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for the middle of your workweek. looks like it will be a good one. good morning. i'm melanie alnwick. i'm allison seymour, sarah is off today. welcome to fox 5 morning news. here is our man tucker barnes with the latest. >> as tony the tiger said, it is great. >> is if? >> is it? >> the forecast is going to be great. more sunshine and a nice breeze. >> who could ask for anything more? >> who could? maybe a five-day forecast filled with more. you got it, allison. still quite humid. ite humid. there is sentinel radar. we are quiet now. we've lost the shower activity overnight pushing off to the east. picked up about 1/4 inch of rain at reagan national. looking at bright skies ahead. if you had to postpone a pool party. >> and we did. >> i think today will be ideal for it although it will be a little breezy so the kids will not need towels to dry. they can just air dry. high temperatures in the low 80s. >> looks pretty. >> thank you. we'll get a check on your wednesday morning traffic with lauren demarco. >> i am starting this 6:00 a.m. hour with a little look at waze. checking out northbound 95. as you travel northbound, reports of some heavy traffic near aquia harbor. then we have reports of a stopped car on the shoulder near triangle. i know we do have delays there because we were seeing that in our traffic land cameras. also very heavy to get across the occoquan. heading new newington, just moderate traffic. let's move onto sky fox. they are traveling 66 as you make the trip inbound past route 50. things starting to slow a little bit with volume. no incidents or accidents to report. looking pretty good out of manassas but as you head into centreville, off and on the brake. take a look at the beltway in maryland, no real problems to report here in montgomery county. we did have reports of an accident near 270. it didn't tap to be slowing anybody down if it is there. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. george allen wins last newt's republican primary for u.s. senate in virginia. >> and in the november election, the former senator and governor will now face the only democrat running. another former governor tim kaine. in 2006, allen lost his senate seat to jim webb who is not running for re-election. coming up in the next hour, we'll be speaking with former giver tim kaine live from richmond. over in the district, councilmember will be taking a vote today on an interim new chairperson. >> the new leader will replace kwame brown would resigned after facing charges of bank fraud. there is a favorite to take over the seat and sherry ly has more on who is in the running. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that vote is scheduled to take place during a special meeting at 10:00 this morning t must be filled by an at-large councilmember until a special election is held in november. right now, the person who seems to be favored to get that interim council chairman seat is phil mendelsohn. he seems to have the votes. the upheaval in the d.c. council comes on the heels of two resignations. first think harry thomas resigned, convicted on corruption charges in recent months. kwame brown stepped down and pleaded guilty to criminal charges next week. councilmember is expected to succeed brown as the interim chair. sources say he is seen as someone who won't shake things up. vincent orange is all vying to take the chair seat but appears to be a long shot. councilmember mary cheh explained on fox 5 news at 10:00 last night. >> he is obviously vying for the spot so he would take a position in opposition to what is being proposed. he will have to make plain what his argument is. i think choosing mr. mendelsohn now as chair is the right thing to do. >> nothing is fixed but i believe what will happen is that chair pro tem mary cheh will propose a resolution. there will be an opportunity for discussion. often time when there is a situation like this, the council does not get into discussion and then there will be a vote. >> reporter: it is unclear for mendelsohn has the support of councilmember marion barry who has tweeted in part, do you know what they are planning to do? do they hear you or the lobby? councilmember michael brown is expected to get the pro tem chair's position. it appears vincent original's only chance now is to go to that election in november. right now, it seems that everything is stacking up in favor of phil mendelsohn. that is the latest here at the wilson building. back to you. >> thank you. another big story we are following this morning. more testimony expected today in the jerry sandusky trial. yesterday, former penn state assistant coach mike mcqueary testified he saw sandusky having sex with a 10 to 12-year- old boy in a campus locker room in 2001. one of the alleged victims took the stand and testified about alleged sexual attacks during sleep overs in sandusky's basement while his wife was upstairs. and coming up in our next half hour, we'll go live to the courthouse in pennsylvania for more on the case. d.c. police called in to calm down angry parents at ballou's high school graduation. this after the parents say they were shut out of the ceremony. last newt's graduation was supposed to be on ballou's football field but because of the rain, the venue changed to a nearby temple of praise church. that location quickly filled up and that forced police and security guards to turn away parents, other relatives and friends clamoring to get inside. >> i thought it would have been enough room. >> it is a sad day. i didn't get to see my daughter graduate, walk across the stage. it hurts. >> mayor vincent gray made remark to the class of 2012. after the ceremony he said he didn't know how many parents missed out on seeing their children graduate but however many it was, he says he doesn't feel good about it. you can imagine. >> oh, my goodness. the anger that parents would have. >> sydney just graduated fifth grade. i would have been so mad. high school, whole different story. >> still ahead, we'll tell you which metro stop is officially getting a new name today. first, we will take a look at the morning's other headlines. everybody makes mistake but they don't usually cost $2 billion. the ceo of one of the nation's biggest banks set to apologize to congress today. we'll be back in a moment. [ crows cawing ] [ male announcer ] strange things happen in the black forest. [ metallic bell toll ] [ car speeding down the road, lightning strikes ] where things aren't always what they seem. [ wolves howling ] because thrills hide in the shadows just waiting at every turn. [ coaster whoosh ] brave the black forest on verbolten. the all-new multi-launch coaster. only at busch gardens. . more than 50 people are dead follow a series of car bombings in iraq. they target the shiite pilgrims in four different cities. the pilgrims were paying tribute for a shiite saint. there are concerns that this latest wave of violence will only prompt further sectarian attacks. u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton is accusing russia of planning to supply new attack helicopters to syria. and the u.s. is warning that will dramatically escalate the crisis there. russia says it is honoring military contracts but stresses it is not giving syria weapons. syria responded by accusing the united states of interfering. the u.n. says the conflict in syria is a full-blown civil car. today, the president and ceo of j. p. morgan chase will apologize to congress. jamie dimond is expects to plain how the company lost $2 billion in the course of two week. still ahead on fox 5 morning news, a heads up on metro. find out which station is officially get a new name today. >> pretty incredible video from overseas. we'll tell you what happened when a tornado tore through venice, italy. we'll have to ask tucker about that one.  . a rare tornado rips through venice, italy t destroyed the roofs on more than a dozen buildings there. as it turned into i waterspout over the lagoons, it tore through several of the islands that surround venice. the twister smashed several boats, ripped up trees but luckily did not damage the historic center of venice. >> we got to talk about that one. that is not something that i expected to hear in venice, italy. but clear skies here in the washington, d.c. area. no worries. so, tucker barnes, what about this tornado in italy? >> they do happen occasionally. they are somewhat rare. i just looked up the last time they had a tornado in italy was 2010. so every couple of years, they get them. but that one looked pretty strong. >> that was pretty serious. >> yeah. >> good news here. >> good news here. much better news here. after the rain showers yesterday and all the humidity we've had around here the last couple of of days, we are looking at drier conditions moving in. >> ptl, praise the lord. >> ptl. there it is. official. let's get right to the radar. we're done with the rain shower activity. about 1/4 inch of rainfall yesterday at reagan national. we need the rain. we are looking at bright sunshine here for the next several days. in fact, the forecast this weekend looks fabulous. quiet conditions. couple of fronts coming through. the second in a series of cold fronts just off to the north and west. when that one get through here later this morning, you will notice the wind picking up. it will be a beesy day if not gusty at time this afternoon. winds expected to pick up to about 20 to 25 miles per hour a little later this afternoon. here is your sentinel sat rad and the shower activity, you can see the larger picture there now out to our north and east up into southern new england. we are done with the rain showers. off to the north and west, clear skies, high pressure is going to build in for the next couple of days and deliver just a beautiful looking forecast around here. in addition to the breezes, our humidity levels will be gone with the wind. get it? later today as we look at a nice improvement with quiet conditions into your weekend. a little cooler than yesterday at reagan national, 69 degrees. 68 in manassas. quantico, i'm going to come down and personally check your thermometer. i do want know what is going on there. 63 now in hagerstown. here is your forecast for today. bountiful sunshine, yes, gusty winds this afternoon. 80degrees your daytime high. winds gusting to about 25 later this afternoon. mostly clear. partly cloudy overnight. 61 the overnight low. lots of sunshine the next couple of days. weekend looks great. high temperatures in the low 80s with comfortable amounts. humidity and you can see no rain here in the next five days. all right. before i toss to lauren, i want to remind everybody that you can find me on twitter. fox 5 weather. that is our handle. and i'm going to be tweeting all morning long. i'm picking up where julie left off. i'll be tweeting all kinds of important information. if you want to know what the weather is like in october for a wedding or what allison is like off screen. >> this is messed up. i am here. of a got twitter. i am filling in for julie wright. i could talk to the people too and i don't have an intern to help me with those tweets, tucker. >> hey, hey, hey. you're not helping me. i'm supervising what is going on. >> i do want to men's a new wreck we've got northbound 210 indian head highway on the ramp to 259 so watch out for that. sky fox flying over virginia. things look good as you make the trip past gallows road towards the 495 i wanted are change. we can see we do have volume further out. 66 as you make the trip past route 50, everybody stacking up there. so watch for delays leaving the fairfax county parkway heading toward 123. it does open up for you at the beltway. on the beltway itself, no real issues to report. in virginia, 95 northbound slowing through lakeshore don and again through newington. you are looking a bit better across the occoquan so that is good news. northbound 395, we are seeing everybody start to stack up towards duke street and then it opens up. no problems crossing the 14th street bridge to head into d.c. in maryland, things looking pretty good. no problems on route 50. this is new york avenue at bladensburg. we do have a bit of a slowdown and then again at florida avenue. do want to mention, red line, train are single tracking between medical center and friendship heights due to a track problem outside of bethesda. so expect delays in both directions. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. we are monitoring metro for you this morning. one red line station is officially getting a new name today. the new york avenue, florida avenue, gallaudet university stop will now be called noma gallaudet you. noma is north of massachusetts avenue. >> that makes it easier to say. ## i think once you realize that is what it stands for. verizon is making a customer-friendly move to save you some cash. >> we'll be right back. we're sitting on a bunch of shale gas. there's natural gas under my town. it's a game changer. ♪ it means cleaner, cheaper american-made energy. but we've got to be careful how we get it. design the wells to be safe. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in the economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all. we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪ i'm drinking dunkin'. medium iced, cream and sugar. dunkin' iced all day long. dunkin' keeps me going. it gives me the boost i need. dunkin' iced keeps me moving and grooving. i run on dunkin'. america runs on dunkin' coffee. there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. . verizon wants to encourage customers to share more. we'll have more on that in a moment. let's take a look at the market. lauren simonetti with fox business network is live in new york with the business beat. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it was like yesterday, like monday never happened because everything we lost on monday we gained on tuesday. it was a great day. broad-based rally up 163 points for the dow industrials. this morning, we are looking flat. retail sales come out in about two hours so that is a market- moving report. we'll be paying attention. >> we will. consumer, we cannot keep up with the data plan changes. now, verizon says it will save customers money. >> in many cases it will. in some cases, it won't. what verizon wireless wants to do is get all of your devices on its network so their new share everything plan, that is what it called takes effect june 28th. you get unlimit calling and text. in term of data, different plans but between $50 and $100 a some and hook up to 10 device on the plan. all of the device are not free. you have to pay $10 to hook up a tablet. this is their plan for the future. at&t might be following suit. >> i suppose the proof is in the bill. thank you so much. >> yeah. nice to see you. yesterday's weather forcing a last-minute change of vent rue -- venue for one high school graduation ceremony. we'll tell what you got the parents so mad. a decision today to replace kwame brown. we'll be right back.  welcome back, everybody. live look over our area. you know what in it looks like a very promising day and i have a friend who told me it will be just that, a lovely day today. >> a little friend. >> a little birdie. tweeter. >> sitting to my left. >> it will be really nice out there. one of best days of the week. >> i love it. >> high temperatures in the low 80s. here i am. in the low 80s with plenty of southern. i literally don't know where i am. >> you are here with us. you're safe. >> not a dream. it is all real. >> i feel better. >> let's get to the hd radar. we quieted down. the rain showers from yesterday are out of here. you just saw the live shot. we are getting some sunshine starting to build in. there will be cloud cover particularly in you are in southern maryland, lower eastern shore to start your day. winds will gust to about 20 to 25 miles per hour. that is the worst of the forecast. temperature right now, 69 degrees at reagan national. humidity still up at 84%. your pressure is slowly rising. 29.91inches. here is your forecast for the day. high temperatures about 80 or so. maybe low 80s with not much humidity. it should be a nice day. >> perfect combination. >> good weather guy question coming up in a couple of minute. >> can't wait. >> here is lauren demarco with a look at the roadways now. roa >> for teasing now. >> "twilighter" p mike m writes i would much rather get a tweet from lauren than tucker. he started a hash tag lauren v tucker. -- tweeter mike m writes. 395 leaving the beltway up towards duke street off and on the brake. no problems heading across the 14th street bridge. 95 slows out of dale city across the occoquan and through newington. 66 heavy and slow to get past route 50 fair oak. watch for delays from 7100 to 123. dealing with some of that and a bright and sunny day. traveling the beltway in montgomery county, also seeing things start to stack up on the outer loop. you will find delays off and on from new hampshire avenue to georgia avenue. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. -timetraffic. the big story, the d.c. council takes a vote today on the interim chairman. >> that person will take over for the disgraced former chair kwame brown who, as you remember, resigned before pleading guilty to bank fraud and campaign violations. sherry ly is live at the wilson building. sherry? >> reporter: in the past week since kwame brown's resignation, some of the at- large council members have been jockeying for position to replace him as the interim chairman and right now, the votes seem to be stacking up for councilmember phil mendelsohn. today's vote at 10:00 continues to shake things up for the d.c. council already reeling from harry thomas' resignation and criminal conviction and now former chairman kwame brown. sources say mendelsohn appears to have the votes to succeed brown. sewers say he is seen as someone who won't shake things up and will bring stability to the troubled council. brown pleaded guilty last week. the chair pro tem is expected to go to michael brown. mendelsohn would hold the position until a special election in november for a permanent replacement. >> i think most of the members are pretty unhappy with the events that have happened not just last week but this year and i think the members really do want that things settle down and that we can get back to business. i think the members are interested in getting this turmoil behind us and moving forward. mother mary cheh is not in the running. that is because under the city charter, the acting chair must be chosen from one of the four at-large members. again, that vote is scheduled to take place during a special meeting at 10:00 this morning. and one. those at-large council members, david catania, has made clear that he has no intention of seeking the job. that is the late here at the wilson building. back to you. >> thank you. former senator george allen easily beat three rivals. >> it sets autopsy i clash in the november elects with another former virginia governor democrat tim kaine. the campaign is closely watched since it is said to be tied to the presidential race. we'll be speaking with tim kaine live in the next hour. the results are in from another closely watched race. democrat ron barber defeated republican yes, sire kelly in arizona's special election to file former representative gabrielle giffords' seat. barb are is a former aide of giffords. democrats are fighting to regain control of the house in november. -- barber is a former aide of giffords. mitt romney is in focusing on the economy. he is in the district to address the business round table at its quart arely meeting. more than 100ceos of u.s. companies will be at this morning's meeting which is being held at the newseum. president barack obama will meet with israeli president shimon perez at the white house today. at the dinner, president obama will present the long-time mideast leader with the medal of freedom. protestors with the d.c. occupy movement have left mcpherson square unoccupied. the protesters cleared out leaving it to pedestrians and ducks once again. the group tore down some cents after first occupying the park back in october. they are now planning an official good-bye ceremony this weekend. d.c. police called in to calm down angry parents at ballou's high school graduation after the parents say they were shut out of the ceremony. last newt's graduation was supposed to be on ballou's football field because but because of the rain, the venue claim toyed nearby temple of praise church. that location quickly filled up forcing police and security guards to turn away parents, relatives and friends clamoring to get inside. >> it is a sad day for me. didn't get to see my daughter graduate, walk across the stage. it hurts. >> m remarks to the class of 2012. after the ceremony he said he didn't know how many parents missed out on seeing their children graduate but, however many it was, he says he doesn't feel good about it. still ahead on fox 5 morning news, from kindergarten all the way through his senior year, he never missed one day of school. now, one local graduate has another feat on his mind. first, more emotional testimony is expect the trial of jerry sandusky. we'll tell what you happened on the stand yesterday. we'll be right back. that went well. add flavor to your day with dunkin's new breakfast burritos, with fire-asted veggies and delicious steak. try one today. i'm drinking dunkin'. medium iced, cream and sugar. dunkin' iced all day long. dunkin' keeps me going. it gives me the boost i need. dunkin' iced keeps me moving and grooving. i run on dunkin'. america runs on dunkin' coffee. making headlines this morning, more emotional testimony on the stand from alleged victims of former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky. >> and the man who says he saw sandusky with a boy in a campus shower is giving his side of the story once more. joining us now with the latest on the case is fox's dave kinchen live outside the courthouse in pep pen. >> reporter: good morning to you. we are just under -- just about two hours away from the start of the third day of the jerry sandusky trial here. the judge starting court around 9:00 a.m. and we are expecting more testimony from alleged victims and graphic testimony at that matching testimony that was given by victims or alleged victim others days one and days two. yesterday, victim one talking about his encounter with sandusky through the charity program he started called the second mile. allegations of abuse that even happened allegedly in sandusky's own home. today, we are expected to hear from more victims and i can tell you that a lot of the jurors have even been wipeling away tears as they've heard lots of this testimony. in many cases, it has been very quiet in court as they hear some of the testimony as well. >> mike mcqueary also testifying that he did go to coach joe pat were owe's home the next day but didn't really fully explain what he saw. how big of an impact is that now? >> i think it will be very significant especially how the defense tries to latch onto that. because one of the thins that has been noticed between the grand jury report and what mcqueary told the grand jury and also when he said in december in court and yesterday as well is there have been differences in some of the dates in when all of this took place. whether it was 2002 or 2001. at one point, him even saying that he wasn't quite sure of the date when that allegation -- when that incident took place in the shower between a young boy and sandusky. that is something that the defense is really latching onto hoping that that can prove to poke some holes into mcqueary's story. >> there are many more victims testify right? >> there are at least 10 victims. you are talking about 52 counts overall. lots more testimony expected and lots more graphic in nature as well. so we are expecting to hear from some today and that is likely to continue throughout the rest of the week here. >> all right. thank you so much, dave. >> thank you. all making headlines this morning, police make an arrest in the deadly shootings near auburn universityen. officials say desmonte leonard stunned himself in after a three-day manhunt. leonard is accused of shooting six people at an off-come pause% over the weekend. three people did die from their youries. two of them auburn football players. george zimmerman is now around arrest. she is charged with lying about their finances during her husband's bond hearing. george zimmerman is charged with second damage murder in the shooting death of trayvon martin. martin. the weather today ought to be one of our headlines as well. >> you got that right. >> it will be nice. the going to cooperate not only today but the next several days. we are looking at bright sunshine, lower humidity. this forecast is perfect. >> i don't know what i'll do with myself. >> i know with what you'll be doing. >> i could run wild in the street of d.c. >> we don't want to see that. >> okay. i'll walk around a little bit. >> let's get started with a look at your radar. done with the rain showers from yesterday and some needed rain. we picked up about 1/4 inch. rain at reagan national. amounts slightly higher at dulles and bwi marshall. the 95 corridor nice and quiet. southern maryland, lower eastern shore, your showers are done and soon the clouds will be done. most of the us still waking up to haze and humidity out there. we'll lose that as well later this afternoon. there are the clouds i memorandummed still hanging tough here across the lower eastern shore. if you are down to the beaches you too will have a nice afternoon. you can see the back end of the frontal system still bringing showers to portions of new england including boston. we've got a secondary front off to the north and west but when that punches through, the wind will shift to the north and northwest and that will usher in the cooler and drier air that will be upon us later this afternoon and over the next couple of days as high pressure builds in. the forecast only get better and better from here as we are expecting seasonal temperatures and much lower humidity for the next several days. 69 now in washington. still hanging on to the 70s to the south. you can see well north and west is where it is getting more comfortable. 63 in hagerstown. 65 in martinsburg. the wind will be picking up today. it will be breezy if not gusty at time later today. wind currently out of the north at about nine. we'll see those pick up 20, 25 miles per hour later this afternoon. lots of sunshine today. a gorgeous day. there are your winds. they will start to let up tonight and you can open the windows later. 619 overnight low. 50s if you are outside the beltway with winds lightening up to the north at 10 to 15 and your five-day forecast with which features sunshine, sunshine and mother sunshine. high temperatures just about where they should be, upper 70s and low 80s. outdoor plans this weekend, it will be perfect. i heard there is a big baseball series this weekend. nationals and yankees. >> and father's day coming up on sunday. >> right, on sunday. >> how could you forget that? >> yes. still a couple of days away. >> thank you for reminding me of that. >> let's got down to business. it is time for ask the weather guys. tony, please come back soon. this is the segment where tony and i put our fabulously large heads together to answer your most pressing questions weather- related or otherwise. if somebody could help me with the prompter, i would so appreciate it. >> that would be me. i don't think it is in there. >> we have a question. >> there it goes. >> pratty brady wrote in with a question, all sorts of questions about weather satellites. let's get down to business. are all the imfranz one camera. how many miles above earth is it? and in addition, how man years are they up there for? -- are all the images from one camera? >> this is hike a speed round with only one person asking. first question. oh, wait. does it orbit at the same speed as the earth's rotation? do different cameras cover different cities? and why can't they get sharp images with local cameras if they can with satellites i can't remember the first question. >> are they all one camera? >> thank you very much. are they all one camera? no, they are not. we have several satellites that are orbiting the earth taking pictures of weather. local hi here in north america, we have three. we have goes east, goes west and some polar orbiting satellites as well. so some go this way. they are stationary so they are right above us. they orbit at the speed of earth and others orbit up and around the polar regions, around and around. make sense? >> sure. >> taking all kind of picture. now many miles above earth is it. 22,240. it is exact because they had to figure out exactly how high to park it to get it to orbit as the same speed of earth. >> an exact science. >> i have your prompter in the right place. >> how many years are the satellites up there. we are having issues right now. you might have heard noaa is trying to address the problem of aging satellites. they typically last about 20 jurors. >> they fall down unceremoniously. >> they are starting to age and we need some new ones. >> does it essential will you orbit at exactly the same speed as the earth in. >> we just we ared that one. are they over different cities. they are over different geographic areas and they overlap. both goes east wind goes west will capture the areas. she wants to know why satellite can get sharp images but security cameras can't. that is a great question. the security cameras can get the good images but it is expensive. you need high-end cameras to get the really sharp pictures. unless you have a bank roll like the federal government you might not be able to afford the sharp pictures in your security camera at home. >> what is really niece is the technology and how can you zoom in so close to certain things. we go on to the google earth with the ipad. you tax a tour. you can see the great wall of china. >> i was sitting in my house and you could see my tulips blooming. >> we go and -- we don't spy on people. this is my sister's house. there is so and so's house. >> golden gate bridge, if you want to see it, just keep zooming in. >> that is more educational. i'm going to try it. >> you want to hang out with melanie and your kid on the weekend and travel the world. >> travel the world on the ipad. >> if you have a question, go to and click on the morning tab. send us your questions. we love them and appreciate you sending them in. i am trying something new. am going to be tweeting with everybody all morning. >> you didn't tweet me back. >> i'm going to found out. tweet me any questions at all. is allison wearing shoes? >> today, i am. >> tucker likes to call everybody out today. >> some good news about metro. normal serve is is resumed on the red line. not only can i tweet but i can also talk to the fox 5 wazers. we had report of a wreck earlier between a pickup truck and a sedan calling it a major accident. the little waze banner is covering it now. you saw that there was 16 miles per hour so it is pretty heavy northbound 210 heading up to the beltway at this point. thi you want to watch for delays to head across the occoquan. but earlier delays we were seeing in dumfries appear to have eased out. 359 does slow leaving the beltway up to duke street. let's take a look at traffic landen we have heavy traffic here across the 14th street bridge to head into the district and on to the freeway. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. -timetraffic. over to you. a health alert this morning. many people, they turn to spray tans as a way to get that healthy glow this time of year instead of going to the tanning bed. there are some concerns being raise a bad chemical used in them. the chemical dha used in spray tans can cause genetic mew degrees when applied to cells in a dish. dha is approved for extent use but the concern here involves people breathing it in when it is sprayed on. >> the major concern about them is the fact that they are inhaled. the fda has approved this active ingredient dha for topical use as long as it is not involving the mucus membranes and eyes. one recent high school graduate just accomplish an amazing feat. he never missed one day of school from kindergarten through his senior year in high school. >> reporter: this is more than just a photo of a smiling 5- year-old. this is a portrait of the american dream. 18-year-old seth yaboa has never lived in this place on the map. >> my parents were born over there. >> reporter: it is a place that has shaped who he is. seth has managed to do something that very few people have. he went from kindergarten and middle school and all the way through high school without missing one day of class. >> my parent were born in ghana so i thought you owed it to them to do the best i can. by showing up every day, i think i did that. >> reporter: seth just graduated from osborne park high school in manassas with a 3.8gpa. heather davids is his teacher. >> seth is one of those kids who you only get once in a career real. >> i'm part of the school news paper, part of the invisible children's club, part of the soccer team. >> aren't you the editor of the newspaper. >> yeah. >> aren't you the cap tape of soccer team? >> one of the co-captains, yeah. >> you are a pretty modest guy. >> i guess. >> reporter: seth's dad lives most of each year in ghana so his mom is raising five kids. >> i think a lot of credit goes towards her. she is an amazing woman. >> seth respects me. >> reporter: she made sure he always went to school. >> there was one week during the seventh grade when i was just so sick. >> he will try to keep the streak going when he heads to william and mary in the fall. >> his government teen are and i always joke that he will seriously become president one day. >> a lot of people said you can be president, you can do this. i want to be happy with whatever i'm doing. i'm most happiest serving others. >> reporter: so seth will be interning from the obama campaign. he wants to get some sleep. >> you want to sleep. >> do you fall asleep in class? >> not going to answer that question. >> he is smart. but he won't rest for long. he is going to help the world. >> that he is. there is no way around that. beth park are, fox 5 news. >> remember that face, remember that name. still ahead on fox 5 morning news, two former virginia governors face off in the fall fighting for a senate seat. george allen won yesterday's republican primary. his contender, democrat tim kainedowns us live in the next hour to talk about why the outcome will reach far beyond the commonwealth. we're back any moment.   -- we're back in a moment. ♪ our machines help identify early stages of cancer and it's something that we're extremely proud of. you see someone who is saved because of this technology, you know that the things that you do in your life, matter. if i did have an opportunity to meet a cancer survivor, i'm sure i could take something positive away from that. [ jocelyn ] my name is jocelyn, and i'm a cancer survivor. [ mimi ] i had cancer. i have no evidence of disease now. [ erica ] i would love to meet the people that made the machines. i had such an amazing group of doctors and nurses, it would just make such a complete picture of why i'm sitting here today. ♪ [ herb ] from the moment we walked in the front door, just to see me -- not as a cancer patient, but as a person that had been helped by their work. i was just blown away. life's been good to me. i feel like one of the luckiest guys in the world. ♪ we want to vai good morning to our facebook fan of the day. alicia mcmillen. she says she has been watching for more than 20 years and she can't start her day without coffee or fox 5 morning news. a little pick me up. thanks for your loyalty and for your chance to meet tomorrow's fan of the day, log on to facebook and post a comment under alicia's picture. that does it for the 6:00 hour. i'm on my way out. we will talk late nert 7:00 hour about the specialty foods you see in the stores and how the little laker mom and pop chefs get them into the stores. and how you have your own recipe and how you may be able to do that. >> look forward to that. >> thanks, mel. >> with a taste test, too. >> look forward to that. >> coming up on fox 5 morning news, with virginia's primaries, the day in the book, one of the most

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