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Pfor more on the winds and the pweather, lets get get to pmeteorologist jim weber. Phey jim, hello, linda, yes weve pthat severe thunderstorm watch pout for a good portion of pcentral florida. Pbut just the past few minutes, pweve had a lot of our counties pstarting to drop out warning pcitrus pasco also Sumter County phave been eliminated from at pwarning and line continues to pwork it is way on towards the peast. Pso, were were rapding sea a pthreat do strong is portion or peastern Hillsborough County, pjust starting to work its way pover into polk county. Pso over towards plant city, pweve got very heavy rain, some plightning in there, gusty winds. Pweve had a number of reports of pwinds gusting between about 40 pto 45 miles an hour. Pso obviously some pretty strong pwinds in here. Pthats moving down towards pruskin the drive along i75, pfrom about brandon all the way pdown into a Manatee County, some pvery heavy rain. Pon that a southern end of this pwe had some very vigorous pbut at trend has been as this phas been working its way on pshore were seeing that southern pend of this, really starting to pweaken. Pand dissipate. Pbut we still have some moderate prain heading towards venice down ptowards northport in next few pminutes. Pon that northern end, still some pvery strong storms. Pnow working there way over ptowards orlando. Pand also, over on the east coast pwhere we do have a tornado pwarning, thats currently in peffect for new summer in a beach pdoppler radar indicated russell prhodes tornado in this area. Pvery heavy rain in that area. Pand that possibility of a ptornado. Pthis line will continue to work pit is way on towards the east, pyou can see some of the rainfall ptotals weve seen throughout pmorning. Pupwards of one inch of rain. Pand then, were going to shift paway from rain in very gusty pwinds. Pthose will work their way in for pthe this afternoon. Preally, throughout much of pweekend were going to dealing pwith very breezy, very windy pconditions. Pwell talk more about that and pthe cold temperatures coming our pway coming up in a little bit, plinda. Ptampa bay may be spared from the psnow but still having a big pimpact on our travelers. Pnearly every airline is seeing ptoday. Pfox 13s crystal clark has been ptalking to travelers out at tia. Pand she joins us now. Pcrystal i know it has tobacco pfrustrating for people hoping to pget home maybe some hoping to pget away from a this snow. P youre exactly right linda. Pof course traveling itself is palways pretty frustrating you padd in this element to it pcertainly makes a tough start to pthe weekend. Pnow if theres one bright side to pthis, most of the travelers who pflights have been cancelled or pdelayed didnt twaly have to pcome here to t oovment a. Pthey either got alerts through pemail or phone they knew to go pahead and find somewhere here in parea to stay for the night pbecause they wont leaving any ptime soon. Pnow it is estimated that more pthan two thousand flights are pgoing to be cancelled today. Panother 3 thousand tomorrow. Pso this is an affecting a lot of ptravelers. Phowever, here at the airport, pseems like it has been pretty pslow so far this morning. Plook a video we shot today. Pfrom what weve seen most assengers here say they feel retty fortunate because they pflights. Pmany of them were expected to pfly in tomorrow but they said pthey saw the weather, saw what pforecast was calling for they pchances. Pso they went ahead and rebooked ptoday. Pnow right now again, the crowds pseem to be most part fairly pcalm. Panyone we have seen coming to pthe airport has mainly just been pgoing into desk and talking with pflights. Psome of city were seeing paffected in terms of pcancellation as out at t oovment pa mainly flights to raleigh and pchart lot North Carolina area. Panother area that were seeing a pfew cancellations as well is the hiladelphia area. Pand of course, as you can expect pd. C. Pthats one that seems to be hit pthe most so far today in terms pof snow. Pnow by sunday afternoon airlines pare expecting to return to their pnormal full schedule. Pbut the travelers we spoke from pnortheast say their worries parent over just yet once snow pcatch a flight back home the pnext concern is going to be pdriving in that snow to get back pto their houses. Pi did talk to one woman just pmoments ago who stepped off her pflight, she tells me she safely planded here from new york where pthey are expecting up to foot of psnow. Pshe says at the last minute pyesterday thats when she pdecided to change to an earlier pflight. P i was coming from long pisland. Pi was supposed to come tomorrow, pbut then the snow storm heading pthat way. Pand i wanted to get out early pand miss the snow storm. Pi didnt mind being snow bound, pbut we have tickets to go see pthe lion king on sunday. Pi didnt want to miss that. P reporter now shes referring plion king at the straz center pthis weekend. Pof course the a lot of big pcrowds expected for that. Pgood thing thing for her she pwill not have to miss the show. Pairlines are being extremely punderstanding of this. Pmost the Major Airlines were poffering waivers travel waivers pfor passengers this weekend. Pcome in here with a delays ptoday, they are working as prebook. Pone thing to keep in mind fur patraveling out of tia today pagain if youre flight is pcancelled delayed you dont pnecessarily have to come here, pand stand in line in order to prebook a new flight many major pairlines do offer apps you can pdo it straight from your phone. Pfor now live in tampa, crystal pclark, fox 13 news. P anchor good information to pknow thank you, crystal. Psome people in Citrus County palready lost power. Pabout three thousand customers pwere affected this morning crews pworking on getting everyone back pup running coast guard says if pthey plan on boating this pweekend take extra precautions pit will be windy so it might not pbe safe for smaller vessel pdouble check all your safety pequipment dont rely solely oh pancell flown be sure to a file a pfloat plan. Pdownloading skytower radar app pcheck forecast and status of pflights at Tampa International pwww. Fox13news. Com. Pinvestigation out of sulfur psprings in Hillsborough County. Ptampa fire rescue says a house pfire on north ninth street pwasnt arson. Povernight firefighters found pthat home fully involved. Pnow they had it under control in pmere minutes. Pred cross helping two adults and pthree children who are sdi pdisplaced family wasnt home at pthe time of fire no one was hurt pinvest guards say one broke into phouse set fire into bedroom and ptook off appear damage is pestimated 90,000. Panyone with information is asked pto call fire marshals office. Pexcitements is building for pextravaganza. Palong with the beads and pirates pand smiling kids, there will pofficers around working around pthe clock to make sure that you pand your family are safe for pthis event. Pfox 13s Shayla Reeves talked to pmeasures. P the childrens gasparilla arade i coming up on a day on pwhich so many people expected to pcelebrate Authorities Say pcommunication is key. Pthousands of people are expected pright along bay shore boulevard. Ptampa police tell us they are pworking with almost two dozen pagencies, not only local but pstate and federal too. Pchief eric ward says the goal is pfor people to come out, have fun pand go home safely. Phes asking parade goer ares preport anything unusual or any psort of suspicious behavior you pmight see. Phe said look for officers along pthe a parade route wearing pfluorescent vests. Pif you have anything you want to preport those officers will be pdotted there along the route and pavailable for you to speak with. Pwhen it comes to teens if youre pthinkingnk ptolerance policy for under age pdrink thing for those that are pof age were told its okay to pdrink if youre one of those pauthorized areas. Pif you are not in an authorized parea, it could cost you some pmoney. Pwere talking about anything pfrom 75 citation all the way to p 450. Pthese are just some of the pthings youll want to note as pyou plan your day for childrens pgasparilla parade. Pencouraging everyone make sure pyou plan ahead, plan your route. Psome of your normal parking pspots, if youre used to parking pin neighborhoods they may not be pavailable on a day like the pgasparilla childrens parade. Pso make sure that you come up pwith your alternatives ahead of ptime to make sure that your trip pdowntown is a safe one. Preporting here off bay shore pnews. P okay, thank you, shayla. P so heres a closer look at pthe schedule for saturdays irate party. Pit all starts at 11 00 a. M. , pwith a bike Pedestrian Safety prodeo at the corner of bay shore pand rome. Pit is free event where kids can plearn safety tips and even get pfree helmets. Pthen at 1 30 preschool stroll. Pchildren age 5 and younger get pto work in their own parade pusing strollers wagons bikes, pwhatever you bring. Pand just as the stroll ends look pto sky for air invasion it pfeatures precision pair chute pjump from United States special popes jump team and 3 30 a main pit ends a six day will wrap up pwith big fireworks show. Pgasparilla pyrotechnic pextravaganza, that starts at p7 00 p. M. P or, if you just dont want pto battle the crowds traffic or pchilly weather you can enjoy all phome. Pwe are televising tomorrows pstarting a 4 00 p. M. Pyou can tweet us your pictures pfrom the parade using p gasparilla. Pand we have some special pgasparilla guests that will be pwill be joining and they can be paing some questions some have ost on my facebook question plike linda where should we park pbest place to see parade stay ptuned for that we will with try pto get awe your questions panswered new at noon a driver pended up with long list of pcharges after going the wrong pway down the interstate. Pnicole was arrest just before pthree. Psherifoffice said she was ulled over driving south pnorthbound lanes of i75 the pofficer conducted a dui pher. Pshes now facing several charges prelated to drug possession, pdriving on the wrong side of the pdivided highway. Pofficers also took away her plicense because she already had pa dui before this incident. P the parents of a jennifer pkesse are getting the word out pagain about her disappearance. Pten years after she went pmissing. Pshe was last heard from night pbefore she went missing back in p2006. Olice say jennifer left for pwork about 8 oclock in the pmorning on january 24th. Pand was abducted. Pher car was found about a mile paway. Pwhile investigators have had pabout a thousand leads, none phave led to finding jennifer. Pher father drew was in our pstudio earlier this morning and phe says the family is not giving pup hope. P were a strong family. Pobviously, when something this ptragic and heinous happens to psomeone within the family, and pit goes on for the period of ten pyears, its going to have its ptoll on us. Pbut you know wee we bend but we pwill not break. Pjennifer needs us and were pstay strong. Pjennifer actually lived in porlando at the time of her pabduction. Pbut she grew up here in tampa. Pand has friends and family had pthat live here now. Pif you know ig youre asked to pcall Crime Stoppers they are poffering a cash reward. Pa woman is shot inside a movie ptheater. Pjust ahead what police say led pup to this and well check back pin with jim on that storm system pmoving through right now. Jim is continuing to track a pjim its continuing to a track a pline of storms moving through pour area. Pwe will check back with him in pjust a couple of minutes. Pand a traffic reminder if youre pheading out Sunshine Skyway pbridge is closed now. Psee the cars not moving across. Pthey closed it because of high pwinds. Pa 29yearold man is in custody pand a woman in critical pcondition. Pafter a shooting at washington pstate movie theater. Pit happened during show 13 hours psecret sod injuries of benghazi plast night. Pwitnesses heard a loud pop a few pminutes into movie then they saw pa man running for the exit. Pa 40yearold woman was shot in ptorso. Psee was rushed to the hospital. Pshe shes this stable condition pthis afternoon. Pwitnesses say the gunman seemed pdisoriented. P i saw the guy sitting there pkind of mumbling to himself you pcould hear it lout mumble pbecause im in back row i can pstill hear it. Pit action looked like he was robably an intoxicated by way phe was slurring his words. Pmovie wouldnt start. Olice say the suspects father pcalled 911 and said his son had pfled theater in panic. Phis son claims that that gun pwent off by accident after he pdropped it on the floor. Pnot clear yet what dhargs he pmight face. P u. S. Special forces have parrived in iraq to help on pground war against isis. Pthe american troops arrived at pall Asad Air Force base on pwednesday and sent to assist piraqi forces in liberation of pwest anbar from the terror pgroup. Pthe deployment was announce u. S. Pdefense secretary same day they parrived there movie marks an pexpansion of military role in pfight isis which met with mixed preaction inside iraqi pgovernment. Puniversity of virginia student pis being held in a north korean pjail. Pofficials electric there accused phim of a hostile act. Phe was traveling to north korea pwith a tour Group Earlier this pmonth. Phe was detained by north korean olice on january 2nd. Pbut officials Just Announced his parrest today. Pto undermine the countrys pgovernment. Pthey think u. S. Government was pbehind all of it. Pthis isnt the first time the pcountrys detained tourists with psimilar accusations. P a scandinavian airliner made pan Emergency Landing after bomb pscare in the air. Pthe plane was on the way from plondon to stockholm with 72 eople on board. Pand an and after it landed after premote area of an airport. Pair traffic was briefly pinterrupted, police launched an pinvestigation into into this pincident. Pwinter storm heading east made punder the circumstances way pthrough North Carolina. Pthe charlotte area got few pinches this morning. Pfolks preparing for icy roads pand possible Power Outages as pthat storm continues. Psome schools are actually pclosed. Pblizzard warn things are in peffect all way from arkansas up pto new york. Pand we want to give you another plook at the Sunshine Skyway pbridge as weve reporting bridge pis closed due to high winds we pwill keep you updated on that. P so jim joins us now we were ptalking during break jim this pline is actually weakening. Pseeing a lot of trend this is pweakening. Pespecially on that southern end pof the front, really watching it pkind of fall apart a this point. Pwe will continue to watch as we pgo through the afternoon. Pbut as you look at the radar pright now you can see that poverall view, we still have that psevere thunderstorm watch out. Pthat still include hillsborough pcounty, polk county manatee, psarasota. Pand then on to our east. Pbut you can see this line, it phas been really weakening over pthe past half an hour or so. Pbecause of strong storms right pthrough here into central polk pcounty, just worked it is way pthrough lakeland. Olk county city, heading over ptowards winter haven as well. Pthen stretching back down into psoutheastern hillsborough pcounty. Pkind of racing on towards the peast right now. Pthat southern end, as i said, pwas looking pretty impressive pout into the gulf of mexico. Pbut as it made its way on shore, preally starting to weaken. Pso it just some scattered light pshowers into manatee and psarasota. Psome lightly heavier rain into pextreme southern sarasota. Pdown towards Venice Northport pminutes. Pthen as we look further on ptowards the north still have psome active weather through pnorthern polk county heading pover towards orlando. Pin fact had that Tornado Warning pfor a time with that one cell pover in Volusia County working pwaits i over near new smyrna pbeach as that cell moved out pinto atlantic. Pwe will continue to see storms pworking there way on from weston ptoward the east ten to weaken pover the next couple of hours. Ptemperatures, they are mild pright now. Phere in tampa were at 63 pdegrees. Pbrandon has a 66. Pwesley chapel currently at 67 pdegrees. Pbrooksville youre at 66. Peven down to our south, ptemperatures primarily sitting pin the mid 60s. Pbreezy conditions. Pespecially as you look at storms pon other side of the state. Pbut down towards sarasota, winds pare coming up out of the south p18 miles per hour. Pten miles an hour over in st. Etersburg. Pwere seeing winds gusting 30, p35 miles an hour. Pwe had a couple of reports of pwinds gusting up to about 45 pmiles an hour. Pbut now that this activity is pstarting to weaken you can see pthree oh lakeland strongest ortion just moved through you pcan see winds gusting up to pabout 29 miles an hour. Pso, theres that yellow box pindicating severe thunderstorm pwatch. Pa lot of rain across the psouthern part of the state. Pthen weve talking about this pfor days now. Pis that system that would work punder the circumstances way pacross the country, bring us the pweather, the severe storms or otential for those severe pstorms and then the large area pof sleet, freezing rain, and a psnow. Pwhich would work it is way pthrough kentucky, tennessee over ptowards carolina up towards pvirginia and over into pwashington d. C. Pso they are getting set to preally see that snow work it is pway in. Pthrough the weekend, as this pcontinues to work under the pcircumstances way on towards the peast, a lot of snow kind of pspread up towards the northeast. Ennsylvania, new york city. Pcould see between 8 and some pcases maybe up to 12 inches of psnow. Pbut the hardest hit portions of pthis will be through north pcarolina, virginia, up in ptowards baltimore, some models pare indicating over two feet of psnow. Pwhich we saw just the other day, pjust a little dusting, a little pinch of snow across d. C. What pkind of problems that caused. Pso certainly had to really jump pahead of this system and have pany hope. Pwatch that area of low pressure. Pthat will continue to work its pway on towards the east. Pstill have maybe a couple of plight showers for tomorrow. Pbut the big thing will be the pwindy weather and temperatures, pthey will basically sitting in pthe mid 50s as we go through the pday. Psee it either Holding Steady or pslowly falling as we go through pthe afternoon for tomorrow. Pso our forecast goes like this pfor are today watching these pstorms working there way across pthe state. Pdaytime high about 69 degrees. Pthen for tonight, windy, couple pleft over showers, overnight low pof 51. Pweather, maybe a little sprinkle pmixed in there as well. Pdaytime high probably coming pearly in the day as 55 degrees. Phigh tide is 2 41 this pafternoon. Pthe extended marine forecast, pnot a good boating weekend at pall. Pyou see winds of 25 knots. Pand seas building up to about 10 pfeet over the weekend. Pheres at 7 day forecast, after pwe get the rain out of here much pcooler temperatures work their pway in for the weekend. Pthank you, jim. Pso youve heard of rounding up pthis in one case a police h p theres a celebration of plife today for a woman who pdevoted her life to helping the pvictims of domestic violence. Plinda osmond son was an pthrough june of last year. Pher work likely saved thousands pof lives and improved lives of pten of thousands of more in bay parea. Pcasa says one of her most pendaughtering legacies what a pcreation of new domestic pviolence shelter which opened pits doors in 2015. Ptodays memorial will be held at pthe palladium theater at p2 00 p. M. Pand the entire community is pinvited. P recently Health Officials pannounce ad local case of zika pvirus. Pthey believe a hillsborough pcounty woman got it last month pwhile in venezuela. Pthere are two other confirmed pkasdz of it in miamidade pcounty. Pthe zika virus is spread when pmosquito bites an infected erson and bites someone else pcenters for Disease Control is pworking to monitor virus ptransmission. Ptheyve added several pdestinations to zika virus ptravel alerts. Pwe have Crime Fighting dogs in pnew zealand. Pthere are Crime Fighting sheep. Pno kidding. Olice tried to pull over to not psped off in a high speed chase pbegan. Pofficers put down road spikes, pflattened one of the tires but pthat didnt stop the driver. Phowever, a flock of sheep did. Pthe chase lasted about 90 pminutes. Pbut the crime sxree ended with a pflock of sheep. Pa farmer was herding animals pacross the road forcing that pdriver on the run, to come to a phalt. Pfour people were finally parrested. P, none of the sheep were hurt. P two big stars just got pengaged. Pand they antithe only ones. Lus disney meets dali. Pa new exhibit you can check out pand its not very far away. Pstorms continue to move through pthe area we will check back in p moving through right now. And because of high winds from p storms are moving through pright now because of high winds pfrom those storms. Plets check back in with pmeteorologist jim weber. Pand jim, i understand that this pline is weakening. Pbut what do people still need to pbe concerned about . Pis it the wind . Pyeah, you know we will dealing pwith some wind in this also pbehind this as we go through ptonight into tomorrow, thats pwell behind us just a windy pweather. Pbut right now you can really see pits been weaken thing so that pthreat really started to rapidly padminic across hillsborough pcounty. Prain is nearly done. Pso basically your threat is over pacross Hillsborough County. Peven into polk county you can psee how much weaker this has pbeen as we weve gone through pthis loop here probably in the ast half an hour. Pyouve seen substantial pweakening of this. Pstill heavy rain across i4 pheading over towards orlando pstretching down towards pwinterhaven into bartow. Pso theres still that threat of pmaybe gusty winds. Pi dont think they are pbut you can certainly see pstronger gusts in there as well. Pdown into Manatee County just pscattered showers into sarasota. Ponce you get into a southern psarasota county, we do have some pslightly stronger storms working pthere way on shore down towards pnorthport. Pwork their way on toth pnortheast. Pover towards Desoto County you pwill see some of that moving pinto your direction. Pthen the drive along i4, pheading over towards orlando. Psome heaven rain, once you get pover towards say about haines pcity, and then all the way into porlando. Pwe had that one Tornado Warning pup towards New Smyrna Beach. Pthat has since been cancelled. Pthey are just dealing with some pmoderate to heavy rain in some pcases. Pwell continue to watch the pradar, well talk about that pcolder weather heading in our pdirection coming up in just a plittle bit. Plinda. Pthank you, jim. President s on east coast are pbracing for that major snow. Pnation capital expected to get phit hard. Eter doocy in washington with pmore on that story. P it could be big. Peast coast has the potential to pslam the area. Pone to three inches of snow an phour could fall for a day or pmore. Pmy birthday is on sunday. Pabout two months ago my wife pasked me what id like for a my pbirthday i said two foot snow pstorm. Pthis snow storm is actually ossibly my fault. P24 inches snow may come down phere in washington. Pnations capital said to be bulls peye of storm just days after an pinch of snow caused major ptraffic issues for the city. Pwe see this as a major storm. Pit has life and death pimplications in all the president s of district of pcolumbia should treat it that pway. P schools, subway system and at pfederal government all shutting pdown, and folks hit stores to repare to hunker down for a few pdays. P ive gotten the ice melt, i phave the shovel. Pi have the brownie mix. Pi have the bread. Pi have the milk. Pi have a little bit of wine for pmommy. Pones in a storms path new york pand philadelphia also expected pto get hit with major snowfall. Pbut, people in keystone state pseem to be hoping the weather asses them by. Psometimes they get it right psometimes they get it wrong. Pyoure not convinced yet. Pim not convinced hopefully just pgot overhyped overblown. Pmore than 50 Million People pcould affected by storm it has otential to cause more than p 8 billion worth of damage. Eer eer fox news aget weather palerdz by downloading skytower pradar app and check forecast a pstatus flights by going to pwww. Fox13news. Com. P Rising Oil Prices gives wall pstreet a boost. Plauren simonetti has this and pmore in todays midday market preport. P oil making a come back and pgiving stocks a much needed pboost. Pcrude oil jumping back above 30 pearlier this week. Pat least 20 states cover bid a pwinter storm watch from new york pall the way to arkansas. Pwashington d. C. Residents pbracing for up to two feet of psnow before its all done. Pthousands of flights have been pcancelled friday and this pweekend. Pand cities along the i 95 pcorridor have begun preparing pfor the worst. P relax, yep, thats the pmessage from j. P. Morgan to 2000 pinvestment bankers. Art of new initiative called encils down bank is encouraging pbankers to take weekend off ending a breaking deal and also pspeeds up promotions. Pfacebook is jumping into sports pwith a new platform called pfacebook sports stadium. Pit will connect fans with real ptime updates on games, agency pwell a popular posts from fans, pstatistics, and even expert pcommentary. Pup to now twitter has been opular destination for all of pthis facebook sports stadium pwill debut with nfls conference pchampionship games and then the psuper bowl. Pthats business. Pin new york im lauren psimonetti. P they were friends. Pbut there was that one time walt pdisney actually had to fire psalvador dali. Pthat and didnt end their pfriendship just one stories pembedded dalis museum latest pexhibit it title architects of pimagination because disney and pdali were very influential in ptheir different ways. Pfox 13 Steve Nichols shows us phow this exhibit takes people pinto the world of virtual preality. P most people find salvador pdali surrealistic a bit mind pblowing. Pnow put on Virtual Reality pgoggles and take a trip inside pone of those pieces. Pjust by moving your head. Pwhoa. Pthese were artists that reached pfor the future. Pso we thought it was appropriate pthat we reach as well into the pfuture. Pthe Virtual Reality stations pcome at the end of dali museums pnext exhibition featuring dali pand his friend walt disney. Pboth were self promoters forward pmath and pushed different art pforms to new levels. Pdisney created new ways of pmaking animation. Pdali experimented with art. Pthe Disney Studio even had a pschool for artists. Pmany of european. Phe wants innovators to be born pout and most significant in pchanging transforming animation. Pwhich makes him very receptive pto ideas at that dali brings to pthe table. Pdisney hired dali to make a pshort film. Pa year and a half into the roject were talking a 7 minute pfilm here, a baseball pitcher pwandered into the script. Pwalt disney shut the project pdown. Pdali loved baseball. Pand i ink disney loved baseball pbut its was the wrong time for panything that wasnt just pcompleting the project. Pbut they remained friends and pcontinued work that still pinfluences the arts. Pwere told idea for this show pdates back 25 years. Pfiguring out how to tell such a pstory. Pdisney and dali architects of pthe imagination runs through mid pjune . Pst. Petersburg, Steve Nichols, pfox 13 news. P by the way that short film pwas finally finished in 2003. P58 years after the first pdrawings were created. Pand we put the link where you pcan watch it on our website, pwww. Fox13news. Com. Pall you have to do is click on pseen on tv. P an um could have stars have ut a ring on it or should we psay back on miley pbillionaire boyfriend james pbut its her ring that everyone pis really talking about. Pdo we have a picture of that . Pyeah. Pthe ring is show stopping pmassive 35 karats. Pthey met in aspen and went ublic with relationship last pseptember. Pthis will be mariah third pmarriage. Pforce can be a wut or a price. Pa rare gun used a prop in poriginal star wars filmses set pto be put up for auction begun pwas used by mark hamill in pempire strikes back fiberglass pgun has original feature and pfunctions however it wasnt made pto fire. Pwhich made it lighter for those pnonfight scenes in the film. Pblaster will be put up for pminimum bid of what would you pguess . Pminimum bid is 200,000. Pand that happens on pjanuary 28th. Irates will be taking over bay pshore boulevard tomorrow for the pgarz childrens parade. Pa few of those swash bucklers wow. The internet is crazy fast here. I know, right . Its so nice to have everyone over. Hi hey. Mmm. I just laid an egg. Does anybody want it . Joey, you want some gasoline . Yes, please. Mom, guess what . I married a clown and were having tiny little clown babies. Mhm. I just bought a hammer. With internet fast enough for everyone, your guests might get a bit carried away. The coordinators along with one of joining us now. Couple of pirates we have a pged get ready for pirate pinvasion gasparilla childrens arade is taking over a south ptampa bay shore boulevard ptomorrow along with our fox 13 pcrew and whole lot swash pbucklers. Pwe have a couple pirates joining pus right now from mystic krewe. Pthis is lb right here. Pwe also have daryl with at group pthat is putting it together. Pso lets start with you. Pwhat can we expect for ptomorrows big parade besides pthe cool weather . Pwell were going to have breezy pconditions we understand were repared for going to great day pout on bay shore. Plots of children lots of pfamilies and great alcohol free pevent. Pwere expecting a great crowd. Pwere stressing that alcohol pfree. Pthis is for the kids. Phow many floats we have a little pover 104 floats and units in the arade this year. Pand we actually believe it or pnot have over ten thousand articipants in the parade pitself. Pits a massive producing. Pbut you know, ten thousand eople coming up street throwing pbeads a lot of treasure to share pwith everybody. Pso its going to be great thing. Pyeah, it is. Plets talk good the new float. Pdont you guys have something pmagical majestic however you pwant to describe it . Pwe do. Psecrets. Pvery impressive for childrens arade. Prumor has Shannon Magrane will pbe singing on front of it on arade route. Pwere excited to see it tomorrow pidol is on again just fitting pshe will singing for us. Pof course. Pso lot of people that have been pasking me questions on my pfacebooking page they all want pi mean thats always the big pthing, right do you have any psuggestions maybe you, daryl pmight have suggestion. Pwe dont want people to park in pthe neighborhoods. Ptheres a traffic and parking lan that goes into place. Pand we want to make sure they pdont get their toe their pvehicle towed in wrong place. Pwe do have shuttle operating pfrom downtown tampa tomorrow. Pfamily shuttle. Pits 10 for adults kids ride pfree. Pa great way to park down and pride come u crosstown expressway pat the start of the parade and pthats a round trip situation. Pgood way to deal with a plenty pof parking i get whats best and pif you see pictures of parade, pand kids. Preally. Paround howard. Pwe have some sound system in lace for not only the and a use pwith a. Pafter show. Pand we can get within hearing pvolume distance of that speakers pthat are out there, thats place pto see. Pgreat thank you so much thank pyou for coming by im dying to psee your new floats. Pall right. Peven drink. Pthey dont. Pthats great. Peven pirates dont drink. Pso you can also watch this arade from home catch live pcoverage of gasparilla pchildrens parade and fireworks ptomorrow. Pstarting 4 00 p. M. Pright here on fox 13. Pand you can tweet us your p gasparilla. Plets take live look outside. Phave another check on your p hey everybody im charley pbelcher coming to you from a phenderson boulevard today. P3815 henderson boulevard to be pexact. Psouth tampa. Phome of heads flags theyve been ptonys grandfather kind pgovernment into the business he pwas in ybor city at the time. Pyes, he was 1923 hes seven. Pi could give you that address ptheres the original sign. Pright up there. Phow do you get a Flag Business . Phe was, hes been around in this art in these parts selling pstuff forever hasnt he . Pyeah he had gotten out insurance pbusiness at the time and was plooking for something to do. Pworking for his brother in flea pmarket he came across a box of pflag and people questioned for pthis flag or that florida he pdidnt have. Phe investigated tampa to see if panyone was selling them. Pfound out there wasnt he saw pthe niche and started building pinventory. P he, you lost him, actually pfairly recently, right . P just before, right before pchristmas we had to celebration pof life last saturday. Pthats anythings. Pgood for you to intrit him and phis legacy lives on in these pflags. Pand flags that fly all over the ptampa bay area. Pin fact, one of your biggest pclaims to flame was one buc lace. Pdefinitely a feather in cap. Plarges nonu. S. Flag flying in pcountry . P yes. Pi think thats pretty cool. Pit is cool. Lus a really cool flag to see pwhen wind is going over a 1 buc pit is pretty cool. Pyou have just about any, you phave every nation every state, pif its got a flag pwe have every state nation, we ptry to have historical flags, co try p this time of year all about pgasparilla and tampa, of course. Ptampa bay area. Pyou see all kinds of flags pespecially south tampa. Pyoure pretty much guy behind pall of those flags. Pyes we get our fair share, pthats for sure. Pyou do your own design and an peither made in this area have pthem made elsewhere it depends pon design we can to turn around pcustom flags in one or two days pif need be. Pwe do lots of custom flags. Pwhat is your most requested pflag . P the u. S. Flag. P thats good to know right phere a little baby one right phere. Pand i would assume after events plike 9 11, as trajics as it is pthats when sales go up when pever we start feeling patriotic pamerican flags go up. Palso a constant flow for you pthroughout year. Pyes, a constant, 9 11 was huge. Pand lots of people continue to pcare start flying flag at 9 11 pand continued after 9 11. Pback. Pand anyoned that buys s anyone pthat bias flag it might wreck pthis flag. Pany flag purchase here we will a prepair free charge some my pcustomers arent you just pay preturn freight. Pit nice to know an Old Fashioned pthing not digital no screen no pbuttons people still like flying pflags. POld Fashioned it has an it old pfashioned way my grandfather ptaught me. Pi will leave you with look at pknown what it looked like after pseeing it, i, i dont know if pive ever seen it before. Pthat is the official city of ptampa flag. P yes, it is. Pwith all sorts of different pinfluences from spain and cuba, pand italy and the u. S. Flag all pin one. Pthere you go. Pif you need one of these or any pflag that flies anywhere, good lace to check out first pespecially if youre getting pready for gasparilla which i a pcity of tampa tradition. Pcharley belcher fox 13 news. P so jim i think we have good pnews to tell all the people pwatching at home. Pthat line is waning. Pgoing to be out of here i pimagine pretty soon. P yeah quickly working its way pon towards the east we noticed pthat trend here over past hour, pit is a worked its way across pthe eastern Hillsborough County pinto polk county. Pstill have some storms. Pbut weakening quite a bit. Pthrough he see on skytower radar pthats whats left. Ptechnically we still have at pfor Hillsborough Polk county and pdown to our south. Pbut, basically sue you see rain pcounty. Pthe threat is gone. Pbut we still have some storms pover into polk county. Pbut as you watch the trend, pwatch the beginning of the loop, pweve got stronger storms right pthere. Pthen as it pushes on towards the peast you can see how much that phas weakened in just the past phalf an hour still have heavy prain in between bartow and lake pwales over in extreme eastern olk county moving over towards porlando. Pand then just some lighter pshowers across i4. Pdown to our south, really pstarting to see lot of this pbreaking apart. Pbut over the past few minutes, pwatching another little band of psome showers kind of predeveloping in, so over towards pbradenton down towards sarasota pyoull see some light to pmoderate rain. Pheavier showers now pushing over ptowards arcadia as well. Pyou might see some gusts and psome of those down towards parcadia. Pthat light to some cases psome heavier storms over towards porlando. Pwe had that one Tornado Warning pover towards New Smyrna Beach pjust before noon. Pthat moved off shore. Pthat warning was cancelled. Pno confirmation of any tornado ptouchdown with that cell. P65 degrees here in tampa right pnow. Pwesley chapel youre 66. Pdown in bradenton 67. Psarasota 66 degrees. Retty much everybody basically pjust sitting in the mid 60s. Pa little breezy as you move down pto our south. Pbartow 17 miles an hour. Psarasota, winds are out psouthwest at 16. Pclearwater 12 miles an hour. Pweve had some gusts across the parea, but right now you see only pwind gusts being reported is pover towards lakeland. Pbut as this low continues to pcrank up and work its way away pfrom us we will get that raid penstrong wind flow flow with pstrong area of low pressure. Phigh pressure building in. Pso windy weather will move in ptonight and into tomorrow. Pis way away from us on that pmorning they are dealing with pheavy snow ping shade freezing prain portions of south and north pcarolina. Pall snow once you get into pvirginia baltimore west pvirginia, southern ohio, into pkentucky. Ptennessee. Pthis low will continue to track pon towards the northeast. Pthen bring a lot of snow along pthe coastlines very gusty winds pas well. Plooking for some winds gusting pupwards of 50 miles an hour. Plots of cold air on that pnorthern side of the front. Pchicagos at 27. Pnashville 28 degrees columbus pcurrently at 26 degrees. Pso future cast shows that low pworking its way on towards the pnorth. Pyou can see all the snow along pthat front and then the colder pwindy weather moves in for us pfor tomorrow. Pstill can see a couple showers paround as we go through the pafternoon tomorrow. Phigh pressure will build in. Pso we will clear out skies by ptomorrow night. Pbut were getting set for very pcouple of days. Psnowfall totals in this area, pyou can see 16 to 24 inches of psnow up towards ballot nor into pd. C. Pthen could see over two feet of psnow. Pim going to lose my voice here. Pwe will try to make it. P69 degrees with showers moving pthrough. Pthen for tonight windy weather povernight low of 51 degrees. Pfor tomorrow, 55 very windy pconditions. Ptemperatures will be falling as pwe go through day. Psevenday forecast notice much pcooler temperatures moving in ready for mardi gras celebrations. And the parade that rolls first on fat tuesday will have a new look. They unveiled about a dozen newlypainted and refurbished floats. One of them is a new, permanent float honoring louis armstrong. 3 lindacg3 you can watch gasparilla childrens parade from home tomorrow. You can catch live coverage of the gasparilla childrens parade and fireworks tomorrow starting at four pm. Right here on fox 13. And you can tweet us your pictures on parade day using the hashtag gasparilla. 3 lindafdot cam we want to give you an update on the Sunshine Skyway bridge. The bridge has reopened. Officials shut it down due to high winds. 3 the news doesnt end here. Well keep posting the latest all day on fox13news. Com. Twitter and facebook. 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