in the pthick of it. Pgood morning, walter. P hey good morning there had pyou la. Pjust met a new friend her name pis thumper. Pit is american heart month which pi just found out which actually pobviously coincides with not ponly valentines day but wear pred day. Pyou know were here raising ptoday, raising awareness for pwomens issues when it comes to pwere talking about heart pdisease, stroke which kills one pin three women. P its amazing. P80 percent of Heart Disease pcould be prevented by just pawareness, like today. Pand education. Pso walter, this is why were out phere. Pmy second year, but its pfreezing today. Pyou had to go get red coat. Pa great. Pfor around great cause. Pamy, you were not a survivor but pyoure out here because of your pfamily. Pim here because of my family. Pmy mother has had three heart pattacks. Pbut actually grandparents day ptoday. Pi still am lucky enough my pdaughter is still lucky enough pto have her grandmother here. Pi also on my fathers side of pthe family. Pso, for me, it was something pthat i was aware of. Pbut not until she went through pthose three events did i become pvery aware of the american heart passociation. Pand my work is also very pinvolved with a fit friendly rogram that the heart passociation provides. Pso today is wear red day were pgoing taking a picture with peveryone who wore red giving out psome healthy snacks. Pand, and enjoying the fact that pit is heart awareness month. P now, watching what your mom phas gone through i assume you psaid yourself im not going to pgo down that road. Pof course. Pto me it was important to stay pfit. Pand, the tough one for me is peating the right foods. Palso to know that with my mom, ptwo of her three heart attacks pshe had pain in her back which, pyou might not necessarily think pso thats kind of the awareness pfactor. Pwhat might be a little bit pdifferent. Pfor many women they dont pnecessarily take the time out to pbe aware of how theyre feeling. Pand obviously to, to take care pof themselves. P now its very serious issue. Pbut lot of smiling faces, lot of plaughing. Pthats good because exercising peating well, that should be fun. Pof course. Pand you can do so much with pgreat cooking. Pand the Heart Association puts pout these fantastic cook books. Pthey were given out today. Pand when you think about that, pless salt, less sodium. Pless sugar. Pobviously would be very pimportant aspects to add to the pdiet. Pokay. Pto get rid of those things. Pwe ran out of time really pquickly when you hear people phonking got to make you feel pgood. Pthats right. Pthats right. Pwe wave and say thanks for being phere for everyone. Erfect. Pthis is no the only event going pon several events in and around pbay area including pinellas pcounty as well. Pjust go to the, the tampa bay pchapter of the american heart passociation to find all the pevents. Pand, well wishes for you and pyour family, okay . P appreciate it. Plaura, russell back to you. Pa lot of things we would not pknow if were not for this day. Pall right, walter, thank you. P we do want to get a check of proads here 8 14. Plooks a bit slow here as we take plive look along 75. Psouthbound lanes are heading paway from us here on the screen. Pthis is a fowler avenue. Pand we do have some congestion pto report along 75 southbound. Pits not terrible. Pbut it is notable. P16 minutes is your ride if pyoure coming from that 275 pjunction up in pasco heading to pi4 meantime we do have red ptravel times to show you along psouthbound 275 bearss avenue to pi4 is 21 minute ride. Pwhich is, in red but not worst pcongestion weve ever seen this ptime of morning. Pi4 westbound drivers plan for pabout 12 minutes coming from 75 pto the interchange. P gave. P vanessa its pretty outside. Pyou cant take that way pfromyesterday was cloudy. Pwe were watching the rain. Ptoday its, its crystal clear. Pbut, weve also got a very brisk pnorth wind. Pwhich is aided in just dragging pthe temperatures way down. Pso, its 8 oclock. Pits 39 degrees in ocala. P42 in brooksville. P45 degrees in tampa. Pstill hanging on to 50 st. Etersburg. Pbarely. Psarasotas at 48. Pthe mid to upper 40s from plakeland. Pall the way down to sebring. Pand were, this is unreal. P21, okay, 18 to 29 degrees pcolder than it was in the p8 oclock hour of good day pyesterday. Pthat is a big difference. Pand obviously its a first thing pyoure going to feel when you pwalk out the door. Pstill pretty windy. Pths not as bad as it was p3 oclock this this morningwas preal bad then. Pnow 13, 14, 22 mile per hour pwind in st. Petersburg area. Pcurrent temperature, put them ptogether it gives you a little pit actually feels like its in pthe upper 30s right now, tampa, pbartow, lakeland, brooksville. Pwhat can i say . Peven though its sunny you got pto bundle up today. Pwere looking a clear skies, no pdoubt about that. Pjust going to be a huge, huge pstruggle with temperatures to pget it back in mid to upper 50s. Pso were going to stay well, pwell below our normal high of 71 pfor this time of year. Ptonight, i mean, obviously going pto cold during the day. Pwhen that sun goes down, were pgoing right back down into the p40s for early tomorrow morning. Pthe clouds are going to roll pback in tomorrow. Phigh temperatures may if were plucky making it back up to the p60 degree mark. Pbut in general well below pnormal. Preally unseasonably cool air on ptap for the next several days. P hi there were back here in pgood day garden. Pnow, i understand last week, pyoure over here by leafy pgreens. Pit they are looking fantastic. Pwe fed them with our. Porganist compost post and a p everything was just teenie ptiny. Psome of stuff looked like it pwasnt even going. Pquite leafy. Prun us through just a few items pthat you have here. P so we have chinese cabbage. Pa couple different kinds of pswiss charred. Pbroccoli. Pwe have a greens chase tax besoy pfamily. Pmustard greens. Pwe have spinach and then we have pfour different types of kale. P okay. Pnow, now we want to talk about robably one of my favorite ptopics, cooking. Pobviously these antiready to pharvest yet. Precipes or favorite ways to repare these. Pat my house woo doe simple three pss soup, salad or stir fry. Pas babies, any of these greens pyou can kind of pick at the pleaves a little bit. Pthese mustards and thats can go pin your salad when they are pstill young. Pif anybody brought spring mix pones you start picking leaves poff you might actually recognize psome of them as being in the pspring mix. Pwe dont want to go too heavy on lants at in point, but just to padd a Little Something to your psalad if youre itching to eat pstuff out of your garden picking pit when it is babies. Pi notice sometimes leafy greens pare a little bitter. Pit is it to pick them if you pdont want that overly bitter ptaste. Pwhen they are babies they are pdefinitely sweeter. Pcolder the weather is the psweeter they will be. Pright now were coming into at eak of these plants growing pseason. Pi notice you have quite a bit of pkale. Pmaybe a quick saute maybe onions por garlic do a warm kale salad pquinoa, goat cheese. Pyoure braver than me. P my house we just basically pchop everything up really tiny, pthrow some onionsil indthe pthrow greens on top until they pturn really bright. P okay. Pi do have a question. Pyou mentioned you have a pvariation of cabbage over here pchinese cabbage. Panything like box pand chinese cabbage. Pokay, napa valley cabbage. Pthats, it, comes in a really ptight more usually longer head. Pits usually really white. Plighter colored cabbage if pyoure familiar with that one. Pagain they are finding just pick pat, at this point. P and eat the leaves. Psort . P oh, absolutely. Pabsolutely. P so again, everything in here pcan used in the salad. Psoups obviously you just throw pthem in with yo other veggies pand then, then your stir fries. Pawesome. Pall right. Pthank you so much. Pim Charley Belcher. Pwere in the a seminole hard prock hotel and casino. Pinside the brand new restaurant pgray salt. Pcelebrity chef mark murphys pgray salt. Pfirst of all, gray salt, what pdoes that mean . Pa type of salt you use a lot of pmediterranean foods. Pturned out to a great name for a pmediterranean restaurant here in ptampa. Pby the way chopped. Pwhat do you call p chopped juniors chop and chop pjuniors. Pthats a big deal. Pwere making more of them. Pwe keep making them. Pgood for you. Pall right speaking of making. Plook at this youve made. Punbelievable. Pwhere do we even start with pthis. Pwe have got agreed salads here plike a chopped salad. Pit has some pepper fantastic epper that comes from tushish pregion of mediterranean. Pover here a lamb flat bread this pis more of lamb with some more pclassic bowl nays the shells, psnell shells the name of the asta a bunch of different astas on menu. Pgrouper. Pright out of the gulf. Pright here. P with a fresh sauce. Pso its, its we cook it in pan pright there while were grilling pthe fish. Pwhoa. Pby the way, everything grilled pon wood. Pokay. Pwood. Pwhich is gives it a great flavor pto the food. Pover here octopus you brace for plong time put that in grill last pminute. Reserved lemons you saw when pyou first got here, right. Pthose preserved lemons on that pwall over there. Pso those are decoration. Pwe use preserved lemons a lot. Pthen right here just some pgrilled shrimp. Pgulf shrimp. Pa little bit underneath actually pmy grandmother, one of the precipes my grandmother in south pof france also made that. Pits sort of my grandmothers psort of remembrance of her. Pthats really incredible. Pi mean youve got, you said this pname attached to it . Pwe have four in new york city. Pfour in new york city really pwhere you made your name for pyourself. Pstart new place and being able pto a create a menu from scratch, pand then go into your culinary phistory. Pget creative and figure out new pthings its got to be incredible prewarding. Prewarding sort of putting the pteam together and getting it all psort of worked out and everybody pcoming along for the ride. Pthis was literally a thought in pmy head when they decided were pgoing to do this. Pi was like i want to do like pmediterranean this is really pclean beautiful food. Pthe foods, we let food speak for pitself we dont stack it up too phigh or foam it up or anything pi. Pthese are real portions. Pthese are portions made for ptelevision. Pgood. Pwas in chich i dont want to pmake you work. Pi want for work show you after pwe do atwood burning grill. Pthats what were going to do palcides segui, talking about pthose Tampa Bay Rays and where pwill they end up that . Pthat weather traffic everything pfor you. Pyou dont have to go anywhere. Pjust stick around a is fresh florida shrimp and clams, served over rice its simple to create a seafood delight. Visit freshfromflorida. Com for more scrumptious recipes. Delicious is always served fresh from florida. I dont know what im doing. I cant find anything just when i think its just not going to work. This woman that works there comes over and asks and he was so happy, to do it amazing right . I never would have expected would have thought that anyone would find that do that. Make that go out of their way for me. Right then, right there i couldnt believe it he was so helpful i know its such a small thing little thing. Simple thing but it made me smile made me happy made my day share your story. Pick up some fresh florida zucchini, beautiful golden squash, plump tomatoes, mushrooms, and garlic. Combine with the pasta, and serve. Everyones a winner with this flavor packed meal. For more delicious recipes p. P from tampa bay beens ins pnumber one news station this, is pgood day tampa bay. P lucky in the lottery. Pnot lucky in love. Pa judge ruled that woman from porlando has to give some of pwinnings to an ex boyfriend. Pshe won a jackpot in 2017 she pclaimed a 1 million prize. Pher livein boyfriend ted howard pbrowning sued just a few months plater he had given they are 20 pto buy some tickets. Phe also claimed that they had an pagreement that if one of the pthem won major lottery prize ptheyd split it 50 50. Pa jury sided in end with pbrowning and awarded him p 291,000. P well, dogs could allowed to preturn to Passagrille Beach pjust two weeks ago some local pdog owners lobbied the city to pallow them to return. Pafter a series of meetings two psides came up with a compromise pthat would allow it. Pand a limit on where the dogs pcan roam. Pcommission area will make their pfinal vote on tuesday. P okay. Repare yourself for a dose of pcuteness. Plook at this, laura. Pcompanion Animal Hospital paustralian black swans using an pincubator. Pits pretty historic. Pbefore this no documented case pof black swan eggs being psuccessful incubated. Pcity tried it before and never pworked. Pnext big step is keeping these pbabies thriving. Pturns out the black swans arent pvery good. Pthe at the whole parenting thing pthey havent had any surviving pbabies in the past 7 years. Pthat is not cute enough for you . Pjen . Ptake it. P oh my goodnessi may have pfound something cuter russell. Plook at these little babies. Poh my goodness. Ptheres a puppy happening right pnow chances are you dont even pknow about it. Pbut you should because it really pcould help a rescue organization pand one very cute puppy or few pright now, hes the under dog. Pbut you have your chance to vote pfor him and make him the victor. Pall right. Pthis is nemo. Pand his sister dory. Pand you are alicia duval. Pthank you for being here this pmorning. Pthank you. Pyou run a rescue group. P dare. Ptell me a little bit about first pof all, your rescue group. P well dare stands for pdachshund adoption rescue and peducation. P and we rescue dachshunds that pmisplaced or unwanted or turned pinto therlts throughout state of pflorida. Plike these. Pnemo is a very special case. Phe is. Ptell us about nemo. Pwe named him nemo if you look pright herest missing the tip of phis foot. Pjust like nemo in the movie. Phes missing his little paw. Pwe named the cast. Ptheres couple more. Pthere are two more siblings that plook just like him. Pyou have all of them. Pi have all of them at my house. Pcorrect. Pcompetition that this very sweet plittle scared dog is in. Pso they are in a competition pcalled puppy play off sponsored pby good world who owner of the p donate technology. Pso anyone who wants to vote for pnemo can go to our Facebook Page por return tweet us on twitter. Pboth of them dare to rescue. Pand do your donate do whatever pamount. Pweve had people do 5, 10, p 50. Pcompetition is 20 rescue animals pfrom across the country. P and nemo was one of the 20 pthat were picked. Pnemo was only one that contender pfor florida. Pcorrect. Psouf atto go on website or ptwitter, twitter or facebook. Pif you vote for little baby nemo pwhat happens . Pwell hes under dog right now. Phe was number 11 out of 20. Phow can he be number 11 he needs pto be number one, right i think pso. Pokay, so what happens if nemo if pnemo wins, the rescue, come on. Pso, if nemo wins, rescue group pdare will get an additional p 500. Pwe get 100 percent of the money pthat people donate towards him. Pthats without question. Pand that goes toal at good work pyoure doing to. P100 percent. P yeah. Ptalk to me about nemo hes going pto up for adoption. Ponly did only four weeks. Pwe keep the puppies with the pmommy until 12 weeks. Pits very important for them to phave that mommy play time psocialization. Pand thats something that a lot pof puppies dont get. Pbreeder. Pokay. Pso, nemo, yes is pawless that pdoesnt mean he cant live a phappy fulfilling life. Pabsolutely. Pwere going to get him to he pspecialist here in couple weeks pto find out he may actually end pup losing a lessee might be pfine. Pwe will find out whats going on ponce hes evaluated that will be pin couple weeks. Phow old are these babies . Palmost 4 weeks old they were pturned into shelter shelter with ptheir mom abandon they were p to help out rescue group and pwe want to get nemo and his psiblings adopted. Pwhich i dont think will be very phart at all. Eople lets go back to voting pgo to dare to rescue correct and pthey can vote. Pyep. P donate. P and then, what if, they want pto maybe adopt one of these . P if they would like to adopt pone of our puppies or any of our pfoster dogs go to our website pdare to rescue. Com and fill out pan adoption application. Pwere accepting applications pright now. Pand when will they be up for padoption p another eight weeks. Pthey are so little. Pthey are. Pthey are so cute. Pthank you so much for all work pthat you do. P thanks for supporting us. Pwere going to tell everybody pone more time vote for nemo. Pyes donate dare to rescue for pnemo. Poh. Pour day is complete. Pthank you so much. Plook at nemo. Psay bye nemo. Pdaves whats weather going to pbe like today . P did you see dorys face too . Pwhen russell was petting her pkind of like who is this strange pman holding me. P beautiful. Pyeah. Pweve got a great start to the pthe day. Pgorgeous sunshine. Pwere looking weston the tampa pcam. Pnotice how rough it is out over pthe gulf. Pwere not boating today. Psmall craft advisories right pthrough this evening. Pseas seas will continue to build pthroughout day with that ersistent north wind. Plook what that has done tots ptemperatures. P45 at westchase at this hour. P8 30 in morning. P45 in tampa. Psame for sun city center. Peven cooler than plant city new ptampa at 43. Pstruggling to stay in the lower p40s. Pwhat you have in crystal river. Pbarely. Pbut still at 50. Pvenice into inglewood, and then pmid to upper 40s fork hardee de psoto. P24 our temperature change. Pthis is huge. Pjust 31 degrees colder in citrus ptampa is 26 degrees colder. Pthats a cold front, folks. Pand thats, thats you know, ptypically, a few degrees cooler, pno the this one. Pthis one big time cold air pcoming in behind. P14 to 22 mile per hour winds. Pmaking it feel just a smidge pcolder than those temperatures pare. Pand wind gusts have been gusting pas close to 30 miles per hour. Pwell have sunshine today. Pthats not going to be a roblem. Pwell have at wall to wall psunshine. Pyou see the clear skies. Pin fact most of the state now in pclear skies. Pjust going to be a cold day. Pagain youre in 8 37. P45 degrees. Pfront just came through north pwinds all day. Pwere going to stay in 50s. Pat least we will get back there. Pmid to upper 50s today. Ptonight, though, youre going to pbe out and about, right grab pyour jackets, that sun goes down pgoing to get quite chilly very pquick. Pbottom it off in low to mid 40s. Ptomorrow, clouds are rolling pback in. Pdisturbance to our southeast. Pwere not going to get much prain. Pin fact only a 30 percent chance pof a shower. Pbut still with cloud cover, and pnortherly component to our wind pwe will keep temperatures upper p50s to around 60 degrees. Pa little bit warmer, sunday, pmonday, 62. P64. Pbut all in all temperatures premain below normal, at least pthrough next thursday, vanessa. Pall right dave, thank you. P good news for drivers who pwere avoiding hillsborough and p56 due to earlier crash pinvolving dump truck. Pskyfox overhead showing that pthis looks pretty clear. Pdont see any lanes blocked any pmore. Pwe have seen most of our delays pkind of fade away at this point. Pspeaking of fading delays. Pwe have some nice travel times pon veterans expressway. Pyou can see we do have some pdelays in moderate fashion pnorthbound and southbound in parea basically south of gunn phighway. Pnorth of hillsborough avenue. P have very light. Pyou can see just yellow sensors. Pno red to be seen whatsoever. Lan for about 14 minutes fury pall right vanessa thank you. Pfan forward, authentic and psustainable. Pthose are just some the words prays are using to describe what pthey wanted in new home. Pright now Hillsborough County up pto batch making its pitch to pmove stadium across the bay. Palcides is live at the rays pstore in downtown tampa with pmore on all of this hey. P hey, good morning to you plaura and russell. Pmayor bob buckhorn as well as pHillsborough County ken haag penhave walked into the store pscheduled conference with rays pownership at about 8 30 this pmorning. Pi dont think, i dont think it pstarted to be honest with you pthe doors, the doors are still popen. Pso i think they are running a plittle bit late. Peither way they will talk about pa lot this morning talk about at roperty, where it will go, how pmuch new stadium will cost. Pa lot to discuss. Pand mayor buckhorn as well pcommissioner wanted to stress pthis is first of many, many pmeetings to come. Pone question that a lot of us pwere asking, finances, how much pis Something Like this ghost to pcost. Pboth wanted to stress this will pnot come from taxpayer money. Rivate sector. Pbut again, that is, that is not psomething that they wanted to pdiscuss today. Pthey just want to begin pdiscussion with the tampa bay prays. Pand begin an open dialogue on pgo. Pthe rays, yesterday afternoon, psent a document to st. Pete as pwell as Hillsborough County pcommission giving them a better pidea of what they are wanting paccording to that document they pwant to have at least 20 acre paccessible to major roadway and opulation center as well a pclosing to existing future and pmass transit options. Pthey envision an environment pwhere you can come in early and pstay late. Prays ownership wan to do that in pthree different steps. Panalyze the strengths and pweakness of regional businesses pin both pinellas and pHillsborough County. Pkeep in mind that the corporate pcustomers are major private for pany sports franchise corporate psales account around large ortion of ticket sales. Pstruggling with that at the ptrop. Pnext the team wants to identify pand evaluate sites using six cry pfear ya including size, geometry pof the property, regional pconnectivity, site readiness and pwhether a ballpark would spur psurrounding development. Pthe last step would be to pdetermine if these, if any sites psatisfy all of these wants. Pto get a good idea what if rays pare hoping for you will have to pgo to Baltimore Camden yards, a pbeautiful ballpark. Pblocks away from harbor the prestaurants that have ton pentertainment retail stores, all pin same location. Pand if you think about t i mean pif you really, really think pabout t here in tampa thats pexactly what jeff vinik has done pwith Tampa Bay Lightning in pamalie arena. Pyou talk about channelside padding apartments condo, prestaurants, bars, turning a ptrip to the to a lightning game pinto a 1day event. Pthats what the Tampa Bay Rays pwant to do whether its in st. Ete or Hillsborough County. Pthe price tag of a new stadium pif you talk to Industry Experts pabout 600 billion. Pit will cost more than that if pyou, if you put in there pretractible roof. Pso again several sites are on pthe tanl. Pincluding tropicana field. Pout there in st. Pete. Pothers include the florida pfairgrounds, derby lane, tampa pgreyhound track. Pand tampa Park Apartments on new pseal park, again, keep in mind, pif the rays decide to leave st. Ete, and they break the pcontract with the city, they pwill have to pay the city p 24 million. Pbut again i said this earlier pthis morning when you talk about ark that costs 600 million, p 24 million is very, very pminimal over a span of if i am. Peither way, it starts this pmorning, and i think it actually pjust started a little while ago pthat door is officially closed. Pim assuming rays ownership is pthere as well at county pcommission and the tampa bay pmayor bob buckhorn we will see phow it all pan ohs out at the pend of the day continue coverage pwe hope to talk torques we hope pto bring you live interview. Pwe spoke token a little while pcoverage a little bit later ptoday. Pback to you. Pall right talk later, thank you. P when we come back, new peconomy looks pretty the new caramel macchiato from dunkin donuts. Let handcrafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramelflavored swirl uplift your mood. Indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today. P all right. Pwe need to get to charley pbelcher right now. Pyes. Pcharley. Pim sorry. Pa little confusion here where pyoure going. Pthats okay. Pam i doing a tease or segment . Pdoes anybody know because i pcant get producer to tell me. Pa tease. Pstick around everybody. Pwhen we come back im at the pseminole Hard Rock Hotel casino phanging out with that celebrity pchef right right there mike pmurphy in kitchen. Pyou would have to pay billions pof dollars to be able to so him pcook in person. P good day tampa bay. Pim tampa bay Charley Belcher in pseminole Hard Rock Hotel ask pcasino inside brand new prestaurant called gray salt. Pby this guy right here. Pmark murphy celebrity chef mark pmurphy i feel like a chef psomething would throw at you pright now and say you have to pcook with it. Pwe dont have enough time for pthat. Pwe are in the kitchen with you, pwhat do you got there in lamb pchops. Pbut theser great. Pof salad thats. Pand chim churi. Pso this, machine right here, pthis, we have two of them look pat chickens going. Pwe brine chickens for a 24 phours. Pbrianing the chicken is that a psalt water . Psalt water p just salt water. Pit gets that nice, seasoned pflavor in there. Pbut, were over wood here. Pwere over wood and coal. Pwood and char kohl going at the psame time. Pwe try to cook 80 percent of pmenu right off this grill. Pyou know flavor that comes off pthis thing. Henomenal. Pand most fun part about this, phere you want to do it with me . Pyou get to add. Pthere you go. Plook at that. Plook at that. Pisnt that fun . Pit is fun. Pi want with for work this pstation. Pi want to work this station. Pwood and charcoal kind of like psuspenders with the belt. Pyou can see you get two pdifferent heats charcoal and pthen another thing. Phold on. Pthe dessert we do. Pits called the right over here. Psorry. Psorry. Pits basically its like a creme pbrulee but spanish style one. Ut a little sugar on top. Pand then, what we do, i dont pwant to burn myself. Pmease dont. Pits embarrassing when you burn pyourself on it. V. Pjust like this. Psitting in flames. Pwe do that. Pi will put it down. Pthis jumps a bit. Pwatch this. Plook at this. Plook at this. Pboom. Pboom. Plook at that. Pso that is caramelizing it on ptop. Pit gets that nice crispy sort of pcrust on top. Ponce it cools down a little bit. Pthats a dessert. Pso i was in spain right before pwe opened this restaurant. Pi was on a little trip. Pi went to this restaurant. Pi ate, this is you know how they pdo that flame. Pwith, yeah. Pi went in the kitchen i asked pthem i said how do you get this pflavor. Pso much better. Pand then they showed me this pbranding iron. Punlike im buying a bunch of pthese and bringing it home. Pi know im going to do this here pin tampa. Pi was so excited. Pso will they order this do they pcome to your table . Pno, no. Pinsurance reasons. Pyou know what i mean. Pwe dont want to hurt anybody. Pwe do it right up here. Popen to the restaurant. Pyou can kind of see. Pyou can see it. Pthere it goes. Pthere he goes. Pchef, chef. Pwe can see you. Pcome on. Pyou can stand up. Pthat may be funniest i love when eople do that. Pcamera coming they try to get pout of the way. Ptable. Pnice. Plike you stole something. Pvery funny. Pback to lamb chops. Pmarinated, olive oil. Pherbs dew providence my pall lavender, parsley, rosemary pall the sort of providence style pherbs. Pshe was french . Pmy grandmother was french. Pyeah. Pshe used to be fantastic church. Peating there was great. Pthis salad really simple we just pfinish it off put a little some eppers and some cumin, look at pthat i made a mess. Ut a little of that on plate. Pit goes really well lamb chops a psimple little salad. Pthis is just a little red onion arsley olive oil. Pa little bit of chery vinegar. Pand toss that around a bit. Ut that on the plate and then pget our lamb chops on there see pwhat i mean, we keep it simple. Pits not complicated. Pi mean this is, ingredients are ptop. Pwe leave it up to ingredients. Pand that. Plook at that. Pthats it right there. Plook at that. Pthis, my friend, that is great. Pand we put a little grilled ponion on there. Pwhen you grill the lemon it popens up all the little pcapillaries i dont know what pyou call them scientifically. Pyou squeeze an it comes out a plittle easier. Pthis great. Pthis is the thing. Pi love it. Pi love it. Pyou. Pwere ready to go. Pwe lost it. Pother guy stole it. Phe left with it. Plook at that. Pthat right there is meal at gray psalt. Popen for lunch and dinner. Plunch and dinner. Pseven days a week im sure. P it never closes. Plunch and dinner, gray salt. Preservations do we need them . Pdo we take them . Pdo we take reservations. Pabsolutely. P if do you need them . Pits a hot place. Pkind of a hot place. Pall right. Pall right. Psee mark murphy p and i know youre coming. Pyes. Pyes. Phere we go. Plaura if youre not hungry now pno that looks good. Pswanky finger food right there. Pyou know. Peat it right off the bone. Pall right charley, thank you. Pnice tap dancing by the way. Ptake a deep breath its friday, pfriends. Pwere so ready for good day pgoodies. Pbest of bloopers for the week. Plets check them out. Pattorney general pam bondi. P3, 2, 1. Pthere it is. Pthere it is Florida State fair pofficially under way. Preally neat eventgives city pofficials Business Owners roperty owners as well here in pbay area good night. Pwoo, lord that scared the day plights out of me. P spin, no whammies no whammies pstop. Pjuicy pear or booger. Lease be pear. Pthats not cool, is it . Pi want to know why does peverybody get those deals by me pi go airport everybody getting pdelayed and getting all kind of pfree stuff and they are saying pi dont know. Pim hoping maybe the guys that pgets a deal like this. Pits true. Ptrue. Pray of sunshine this morning ken psuarez. Pwe will kick off our cool school pof the week. Poh. Pyeah. Poh my goodness. Phere we go. Pits monday. Pits six something in the pmorning. Ptime for a slide. Pfast. Pno. Pwhere are you . Pfolks, okay turn volume up. Phere we go. Pno shadow, everybody. Poh, blizzard is rolling in there pgood morning. Poh, dave just said high of 81 . Pthat is what i just heard . Pi wasnt going to mention it. Poh my goodness. Ptoo bad too late i heard it palready. Phow far do you think you might pgo to lose weight . Pwould you go as far as to pconsume someone elses poo in a ill form . P russell wants nothing to do pwith this story . Phonest. Pyoure not alone. Pnumber 2. P[ laughter ] pi meant subject, the second psubject. P i love it when we can laugh

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