Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 News At Noon 20160127

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Plooks right now. Pjim. Pweve watching this rain pthroughout overnight hours. Pstarted right along the pcoastline. Pright around 10 oclock last pnight. Pand as night went on we watched pa lot of the activity just kind pof working its way on shore in pbands. Phad some heavier showers em pbeakeded in there. Pthere you see some move throwing pu bradenton up towards pzephyrhills, mothers through psouth tampa. Pover into northern pinellas pcounty. Pbut you notice, by about 7 00 pthis morning, it was a pretty pmuch done. Pso that was round number 1. Pand then round number 2which is pstarting to work its way on pshore. Pdown to our south. Pdown towards punta go today. Pfort meyers you can see heavier pshowers already starting to make ptheir way on shore. Pand then in the Highlands County pback towards wauchula. Pand arcadia. Pyou you can see some activity as pwell. Pall moving to the north and the pnortheast right now. Pwe will continue to watch more pof this spreading on shore. Pas we go through the afternoon. Pright now just some light pshowers across the pinellas pcounty, but weve got this cold pback to our north and west. Pso were going to still say in pthis period of unsettled weather pfor the rest of today. Pand into tomorrow. Pwell have more radar views and pcomplete forecast coming up in plinda. P thank you, jim. Pinvestigators want to know if pfoggy and Rainy Weather may have pbeen a factor in deadly accident pon 38th avenue north in st. Etersburg this morning. Pa semitruck was turning on to pthe road when a honda civic prammed right underneath it. Pman inside that car was killed. Pand two people inside the truck pluckily were not hurt. P were also following a pdeveloping investigation out of pManatee County. Pdeputies are investigating a phomicide there. Pthey found an unidentified man pdead near a wooded area. Pthe deputies were searching 15th pstreet east for a suspect with a pmultiple felony warrants when pthis came across the body. P new this afternoon a otential shooting threat ptriggered extra security at almetto. Pthe threat was made through psocial media. Pit didnt specifically target pthe Manatee County school, but pit did mention lincoln students. Pso as a result schools across phave taken some extra recautions. Pschool officials sent out an pautomated phone call to parents plast night and this morning just pto inform them they also asked pstudents not it bring backpacks por purses to school. Plincoln middle usually has one presource officer at the school. Pbut today extra officers are pstationed there. Ptheres been a gop debate pdebacle. Prepublican front runner donald ptrump says he is skipping ptomorrows fox news debate. Phe says hes been treated punfairly by at network instead phis Campaign Says hes pconsidering hosting his own pevent to benefits veterans and pwounded warriors, but as foxs eter doocy reports other prepublican accounts hope its pfinally their turn to take the pspotlight. P donald trump says hes skip ptomorrow fox news debate. Pim going to have Something Else pand we will do something where pwe raise money for veterans and pwounded warrior with trump out pit could be a prime opening for psome of his strongest pchallengers. Pyou think first a marco rubio, pin a position to finish third in piowa. Pand potentially to move up in pfuture primaries and caucuses. P hello p with an unusual new campaign pad long shot candidate former parkansas governor mike huckeby pis in a final push to court last pminute undecided voters hoping pfor a surprise surge. Pevery four years we have this a layed out every four years psomething happens that nobody psaw coming. Pmeanwhile one time leader of prepublican Pac Ben Carson is pfending off criticism hes too pweak on National Security pissues. P ive had a lot more pexperience than anybody else up pthere dealing with 2 00 a. M. Pcalls with life and death psituations. Pon democratic side, candidates pcould be taking part in a coup pagainst the dnc, and msnbc and pnew Hampshire Union leader pnewspaper are planning punsanctioned democrat date with psanders and Martin Omalley pcomes of a months criticism dnc pcelleded to few debates. Pin iowa today a new quinnipiac puniversity poll shows a frozen pdemocratic race with sanders pjust edging out clinton. Pin washington, peter doocy, fox pnews. P again the debate is tomorrow pnight at 9 on the fox news pchannel. Pand after that keep it right phere on fox 13, Political Editor pcraig patrick will bring you plive coverage of the debate and piowa caucus from iowa. P children should have a 60 or pmore minutes of physical pactivity each day. Pthats according to the cdc. Pbut kids spend a large part of ptheir day in school and psometimes they dont get any. Psome districts recess and pe pthey become things of the past. Pas fox 13 ken suarez reports pthats all starting to change. P do me a favors lets turn pback the hands of time. Premember when you were in pElementary School, i for one pwould count down the minutes pring. Pup my heels and just relax for a plittle while. Plast night Pinellas County pschool officials said we have to pget back to that, we have to pgive kids a mental break from pthe rigors of academics. Pso starting next school year pelementary kids kfifth grade pwill get 20 minutes of recess or pday. Pa number of parents are saying pthats not enough. Pthey wanted to go further. Pthey want to see he says pstatewide theyve lobbying in ptallahassee. Pthe day. Pno profession will lobbyists. Pbut you dont want to get pcubs. Pi just feel like this is the pright thing to do. P Stephanie Cox is mover and pshaker in the group pinellas arents for pe recess and phealthy schools. Pthat group was celebrating pyesterday because the house k12 psubcommittee unanimously gave a pthumbs up to bill that would prequire 20 minutes of recess pevery day at every elementary pschool in the state. P now thats only step one for otentially become law. Pbut also is a sign thats a hot ptopic and getting a whole lot of psupport. Pnow there are educators that say pwe would like to give kids pit. Pwere doing so much with pteaching to the test with the pfcats and all of that, theres pno time to do it. Pand that could be a problem. P reporting in Pinellas County, pken suarez, fox 13 news. P thank you, ken. Psarasota police are pinvestigating a deadly crash pinvolving a pedestrian. Pthey tell us around 1 this pmorning a woman was crossing pnorth washington boulevard when pshe was hit by a car. Pshe was taken to sarasota pmemorial where she later died. Pthe driver is cooperating with pthat investigation. Pand another woman riding a pmotorized wheelchair was hit and pkilled in late night accident. P26 avenue and 31st street in st. Ete were shut down overnight so olice could investigate that paccident. Psoifls say sue sean crane was in pwheelchair and just outside pcrosswalk when a lexus sedan hit pher driver has been identified a pwilliam mckinney. Pmckinley but no charges have pbeen filed. Pfor are person who hit pmotorcyclist and then took off. Pit happened lace lat night and psligh avenue west. Pofficers say a red truck hit the pmotorcycle before continuing to pdrive north on rome. Pthe more so i cles was taken to pthe hospital. Pa man accused in an elaborate pgrow house operation in tampa pcourt. Pdetectives say renaldo kept more pthan 200 Marijuana Plants inside pa home on mabrey street with pstreet value of around 320,000. Ptampa electric say he also stole pmore than 8,000 in an pelectricity to keep that poperation going, hes been held pon 24,000 bond. P a group of students are ptrying to fight bullies. Pwith an app. Lus a credit card probe at opular restaurant chain you pneed to know about this. P hospital officials in first case of zika virus in that phoment officials have confirmed pa first case zika virus in pdenmark. Pit showed up in one who recently ptraveled to south america. Pthats where americans are being pwarned not to travel there. Pfox patricia stark tells us a ush is on to develop a vaccine pand quickly. P word is spreading fast as is pthe disease concerns are growing pover the zika Virus Outbreak pwhich has spread to about two pdozen countries all in central pand south america. Pbut americans twho travel to pthat region have brought the pvirus back to the u. S. Pthats why federal officials phave an issue ad travel warning pgoing to latin america. P we are quite concerned about pthe potential complications to pthe fetus zika virus of pinfection of pregnant women wee padvises pregnant women pseriously consider postponing ptravel to these areas if ossible. P the virus spreads from pmosquito and is linked to pthousands of cases of brain pdamage in babies. Pthere are concerns that with at prise in tourism to south america pand at caribbean, travelers pcould bring more cases of a pvirus back home. Pbut its clearly the this thing pspreading like wildfire pthroughout latin america and pcaribbean region. Pand im worried about gulf pcoast. Pexperts say no need to worry, pbecause the virus is unlikely to pspread in the u. S. Pthats because the conditions pare not ideal for mosquito pcarrying the virus in colder pareas. Pand while mexico has seen a pspike in cases, they dont pbelieve an outbreak will happen pthere any time soon. P season where there isnt a plot mosquito because it cold. Pmosquito needs a certain ptemperature and water to pmonths and weeks, there will be pmore cases, at the moment were pat preventative phase. Resident obama is now calling pon researchers to step up pefforts to 52 ith zika including pvaccines and tests. Pin new york patricia stark, fox pnews. Pcosta rica reported its first pcase of zika virus tuesday. Pofficials added u. S. Virgin pislands and xhin dominican prepublic to list of 24 places to pavoid. Punited airlines will offer prefunds or change fees for eople who cancel trips to those paffected areas. Pthe zika virus has also be preported in new york illinois, phawaii and yes, florida. P youll be seeing paramedics pon flights around tampa. Pthey are called the fast team. Pthats stands for first passessment stabilization team. Ptampa fire and rescue in tampa olice teamed up to train 16 aramedics with 8 specially pequipped bikes. Pthey will work side by side with olice of major city events like pgasparilla and gasparilla pdistance classic. Pit will help them maneuver pthrough crowds in case of an pemergency. P Small Town School in psolve some big time problems pfacing many of our teens. Pa group of students created a psmart phone app which lets their pclassmates reach out for help if pthey are overwhelmed with a pchallenges of life. Plike anxiety and bullying. Pand as fox than reports girls phave already won an award for pthis development. P cleveland, minnesota, we all pknow each other and care about peach other. Psmall Rural Community in psouthern part of the state with prich fertile land known for pnowing crops rather than cool ptechnology. P souf atto create an app. Pthat all changed recently after pthese girls and kelly mcmillion plynns High School Business pclass p briann, hanna, haley, olivia pstephanie, won verizon pinnovative app challenge a pstatewide competition requiring pstudents solve real world roblems. Pthey have their disagreements, pbut, i didnt have anything to pdo with it. Pthey fix it all themselves k12 pgot brand new tablets. Pfor 16yearold olivia kesser pjust been called ugly and names pthat i probably shouldnt say. P trying to help others who phave been bullied or struggled pwith personal hurts. Psuicide all thoughts, pdepression, anxiety was much pmore important. Pi think this is more of a real pworld problem. Pthat many people have gone that pyou and will probably go pthrough. Pand also what inspired the idea. Pand thats kind of what the app pis for. Pso just go to a friend if you pdont have one. Pafter trial and error they came pup precise advice counselors or ac. Pwere rhyming words together pthat sounds coolit will yous pstudents to instantly call a preal person an inone mousily for phelp. P what should i do . Pif they are ever down or face ptypical challenges of life. Ptheres no judging with someone pyou dont know on an app. Ptheres you dont have to be pafraid if they are going to tell psomeone since were from a small pschool. Art projects required them to pdevelop short video pwithout any producing or acting pexperience. P oh my gosh. Pno as minute representatives pthey are now facing off against pteams from every other state. Pfor privilege of working with ptech experts at the pmassachusetts institute of ptechnology. Pand 15,000 in cash. Pto make this small town idea pinto a big time reality. Pwendys may have a possible pcredit card breach on their phands. Pthe fast food chain says they pare investigating rots of punusual activity on cards used a psome locations. Pright now the restaurant chain pis asking customers to keep an peye on their bang ask credit pcard statements if youve been pto wendyss recently you might pwant to check it out much pnortheast back to normal pfollowing last Weekend Record psetting blizzard some cities are pstruggling to dig owl clean up pcrews are heading to washington pd. C. In maryland. Pcrew wills assist with snow ptemperatures. Psome streets in region or still pthan two feet of snow. P15 dump trucks from sunshine pstate will be assisting the ptrucks will have these messages pfrom visit florida that say psharing the sunshine. Pthe hope that is it will pencourage residents up north to pcome down here to get away from ptheir winter roots. Pif they came down they wouldnt psee that sunshine. Pwhat theyd see is some rain, pright, jim . Psomehow i dont think they want pto see that message when theyre pgoing through all of that kind pof like rubbing it u in a plittle. Pwell see if it gets pelted by a pbunch snowballs along the way pthats something right there. Pbut yeah weve got rain, we had pthat first round of rain through pthe overnight hours. Pweve got more rain on working pits way on shore. Pbut take look at this time lapse retty neat looking view. Pstart out this morning after pthrough. Pwe still have at although of low pclouds around, some patchy fog pin areas. Pand just kind of see different plevels of the clouds working pthere way through some of low pclouds kind melting away purn psun for time there, not much, psun for time there, not much, pand you really not going see pmuch sun for today lot more pthick clouds working this way pright back in. Pbut some of these rainfall ptotals through the overnight phours, up in east lake, northern inellas county. Icked up two inches of rain. Pzephyrhills 1. 83. Ptampa 1. 26. Pbartow right at 1 inch of rain. Pa little bit less as you head up ptowards weeki wachee and pbradenton picking up three pquarters of an inch of rain. Pnow heres the rain on skytower. Pyou can see here this is pbasically what we will call pround number 2. Pworking under the circumstances pway on shore. Pdown across sarasota, charlotte pdown towards fort meyers. Pheavier storms kind of lurking pjust off the coastline. Pall making its way up towards pthe north and east. Pyou can see some moderate some pcases heavier showers over ptowards sebring, lake placid pcentral Highlands County. Pbut as you move on towards the pnorth, through manatee, phillsborough up into polk pcounty. Pand Pinellas County. Pyou can see just some light pshowers, theres more activity pwe will continue to see these eriods of rain working there pway on shore. Pthat wider view cold front still pback up here weve got more rain palong this frontal boundary. Pso that will basically be round pnumber 3 which will come through plate tonight into tomorrow. P68 degrees outside right now. Pdew points at 65. Phumidity is a 90 percent. Pand the winds, they are out of pthe east at 3 miles an hour. Pvery warm as you head down pacross the extreme southern part pof the state. Pmarathon is at 77. Pmiami as 80 degrees. Pbut otherwise you can see upper p60s, to low 70s across much of pthe state. Pbut that cold air is really not pall that far away. Pthats where the frontal pboundary is. Pbut that big push of the cold pair is not going to down over pus. Pgoing to the east and to the pnortheast. Pso this time around well get pjust slightly cooler as this pfront moves through. Pbut nothing dramatically cold. Pcertainly nothing like what we psaw last week. Pthis is rain that moved through povernight. Pthe front with more showers plined up across that. Pwe get little areas of low ressure that is going to form palong this, and slide over us. Pso as we get little impulses, pwell see heavier showers, maybe psome thunderstorms mixed in pthere as we go through rest of ptoday, into tonight. Pand even into tomorrow. Pso here it is on the future pcast, watch front just slowly pworking its way to to the south plittle low right over state plittle impulses of showers. Pso going to basically be unis pthered period all way into ptomorrow afternoon. Pby tomorrow afternoon, things pwill start to clear out slowly, pand well get back to more sun pas we get into the weekend. Pso periods of rain, some storms, psome of them could be heavy for pthis afternoon. Pdaytime high of 72 degrees. Pthen for tonight overnight low pof 63 degrees. Pwith some showers continuing pthrough the overnight hours. Pagain for tomorrow. Pweve got the rain in morning pand then we start to dry things pafternoon. Pdaytime high about 68 degrees. Pwinds are out the south to pseas two feet. Plying chop on the bay, high tide pis 4 31 this afternoon. Pheres the 7 day forecast, you pcan see once front moves on pthrough we dry things out and ptemperatures just slightly pcooler for the weekend. Pgasparilla. P68 degrees under partly cloudy pthanks, jim. Pyou can expect some drama ptonight on American Idol. Pa sneak peek at hollywood week. Pthats a tough week. Pthat i having lots of devices in your can really slow your internet down. Fiber optic fios by verizon. Capacity all your devices thrive on. Its the Fastest Internet and wifi available, nwith speeds from 50 to 500 megs. No wonder were ranked highest in Customer Satisfaction by jd power. And now, theres no better time to get fios by verizon. For 79. 99 a month online, get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for your first year, with no annual contract. Or with a 2 year agreement, get 300 back. And, starz and showtime for 6 months. Go to getfios. Com or call 888. Get. Fios. 3 drama and disappointment. And a whole lot of surprises are on the menu on p drama disappointment and pwhole lot of surprises are on pthe menu on American Idol this pweek a hollywood week gets under pway. P American Idol hollywood pweek begins doeb theater and pjudges say viewer should expect plots of drama, a few pdisappointments, and some psurprises. Phollywood week is always such a pnervewracking experience for pcontestants. Pand its surprising how many eople just like go down. Eople that we really thought pwere going to be amazing. Pweve seen a little bit of peverything. Psome people come out there and pits like no big deal. Pother people who were clearly pvery strong in auditions and phere and have trouble composing pthem selves. Psaying no to people is hard. Pand then especially certain ones pwho like you can tell that they, peverybody takes it different. P p p on wednesday contestants hit pstage in groups of ten singing pthe a cappella round. Pall my life ive been preparing pfor a moment like this. Poh, cue kelly clarkson. Pa lot of pressure but you know, pi kind of live off pressure. Pand that helps me do good acant pfocus on fact this my want popportunity i got to focus on pfact i know im good i know how pto do what im doing. Pdo it. P the judges say the gruelling pweeklong process is preparing pthe singers for the future. P like a boot camp almost. Pand the situations that happen pin hollywood week are really pthings that do happen. Pdefinitely a metaphor for pindustry. Pit only gets harder. Pand more success you have. Pi mean, as fulfilling as it is, pits still more difficult. Pi always say if youre on two of pus, its three 30 in morning you phavent slept and million miles pfrom your family or loved ones por forever. Ponly answer can be well this is pwhat i do. Pin hollywood, michelle positive ollino, fox news. Palove hollywood week. P well fox forecast is calling pfor lightning. Pgrease lightning that is. Pnew musical grease live reparing it is debut this pweekend on fox. Pthe production is a retelling of pthat great 1978 classic grease. Pthis time around sandy is pdancing with the stars alum pjulianne hough. P for people that know and love pthe film i mean its very, very psimilar to the film. Pi mean we are borrowing a couple psongs from the stage version pwhich people may not know. Pbut they work really well. Pand but then we also, you know ptheres a couple new things. Pweve added a song carly rae pjepson sings an original song. Pi mean choreography is not pexactly same but has same sort pof feel that when youre pthats definitely it. Pit feels a little newer. P by way if you want catch a icture Charley Belcher danny phead over to my Facebook Page plook for fox 13s Linda Hurtado. Pyou can catch grease live this psunday night without charley pright here on fox 13. Pwell weve dug up the backyard. Pwe havent found it yet. Pthe search for 3 linda south Florida Police are on the hunt for a man caught on camera robbing a plastic surgeons office. The thief breaks into the office and makes off with botox and a number of medical supplies. But, there could be a wrinkle in his plan if p but there could a wrinkle in phis plan. Psurveillance footage. Pshelton fox has more on this pbotox bandit. P here comes a santa claus. Pwell, not exactly. Pits a crook in a santa hat. Phes here to swipe drugs from a lastic surgeon. Pweve got a call about toine 30 pthis morning 2 30 a. M. Psomeone broken into our office. Pdr. Jose and his staff planning lastic surgery in coral gables. Pdealt with damaged property and pstolen in demand product. Pthey came. Pexactly. Pwe have iphones too, computers pnone of those things were ptouched they came straight from prefrigerator. Pwatch guy in santa had he crow pbarred his way into south dixie phighway and a grabs garbage can pon Scavenger Hunt that people ay lots of money for. Pthose are inject to wrinkles in psignificant street value, which pis what is concerning people pusually do these things that pthey do it too sell it to the ublic. Pand a train to inject. Pan expensive popular menace in pespecially image south conscious pflorida. Ptheft 20 grand more coral gables pcops on hunt and back at the pstore tuesday afternoon, hours pafter initially responding. Pfrom the video, were hoping pthat somebody might recognize pthe people in the video and then pcontact the Coral Gables Police pdepartment so we can further pinvestigate. P and potentially, take down a pbotox burglar. P and that was shelton fox preporting. Pthe governor of michigan has pformed a committee to help paddress flint water crisis. Pgovernor says group will be made pof 17 medical and field experts, pbut make recommendations pregarding outreach upgrades to pthe system and ways to improve pcommunication with local and pstate officials. Pthe citys water became tainted pafter officials switched from pdetroits water supply to the p a traffic stop turned into a pdeadly gun fight in potherhappened while officers pwere arrest leaders of armed rotester. Pgroup is occupied a national pwildlife refuge for more than 3 pweeks now. Payman bundy and his followers pwere on their way to community pmeeting when then happened. Pofficers say two people were prefused to surrender when pshooting started. Pbunking procedure was wounded panother man was killed in all pofficers arrested eight people. Pfirst. P a sad but amazing story out pof indianapolis, an authorities pnow say an Elementary School rincipal pushed several pstudents out of the way with an pon coming bus before it struck pand killed her. Pthe busses were al lined up poutside the school tuesday when pone of them suddenly lurch pforward and jumped curb. Rincipals heroic act saved pseveral lives. Ptwo kids were hurt but not pseriously a sad anniversary is pcoming um tomorrow. Pthee decades ago the space pseconds into its flight. Pi still remember that. Pthe explosion killed a 7 pastronauts on board. Pincluding very First Teacher in pspace. P memorial events are arlington pnational cemetery and kennedy pspace center. Pthey will honor the lost crew. P a big shift in u. S. Policy pregarding cuba starting today. Pseveral sanctions will be eased. Pchanges will lift export payment pand financing restrictions. Pand will allow u. S. Movies and ptv shows to shoot in cuba. Pu. S. Companies can also be pinvolved in authorized pconstruction projects like water ptreatment and Energy Supply pfacilities. Pa Record Number of visitor ptraveled to cuba last year some ptourism experts worry island pwont able to handle the extra psurge when u. S. Airline and pferry services start. P it has been several months psince the Obama Administration pmoved to normalize relations pwith cuba. Psince then, a lot of people have pthought about how to make money pfrom that. Pone most unusual ideas comes pfrom a family right here in ptampa. Pas fox 13s lloyd sowers shows pconnection to the mafia. P this is the business weve pchosen. Pin godfather 2 he cass called hi pman roth, but the character was pbased on miles an hour, the real pmobster who has been called the pbanker of the mafia. Pforbes magazine said he had pvalue 600 million. Pwell weve dug up the backyard. Pwe havent found it yet. Pgary is his grandson. Phe and his mother sandy, his pdaughter live modestly in tampa. Pa far cry for what he built in pcuba. Pthe luxurious havana rivera photel and casino. Pit was gorgeous. Pit was absolutely beautiful. Pfirst of all, it was the first ptotally air conditioned hotel pthat they had in havana. Pfamily says late 50s, he spent pbetween 6 and 8 million pbuilding the rivera. Pthen it all came crashing down. Pand high rollers ran in 1959 as pcastro moved in. P take us to miami in an hour. Pdont make a big thing about it. Pfleeing the revolution. Pleading behind mild i dont punderstan the family says now pthis hope to recover it. Pi have to thank our current pdoors. Pi didnt think anybody ever pwould. Pi dont believe my grandfather pever felt that they would. P he says his grandfather was pliked and respected by the cuban eople he hired at the hotel. Phe was known as the soft spoken pbrains of the mob. Pnot the muscle. Pi my dad was like traveling psalesman you never ask what your arents did. Pthey never made a claim before pfor his losses. Pbut with big changes now in pcuba, they think its worth a pshot. Pi dont believe in fantasies i pdont think anyones going to pdrop 8 million on us. Pbut the property has value. Pthey search for the p left behind by the banker of pthe mafia. P lloyd sowers, fox 13 news. P interesting. Pthe family says they will ptalking with an attorneys about pmaking that claim. Pby the way tampa mob boss was pjailed in cuba when castro took pover he was finally sent home pmonths later. Pa marine is on a new mission. Pwere going to show you why hes pthis weeks extraordinary pordinary. Lus it is hottest show in town. Pand Charley Belcher is taking linda there is a place where veterans and their battle buddies can go. That ptheres place where veterans pthem. Psomewhere they can go oh share pup and downs in life. Pas fox 13 walter allen reports, pthe man behind it is an pextraordinary oert. Pyou focus in on all this phappened to me or that happened pto me i cant do this or cant pdownward spiral. Pbut then you say, well hey, bad pthings have happened but its ptaught me great lessons just pgive you better all positive poutlook on life. Pmike is marine and though he may pbe retired their motto will pnever be. Padapt and overcome. Pfigure out a problem, and you pknow, get around it. Palmost gets to point you look pfor a challenge. Pwhen things are going easy i get puncomfortable. Phis biggest oh sta kel to povercome is his method of pgetting around since hes back pfrom combat. Pon september 1st, of 2006 i was pit went straight across hit my pfifth, six shattered my seventh pvertebra hit my right nerve and pright arm and then, fragmenting pin my right lung. Pafter this smoke settled, i i pnoticed i couldnt move. Pand i tried to yell but because pof bullet was lodged in my lung pnothing was coming out losing pability to walk, but louder than pever mike is rolling this into a ositive and working to others pme and my dad started throwing pdown an idea starting our own pnonprofit and focus on problems pwe have seen with other groups. Pa few things we noticed like paccessibility things like if pyoure not in wheelchair you pwould never think about. Phe arrived at the idea of a pwounded warrior abilitys ranch pa ten acre plot in Pinellas Park pdonated by city with help of pfunding and sponsors, will allow pfishing. Pan allow for veterans to be able pwhen so much of their day pconsidered disabled. Psort of get that drive back back pwith that motivation to a i want pto, would out play basketball or pi want to go fishing you know, pjust that competitive nature pdrives a man more than anything pelse. Pyoure john youre steve. Pif, and, a people start prealizing that. Pmy school was to give veteran pbay area state of florida even pacross the country a positive lace to adapt and overcome in pall phases of their lives. Peverybody has their ups and pdowns. Peverybody has their obstacles peverybody has their own struggle s. Pbut the trick is dont look at pthe bad things that have phappened to you. Plook at the good things. Plook at the lesson that is it ptaught you. Plook at the ways you overcame plook at the lives you touched pthat was our walter alan preporting a live look outside pright now meteorologist jim pweber will have another check on pyour for meet martha, a beluga of a thousand faces. Like her happytoseeyou face. Her dancing face. And her coaster face. How do you say no to a face like that . You dont have to. With an annual pass from seaworld that gives you rides, shows and events, and that face all year long for just 14 a month. And the sooner you buy one, the sooner the fun starts. So come meet martha, the face all year. Only here. P hey everybody im charley pbelcher coming to you from a pstraz center for performing arts pwhere at lion king has roared pits way into town. Pwill be here through valentines pday. Lenty of opportunities to come psee this classic, it has become pa classic show opened on pbroadway november of 1997. Palmost 20 years ago. Phard to believe. Pmichael riley is in charge of pthe puppet it is that you see in pshow. Pwe will talk about in second. Pcan you believe it has been open palmost 20 years ago . Pi cant, yeah. Pkind of surreal. Pit fetal like it was just m in pmovie theater. Ptime flying by. Pwhen they were going to bring plion king to the stage, they phave to figure out how we going pto do this, the idea was well ptell story through puppets. Pyeah. Pthem up in mascot costumes but pjulie, she wanted something a plittle more elegant. Pwe made this kind of dual thing pwell. Pexplain how it works. Plets use scar for an example. Pscar is belt on helmet mask sits pabove actors head hes kind of pa lion and human. Pwith the movements, you can preally just accept that okay, phes a lion. Pyeah. Pyou see his face facial pexpressions but you know whole ptime youre looking a him thats pscar. Pthats the bad guy you find pyourself looking at the mask pinstead of the actor. Pits, kind of its kind of weird. Ponly hand puppet in that show he plooks quite intricate. Pyeah. Phes actually very hard to poperate. Pthe actor has to do intensive p4week work with this guy before phe ever gets on stage. Pso, the Little Things he does plike blink his eyes and talk and pof course flap his wings. Pall while youre singing and pdancing of course. Pim amazed how greet this looks pup close. Pyou would think stage props pdont necessarily have to be pthat fine tuned. Pbut youve gone all out. Pyou know its important that pthey stand up to scrutiny and pfor actors, well you know he has pto believe his puppets real if phe think this is thing just a plump of clay, not going to work. P detail is amazing. Pbut as i looked at i can only pimagine everything that can pbreak. P yeah. Ptheres a lot of things that can pbreak on lion king. Pthats my job sculpting and ainting all of these things pevery day they get looked and pworked on. Pso keeps me busy. Pmost, most plays they might have pa prop list yay long. Pi imagine your additionary full pof just props and items and pthings that they have to touch pand move on stage. P it is crazy. P230 puppets. Peverything from a small as mouse pto big as an elephant. Pwow. Pamazing im sure its a lot of pwork. Pyou must love it how long have pyou been with production now . Psince 99. Pi do love it. Pthings happen every single day. Pthat ive never seen before. Pso it keeps me interested. Pgood for you. Pit must. Pquite longevity in this business pas well. Pit is one particular show. Phow many shows stick around this plong. Pthats true. Pgood for you mike oh rileyyouve pseen lion king youre coming to psee straz center before pfebruary 14th, you know now, the preal person behind the magic. Ptickets Still Available if you pgo to www. Fox13news. Com. Pwell lenning you to the straz pcenters website, so you can pcome see all of this glory. PCharley Belcher, fox 13 news. P i loved that show by the way pvery good for kids. Pgot to find something to do ptoday not going to very nice poutside. P definitely go to have indoor pactivities for sure. Pweve got more more rain already pmaking its way on shore. Pof today into tomorrow. Plook outside right now, and, pdown across st. Pete beach. Pno rain right now. Pmaybe a little sprinkle or two. Pmainly a lot of low clouds, atchy fog. Pweve had sea fog along the pcoastline. Pand a basically going to way pthings look pretty much for the prest of the afternoon. Pwith some off and on showers. Pskytower radar showing the pheavier rain is now down to our psouth. Pdown in the sarasota county, pdown in cha are lot from punta pgore today almost down to fort pmeyers, and heavier showers, a plittle bit of lightning in this poff coastline. Pnotice motion moving fairly pquickly on towards the north and pthe east. Pweve got that light and some pcases some moderate rain over in pHighlands County down towards pthe lake as well. Pand really, where weve had most pactive weather has been well to pour south. Pweve had a number of tornado pwarning and severe thunderstorm pwarning. Pyou can see much more active pcells down towards collier pcounty moving over west palm pbeach. Pthat tornado dpoun in miami paround 9 oclock this morning. Pmore activity. Pjust because weve got more pheating more moisture to work pwith on that southern end of pthis rain band. Pnow as you work your way into inellas county, hillsborough pcounty, over into polk county pmanually just light rain but pstarting to see more and more of pthis developing. Pso we will see showers pcontinuing that you the pafternoon hours. Poutside right now, were at 68 pdegrees. Pdew points thats certainly come pup 65. Phumidity is currently a 90 ercent. Pthe winds they are out of the peast at 3 miles an hour. Retty much everybody sitting peither upper 60s or low 70s, pthats just simply because weve pgot all the cloud cover. Pweve had showers all that you pthe overnight hours. Pand so everybody pretty much psaturated about a lot of water pin there you see down to our psouth where were seeing a pwarmer temperatures down towards pmarathon and 77. Pmiami is currently 81. Pthen you see hint of some pcooler. Pback across the mississippi. Palabama, the cold front lined up pback in that direction. Ush to bring lot of cold air in pour direction. Pwhat we have done is really pmoistened up the atmosphere. Pabout two days ago we were very pcomfortable with these dew oints running in low 30s very plow humidity. Pnow we worked numbers back up pinto 60s and 70s. Pthats all because of that psoutherly wind that brought all pthe moisture back across the pstate. Pthis is round number one that pmoved through overnight. Pround number 2 working its way pover us. Pmore rain lined up across this pboundary and then out into the pwestern gulf of mexico. Pwe get a little areas of low ressure that form along this pfront. Pthey will work their way every pus a we go through next 24 phours. Pso as these moves through we get plittle impulses of showers and psome thunderstorms. Phere it is on future cast. Pmore rain working its way pthrough here come areas of low ressure. Pby tomorrow, well start to pclear things out as we get into pthe latter part of the day. Pso for today, periods of rain, psome of them could be heavy povernight or daytime high of 72. Pthen for tonight that overnight pfor tomorrow, morning showers, pclearing during later afternoon phours daytime high of 68 pingredients. Pheres the 7 day forecast, by ptime we get into weekend things plook much better, partly cloudy pskies. Pand daytime highs in the upper p60s, linda. Pthanks, jim a young woman is pmaking her dreams come true. Pthe nation chon for world we just got a sneak peek of p wow. Panother super bowl commercial. Pthis one has been 20 years in pthe making. Pits for pokemon games. Roduct actually turns 20 years pold this year. Pthis is the companys first psuper bowl ad apparently they pspent millions of dollars making pit. Pthat doesnt include millions it pcost just to air it. Pso far its getting a lot of pvery positive reviews. P young lady is competing in pworld wide ballet competition pthat could change her life as pkelly ring reports tessa quest pfor greatness is whats right pwith tampa bay. P15yearold Tessa Hartman dances pacross floor with precision and pgrace. Pits different from other pthings. Pits you need to have lot pstrength but have to look good pwhile doing it tessa started pballet dancing four years ago. Pand has become a rising star. Erformances. Pi love performing. Pin class and on stage. P tessas dedication has presulted in an invitation to pcompete at the world most restigious ballet competition pin switzerland. P it gives her a lot of popportunities to choose from if pshe does well shes in favor, pshell basically get to select pwhere she wants to pursue her pcareer, whether in this country por abroad. P tessa is one of four dancers pin the country, who qualify for pthe competition. Pa total of 71 dancers from 19 pdifferent countries were pselected. Pi feel really mattered. Pnervous and excited. Pit discovers on international plevel best and brightest of pstudents who have a trajectory ptowards professional career. P i feel like ive grown a lot pat next generation with good ptraining and teacher and other pstudents. Pher destiny. Pas the next great dancer. P and the competition tessa pwill compete in starts next week pin switzerland. Phow cool is that . P well a gator stopped traffic pthis morning in trinity. Pfox 13 viewer ryan bailey pemailed this video thank you. Phe said it was just pulling out phis neighborhood when traffic pjam happened you can tell cars pjust stopped, waiting watching pfor the gator to cross. P he was, taking his sweet ptime. Pyou want to share that video i osted on my Facebook Page pfollow me at www. Fox13news. Com pshare other videos with me and pmy followers continue the pconversation on twitter, just plook for Linda Hurtado fox. P so we have sh rain out there pand just going to be a kind of a pwet yucky day. Psoccer practice probably pschedule. Pyou summed it up right there. Pradar is showing more of this prain just will continue to work pits way on shore. Pso off and on showers, some of pthem a little bit heavier, but pbasically good soaking across pthe state. Pkind of works it is way tonight pinto tomorrow. Pso well keep rain chances in ptomorrow. Pjust a little bit cooler behind pthe front. Pbut by weekend looks pretty nice pwhere were getting back to more psun and pretty typical ptemperatures with these daytime phighs getting into upper 60s. Pgreat day for gasparilla. Pyes. Pall right. Pnews doesnt end here we will pkeep postulatest all day plus pmore look for more news, weather psports beginning a 5 oclock paccess hollywood is next. Pi hope to see you back with me pnext at 5

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