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weather guy? >> no, i'm going to show it in the report. there is your radar with nothing to show. we did have a few showers yesterday. they are out of here along with most of the cloud cover. should be more sunshine than yesterday. the breezes will be back. if you are going to the nationals game, it will be a little cool with highs in the upper 50s to about 60. it won't be warm out there but i think it will be pleasant and it should be dry for our day today. here is your forecast. highs by 4:00 p.m. about 60 degrees. >> a little birdie told me it will be super on monday. >> you call it something else on monday. >> i'll have that forecast in just a minute. >> julie wright, i know you are a happy girl this morning. i was even happy when i heard 85 and sunny on monday. >> happy about the forecast and excite about the caps. going to rock the red tonight. >> don't forget about the nats. >> i know. it is like appear exciting d ay -- it is like an exciting day for sports. i love it. overnight construction both east and westbound near nutley street has cleared. our lanes are open once again. traffic is running smoothly if you are traveling 395 across the 14th street bridge. no trouble spots to report here traveling between college park and bethesda. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. george zimmerman is behind bars. >> the former neighborhood watch man who claimed self- defense if the fatal shooting of trayvon martin has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder. it is a major development this this case and our melanie alnwick is in studio with the details. >> reporter: at 1:00 this afternoon, all eyes will be on sanford, florida where george zimmerman will make his first appearance before a seminole county judge. if he goes to trial and is convicted of second-degree murder, he faces a sentence of 25 years to life. former neighborhood watch man george zimmerman did turn himself in around #:30 wednesday night. he is undergoing a standard mental and medical health evaluation. it has been 45 days since the shooting death of trayvon martin. florida's governor handed the case over to a special prosecutor and yesterday appearing los angeles corey says she has enough evidence to make the second-degree murder charge. >> i can tell you we did not come to this decision lightly. this case is like a lot of the difficult cases we have handled for years here in our circumstance you want we have made this decision in the same manner. let me emphasize that we do for the prosecute by public pressure or by petition. we prosecute based on the facts of any given case as well as the laws of the state of florida. >> reporter: george zimmerman has a new attorney. that man said his client is concerned about being able to get a fair trial. he will ask the judge to let zimmerman out on bond. in the meantime, trayvon martin's parents have been on a nonstop campaign now to get some kind of justice in this case. we were in d.c. yesterday when they heard about the second- degree murder charges filed against zimmerman. any press conference here, trayvon's parents expressed an emotional sigh of relief thanking the public for their support. >> simply wanted an arrest. we wanted nothing more, nothing less. we wanted an arrest and we got it. and i say thank you. thank you, lord. thank you, jesus. >> we would just like to thank everyone once again for being compassionate about this as we were, as we are, as we will be. >> our coverage of the story does continue on the web at you will fine the late updates, pictures, videos and a complete overview of the trayvon martin case. aman who spoke with fox 5 on camera now under arrest for the beatings of two women in alexandria. james click told us he manages the vacant building where the women were taxed friday night. police questioned him and then charged him after he talked about the case with our melanie alnwick. the women say they were lured with an ad for a three-bedroom apartment at only $250 a month. police in the district busted autopsy suspected meth lab after following up on a warrant. they found the lab during the search of an apartment on summit place in adams morgan last night. they arrested one man and charged him with selling cocaine but did for the file charges related to the suspected meth lab. now to a story saw first on fox 5. a local man is out of a job at the library of congress. he claim he was fired for being gay. 30-year-old peter terver says his supervisor sent him e-mails saying among other things that jesus prohibited sexual immorality including homosexuality. that is a quote. performance evaluations plummeted from there and he was ultimately fired. now, new york senator chuck schumer has told the washington blade that he wants to look into this case. >> quoted bible versus from leviticus specifically stating i was going to hell and would never succeed as an employee. >> this is the type of thing that, instead of bringing people to christ is turning people away. >> the library spokes woman would not comment on his case because personnel matters are confidential. we should fine out the results of an internal eeo investigation sometime next month in may. it is appear effort to put a harmless satellite in space or a disguised missile test. the latest concerns about a planned rocket launch. çzo% new this morning, two u.s. marines die in a plane crash in north africa. they were participating in joint military exercises with the moroccan army when their is on precrashed in the southern part of the country. two other american marines were hurt. they had just taken off from the assault ship. they are with the 14th marines based in ft. worth, texas and also included marines based at camp lejeune, income, in. a rocket in north creigh as fueled up and ready for liftoff. it violates international rules though. north korea says the rocket will send a satellite in space but britain, japan and united states all believe it is a cover if a missile test. japan and south korea prom toys shoot it down if it enters their air space. people in indonesia say they are feeling lucky after escaping two powerful earthquaked and a tsunami warning yesterday. amazingly, the quakes did not cause any direct deaths or major injuries. five people did die of heart attacks and there were youries as people tried to flee. this is video you have to see to believe. a hit and run car crash in miami, florida involving an suv and a school bus and a house. police say the suv blew through a stop sign yesterday afternoon crashing in the school bus that. crash forced the bus head-on into a neighborhood home. there is the result. two people were inside the house at the time. amazingly, they both walked away uninjured. the two students on the bus, the driver and the worker on board all safe. as for the drive of the suv, police say that person sped off. not good. >> not good at all. in less than two weeks, we will be paying more for a cab ride in the district but this rate hike won't be so simple. >> up next, why some taxi drivers might not be able to charge the new rate. >> we'll have a look at your weather and traffic right after the break.  a big day ahead for two local sports teams. first, the washington caps, they begin their play offseries against the defending stanley cup champions boston bruins. the caps were 3-1 versus the bruins in the regular season. the washington nationals have their home opener today. they host the cincinnati reds this afternoon. the nationals are off for a great start this soap with a 4- 2 record including a shutdown win over the mets yesterday, 4- 0. stephen strasbourg went six innings allowing just two hits with nine strikeouts. today's game starts at 1:05. how far, our coverage begins about 30 minutes from now. because that's how we do it here on fox 5 morning news. >> early. >> dave ross and holly morris will be down at nats park with more on the hopes and dreams for this season. >> if you're up early this morning at 5:15 and you have nothing else to do, go down there to say hi to dave and holly. >> i don't know if they'll let you in. >> that may be a problem. never mind, stay in the bed. leave fox 5 on. >> maybe around 9:00 or 10:00. >> i'll be quiet now. maybe create some problems. >> i think we've got the capitals right where we want them. eighth seed. we tried the within and two seed without success. >> no pressure. >> we made the playoffs. let's do the nationals forecast and etch headed out to the park today, bring a light jacket because, even with sunshine, it will feel a little cool out there because our wind will pick up again and they will be out of the north and west. when you are site sitting in the seat and you're sitting in the seat. >> it gets a little chilly. >> and the wind are picking up out of the north and west at 15 to 25. temperatures should be in the upper 50s and lots of sunshine. temperatures right now in washington, 43 degrees. 43 now in washington. falling back to the north and west, gaithersburg, 37. frederick, 37. you know i have to do t hagerstown, 37 degrees as well. we've got the cool temperatures north and west of the city and leonardtown, 37 this morning. freeze warning still well out to the west. should be a warmer day than yesterday. yesterday, we struggled only in the mid others. today, we'll be close to 60 and with more sunshine, i think it will feel a little better than yesterday d our upper level low, the cloud cover and rain showers we had around here yesterday are spinning off to the north and east and are out of here. it won't be a perfectly sunny day today but i think a lot more sun than yesterday. a very quiet weather pat were sets up. high pressure once again moving overhead. we've been talking about how we need the rain but just not in the cards for the next five to seven days. if you like summertime weather, you will love this forecast. winds gusting at time close to 30. partly cloudy, cold overnight, back into the upper 30s and low 40s. 40 here in town t will be gorgeous around here all weekend but no rain in sight. 63 tomorrow. 71 saturday. how about an 80 on sunday. if you like # 0, why not? let's do 85. we can crank the air conditioner by monday afternoon with warm conditions. someone is going to get out the banana boat. -- if you like 80, why not? >> you can't beat sunny and 58. >> lanes are open southbound along 270. no problems reported as you work your way out of german up two. light traffic volume as you continue inbound leaving 109 headed out to the split. you will find the top stretch of the beltway at speed. express lanes and main line at speed with no incidents to report. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. so, if you ride in a cab, we've got some news for you about that. get ready to pay more to take a taxi in the district. prices are going to go up 66 cents per mile. the change is set to go into effect on april 21st. >> things could get a little confusing. drivers first need to get the meters recalibrated or they can't charge the new rate. matt ackland has the details. >> reporter: this is one of several locations where cab drivers will be able to recalibrate their meters. >> it will probably be chaos. >> reporter: with only 10 days until the new rate is in place, the procedure can't be carried out because the owner hasn't received his recalibration seals to place on each cab. >> the system, it is called that you are white collar people f you are the blue collar, you do for the listen to us. >> reporter: it was tense as many drivers criticized the taxicab commission for a rate change they believe isn't enough. >> we found in our analysis on our data that the drives suffered from a 20 to 30% reduction in income when the meters came in. and we attempted to regain that plus some small addition to that. >> reporter: here is how changes will change. per-mile rate for cabs will jump from $1.50 a mile to $2.16 a mile. the wait time fee will jump $10 an hour. but extra passenger fees are basically a thing of the past. chairman ron litton says this change was made with drivers and customers in mind. >> we are regulators and regulators are always unloved. those who pay don't want to pay more. those who get paid want to get paid more. >> reporter: the recalibration will cost drivers $50. many of them soon may be forced to return to get a credit card machine and panic buttons installed if a proposed improvement plan is approved. some say the cost of driving a cab these days is too much. >> it is apparent that they don't want us to stay in business. they want corporate takeover and they want to put us out of business. >> reporter: matt ackland, fox 5 news. >> if the mayor gets his way, the cost will likely be passed on to the rider and that means an extra 50-cent surcharge. >> a fuel surcharge that is currently in mace will remain until mid-june and then it could be extended. the news three stooges movie hits theaters this weekend and that got us thinking. how did those three wacky guys who did all that horsing around and nobody gets hurt. kevin mccarthy decided to find out. >> get in nice and close like this. i'm like a doctor like this. don't worry. one, two, three. >> i like that. ike that. >> be careful. straight ahead, kevin sits down with the guys in character. so larry, curly and moe. stay with us.  generation after generation of american kids grew up watching this beauty shot of our area. >> a nice beauty shot. >> he with all grew up watching the red-runs of the three stooges. a trio of talented actors star in a movie about how they grew up to become stooges. >> kevin mccarthy sat down with them and got a little more than he bargained for. >> you guys bet poked around, slapped around a ton in this movie. do you guys -- any painful events. anyone ever get hurt at all. >> its asimple. what you want to do is you want to have your subject stand parallel to the camera using your right or left arm, bring your arm back and let them have it. remind me to tear off your arms later. >> how do the pokes work? >> you want to get your hand at a pair level level to the ground. you use your two fingers. you let them have it. >> can you teach me. >> sit in my chair, kevin. how you looking? you looking all right. now, get in nice and close. i'm like a doctor like this. >> don't worry. >> one, two, three. >> i like that. >> one more time, two, three. >> let me try it on you. >> give to a shot. >> one, two, three. >> who do you think you're dealing with over here? >> okay. break it up. spread out. >> that was awesome. i feel great about this. >> did you feel terrible about it before or just on the way in. >> you go from the orphanage to the parties and now you've got the hollywood stars. >> have you changeed? >> i change mild underwear on the way down here. >> i got my first $5 hair cut. >> thoughing money away, eh? >> we never want to forget where we came from. >> otherwise, how would we find our way home? >> quiet. >> that one looked like it hurt a little bit. >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> i feel fine. >> what message do you want people to take away from this film. >> that is easy. family is important. >> you got to treat everybody with love and respect. >> this movie shows that a real family will stick together. >> we start out as little tykes. >> one for all and all for one. >> every man for himself. >> are you okay? >> we're like turtles. we'll be here for an hour. >> kevin! wow! >> i wonder if the movie is that funny. >> he could be like in the cast, kevin. that is awesome. >> kevin will join us in studio tomorrow for his actual review of the three stooges and other new releases. can't wait to see him tomorrow. turning back to news now, a fight on the new york subway caught on camera. ahead in about 14 minutes, a woman who hit a man may have had good reason. we're going to tell you about it. >> plus, today is the home opener for the washington nationals. we'll go live to nats park plus we are it canning weather, traffic and all your top stories this morning. stay with us. we'll be right back . all right. thrilling thursday, april 12th. that is the washington monument. i can see that with my bad vision as we start thursday trying to get intfriday, closing out the week. >> this month is really flying by. i'm not really sure why but it feels like it is warp speed. maybe because taxes are due. >> i tried to get my act together yesterday. didn't happen yet. >> you still got a little bit of time. >> i got until the 17th this year. >> that is tuesday. >> got a couple of days. >> i have ahe got faith in you. as if i have a done mine. >> you can do it on the deck. the weather will be nice. warmer temperatures on the way. is morning. we are still cool. the kids at the bus stop will want to put on a jacket. still a little -- just a little bit of cool out there later this afternoon as our wind pick up out of the north and west and a little gusty at time up to about 30 miles per hour. 43 right now in washington. with we are 39 out at dulles. 39 in win -- in winchester. look at harrisonburg. the rain shower activity from yesterday has pushed off to the north and east. it is out of here. we should be looking at a lot more sunshine than yesterday and a very quiet weather pattern setting up here. if you like the warm, springtime weather, you are going to love the five-day forecast. we'll have that for you in a little bit. today's forecast, 60 with sunshine and still a little breezy out there. everybody going to the national game, should be a great afternoon for it. >> thank you. julie wright is standing by. julie has a look at the roads. how busy can it possibly be at 5:31 in the morning. >> it just depends. we had overnight construction blocking it is ramps from the beltway to braddock road. all of that is cleared. we are looking at northbound i- 95, which is behaving nicely in both the express lanes and main line. no trouble spots to report. you will find your lanes are open if you are traveling south on 270 coming in out of germantown. how busy can it be? not too busy right now. beltway looks free as you make your way between college park and bethesda. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. raffic. >> thank you. new this morning, i a police-involved shooting in maryland. a prince george's county officer fired his weapon just after 3:00 in the morning in the 3100 block of good hope avenue in temple hills. >> that suspect was not hit. so far, no word on why police were called to the scene and the officer was not hurt. our big story this morning, major developments in the trayvon martin case. >> george zimmerman, the neighborhood watch man who claim self-defense in the fatal shooting of trayvon martin is in custody. he is being charged with second- degree murder. melanie alnwick has the details. >> reporter: second-degree murder means a killing that was not premeditated but was caused by a danger with a debraved lack of respect for human life. zimmerman turned himself into seminole county police wednesday night. he is undergoing a standard mental and physical health evaluation. it has been 45 days since the killing of trayvon martin. yesterday, the special prosecutor said the decision was based on evidence, not public opinion. >> we launched an intensive investigation building on all of the work that sanford police department and the state attorney's office in seminole county had already done. unless you've ever been a law enforcement officer or a prosecutor handling a difficult homicide case, can you not know what it is like to launch this type of investigation and come to the right conclusion. >> reporter: zimmerman's new attorney plans to invoke florida's stand your ground law which allows people to use deadly force for protect themselves. he will ask for bond at today's hearing and depending on what the judge decides, there could be arraignment arc formal charging in two to three weeks at which time a trial date should be selected. meantime, people around country including those close to george zimmerman are reactioning to the charges. one of zimmerman's close friends lives in northern virginia and he says he talked to zimmerman often and says he is certain that haze friend is not a racist. >> i do believe that the charge is a result of some of the public pressure and i believe that, when you are in a situation like that, sometimes you have to do to apiece the public because i believe, had nothing ever happened, it might be right. he is a personal friend. when i was going through a difficult time, george begged me to move to florida to stay with him. there has been a day biczar break in the case of two women attacked while looking for an apartment. >> a man who spoke with fox 5 on camera is now under arrest. 23-year-old james click told us that he manages the vacant building where the women were taxed in alexandria friday night. the women say they were lured with an ad for a three-bedroom apartment at only $250 a month. police questioned click friday night and more in the following morning, he told our melanie alnwick he was not involved in the beating. >> are you aware that you match the description of the suspect? >> i have been told, yes. >> did the police tell you that. >> it will all be sorted out eventually. >> did have you anything to do with what happened here. >> no. >> ma than has ban charged with abduction and two counts of florida highway patrolious assault. police have arrested this man in the home invasion of an 82-year-old woman. charges against burnell gripper include abduction and burglary. the man smashed a window and grabbed the woman's keys and stole her car. a d.c. police officer accused of witnessing a murder aand lying about it has apparently pleaded guilty. police say officer antonia mcclam watched her boyfriend shoot and kill wyatt robinson last summer. she said she initially lied about witnessing the murder. prosecutors maintain robinson did nothing to provoke the attack. mcclam was facing charges of neglect of an officer to make an arrest. >> we feel discomfort because they are not holding her tie higher standard being that she is the law. she had the opportunity to stop it and to catch the armed perpetrator once the armed crime was committed and she did nothing. >> mc! is on administrative leave with pay. the man she is accused of protecting is due in court next week to face a charge of first degree murder while armed. new dwoptsz out of virginia beach following friday's jet crash into an apartment complex. navy has removed the engine and other pieces of debris from the complex. -- new developments out of virginia beach. maryland governor martin o'malley will join us live in our 7:00 hour to talk about the budget and other issues facing the state of maryland right now. it is coming up at 7:30. we are all following developing news in the situation in syria. up next, will the cease-fire hold? we'll get the latest as we check more headlines. dlines. >> first airkt check of the mark he wants shows that wall street snapped a five-day losing streak yesterday. the dow gains 89 points. the nasdaq picked up 25. and japan's nikkei average is up 66 points overnight. all arab yap stocks are gaining this morning -- all asian stocks are gaining this morning. right now, it is 5:38 and we will be back in a moment. [ female announcer ] with xfinity, you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ making headlines now, it is all quiet in syria. a cease-fire deadline is now about six hours old and so far, besides sporadic gunfire and some explosions, there is no major fighting this morning. activists on the ground say the u.n. truce is starting to take hold now. but there was heavy shelling in the run-up to the deadline with 98 killed just yesterday. we are getting our first list tonight 911 call made the night whitney houston died. a security worker from beverly hilton hotel made the call after whitney houston's lifeless body was found in a room in february. he says people in the room repeatedly health care up on he tell personnel after discovering her in the bathtub. he doesn't identify houston by name. >> i'm not sure. she fell or she was in the bathroom with the water. she wasn't breathing. >> she was not breathing? >> yes. >> but she is breathing now? >> i don't know. person that called me was irate. >> coroner's officials have ruled houston's death an accidental drowning with heart disease and cocaine use listed as contributing factors. a passenger now known as snack man helped stop a fight that broke out on a new york city subway. another passenger recorded the fight as the woman accused the man of following her on to the train. then a guy eating cheddar pringles out of a can casually steps between the two and he just stays there. he kept eating his snack. another female passenger told the man to get off of the train and move to the next car. i guess he stopped it casually eating his pringles. >> by standing in between them, getting involved. late talk about the washington nats. they are off tie good start this season. now, things are about to get really fun. >> today is the home opener. up next, we'll head down to nats park to kick off our special coverage of today's game. >> plus, tucker will tell us if the home opener will be chilly and we are checking on traffic. stay with us. want a luxury cah a standard power moonroof, your options are going to be limited. ♪ if you want standard leather-trimmed seats, you're going to have even fewer. ♪ and if you want standard keyless access, then your choice is obvious. the lexus es. it's complete luxury in a class full of compromises. see your lexus dealer. well, it was the story surrounding saturday's rock and roll hall of fame ceremony. turns out there will not be a guns and roses reunion. >> singer axl rosa announced he is not attending the event. he is the only rornl member left since the group bitterly disbanded back in '90s. former members including slash. >> do they get to make the choice? if you say don't want to be inducted -- >> you just won't be there. >> he said he doesn't even want the band inducted. >> he is not getting his way. >> you will be inducted and hon ired and you will like it. >> what year is that video from. >> that's easy, 1988. >> the the whole '80s decade -- i'm in the a fan. >> i was in my prime in the '80s. >> i hasn't reach my prime in the 80s. >> i'm just now getting to my prime. >> you're lucky. >> if you are going out to the nationals game today, it will be a little cool later this afternoon and our temperatures will be in the 50s with some wind around. so bring along a jacket if you are headed out to the nats stadium. warm weekend. wait until you see the five-day forecast, if you like the spring final weather hike julie wright does, you will love the five-day forecast. we're cool. 43 in washington. 39 in dulles. it would have been helpful for i combed my hair before i came out here. let's do the satellite-radar. not going to turn anymore. high pressure out to the west will build in. it will deliver a couple of very nice days around here. that area of low pressure that gave us the cloud cover and we even had a few showers around yesterday and some reports of pretty wild weather. we had reports of hail and some snow-like pellets off to the north and west. that is all out of here. that cold air is pushing away. today, we'll be warmer than yesterday. we won't be warm with highs in the upper 50s to about 60. as we get into the weekend, the warrant-up will be on the way and big time by early next week. 60 today. check out your winds. -- the warm-up will be on the way. winds will hang around north and west at 10 to 15. here is your five-day forecast. let's do t let's turn up the heat. 63 on friday. weekend looks fantastic. highs by sunday, 80. and we need to get the theme song going. get out the banana boat. 85 with sunshine on monday. let's do some traffic. see what julie has in store today. >> you mean you're not going to sipping the . >> get on the boat, yeah, banana boat. that one? wow! i'm impressed. i can't believe it. i'm sure folks at home can't believe it either. all right, tucker. southbound 270, lanes are open coming south out of hyattstown. no problems to report as you work your way south of 109. this is the slow stretch on 270. once you get south of clarkburg, you are home free doing the double nickel out towards the split. eastbound 66, starting to she out of centreville headed in towards fair oaks. no problems reported, just volume delays as you work your way eastbound. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. expectations are high for the nationals this year. the team got offy to good start on the road. >> boys are back in town for today's home opener. dave ross is at nats park. dave? >> good morning, allison and wisdom. a lot of excitement around this team and why not? they've gotten off to a great start to the 2012 campaign with six road games, winning two out of three in chicago and then yesterday wrapping up with another win in new york to go 4- 2. let's take a look at those highlights from yesterday's game. stephen strasbourg was on the mound and boy did he look good as always. he threw 10 # pitches. that is the most he has ever sloan in his young major league career. he is only 23 years old. he went six shut-hound inning and allowed only two hits. they got four runs and got that 4-0 shut-out win. once again, a lot of optimism surrounding this team today. -- he threw 109 pitches. gio gonzalez will be making his home debut for the nats today. the young pitching staff looking very, very good so far. once you get the bats cranked up, it could be a very exciting season. we'll be talking about it all morning long here at nat park as the nat get ready to ring in the home opener. so once again, 1:05. it will be a big day. holly morris is coming down to join me next hour. we have a lot of trick. so stay tuned to fox morning news all morning long. that's it for now. let's go back to the desk and wisdom and allison. >> we have to ask him about the gloves. he will have to man up. it is no that cold. >> tender paw. >> it is cold, wisdom. i don't see you out here. >> whatever, dave. >> we'll do that in off the wall. >> all right. a big day ahead for the washington caps. they begin their first round playoff series against the boston bruins. game time is 7:30 tonight in boston. game one and two -- games one and two are in boston. game three will be in d.c. next monday. the caps are 3-1 versus the bruins in the regular season. it can be an embarrassing problem. do you sometimes sweat just a little too much? now, there may be a solution. >> but does the medical procedure really work in that is coming up next. stay with us. fits, time for i look at today's my fox half off deal. it is from custom art online. $45 gets you $100 to spend on canvas prints. >> you upload your favorite photo and they will turn it into a unique work of art. go to and look for the my fox half off logo on the right side of the home page.  i style everyone. my family, my home... my boyfriend. i can't help it. i'm a fashion stylist! at t.j.maxx, i get designer clothes... all on trend. and, everyone and everything looks good. even my bank account! fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. this nonstop fashionista is definitely a maxxinista. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. is a lot like picking a team. you could go with the fastest, most reliable, and at the very least, talented at what they do. or... you could go in the other direction, and see what happens. pick the right team. with over 6 times the 4g lte coverage, verizon is the obvious choice. and now to the embarrassing problem of excessive sweating. >> the solution may be coming soon. >> reporter: an estimated one in five people suffer from hyper hydrosis or excessive sweating. for new mom, dealing with underarm sweat had been a daily struggle. >> i was very tired of caking on deodorant, getting it all over my clothes, being conscious of that. making sure i wouldn't leave the house without a little travel-sized deodorant in my bag. >> she turned on a dermatologist in new york city who introduced her to miradry. she turned to a dermatologist. >> it is two sessions, usually done three months apart but the results are seen immediately even after the first session. most patients report that their arm pit sweating is down by 50 to 60% after the first session and usually on the order of 80 to 90% after the second session. >> reporter: the participate shent's underarms are numb wade local anesthetic making the procedure painless. from tart to finish, dr. roxa r says it takes about an hour with minimal side effects. >> some pete heat, a little bit swollen, slightly tender. >> reporter: before this, botox injects were the only other solution to stop sweating. it only only lasts about six months. >> this procedure is going to change the way people think about the treatment of this condition. >> reporter: to find out where it is offered, visit >> all right. so if you have a problem, maybe it works. >> maybe. >> maybe. plenty still ahead on fox 5 morning news. all your weather and traffic. >> time to say good morning to the facebook fan. day. it is felicia taylor who says good morning to fox 5 and the fox 5 family from the family of five. we love fox 5 is what they say. everybody has a d in their name. >> i love that. >> we appreciate all that love and we need it. have a great day. 

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