Vital opportunity for them to try to swing voters and do it without donald trump present. Our Political Editor joy lanes us live from the mollen. Reporter he could. Reporter he could lose a couple points, his supporters are locked in for him. There was an opportunity for ted cruz to break through but it reasons. Ted cruz was prepared and given a soft ball over the plate, asked to scold donald trump for triggered some blues in the audience. The last four questions have been pleased attack ted, Martha Coakley tak said it, jeb please attack ted. It is a debate. It debate is a policy issue. I will say this. If you ask one more mean question i may have to leave the stage. Reporter some applause mixed in as well. Pulte ted cruz canada and other candidates were prepared with quips about donald trump but because a lot of people were expecting it or because it was kerri easy and they kept coming back to the same come back it was not as effective and not as effective tonight for ted cruz going after the moderators as it was in previous debates perhaps in part because he had gone there once before. Conflict on donald trump but i would say it would be contained probably to the state of iowa and not enough for Significant Movement in the polls. Chris we cracked a lot of substance from some of the canddates. Are you prepared to declare a winner for tonights debate . Reporter i am prepared to declare a candidate who did better than we have seen in the past and that is jeb bush. Without donald trump on stage he was able to deflect some attacks against him and able to focus on issues, particularly he called for a more welcoming tone of those seeking to come here. He was at one point, when he did deflect questions he did so, a question about wounded Veterans Charities which is interesting given the fundraiser a crosstown for wounded veterans the deflected it to specifically problems at the va which is a hotbutton issue in the republican ranks. We saw a slow gradual quiet his debate and it is interesting to think what this race would have been like without donald trump all along because jeb bush was able to rise from the rest of the pack of little more. He did not hit a grand slam but we saw him stronger, former governor jeb bush that we have seen in prior debate and that could help little bit. Not so much in iowa but perhaps New Hampshire. Chris you are an hour behind on central time so rest of. Reporter i will, thank you. Chris donald trump angry about his feud over fox news, megyn kelly the moderator again, donald trump held his own event at the same time as the debate and a few miles away from it and as promised the front runner turned the rally into a fund raiser for veterans and already raised millions of dollars and is donating from his bank account. Trump says his knack for making money will benefit the country. I dont feel good about turning down money because my whole life, greedy, a grab all the money i could get, i am so greedy but now i want to be greedy for the united states, grab all that money. Greedy for the united states. Ibly3 thousands of people turned up for the rally including two of trumps opponents, Mike Huckabee and rick santorum. On democratic side there appears to be an agreement among the candidates to add more debate to their schedule. Hillary clinton said she would not debate Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire but she did not specify whether she would commit to three more debates sanders is calling for. Clinton, sanders and Martin Omalley wont face off again until february 11th. Stay with fox 13 for any political developments. Craig patrick spending will begin iowa tracking the candidates, he will bring us edition of moneyin iowa tracking the candidates, he will bring us live coverage and it live edition of money power politics that a night. A Second Chance for medical marijuana. The group has enough certified signatures to get the issue on the upcoming ballot in november. We have been following this story since 2014 and joins us live in the control room with more. Un our viewers think back to 2014. Medicalyou and our viewers think back to 2014. Medical marijuana got more yes votes that rick scott but if pack fell short of the 60 needed to pass. In 2016 the time is right. Dont let it come. Stop it. Reporter medical marijuana may be a matter of life or death for him seizures like this one are a daily occurrence. Is okay. That could be your child. That could be your loved one. Imagine if it was, what would you do . Reporter what she has done is fine. He became an outspoken voice for medical marijuana in florida confounding a group of moms. We came together to fight for our children but not just hours, everyone elses children and all those in need of this medicine. Reporter she is confident 2016 is the year florida will blowing 20 other join 20 other states that allow medicinal cannabis. In 2014 it came up less than 3 shy of the needed 60 has been received more votes than either candidate for governor. For the money i am putting return on philanthropic investment i will never get anything like it in my life. Millions of people for the rest of my life, it is important because i have seen it, i know it works. It is going to take compassion and an open mind and heart because people are suffering. Reporter people like her son brandon. We wont wet down those who are suffering. I wontlet down those who are suffering. I wont let down my son. Reporter weve reached out to some who oppose the measure, pam bondi said the proposed constitutional amendment is in the hands of florida voters. We encourage each voter to read the full dimension carefully. As for the Florida Sheriffs Association has no opinion at this time but plans to discuss the amendment at its winter conference next week. Chris we will see what the voters say. The porche of tampa is open after sea fog closed it down for the entire day. The carnival paradise was one of the cruise ships unable to dock because of the fog. Live at the port, where is the ship now and where is the fog . Reporter right now the fog had lifted and the boat as you can see, carnival paradise is right behind me. 9 42 carnival paradise dr. Here ocked here at porche number 3 at the port of tampa bay. Most oft number 3 at the port of tampa bay. Most of the passengers have different barked disembarked. This was as they waited on the other side of the sky way to come back in. 8 00 this morning but did not get back until 9 30 tonight, 13 hour delay forcing carnival to delay the sailing tomorrow meaning new passengers will have to spend the night in tampa in their hotel rooms. This cruise tomorrow will not make any stops. Is going to be a cruise to nowhere but also a day shorter. They treated as good the whole time. We couldnt ask for a better time. No one can predict the weather. We are disappointed but what can we do . There is nothing we can do about it. Reporter passengers will be offered a 50 refund on this cruise and a future trip at half price. The boat is going to be boarding tomorrow at noon and will set sail for the, quote, cruise to nowhere at 4 00 and there were a dozen other boats in the area of fog but they have been allowed back in port. Ibly3 week chris we are glad to have them. Thanks. Chris we are glad to have them. Thanks. Knew tonight saying the police went your help identifying a man who set fire to this as you the on fifteenth avenue north, he was wearing a purple jacket and carrying a keyboard. Police say he plays an accelerant inside the gas tank. It caused this small fire in the back of the vehicle and it did cause damage. Anything about this case or you think you know who that man was you can call a st. Pete Police Department who will take your information. Developing tonight investigators are trumpeting how well and amber alert worked to locate missing mother and her two children. Police believe those kids were in danger. Georgia state line got the alert on their phone, spotted the moms car and called daddies leading to the safe recovery of gigi urlichwoodard and her children, 5yearold Dorian Sandhu and 4yearold frederick sandhu. Police station to close kids from her parents with legal custody. The mom doesnt have custody with the family had not been heard from for hours and the mom made threatening statements according to police. This case was textbook in how it was supposed to end. We put out the amber alert. People found out about these missing kids and it worked. We were able to locate them. Reporter charges for abducting her children are pending. Coming up a reminder that it doesnt matter your age or your size, anyone can make a difference. Making a huge impact for us today. Also showing us that our country, our community, we have great leaders. Reporter a lot of praise 8yearold girl. How she turned her Small Business into big money for the department but first a Space Shuttle tragedy 30 years later. Hard to believe. You will see how the family of one of the challenger victims describes the disastrous day. We are itching for a weather change and it is coming behind through tonight. We mourn seven heroes, michael smith, at dick scobee, judy resnik, ronald mcnair, ellison onizuka, Gregory Jarvis president Ronald Reagan 30 years ago tonight, he was supposed to deliver his state of the Union Address the six hours earlier something tragic happened in florida and the nation needed comfort. Today marks 30 years since the Space Shuttle challenger exploded killing six astronauts and a teacher from New Hampshire, Christa Mcauliffe was going to be the first civilian and First Teacher in space. Challenger was going to deliver tracking and data satellite to orbit with 73 seconds after takeoff from Cape Canaveral a rocket failed and challenger broke apart in front of a confused crowd of onlookers that included the astronautss families. The son of commander dick scobee spoke to was earlier today. That was a tough day even though it was 30 years ago it seems like it just happened, fresh in our memories. I would say anybody who has lost somebody knows what it is likely ours was just very public and we shared it with the nation. Reporter nasa determined design flaw in one of the rocket boosters caused the challenger explosion that led to changes not only in engineers design for future missions but also within nasas culture. Our dogs will be safer because of you. The community will be safer because of you. Chris that is the sheriff thanking an 8yearold, sophia. Most kids are bidding with video games or homework, she held for lake heroes. She turned her Lemonade Stand into a fundraiser for the sheriffs departments k9s, she race 2,400. That is a lot of lemonade. It will go toward purchasing kevlar vests, bulletproof vests for those k9s. A huge impact for us today but also showing the s our country, our community has great leaders for the future. The need is absolutely great because our k9 unit is expanding. Situation out there and we need to hunt people down. I am excited i am raising money for something i care about. Reporter each of these bulletproof vests like they are for deputies, the money sophia race is enough to buy three of them. Those tests are expensive, 2,400 buys three of them. Taxpayers of pasco county should be thanking her as well because the money has to come from somewhere. They should name one of those odds sophia. Chris they are probably used to responding to Something Else which may be a puppy in the future. Changes on the way, clouds and rain for two days in a row. Chris will the sunshine come back . Looks good tomorrow and for weekend. That is the view outside. That is not good at all. We put this into motion and it stays this way for most of the once in awhile the overcast lifted up a little bit. That is the view and this is something you would see in seattle in march, low clouds and rain coming, is a stock front, moisture riding along the front. Late in the date we have hints of sunshine, a break in the overcast but now all we have left is showers moving towards sarasota and fort myers. Could rain again in fort myers and they had for the month almost a foot of racine, by far the wettest month on record. January record in fort myers, the rain in orlando coming to an end. That is it for this go around. Forecast is pretty straight forward. The dry air is over us. When i came back from my dinner break i saw breaks in the overcast, the dry air will sweep and on the backside. The jet stream will stay in play, the last simples going by tonight. Once that goes by the door is open for clear skies but dont forget during an el nino year it is tough to get more than a day or two of completely sunny skies, clouds and a come back sunday and monday. Another cold front arrives wednesday. Temperatures around this date, 40s western panhandle, 50s and 60s in the bay area, dew points dropping, that is the airmass coming our we later tonight and tomorrow, sunshine, breezy and cool as we stay in the 60s, winds picking up on the backside of the front, 8 miles an hour in tampa, 12 miles an hour in sarasota, winds nw, air 59. Cold front moves away, besides that the southeast is pretty quiet as High Pressure dominates, lake effect snow in the northeast, chicago 30, bristol 27, raleigh 39, nashville 46. Future cast as the rain gone, sunshine tomorrow, looks good saturday with more sunshine and light wind. By sunday and monday as winds turnaround the front, the high, we will see clouds returning as warm air tries to come back, a few showers on monday. Dry air moves in. If you are thinking, the forecast looks good, lots of sunshine throughout the day, winds should be like, a cool day especially on water, 53 at 9 00 a. M. Temperatures in the mid 60s. Forecast tonight simple, clear and cooler, down to 50, sunshine breezy and cool, mid 60s. Saturday sunny and the legal, 69, rain chances on the seven day a little bit on monday as moisture returns on the backside of the high and we could see more significant rain wednesday with a cold front turning dramatically colder thursday and friday. Chris invasion time saturday. Invasions are easier to accept when you know they are coming and there is a big party afterward. At nearly 57 years old. Barbie is getting a makeover. To your left is the original doll. Chris 57 years old barbie is getting a makeover. To your left is the original barbie doll introduced in 1959 and to your right is the new kirby barbie doll, one of 33 models on the market. Mattel says it has been looking for ways to revive sales after they fell 4 last quarter. Strait the answer. Barbie will be sold with two new body types and will also be available in seven different skin types, 22 iconic as. Explained that, how you can have 22 i colors and 24 darren stiles. The company is hoping more kids will relate to the new dolls. The reaction is overwhelmingly positive. We are not 1sizefitsall country or world. It is about customization. Barbie is not the only to avoid becoming more attuned to the times, lego is introducing new characters in response to an online campaign. This summer lego will release its first wheelchair figure. The tool was spotted at the toy fair this week, nuremberg toy fair. Cool it like me collected 20,000 signatures urging companies to create toys that represent kids with disabilities. This one will go on sale in june. Here we are, the love story of 1978 america fell in love with and now greece is coming to fox as a live musical movie. With less than three days until the show imagine the cast and crew are pretty busy. There are a lot of rehearsals going on as the cast prepares for sundays three our live show on fox and the stars say this production is in electrifying. There is hit after hit after hit and the second thing is it is a universal story that is relevant to today. It is about people trying to fit in. Introducing everybody to the next generation, introducing to generations more seasoned that had grown up with it. The format we are doing essentially reviving the show is incredible and we are honored to be part of that. The music is fantastic and every one is a sucker for a good girl gone bad and that is what the story is about. Reporter the only breaks for this group will be during commercials as the cast make a quick changes for their next scenes. Three minutes and 15 seconds to get to the stage changed and the camera is rolling on. A three our production with no intermission and who are we kidding . It is hard but you know what . Have as much offcamera to coordinate as we do on camera to get to the next scene. The golf cart. So many hit songs there may be a little jealousy on set as to who gets to belt out those famous shoebox. I want to sing hopelessly devoted the i want to see magic changes. His voice is unbelievable. The song is so dope i am not jealous. Just a little bit jealous. Reporter in hollywood, fox news. Chris i would want to sing summer love if i could sing at all. We will watch to see how it goes. It will be a fun production, a good one. We go. Coming up in sports the last of the buccaneers coaching hire less spring training at the it look, i know youre a cow and all. And you may not know what im talking about, but, uh. The yogurt made from your milk, is delicious

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