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Veterans. On behalf of the vets the press should be ashamed of themselv themselves. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on the latest controversies and violent protests at trump rallies. Plus House Speaker paul ryan finally backs trump. My goal is to make sure that were unified so that we can actually win the election. Well ask our sunday group if his endorsement matters and about the continued conservative push for a trump alternative. All right now on Fox News Sunday. And hello again from fox news in washington. The november election still five months away and we wont have official Party Nominees until the National Conventions in july, but forget the formalities because the general election battle between donald trump and Hillary Clinton is on. In a few minutes well talk with one of trumps top supporters, potential running mate and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, but first clinton is looking to wrap up her primary battle with Bernie Sanders with a victory in californias primary tuesday. This weekend i spoke with the head of the clinton campaign, john podesta. John, how important is california . If Bernie Sanders wins there, doesnt he have every good reason to go on to the Democratic Convention in july . Well, california is important and thats why hillary is crisscrossing the state and we are fighting to win here, but the reality is that shes gotten 3 million more votes than senator sanders and that she has now 270 pledged delegate lead on him, we expect that to either be the same or maybe expand by a little bit. Weve got other elections over the weekend in Virgin Islands and puerto rico, weve got new jersey and some other states next tuesday so we think were going to come out of tuesday night with the delegates we need for her to be nominee on a Major Party Ticket in the United States. So were looking forward to that. But i guess the key question is this whether or not at that point whether he wins or loses california sanders should drop out. As you well know there have been plenty of candidates over the years, ted kennedy, gary hart come to mind who have in effect lost the nomination, their opponent has clinched it and they stay in the race either to flip unbound delegates or to push their policies. Why shouldnt Bernie Sanders do that all the way to the convention . Were not telling Bernie Sanders what to do. He needs to make his own mind up about that. What we are saying is that she will have the delegates to be the nominee. We are going to do everything we can to reach out to appeal to his supporters, to appeal to his campaign and to him directly. And we want to bring this Party Together because the country faces a major threat in donald trump and we hope that he will join us. You know, he has been out the saying that he wants to work seven days a week to stop donald trump and, you know, we hope that starting as soon as possible that he will go ahead and make fulfill that commitment and work with us to make sure that she is a successful candidate in november. All right. Lets turn to the general election. Let me put up some numbers. The real clear politics average of recent National Polls has clinton leading trump 43. 8 to 42. 3 , well within the margin of error. In the swing state of florida clinton leads by just over 2 points, in ohio she leads by less than 1. 5 points. Question, if trump is unfit to be president as clinton says, why is he running even with her in the National Race and in the key swing states . Well, look, chris, the general election is just coming into focus and i think that what weve seen over the last few weeks is that donald trump has been able to republicans, including speaker ryan, who said he would vote for him one day and then have to explain why he disagreed with him when he attacked the ethnicity of a federal judge the next day. But he has consolidated republicans and thats led to something of a tightening of the polls, but this has really just begun and thats why Hillary Clinton on thursday of this week went to san diego and really laid out a strong case about why he is unfit, why he cant be he does not meet the commander in chief test. And what did she use to prove that point . Really his own words, the things he said in this campaign from being in favor of expanding and pro liver rating weapons of mass destruction and Nuclear Weapons and pulling out of nato to offending our allies and supporting dictators around the world. So i think that were just getting engaged in this race and i think over t think people are going to come to see him as not having the temperament to serve as president and commander in chief. Let me pick up on that because youre certainly right, clinton took trump apart on Foreign Policy this week, but and we will play some of those clips for Newt Gingrich, but he has also been going after her on Foreign Policy. Here is some of what he has said about her. Her libya invasion, the libya invasion was disgusting. I mean, you know who has the oil . Isis has the oil. She mentions i will bring us into war. She is the one no wanted to go into iraq. She is one of the worst secretary of states in the history of our country. Trump may be a target rich environment for clinton but isnt clinton also a target rich environment for trump . Well, hey, chris, we will take that fight any day because i think when president obama asked her to serve as secretary of state she did a terrific job for him. She helped negotiate a deal to reduce Nuclear Weapons between russia and the United States then got the votes in the United States senate to ratify that agreement. She projected American Values across the globe. She did a deal to bring an end to hostilities to bring an end to the fighting between hamas and israel. Shes got a strong record to stand on when it comes to the question of libya, which trump likes to raise. You know, what were we faced with there . Muammar gaddafi has about to slaughter thousands and thousands of his own citizens. We were asked by our nato allies, asked by the arab league to intervene, she recommended that intervention and its you know, we still have to work at it, but it was the right decision at the time. John, we are not going to litigate each one of these in this brief interview, but whether it was voting to go into iraq, whether it was agreeing with obama to pull all of our troops out of iraq, w was the intervention in libya which has led to a failed state and the expansion of isis there, whether its benghazi or the reset in russia, i mean, im not saying that you dont have answers to all of those, but theres going to be plenty for him to criticize on her record, too. Well, i think, you know, what he likes to do is demean and name call, but, as i said, if we get into a serious debate about who has the values, the experience, the temperament to be commander in chief, that is a debate im sure were going to win. And i think, again, if you look at the things he says, they are incoherent and theyre dangerous. Then there is ethics and clinton went after trump this week on the delayed donation to the veterans, also on Trump University and again were going to play those clips and ask Newt Gingrich about them, but trump also has gone after clinton on ethic ethics. Here he is. They were crooked with white water, theyve been crooked from the beginning. You look at that foundation, its pure theft and pure crookedness. She broke federal law by putting her emails on a secret private server that Foreign Countries could easily get to and hack. Now, again, i agree with you that trump is going to have plenty to answer for, but given all of her issues, isnt it going to be hard for clinton to play the ethics card against trump . You know, i think the card were going to play against trump is that he has always been for himself, hes a self grandizer at the expense of thousands of people. When it comes to Trump University what we learned this week is even his own employees called it a fraudulent scheme. It was an uncredited institution he built and milked elderly people, people who had small savings, they told people to max out on their credit cards think when you look at hillarys record, you know, she has said that, for example, on the email question, shes said it was a mistake, shes apologized for it. Were trying to put that in some context. But you look at trumps record as a businessperson, as you know, as what he has done in terms of never making a positive difference for people, i think well match her record lifetime of effort trying to help people from the day she left law school, trying to help children, trying to help women, trying to help families, we will match that up against his. Now, trump says this week if the Justice Department doesnt indict clinton on the emails that you just mentioned and he becomes president , he is going to ask his attorney general to look into the case. Here he is. Hillary clinton has to go to jail. Okay . She has to go to jail. Your reaction . Hes full of bluster. You know, i thi know, were anxious obviously for this case to wrap up. She said that she would be happy to talk to the department to the department so that it would wrap up, but, you know, well see more of this. Its what trump does. He you know, its what he has done for more than a year and probably for his whole career. He tries to bully people, tries to knock them down with bluster, but, you know, we feel when all is said and done what shes offering, the positive direction that shes offering, the ability to bring people together, to create an inclusive economy thats going to work for the megyn kel middle class against his bluster, were looking forward to that fight. John podesta, john, thank you for your time this weekend and please come back. I appreciate t chris and im happy to. Up next, as clinton blisters trumps temperament and Foreign Policy, well talk with former speaker Knute Gingrich who by all accounts is on trumps short list of p ates. Before it became a medicine, it was an idea. An inspiration. A wild whatif. So scientists went to work. They examined 87 different protein structures. Had 12 years of setbacks and breakthroughs, 4,423 sleepless nights, and countless trips back to the drawing board. At first they were told no, well. Maybe, and finally yes. Then it was 36 clinical trials, 8,500 patient volunteers, and the hope of millions. And so after ibecame a medicine, someone who couldnt be cured, could be. Me. A look outside the beltway at the cal state capital in sacramento, just two days before the primary there. Joining me now here in washington to discuss the escalating war of words between clinton and trump is one of trumps big supporters, potential running mate and former House Speaker newt sunday. Good to be back. Clinton as we pointed out in the last segment went after trumps temperament this week saying that he is unfit to be president. One of the things that trump did this week was repeatedly accuse the judge who is handling two Trump University Fraud Lawsuit cases of bias. Here he is. Were building a wall. He is a mexican. Were building a wall between here and mexico. The answer is he is giving us very unfair rulings. Rulings that people cant even believe. Are you comfortable with a potential president attacking a federal judge for his heritage . No. This is one of the worst mistakes trump has made and i think its inexcusable. He has every right to criticize a judge and he has every right to say certain decisions arent right and his attorneys can file to move the venue from the judge. First of all, this journal was born in he is an american, period. When you come to america, you get to become an american. And trump who has grandparents who came to the u. S. Should understand this as much as anybody. Second, to characterize, you know if a liberal were to attack Justice Clarence thomas on the grounds that hes black, we would all go crazy. Every conservative would say it was wrong and it was racism. Trump has got to, i think, move to a new level. This is no longer the primaries. Hes no longer an interesting contender. He is now the potential leader of the United States and hes got to move his game up to the level of being a potential leader. Do you consider what this he did her racism . I think that it was a mistake. I think that i hope it was sloppiness. He says on other occasions that he has many mexican friends, et cetera, but thats irrelevant. This judge is not mexican. This judge is an american citizen and deserves to be treated now, that meansee can attack him as a judge and against me and doing things i dont agree with and he has lawyers who are supposed to be doing that. If its a good case they should file to change the venue. Trump also attacked the media this week for trying to check up to find out whether, in fact, he had given the donations he promised to veterans groups. Here he is. What i dont want is when i raise millions of dollars have people say like this sleazy guy right over here from abc, he is a sleaze in my book. Why am i a sleaze . Because you know the facts and you know the facts well. Now, you have been known to go after reporters, including me, but trump has gone much further. He is literally kicking reporters whose coverage he doesnt like out of public rallies. Yes. Can you understand why some conservatives worry whether or not trp understands the role of a free press and the First Amendment . You know, the thing that struck me, particularly after this event, invented the fire side radio chat to get past all the conservative newspapers. Trump now has a big enough social Media Presence that he can take on most of the news media and its a fair fight. And i think part of what hes probably decided is that he wants to be very aggressive, to make sure that his supporters routinely discount any kind of news media attack. Yeah, but that i can understand. Kicking reporters out of rallies. I think thats silly and i think it doesnt get him very far. If they asked my advice id say get used to the idea youre going to be reporters around you dont like and then live with it. Thats part of being a public figure. This brings us to clintons Foreign Policy speech this week where more than his ideas she went after his temperament, his fitness to be president. Here she is. This is not someone who should ever have the Nuclear Codes because its not hard to imagine donald trump leading us into a war got under his very thin skin. Now, imagine donald trump sitting in the situation room, making life or death decisions on behalf of the United States. When trump lets review the bidding here attacks a judge for his heritage, when he kicks reporters out of open public rallies, when he attacks the republican governor of new mexico which you yourself said was destructive, doesnt that raise questions about his studiness . Of course it does. Thats why trump trump is at one of the most interesting turning points in american history. Think of it this way, he won the nomination as a golfer, it was him, he was the only guy in the field, he made all the decisions and he beat everybody. I mean, its one of the most amazes marches to a nomination in american history. Now he is in a team support, more like football. Paul ryan had the the speaker of the house has to know what trump is Mitch Mcconnell the leader of the senate has to know what trump is doing. Republican governors have to be able to relax around him and not worry about getting attacked. This is a fundamental change for trump. Well see. Ive been amazed at his speed of growth, how fast he learns. I think he is now at a very key turning point. But hillary also has a different problem and that is results rather than words. The biggest story this week politically was 38,000 jobs being created, the lowest number in five years. The biggest problem for hillary is her record. You raised it yourself earlier, not to pick on you, but you said correctly, you know, libya is a total disaster, the russian conversation. He prefers people who are blunt with him because he knows how big his ego is. He knows how big a personality it is and knows it takes a fair amount to break through on that. Im comfortable being as direct with trump as i am here. After you said it does he go back and do it again. There are some tactics i dont agree with but i can say there have been occasions where its had an impact. I feel like its a very good relationship, i think that he is aem idea a year ago that we would be where we are now and i think that is almost entirely a personal achievement in alliance with the American People who are sick of the current system. There speaker, thank you, thanks for your time. Always good to talk with you, sir. Up next we will bring in our sunday group to discuss paul ryans endorsement of trump and the continues effort to recruit a conservative alternative to donald trump. Plus, what would you like to ask the panel about the impact a Third Party Candidate would have on the race . Just go to facebook or twitter Fox News Sunday and we may use your question on the air. When they thought they should westart saving for retirement. Le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Coming up, protesters attack Trump Supporters leaving rallies in california. They walk out and they get accosted by a bunch of thugs burning the american flag. Well ask our sunday panel about the violence and the political fallout next on n this isnt a deal. This isnt one of those. It was basically getting a Comfort Level of our idea about where the country is headed and where it ought to go. House Speaker Paul Ryan explaining his decision to finally endorse donald trump for president. Its time for our sunday group. Fox news senior political analyst bright human, anne guerin of the washington post, karl rove and charles lane also from the washington post. I think its fair to say ryans endorsement could not have been more tepid, no joint appearance, no talk about campaigning together. Since then he has already called out trump for his attack on that judge in the Trump University case. What does the endorsement mean for trump and ryan and for ryans goal of trying to hold on to the House Republican majority . Tepid though it was it does signify the desire of Republican Leaders and republicans in general who are in politics to get behind trump. They are all looking for an excuse or a reason or a way to do that. And trump continues to make it hard for them. I mean, no sooner does the ryan endorsement come then the next day he makes approximately at that time he makes this incendiary attack on this judge which clearly bordered in the eyes of many people outright racism. Next thing you know ryan saying i dont want any part of it, you heard Newt Gingrich denounce it today. These are all people trying to move in trumps direction. Trump has this opportunity afforded by his earlier than expected locking up of the nomination to use the time to build his case against Hillary Clinton and to bring his party behind him. He seems to be squandering that opportunity by these outbursts with the idea of unifying his party and making him an appealing character to a larger base. As weve been saying this week marks a kind of unofficial start to the general Election Campaign with clinton turning her full fire on trump and trump firing back. Here is a taste. I will leave it to the psychiatrist to explain his affection for tyrants. Do you really believe that hillary is president ial . This is not president ial material. Chuck, who got the better of round one . Wow. I think the press because were going to have a heck of a campaign to cover, but listening to hillarys her speech, which was an extended attack on his temperament and fitness for commander in chief, i thought it was very effective in reminding people who are concerned about those things about those things, but my caveat would be that jeb bush tried the same attack against donald trump, remember, he labeled candidate and talked about how dangerous he was and it fell flat. Thats point one. Point two, trump has a plausible rebuttal. He can say she says im dangerous . She voted to send us into iraq and that didnt pan out. He picked on the actual aspects of her Foreign Policy record that, you know, lets face it, they are real weaknesses. So at the end of the week i think what you see is a huge increase in the temperature, the heat, around these issues, but im not sure either one of them, you know, made a whole lot of movement on the voters. And, you know, it is true, though, that the big weakness trump has with independents and many republicans is the temperament point so i expect to hear more from her on that issue. Then there was word this week that a writer for the National Review named david french is actively seriously considering an independent run for president as a conservative alternative to trump if, like me, you have never heard of david french, here is a clip. You know what happens its in the house of representatives, there is other options. And republicans will take that. We ask you for questions for the panel and we got a bunch like these on facebook from lily elizabeth, she writes is french willing to take responsibility for hillary or a socialist winning the election . And sealing our fate for further decline of our nation . Thats not a patriot. Karl, who is david french and how do you answer lily . Well, from all reports he is a wonderful human being. He volunteered for service but you dont know who he is, either. Ive read him over the years, he writes for National Review, he is a lawyer in tennessee, constitutional scholar, joined the military in his 30s in order to serve in iraq and by all accounts is a wonderful human being, but this is with all due respect to him, this is ridiculous. The deadline has passed to be on the ballot in texas as an independent candidate. How can a center right independent candidate claim to be seriou has already been passed to be on the second most populous state, the biggest red state in the country on the ballot. Tomorrow night at 5 00 you into he had to submit your name and 5,000 qualified signatures to be on the ballot in colorado. By the 19 days after that you have to submit 90,000 names to be on the ballot in north carolina. There is no chance in heck that hes going to be on the ballot. The suggestion that he made in that clip there and what were hearing is he is not going to be the president , but conceivably he wins a few states, he throws it into the house of representatives and the house can decide. Nobody who is on the ballot in a few states is going to be taken serious as a candidate. This is an Electoral College situation. Ross perot got 19 of the vote, he got zero Electoral College votes. This is a smart, abled man but this is ridiculous and we ought to stop. When lily says that hes just going to stop trump and give the im not certain that he will get more than look, if you dont want Hillary Clinton and you dont want donald trump, youve already got an alternative in the Libertarian Party thats on all 50 state ballots. I just dont see where this is going. This is not going to be a way to get it to the house of representatives and cause Something Else to happen. This is not 1824 when we last went to the house of representatives. This is just simply not going to happen. Another development this week was the dramatic escalation in the protests against trump outside his rallies, attacks on Trump Supporters as we left the rallies. We discussed this with speaker gingrich and Hillary Clinton denounced the violence, but is her camp worried that as gingrich said that this is going to have a backlash and it actually could help trump, not hurt him . Yeah, i mean, she said she denounces it no matter where it came from. She has denounced violence previously inside trump rallies, outside trump rallies and in this case no matter the origin she is denouncing antitrump violence. I think they are concerned that there is a potential for it to look like it was orchestrated by democrats and those supporting more likely to support her even if they are not actually politically active. These groups outside its still not really totally clear who was protesting what, but anytime you have egg throwing on being passed around on youtube, that draws unwanted attention to the kinds of voters outside who are protesting trump and thats not something they want. If these violent demonstrations continue and theres every reason to believe that they will against trump and against his supporters, in cleveland at the convention, during the general Election Campaign, what affect do you see it having . It helps trump. Helps trump. Helps trump. Do you agree with gingrich that its 1968 and people are upset . It remains to be seen but you cant rule it out. The security situation in cleveland is going to have to be extremely intense in order to resist this kind of thing and i think, you know, the more its so ugly and so unacceptable and such a turn off to people to the extent that it helps trump, it may make some people look at him and say look at the kind of stuff this guy stirs up. Those are the people if they think that way about it they were never going to vote for trump anyway. Final word, karl. It does make him a sympathetic figure. I would recommend the New York Times get somebody con ves ant in conversational spanish because the title of this event they translate it as tell donald trump to go to hell. Having been in a couple bar rooms in south texas what the name of this is is far more offensive than simply telling donald trump to go to hell. Id recommend next time the New York Times before they reprint the name of the rally they check and make certain just printed. Do you suggest its not all the news fit to print. Its a lot less fit to print than you could imagine. We have to take a break. When we come back outrage grows over the state departments editing of a briefing about the iran nuclear deal. What do you think, who ordered the official record to be doctored and why . Lit me know on facebook or twitter foxnewssunday and use the fns. By supporting the doctorpatient relationship so more moms get prenatal care. Offer moms access to maternity nurse support around the clock. Empower local communities working to reduce premature births. And partner with governments by providing Actionable Insights to help treat kids at risk for asthma. Were built to do all of that. And more. Unitedhealth group built for better health. We are going to go marching into the Democratic Convention with enormous momentum. And i believe well come marching out with the democratic nomination. Bernie sanders saying he will continue his campaign beyond tuesdays primaries, including the big prize of california where the sen dead heat with Hillary Clinton. Were back now with the panel. Ann is our reporter in the field until yet. Whats your sense of what sanders will do after california and does it depend on whether or not he wins or loses there . I think it changes slightly if he wins. If he wins california he has a much stronger card to play to say even though Hillary Clinton is likely to declare victory more or less on tuesday it should probably go over the top before california with voting in new jersey and be able to say, i am now not only the democratic nominee de facto, but the first woman to lead a major party in a national election. Even as she says that sanders will say and be telling his supporters to say not so fast because you dont actually have the full number of pledged delegates and super delegates could still change their mind between now and the he will make some case for them to do that. All of this is about leverage so that he can go into the convention and try to exact changes in policy and platform and procedure. The bottom line what does he want . Everyone is asking that question. I think its a combination of he wants tomorrow procedural changes to the way democrats select their candidate, he seems to be making inroads on that. Elizabeth warren said yesterday im a super delegate and i oppose the super delegate system. I think hes getting through on that point. He also wants to remain as leader of a social Justice Movement that extends beyond this election and i think hes making a case for that now. And he will be able to make a very strong case for that assuming he gets a platform speech in july. Karl, how big a deal is this for clinton . If on tuesday night she clinches the nomination, she goes offer the magic number of 2,383 delegates, how much does sanders hurt her if he until philadelphia . Well, she will i agree with anne, she will go over the top when new jersey has reported at 5 00 pacific, 8 00 eastern, which is is going to be interesting to see what happens in the two remaining hours of voting in california. Do the clinton people say shes got it im staying home and bern bernies people turn out or bernies people say we lost it. My sense is bernies people turn out. I think what matters here is not what he wants to get its what he wants to claim that he wants that he doesnt get. He wants to lead a movement to transform the democratic party. You dont do that by winning at this convention. He knows he is no the going to win at this convention, so ask for things you know you cannot get in order to create a sense of recentment and longevity to this movement that he has got. Hes very clear about this, i want to transform america and it needs to start by transforming the democratic party. Whats going to be interesting to to me how many points of friction is he going to choose are not going to be accepted, get rid of the super delegates. Fine. Go ahead and try to do that. That aint going to happen when you have 720 super delegates sitting at the convention. As for platform things you are not going to get in order to give people a rallying point. Youre saying the reverse of the godfather he wants to give them a offer that they have to refuse. They have to refuse. This is the first Democratic National convention or Democratic Convention of any sort he has ever attended. Every office that he has won, mayor of burlington, u. S. Congress, us senate in every one of those he has defeated or been defeated by a democratic. He cares about the Democratic Socialist Movement that he wants to leave in place to move that party to the left and hence move america to the left. I want to turn to other news this week and that was that we learned the fact that the someone unknown at the state department scrubbed the video of an official briefing to delete an answer deal. In february 2013 a spokesman denied there were any secret talks between the u. S. And iran, but that december when it turned out there had been talks our james rosen had this exchange with another spokesman, jen sake. Is it the policy of the state department where the preservation of the secrecy of secret negotiations is concerned to lie in order to achieve that goal . James, i think there are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. This is a good example of that. Now, james discovered recently that that exchange had been deleted from the video record of the briefing. They keep a record of every briefing they do. The state departments first explanation was it was because of a technical glitch. Thats the word they used. But after some investigation the state department came out and said that someone still unknown had ordered that eight minutes of that tape be deleted. Chuck, how big a skre big deal inside washington, i would say lots of people across the board are upset about what this says about the credibility of the state department. John kerry has said its a big deal and whoever did it shouldnt be working for me anymore. There is a kind of formality to the state department briefing, it is the official word of the u. S. Government and the idea that it could be tinkered with for some kind of still unknown political or diplomatic reason. That there is a memory hole at the state department is disconcerting. I guess what were left with, though, is an even bigger mystery. If this is such an outrage even in the view of the secretary of state himself, why cant they get to the bottom of it . If it all went on within the four walls of foggy bottom it should be Pretty Simple to find out who made the phone calls and who pressed the buttons. And so far admiral kirby from the podium has said he is the chief spokesman for kerry. He said ive gotten this far with the investigaon although it was a terrible thing it didnt violate any rules. Case closed. I dont think they will be able to stop it there. I want to pick up on that with you, brit. The state department is saying weve gotten as far as we can, were going to basically stop and what were going to do is move forward and there are Congressional Republicans who are demanding more, they want some records and they are also saying that the state departments Inspector General should investigate. Your view is this political or is there a legitimate concern here . Its political and there is a legitimate concern. Yes and yes. Chuck suggested there is an unknown if you are toss to the delusion. I think there is a known purpose. Basically what jen saky said by clear implication it is the policy or at least the practice of the state department at certain times to lie if necessary to protect secret undertakings. Someone thought that should be on the official record, the historical record and decided to delete it. Got caught. Now the person who was apparently got the request said, i dont remember who that was, who asked me to do that. I dont believe that. I think this is something that their line of defense on this, case closed, will not hold, an investigation will go forward and there is at least a good chance we will find out who did it. And we should point out that jen sake has absolutely flatly categorically decide she had anything to do with this. Thats true and perhaps she didnt, however, she also went on to attack james rosen personally for allegedly attacking her character. To my knowledge and ive looked at what he said about this he never did that. I dont know what shes talking about and that raises a question about her credibility. Karl, as someone who worked in government for six years and in the white house, how does a state Department Official come to call a technician and say, delete eight minutes of an official video of department a Public State Department briefing . Well, ive thought about this. Either an idiot at the white house calls up the state department and demands that it happens or you fill the ranks of the state department at the top with a bunch of political hacks whose interest is not in the representation of the United States record but instead the protection of the secretary of state. Look, i dont know who did what on this thing, but it is reminiscent of the soviet era when you fell out of favor with stall listen they erased you out of all of the official photographs. Chuck mentioned the memory hole, thats an illusion of 1984 Winston Smith in the ministry of truth who took all those documents and shredded them in essence by removing them from the public record. This is reprehensible and they better be serious about finding out who did this and holding them responsible. Do you think that they will be able to hold this line, well, were going to go forward . They shouldnt be able to. They should be held to account for this. This is reprehensible and a dust thank you, panel. Up next, some surprising advice for the class of 2016 from our power players of the week. Plus, reflections on the life of muhammad ali. Up next, some surprising its become an annual tradition here, to sample some of the words of Wisdom College graduates are getting at their commence mts. This year the speakers include political winning quarterback and the hottest star on broadway. And theyre all our power players of the week. When you find your passion its yours, not what someone else thinks it should be. Theres no earthly reason that a black girl from birmingham alabama should be a soviet specialist but thats what i wanted to be. Dont let anyone else define your passion for you because of your gender or the color of your skin. If youre dating a woman thats way out of your league, ask her to marry you, if you can throw a football 80 yards for some reason people think thats pretty cool. And if youre playing new England Patriots in the super bowl and youve got 26 seconds left and youre down by 4 and its second and goal on their one yard line try not to throw an interception. Changed me in very profound ways. I learned sadness and the brutality of loss, but i also learned that when life sucks you under you can kick against the bottom, find the surface and breathe again. If you disagree with somebody, bring them in. And ask them tough questions. Hold their feet to the fire. Make them defend their positions. And by doing so you will strengthen your own position. And you will hone your arguments and maybe you will learn something and realize you dont know everything. I know a lot of you today are thinking about what am i going to do . What am i going to do . Let me tell you something, you can think about that tomorrow, you can think about it next week and frankly you can think about it next year, but what you cant think about right here, right now is who do you want to be. In a year when politicians traffic it in antiimmigrant rhetoric there is also a Broadway Musical reminding us from the west endees built our financial system. A story that reminds us since the beginning of the unfinished symphony that is our american experiment time and time again immigrants get the job done. The real danger is all that smoke thats been blown up your graduation gowns about how freaking smart you are. Well, you are that smart, but dont believe the hype thats thrown at you. The great fifk officer Benjamin Affleck once said judge me by how good my good ideas are, not how bad my bad ideas are. Youve got to suit up in your armor, youve got to get ready to sound like a total fool. Not having an answer isnt embarrassing, its an opportunity. I wish you all a true hollywood style happy ending. I hope you outrun the t rex, catch the criminal and for your parents sake, maybe every now and then, just like home. Thank you. And our best wishes as well to the students and parents of the class of 2016. Now, this program note, be sure to tune to Fox News Channel on tuesday for all day election coverage, as six states including california head to the polls. Finally, a word about muhammad ali. People under a certain age wont fully understand, but there was a time in the 60s and 70s when he was the most famous person on the planet. And the most controversial planet in this country. His talent as a fighter was incandesce incandescent, no one had ever seen a big man as graceful and quick, but it was his fighting outside the ring that set him apart. His conversion to islam, his refusal to fight in vietnam. You could agree or disagree, but he walked his path, not ours. I had the great good fortune interview ali a couple of times and he was funny and smart and gracious. My lasting memory of him is from 1996 when he lit the flame to start the olympics in atlanta. His once beautiful body riddled with parkinsons, he struggled with the torch and the fire burned his arm, but he was going to finish the fight. In the end this man who was once hated by many faerns became a bim bowl of the diversity and turbulence and resilience of this great nation. Each of us will have to decide if he was the greatest, but theres no question he was a giant. And thats it for today. Have a great week. And well see you next Fox News Sunday. [music] joel osteen well, god bless you. Its a joy to come into your homes and if youre ever in our area, please stop by and be a part of one of our services. I promise you well make you feel right at home. I like to start with something funny and i heard about these three sons that left home and went out and prospered. They got back together to talk about the gifts they bought their elderly mother. The first son said, i built mom a big house. The second one said, i got her a fancy car. The third son said, since mom loves to read the bible but she can barely see anymore, i got her a specially trained parrot that can quote the entire bible. A few months later, they received a letter from their mother

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